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About Malkior

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  • Birthday 11/26/1987

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  1. Malkior

    Blasters Reloaded

    That's genuinely frustrating to hear. TSLPatcher is "Supposed" to keep install files like those in the backup, but I guess it doesn't always work as intended. It's always been a bit out of my area of understanding, as the tool itself was invented several decades ago, and unfortunately as of now there is no alternative I know of. I do know that multiple subsequent installations (Hitting the executable and going through the process multiple times) will wipe the originally backed-up data, so it could be what happened, but honestly beyond that, I have no idea.
  2. Malkior

    Blasters Reloaded

    Yeah, when I wrote that I didn't realize items are save-baked. The TSLPatcher is kind of a all or nothing sort of affair, so using the backup files is literally the only way to undo its changes without just making a backup yourself. In the meantime, I will amend the description to hopefully prevent others from unexpectedly experiencing the same issue. In other words, you can't revert anything that UTI files have changed without restarting from a point in your game before you received those items. You don't have to reinstall your game files, but you definitely have to start from a new save.
  3. Your cynicism and statements are perfectly reasonable, but your action went too far. Many mods don't get done on time because the author loses interest or simply has inadequate resources to make it a reality yes; but stating with no evidence that the project is "dead" only serves to spread misinformation, especially when the author has gone on the record several times that they are still working on it.
  4. Fair enough. Ironically, that naming scheme is one of those rare moments where both Disney and Legends content agrees. I do hope you at least retain the few things Disney decided to add unaltered from the old Expanded Universe such as those created during the Republic Commando and Open Seasons era as I consider those the strongest times for Mandalorian content.
  5. I'm definitely looking forward to the Mandalorian update! The faction had a lot of coverage in the game, but the original 3 or so variations were so visually limiting. (BTW, as a minor aside, Beskar or "Beskar Gam" wasn't invented by Disney, but was an invention of Karen Traviss in her Republic Commando books and then backported into the Disney canon via Filoni. Humorously, her books had so many parts canonized that she should probably be credited at least partially with the show. )
  6. Wish I had seen this mod when it was released. This is brilliant! They look a bit odd with human proportions, but I still love the idea just the same. Is there any plan to make more Duros NPCs in other areas of Kotor or even Kotor 2?
  7. I know you probably worked for a while on everything as a whole, but that Ithorian with his hat really stole the show! This looks phenomenal.
    Overall a fantastic new tool! I love how each plugin seamlessly activates whenever the user double-clicks virtually anything and just how many new plugins were developed. For example, there's a new soundset editor which includes useful things such as the string to identify what a specific sound is supposed to be, and sliders to control its volume. There's also a much more robust texture viewer including even settings to change your TXI data on the fly. Speaking of textures, there's now a new 3d model viewer, so we can finally see which module piece or vehicle we're working on with a simple double-click from the asset menu. If you're interested in editing dialogue, there's a setting for that too with a near replica of the old dialogue editor included with this tool. If your files are in the Override, it has the ability to access and edit all of those files from within the tool; and all of these features are a part of the new Module editor which takes the original concept from Kotortool but expands on it to include a 3d viewer, map, and comprehensive list of every asset so you can add them into your mod with minimal effort. Lastly, the 2DA Editor is by far my favorite improvement. I want to personally thank the UI designer as the font and layout you chose has saved my eyes hours of pain. The whole thing runs out of the folder with no further steps beyond picking your folder directories which are made even easier with the tooltips which will help step-by-step to do so. Now, I would recommend this as a perfect replacement for Kotortool as it has started to show its age and Holocron has so many improved features, but there are a couple of caveats that I also need to cover. 1.) Performance. One of the most helpful features of Kotortool was how lightweight it was. As of writing this, there are a few areas of the Holocron Toolset that experience brutal lag such as startup (It takes a while to initialize when it populates the list after choosing which game to run) This is especially rough when you try to open some of the heavier plugins like the Module Editor which I was able to crash on multiple occasions by simply hitting "open" too many times. And, speaking of crashing, it has a nasty habit of freezing up the program whenever a plugin gets too overloaded and you may lose a lot of work if you even move the window while a plugin is loading. 2.) Interface. For the most part, the UI is immaculate, but if you're a Windows user like myself, you may become frustrated with how navigation is done in the 3d model viewer. Ctrl- Left Mouse is move the object, Ctrl Middle Mouse is rotate the object, and Ctrl- Mouse Wheel is how to pan the camera up or down for anyone interested. I personally was able to pick it up pretty easily after a bit, but I just wanted to drop that warning in case you come from a Windows background. These will probably be addressed in future patches and I'm sure performance will continue to improve as well, but even though there is some bad, it is FAR outweighed by the good. That said, I'm looking forward to each new update as this tool matures.
  8. This isn't the place to look for something like that. And I'm pretty sure nude mods (Especially full nudes) fall under that specific definition.
  9. True, that could eliminate the problem altogether, yeah. Regarding pronunciation though, the games themselves aren't even consistent with how they pronounce worlds like Taris or Nar Shadaa. (Nar Shadda, anyone?) so it could be a non issue. However, if you're certain you absolutely want that specific version of the speech, you could try something like Mah-Non which I believe most computer voices can pronounce properly.
  10. Weird question, but what is the syntax Kotor 1 uses for its clothing meshes? I've scoured Kotortool up and down, yet I can't seem to find them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Malkior


      Turns out I didn't realize there are other BIF file folders with their own models in Kotortool. For some reason I assumed "Models.bif" was the only one containing MDL files..

      (For anyone following, the folder I was looking for was "Player.bif")

      Additionally, there are other filetypes than just MDL files such as scripts and GUI in the other BIFs, so I believe they are actually just a generic storage format that I just happened to know contain the models. There's probably a tutorial somewhere that I missed which explains BIF file format in detail, but I guess I missed it..

      Thanks for the tip! I appreciate the info and I will continue to post as I learn new things to hopefully demystify these files for laymen such as myself. :)

    3. DarthDrija


      Ah, you were talking about where they were located. It didn't cross my mind scouring through the .bif files since I just search by name in the Holocron Toolset, it just makes life easier!

      That said, glad you found them. 😀

    4. Malkior


      Yeah, I've only ever used Kotortool to extract textures and in rare occasions, generic models like vehicles for example, so I only know very specific places to find the assets. It's funny that just focusing on one specific thing every time creates these misconceptions such as mine where there was only one place to find a filetype.

  11. I know it's been said that Nihilis and the Exile were designed to be mirror opposites of eachother, but I personally think it goes deeper to the point that Nihilis and the Exile had the exact same connectivity to their fellow soldiers and jedi. So, while the Exile dealt with the trauma of the Mass Shadow Generator by cutting themselves off, Nihilis used it to survive the detonation and possible exposure to the vacuum of space. The Exile is also the one answer to Nihilis' endless hunger as it is impossible to absorb something that is no longer there or more accurately something that has effectively become its antimatter. So if one subscribes to the Unifying Force theory, it had a hand in creating Nihilis, but also created the Exile to cancel him out. (also as an aside, it'd have been pretty awesome to see the Exile use a visual effect when they defeat Nihilis like an accretion disk from a Black Hole that envelops then annihliates him until his empty mask lands on the ground where he once stood) I can understand why Kreia was so adamant about destroying the Force, but it makes me wonder if it might have found some way to stop her anyway. (Though I guess technically it does since the player can't actually agree to go through with her plan)
  12. That's actually a very good point. Darth Parametric definitely has been instrumental in many other modding endeavors as well. It's amazing how much we've been able to accomplish thanks to his work and knowledge of the game's inner workings. The visible eyeball issue has been present in the game since it launched, and until the Fixed Holograms mod, it was just something I'd gotten used to as part of The Sith Lords gameplay. Those were dark times..
  13. I'm so glad we never have to see those horrifying x-ray faces and visible eyeballs ever again! This implementation is so well designed that it looks like it could have shipped with the game and the additional scanlines were a nice touch to make it stand out more. Out of morbid curiosity though, is there any way to add color to the holograms in a similar visual style to Kotor 1? I'm a huge fan of the Prequel era holos, but the way Bioware decided to do something different made the game feel more like it took place at a much earlier time and helped the game feel more unique at least in my opinion. If it's outside of your interests or scope, I can understand, but I figured I'd ask.