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About JCarter426

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  1. A manual installation is not possible as this mod needs to patch appearance.2da in order to be compatible with other mods. It sounds like you overwrote the changes to that file.
  2. It would be possible to use my cloaked party robes for the clothing slot (B) and another mod for the robe slot (I) with some adjustments. If you find and replace all instances of modeli and texi with modelb and texb in the .ini files for my cloaked party robes, that will make the installer change which appearance slot it writes to. Then you should be able to install both mods normally. I might consider adding that as a standalone option in a future release.
  3. Installing the KOTOR 1 Community Patch to KOTOR 2 might be your problem.
  4. No, there is only one slot for robes, so it is not possible to use both models on the same character. That mod likely could be made compatible with my Cloaked Hybrid Robes, though.
  5. It's not possible to create new feats that do much of anything. Most feat mechanics are hard-coded in the engine, and the feat itself is just a signal to the engine that whether a character has the feat. There is a script function to grant the player permanent bonus Force Points in KOTOR 2, but not KOTOR 1. There is no script which is fired whenever a character levels up, but there are scripts that run every few seconds (e.g. the player's heartbeat script) which could be edited to replicate such an effect. There would be compatibility issues with other mods, though.
  6. Good catch. I will see about adding those in the next version. Thanks.
  7. It should be possible to get around that restriction by checking if the NPC has perceived the player through their perception event. I don't know if there is an existing function to check if arbitrary creature x has perceived arbitrary creature y, but it could be tracked with local variables if necessary.
  8. Nice catch. Initially I had him still drop the original swords and when Sniggles asked to have those removed I went and removed too much. It'll be fixed soon.
  9. For one of my mods, I removed an item property by making it require an upgrade part that doesn't exist. I hope that one day we can have an installer with the ability to delete GFF structs in a way that is safe for mod compatibility, but for now, this works...
  10. There's nothing in this mod that would cause such a problem.
  11. I'm not sure I follow. This mod is compatible with K1CP and K1R, but K1CP is not compatible with K1R.
  12. No, it makes no such change. @Wonder It will run on Android. See here.
  13. Oh, that's great. I'll take a look, thanks.
  14. Yes, that should be all of it. There aren't many changes: mostly to add missing journal entries as you noticed. You can add a file called appendf.tlk for the female variations of each line. TSLPatcher (and I presume HoloPatcher) will patch both dialog.tlk and dialogf.tlk if both append.tlk and appendf.tlk files are present. appendf.tlk needs to have the same number of lines as append.tlk, even if there is no translation difference. It would probably be easiest to duplicate append.tlk, rename it to appendf.tlk, and then modify only the lines that require a different translation.