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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. Where's my purple smoke? Something odd is going on here!

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      He means in a mod. He hasn't angered the grumpy wizard. Yet.

  2. At last; camera get's blocked, no more clipping in my own made areas!

  3. After a few ORvals, a Chimey, a Brugse Zot, regular beer the mind starts to wonder a few to many things... Boobs...

  4. Fixed the god**** 3ds Max install. Now back to fighting game crashes due to unstable area models!

  5. Lol; I always forget the icon business, untill the last minute, so it's mostly a hasty hack job And, yes, LF and Deadlystream have taught me everything about modding. I wouldn't have gotten far without the support of the whole community. It's quiet a rush when you finish your first mod ever and see it working in game. Alpha channels will certainly take your skins to a new level, there's a lot you can do with those. Brown? Hmm, might have been an earlier version variation of the Jedi thingy I talked about
  6. Thanks for that big compliment ^^ You're doing pretty good. Take your time to get to know the skin, how it is layout on the model. Just experiment a bit. You'll improve over time, in bound and leaps sometimes. But I'dd say your doing pretty well, since it's way more then just reskinnig. Don't ask me to do scripts or any of that stuff. Bandon's armor is just very cool looking; I did a Jedi variant on it earlier, since the LS side lacked this sort of heavier beef looking armor
  7. Great looking armor, love the subtle variations. And it looks like we both have had the same inspiration It's not the same, but it's close!
  8. I do speak a little french, but typing/ writing, ohlalala, that's something I haven't done since high school o_O What I would guess is this head needs the proper hex edit method, to get animations and bones working in the game again. If he did re-use a kotor head then most bones/ vertices should already be properly weighted. Been a very long time since I did anything like that sort of 3D stuff. And the only thing I ever did was adding some cubes to a players head
  9. Frame Buffer effect was the culprit. Problem solved :D

    1. VarsityPuppet
    2. HK-47


      You are welcome.

    3. Quanon


      @VP: None of my save games worked anymore; not even a new game would launch. I

  10. Getting worse, Kotor doesn't want to load games anymore... I guess I might have to reinstall?

    1. Sithspecter


      Try loading from an Autosave first, then loading a regular save.

    2. HK-47


      Query: You did make sure to disable frame buffer and soft shadows too, yes?

    3. Quanon


      OMG, yes, that did it! Frame Buffer effects where switched ON! It works again, thanks a lot HK-47!

      Feel a bit stupid now >_>

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  11. Happy New Year Everyone! Let 2016 be another amazing modding year!

  12. Major upgrade done for my PC, new mobo, memory, cpu and graphics! WIN10 just kept working, no re installing business, sweet!

    1. Quanon


      I do have an SSD, but also still a regular HD drive. I just use the SSD for Windows and a few programs like 3Ds Max and Photoshop. But the games run nicely now ^^

    2. L0ki194


      Nice! One day I'll upgrade my PC, but that's gonna be a bit, because I'd practically need to replace *everything*. What graphics card did you get?

    3. Quanon


      What I got: Mobo => MSI Z710A PC Mate, CPU => I7-6700K with Master Cooler Hyper 212 EVO, Graphics card => MSI ALD Radeon R9 380 4Gigs and 8 Gigs Ram from Seaking? Can't remember the brand :P

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  13. Hello, Fellow Star Wars fans! I just found a very nice blog post about viewing the Star Wars movie saga in a new order. I guess most of us do it in these 2 orders: Episode order: EpI => Ep VI Or released order: Ep IV => EP VI and then EPI => EPIII Now this blog suggests something new and gives some explaining why it actually might work better. Since I just love the SW movies I might give this a try! Here's a linky to the blog: http://www.nomachetejuggling.com/2011/11/11/the-star-wars-saga-suggested-viewing-order/ So what you guys think? Absolute bollocks? Or "I did this myself ages ago, nothing new!"
  14. Downloaded this little gem! Time to experiment
  15. Good to know NWmax works on later versions of 3Ds Max. I'm still using the 2010 version myself. Have fun exploring! Oh, don't just explore this forum, there's a ton of fun tutorials out there for 3Ds Max. And don't be afraid of just playing around with the program. Sometimes that just gives you crazy results you can use in one of your own mod projects
  16. I think it all depends on how things are done in the said modding community. Like Kexikus said it's a bit of a grey zone. From all the mods released for most games, it's obvious there is NO profit involved. And most smart communities clearly state you shouldn't use pirated versions of the game and so on. It would be pretty crazy for any country to go and drag every modder before court or write up fines and what not. Yes, it's troubling they are writing up such laws and stuff, but I would guess if they ever really pursue this, it would create a huge backlash. Copying cds, dvds and, hell; old VHS tapes has been illegal for ages, but I've known very little cases that someone was send to prison or got punished for it. I'm talking uber small scale, private use, share among friends stuff.
  17. @SithSpecter: Can you still do emitters with the latest Kaurora? Somehow it crashes whenever I try to save my model files. I'm working on Win10 though... So perhaps Kaurora isn't behaving "good" because of my OS.
  18. Uploaded something to screen of the week, enjoy ;)

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I have "liked" the picture. :)

  19. Thanks to Kexikus for providing the sky and clouds themselves. Only had to some minor tweaking. Will soon be released as a small mod for TSL!

    © Quanon&Kexikus

  20. Yes, AuroraDLights work, but only 3 at a time will light up. When Kaurora didn't handle lightmaps I did a few tests with the AuroraDlights. You can add a lot of them, but as mentioned above. Only 3 will work, depending you walk closer of further away, plus the orientation of the game camera, lights will switch on and off. I would guess the function of these lights is to add a little extra flavour on some parts of your model. Or animate them to blink or pulse, again more as a detail, then say to do the proper lighting of a whole area. On the walkmesh splitting: I could write up a more in depth tutorial or explanation on the subject. The benefit of splitting up the walkmesh is you can say what the game engine has to render, depending on which part the PC character is standing. This is very usefull when working with emitters for example. These can really slow down the framerate of the game. But by using the .vis file in addition with splitting the walkmesh into bits, you can avoid this. It's not a very difficult thing to do actually. You just need to keep track of which area part is Nr 0, 1, 2, 3 ,4 and how they link up. Yes it starts counting from 0. Not 1. Again; this all depends on how your area looks like ofcourse.
  21. Congrats on a great looking mod. It looks incredible, just takes the game to another level. Very glad I could help you out on some of the smaller parts. It makes the mod something very special, when I see the whole community helped out! Great work everyone!
  22. And the wine gets mentioned in some of the dialogue with Sith recruits, who throw a party
  23. I did finish some places! Lovely mod idea btw!
  24. So that would mean we can build on top of it; but not change anything he created? Played around a bit, you'll be looking at 850.000+ polyies: All credit goes to the people who added their models on Sci-Fi 3D.
  25. No problemo; I'll look into it. And I'll PM you when I get more news on this EDIT: Been going through these building models and they're super quality. But a bit poly heavy I fear. The more complex building have between 25000 to 35000 polyies. To put it in perspective; most of my own build areas have between 25000 to 40000 polyies. So I'll need to make lower poly versions to use in the game, which will take some time, but I now have good examples of how to build them.