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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. Finished playing classic Dark Forces, now DF II playthrough :D

    1. MrPhil


      There used to be a Shadows of the empire mod for Jedi Academy, but it never came through, jedispy vanished. Also, there was a Jedi Knight dark forces II mod for JA, but no news since 2009...

    2. MrPhil
    3. Quanon


      Thanks man! I've been trying to get the Enhanced mod to work; but I've got the Steam version. Found a good tutorial on what to do... But, the game just doesn't start when I want to use the mod. :-(

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  2. Lightmap UVs keep on getting stretched and ruined :'-(

    1. Sithspecter


      I've had that happen too. As best as I remember at the moment, the only thing I can think to do is try to lightmap it again. Convert the bad sections to mesh and go through the process again.

    2. Sithspecter


      I will keep thinking about this issue and let you know if anything else comes to mind.

    3. Quanon


      Thanks, I might be overlooking something small, that matters :P


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  3. Nothing major to show yet. But I've spend some time to search for some new tools to help out with UV madness that's involved with making a new area. An annoying fact is that when making lightmaps is you are UV mapping twice. And I can tell you UV mapping is a more boring part of 3D, IMO, just my 2 cents The thing is once you mapped it and applied all your textures; you need a second UV map for the lightmap. Why not re-use the first UV maps? Well . . . 3Ds Max is a bit cumbersome when it comes to UV map several separate objects into 1 big UV map. Luckily helpful 3D gurus out there have scripted a few handy tools to make life easier aka being lazy and getting away with it. Anyway for all interested here a few handy links! First tool multiobjectunwrap: This little tool lets you quickly UV map lots of objects. I use it to collect all my maps of various parts of my area model. But it's a big mess! 3Ds Max has a packing tool, but this doesn't do a very good job of it, it rips apart good UV layouts and causes mistakes in the game. http://users.skynet.be/arketip/arketip_multiObjectUnwrapENG.htm Tool 2 and 3: These 2 tools help out with the packing business! No more awful seams and it takes little time! http://www.renderhjs.net/textools/ Fair warning: You still need to do some serious test runs in the game. But I feel positive that I'll get some good results. The best part is these tools are free to use. You can donate though if you want. Cheers and happy modding! Here's how it looks when doing stuff in 3Ds Max
  4. Found some new UV tools to help out with lightmap business.

  5. Movie rendering time! Back to old Scrapyard files.

  6. Thanks to SithSpecter for helping out with the lightmap business. It's all about the tiny little details. So I got a part of my area in the game, using a lightmap. It looks good, but there are mistakes in the UV business. But with the tips from SS I should get better results in the future. All I did now was quick test, just to see if there was more to the crashes. Here's a peek how it looks so far:
  7. Thanks SS, for the help! Lightmaps are working.

    1. HK-47


      Query: Is the circle now complete? Were you once the learner when you left him, but are now the master?

    2. Quanon


      The rule of two? My head will be rolling of my shoulders soon :D

    3. Sithspecter


      More like the rule of tiny details that we sometimes forget! And Q is definitely still the master here.

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  8. Lightmap test run didn't go well. Sigh....

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      SS has had good results so far with Sleheyron. Why not consult him for suggestions?

    2. Quanon


      SS contacted me, thx man!

  9. It helps to slice your area and walkmesh into smaller models. Using the .lyt and .vis files to tell the game how to build the area out of all the little models. It does require some more tinkering with the walkmesh parts in Kaurora, so you can 'jump' from one part to another. This might help to avoid the 13Gig ram thing
  10. No, they are windows actually. But the texture needs more work, now it's more like a place holder
  11. Had some time left this afternoon. I plunked in the the other parts that make up my Nar Shaddaa streets. Feeling pretty happy, as just with the first part, very little faults to be found. A few minor UV mistakes and a few bits that have no texture it seems. Ofcourse it looks all to bright and a bit to clean for Nar Shaddaa. I'll be adding extra models, consisting of crates and other techy looking junk in all variant sizes and shapes. Luckely I've got already sort of back catalogue from previous attempts. But enough chatter; time for some screenshot galore!
  12. Yahoooo! It looks like I still got the power Did another test run with my NarShaddaa street area, the first part of the area works like a charm. Only one faulty mesh. It all looks good so far. Hopefully the other parts go as smoothly as this one. Then I only need to fix up the lighting. Now it's set to be very bright, so I can spot mistakes easely. Here's a look on how things are in the game: The smaller 'indoor' part; it's a bit like at the docks of the Refugee sector. Some rooms or storage/ garages and the entrance to one of the clubs to be found in my new part of Nar Shaddaa.
  13. I'll try to explain this in a nutshell. Areas are build up out of several models. A bit like a puzzle. I always have to devide/ slice my own made areas into smaller bits. The game uses a few files, so it knows which parts it needs to build up any given area. So to redo the UVs of the Endar Spire, you'll first need to collect all the model bits. You can find those with KotorTool. Then you'll have to import those into 3D editing program; like 3Ds Max. Means you'll have to edit a lot of smaller models, then export them out. Exporting an area model is just the same as for a lightsaber hilt or gun. Hope's this helps a bit. So here's what I've finished today. I've changed the red to be a bit darker. Solved the lighting problem. Though still need to improve the look of the shiny effect. To flat at the moment.
  14. Somehow, my area models is all black... Strange...

  15. I think I still have a installation for a full working version of terragen on my PC.... somewhere
  16. Thanks man! That's the thread I was talking about! I've edited my model, but something went wrong. Game crashes now, lol. I'll have to redo the export bit again. Speaking of stuff, I've dusted of that Nar Shaddaa street area. I only had last quarter to do of the whole thing. And last 2 days I've been hard at work to UVWmap that last part. I'm getting really close to start test runs in the game, Yeah baby! Some shots, can't leave a reply without some visuel goodies now.
  17. Picking up some 3D stuff.

  18. Time to pick up where I left. Few shots from a test run I did on that last helmet. Need to fix that 'darkening' effect... Someone posted a solution to it, but I can't remember right now what that was. I'll get to it eventually
  19. Hey, I see that Malachor gets mentioned and my textures. Note that I tried to adjust my textures to 'fit' better with cube that makes up the skies of malachor. I've also tried to replace the skybox with a new one. So that includes messing about the .Lyt and .vis files of Malachor. Sadly the game then refuses to load Malachor and crashes or just doesn't show the my new model. Since I knew that altering original models is rather difficult for areas.(lightmap issues and such) I tried to make a large placeable to function as a skybox model. Alas in the game the placeable isn't visible or doesn't get loaded for some reason. I've got the full scene in 3Ds Max where the Ebon Hawk crashlands on Malachor. I did a lot of tests but nothing really worked.
  20. Thx SS for the extra 2 weeks. I'm really lagging behind on this stuff >_> Could someone kick me in the behind
  21. Downloading! Great to see a new tool added for modding.
  22. Some more work has been done on the lightsaber hilt. Just a few minor tweaks here and there before testing ingame! The hilt still needs a name though... Not sure what to call it. Here's how things look:
  23. Copying and renaming the TGA files should do the trick too. Though, releasing the PSD files as a resource is a nice idea. Like that, with your permission ofcourse, folks could create other colors or variations for themselves