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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. Forgot to update this thread aswell. Here's 2 items I'm working on. Didn't feel happy about the hilt shown above. Did a few more sketches first on paper. I've got this idea for this sleek silver hilt. But I haven't quiet got it right. Here's how it looks so far.
  2. NIce! A lot improvements on a lot of areas since the last updates I checked. Keep it up, this will be a must have for the annual TSL playthrough
  3. IIRC; in todays games, they make highpoly models and from those create all kinds of maps. And then apply those maps to a lower poly version of the same model. But I guess you're not about to remodel everything from the Kotor games to get normal maps Love the video! Really shows the work you put into this!
  4. Sign me up! I feel like doing some guns or what not.
  5. No, no rule against doing 2 skin sets for an item. I'm liking the red one more for now. So that will get finished first. But I like the yellow copper tone to, but I'll get to that one later. I've got a good photoshop file, so altering the tints and some of the shapes shouldn't ask to much time. This is how things have progressed so far:
  6. The one thing I think held back the Kotor games in the graphic department was that it had to run on the old Xbox. I think the textures got really down sized hard to make it run on the console and to let it fit on the 'dvd' disc, or whatever it was the xbox used. Not sure if by Hex editing you can track down the meshes that make up the sith fighters in the skybox model. So you can give them a unique texture all of their own.
  7. Bucket update time. Have a peak on how things are progressing:
  8. Yeah, noticed the 'darkening' in screenshots to. Certainly when I was re-texturing Malachor. Most of my shots looked like pure black/ grey mess. Thanks for that info on the specular thing. I love the artsy part of games, but never got to far in the more techy side of things. I did notice that Kotor does have a few normalmaps. Water on Manaan and some of the floor textures. Dantooine estates comes to mind. Was looking for a plugin for Photoshop to do normalmaps; but didn't find one that was willing to work. Of course 3Ds Max should be able to handle it. Eh, something I might have to dig into.
  9. Mmm... No, think you misunderstand. I like higher resolution and a more details. Just found the contrast looked bit strong. Don't think softer tones demand less resolution and being washed out. It's not the same IMO. But, great work none the less. And carry on
  10. Well no time to dwell to long on video woes. Did my UVWmapping of the helmet and started on the texture. Just playing around with it. Mainly looking to get a few good dark tints and a spot color.
  11. Hahaha, lovely stuff in here. The glowing trees are a neat idea. Though I do feel like that the contrast in most of your textures is a bit high. It all looks far sharper and crisp, better and higher details; but I liked the 'softer' tones of the orginal game. Just my 2 cents and taste Oh, any usefull TXI settings your using?
  12. Quanon

    Darth Nihilus vs Jedi

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Again an old fan art piece I did. Before I started to mod the games.
  13. Quanon


    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Old fan art I did of Sion. Back in the days when I was a new member at LF.
  14. Nuts, I recently removed Blender to get some HD space back... x-S I'll check out Handbrake, thanks for the tip. Answers: 1. This mod will be for TSL. Though it's not that hard to just release the models for K1 as a resource. 2. You mean those grey boxes? Hahaha, they are just for scale. The box (aka "MANBOX") represents a NPC or character. They won't be seen in the game. It's too get a good idea on how big certain aspects of my map will look. It's safer to get the scale right from the start then messing about with it later on. Full first clip of my Street Area. Not all to pleased about the quality. Think I f**cked it up in my render settings when selecting the video codec thing.
  15. Hahaha, depends how big the request is And you might have to wait a bit to see it fullfillled. Still have a few things on my list I should get done for some other folks here on the board. Walkmesh issues... x-S Just couldn't resist and do an upload, a minor test to see how it can look.
  16. I got enough parts rendered for a first clip of my Nar Shaddaa model. But is there an easy to use program to stitch all the parts together. The windows live movie maker somehow screws up the contrast in my clips; shadows just get flat black. Very ugly quality :-/
  17. I bought DF and DF2 when I was a kid. What a blast to play. I did the same like you guys and got them on steam in a sale. And I did start a new playthrough but never finished it. So shame on me to Both games certainly have their influence on me. Since they are my first serious shooter experience on PC. Well, the kotor games don't have multiplayer so to speak The story isn't about Atton, though I don't see why he can't make a cameo. Just for the fun of it. Not sure what I could do with those concept art pieces. But I've got a speeder gang in mind; who needs pimped rides
  18. Taking a break from all the rendering. Started to work on a new helmet, based on those sketches I posted earlier. Alas my skill with a pencil trumps my 3D modelling, but I like what I have so far. Just like the crest helmet its a bit 'whack'. I'll do a new Bandon reskin aswell to match with the helmet. Or would you guys opt for the heavy armour?[/size] Here's a peek on how things look now: Feel free to spew comments!
  19. Well, I use photobucket or this site: http://postimage.org to upload my pictures. Once uploaded you can use a http://code to link your image to a post in any forum. Some of them offer different sorts of code; to post a thumbnail, etc... I always use the DIRECT option to get my pics straight into the WIP thread. I always use the little image button on the top toolbar for posting replies here on the forum. You then just need to paste in the http:// thing and presto you got your image!
  20. Congrats! It's not a full solo mission. Two other friends team up with you to help out and get things done. You're not really part of the Exchange, your boss has his contacts and it all takes place in the criminal life on Nar Shaddaa, but you're not really part of the Exchange - more of a hired thug. You're really at the bottom of the food chain so to say It'll have it's darker tones, but I want to get some humor in it as well. Dark humor then I would guess The 'quests' will involve information gathering, dealing, grand theft speeder or swoops... Still I do have LS/ DS situations in mind. As you'll be able to choose to be more of a brute enforcer or a sleek sort of guy. On that, some good news. PC just finished a 24hour session of rendering. 850frames= 28seconds added. I started the session at 20:00, watched TV, went to bed, got up at 5:50, out to work 9hrs , still busy rendering when I got home, had something to eat, hit the shower and then it was finally done! A few more teaser shots:
  21. Couldn't ask for a bigger compliment I've started to render the first bits for a fly through movie. Takes about 4hrs for 200frames= 3 seconds. It's heavy duty time for my old rig.
  22. Talking about the windows last night got the ball rolling. Having the afternoon off, I tackled this one texture. Pretty pleased with how it looks so far. Just might tweak it to get more 'depth''. And, yes, Nar Shaddaa folks live in brightly colorfull apartments Realistic? No, but this is Star Wars. Here's a comparison render, same camera as the pic above in my previous post. And another shot, just to show it off
  23. Man, my NarShaddaa street area is a big model. Few posts back I was stating I was half way there IT's now at I would guess 90%. Just a small zone is left. Though it's sort of an indoor bit. And that means walls, ceiling and what not to be textured. So while from a model view it's not big, it'll take some time to texture it. Though I've been playing around with lights and camera movements; to get a nice clip going. Rendering times looked good per frame. So it should'nt take 100 years to get a minute of footage Expiremented with lightgiving texture on the windows. But I need a proper window texture for this area. Another little task to add to the list.
  24. I'll do my best not to give away to much info on this yet. The story that I've got in mind takes place on Nar Shaddaa and is linked to the main story of the Exile. Though it's something that happens before the Exile arrives on Nar Shaddaa and the main characters are not the standard party. You'll be playing as one of the lowlife thugs and his mates, getting involved with the Exchange, Vogga The Hutt and other crime syndicates. Things get out of hand of course and you're in the middle > I decided that the Exile's story arc has enough Sith villains and Force whishwhammy talk as it is. This time it's more Han Solo goes solo