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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. Haha, it's a rather moody sky to look at Here's another update, added more rocks, started to scale it all down. So now you get a better feeling of cliffs far away and up close. Full size: http://postimg.org/image/cg9vhuf4h/full/
  2. I'll do my best to work out that problem. IIRC from my previous attempt, there's a small shift, only 1 or 2 pixels wide on the sides of the skybox. Follow this linky for the full size: http://postimg.org/image/aydcxe8v1/full/ Any help on that odd seam problem is welcome! Well, I used 3Ds Max to render out 16 frames, slowly backing away from the twi'lek. I then paste the frames in the large overall texture. Using Photoshop for the various effects to get the look I want. I've tried out Genetica before. But it just feels a bit odd to work with, just my 2 cents. I'm a very visual person I'll keep tweaking the skyline. I've noticed it lacks depth because the rocks don't have enough scale differences. And I might have to do some new renders of the rocks themselves. Been checking the games skybox texture; the perspective is differaent, more of a top down view, bird perspective. Mine is more 'level', in between the peaks.
  3. Quanon

    Mal New03

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Another version for the skies above the planet Malachor.
  4. Been tinkering with Malachor skies again. Edit: Better version, did further tweaks on the fogs and less colors in the rocks.
  5. Creative juices are flowing. Was in the mood to create fitting commercial signs for my Nar Shaddaa area. Twi'leks take the top spot; everything just sells better with a handsome alien chick on the cover Here's a test, messing about with a few filters. The aim is to create an animated sign. Slowly zooming out. And some text scrolling by. Feel free to comment. Oh, ignore the lower half, that hasn't been used yet
  6. Finished Mysteries of the Sith, next in line Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast!

    1. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Oh ya... what is GOG?

    2. diegodb


      It's a site. Good Old Games. google it. It's a great site and all the games there are DRM free.

    3. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Ah yes I Know of that site... you just don't know what else is hidden within the game files. Go read my blog entry on "Security" but thanks for mentioning the site. I will now make a note to write about it further in my upcoming bog post, "Security Part 2" As it stands right now I would much rather spend the 8 dollars and buy the disks. I mean come on eh, we are talking about 8 dollars. Since Canada uses 1 and 2 dollar coins which I usually leave in my car for when I buy c...

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  7. Well, I always liked the movie masks waaaaay more then the series aphosis snake thing. It's a shame they never used the Anubis mask. Once I get the neck and shoulder armour ready, it shouldn't be too difficult to add different heads. Anyways, I wasn't in the mood today for all this curvy business; so I did the last tweaks on the Bandon reskin. I've added in the helmet, to show the complete outfit. It's shaping up nicely. I'll do my best to do a set that's closer to the colors of the Bandon armour
  8. Took a little side tour modding-wise. I stumbled on this old Star Gate mod I made, waaaay back. I decided to flex my 3D muscle, this is all curves. Sheer madness, but I like what I cobbled together so far It's far closer to the orginal movie masks.
  9. Minor update on the Darth Bandon armour. Added gloves, belt and boots. Plus some minor tweaks to the armour plates.
  10. Thanks! That's odd, I always use photobucket to show my WIP. @SH: It looked all good in PS, but on the model the layers of armour, didn't work out that well, imo. So I started to do minor tweaks and adding a few things. It's nothing major, but here's how it looks so far.
  11. I found some time to start reskinning Darh Bandons armour to match with my latest helmet. I like what I got so far, a bit to busy perhaps. Less is more. But I got the basic idea of what I want. Here's how far I got already:
  12. Aaargh, some holigans crashed into my car, minor damage , mirror totaly wasted. Didn't even stop! Bastard!

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Insurance cover it?

    2. Quanon


      Sadly no :'-(

  13. Wow, really digging the red sunset on Korriban there! Top notch work on the other textures to! And love the eyes on the ithorians! Keep it coming, both, Malkior and Kexikus!
  14. Modding will be on hold for a few days. Moving to a new house. Lots to do!

    1. InSidious


      Good luck with the move!

  15. I think I'll add in some distant buildings to make it more 'smooth' transition between area model and skybox. It'll add some extra depth. And, yes, I'll be using those signs again. I'll have a peek at their UVs, IIRC I did those rather quickly and dirty. Might need some more fine tuning
  16. Haha, I know. They are more colorful and the neon look makes it even more so. But I've got my reasons why it is so. See, in the TSL you see/ explore the Refugee sector; so not much money and care is spent on it. The refugees are basically cattle/slaves. My Nar Shaddaa streets are in the Entertainment/Fun sector. It needs to look a little nicer, so captains and cargo crew go spend money on drinks, women, gambling... etc.
  17. @Kexikus: Wow, indeed, they fit nicely already with the game. Nice work. very impressive. Guess I got the colors mixed up with Korriban.
  18. Yes, those are still included. The entrances are spread out across the streets. There's also a 'connection' to another smaller street area. If I feel like it. I'd need to check my script again, to see what's needed still But I still need to dress up this area; it's a bit empty for Nar Shaddaa.
  19. Nice work on those renders! Love both of them, don't you need 4 to 5 sides anyway, its a skyBOX? Suggestion, could also render out some sand; just the floor at, say 1024x1024. Because the old kotor sand texture applied to the dunes is going to look very different to what appears in the skybox. Just so it matches nicely
  20. Allright did some more tweaking on the lightmap business. Again SS came to the rescue to get some nicer looking shadows while rendering. I'll have to send a nice box of belgian choclates to the US for my fellow modder, many thanks !!! ^^ One of the things I altered was the alpha channel of my lightmap. 3Ds Max always includes a channel. I've played around making it grey and black all over. But this doesn't seem to have any effect what so ever in the game. I'll now play around with Photoshop, altering the contrast. I did a quick dirty run and that seemed to have a effect. It's still odd, I expected the shadows to have stronger effect in the game. Oh, well. I'm more or less pleased on how it all looks right now. So here's another few shots. I've added a skybox
  21. Time for an update. Thanks to SithSpecter I got back in the game to do some hard work on the lightmaps. Oddly enough, SithSpecters advice to do smaller lightmaps didn't work out. Did a couple of retries, just to make sure I wasn't overlooking anything. A small set back, I did another trial, using large lightmaps. And to my suprise this worked OK. Did a couple of test, to see if I got UV stretching; but no. Large lightmaps seem to work for Q but not for SS... Kotor modding at it's best, complete mistery o_O Anyhow, I'm still not 100% happy. Shadows are somehow to faint for my taste. Plus all the details get lost/ smudged out on these larger lightmaps. I'll have to go for 4096pix sizes... Hopefully the game won't crash on that. We'll see; how far I can take it. Here's how it looks so far:
  22. I did mess around some more in PS with my Malachor skybox. Slicing off 1 or 2 pixel lines from left and/ or right. But never got it properly fixed. And got mighty frustrated with it all, to be honest x-S Oh, and sorry Kexikus for not getting back to you about Terragen. Manaan is looking mighty good though!
  23. Lightmap tweaking has begun. Going for a dark mood, shadows need to be stronger!

  24. YES! Finally a good working lightmap for my NarShaddaa aera.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron


    2. Quanon


      Héhé, thanks :)


    3. MrPhil


      Playing JK:DF II can be an inspiration for your mod!

  25. Gorc, Pic and 8t88 have been dealth with!