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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. Nice work on that sky. It looks really fresh, reminds me of summer One quick question, I thought I fixed the seems between my Malachor sky textures, but it's still there. I forgot the model of the skybox overlap/ cuts each other at the edges. Any advice on how you tackled that problem? Is it just like a border of 5 pixels?
  2. I was thinking those spires looked more like 'molten' rocks. Lava that cooled so you have the swirly layers thing. I've been trying to find a large enough photo of such a thing. But so far, some sedimentary cliff faces do have that 'swirl' feeling I was looking for. Found it matched better then what I had previously. Layered rocks work nicely in the cavern tunnels just before you reach that 'arena' with the big beast.
  3. Why not just use KotorSaveGame editor or KSE for short. Change the Handmaidens appearance or Mira's into one of the Twin Suns sister. I'll have a look around if I can't find Gmax. It's not that difficult to just get a headmodel into the program and then applying your own skin to it for previews. Only draw back to Gmax is that it lacks a rendering engine. So you never see your skin at full quality though :-/ Nice work on the lekku's, they match with the face much better now. Still needs work, but take it in steps.
  4. You could try and track down Gmax and NWmax and then import the head model or body model to see how your skin is shaping up. So you can switch quickly between Photoshop/ Gimp and Gmax to see the results. Without the need to fire up the game each time you make a tweak. I know Gmax is a bit rare now. In the old days it was just one click away on TurboSquid.
  5. Did more work on Malachor, I've changed a few textures, since I wasn't happy how they turned out in the game. I miss judged what sort of look for the rocks the obsidian artist wanted. Entrance of the Traiyus Academy seems to be polished, smooth and I think marble. The big spikes seem to go for a more sediment layered rock. While the big cliffs are more smoothed regular surface. And the ground is parched dry, dusty. Doubted if gravel and just dirt might look better. Or would be more 'realistic'. And another few screencaps One of the most annoying aspects is the sloppy uvwmapping on the area models. You can see the texture gets repeated a lot on the big cliff just on the left of the academy entrance. Though if you look under the bridge that same texture gets used rather large. So it looks nice and good in one spot and then just bad on other places around the area. I might have another look at it. But due to the repeating, I'm not sure if I'll ever get rid of that tiled look.
  6. Good point, I haven't checked that on out yet. Though I think the engine might be chugging just by all the 2048x2048 textures I'm demanding to load The Mira skin I downloaded from Kotorfiles a loooong time ago. I'll check if I can find the creators name. There's only one bugging thing about her skin and that's her eyes are a bit flat looking. I'll do some before and after shots for you guys!
  7. Hohoho, some nice textures there! I love you can see the fabrics; though one issue, mind this is just my opinion. On the brown robes I think the contrast is just a bit to strong towards the belts it goes to black. It's hard to believe you would get such hard shadows on clothes. Well only perhaps at night and in the desert Allthough screenshots can be deceiving.
  8. It's time for a little update on the Malachor V re-texturing. These last few new additions are not without their faults. There's some issues with the tiling. Some have a bit of a too obvious repeating pattern. On tech-metal looking stuff, this looks a bit more natural or can be expected. Though on rock surfaces, not so much. It's mainly the color banding or just the strips/ layers of the rocks that give away the repeating of said texture. Anyhow, here's how things start to look. I've encountered a few game crashes though. The Malachor folder with my new textures is add 206Mb. I've noticed that the loading times are a bit "wonky' to say the least and crashes happens when loading a new area of Malachor.
  9. Yes, the old skybox is fully transparent; so the new skybox can't be 'hiding' behind that. I might just have another go at it, to get that bigger skybox. Though so far I've shifted attention to some other textures used on the Malachor models. Allmost all of the exterieur cliffs and rocks have a new texture made by me. All at 2048x2048 I shall scale them down to 1024x1024 for a more streamed download. Here's a quick preview, note I still need to replace the dirt floor. It also looks a little less dark in the game, then what appears in these screens.
  10. Hey all! Status update on the Malachor Skybox. Like I posted above, I wasn't really pleased how it looked in the game. So I set out to do it a little differently. A work around to make that sky look good. The plan was to make a fake skybox. In that it's not really part of the area model, but it's a placeable. Like the benches, tables and consoles you find in the game. Ofcourse this is a HUGE placeable. Not huge in polyies, I opted for a big hollow cylinder, to surround the area model. Alas, something odd about this placeable is that it just won't appear. I've made the original game skybox invisible, but no sign of my own made skybox. Not certain if this has anything to do with the fog settings in the Malachor area. In need of help; I asked if Marius might have a look at it. Sadly, he got the same results. My own made placeable is not there.... Then I set on for another work around, to actually add an extra piece to the area model. But, again no good results. I altered all the files; like .VIS, .lyt; the .are files to include my new part. The game crashes on loading the area. Bah! So here's the deal. Do I release what I have already? Or is there another modder out there who wants to help out on this placeable thing? Thanks all, speak your mind!
  11. Looks sweet! When can we get our dirty paws on this lovely mod? Nice work on all involved on this. It'll start to be difficult what sort of skin packs to use. J7s Force Fashion, this lot or 90SK retextures. Boy, spoiled we are!
  12. Couldn't help myself. Had to check the results in the game. And booooy, what a let down. The Malachor areas are really crud. It looks like the sky box is very close to the actual area model. So my peaks look enormous. Thanks to the big size they do look rather crisp. Bit to much compared to the surroundings. The worst part is, you just don't see anything much of the texture. It looks like I'll have to edit the Malachor models themselves. Hide the old skybox, make it seethrough, then by using a placeable add in a new one. Here's some screenshots I took when testing.
  13. Thanks, SH. I got some solid advice from Redrob aswell. Tweaked the skybox some more.
  14. Malachor is shaping up nicely. I'm sick at home and found some relax time doing some work in Photoshop. I've started to add in some atmosphere stuff like swirl'n fog. Have to take a second look at the gradient that colors the sky. The blue is a bit to strong to my liking right now.
  15. Found a bit of time today to render out bigger rocks. A few more will be needed to really get that sense of depth and scale. A fun challenge, feeling happy how the left side is shaping up.
  16. Quanons and Marius Praetorian Armour Pack View File This mod will install a unique armour for your Jedi Character. Nothing gets replaced, the armour works as a disguise. Like the Sith armour or the Tusken Raider clothes in the game. Because the armour works as a disguise you automatically also wear the helmet. Though I've included the helmet as a seperate item, so it can be used with any other armour/ clothing from the game to. Happy gaming! Submitter Quanon Submitted 03/30/2014 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  17. Version 1.2


    This mod will install a unique armour for your Jedi Character. Nothing gets replaced, the armour works as a disguise. Like the Sith armour or the Tusken Raider clothes in the game. Because the armour works as a disguise you automatically also wear the helmet. Though I've included the helmet as a seperate item, so it can be used with any other armour/ clothing from the game to. Happy gaming!
  18. Euh, SH I won't be using those rocks as placeables; the rocks have around 40.000 to 80.000 polyies. Far to heavy for the KotOR games. The details on the rocks get a bit lost due to the dark Malachor V skybox texture though. For the armor, well, not sure how fast I'll make another reskin. I did a reskin job for J7 Force Fashion that is DS. I've no idea when J7 will post an update - or for that matter release - his mod.
  19. While Marius is working on my Jedi Armour pack, I started doing some serious work on the Malachor Skybox. Here's what I got so far; mind this all very much WIP. It's a big thing 1024x4096 pix.
  20. Work continues on the Jedi helmet and armour set. For the folks that don't how the armour looks, here's a pic of that. Mind these are renders from early on in the project. More work has been done on the hands and sleeve area of the model. I've joined forcer with Marius Fett to get this set in the game. Marius will do the honor of setting up the TSLpatcher and the 2DA files. Instead of replacing an armour, this will work as a disguise. Just like the Sith armour and Tusken Raider thing from K1. Though to make it work I had to melt my helmet model with a head model. Asian Nr 3, the bald one is exellent for this. Had to some Hex editing and other dark magics to get it to work in game. No fear, that asian head isn't lost as an option for the player. Hopefully I'll get an update from Marius soon Plus, the helmet will still be a seperate headgear option aswell, so it isn't tied to only this Bandon armour. I like giving options to the users of my mods.
  21. Nice work on those robes. Love the look of slik leather in white. Very pretty It's nice to see such bold saturated colors on the robes. Brings a whole other vibe to the visual style of the game.
  22. Thanks for those tips! Indeed the values were below 1.0 for diffuse and ambient. Checking the ObjectProperties in Max also revealed that my wireframe was still bright blue. Which was the old color of my mesh when I started to model. I was certain the material settings was OK. Oh well, 3Ds Max has a bad habbit of exporting out older settings applied to your models. I got it fixed just a little while ago. I also reapplied my Alpha channel and TXI effect. Looks nicely now in game: @VP: I'll get you those lightsaber hilts for TSL. Do you just need the models? Or also an UTI file? Let me know
  23. Work continues on the helmet. It's in the game. UVWmap isn't screwed up this time. Fixed a minor 'missing' piece of the mesh. But a last bug remains. The helmet is too dark. It shouldn't look like this in the game. I know I've encountered this sort of bug before. Stupidly enough, I can't remember how I fixed it in the past >_> My memory is a loss... Sigh... Anyway, here's a preview of how things look in game:
  24. File Name: Quanons Saberhilt Pack File Submitter: Quanon File Submitted: 18 Mar 2014 File Category: Mods Quanons Lightsaber Pack ================================================================ IF YOU ARE EVER IN ANY DOUBT ABOUT INSTALLING ANY MODS, PLEASE REMEMBER TO ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR FILES BEFORE INSTALLATION, JUST IN CASE. WARNING: THIS INSTALLER MAY REPLACE ANY FILES OF THE SAME NAME THAT ARE ALREADY PRESENT IN YOUR OVERRIDE FOLDER! ================================================================ Description: This mod adds 4 new lightsaber hilts to the Kotor 1 game. ================================================================ Directions: Use the TSLpacther.exe to easely install this mod or for manual install copy the following files from tslpatchdata folder to your Override folder: Dialogue files: - dan14_jon.dlg - kas24_jolee_01.dlg - tar04_shaleena.dlg - tat17_01cust_01.dlg MDL and MDX files: - w_lghtsbr_065.mdl - w_lghtsbr_065.mdx - w_lghtsbr_066.mdl - w_lghtsbr_066.mdx - w_lghtsbr_067.mdl - w_lghtsbr_067.mdx - w_lghtsbr_068.mdl - w_lghtsbr_068.mdx NCS, script files: - q_saberpack01.ncs - q_saberpack02.ncs - q_saberpack03.ncs - q_saberpack04.ncs TGA and TXI files: - QSablillyTex.tga/ .txi - Var_Sab4Tex.tga/ .txi - Var_SabTex01.tga/ .txi - Var_SabTex003.tga/ .txi Icon TGA files: - iw_lghtsbr_065.tga - iw_lghtsbr_066.tga - iw_lghtsbr_067.tga - iw_lghtsbr_068.tga UTI and UTP files: - Q_evenstlghtsbr.uti - Q_lilylghtsbr.uti - Q_rightlghtsbr.uti - Q_sceptlghtsbr.uti - q_backpack.utp - q_chewcorpse.utp - q_lostpile.utp - q_rubblepack.utp ================================================================ USING CHEATS: When you're not planning to replay the game from the start or your further in and want to use the hilts just copy the UTI files, MDL and MDX files, TGA and TXI files to your override. Use the following cheats or KSE_333 to get the items: giveitem q_evenstlghtsbr giveitem q-righlghtsbr giveitem q_lilylghtsbr giveitem q_sceptlghtsbr ================================================================ SPOILER LOCATIONS: Talk to shaleena on Taris to find The Lily of Felucia in a backpack. Go out of the camp, through the gate, turn right. Next to big block of concrete you'll find the backpack. When finishing your Jedi training on Dantooine, you're free to explore it's plains. Not far out the doors of the academy, you'll meet Jon. Who's upset by the Mandalorians raiders killing his daughter. After that brief conversation, follow the left path to the old Rakata Ruins. On the way you'll encounter a pack of Kath Hounds, between some rocks. Defeat the beasts, look between the rocks for a 'chewed up' corpse of a poor Jedi. The Righteous Hand of Mercy is on the body. On Tatooine the dock officer approaches you when you first land on the planet. Look at the back of the docking area, left of the Ebon Hawk to find a pile of clothes. You just found the The Evenstar of the Blue Dawn. On Kashyyk when you first meet Jolee; follow him to his hut. After some chit chat with the old Jedi, follow the right branch/ path (south west on the map), just after where Jolee is located. Walk to the end, under the big branch/ root you'll find some rubble. It contains the Sceptre of Conthu. ================================================================ Credits: All made by Quanon. ================================================================ Disclaimer: By downloading and using this mod you agree that we will not be held responsible if anything goes wrong with your computer because of your use of our files. Use our mods and files at your own risk. ================================================================ Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR I) and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (KotOR II) are copyright © LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment respectively. No copyright infringement is intended by me. My special thanks to everyone who's made a tool or program that helps out with modding KotOR, especially those found at http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php Questions? Contact any of us at Lucas Forums in this thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?p=2839164#post2839164 Click here to download this file