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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. I like it! And glad that you opened a new WIP thread DI. It would be a shame to have let all that work you've done in the dust. Like the idea of the arena on Tatooine, really fits well. And Rhen Varr, a prime example what you can do with reskins of modules Always liked your mods, some of them are smaller tweaks and improvements to the game which sometimes does the most to make it more fun. Looking forward to the next release! When does your team start recruiting again?
  2. Off to bed! Cheerio lads!

  3. So, it's 2:17, I'm up from 4:00, did my job, then started to some modding work... Damn, this sucks up time fast! Did final tweaks on Mission and Canderis. Correcting the low eyebrow on Mission, fixing the seam on her lekku and less shadow under the chin. Sadly, I somehow lost her Alpha channel. I need to redo it properly. Now it's too strong and it kills the effect I had before. Not sure how I did this... Looks like it's not in my released mod even... o_O Canderous also had a minor chin line that needed fixing. Then I did another test run, got into some fights, just enjoying the show. I need my bed
  4. Quanon

    port Miss2

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Portrait shot of my Mission reskin
  5. Quanon


    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    A body reskin I did. Just a wip shot to look how the work is shaping up. CaIche71 did the head skin.
  6. Quanon

    Candi pop666

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

    Larger portrait shot for my reskin of Canderous.
  7. Eh, yeah... That's something that slipped my attention A little clean up should set that straight. Go those boots finished and a few other minor details. ZZ Top, sharply dressed men, yes, indeed :laugh: Ingame test round, the alpha channel doesn't show up on Dantooine. Looks like the darker the areas, the more you see it.
  8. He has a beard in TSL? How cool. Have to look into that But with how my Photoshop file is setup it shouldn't be to hard to get a TSL version of his head out after this K1 version. I've started work on his clothes, the ones he wears when you first meet him on Taris. Working on his boots, replacing those metal frames. Vest, shirt and pants are done. The tattoo needs a tweak. It's just not there yet.
  9. I believe the head model and skin will be the same for both games, TSL re-uses a lot from K1, so using this version I have of Candy in TSL shouldn't be a problem Yeah, Jonathan passed me a "beta" version of his Force Fashion for Kotor 1. I did some masks and a few new skins to go with it. First pic on the left is an armor with my name on it ^^ The masks in the third picture are also done by me. And of course, the Mando armor is also from that mod. I don't think Jonathan ever finished it up, because, the mod does cause some bugs. The dialogue with Carth got broken after Dantooine. Some of the skins and models don't match. And one of the armors makes me look like a eJedi Rodian Then of course I might have cause a few of the bugs my self, by doing some modding of my own. Bit of a mess in my override Thanks ^^
  10. I've been playing around with the grey hair. Couldn't decide if I wanted him just a bit older looking or not. Hahaha, no fear, I've fixed that I redid the hair just yet again. As it just didn't feel right to me. The version I now have... It could be improved, but I must admit I sort of suck in this hair thing. I can't get the look a 100% right to my liking. But after spending hours in Photoshop and quick previews in Max, I just dropped my files in the game and had a look. And... well, it looked good Spending too much time up close with the texture I forget that in the game it always looks a little different and that you're never really super up close to the other characters. I'll now start to do the last details, his ears and after that on to Candies clothes and underwear skin. Whenever this gets released, I might just pack up the other "hair' version of his head and let the people decide which one they want to use. Some shots from in the game: A peek at the skin:
  11. Today, I got a little more done, mainly the scars. The hair line needs serious tweaking; it's a real pain to get it right
  12. Glad you like his grizzled look so far; I've added in a stubble It's subtle, but it's there! Today I had an attempt at painting his hair. It turned out better then I expected. I just need redo the line where the hair meets the forehead. That looks really bad now. It doesn't line up at all Then I need to tweak the scars and match up the skin on the back of his neck.
  13. The mapping, uses what they call a UVmap. It's something you have to create once you"re done modelling your... eh, model. Put simple you have to unfold your model, so that it is easier to "paint". Ever made a cube out of paper? Just that but, well, backwards Ofcourse the twi'lek model has a lot more sides and lovely curves then a cube I gues you must be talking about the gold plate? Or would that be the body lace/ mesh she"s wearing. I've altered the gold details a bit, the lace I have gone back and forth on it. Make it more dark? Enlarge detail of it? Couldn't decide really. Here's how things look on the orange twi'lek so far. In the game. Look twins! Oh, and an early start on this lad:
  14. Good idea, I have a few of the comics lying about. I'll check it out. Thanks for that tip SS! I wasn't aware of those. Allthough, with the mirroring of the UVmap, it might look mighty silly. But I'll see what it gives. Luckily, I got home early from work and spended more time on another Twi'lek skin, this time the orange version. IIRC, each twi'lek also has a low poly counterpart, where body and head are 1 model and also 1 texture... Might have to look into that on how best to replace that as well. Hopefully, the UVmaps are a bit the same. So here's progress on the orange version, glad I spend more time now on the Alpha channel as well. It really pays off in the game. Quick render shots in Max: In game test run:
  15. No fear, I was planning on releasing a package with more variations. I was thinking of a more "punk" look for Mission. Altering how the jacket looks, her shirt (some sort of logo? Suggestions are welcome ) and some other details on her boots. Plus the addition of more skin tones, going for classic green, red and yellow. Perhaps also adding extra color and texture to her Lekku/ Tentacles. Though I was now working to get a few little fixes done on her face first. I always appreciate feedback on anything I make.
  16. Lol Yes, you have corrupted my memory! No, news on that skin just yet. So, for now, you can keep your skin I have been further tweaking the earlier posted Twi'lek skin. I started in-game test run to see how the alpha channel worked out. I really like the look I got now. The skin color however, remains a pain in the behind to get it right. It's far to bright and yellowish right now. So that's back to Photoshop to get that sorted. Overall, I think the rest of the skin works out just right. Oh, that head skin is made by Cache71 though, not my work.
  17. Does anybody happen to have my Jedi Quarren mod for TSL ?

    1. redrob41


      I was thinking of the tgas, but I can look for the psds as well.

    2. redrob41


      Nope, it looks like I've only got tgas.

    3. Quanon


      Darn, those are lost then. But I guess I can do better now, so it's no big deal.


    4. Show next comments  30 more
  18. Here's my 2 tutorials on how I do most of my lightmapping. It's 2 PDFs; taking you through the steps to get to a nice looking lightmap. I don't cover any modelling or UVWmapping; just the basic steps to render the lightmap. The second tutorial deals with the lights you can setup in 3Ds Max. I've kept basic again. There's a lot you can do; to get good looking results in a render. But then you might be waiting for 4 hours for your lightmap to render. With my more basic method you can get a good result, without loosing to much time on just rendering. I do use this extra script to get my lightmaps, you can find it here: http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/multi-objects-unwrap This site, explains how to use the script and how you can adjust the interface of Max to easily access the script. http://users.skynet.be/arketip/arketip_multiObjectUnwrapENG.htm Creating Lightmaps Setting up Lights and Render
  19. Looks like they also have a nice package, Bandicam and Bandicut. I got both in one go As it looks like on Win10, I can't find any editing program for vids. Onwards to get a script on paper and what I should actually record
  20. That's okay with me. That way it's easier for folks to find No problem, to each his own. There are many reskins out there for the party members and all of them are different.
  21. Work continues on Mission, tweaked little stuff here and there. I also started work on another Twi'lek; I run in to these to often in K1 and they just look so, pixelated mess. There's 2 more of these skins, but first the classic red and green. Also considering to do Canderis next. I like using him in my party as my gun slinger, while I team up with Bastila, and saber bash all oppesition Plus, he's a male character and has hair, which should be a nice challenge. It's tempting to say I'll do the whole party for K1, but then I might get bogged down. Knowing myself
  22. I have an AMD card in my system. I've tried out Fraps, it's okay, to take a few screenshots, but the video stuff doesn't really work that well with a program like 3Ds Max. Camstudio really sucks up my CPU power somehow. And I have very decent system specs; unless ofcourse this video capturing business is taxing? So Bandicam, I'll look into it, might buy it. Just 10mins? And watermarks, bléh Thanks for the tips though @Kexikus: PM me about the export part?
  23. Hahaha, ok, I should be able to get that sorted. Her brow's are now a bit lower on her head. That's due to the pictures of the model I used. But with some further tweaking I should get another, perhaps, more satisfying result. Yes, her teeth and tongue share the same spot on her texture. The tongue is super tiny speck on the UVmap. The inside of her mouth is also bit sloppy, I'll do my best to get that sorted in a next update And, yes, I get the "No file selected" thing. Is it to big?
  24. I've trying out some little video recording tools, though I'm not really sure what are the best free software out there to do this sort of thing. The one I've got now, CamStudio, is a bit sluggish on my system. So open for suggestions on that and I'll create some new tutorials, both written and vids, which I'll upload to my youtube channel. To quickly anwser your question: Extract both the MDL and MDX file for your chosen model. Run MDLops, pick the game the model is from. Then hit the Read and Write button. This will create an ASCII version of your model. Then start up Gmax, with NWmax installed. In the NWmax, panel, mostly this located on your left side of the interface. Look for the tab: MDL loading. Hit the button BROWSE. Track down that ASCII file! Then click on IMPORT button. Hold on thight; depending what model you're importing it make take a few seconds to a minute Voila, you should now have your model in Gmax. You can add all sorts of modifiers and mess around with the thing. Note that around your model is this bright green square! That's the Aurorabase; you can select that. On your rightside of the interface, you can find the options on what the Aurorabase does. One of it's main features is, yes; look for it! Exporting! You can setup a path of your own choosing to where you want this new model to be exported. Again it will be an ASCII file. Which means you'll need MDLops again to "bake" it to a proper MDL and MDX format the game uses. Very quick and dirty, but that's the gist of it
  25. Feeling happy to release another little mod out there! Refreshing!