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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. I'm finishing up work on Carth. Bastila is on the back burner. Just no good inspiration or ideas that I feel work for her slave outfit. So I'll let it rest. I also spotted a very obvious seam on Bastila's underwear model, on the shoulders. Need to get rid of it. Which is why I got Zaalbar done first and out! Making more room and at least getting the feeling stuff gets done On that note; I've did the final touches on Carth's regular clothes today. I can now focus on his underwear model. Next week should be easier for me to find some time to do some modding work. Anyway: here's a look at Carth, took him around the galaxy for a few snap shots:
  2. File Name: Quanons Zaalbar Reskin File Submitter: Quanon File Submitted: 20 Dec 2016 File Category: Skins K1R Compatible: Yes This simple little mod will replace Zaalbars skin. It has been given a size increase, 2048x2048, which allowed me to put in some more details. It does keep the classic game look; it also comes with a matching portrait. Just copy the files to your Override and Zaalbar will use the skin instantly. Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  3. Zaalbar is on his way!

    1. milestails


      Zaalbarring any unforeseen circumstances

    2. VarsityPuppet


      How's Bastila and Carth coming along?

    3. Quanon


      I've spotted a terrible seam issue on Bastilas underwear skin. Which I'm trying to get fixed as quickly as possible. Her slave skin is on the back burner. I've tried out a differant idea, but its still not what I want. But I'm planning on releasing her set without the slave outfit, just her regular armor, underwear and head skin.


      Carth is still further out. His clothes still need to be finished. Haven't done anything on his underwear skin. So that's a 2017...

  4. Version 1.0


    This simple little mod will replace Zaalbars skin. It has been given a size increase, 2048x2048, which allowed me to put in some more details. It does keep the classic game look; it also comes with a matching portrait. Just copy the files to your Override and Zaalbar will use the skin instantly. Enjoy!
  5. Do the dangly mesh clip with the model? I've been wondering if it would be fun to do some sort of WIG system, having bald player heads, with all kinds of hair styles. So players could change it, with out restarting the game all over. But it would be great if the longer hair would move, with the character. But not be animated with bones.
  6. Wow, thanks a ton. I never dabbled much in character modelling. Been a long time. So slicing up models is a better method. Hmm, should get more into this stuff. I did work with the skin weighting stuff before. As I was posing the models for a few renders, some of them had troubled spots. Which need minor fixes. From a first look on your model, it's pretty clean from the start; just the top part looks like it needs some work, will look into this Thanks again!
  7. DERP DERP DERP! PS: I'm not drunk @Kexikus: Well, I don't like the old vanilla skin either... The whole thing just doesn't work. I somehow wanted to start from the old skin, but that got me confused on design ideas. So this all looks rather thrown together. Really frustrating, putting in time, tweaking stuff and getting nowhere. I'll start over, I've drawn up some quick layouts of things I think might work. But, it'll have to wait a bit. @DP: Would that require to redo the weighting, yes? Not sure if I want to go in and slice up the model... I'm slow as hell already, getting side tracked. It's a trap for me o_O
  8. @Fair Strides: Yes, that's a bit stupid on my part. But I'd like to make more work on the following vid for Scrapyard. It all looks and feels far too amateur to my liking. Perhaps I should setup a few cameras in the .mod files to activate, via script, and have those move through the scene. Should create far better images. I can then edit together. Lots to learn for me ^^ Next to that, today I worked on Bastila's Slave outfit. It's not going fast. I'm trying to alter it. But so far I'm not happy with it. Did a test in the game and it doesn't match the head very well. Can't believe how slow this is going :-/ I really like to release this, but it's not done and it would be below me to release something half baked. *sigh* really don't feel happy with this skin. I might go for something different... Need to do more thinking on this one.
  9. A first teaser has been released.

  10. I've continued to work on both Carth and Bastilas slave outfit. Redrob has been so kind again, to share an updated body model for Carth. It fixes a few problems on the UVmap of the model. Which improves the overall look of the skin. Many thanks Redrob! Can't say that enough! No pictures yet, but I do have something else... Scrapyard Games! Yes, this is still alive! For the newer folks here on the forums a little history: Back in the day, when I first started to mod the Kotor games I teamed up with a fellow modder called GloveMaster. Like many new modders, we had a ton of crazy big ideas. One of many was Scrapyard Games. The mod itself is by standards 'small', there's no great epic story to be told. Not like SilverEdge's masterpiece. No, this mod was to be more 'fun', a bit of a laugh, to balance out the rather dark gloomy atmosphere of The Sith Lords. In it's most basic form, Scrapyard is an arena mod. The Scrapyard Station is run by a large crew of droids, which you also battle in the arena. You get a ton of credits for winning fights, which then gives you access to new items to use on your adventure in the game. Along side the arena there a few other new areas to explore, they are small, but packed with fun things to do. But, time moved on, Scrapyard never got finished by me and GloveMaster. I packed it up and passed it to D-Stoney, IIRC. It stayed in his hands for a while, then it got passed along again. Darth Insidious? It only got back to me, because Fair Strides and Sith Holocron convinced me to have another look at it myself. Both have been a great support. Fair Strides fixing up all the scripts and tons of files. Me, I updated my old areas with lightmaps and better walkmeshes. Which has been a slow affair. Lucky for me Fair Strides and Sith Holocron have had the patience to deal with my tardiness and often kicked me awake to continue on. It would never have gotten this far; without their help. Can't thank you enough gentlemen! And so.... A small teaser. A very cobbled together teaser I'm new to this video thing, so don't expect a masterpiece Enjoy!
  11. I think this question popped up once with an interview with Chris Avellone, from Obsidian, writer for TSL. I believe he said that lots of code, builds and tools get "deleted" to make room for the new projects they work on. They don't archive those and there is nothing really left. Plus they couldn't share anything, even, if they would like to do that. It's all about the contracts with the publisher (EA?, can't remember) and LucasArts at that time.
  12. Hahaha, no harm done. If I came out a bit harsh, sorry for that, but I know what I created. But in all fairness; RedRob did a larger part of that mod, my outfit wouldn't have looked that awesome without his help; so he should certainly get the main credits for it Here's the work I've been doing on Carth's outfit: It's mainly his jacket; and little test on the pants, to get some texture in there.
  13. Ahum, yes, that is part my mod. I made that one skin/ outfit and also the lightsabers included in that mod. Thank you My old WIP thread on Lucas Forums is gone now. But back in the day me and Redrob where sort of working on the same idea for Juhani. And the logical thing was to work together and get a really good mod released. Plus, Jonathan also helped on the mod. To answer your other question. I did release a Resource pack; but that was on LucasForums. I might pack this up again, so more people can enjoy this stuff or finish it. @JC: No Manaan stuff was used. It's all made by me But like I mentioned above, back in the day, I did release a Resource pack, with these models included. It's possible a few people have picked this up and used it. Which would be pretty cool
  14. Sometimes you find something old in your override.
  15. Yeah, it really, takes it to the next level. Very happy how they turned out. I stopped working on this area, since I now have to decide on how to add more decor and props. I would like to use custom made placeables. So that I don't need to adjust the walkmeshes again. But somehow, when I make a placeable, say, just a box. And add a walkmesh to it. So it blocks off the player. It also "Blocks" the whole walkmesh of that part of the area. It's really strange... And I haven't dug further into the problem so far. Hahaha, yes, he even had a more chocolate brown color at the start, really super fluffy looking, but I adjusted it. But it can use some more tweaks Oh, yes. Dark Forces and Dark Forces II, where my first Star Wars games on PC Nar Shaddaa has always taken my interest and I wanted that same feel and look back in the Kotor games. Recently replayed the whole series, Outcast and the expansion included; yum yum! I can live with how the Refugee sector looks like in TSL, but the name says it. It's the run down part, near the docks. Not the real social hub and place the residents of Nar Shaddaa live. So I made a section that's considered the place to be if you like to have good fun time at night or day;.... euh, week? More Zaalbar tweaks: Mainly did work on his face. Added smaller hair patches around nose, cheeks and eyes. Adjusted the 'top' of his head to. Started to add longer hair to his chest area. But this gets lost, due to the horrible mirror effect. I'll have to get in some straight hanging hair. Instead of this more flowy curved stuff. Which is why the seam and mirror effect is so clear to see. The color has been altered to. But seeing it in Max and in-game I can push the contrast and effect a little more.
  16. Yes; very much. But I first need to wrap up a dozen other projects Like always I got few things in the running; but these babies take time. Besides I want to finish the models before asking extra hands to help and populate the areas. You don't want to know the hours I spend on that Nar Shaddaa area already. Thanks ^^ Ah, Kreia, it's an old reskin I did myself. Never released it though. As I thought I could do better. Certainly not at the same level as my recent work. Carth has taken a pause for now. I did some work on Zaalbar. I wanted to test a few things on how to do his fur. I so far like the look, but I'll need to do his fur in a lot more smaller patches. Do different sizes of hair more... I've used larger parts now and it doesn't work good on his model. Certainly the head looks weird He also needs more contrast. But I got basis now to work from. And try to get rid of that horrible mirror effect. That might be a real challenge. Anyway, can't help myself an early preview of sorts. No fear, he'll look better in future updates
  17. Thanks, glad to hear you like it that much already I learned from my work on Bastila; it was just a matter of adding a few extra layers to get back some color and contrast. And I learned now, not to post a very early WIP shot, shouldn't be giving you people heart attacks I've been trying to make a new vid, with me just talking to Carth. But somehow my vids turn out black. I've got all the sound but no pictures. I tried a couple of times; but alas, Kotor just seems to refuse to work with me. So I then had a go with TSL, which worked like a charm. Decided to dig up something old, but which I never had a proper chance to show my fellow modders. A walk across my Nar Shaddaa street area.
  18. Wow, thanks a ton friend! Yeah, I'm not sure the 2048x2048 really is that helpful for the game. I think it's more like an ego thing @the others: No worries on the "horrible" look; it's why I said it is early Work In Progress So this is why I bring a next update, Carth has more healthy look now! The hair has been worked on as well. Eyes have been tweaked a little. Still need to do the ears and back of the neck, just below the hair. Teeth and gums... tongue need work too. But overall, I like the look I got. Carth doesn't look all too old and neither like a young pup. This guy had to go through some hard living in the war. So I think he can have some wrinkles here and there. Lots of moody pondering of revenge on Saul
  19. Hahaha, no worries; it's early WIP, like I said, I'll tweak the colors. He's a bit pale; but that's due to the lighting in the portrait/ photo I'm using. I've just been busy pasting together various parts of the face. Had to work from 13:00 to 20:00 today, since it was close by my home. I got to start working on Carth at like 20:30 or something Can't have a post without pic. Carth had suchi of the wrong kind; lol
  20. Got back from work and just felt I needed to do some modding I've started work on Carth. First up was a search on which male model could work. I had this David Gandy lad, which had lots of nice pictures, decent sizes, but it didn't go the way I wanted. By chance I then had Henry Cavill, which worked better, just with one pic from him I've already cobbled together a nice result. Mind it's still early WIP, just the face has been worked on. Upper eye lid needs few more tweaks, the light beard. Lips it all still needs work. Etc... But I think I'm on the right track. I might tweak the contrast on the end, so it's little less wrinkled. Then of course color matching. So here are some shots:
  21. Héh, I've been googling to find out if there was a fix. But must of these fixes are for getting widescreen or just getting the "old" game to run. I now have a GOG version, which, worked fine from the go. No major starting issues. Not sure if I like messing around with that DLL stuff. Turning the grass off might be the best then. Though it sort of makes the experience a bit poor on most planets :-s Hmm, it still strikes me as odd, because the body and head are 2 models, each has his own texture. Some of my own made masks have 2 textures, each has is own effect. Shiny and the CM_Bright. Was convinced this would also work on the character model, since you have 2 textures; which could each have their own TXI file, with whatever effect you want on them. Then again, for masks and other objects there is no, 2DA file. Bah! Wow; nice, you should get those out, Certainly a lot of people would enjoy to use these in their game. Is that fixed UVmap model available for fellow modders?
  22. Thanks, glad you like it! Thanks for that, saved the pic Haven't started with Carth just yet though. Yeah, I understand. It's why I started this reskin madness I was using like 3 to 4 mods to give all party members a better look. But it's a hassle and in the end, they don't really match. And by working on these skins, I really started to appreciate the original look. It has grown on me. This is why I haven't done much on a brand new look for each character. When doing work on Bastila it just felt right to redo the party, mostly the human characters, redo them first in the good old classic look. Bastila is done. I just need to fiddle around with the TSL patcher. As for Bastila you'll have to make a choice. Shiny version; => for which the patcher will have to adjust the appearance.2da file Transparency version => No need for 2DA edits, but there is no shiny effect on the leather. Instead Bastila her hair will have a few transparency effects on her strands/ locks of hair. Plus eyelashes. It all looks lees SOLID that way. But due, to how the game does things; I can't have both effects, shine on the leather and transparency for the hair; for some reason. Really odd, but can't pin it down... And I have another issue; I have transparency on many things in the areas: like the grass, but for some reason it still CUTS out the party and other NPCs. It gives a really odd effect. This gets done on all "see-through", including Bastila's hair. It punches holes through the model.... o_O IIRC; I can get rid of this with a INI edit, right? It's been a long while since I tweaked that file. And just don't know what it is?
  23. Thanks for the links! @SuperSzym: Very nice skin from Redrob, he always does a great job ^^ Looks a bit like Leia's outfit with Jabba, it's certainly more kinky. I'll first release a more faithful reskin, which matches more with how the game looked. But, I've said it before. I'll be doing other versions for most of the party members. Just want to get their regular looks updated first. Most of the work has been done for the lot of them. And Juhani has already been done, by a team effort from me, Redrob and Jonathan7. Not sure if I'll tackle the droids, HK and T3 already have some nice reskins out there; so not sure if I can contribute much with redoing these as well. The next one I have in mind after Bastila is Carth. Zaalbar is something I'dd like to do as well, though to be honest I never use him much in my party Well, I'm not done yet with all this reskinning business ^^ I did a quick Bandicam test with my Bastila skin; it's a silly video just to see how it works: no editing besides just a little fade in and title. Music was running in the background, didn't switch it off. Retro Wave, yummy
  24. Hmm, did Redrob release that mod here on Deadly Stream? I can't seem to find it back
  25. @RedRob: Yes, the smile also made her cheeks bit too puffy. I've adjusted them all a bit to fit better around the mouth. I've also - just on that part - adjusted the contrast so it doesn't stick out so much anymore. I've added back in the old skin, though slightly blurred and desaturated to get back in some highlights and shadows. Like this, I feel I got the best of both worlds. It's really tricky stuff to pull off on faces. With Canderous I could boost the contrast a bit more, since he had to look grizzled and older. So that made it a bit easier and more forgiving. The ladies are just harder to do justice I'll let the face rest for a bit, I think I got it to a good release quality. Instead I put in some time for her underwear model: Which I can then use as a base for the slave skin, as seen on Taris. Here's what I got so far: Arms, legs and torso, the fleshy bits are done. Just need further tweaking on the hands and fingers. And more work on the bra and underpants.