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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. Version 1.0


    Quanons Twilek Outfits. A new pack to replace the old Twilek skins with a new look. These are new and are differant then the old skins. So it's not really a reskin. Since I went for another style on all of them. Look at the screenshots to pick and choose. I did NOT redo the heads though. I suggest using Caches mod for that. She did a really great job and you can seem them in the screenshots! So you know it just fits The green twilek has 2 options. A Black/ Red out fit or you can go for just the red look overall. Each skin as a TXI file so you should get some shiney effect. It's set to CM_Spec as I like the look of that effect more then CM_Baremetal. Feel free to adjust the TXI to your own liking. INSTALLING: Copy the files from my mod folder to your Override. Done!
  2. Ever so slowly, adding and tweaking things. There hasn't been major changes. I did take my skin for a spin in the game. Tatooine has some harsh bright lighting. It does make the yellow pop a bit much. I might take the skin for a tour on Manaan or the Unknown world. Those have a more blue/ white sunlight. I am having a hard time on whether to choose to dump the hexa pattern or keep it... It works and at other times it looks too noisy in the game? Hmmm... Keep it or lose it?
  3. Did a few extra tweaks. Had a test in the game. Having an idea on what a more "clean" version of this outfit could look like. But first I need to finish this one. Just feel it lacks a few extras. It's a bit too much a one piece thing. Falls flat.
  4. Yeah, it's not subtle >_> I think I could do a cleaner version of what I have in mind. Are you talking about the dance animations/ moves? Or the look of the models? Haven't done much on it today; just added in clasps/ buttons to the straps. Played around with some rendering stuff in 3Ds Max. She's been hit with a hammer, really odd look
  5. A few pages back I was working on the Twi'leks, Green one and Orange ladies where done. So I had an idea for the lighter yellow alien hotness. I feel I've reached a certain... uhm... Skyrim mod vibe with this one Skimpy pimp stuff. Anyhow, a preview of sorts; mind I've only done basic work. Finding a good layout. Bit trial and error on the body suit style. Needs extra details... More work like always! The head skin is done by Cache71. I'm matching the body to it, so people can easily mix up our mods. As she already released a set, but I like the idea people can choose favourite outfits. No fear, old man Jolee hasn't been forgotten. But the Twi'lek had more appeal than the underwear of that old coot
  6. File Name: Quanons Gammorean Reskin Pack File Submitter: Quanon File Submitted: 17 Feb 2017 File Category: Skins K1R Compatible: Yes Quanons Gammoreans Reskin Pack: This little mod will update all the Gammorean skins. All of them had their size increased to 1024x1024. I've been able to put in some extra details, on the faces; better looking eyes. Leather look to their armors. Tweaked the contrast/ brightness; etc... A good overall polish to make them their best, even though they are pigs Installing: Copy and paste all 5 files from my pack. That's it! Click here to download this file
  7. Version 1.0


    Quanons Gammoreans Reskin Pack: This little mod will update all the Gammorean skins. All of them had their size increased to 1024x1024. I've been able to put in some extra details, on the faces; better looking eyes. Leather look to their armors. Tweaked the contrast/ brightness; etc... A good overall polish to make them their best, even though they are pigs Installing: Copy and paste all 5 files from my pack. That's it!
  8. Thanks ^^ I haven't done much last week, but I worked a little on the other piggies; mainly the blue one. Started to add a few details on him, so he looks a bit more different. I do need fix a few seam issues, on both the reskins though. It's very obvious on the top of his head
  9. Fear not my fair damsel, I just haven't touched up the eyes... yet... in that previous update. My main focus was on the armor and skins parts. But you'll like this update though, the eyes have a new hue to match the rest I did a few other minor fixes, also checked out the other Gamorrean skins. Version 2 (blue one), will need some redoing, as the armor is different in looks. I might also have to adjust the face a bit. The blue armored pigs look to be older, even more grizzled. The other variants will need less work, they are just recolors basically. Of course I might add a few bits and bobs of my own; to make it all a bit more unique one to the other. I'm talking minor details, extra studs on the kneecaps, different armor shapes... etc... Ingame shots And, yeah, looking at my renders... I forgot to do the bottom lip/ jaw, somehow I overlooked that little part on skin
  10. Yes, I don't think Obsidian renamed all the textures? Anway, else it's just a matter of renaming and the games should use my skins. They have 2 models. One is a low poly version, which has the axe attached to them, you encounter these in the sewers on Taris. Then there's a second model, which has just a bit more detail to it, those are the ones you talk to. Them "hunters" on Tatooine. There's nothing much I can do about that. Though replacing the lowpolys with highpoly in the UTI files, then giving them that new axe SithSpecter is modelling should be a nice update I'll give them an alpha channel, should give them some shiny effect Worked on it some more this morning. I got an extra day off from work! Using it to the fullest :laughing; Redone the face, just the bottom lip needs to be redone and horns, applied a new metal texture, cleaned up a few tiny mistakes here and there. I'm adjusting the sandals, I don't like the toes, Turning it into an metal cap instead.(Not yet done that though )
  11. So lots of folks have been asking on what characters I might do after the K1 party members. And Jolee is close to being finished. The first big one is not a character in the real sense, SH made the suggestion; The Ebon Hawk! Been pondering a bit on how I would tackle it. There's have been already a few HD variants released for the Hawk. Still the Hawk is a big part of the game, so giving it a proper "update" is what I'll do I've also been thinking on various favourite NPCs of mine. And I feel the Swoop Racers are something I could do. I want to give them all an outfit to match. Not just these regular looking lads you come across on each planet. A proper unique look and feel, restyling. With great joy I announce to been working on the pig. Gamorrean! Doing a proper update on the old skin first, then the unique look for the racer. Like that I know the model a bit better and I kill 2 or 3 birds with one stone! Mostly did work on the leather armor, minor skin work (just trying out an effect)on the arms and legs. Haven't touched the face just yet. On the left the new updated version, on the right the old skin. Last picture is an in game test run.
  12. Found a bit of time today to start on Jolees clothing. Just applied textures like leather, cloth for his pants and his undershirt. No details just yet. It's a fun skin to do, easy to work on. It's all very clear what is what on the model.
  13. Thanks RedRob; I just didn't know what was going on Shame though they split up the UVmap on his upper lip. I tried to get it to look like his bottom lip, but it just doesn't work really well. The UVs are scaled differently so it creates very obvious seams. So, it remains a dark upper lip, "painted" on permanent shadow for grandpa Jolee. Did a test run in the game, it looks OK so far.
  14. Hahaha, I might be Jolee will need some 3d work on his head model. The back of his upperlip, on the inside of his mouth, drops down. It obscures his teeth, it's really odd looking when trying to take screenshots. This must be one of the worst model faults I've seen. The other party members have some faults on their head model, but it's all less obvious. You really need to focus to spot it. But with Jolee it's just visible whenever you go in close-up shots. I'll have to do some learning, it's been a very long while since I dabbled with head models and fixing UVs. I might finish the skin first? Not sure what to do first. As I fear this model fix thing might take some time...
  15. No worries SuperSzym, you aren't hurting my feelings or anything. I'm glad you enjoy my work and the edits Cache71 has done on them. I've been in contact with her via PM now and then, sharing previews on our work on various skins. I've been learning things and she has improved her skills, just by sharing, which by my book is really what I enjoy the most in this community. It's great when you can encourage each other to improve. I do this modding because I really just get a lot of pleasure out of it, by creating things. Releasing it for public, getting some little fame, is the cherry on top Yeah, I hope I can get that more smoothed out and less visible. It'll require some extra tweaking and testing. I expect this to take most of the time. Anwsers: 1) I don't have the files anymore from those old skins, so I would need recreate it all from scratch. I really don't feel I can improve on it by just doing a bigger size. 2) Yes, I have. I believe Calo is one I would like to do first. As I just don't like his look in the game. 3) Not at this time. I would like to do Sion first. He's one of my favourite characters in the game
  16. Congrats on releasing this mod! A very nice tweak to the end game.
  17. Jolee is next for a face lift of sorts :P