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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. With T3-M4 out of my way, I now started work on the oldest party member. Everwise and cranky, senile Jolee Bindo. Most of the work has gone into adding the wrinkles and beard. As always, this is a first look at the start of things. I'm sure you all know how much can change in an update So don't worry to much about color to much yet. I'm in the progress of adding in the details for the skin. But here's a look how things look. I replaced Zaalbar with Jolees model. Redrob is correct though. Jolee's head model has a few odd flaws. There's something odd about the upper lip; it just looks wrong. There's also some HARD cuts on the forehead, so things don't blend nicely going from his face/ forehead to his scalp/ top of the head.
  2. File Name: Quanons T3M4 Reskin File Submitter: Quanon File Submitted: 26 Jan 2017 File Category: Skins K1R Compatible: Yes Another update to a party member, this time the little astro-droid T3M4. Like all my other releases, the texture has a larger size, added details, more crispy looking good stuff! And it stays faithfull to his Bioware look. So, yes, baby blue paint job still Really easy to install: copy all the files to your override! And done! Just check out the renders and screenshots to know if it is to your liking. Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  3. I won't, trust me. My modding folders are full of stuff that needs to be finished
  4. T3M4 is done!

    1. diegodb


      Quanon, do you think in doing those reskins for TSL also, your work is great, top notch!

    2. Quanon


      The droids should work even now. For the other party members I might do them eventually.

      Allthough I'm more interested to do Sion first. Have a few ideas I might try out first.

    3. diegodb


      Oh, that's great Quanon! thank you for your reply.

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  5. Version 1.0


    Another update to a party member, this time the little astro-droid T3M4. Like all my other releases, the texture has a larger size, added details, more crispy looking good stuff! And it stays faithfull to his Bioware look. So, yes, baby blue paint job still Really easy to install: copy all the files to your override! And done! Just check out the renders and screenshots to know if it is to your liking. Enjoy!
  6. I believe I passed them to that TSL mod, where you can craft your lightsabers; giving unique models on what you put together. Did that ever get released fully?
  7. Yeah, I did release a whole host of 3D files. Including area model files. I've been thinking on doing a new release. But I want most of those areas "ready" to use. A bit more mod friendly and useable from the go. Just proper renaming and also releasing ASCII format files, so anyone can import it into his 3D software. Not sure on the lightsabers? I think most of lightsabers got included in other mods. There's one from Marius Fett (DarthDingDong) who did a package with a few of his own saber hilts and mine included. Google might get that out for you ^^
  8. Yeah, it's funny that things look very different from program to program. I kept the contrast lower, because when I was working in Photoshop it looked okay. And I was afraid of overdoing it. But in 3Ds Max it's all less visible. I've taken the comments and tweaked it all further; given a nice boost to the contrast, also altered the blue. Did a quick early in-game test.
  9. Did some more work on T3. Still need to tweak his blue color a bit better. In the game he has this baby blue thing going on, mine is more azure. Just added in more piping/ techy detail stuff on some of his panels. It's more visible on his side and back. No in-game shots just yet. I deleted all my old save games and did a clean up of my override folder.
  10. Sounds cool! I didn't know that was possible. @others: No worries, you know how this turns out with my early previews
  11. T3 does! I must say the droids are more fun than I thought. T3 is going smoothly. Spend about +-3 hours today on it and I like the result so far. I tried out a few different things and I might go back to HK to see if it would work on him as well. It's mainly on the small techy looking details on the droids. HK doesn't have to much exposed but it might be interesting to do a better job on it. So here's an early preview on T3:
  12. Hmm, somehow I lost Trask when editing my save game...

    1. N-DReW25


      Trask Ulgo the Tutorial guy or as I like to call him the King of Breaking the Fourth Wall

    2. Revanator


      Nah, the accolade belongs to Deadpool.

    3. HK-47


      You didn't lose him. Bandon killed him while you weren't looking.

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  13. File Name: Quanons HK-47 Reskin File Submitter: Quanon File Submitted: 18 Jan 2017 File Category: Skins K1R Compatible: Yes This mod replaces all HK-47s textures. Just like my other party member reskins; the size has been increased to 2048x2048. Which allowed me to put in some extra details and give a decent update to the skin. There's now a more visible metal texture but otherwise; nothing major has been altered to HKs skin. I did tweak the contrast and colors but its still the same rusty killer droid. Look at the comparison picture to get a better idea INSTALL: Unpack and copy the 3 files P_HK47_01.tga and TXI, plus PO_Phk47 to your override. That simple! Click here to download this file
  14. HK-47 ready to serve!

  15. Version 1.0


    This mod replaces all HK-47s textures. Just like my other party member reskins; the size has been increased to 2048x2048. Which allowed me to put in some extra details and give a decent update to the skin. There's now a more visible metal texture but otherwise; nothing major has been altered to HKs skin. I did tweak the contrast and colors but its still the same rusty killer droid. Look at the comparison picture to get a better idea INSTALL: Unpack and copy the 3 files P_HK47_01.tga and TXI, plus PO_Phk47 to your override. That simple!
  16. Okay; today I kept working on the barstool. There where some issues with flipped faces on the mesh. It took time to get most of them fixed and after testing I still spotted 2 new spots where this happens. The baseball bat and golf club also have a few minor UVmap issues I need to address before release. Still, it's going nicely! I opted for a wooden barstool. It just feels more right to my Belgian mind Tomorrow I've got my day off from work, I'm aiming to do some more modding then. Though I might go back to HK and T3 first. I believe these have a more higher urgency.
  17. I never tried this; but I think it should be possible. Though, this would only replace the boxes you can open to take items out. Some of the boxes you see around the game are part of the area model. So those would stay the same.
  18. What would you want to do with the box? Would be a piece to be placed in the Ebon Hawk or some area; like a piece of the decor? Or you want to bash sandpeople with it Eitherway, I could create a crate like that. The barstool test run: the whole fight scene was rather hilarious, as at first I didn't notice everybody was in his underwear.
  19. Love the fish idea! That one is in. I've got a sledge hammer in the pack, but I like your chef idea the most. Caps and chef hats, I hadn't thought on doing crazy headgear. Tophat and monocle for the moustache twirling sith lords! But I guess it fits with the pack. I might split this up in to 2 packs, just so I get things done for once I haven't looked at Jolee just yet, I want HK and T3 done first before starting on Jolee. But of course if you can fix up his UVmaps, then please! Since I was doing these items, I found out UVmapping is just my bane, I love doing 3D, but UVmaps are just dull! x-D I got the golf club done, did have a crash in 3ds Max when working on the UVmap, no idea why... But I had enough saves so I didn't lose any important work at that moment. Today I got it in the game and had a little discussion with the sand people on Tatooine, it didn't turn out well... It's a shame though the game does have rendering faults on my system, a lot of the seams on the models is visible at time; be it the heads of NPCs and party members and weapons.
  20. I'll stay away from making it SW/ sci-fi stuff. It shouldn't really fit, else the joke gets a bit lost, IMO So getting the weapon in-game was easy, getting the UVmap to work... Ugh, looks like MDLops can't handle a second channel UVmap. I had to dig up an old export script, which did the trick. Had a fun time clubbing Rakatas on the beach!
  21. So I'm cleaning up my hard drive, I got files and folders all over the place. My desktop is a mess. Full of modding stuff and other bits and pieces. Of course, this means I stumble upon old stuff. One suck oldy; I released waaaay back in time was a crazy weapons pack. A fun, tongue in the cheeck, weapons mod for the Kotor games. The weapons, where everyday props and tools. Chainsaw, golf club, baseball bat, wrecking hammer... A barstool even But I was a newbie then and in great haste cobbled together this pack. Sloppy modelling and quickly made textures for said items. And these last few months I'm back to doing more minor mods; reskins and such. So just finding back that zipfile, I just had to(o) redo this mod. I picked the baseball bat as a first item, it's simple in shape, but this time I made sure it had enough polyies for a nice smooth look. The other items will follow; if anyone has a suggestion for a "crazy" weapon; feel free to comment. No dildos, that's not what dangly mesh is made for A post by me, would be nothing if not for a nice picture
  22. Put in some extra time tonight on HK again. This time a proper test in-game and a better Old/ New render. I've tried to get in some different metal textures, other "colors", but it shows a bit too obviously. Mainly the hands. Need to have another look at the UVmap layout. I did it on feeling, but I was off Other detail, like his Vox-grill needs to be added back in. So far it looks good to me ^^ Ingame
  23. It's time that everybody's favourite assassin, the ultimate killing machine, got some attention: HK-47. What has already been worked on: the spine, thighs and chest. Feet had also a touch up. I'm now just redoing all the bevels/ insets on his panels. Working on getting the edges back: more pronounced. I like the color I've got on him; it's less overly saturated orange. Bioware most love orange. Bastila, Carth and HK all have the orange theme going o_O I did a comparison shot, but the old texture turned out really faded in 3Ds Max, not sure what is going on... So the only thing you can really see is the pixelness of the older skin really. Next update I'll present some in-game shots; before and after. Should be more faithful, than renders from Max. Enjoy!
  24. Quanon

    Carth Pop04

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.

  25. Quanon

    Carth Pop03

    From the album: Quanons Pictures.