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Forum & Tracker Requests
Everything posted by NikaAlexandrov
Could change one to human, mon calamari, a third to a devaronian, keep one as quarren, have one as a cyborg (granted he or she would be human true) but that would break up the "evil alien overload" trend they insisted on for it. The fact that they went with having the player character as specifically human also seemed to fit that trend to. I'd have liked to have seen a falleen actually, in reference to Xizor, but I noticed that would be hard to do because of the spine ridges, and likely the claws to
There is another one, unfortunately @Untold Prophecy it was by Mono_Giganto, and I'm not sure if he updated the mod, which also had the scout trooper pistol, and several others plus a quest and a token for them. Real shame as well, I still have that actual mod itself though every time I even try to get a funky error in kse think it's: can't use an undefined value as an array reference at bioware/tpc.pm line 190." Not sure though, guessing its because some parts are missing the tga files...
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Backstory and Roleplaying Enhancement Mod Wish/Idea
NikaAlexandrov replied to SeaBee's topic in Mod Requests
I personally am trying to work on this one myself honestly, mainly for the smuggler side. Partially inspired by the old black and white television series Maverick, which I watched as reruns when I went to visit my grandparents actually. Now exclamation points I think could stay in, but not so many. Adding more sarcastic and what I feel is amusing/shifty/conniving responses designed to personally antagonize others. Which I think is a good idea because the smuggler at her or his core is just that a gambler/conartist/smuggler/profiteer always on the look out for number one something bioware should've emphasized. The scout's got more of a wanderlust basically, maybe a mixture of the smuggler and the soldier. Maybe is a little more interested in exploration, but isn't as naive and has more of a desire to understand the cultures around him or her. Possibly more along the lines of Have Gun will Travel's Paladin. The soldier, would be I think more weary of war, and possibly leery of the jedi, even though is taught to accept her or his orders, and be more in line with say the Commander Sheopard approach from Mass Effect. That at least would be the idea to start with, the groundwork as it were, then I'd go from there. Already have much of the idea for the Smuggler's dialogue, pretty much down, hard part is just putting it in, *grumbles* especially the 'can you repeat that' and the 'okay' that sort of thing for the tutorial. I really need to find a way to shut Trask up so he doesn't talk. Be nice if I could animate hitting him for part of it too lol.- 9 replies
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Scoundrel Clothes with Scout Legs For TSL
NikaAlexandrov commented on DarthParametric's file in Mods
Anyway to fix this good sir, to work with your wonderful Jaesa, Kira and Meetra/Mako mods for example? I've read above where you had said that: "This is not compatible with any other mod that changes the player appearance.2da entries for the ModelB/TexB columns. Although the models will appear in the character creation screen, custom heads will not use the clothes in-game unless you edit their appearance.2da entries." And I'd like to know, what steps to take so that Jaesa for example could snazzily pose wearing this super fabulous outfit, instead of that stupid awful icky brown garbage outfit lol for example 😄 no girl moi included wants to run around wearing something like that, the colors look awful, it probably itches like blazes, and is sooo several centuries ago, ugh burlap really Obsidian? *whaps them with dead mackerels for the halabit!* -
TOR Ports: Meetra Surik AKA Jedi Exile Female Player Head for TSL
NikaAlexandrov commented on DarthParametric's file in Mods
*Cough* you mean Mako lol *cough* lol that's who the character model was used for when bioware first used her, *should know because she played a bounty hunter and had a rocking good time with a very interestingly confused girl named Mako* lol, I honestly didn't know they reused her appearance as well, course I tend to play Sith Empire side so ehh lol. Wonderful job as always lol -
TOR Ports: Jaesa Willsaam Female Player Head for TSL
NikaAlexandrov commented on DarthParametric's file in Mods
TOR Ports: Kira Carsen Female Player Head for TSL
NikaAlexandrov commented on DarthParametric's file in Mods
Kira is one of my favorite characters, along with Jaesa and Mako. Thank you for porting her, any plans for Kaliyo in the near future, also any chance this one, your Jaesa and Meetra/Mako ones will be updated to work with the Scoundrel leggings? I'm not a fan of the stupid starter/character creation outfit that obsidian shoved on us honestly lol, it's too bland and awful looking for me lol. -
Diversified Wounded Republic Soldiers on Taris
NikaAlexandrov commented on DarthParametric's file in Mods
Ooo, a drink animation *grin* please tell me DarthParametric, that you or Salk have big plans that involve a hot cocoa mod, or some sort of holiday/life day mod in the works 😄 😄 😄
JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1
NikaAlexandrov commented on JCarter426's file in Mods
As Maverick would say; "Never play in a rigged game, unless you rig it yourself,” used this to make Niklos get mad, combined that with my work in progress smuggler's playthrough female mod: As my father always said; "Never play in a rigged game, unless you rig it yourself,” That’s always good advice, especially for dealing with someone who claims to be the galaxy’s best pazaak player, but is in fact the worst. Seeing as how you play like a blind ronto, and then squeal about it, might not be best to criticize the girl who happens to be better than you. And grew up learning the game from a master.
*Bows offering chocolate chip cookies* thank you very much*
I rather like the idea of her having a lightsaber actually Bead-V, seems very good storywise, least I thought so, but the other option's a good one storywise too. Kreia's never been one of my favorites, too manipulative and b***y for me, but here you have a wonderful mod, that is very wonderfully done, both from the screen shots, and from the immersive/storytelling idea *offers hot cocoa* quick question, will this work with the modified look where her robes take on a more black version?
Ugh, never touch the stache lol, but this would be a good one actually, I think I might add this to my download list @JayDominus, just because. I totally could see this also being worked into my smuggler dialogue project too, even if its not even like 25% done because this is pretty good judging from the screen shots
Wow, thank you @JayDominus, I've been using fraps to try and help as well, and writing down the responses too into word. @Fair Strides tools are very helpful. Reason for asking is, it's like a few people have pointed out, the original responses are very bland, and I totally want to do something that has the smuggler responses be more sarcastic/in line with the Maverick show characterization in particular. In that the Mavericks were professional gamblers/conmen. Now with the player character she or he will have dialogue that what I'd like to do is put it into three or more parts ranging from responses such as: Let me guess, she’s the high and mighty “Jedi” that the Republic’s sooo worried about. As my dear father would say; “There are a thousand stories about this ship, and most of them are as boring as hell.” Plan to change main character's starting background history from Deralia (spelling?) to Cademimu, since I'm also an old school extended universe fangirl will include smatterings of mentions of places like Axilla (spelling?), Spira, Berchest and others as well. By the way, are all the ones from the first part, are they all grouped: _m01aatras02189_ Addendum, for all the Trask/endar spire related stuff I've found out the StrRef for him is: n_m1aotras99020_ Now if I can just figure out how to add more than just 1 and 2 things of dialogue lol and duplicate kinda what Carbo did lol *hums to herself*
@ebmar *gets Ebmar a caramel macchiato with extra whip and tons of caffeine to make it so he will bounce off the walls* I love your legends works Ebmar I truly do. Thank you for touching up Selven, Janice, Lyn, I've yet to get Marlena but I do believe I shall. I've got Ajunta Pall's blade, and cannot wait for the rest of the Legends. Would love to see a Legends version of the Sith blades, especially Sith daggers, something nice and sleek similar to the stuff Loki wielded, evilness knows all the fatbladed warcraft daggers and swords have got to go lol to say nothing of too much brown lol. I like the look for Bendak actually, it is a good look for him as well.
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Lol ohh lordie, Griff being unleashed on us poor unsuspecting maidens, no good can come from this. @Qui-Gon Glenn? Are you looking for writers perchance? Or for scam related ideas? I've come across a few things that were tried on episodes from Maverick which he could pull, the belt game for example...
I kinda feel like tampering with it, just needs the actual numbers of the verbal responses so I can shut Trask up *eyes him while brandishing a mallet, and duct-tape* as pappy used to say; "Faint heart never filled a flush." have some idea, but the numerous "can you repeat that" or "okay" responses get worrisome, namely because I worry I might be tampering with the wrong one in TalkEd, when I don't want to while programming in my personalized sarcasm By the numbers I mean, so I can find his responses, in override. Having a difficult time doing that actually...same with Carth's responses for the tutorial. I want to try and remove all the 4th wall stuff. So that's it's all gone. Reference videos do help a bit lol, the whole (select left-click) does narrow it down a bit, not completely. Mostly, I kinda want to try and shut him up a little. I also want to attempt to try and add additional responses to the tutorial part of Endar Spire for the roleplaying value, like what was doing later on, partually inspired by what @CarboCationdid, but different in that I'd like to add more dialogue reminiscent of one of one of my favorite shows/reruns (grew up watching Maverick as a little girl with my grandparents), this applies especially to the smuggler/scoundrel. Now before anyone may groan lol, the idea is simple a shiftless conartist who happens to be a conwoman or conman that's been press-ganged into serving the Republic, and is more than a little bitter about it. However the story goes is entirely dependent on the player. Responses can be either laissez faire (do as you will), or downright sarcastic/kiss off I'm not interested in helping/I'm going my own way, or downright mean. That's pretty much it in a nutshell. Is it feasible, not sure, like to try though. With the Scout, I'd see more of a Paladin/Have Gun will travel type basically. Haven't given that one much thought though.
TSL Galaxy Map Fix Coruscant AddOn & New Coruscant Icon and Planet Textures
NikaAlexandrov commented on Kexikus's file in Mods
Not sure how far you are into your ideas for this @Kexikus, but you had wondered about some ideas regarding Quatra (spelling?) and the easiest answer for Revan finding out is simple I think. Just have her walking around the enclave, or speaking to the other masters, Revan could overhear her talking, and then relay what she or he overhears to Juhani who grows increasingly angry over Quatra's betrayal. See lightside Juhani takes it in an accepting manner, now if I were in her boots, I would be p***ed off, very, very hurt to the point of wanting to kill her all over again, and darkside Revan can pull her further into the darkside. Does that sound like a good idea? I mean you have a fragile, vulnerable girl whose upset and you pull her further, further into the darkness, makes for a very good story. Then there could be a larger confrontation at a later date. Juhani strikes me, a lot like Jaesa, eager to trust someone, needing family, wanting to love and trust people. And I think reading between the lines that Quatra took advantage of that majorly. As for a character design for her, why not simply give her one of the head designs for one of the female player characters that way you will save yourself some extra work? PS: I *LOVE* the idea for this mod, and I've got a cute Juhani reskin by Nimduril, any chance there could be a patch for it at some point?