Darth Wreckage

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About Darth Wreckage

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. Which T3 file has the dirty T3?
  2. Does this work with the Canonical Exile appearance mod?
  3. Darth Wreckage


    Is this compatible with the Female Exile and Visas romance mod?
  4. Alright, thanks.
  5. Is this compatible with the movie Dark Side transition mod?
  6. Here's my knight Ashernal! Rikanara, my Sith Assassin. She is level 70 Delliha, my old Jedi Shadow. Prendiana, my Level 70 Knight. She's romancing Arcann. Varlena Ordo, Powertech. Minarita, my newest Jedi Shadow.
  7. So, she wears this as her default outfit and on the Temple Summit? And is this compatible with the Prequel Style Robes?
  8. Yes, it is compatible. I have TSLRCM 1.8.3B in my game as well as this one. This mod doesn't affect his dialog at all, merely his appearance. Reskins tend to sometimes be compatible with TSLRCM.
  9. I might have a request for the athletic female underwear. Could it be possible to make a version of that one with briefs instead of the shorts or maybe something similar?