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Everything posted by ebmar

  1. Wow. So, proportionally this texture-model should have an alpha-mask applied to the particular part of the hair? And even the native texture doesn't have an alpha-mask applied. H[w]ow. 😂 If you don't mind me asking, DP; and Salk as the thread-starter- excuse me for asking. How can we identify which part of the hair that'll need fixes? I believe we would need to generate an [IIRC] UV map, and could you describe to us how to generate an UV map for a particular texture? Many thanks for considering this!
  2. Mods featured in the wallpaper are: Beta version of DarthParametric's "[K1] Taris Upper City South Fountains M02ac_02c": multiple's "Old Republic Skin Overhaul: Taris' clear sky". Kexikus's "High Quality Skyboxes: LTS_Bsky01": A Future Pilot's "Sith Soldier Texture Restoration": Fallen Guardian's "Blaster Pistol Enhancement": Sithspecter's "High Quality Blasters":

    © BioWare & LucasArts

  3. Hi! A quick heads-up if you guys don't mind. If you have had [K1] Selven "Legends" installed, I wanted to inform you that the Selven's Vibroblade included with the mod is using the w_vbroshort_101.mdl/mdx or model variation 101 for the vibroblade. So, I believe there would be an issue if you decided to go with 101 for the said variation. For consideration, but you do the honors to decide what's in your 'Override' folder.
  4. Apologize for being off-topic but- wow. Taris looks very good at night, isn't it? 😮
  5. ebmar

    Ahsoka Tano

    Hello, Cerez! Welcome to the DeadlyStream. Seriously, I have waited long to play the Jedi Knight Series both the Jedi Outcast and/or the Jedi Academy. My plan is to finish this KotOR1 playthrough first, then goes with TSL and the latter would be the JK series [JK:JO and JK:JA]. Hopefully I'm playing the JK at the right moment where some cool stuffs served on the list. I am looking forwards to them mods then! Ah-ha! You should check this thread by @CarthOnasty then. Fingerscrossed it would be delivered in no-time [go-CO-go!]. 🤞
  6. Fantastic! Many thanks for the efficient-yet-rather-effective tutorial DarthParametric! I'm in progress on practicing this information now. I will attach the said tutorial in the first post to have the potential reader an easier access to its knowledge. Again, thanks! And very much appreciated. ____________________________________________ Anyways, I just found something that is quite "important" while ago; I surfed through the game files with the KotOR Tool and found a cubemap which labeled "CM_eh", and then leads me to assuming that it was linked to the Ebon Hawk's specularity. And yes it is; I opened the file using PS and there are E-Hawk's reflections init. So, I fiddled around with the vanilla EH's textures and have them all implemented with the said cubemap- assigning vanilla bump-map to the linked textures and later having this results: This is the entrance/exit passage of the Ebon Hawk. I haven't checked the bump-map inside this room model so as we can see there are no bump-map applied there; but more-or-less, this how the room looks with the "CM_eh" applied to the textures: This is the Hawk's dorm, and bump-map feature has been checked for this room. This one of the Hawk's alley'; no bump-map applied but "CM_eh" has been utilised on them textures. This is the intersection near the engine-room. The bump-map and "CM_eh" has been applied in this room model. This is the Swoop's room; I ended-up changing the alpha on the bike with the standard reflection because the vanilla alpha is not really effective, I mean; I am certain that BioWare wanted to give the impression that the Swoop was having an incident before, looks from the reflection it gave. It produces an inside-bump-and-dents-like reflection but I don't know, maybe the execution could be nicer, I think. This is the cabin whom Juhani used to chill. No bump-map applied yet in that room. This is the cockpit. Bump-map applied. This is too from the cockpit but from another point-of-view. This is not really vanilla because as we can see there are Sith Holocron's "KOTOR2 More Subtle Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (still not including Galaxy Map)" and Fallen Guardian's "Ebon Hawk Texture Enhancement" computer panel featured there. Must haves! And this is the Hawk's center room. Bump-map applied. Edit: ndix UR's "Ebon Hawk K1 Fixes" are featured in the screenshots. ____________________________________________ To tell the truth, the primary motivation of this research was because of this screenshot of Ebon Hawk's interior from one of Apeiron's tweet while ago. I know, and it was obvious; different engine means different results. And even if with the same engine but with the wrong application of feature could leads to different results too. I only kind of curious about how optimal is this [IIRC] Odyssey Engine could be? Many thanks for taking your time here. Hope this finding kind of helps.
  7. Amazing DP, many thanks for it! I'm looking forwards to test it soon! If you don't mind, could you describe what are basic things to do to add the water plane to the structure? I have had opened the particular model of the area using the KotORmax and/or MDLEdit but I'm stuck like not knowing what to do. 😂 Many thanks for considering this!
  8. Yes, it have always bugged me the very first time I see the panel, second your thoughts; I have always thought it was meant to be some kind of a pond, but actually I have not think about the fountain, DP improvised with it and the result is just awesome! 🙌 Anyway, I do have concern with this space inside this structure too, maybe another pond could be implemented init? 🤣 Thanks for the insight! Actually I have just found that with my latest attempt, I bump the bumpmapscaling inside the TXI from 3 [which is the earliest attempt] to 8 and the result is quite significant. But it doesn't looks good lol. Again, thanks for the link! Could the alpha opacity inside the water texture [let's say- "LMA_water02"] have its role with the transparency too? 🤔 Interesting to find out. 😁
  9. Yes, that happens to me sometimes also. Sometimes there would be three Vulkars in the walkway, but sometimes there would be only two, and the other one is inside Selven's room. I have encountered both scene with or without the mod installed, so I'm quite sure that was a vanilla "bug" there. After all, there are no scripts or any props that alters walkmeshes or anything that distract the pathway of commoners inside the said mod. Also, I'm not really sure if it could be fix or it was an issue with K1R; it could be- as it occurs when the K1R installed. I haven't played the game without K1R installed so, I'm not really sure about it.
  10. Amazing! Many thanks for this version. I have come up with something using the latest version; not the best result I believe. The sides of the bottom of the pond and the pond's bottom itself had their texture's changed. I am using some CC BY 4.0 templates to work with: [K1]_Taris_Upper_City_South_Fountains_M02ac_02c_v4.7z I'm utilising bump-map to the stone part, but it seems the result is insignificant. Perhaps the bump-map is not a good one. 😂 Yes, I'm aware of that. Thanks for the heads-up anyway!
  11. Thanks for the heads-up! Yes! I have tried using "LUN_water01" as an exchange for "LMA_water02", and then using the vanilla "PLC_FntnMtl", I tweak the alpha to show its reflection bolder. It is obvious, your "DP_FntMetal01" shows better details there 😁 To tell the truth, I'd prefer the "LMA_water02" than "LUN_water01"- as it looks more natural. It fits well with the fountain panel and Taris' ambience overall, matter of personal preferences really. 😁
  12. Awesome! Thanks, DP! Hahah, yeah- I haven't figure out yet how to create those panels like you did, but I have managed to locate what mesh are used for the panel's flooring. An earlier attempt of guessing what floor that should replace the "LTS_Bwall04" which have been used with the vanilla model: I believe the "LTS_Bwall04" used for the floor should be changed, but haven't figured out yet what it should be.
  13. [Updated to v1.0.1: August 26, 2018] A quick heads-up to the mod's page. The mod has been updated to v1.0.1 version. So, what's new in version v1.0.1? All .WAVs has been compressed optimally, and now they are exported as Mono-channel. Resulting in a more efficient file size, and how they all sounded now will blend better with the game. This is an optional update. This aim to accommodate efficiency, but at the same time improving how the voices sounds in-game; as lately I have learnt that implementing Mono-channel [in this case; Ajunta Pall's "Legends" voice] will result in better blend with the ambient of the game. I have been using this version in my playthrough also. 😁 Anyway, v1.0- the initial release; which utilised Stereo-channel but is extra on its size, will still be available to download for you.
  14. Many thanks for considering my query and, then comes-up with an amazing settlement. Very much appreciated. In the mean time I will try to fiddle around with the said area model. Hoping to find something to help at least.
  15. Damn. The very first time I opened the post there wasn't a preview already, but then minutes ago... That is awesome, DP! I mean, how could that be a "quick and dirty example"? That is simply amazing. 😂 Thanks for the insight! I hope I can do this myself, but at the very least; would you consider releasing that as a mod? I really want to feel that experience strolling the Taris' city-walk with fountain init! 😁 I have no any idea actually; how my vision about the mini-pool already presented right at the very front of my eyes; and it was lot better than my expectation to tell the truth! 🙌
  16. [Updated: April 26, 2020] Greetings, fellow Jedi! Hope you all doing fine. This will be an archive-thread-miniwiki to accommodate my curiousness in some aspects from either KotOR/TSL; either with placeables, textures , models, anything- which is too valuable to lost for just a status update but is too exclusive for each of them to have a single thread, in my perspective. I have archived some past random questions with its essential responses, should their information would be useful and will be easy enough to have access to: [August 14, 2018] PlasticCrate_cylinder [August 16, 2018] LTS_Rwall01 [August 19, 2018] PLC_Statue2 [August 24, 2018] Taris' Upper City Cantina Entrance Wall Panel [August 28, 2018] Taris' Upper City South Fountains [M02ac_02b_02e] [August 30, 2018] Ebon Hawk's Unique Cubemaps [CM_eh] [September 12, 2018] Locate Area Model [September 12, 2018] Sith Soldier Bump Map Restoration [September 17, 2018] Bump-map Breaks Level Geometry Animation? [December 10, 2018] Jedi Enclave's "Unused" Bump-map [November 08, 2019] Trigger's ScriptOnEnter x GetEnteringObject [November 24, 2019] ActionJumpToLocation >= ActionJumpToObject [December 08, 2019] Rakatan "SWAG" Idle Animation VS ANIMATION_LOOPING_TALK_NORMAL [December 11, 2019] [Success] VS [Failure] [December 14, 2019] GetNearestCreature > GetPartyMemberByIndex [April 26, 2020] TSL's Hologram ____________________________________________ That was some questions-responses that I thought would need a proper archiving should they delivered any useful information for future modding attempt. Also, I'm taking this opportunity to ask to the forums too. Will it be possible to change that grey area in the center of Taris' city-walk to some kind of a mini-pool with water model/textures in it? One example in mind that could be used as a reference is this mini-pool inside Davik's estate: Many thanks for considering this!
    Nice touch-ups! I have noticed some unique details which are not found from another HK-47 textures. I am certain with an alpha masking and utilizing in-game specularities such as mycube or CM_Baremetal -like it has to- this retexture had the potential to be a decent HK-47 representatives. In-game preview:
  17. ebmar


    Thanks for the feedback! I have decompiled the model to ASCII using MDLEdit back then, but still it didn't work. Good news is; I've got the import feature working now, and the issue was because I set the "usemax" inside the kotormax.ini to 1- which should have been 0 for the import feature to work on my end.
  18. Hi, JustABitAgroed! From what I have learnt; you would need to create a transparency using the alpha channel of the image, so the only part of the icon that will appear in the game is the intended part. I am using an icon from Darth Vhail's "Rey's Clothing" for an example, and Adobe Photoshop CC as the working program: A resolution of 128x128 to 256x256 TGA exported format would be sufficient for an icon, I believe- as it will be rescaled automatically in-game. Edit: Anyways, keep in mind that solid black in alpha will result in 100% transparency, while grey alpha will probably result in about 99% to 1% transparency [depends on how solid the grey was], and solid white will result in 0% transparency or 100% opaque.
    Fantastic! It does working on my end [obviously], and behalfing management of the Upper City cantina we'd like to testimones: "Many thanks for fixing our panels, DarthParametric!" "The works are neat and tidy; very professional!" 😁 Permanent spot in the mod list has been filled. In-game preview:
  19. Who needs a bump-map when you can have a CM_BrutalBaremetal? PLC_Statue4 lol.
  20. ebmar


    Greetings, fellow Jedi and TS! I'm trying to get support here. I am using gmax with KotORmax installed for the first time. And when I tried to import a model, an error was shown like this one: As I am new with 3D modelling and had zero experience with the said program, I have no idea of what's going on here. Any constructive feedback about this issue I am having are very much appreciated then. With respect and all the best, -eb
  21. After countless time revisiting the Upper City cantina, I have just noticed a weird thing with its wall. I thought this problem was local with my end, but then I checked some UC cantina's footage on YT and it seems it was shown on others end too. Is this black wall thing fixable?




    1. DarthParametric
    2. Salk


      Very well spotted, ebmar!

      I wish I could help you with fixing it but alas, it seems way beyond my knowledge.

      If you do learn how to use GMax or Blender and come with a fix, please let us know. :cheers:

      Blind as I am I haven't noticed our heroic DarthParametric's punctual remedy!

      I'll test it right away!



      And yes, it works! Thanks a lot!

    3. ebmar


      As currently I'm on my mobile right now, I can't actually tested the fix. Many thanks DarthParametric for the fix; looking very forwards to have it a test!

      Reach out again soon!

      Edit: Yes! It is working, @DarthParametric! Many thanks for the fix. :cheers:




      Very well spotted, ebmar!

      Takes 15 years to fix the panels lol. 🤣

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