A Future Pilot

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A Future Pilot last won the day on January 27 2024

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165 Jedi Grand Master

About A Future Pilot

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    Jedi Knight

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    TN, USA

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  1. Hello everyone! Over the last little bit we've been requesting permission from all of the authors whose content is in the K1CP to host binaries on GitHub. Well, we've finally got permission from the last few people, so be on the lookout soon for releases to be downloadable from https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch We'll continue to also keep the release here on DeadlyStream up-to-date, but now you'll be able to get alpha and beta builds from GitHub to help us test, or to get your hands on the latest fixes. Enjoy!
  2. @SovereignXII Sorry for the delay in getting back to you! @DarthParametric just provided me a fix for your issue. Re-add the files you removed, and then download the Update zip file and copy the file from Override to your Override.
  3. Hmmm...it seems you don't have the right permissions. Try right clicking on the TSLPatcher and running it as an administrator.
  4. Could the .tga extract also automatically extract the .txi?
  5. To everyone eagerly awaiting, version 1.8 has officially been released! You can grab it on the download page. Please let us know if you run into any issues with it! A huge thanks to @DarthParametric and @JCarter426 for the immense amount of work they put into this release!
  6. View File End of Line Converter I recently discovered that KOTOR doesn't handle non-Windows EOLs. Issues can range from envmaps not working to the game crashing. This is a simple batch file that when dropped into your Override folder will convert the line endings on all of your .txi, .vis, and .lyt files. Submitter A Future Pilot Submitted 12/01/2019 Category Modding Tools  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    I recently discovered that KOTOR doesn't handle non-Windows EOLs. Issues can range from envmaps not working to the game crashing. This is a simple batch file that when dropped into your Override folder will convert the line endings on all of your .txi, .vis, and .lyt files.
  8. Hello, thanks for the mod! It looks like the StackSize of the rakghoul serum has been incorrectly set to 99 in its .uti. I just wanted to give you a heads-up
  9. In reference to the last few posts I'm happy to announce that we're officially moving 1.8's release date from Soon™ to Very Soon™ 😀
  10. Hello! Thanks for the awesome mod! I'm currently running into an issue anytime I see a twilek in-game where a popup shows up behind the game that says "Invalid bumpmap: Twilek_M01b7=.tga" Sometimes instead of 7= it will have weird symbols. Edit: This seems to have been caused by .txi files from ebmar's txi pack overriding the built-in info in your .tpc files. After removing the offending .txis, I haven't seen this issue.
  11. Any mods that you would like to override the K1CP just need to be installed after it. Anything put into the override folder will take precedence over the K1CP changes in the various .mod files in the modules folder.
  12. I think all three of these would fit in the K1CP. Thanks for the suggestions!
  13. Howdy! I've played KOTOR on Linux before with mods, and there are two ways I've found that work well for mods: 1. Install them through Wine. Honestly I would recommend playing the whole game through Wine, since it has perfect compatibility, and I've never encountered an issue with it. To make it easier you can use PlayOnLinux (but don't use the built-in KOTOR script). If you wanna try it out and run into any trouble, let me know and I can help! 2. You can install KOTOR and all of its mods in a Windows environment (either an actual machine, or a VM running Windows), then copy the entire game directory in place of your directory on Linux. Let me know if you need any more help!
  14. Out of curiosity, will they be compatible with the community patches?