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About DarthParametric

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    Dark Lord of the Sith
  • Birthday 03/12/1976

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  1. Because that's how the limited system they implemented works. Bodies are presets in appearance.2da, one model per armour class. Since the columns are hardcoded and we can't add more, the only way to get a unique body for a given armour is to create a disguise. And that's a pain in the ass if you want the character's head showing.
  2. Extract into the game's Override folder. I was lazy and only did them as a Star Forge Robes/Revan's Robes replacement, so just add the item for those to your inventory via console command or KSE.
  3. Yeah the door meshes have a white self-illum. But I think all doors probably have self-illum, since they aren't lightmapped. That's a bad combo with a white texture, although the degree to which it glows depends on the environment.
  4. No. For starters, CM_Bright is blue. Could be the door has self-illum enabled though. What's the door type?
  5. Hrm, can't see anything obvious loading up the layout with the edited models, so it seems like it's not the level models. Load up the module in Holocron Toolset and see if anything shows up there in the GIT editor. There's also the possibility of something being spawned in by script I guess.
  6. Remix uses a custom DXVK wrapper for DX9 to Vulkan. I would assume because it's open source and multiplatform. Not sure if it's possible to bridge that and get Remix to accept the Zink input. Might require custom code.
  7. Interesting. Does it actually work with Remix though? Edit: Wait, that's DirectX 12. That's not going to work then I guess, since Remix needs 8/9. Oh well. Still might have other uses though.
  8. KSE got taken over by @Fair Strides many moons ago and I think someone else was helping with the last few versions? FS would have to chime in with the specifics. By the advent of v0.7, JdNoa was the primary author I believe. Fred Tetra contributed to changes in v0.6, FS and Varsity Puppet contributed to the changes in v0.7.
  9. No? They were were always shit. The implementation is fundamentally broken and not recommended for use by anyone. Aside from that, basically other than TSLRCM/M4-78 and Effix's various mods, pretty much everything on there is stolen and uploaded without permission. HP is a relatively new tool. Aside from being multi-platform, it opens up some possibilities beyond what TSLPatcher can handle. You can hotlink to DS-hosted textures, although only as regular embeds in a post, not in the image carousel the mod pages have. I don't know whether mod page images have a maximum upload count. Probably a question that only @Tyvokka can answer fully. I would really question whether any mod actually needs 70-odd preview images though. Just attach a curated selection of a dozen or so to the mod page and link to an offsite gallery with the full showcase for those that want it.
  10. I wasn't saying that you specifically should do it, just that Salk's request would make more sense if it harvested the heads and plonked them on the standard bodies. Someone else could do surgery. Left as-is they would be compatible with your textures with no further effort, but if you allow 3rd party mod reuse then they could probably stand to be remapped. You shouldn't be encouraging the use of Workshop mods. And no, loose textures aren't any more compatible with Workshop mods than other mods. Mac and Linux users can use the multi-platform HoloPatcher as a drop-in replacement for TSLPatcher, if it is required.
  11. It's not a "glitch", you just broke your install with incompatible mods.
  12. If you're going to start chopping up body parts, you'd be better off just lopping off the lite heads and turning them into standalone heads and using them on the "full fat" bodies, since that seems to be the only thing you're actually after.
  13. No, there will never be Iriaz in K1CP. It's not a content restoration mod. Besides, doesn't the K1R installer already offer Iriaz as a standalone option? Although presumably it would need to edit OnEnters and thus be a hard incompatibility with K1CP.
  14. No, K1 models do not work for TSL, or vice-versa. They need to be recompiled for the target game. I have no interest in creating a TSL version.