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About DarthParametric

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    Dark Lord of the Sith
  • Birthday 03/12/1976

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  1. That literally makes no sense. A single PC can do both. Why would you waste money on a whole second PC when you could just put all that money into a single PC?
  2. That's not a patch, it's a cracked exe. Presumably the Aspyr version.
  3. You're thinking of Flawless Widescreen, which patches the game in memory. You should never use it, precisely because it causes crashes. UniWS permanently edits the exe, the same as manually hex editing it.
  4. All of it is possible, none of it is probable. Take it from someone that knows: never go full total conversion.
  5. I thought we addressed flaky animation resumption in K1CP at some point, at least for specific instances anyway.
  6. KBlender will automatically load all referenced textures as long as you have defined the texture locations in its settings under Edit -> Preferences -> Add-Ons: You can specify multiple folders separated by a semi-colon ( ; ).
  7. Milliseconds. A script that took seconds to execute would make the game freeze and unplayable. If you mean how often do they re-execute, then yes, every creature will have multiple scripts firing every round, so every 3-6 seconds. Also anything else with a heartbeat, like placeables and so forth.
  8. Per a comment from JC back in 2022: KOTOR 1 goes up to 72 and KOTOR 2 goes up to 109 I think the free/unused ones in K1 start in the 50s. You'd have to check the vanilla scripts to see what they use. Also note that various mods also make use of them which could lead to compatibility issues. Which reminds me, I should probably revert a few of those cases in K1CP and use the standard plot booleans instead.
  9. You'll want to be careful with that. I'm unsure if there are any unused local numbers in K1. I believe I did test the theoretical limits at some point previously though, and posted about it in the DS Discord server. Edit: Ah, 0 to 7, and all of them are used by AI scripts.
  10. Anything with the MG prefix is "minigame", i.e. either turret or swoop (the former in this case). Stunt is a layout only used for cutscene versions of the Hawk. You should refer to the list below for the module names (i.e. m12aa.lyt is the one you want) :
  11. Yes, just download the two includes (the main cp_inc_k1 is an include for the debug) and add #include "cp_inc_debug" to the top of your script as you would any other include and have them in the same folder when you compile. You could always switch to globals instead I guess. I generally prefer not to do that unless necessary, but it may be in this case.
  12. No, only GetHasSpellEffect. They didn't add it in TSL either. Not ideal, no, but there aren't really any alternatives. Although you don't need to do the actual effect check on every character, since you can first parse through and eliminate any non-party NPCs that don't have a suitable weapon equipped (and possibly in their inventory, since they could have swapped to melee). Alternatively, have the effect set a local (unused) boolean that the heartbeat can check for the presence of. Edit: Btw, this may be useful to you while debugging - https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/blob/master/Source/cp_inc_debug.nss
  13. Yeah the heartbeat is not consistent on PC. My assumption was always that it was probably tied to frame rate (or more specifically frame time), but it's extremely difficult to test with any sort of accuracy. My prior experiments clocked it at anywhere from 3 to 6 on average when capped at 60fps. Never got around to trying it with the game capped at 30fps.
  14. A good part of doing anything significant in the game - like your recruitment/companion mod example - requires scripting. That's not something you can really make a video about.