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Everything posted by djnugent

  1. djnugent


    Good info... and I completely agree. This game is 13 years old now... We should be able to use it without the Master Squint Force Power...
  2. djnugent


    Yeah...that's what I had read and researched myself thinking that if it could be done than somebody would have already. Problem was the last forums I could find relating to it were years old now and I was hoping they'd be obsolete. Thanks for looking into it FS! Appreciate the feedback. Guess I'll just have to squint harder...
  3. I agree - Force Zombie minion battle is in order. Ideas: 1. Uses maybe 4-8 minions who surround him purely for the purpose of replenishing his health when he drops to a certain HP - maybe do it so the first time Nihilus drains 1 minion, then 2 minions, then 3 and so indicate that he needs to draw in more the longer the fight goes 2. In the game, the animations showed Nihilus using something that looked like a cross between Force Storm and Drain Life. Is there a way to give him the ability to attack with both at the same time? That would be devastating. 3. Um..Force Camoflauge maybe? Invisibility always sucks... 4. Just being around him could also trigger 'Poison' type stat drops - if Nihilus is the consumer of life, than it would kind of make sense if being in his presence alone would be slowly killing you :-) Thanks for readin!
  4. Neat.. Very nice. So...are his DS impressions going to make him turn from Ewan to Sir Alec? I'm very interested to see what a Dark Side Obi-Wan looks like...
  5. djnugent


    Just K1 - TSL has no issues Inventory screens and such - HUD is REALLY small, but in the right spot, so not really complaining
  6. djnugent


    I'm talkin ALL the menus. Running at a resolution of 1920 x 1080 using Flawless Widescreen. Everything I've been able to find says the menus can't be resized. Menus won't display above 800x600 - I'd be willing to give anything you had a shot.
  7. djnugent


    1 and a half requests for KOTOR1 1 - any way to make boxes, chests, lockers, etc change to '(THINGY) - EMPTY' after all items have been cleared, like it does in TSL? AND A HALF - Am I correct in assuming that the world has given up on making the menu/gui a size that a normal person can actually read? Been reading up on it and people are saying 800x600 is hard-coded into the software... but how can that be? My eyeballs hurt... Just checking :-)
  8. Hey, thanks for the input. I'll give this one a try for sure on my next play through.
  9. Oh...I meant a before an after like Vanilla vs Mod. Because I'm in Tatooine right now in my game (had to reinstall after K1R and Rece's Crystal mod... just had to )... and I actually twitching here in my seat with the decision to keep going or wait until your reworks come out. Cuz Taris was pretty good with another re-texture mod installed (Think it was one of Xarrwarz re-skins). Your skyboxes are GREAT. Yours actually looks like I'm staring out into the Dune Sea...
  10. Drool....droooolllll...... There is no emoticon for the awesomeness!!! Seriously, that looks unreal, that's how real it looks. Just a request - can we get a before and after screenshot...? Only so I can drool more... Kexikus these are truly beautiful. You should be very very proud.
  11. Quick question - What's in Part3.part2? I keep getting an error when trying to extract it.
  12. So...yeah. I re-copied the .txi files... and it looks great. Just like it should. Just like you said.... So....yeah Read the F***in directions, people........ ....... ... :-P Thank you, Jorak Uln. May your shwartz always be bigger than mine.
  13. Hmmm. Not sure what would have caused an incompatibility. I reinstalled with your instructions. Used Xnview. I'll try it again. If I have the same problem I'll upload a screen shot. Thank you!
  14. Wow...Not cool... Especially considering exactly how much work obviously went into this... Anyways, I just have a quick question - I installed this and I'm getting a bunch of transparent textures (Chairs, Walls) - maybe the animated textures aren't mapping the CM_ textures correctly. Which .2da file is it that needs to be modified to point towards the correct cubemap?
  15. This is AWESOME!!!! Any chance the HK-47 mdl's and mdx's are compatible w/ KOTOR1? If not... Any chance we could get one that is....?
  16. YES!!! Finally...when the HK-50's and HK-51's claim to be upgrades, it's not just because they have shinier bodies...
  17. What about modifying the mod so that it replaces a lot of the power crystals instead of adding... Cuz a lot of the vanilla power crystals are practically useless... Like these: Nextor - Damage +1 KEEN Ruusan - Wisdom +1 Charisma +1 Dragite - Damage +1 Constitution +1 Lorrdian Gemstone - Blaster Bolt Deflect +3 Rubat - Damage +1 Attack +1 Velmorite - Dexterity +1 KEEN While not completely useless, they don't really add much... KEEN is a decent feature, but really depends on Critical Strike ability... Okay, so it's only 6 crystals....
  18. Kyle Katarn is his OWN father... Kyle Katarn once participated in the annual chili cook-off on the lush planet of Tatooine... Kreia once challenged Kyle Katarn to "look me in the eyes and say that"... Kyle Katarn ALWAYS wins Swoop Races by default... Kyle Katarn once took his Wookies to Endor. Kyle got angry and bopped the Wookies on the head... Kyle Katarn's Shwartz is the biggest around. Period. Sandpeople wear all those layers because Kyle Katarn once told them he thought they were ugly... Kyle Katarn doesn't have navigational erros; If the planet isn't there, he glares at the spot until the planet moves there of it's own volition. Kyle Katarn does not "Use the Force" - He slaps it around until it just starts doing random things for him. Kyle Katarn invented the "Sith" so he would have something to do while his wife was watching her soaps... Kyle Katarn's lightsaber can handle up to 10 opponents simultaneously - all by itself. (it takes a very special lightsaber to be Kyle Katarn's lightsaber...) Chuck Norris was born when one of Kyle Katarn's beard-hairs roundhouse-kicked a woman in a galaxy far, far away until she was pregnant. The parts from Kyle Katarn's first lightsaber were later rebuilt into a military facility known as the 'Death Star'. For Kyle Katarn there is no such thing as "too much alcohol" - alcohol has too much Kyle Katarn. Greedo DID shoot first - he thought he saw Kyle Katarn over Han's shoulder and panicked... Darth Nihilus respectfully removes his mask and speaks perfect Basic when speaking to Kyle Katarn. Kyle Katarn is the only bounty Boba Fett refused out of fear. Kyle Katarn didn't prevent the Jedi Purge because he was asleep...and no one dared wake him... Mustafar was created to percolate Kyle Katarn's coffee... Darth Tulak Hord learned everything he knew about lightsaber combat by watching reruns of Kyle Katarn in super slow-mo. Kyle Katarn once caught his junk in his zipper - the zipper imploded under the pressure and created the FORCE. Kyle Katarn does not crash into planets - planets get in his way, and then they become asteroid fields. The Future is exactly where Kyle Katarn says it is, and is NEVER in motion until Kyle Katarn gives it strict permission...and even then, the Future waits for Kyle Katarn to go first. Kyle Katarn made it acceptable for a Parsec to be an interchangeable measurement of distance and time... ***I hope some of these make you laugh!!!***
  19. I'm having some issues registering Gmax for any kind of use - the link to register it is broken, and the HTML file states that it us unsupported past IE5. Can somebody tell me how to get it up and running? Thank you! ****Disregard - found instructions here *****
  20. Wow, above and beyond what I was hoping for, thank you! As for my "skills"... yeah, novice at best. Just starting, learning more all the time. Trying to start with big ideas in small sizes to start with... Thanks again, Jorak Uln. I'll try some stuff out and with any luck in the next couple of days I'll have something to show for it. Which would be a nice change....
  21. Downloaded! Great freakin resource! Thank you, Malkior! Now...can anybody point me towards a guide on how to integrate a new cube/bumpmap into the game...?
  22. Does anybody know where I can get a cubemap for a Drexl? I'm working on some textures and I feel that this is the biggest thing missing. I was about to download the Modders' Resource Cubemap Pack but I wanted to make sure first. Plus, I don't have a clue on how to build one myself... Thanks!
  23. Wow, really nice job here, Rece! I can't believe you created unique item pics for each crystal - nicely done! I will be putting this in override for SURE!!!
  24. djnugent

    Nubian Queen Talia

    Ha. Only reason I even knew was because I had finished the Onderon sequence about 20 min before I saw this posted - it looks fantastic. Just thought I'd nicely nerd you before somebody else doesn't nicely nerd you... :-P