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About heyorange

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  1. heyorange

    Czerka Redux

    This looks really awesome! A fine adition to next playthrough collection!
  2. If it's based on JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes it should be compatible, though this mod is just a texture for the standard robes.
  3. If you installed it after my mod then just copy man27_sithdip.utc from my mod into Override folder and replace it. I presume it should help if this mod edits the appearance of the Commander Grann NPC.
  4. I presume the fact that K1CP uses man27_sithdip.utc which I modified in my mode might have caused. It's just there are no other files that are being in use here, so I concluded it should have worked, especially knowing that everything else is working correctly. It's a shane you don't have a savegame before entering the base. You don't even have autosave?
  5. Inside the embassy is the man27 module In the changes.ini of the RC-K1CP modification "[InstallList] ... install_folder7=Modules\manm27aa.mod ... [install_folder7] Replace0=man27_sithlieu.dlg ..." Other then that there no changes to the module whatsoever Try removing man27_sithdip.utc file from the Override folder and load the savegame before entering the module 27 (Sith Embassy) for the first time.
  6. Hm... I've never checked compability with K1CP only with K1R. If K1CP changes something in the appearance of Commander Gran then It's understandable that something might have went went wrong, especially if K1CP makes changes in appearance.2da
  7. Looks pretty cool! I wonder how will the bigger Sith Officer uniform mod look like!
  8. Hi! That's strange. It's a texture modification, it works permanently. Did you do anything after it worked for the first time? Installed some mods? Deleted something from Override folder? Can you share a screenshot?
  9. Hi! Thanks! I'm glad that someone wants to) Interesting suggestion regarding the trousers colour. Guess I'll need to make both and make the screenshots to compare. Unfortunately, I won't have time to continue the mod in the near future. But when the time comes I'll try what you suggest! Thanks again!
  10. Well, if you want to have several robe models in the game I suggest using existing slot for Revan robes. In the TSL it is unused as far as I remember.