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4 points
3 pointsRe: Onderon Uniform Reformation I'm not one for texturing clothing. It's not a strength of mine. However I do like doing detail work and I noticed something on the Onderon Officer's uniform texture which gave me a little inspiration. It's the logo in the red circle which I've attached. That logo? That I think I could work on. So I remade the patch. And then I made two buttons (one in gold for officers and one in silver/pewter for the enlisted) for the leather container that looks like it's on the uniform belt. For the patch or the buttons, I don't require attribution so use them if they may be helpful.
2 pointsThere are a bunch of other items like this in the game: - no unique name - no unique item description - not upgradable - stronger then their standard counterparts These type of items are used by enemies, but these ones never drop, except these 2. Because of this i think these type of items only ment to make the fights harder, but not to be lootable.
2 pointsYou're welcome. I hope that you can find some use of it for the Community Patch. I think for what I work on next, I'm going to concentrate on upgrading some of my older mods. Give 'em the ol' HD treatment. Plus I feel the need to work on some of the Revenge of Revan textures that I contributed; upscale them too. That's one of the reasons why I started this huge upscale project: to make the models better for other character textures. So, I'll just be picking away at the models and textures that I haven't finished for this mod, in whatever order I need them.
1 pointThanks for pointing them out, I have added the ambient & diffuse fix to my list. I could see that the Twi'lek male (twilek_m.mdl) & Corran Falt (n_correnfalth.mdl) had the issue, but the Sith Officer head (sith_off.mdl) looked correct already. Also, the twilek_m02.mdl, twilek_m03.mdl, n_komadh.mdl, n_xorh.mdl, & n_zharh.mdl models in TSL have the correct settings, but are not used in-game. By default the TSL heads.2da file uses twilek_m for all male Twi'leks, and just swaps the alttexture column. So in the meantime, editing the heads.2da file can solve the issues as well. I will still eventually fix the model though, because I can't just let things go π
1 pointIn case anyone was worried about Logan23, I managed to get a hold of him via text messages this week. He sounds like he's doing ok, just real world takes precedence. I know how real world things can get. The past few years have been tough for me too, but I wouldn't want to derail this thread talking about my struggles. I'm here now, making mods, and that's what matters π. I can't speak for Logan23, but I consider the models and textures that I create specifically for RoR to not be modder's resources. That would take away from the uniqueness of RoR. I've made some nifty characters that I'd like to keep special just for RoR. Hopefully you'll get to see them someday. N-DReW25 and the team are more in the loop than I am about when things might happen. If I make some models and textures that are more common, then I will probably choose to make those open to all. For example, my Modder's Resource: Specialized Combat Suits for KotOR and TSL v1 was originally made for use with RoR, but I felt that other people can use it too. By the way, I am about halfway done making HD versions of that mod. I just tend to get sidetracked a lot. Like now I'm revamping my Jedi Robe neck fixed models and textures, both for RoR and for a general resource. Always lots to work on. I just found that the more time I spend on the public side (forums, PMs) then the less time I have for painting textures, which is why I was modding in the background for so long.
1 pointAs I suspected, wrong installation order was the cause of the errors you encountered. The Extended Enclave compatibility patch of my Handmaiden romance mod has instructed that if you want to use my mod with Extended Enclave, you should install Extended Enclave AFTER my mod. The Instruction section of the KOTOR Community Portal's mod build has clearly stated that: So if you want to use my Handmaiden/Disciple romance mod, you should read and understand my mod's instructions first BEFORE installing the KOTOR Communtiy Portal's mod build. Yes, you still must reinstall your game and the mods, because you have messed up the installation of the mod build and my mod by installing my mod only after Extended Enclave. If you do not reinstall, you will likely encounter potentially game-breaking issues when you reach the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence when you return to Dantooine after meeting the Jedi Masters. Did you not read mod descriptions before you installed a mod? Both the KOTOR Community Portal and the download page of Extended Enclave itself has stated that it restores content to the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence on Dantooine. The KOTOR Community Portal's description of Extended Enclave: Description of the download page of Extended Enclave: Since you have not reached the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence yet, you may back up your current saves and use your current saves after you reinstall the game and the mods.
1 pointJC already has a mod that adds in more lightsaber color options. These may be similar to what you're asking for.
1 pointMaybe something is wrong with your .wok files? I was working on a Coruscant project a while ago (but it was left in beta state), and if I remember correctly had to delete objects with tags 'corcrate' and 'box1'. Try .wok files from this archive.952cor walls.7z Also, what is the endgoal of your project? I can help you with setting up map for 953cor module and some other things.
1 pointOkay so I did a clean install of all my mods apart from the 4x upscale texture world mod and it works now. I don't know if that was the cause or it was just another mod which installed incorrectly but yeah. Thanks for the advice though guys
1 pointI came across TamerBill's content pack which adds some feats and force powers to TSL, and wanted to learn how to do the same to try to add a Superior Dueling feat to Jedi Warmaster. I came across this thread https://deadlystream.com/topic/8747-jedi-master-improvements-and-superior-duelling/ which kind of pointed me in the right direction, I understand, both from this post and general searching that feats are hardcoded into the game and I can't just modify feats.2da, I have to also write a script that checks for my feat. However, unfortunately for me I am dummy stupid and have absolutely zero programming knowledge and have no clue how to write a script and could use a lot of help if anyone is knowledgeable in how to accomplish this. Really the only two things I know for sure is that I have to use the conditional GetHasFeat in a relevant script but I'm not sure what a relevant script would be in my case, in that thread he tells the OP it's k_inc_force, would that be the same in thise case, if so where and if not then which script and where in there, can it be anywhere in the script as long as it's formatted correctly and doesn't break anything else up? I'd like the feat to keep progressing the dueling feats, I think these two effects from nwscript.nss do what I want but I'm not certain effect EffectACIncrease(int nValue, int nModifyType=AC_DODGE_BONUS, int nDamageType=AC_VS_DAMAGE_TYPE_ALL); effect EffectAttackIncrease(int nBonus, int nModifierType=ATTACK_BONUS_MISC); To really show how hopeless I am though, I don't even know what to do with these if these even do what I want, nValue and nBonus are the size of the increases, do I set them equal to the number that I want? do I replace them with the number I want? and what about nModifyType and nDamageType, at the top of nwscript I see what I assume are values that are maybe what I should put here but I know so little that I'm afraid to do anything with it. I would also really like it if the feat functioned similarly to dueling, where at least I assume it checks if your offhand is empty before it applies it's effects but I have absolutely no clue how to achieve this at all. I've already messed around with my feats.2da and have managed to get an extra dummy feat chain to appear, so I was able to get that far but I honestly have no clue how to progress from here, I would really like to be able to compose a script but I don't even know the first thingany amount of help will be appreciated.
1 pointYou are, however I don't personally like the idea for several reasons. First, many players won't actually get Visas until they're level 15 already, which will generally prevent the problem being solved or even mitigated at all. Second (and feeding into the first issue), Visas is trivially easy to get influence with, so easy that it would be incredibly simple even at level 15 and two sparring sessions to get more influence with Visas than the Handmaiden--this also assumes that new players will actually go back and spar with the Handmaiden right at level 15, which is not super likely. And third and most importantly, I think locking the player out of access to Visas for a (to the player) arbitrary amount of time would seem extremely confusing and unfun; at best they might just be confused and annoyed that they have a new companion but can't use them, where at worst they may think they need to do something to resuscitate her and run around wasting a large amount of time trying to resolve her being unconscious. I am definitely open to alternate suggestions to resolve the underlying problem of the lockout, but I think this suggestion would create more confusion as well as not actually resolving the problem reliably.
1 pointView File 4x Upscale+ Character Textures & Model Fixes ================================================================ IF YOU ARE EVER IN ANY DOUBT ABOUT INSTALLING ANY MODS, PLEASE REMEMBER TO ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR FILES BEFORE INSTALLATION, JUST IN CASE. ================================================================ Description: This mod is more than just a simple process of running all the character textures through an A.I. upscaling program. The purpose is to increase the size and fidelity of the character textures while maintaining the painterly style of the original game artists. This mod does not attempt to create photo realistic textures or add extra detail (like zippers, clothing stitches, fabric patterns, skin pores, etc) that are not already part of the existing style. This mod also fixes many of the UVW mapping errors, lighting errors, and some XYZ errors that the original model .mdl & .mdx files may have had. The process followed is generally: run texture files through A.I. upscaling program multiple times using different settings. Some settings result in "crunchy" textures (high contrast, sharp edges). Some result in "soft" textures (smooth gradients, lower contrast, blurry edges). Some result in better straight/parallel lines. Early tests used Vance AI; Deep Image; ImageUpscaler; or Let's Enhance. Eventually Topaz Labs' Gigapixel AI was chosen and used on the majority of textures. combine textures in multi layered Photoshop file, using layer masks to isolate the best parts of each upscaled image. This allows for some portions to be smooth (like skin, glass, metal or tubing), others to be sharp (like burlap, skin folds, hair, scratches, etc). touch up by manually painting away errors (such as jaggies due to original low resolution jpeg compression). manually recolor areas that the original artists missed (like commoner clothes where the pants seat do not match the pant leg; or player armors where pouches are inconsistent between male & female; etc). strategically add painted detail (such as highlights and shadows along the shoulders and neck of Player Character soldier's underwear; adding glove details to armors F, G, H, I, J; etc). painting personal choices (like changing P_BastilaBA02 to have different pants and remove wrist & neck restraints than P_BastilaBAS01 slave outfit). recreating entire textures (such as Player Character male scoundrel dark side underwear PMBASD01). fix the models' UVW maps to reduce some texture stretching (like collar of TSL robes I); adjust areas that are poorly mapped to the wrong locations or too large/small (such as PFBD collar); fix edge seams from one area to another; close gaps (like Mission's arms). manually fix texture seams by copying small areas of the image from one area to another; stretching and scaling them. This should result in model seams that are hidden or difficult to notice. sometimes the Alpha 1 channel is upscaled, but usually it is recreated directly from the final HD color texture. personal choice to add punchthrough transparency to the Alpha 1 channels of some female head models' eyelashes (like P_BastilaH04). recreate the Normal map (for bumpyshiny effects) from the final HD color texture. These work best when saved as .tpc format For most models, they only needed to be manipulated in 3DS Max, exported, and then run through Taina's replacer. This is usually sufficient to fix any XYZ and/or UVW coordinates. I prefer Taina's replacer method so that the model retains its smoothing groups data. For some models (like C_RancorS or C_Terantanak), Taina's won't work, so for those files, I had to resort to manually hex editing the binary .mdl & .mdx files. This is a much more labourious process, but in the end I got them to work. A few models required fixing the model weights of individual verticies. This was done to reduce portions of the model clipping through other parts in different animations. Again, this was done by manually hex editing. For many head models, the UVW coordinates for the tongue and inside of mouth may be moved significantly, especially for the KotOR heads. This is because the originals often map the tongue to a single pixel located in the lips area, which results in almost no detail. By moving the UVW to a free area of the texture, there may be room for painting a detailed tongue. For the party members that have specific underwear textures and basic clothing textures, there has been an effort to make any skin areas (like hands & arms) match between them. Usually the hand area from the underwear texture is copied to the hand area of the clothes texture. This creates more consistency of the party characters' appearance. For low resolution versions of models (like C_Gammorean_Low, C_Protocol_Low, N_Swoopgang_low) or placeables (such as PLC_EndPlA, PLC_RakatCrp, Stunt_WarDrd01) the original textures were not simply upscaled. Instead, the new versions were actually taken from similar high resolution versions and scaled down. Sometimes the textures were rebuilt from parts of other higher resolution images, with some touch up painting. Included is a spreadsheet labelled "KotOR upscale completed list v0_52.xlsx" which has more detailed information as to what files were changed, and in what ways. As of this update, 52.71% of the texture files that I intend to upscale have been completed. As such, this mod should be considered a beta test. The percentage is calculated for both games together, however the mod is released with files separated for K1 & TSL. The spreadsheet was created with Google Sheets and exported as .xlsx, so hopefully the formatting remains correct. I have also attached a copy of the spreadsheet to this mod thread. There will be three versions of this mod to choose to download: 4x .tga version. Highest resolution, the typical texture is now 2048x2048 pixels which = 16MB. This version is a total 5.2GB, hopefully it isn't too large or cause problems for some PCs. This version is also the best choice to use as a modder's resource. 4x .tpc version. Created by running full size .tgas through tga2tpc program which compresses a 2048x2048 pixel file to 5.5MB. This version is a total of 1.8GB, so it should be easier on PC systems, with no noticeable loss of visual fidelity. 2x .tpc version. Created by reducing full size .tgas by half in Photoshop, then running them through tga2tpc which further compresses them to 1.4MB. This version is a total of 530MB, which should be much easier on PC systems. All versions include the same .mdl & .mdx files. I have tested the .tga version exclusively, but have not tested the .tpc versions in-game. Please let me know if there are any issues. Most of the screenshots have been taken in TSL, because I find that it renders the characters better and has higher resolution screen grabs. My computer doesn't seem to render some of the CM shader effects properly (especially the bumpyshinytexture CM_SpecMap always seems too strong on my computer). I would appreciate any in-game screen shots that you take of characters like Hutts, Rakghouls, Rakata, or Selkath so that I can compare how other computers render their shader. ================================================================ Compatiblity: For best results, the model and texture files included with this mod should be used together. In most cases, the models can be mixed and matched with textures from other mods, but results will vary. For instance, the other textures won't be as perfect along the seams. Some other photo realistic HD texture mods may have been created using the original model's UVW layout, which will not perfectly line up with this mod's corrected UVW maps. Conflicts may also occur if there is another mod uses a .tpc file with the same name as one of this mod's .tga files (or vice versa if you install one of the .tpc versions). I would suggest installing other large mods (such as "KotOR 1 Restoration" or "KOTOR 1 Community Patch") first, then this one. ================================================================ Installation: Copy and paste the desired model and texture files into KotOR's Override folder. You may need to over write any existing files, so always have a backup. An effort was made that these textures and models require no 2da editing. The folder marked "Reference Normal Map" is not required to be copied to the Override forlder. These .tga files are simply a modders' resource. The normal maps seem to work best if they are saved in .tpc format. The "Copy contents to Override" folder should already have .tpc files in it for the normal maps. ================================================================ Uninstall: Delete unwanted files from the game's Override folder. ================================================================ Thanks for modding tools: KOTOR Tool β Fred Tetra mdlops (used version 7a2) - cchargin, JdNoa NWMax β Joco Replacer - Taina tga2tpc - ndix UR KotOR/KotOR2 Savegame Editor v3.3.2 - tk102, Fair Strides Hex-editor XVI32 2.55 - Christian Maas ================================================================ Permission: Consider this as a modder's resource. I give permission to any modder to use these files as a base for their own creations; as long as their creation remains free to use (not for profit); and credit is given to me as the source of any modded files. Please include a statement that specifies this mod's title and version. The original credit of course goes to the talented artists who worked on the original games for BioWare and Obsidian. Without their work, none of this would have been possible. I have tried my best to maintain the artistic style that they created long ago. This mod may NOT be uploaded or redistributed, in whole or in part, to any mod hosting site without my explicit permission. As always, this mod is free for your non-commercial/personal use. There should never be a requirement to pay for it. If you like the work I do, and would like to encourage me to create more, you can always donate to my tip jar at https://buymeacoffee.com/redrob416 where the funds collected will be used towards additional graphics tools and software. ================================================================ THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE CORP/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHORS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. KotOR upscale completed list v0_52.xlsx Submitter redrob41 Submitted 02/06/2025 Category Skins K1R Compatible No For anyone wondering why I listed it as not compatible with K1 Restoration Project, I found that there were four texture files that conflict: PMBE06.tga PMBBS01.tga PFBE06.tga PFBBS01.tga It will be up to you, the user, to decide if you want to use the lower resolution (but painted black) textures that come with K1R; or if you want to use my higher resolution textures. It will simply be a matter of overwriting the files when you drop them into the Override folder. Beyond that I didn't see any conflicts with .mdl, .mdx, .tpc, or .txi files. But if anyone comes across any issues, please let me know.
1 pointI hadn't noticed this, but I didn't really test it in-game very thoroughly with all the animations. I'll check it out. I had started to re-create some of those Combat Suits after I upscaled all the vanilla textures, but I hadn't finished them all yet. I'll try to get back to it someday and provide all new 2048x2048 versions. I can check out the Czerka texture then. I would hope that I had fixed the UVWs already in my new 4x mod, so that the old 512x512 textures should work with the new models. There's always room for improvement. There are a lot of little changes and fixes, both UVW & texture, that I didn't specifically point out in the screenshots. I spent months trying to clarify all the changes, both in screen shots and in the text in the spreadsheet. I didn't want to spend even more time trying to catalogue everything. I'm glad that you noticed though. I also texture fixed the shoulder seam on the female rags, but didn't document it. For the most part that previous Party model fixes is either duplicated or improved upon by this new 4x mod. The old mod is still required for the Bastila head texture. The 4x mod supplies a 1024x1024 upscale that is faithful to the original art style; just the seams have been fixed; and added the transparency on hair and eyelashes. The old party fix mod supplied a 2048x2048 texture that adds a lot of photo realistic detail. I do plan on combining my Party model fixes with my old K1 underwear mod and upscale everything as well. I'm just adding some photo real details to Mission's head texture right now. I might do the same with the male party members. Once that's done, both of those old mods will be obsolete. Juhani Catlike Head will remain a separate mod, but I'll upscale that as well. I hadn't seen this mod before, as I've only had time to work on my own stuff. No time to check out the great work by other modders here. I like this mod's Mission armour models being resized for her. I haven't done any adding of backfaces like that mod does. I've only been editing the existing UVW & XYZ coordinates using Taina's Replacer tool (which can't handle adding or subtracting polygons). I hear there have been some nice improvement to tools for compiling models from Blender, but I've never used them. Hopefully someday I will have some free time to give it a try. You can always try mixing and matching PapaZinos' models with my 4x textures. Maybe they will be compatible enough.
1 pointHi! You only need to drop the k_ai_master.ncs file in the override folder of the game. The other file is the source code and you don't need to do anything with it.
1 pointSeems like a .vis issue from what you're describing. Vis determines what areas of the map are visible from another. It might seem silly but ChatGpt has become a decent troubleshooter to at least give some insight into issues when they arise that are hard to browse DS for due to their nature.
1 pointHi everyone, The modding scene has been quiet lately, but several authors have been releasing phenomenal pieces of work in the past couple of months. Two mods have come to my attention - JCβs Extra Saber Colors and Crazy34βs lightsaber blades: These two are phenomenal. Sadly, because these two mods use different models they create inconsistencies. While technically compatible, JCβs mod does not use Crazy34βs models and do not have the environmental lighting. I was wondering if someone more experienced with 3D modeling would be willing to create a patch that uses Crazy34βs models from the resources available (with JCβs permission if necessary).
1 point
1 pointI have some limited experience messing with the Sublevel room models, but I also am not familiar with the Coruscant mod at all. To my knowledge, you should be able to drag PapaZinos mdl, mdx, and wok for those rooms, rename them to 952cor variants matching the number that mod uses for the rooms, and that should give you an idea of what's working and what not. I've never changed what textures a model calls for so no clue on that front. The best thing I can tell you is to play around with it and see what happens. Walkmeshes might be your issue. Can potentially use the same from the Coruscant mod. Lightmaps I would try one, then the other, and see what if anything changes. Layouts might also need to be Coruscant's but again I;m not familiar with that mod's room layout so not sure. In case it's relevant, here's a map of the sublevel rooms
1 pointAight. So I wanted to use Rebuilt Jedi Enclave Sublevel new room models (by PapaZinos?) to renovate DeathDisco's Coruscant Jedi Temple models. Which means Jedi Enclave's room models 01, 19, 24 and 32. What else would I need to edit to convert those 610dan models into 952cor models aside from textures?? Lightmaps? .woks? .lyt's?? I am so lost.
1 pointNo there isn't a good way to manually connect screenshots between files. You would need to upload them twice, the file space of 70 images isn't a big deal though so upload whatever you want.
1 pointno, just characters. The full list is in the spreadsheet linked in the first post. Hopefully it is easy to open, I see that it has been download 6 times.
1 pointKSE got taken over by @Fair Strides many moons ago and I think someone else was helping with the last few versions? FS would have to chime in with the specifics. By the advent of v0.7, JdNoa was the primary author I believe. Fred Tetra contributed to changes in v0.6, FS and Varsity Puppet contributed to the changes in v0.7.
1 pointSo you tried opening it with Trask and it still did nothing then?
1 pointNo? They were were always shit. The implementation is fundamentally broken and not recommended for use by anyone. Aside from that, basically other than TSLRCM/M4-78 and Effix's various mods, pretty much everything on there is stolen and uploaded without permission. HP is a relatively new tool. Aside from being multi-platform, it opens up some possibilities beyond what TSLPatcher can handle. You can hotlink to DS-hosted textures, although only as regular embeds in a post, not in the image carousel the mod pages have. I don't know whether mod page images have a maximum upload count. Probably a question that only @Tyvokka can answer fully. I would really question whether any mod actually needs 70-odd preview images though. Just attach a curated selection of a dozen or so to the mod page and link to an offsite gallery with the full showcase for those that want it.
1 point
1 pointI wasn't saying that you specifically should do it, just that Salk's request would make more sense if it harvested the heads and plonked them on the standard bodies. Someone else could do surgery. Left as-is they would be compatible with your textures with no further effort, but if you allow 3rd party mod reuse then they could probably stand to be remapped. You shouldn't be encouraging the use of Workshop mods. And no, loose textures aren't any more compatible with Workshop mods than other mods. Mac and Linux users can use the multi-platform HoloPatcher as a drop-in replacement for TSLPatcher, if it is required.
1 pointTook a brief look at the descriptions of those two and they sound like what I need, thank you. I'll look into them To clarify, I already found the original game's .dlg file and exported it to work on via KotorTool, and I found a separate atton.dlg in the overrides folder from one of my mods I've installed (I also edited the existing overrides .dlg successfully). I'll check TSLRCM to see if it's the source of the atton.dlg in overrides. If I can get the aforementioned tools to cooperate, I'll put up a mod page somewhere, probably on this site. Atton not doing some amount of unarmed combat (especially with restored content of Handmaiden testing his skills) has bothered me for years, lol. If I'm still feeling it I'll take a crack at giving him full-on unarmed specialist that kicks in once you ask Atton how to kill Jedi, I have half an idea of how the code for that will work.
1 pointWhy don't you copy the mesh over to one of the female armor models and then use the sculpt tools to fit the armor around the existing model mesh? You can then delete the original mesh and the model will use the female animations. I think you're better off starting with a female model and trying to make it more masculine/androgynous than using the male model/animations and trying to make it look feminine. The proportions will just look awkward.
1 pointI was hoping to get some feedback on a model tweak I am working on and figured I may as well start a WIP thread. (At the very least I am a work-in-progress as a modderπ) First up (and so far only) my take on the female mandalorian. Let me just preface this by saying I have no idea what I am doing. This is the first time I am trying anything like this. In my first attempt I narrowed the shoulders of the model which caused weapons to float alongside the hands, and really mangled the offhand when trying to hold a melee weapon. Since I have no idea how to fix this I ended up just keeping the shoulders the same width and tried to create the illusion of narrower shoulders. Any tips, suggestions or critiques would be appreciated. Thanks.
1 pointA few days ago, I decided to start turning the Coruscant cutscene level into a functional landing pad for Coruscant. It has taken quite a lot of work but I have got the model itself to an acceptable state, at least, as it appears in Blender, however I haven't got it in-game yet because there are some issues with geometry and the walkmeshes moving when exported from Blender. The focus of this project has been to improve my skills with Blender, but I would also like to finish this and get it in-game to replace the Nar Shaddaa reskin from the Coruscant mod. But, it might end up being an overhaul for the Coruscant mod, only time will tell. For reference, here is a screenshot of the original level. And this is how it looks now. So far I have put around 15-20 hours into this and I think it looks good, I need to add some more buildings and do some work with the surrounding area, but it's coming along nicely. I have re-used the hallway from the council chambers to create this cross section corridor and the elevator from Peragus to be used to access different parts of Coruscant. It took quite a while to get these corners made and looking right, as well as the floor and ceiling textures. While it's not perfect, it was the best I could manage with the geometry and textures available to me. I also noticed that on the Nar Shaddaa landing pad and these landing pads, they are missing the safety barriers, which I think is fine for Nar Shaddaa, but not for Coruscant. As seen here, there were no barriers at three of the edges of the landing pad, but I added them in. The Ebon Hawk is now fixed, not sure what happened to the texture previously, I have also included the changes made by WildKarrde which gives the Ebon Hawk transparent windows. And that's everything so far, I am not entirely sure if I will finish this, but if I don't I will release the .blend file as a modders resource. Though I am hoping to fix the current issues and get it in-game! Thor110
1 pointOk i got a preliminary reskin of DeathDisco's Jedi Temple mod. Still a few things to fix or add. Just wondering if I should release it or keep it to myself. Take a look. Let me know what you think...
1 pointIt's a global setting in the options menu, not save-specific. It will apply to a new game unless you disable it.
1 pointWhich lightsaber pack mod did you use? Depending on how the mod was installed and how you deleted the mod, you may run into more issues. When you are asking for help with the game because you ran into issues that might be caused by a mod you used, naming the mod you used would be more helpful for others to help you figure out how to solve your issue.
1 pointZip up your save/s and attach the file. This is why the game explicitly tells you: "Save often, and in more than one slot".
1 pointSounds like a great fix for the vanilla game!
1 pointI agree with you and I proceeded to remedy to the sloppiness. I made a duplicate of the original line and of the original audio file then removed the part that would not sit well if spoken to Carth ("we both know") so that the inconsistency is gone. Now Karath will use the new line if the Protagonist is female.
1 pointIt's as simple as that. 9 times out of 10 a game like this will be written for a male PC, and then that script gets tweaked to make a female version. Sad but true. There's no deeper meaning, they just goofed on this bit when swapping the sexes.
1 pointI really wish you would tag mods on here that are either included(wholly or partially), or compatible with K1CP, as you do with K1R compatible mods, and include instructions for installing in the correct order to achieve compatibility...Thanks, it would really be a big help, and make the transition smoother....πIt's quite confusing not knowing which mods are compatible, which ones need some minor/major tweaking, or have to be installed in a certain order, or mods that are only partially included, to finish installing the whole mod. I'm attempting to make my build work with K1CP, and I am beginning to feel like it could be burdening getting help with things I should have already known ahead of time...Thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated.π
1 pointWasn't Mical a teenager at this point and/or had left the order already during the Mandalorian Wars because the Exile left?
1 pointI love it! And I second this π I could probably do a passable Mical impression if that's a character you wanted to include.
1 pointDo you plan on turning this into a mod? It looks great! I'd recommend having Atris or someone like that appear inside to complete the look since it's where the archives and relics are
1 point
1 point02 - [TUTORIAL] - Creating a Merchant - TSL 03 - [ADDITIONAL] - Using ERFEdit 04 - [ADDITIONAL] - Picking an NPC to place in your level - TSL 05 - [ADDITIONAL] - Picking Placeables to fill your level with - TSL 06 - [ADDITIONAL] - Picking Alien Voice Over Dialog for your level - TSL 07 - [ADDITIONAL] - Placement & Rotation 08 - [TUTORIAL] - Waypoint Markers 09 - [TUTORIAL] - Scripting Basics 10 - [EXAMPLE SCRIPT] - Spawning NPC's on Enter 11 - [EXAMPLE SCRIPT] - Making NPC's Hostile! 12 - [EXAMPLE SCRIPT] - Trigger talking to an NPC! 13 - [EXAMPLE SCRIPT] - Make an NPC walk randomly 14 - [EXAMPLE SCRIPT] - Place a dead NPC 15 - [EXAMPLE SCRIPTS] - Starting Conditionals 16 - [TUTORIAL] - Companion Vendor 17 - [TUTORIAL] - Upgradeable Items 18 - [ADDITIONAL] - Door Gallery 19 - [ADDITIONAL] - Main Menu Details 20 - [ADDITIONAL] - UI Customization 21 - [ADDITIONAL] - Recolouring Textures 22 - [ADDITIONAL] - Recolouring the .GUI Files and Textures 23 - [ADDITIONAL] - Different Camera Modes & Dynamically Spawned Grid Of Placeables 24 - [ADVANCED] - Hard Coded GUI Elements 25 - One Line Dialogs 26 - Writing a changes.ini for HoloPatcher 27 - [MOBILE] - Android & iOS Modding 28 - Hard Coded Class Selection Values 99 - [REQUESTS] - Submit a tutorial idea! I will continue to provide examples that I think might be useful to people, these are all for TSL so far. I hope these tutorials and any others I write will help people continue to make mods for KotOR 1 & 2. These tutorials are getting shorter and less detailed, I may or may not go back and re-write them at some point but if anyone struggles with anything feel free to message me and let me know what I haven't covered very well. Feel free to join the Discord for my project if you need help with anything related to KotOR modding and I will do my best to assist. Discord : https://discord.gg/S3YyfTjMV8 Base Game Scripts & How To Use Them KotOR Modding - Crash Course This 2 hour stream covers the basics of KotOR modding and some of the programs involved, I also regularly stream development of my mod project on Twitch/YouTube. Not all of this covers KotOR modding, there is about 10-20 minutes during the first hour where I get distracted and the second hour of it is mostly me playing games. These are the testing rooms but for K1 the room is lacking a texture but I find this just makes it easier to look through the characters. If anything in any of my short tutorials isn't clear or you don't understand for some reason then let me know and I will do what I can to help. ADVANCED TUTORIALS Utilising the following batch scripts and suggestions might take a while to get to grips with for some users but I would always advise doing so, it's very handy to have the ability to quickly generate a file list or compare things in various ways utilising the power of batch scripting. Comparing Level Contents Let's say you have two levels and you need to compare the differences of the contents. Extract everything from the original level to a folder called "level-a" and the modified folder to "level-b" Run the following batch script inside the "level-a" folder. file-list.bat Then delete or move the .bat file and move "file-list.txt" that it just created outside of the folder. You can also use this script to check that all the files exist. check-if-file-exists-from-file-list.bat You will have to move the file-list.txt and this script inside the folder to run the script. Now run this script at the same location as "file-list.txt" to run a file check against the contents of both folders. compare-files-from-file-list.bat Hopefully this might help someone, where I recently had to transfer all of my changes from manual installs to a TSLPatcher changes.ini file, I found this process helped speed the process up a little bit. From here, you should know which files differ and you can then use ChangeEdit.exe that comes with TSLPatcher in order to generate the differences between GFF files. Compiling Scripts If you have made it this far into the tutorial, you should already be familiar with compiling scripts, however for large projects you might need to recompile a lot of scripts at once, so here is a batch script that I used to do it. compile.bat Simply edit the script so that it points to the location of nwnnsscomp.exe for you and then you will be able to put the script into any folder that you need to compile a lot of scripts in and use it to do it all at once. If the scripts don't work for you, you might need to edit them and read them a bit in order to understand them and then to make sure that you have all of the right files in the right places. Thor110
1 point@Kreia: You're evil for showing the food and not sharing! @Deadman: Nice! Given the mixed opinions I've been trying to avoid hearing, I was expecting a crying face...
0 pointsHere you go - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/k1/[K1]_Player_Head_Atris_For_K1.7z I'm not sure what the other mod did, but I noticed that her neckline didn't line up with the vanilla heads when simply repositioning it based on the headhook, so made some adjustments to make sure she has the same vert positions for the base of the neck as the other heads. I also switched her to a K1 rig, which should alleviate the weird facial ticks you can get when directly porting a head from one game to the other. I only did a cursory check in-game, but it looked ok. The setup is extremely basic. Just the existing single face texture and portrait from TSL, no DS transitions. She also uses the vanilla K1 Caucasian underwear model, which is a poor match skin tone-wise. Did someone port the Handmaiden underwear to K1? That would probably be a better match with the original Handmaiden skin tone.