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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/04/2024 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Hi everyone ! 👋 I started modding 9 months ago and felt like creating a topic to centralise all my humble wip stuff. For extra context, i didnt have a single clue about code or the game files back then. Thx to the whole community tho, i'm getting better and better each days. I have several projects ongoing (maybe a bit too much than i can chew 😄), so it won't be centered around something in particular, but at least you can see what a beginner can perform with basic knowledge. Hand to hand combat Alien Heads : Kotor Cinematography Overhaul : Taris upper city fast travel : Deployable turret item : Resized beast models : Explosive script : New blaster type/color/sounds : Manaan underwater panel texture test : Lego Star Wars models : Wookie bandolier item/disguise : Non-jedi prestige class T3-M4 is a Workbench T3-M4 shock arms I have some nice stuff going on, everything is WIP and not close to any release yet. I'm playing around a lot with the game. Things like varied music for levels using TSL musics, TSL model ports, custom npc models using masks/armor pieces, new modules, fightable rancor encounters on Taris and much more ... I can't wait to pack the stuff into standalones and release it. Atm nothing yet, i'm going with the flow 🥳
  2. 4 points
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    View File Rebalanced Force Powers Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Rebalanced Force Powers [K1] v1.0.0 By Timbo Overview The Force has undergone some dramatic changes in this mod. In the Vanilla game, Force powers are relatively inexpensive regardless of your Force alignment. Rebalanced Force Powers addresses this problem by introducing FP costs that increase as you upgrade the powers and a simplified alignment system that’s specifically designed to complement these scaling changes. Another major change is that Skills have incorporated into some of the force powers. Awareness now extends the duration of buff spells and Treat Injury increases the potency of healing powers. This mod, alongside it’s companion mod Rebalanced Grenades, should bring some much-needed attention to Kotor 1’s underdeveloped skills system. The powers themselves have had some important shakeups as well. Many powers had the descriptions corrected, and had their bugs fixed. However, the biggest changes come in the form of nerfing many of the game’s buffs. Please note that Rebalanced Force Powers is a standalone version of Balance in the Force’s changes to the Force Power system. It contains updated changes that will appear in v2.0 of that mod as well. List of Changes Neutral Alignment now covers alignment scores of 40-59 with regards to Force powers. Alignments between 0 and 39 and give a 50% FP cost discount with dark side aligned powers and 50% FP cost increase with light side aligned powers. Alignments between 60 and 100 and give a 50% FP cost discount with light side aligned powers and 50% FP cost increase with dark side aligned powers. Heal, formerly known as Cure, costs 30 FP. It heals 5 + CHA + Treat Injury + level/2. Improved Heal, formerly known as Heal, costs 40 FP. It heals 15 + CHA + Treat Injury + level/2 and removes poison. Force Enhance, formerly known as Force Aura, costs 20 FP. It adds +2 physical attributes. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer stacks with Stimulants. Knight Enhance, formerly known as Force Shield, costs 30 FP. It adds +4 to physical attributes and Immunity: Critical Hits. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer stacks with Stimulants. Master Enhance, formerly known as Force Armor, costs 30 FP. It adds +6 physical attributes and adds Immunity: Critical Hits. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer stacks with Stimulants. Force mind, formerly known as Force Valor, costs 20 FP, adds +2 to mental attributes. It affects all party members. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. Knight Mind, formerly known as Knight Valor, costs 30 FP. It adds +4 mental attributes and Immunity: Poison. It affects all party members. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. Master Mind, formerly known as Master Valor, costs 40 FP. It adds +6 mental attributes and Immunity: Poison. It affects all party members. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. Stun costs 20 FP. Stasis costs 30 FP. Stasis Field costs 40 FP. Stun Droid costs 10 FP. Disable Droid costs 20 FP and it now requires a Fortitude Save as stated in its description. Destroy Droid costs 30 FP, adds 1d6(Level) and it now requires a Fortitude Save as stated in its description. Force Speed, formerly known as Burst of Speed, costs 20 FP, it doubles movement speed, and it adds +2 to Defense. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. It can be used with armor. Knight Speed costs 30 FP. It doubles movement speed and adds +5 to Defense. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer stacks with Stimulants. Its prerequisite level has been reduced to 6. It cannot be used with armor. Master Speed costs 40 FP, doubles movement speed and adds +5 to Defense. It adds 1 bonus attack per round and a -2 penalty on all attacks. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. Its prerequisite level has been reduced to 12. It cannot be used with armor. Energy Resistance costs 30 FP. It reduces fire, cold, electrical, and sonic damage by 6. it reduces energy damage by 3. It lasts for 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer stacks with Energy Shields. Improved Energy Resistance costs 40 FP. It reduces fire, cold, electrical, and sonic damage by 12. It reduces energy damage by 6. It affects all party members. It lasts for 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer provides poison immunity. It no longer stacks with Energy Shields. Force Push has had its stun duration fixed. It now actually lasts 3 seconds. Force Whirlwind is 20 FP, requires a Fortitude Save, and its description has been corrected to reflect its actual damage and duration. Force Wave is 30 FP. Force Resistance costs 20 and has a DC of 5 + Defender Level. Force Immunity costs 30 FP and has a DC of 10 + Defender Level. Force Suppression is 20 FP. Force Breach costs 30 FP. Lightsaber Throw costs 10 FP. Drain Life costs 30 FP. Death Field costs 40. Fear costs 20 FP. Horror costs 30 FP. Insanity costs 40 FP. Shock costs 20 FP. Force Lightning cost 30 FP. Force Storm costs 40 FP. Slow costs 10 FP. Affliction costs 20 FP and its description has been corrected to reflect its actual effects and duration. Plague costs 30 FP and its description has been corrected to reflect its actual effects and duration. Wound costs 10 FP. Choke costs 20 FP. Kill costs 30 FP. Acknowledgements offthegridmorty’s Treat Injury Affects Force Healing is the forebear to this mod. As far as I know, offthegridmorty is the first person to add skills to Force powers. Not only that, offthegridmorty himself provided feedback and taught me some critical things needed for this mod. Thank you offthegridmorty. Thor110 has taught me so much regarding KotOR mods that he pretty much gets a permanent spot in all of my acknowledgements. Thank you Thor110. Compatibility Rebalanced Force Powers is expressly not compatible with any mods that change the scripting of Force Powers, combat shots, or energy shields. It’s also not compatible with Balance of the Force. It will be included in the next major update of that mod but at the time of this writing, there’s still much work to be done before that happens. Frequently Asked Questions Why do some of these changes feel like nerfs? That’s because they. Rebalanced Force Powers is actually a piece of a major gameplay overhaul mod called Balance in the Force that rebalances every aspect of the game to make all player options viable and add some challenge to the game. I’ve released it as a standalone mod because even on its own it adds several neat ideas to the game and reduces the overpowered nature of the force power system a little bit. Balance in the Force will actually nerf things a little bit more. What did you do to Aura? Force Aura, while also ridiculously powerful, was so redundant that no one used it. So, I tossed it. Fun fact: I added Immunity: Critical Hit so that I could justify keeping those shield icons the same the tier 2 and 3 versions of the power. What did you do to Valor? Force Valor is tied for most overpowered force power in the game. Providing +5 to all six attributes and Saving Thows is bonkers. So, I split it into two powers called Force Mind and Force Enhance that split the mental and physical attributes between them. I did increase the buffs to +6 as consolation for making them no longer stack with stims. The Balance in the Force version will cap at +4. What did you do to Speed? Force Speed is the other power tied for most overpowered Force power in the game. Now, at level 1 it only provides double movement speed with no defense bonus. This is a quality-of-life change for armor wearing Jedi who still want to navigate the map quickly. Tier 2 opens up 3 levels earlier at level 6 and adds a bonus defense of 5. This functionally allows it to fully replace force Aura line of spells. Tier 3 opens up 3 levels earlier at level 12 however, instead of getting two extra attacks you only get 1. What did you do to Energy Resistance? Improved Energy Resistance was an incredibly strong power that served as one of the many ways of making players functionally immortal. In past mods I probably nerfed it too aggressively so in this version. I scaled it to K2’s damage resistance values for cold, electric, fire, and sonic and I reintroduced blaster resistance but at half the value of the other resistances. Submitter Timbo Submitted 09/15/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    Ok i got a preliminary reskin of DeathDisco's Jedi Temple mod. Still a few things to fix or add. Just wondering if I should release it or keep it to myself. Take a look. Let me know what you think...
  7. 2 points
    Paid mods are against the rules on DeadlyStream.
  8. 2 points
    I think the Jedi Temple textures aren't being changed as I believe it's meant to resemble the original Jedi Temple mod for K2. But the Jedi Temple has been reworked from the Demo. To name a few changes, the medical room you wake up in now actually resembles a medical room, the weird ray shield has been replaced with a giant door, and the weird speeder was removed with its Jedi mechanic being moved to another location who is now sorting through a filing cabinet instead. I'll see with Logan if he's fine with this being shown to the public, though I must put a firm emphasis on my earlier comment:
  9. 1 point
    This can easily be done by editing the script "k_align_movie" I had to edit it so that it didn't randomly show up while playing the port of KotOR I have been working on. Here is a version that should only play once you have completed one planet or rather, found one Jedi. k_align_movie.ncs k_align_movie.nss NOTE : I haven't tested it and put it together quickly but it should work. PLUS : I realise that this isn't precisely what you asked for but, it's close as all three of your points describe different potential points at which to place it, regardless the functions and variables you should need to figure out to make it work the way you want it to work are contained in this script.
  10. 1 point
    We should all know the problem I am referring to. You're playing Kotor 2 with the TSLRCM mod installed and you are in the middle of Telos playing through the game, you finish a dialogue and then suddenly... the screen goes black, followed by this thing entering the frame. After seeing that this thing is is a ship, you are then greeted with an unskippable cutscene. This is triggered when you gain a set number (20-30 maybe?) of LS or DS points, this means the cutscene will play at a different point in the game during each playthrough. The problem with this is that it often times comes out of nowhere, you're talking to Chodo Habat and once the scene ends you're suddenly greeted by the space ship cutscene followed by a two minute unskippable cutscene or you gain Dark Side points after saying you're going to murder someone but the moment you enter combat... BAM, space ship cutscene followed by two minute unskippable cutscene. And the second problem is that, once you get off Telos, all you need to do is travel to a planet and then immediately board the Ebon Hawk and Visas will already be inside the Ebon Hawk even though you've just left Telos. So this mod request has several parts to fix the issues I have listed: 1) Remove the alignment=cutscene mechanic and instead have the cutscene play after the Jedi Council hologram cutscene. My reasoning for having it done here is because the Jedi Council cutscene takes place in the module 950MAL instead of 003EBO (the main Ebon Hawk module), even though 950MAL lacks a load screen most players would assume they're in the Ebon Hawk and not an Ebon Hawk clone. As of right now, the game goes from Telos Academy > Ebon Hawk (Jedi Council Cutscene) > Ebon Hawk. If the Visas cutscene takes place after the Jedi Council cutscene, the game will instead go Telos Academy > Ebon Hawk (Jedi Council Cutscene) > Ravager (Visas Cutscene) > Ebon Hawk. Just give 950MAL the 003EBO load screen and it'll give off the illusion that you're warping from and back to the Ebon Hawk. As it is now with the alignment system, the "disturbance" Visas refers to is the player growing stronger in either the Light or Dark Side though it looks stupid when that "disturbance" is the player committing tax fraud on Telos or some other lowly action. If the scene takes place after the Jedi Council scene, this "disturbance" can now be interpreted as the Exile not only getting stronger but also making plans to find/hunt down the Jedi Masters. 2) Instead of Visas spawning on the Ebon Hawk after the Ravager scene takes place, it should take place after you complete one planet. So instead of leaving Telos, landing on Nar Shaddaa, immediately turning around and finding Visas, you instead have to complete Nar Shaddaa, deal with Zez-Kai Ell, return to the Ebon Hawk and only then you find Visas. 3) This part isn't really necessary, but when you enter the Hawk the party you had outside will be part of your party whilst the other party members are unconscious in Kreia's room. When the encounter with Visas begins, she'll use Force Stasis/Stun to incapacitate these party members so that it's just you alone fighting Visas. This was apparently Obsidian's original intention as there is a dev note that says "{[After a second, she gets to her feet, and she advances toward the player, she will cast a Force Stun at the other party members - like Bastilla in the first game.]}". Again, this problem isn't nearly as bad as the first two problems so it shouldn't really be a priority I feel.
  11. 1 point
    View File Kinrath Egg Fix In the first version of the game on Dantooine in the Crystal Cave, if you destroyed the Kinrath Eggs, you gained dark side points, which was stupid, so in a patch they changed it, and now you gain red lightsaber crystals instead of dark side points, which is equally stupid. So i changed it to 25xp and a small chance to get poisoned. Submitter GearHead Submitted 09/26/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  12. 1 point
    Give the opponent a custom UserDefine (you can use the vanilla k_def_userdef01 as a starting template). Event 1010 (on spell cast at) should let you catch the character being affected by a Force power. Their OnSpawn script will need the inclusion of GN_SetSpawnInCondition(SW_FLAG_EVENT_ON_FORCE_AFFECTED). Basically the same way as above, but with other events. There are a multitude of vanilla examples of this happening in both games, and the TSL sparring ring on Dxun and/or sparring with the handmaidens on Telos should give you pretty much exactly what you want, differences in script functions between the games aside. In the opponent's 1006 event (on damaged), have it check its current health status. This will require the addition of GN_SetSpawnInCondition(SW_FLAG_EVENT_ON_DAMAGED) to its OnSpawn. To catch the player, you'll also have to use the opponent's UserDefine, since you can't do anything with the player themselves. That can go in event 1003 (on end of combat round) and basically works identically the opponent's own health check, but checking the PC's health instead. This will require adding GN_SetSpawnInCondition(SW_FLAG_EVENT_ON_COMBAT_ROUND_END) to their OnSpawn. Look at TSL's k_fab_dueluser (vanilla and TSLRCM versions) and k_dojo_ud (vanilla and TSLRCM are the same I believe) for guidance. That's what starting conditionals are for. Add the necessary branches at the top of the DLG and gate them with the required starting conditional check. Typically you'll be doing this via setting local booleans (SW_PLOT_BOOLEAN_01 - 10, etc.). Every major dialogue does this, so you have plenty of potential examples to look through. But if it's easier to use separate DLGs then you just call those when triggering the DLG. Whichever way you prefer. You could also physically block them leaving by spawning in some of the vanilla placeable walkmeshes. In TSL you could just create a custom one, but you don't want to be adding new placeables in K1 due to the 2DA row limit issue, so you'd have to spawn in a bunch of the vanilla ones and arrange them to suit. PLC_Blockage is one, which is a 6m long rectangle (so a bit unwieldy). There are some smaller ones like PLC_CageLgB which are intended for use with force cages and the like. Blocking them would let you switch the trigger to firing a bark bubble message about not running away instead of actively ending the combat.
  13. 1 point
    Thx for the reply ! Gonna try things out. EDIT : So now the message displays properly with SendMessageToPc, i most likely mistargeted the thing, it works in the feedback now. Ty tho !
  14. 1 point
    I think there is already a mod that adds this feature. "1. Separate parts of T3-M4 are adapted to the first part of the game. For the shock limb of the droid T3-M4, the nature of the damage has been changed: now it stuns the enemy, and the stunning power is one of the strongest in the game." Not sure if this helps or not, I believe there are some things that don't get properly displayed in the feedback logs though I am not certain of the specifics. I think SendMessageToPC goes to a specific feedback and not the combat log but I cannot remember. What you probably ought to do is set up an empty test room with a character, some dialog and some scripts to tinker with to ensure you can get something properly showing somewhere, perhaps you have used the function incorrectly.
  15. 1 point
    I believe so, @Kaidon Jorn
  16. 1 point
    Thank you. This does put my mind at ease. And thanks for uploading the file too.
  17. 1 point
    Even if you didn't have the load screen in the Override, it wouldn't break the game in any way. The worst that would happen is that the Ebon Hawk cutscene would use a generic load screen. Here is the file you're missing: load_020EBO.tga
  18. 1 point
    Sounds good. I've downloaded it and gonna see about getting that hilt when I get to dantooine. I started a fresh new modded playthough just now.
  19. 1 point
    KSR 2022 is what you are looking for. You will craft Revans TOR hilt as your personal hilt.
  20. 1 point
    @NoxxarianFirst check if the lightsaber you want to edit has a blade with dynamic ambient light (like in this mod) or standard non-glowing blade. if you want to edit the blade of a standard non-glowing purple lightsaber, you will need to edit w_lsabrepurp01.tga texture. If some mode has already edited it, you'll see the file (with .tga or .tpc extension) in your Override folder. Otherwise you will have to extract the file yourself from game resources (ERFs/Texture Packs/swpc_tex_tpa) using Kotor Tool or HolocronToolset. Perhaps, this tool (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1997-sabermaker-for-kotor-and-tsl/) will make color adjustment process easier for you. If you've been following KOTOR Mod Build, then most likely you have lightsabers with glowing blades installed. In this case, the process is more complicated. For purple blade you will need to manually edit the texture of core (w lsabcrpurp01.tga), Glow texture (w lsabglpurp01.tga) and the texture of Blade (w lsabblpurp01.tga). Additionally, you can adjust Ambient Light RGB Value, but this will require you to edit the lightsaber hilt file using notepad++ or similar text editor (pdf file with the instruction is in the archive with this mod). For your purposes, it may be sufficient to change just one or two of these textures without editing the lightsaber hilt.
  21. 1 point
    Ulic Qel-Droma's Mesh Suit I agree doesn't have any good reskins, mainly because the item is cut meaning player's can't obtain it without mods/cheats and most player's don't know it exists. But for Exar Kun's Light Battle Suit, there is at least one reskin for it... https://deadlystream.com/files/file/286-exar-kun-battle-suit/
  22. 1 point
    Oh ok, well if you ever do then thank you, and thanks for taking the time to respond.
  23. 1 point
    I am working on a mod and having issues with new abilities and feats not displaying the floating red damage text whenever they cause damage. For example, I made an unarmed feat that triggers OnDamage if the attacking character has the unarmed feat and does not have any weapon equipped in the right weapon slot, causing the attacker to deal the target an additional d12 of damage. It deals damage like it's supposed to, but the floating damage text never appears. I tried every function that made sense in the scripting tool's function list to make it show the amount of damage being dealt by the new feat. It will display the additional amount of damage to the combat feedback log. Using BarkString on the attacker works to get a number showing the correct amount of damage on-screen, but it shows in the top-left corner of the screen and only briefly. I'm not sure if there's a function I overlooked in the scripting tool or if the floating damage text only appears for certain effects. I thought for sure that FloatingTextStringOnCreature would be what I'm looking for, but it never displayed the damage. Any help would be appreciated. EDIT: The issue was the enemy being attacked by the character was applying the damage to itself, instead of the character applying damage to the enemy. All it took was having the character be the caller for an ExecuteScript function, and having the script called in ExecuteScript apply the damage to the enemy. Now the floating damage text appears as intended, and the damage shows up in the combat log without using the SendMessageToPC script function.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    Though I wasn't aware Timbo changed the loot for Kandon Ark and the Sith Governor, this should be the ideal installation.
  27. 1 point
    Another Redux has been uploaded, but unfortunately for those who wanted Sith you're getting Wookiees! Once an admin approves the mod, this link will take you to "Wookiee Redux" - A K1CP compatible redux of the Wookiees as seen in the old K1EP. Now, as I'm part of the ROR dev team I was able to get RedRob41's permission to work with his Wookiee textures so you know it'll be good (As RedRob41's work always has been). As that mod's approval is imminent, I would also like to leak another NPC Overhaul mod which is still in development - the K1 Alien Pack. The K1 Alien Pack, if I haven't already mentioned it, is a mod I foresee will have different install options that will add new alien species to the game. If you install all the options you will get all the aliens, effectively adding a bunch of different new aliens at to the game. Or you pick and chose what you want and what you don't want, meaning you can have Sullustans in K1 but not Devaronians and vice versa. It is the K1 Alien Pack which will add the much requested Echani, so there's that to keep in mind. However, when I was planning out the Devaronian, the Quarren and the Gran I realized that, by adding all of these new and exciting aliens, I was replacing the Ithorians, the Duros and the Aqualish, so much so that these already existing species were literally becoming extinct. So the release and the first couple of updates will focus on NOT removing all of the K1 aliens. The K1 Alien Pack shall have this rule, an alien should ideally have 5 variants and these 5 variants should appear at least once in the game. Rodians and Aqualish have 4 variants so they only need 1 modded variant to bring that total up to 5 whilst the Ithorians and Duros only have 3 variants so they'll both need two. Now, the Galaxy of Faces mod has the option to give named Rodians a unique appearance and it will eventually add unique appearances for all the other named aliens. But for now, I have to ensure that the player can find 5 generic Rodians even if GoF is installed. For the Ithorians, once I removed all of the named Ithorians I realized there weren't very many generic Ithorians... so I had to add my own generic Ithorians! The Ithorian replaces a generic NPC and shall say the generic lines with his Ithorian VO instead of the human VO. This specific example has brown skin and is inspired by the character Roron Corobb. For the Ithorians, Ithorian 01 shall be the injured Ithorian on Taris, Ithorian 02 shall be a Dantooine settler, Ithorian 03 lives in the rundown apartment on Taris, Ithorian 04 is the Taris Swoop mechanic and Ithorian 05 is another Dantooine settler. And until Ithorians are added to Galaxy of Faces, the Ithorian Fazza shall use Ithorian 04 and the Ithorian Yortal shall use Ithorian 05.
  28. 1 point
    I believe there's some discussion of it in this thread. Physically adding additional room models is pretty trivial. It's mostly a question of what you do to flesh them out with actual content.
  29. 1 point
    I'm trying to do this same dance but I'm not sure what you mean by the loose dialog.tlk file. Where is this found? edit: nevermind, now I understand what you were really doing with those symlinks. I aimed everything over from the wine zone and things make sense now. Thank you so much for your post, I was banging my head against the wall.
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    That's so nice of Trask to visit his Sith grandpa in the intergalactic Nursing home
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    The mouth issue is due to the facial bones in K1 & K2 being different. If you just port a head without correcting that, then they'll be animated improperly. I've posted a sort of mini-tutorial on it here.
  37. 1 point
    I'll try a little tutorial: Conversion: With KotOR Tool you extract pmhc07.mdl (from Kotor II -> BIFs -> models.bif -> Aurora Model) and pmhc07.mdx (from Kotor II -> BIFs -> models.bif -> Aurora Model Extension). Now with MDLEdit you load the mdl file, just to see which supermodel you need (it's almost always S_Female02, but still good to check). After loading the file, on the bottom half of the window you see "Header", click that and on the top half of the window you see "Supermodel: S_Female02". This is the supermodel from K1 that you need (the supermodel from the game you are porting to is needed). The mdl and mdx of the supermodel need to be in the same location as the model you're trying to convert. So, in KotOR Tool you need to export those files, Kotor I -> BIFs -> Aurora Model / Aurora Model Extension -> s_female02.mdl/mdx. Preperation for conversion done. Now you open MDLEdit, make sure the KOTOR1/KOTOR2 button below the menu is on KOTOR2, because you're loading a K2 model. Load the mdl file, you might think you can now just switch to K1 and save a binary file, but no. You can now switch the button to KOTOR1, you Save -> ASCII, then you load that ascii file, now you can save as binary (which the game can use). Put the mdl and mdx in K1's override folder. Textures/portraits: K1 has 2 more darkside transition phases and the filenames work slightly different. K2: neutral/light, halfway dark (...d1), full dark (...d2) K1: neutral/light, 1/4 dark (...d1), halfway dark (...d2), 3/4 dark (...d3), full dark (...d) With PMHC07 you're in luck, the portraits all have the same pose, so in an image editor you can combine different images to get the intermediate phases. For example, load the neutral portrait, add the halfway dark portrait in a layer on top, set the opacity of that layer to 50% and you get K1's d1 phase portrait. You do pretty much the same with the head textures. Portraits: Kotor II -> ERFs -> TexturePacks -> swpc_tex_gui.erf -> P -> po_PMHC07/po_PMHC07d1/po_PMHC07d2 Head textures: Kotor II -> ERFs -> TexturePacks -> swpc_tex_tpa.erf -> P -> PMHC07/PMHC07d1/PMHC07d2 2da files: To turn this into a mod you would need to use the TSLPatcher, but that's a bit beyond the scope of this tutorial. You can however study the changes.ini file that come with one of my mods that do something similar, it's mostly just changing P[M/F]H[A/B/C/H] values to PMHC07. There's no PMHC07 in K1 so you can stick to that name. To test things for yourself you need to add lines to portraits.2da, appearance.2da and heads.2da (You can extract those with KotOR Tool to your override if you don't already have these in there. Kotor I -> BIFs -> 2da.bif -> 2D Array). You can add a new line with the * at the bottom of the list and you can copy lines to that new line, so copy another row (for example an existing PMHC one, right click the "button" of an existing line, left from the first column -> Copy Row, similarly you can paste that on the new row). Make sure you change things accordingly. Portraits.2da lists the playable characters and points to lines in appearance.2da, appearance.2da points to a head in heads.2da. In this case I would repeat how things are done for an existing pmhc, for example pmhc05. Good luck and happy experimenting
  38. 1 point
    @Sith Holocron requested that I go into some general detail for the community about why the Steam Workshop is generally bad for modding, both to have all the issues laid out and easily referenced, and to clarify some common misconceptions. I can't count the number of issues I've had to troubleshoot as a result of the Workshop and I know its systems and limitations in detail, so I feel fairly qualified to explain what makes the system inadequate compared to the standard methods the community uses for mod installation. I'll first briefly explain how mods installed from the Workshop work, then detail situations where using the Workshop is sensible before explaining why using the Workshop is generally not a good idea. If you'd only like to see an explanation of why you should be downloading mods manually, skip on down to section #3. If you don't use the Steam version of the game with the most recent (Aspyr) patch, needless to say this doesn't really matter for you, as you don't have Workshop support for your title anyway. How the Workshop Works First, it's important to reiterate that the Workshop is only available on the Aspyr patch of the game (not the 'legacypc' beta install option) on Steam. This update causes not a few issues, which means that even if you own the game on Steam you might want to revert it to that legacypc version even before considering modding; an inability to apply new textures to lightsaber hilts, the loss of fog effects, and sometimes extreme game stuttering are but a few of the issues the Aspyr patch causes (though, in fairness, it of course also introduces many useful conveniences, including native widescreen support and controller support). To the topic at hand, however: on a basic level, the Workshop is just a download system for mods. It doesn't truly "install" them as such, as the TSLPatcher would do, it just takes stored data from archives and puts them in a repository which the Aspyr-patched version of the game can read. For example, if you install TSLRCM and two texture mods, the Workshop will take the file data from TSLRCM and those texture mods and separately store them in three different containing folders, which the game will then read on startup. A few of you might already see the problems with this, but we'll get into that in a moment. What the Workshop is Good For Jokes of "nothing" aside, the Workshop is actually very good for single-mod installs. If you want to use TSLRCM and only TSLRCM, go for it--the Workshop will download it and you can run it with no trouble at all. It will even keep the mod dynamically updated for you; the TSLRCM team even realized that this is a much easier and more foolproof method of installation for many users. And, so long as TSLRCM (or TSLRCM + M4-78) is the only mod you're using, it truly works fine. The issue comes in with multi-mod setups, which is how we get to.... Why You Should Avoid the Workshop Put simply, the Workshop was not well-designed when it comes to multi-mod installs, especially in the face of the array of tools the community has developed to encourage mod compatibility over the years, the TSLPatcher being foremost among them. For those that don't know, the TSLPatcher can append strings or modify individual lines within existing files (among a myriad of other things), which allows mods which would otherwise directly overwrite the same files to work together fine, so long as they're not editing the exact same data within the same files. Not only does the Workshop not have this, it also lacks a stunning array of other common-sense multi-mod features: Load orders are based on the order mods are subscribed to, and are overwritten in certain circumstances. This is a big one. Even the most archaic games have always allowed users to control file overwrites, deal with compatibility issues, and selectively prioritize one mod over another by controlling the order in which mods are installed, and oftentimes the specific files installed from mod to mod. Because the Workshop does not truly install mods as such and instead merely sits them in a folder to be read by the game, it's up to the Workshop which mods get read in which order, and which get prioritized. Mods subscribed to first are read first by the system, but because they're downloaded as complete packages ready-to-launch, it's not possible to remove files selectively unless you know exactly where to look--even then, the Workshop may try to repair your install of the mod, replacing files that you may have removed intentionally. Furthermore, no file manifest is given by the Workshop, which makes it that much more difficult to see which mods edit the same content, and incompatibility is a major systemic issue with the workshop as we'll see. Worst of all, mod updates or game reinstalls can entirely disrupt this subscription order and randomize the load order, making it difficult to achieve a stable load order even if you're doing all due diligence. One mod's changes can push out another's. Unlike the installation system typical with major mods where the TSLPatcher can minimize incompatibilities, there's no such protection here. Indeed the opposite, as having two mods with the same .2da file means that one's will inevitably win out, and the other's will lose, and the loser's data will be completely and totally ignored by the game. Not only does this guarantee that some mods are incompatible in function simply due to the Workshop's architecture, it means that you could encounter serious bugs if important files from one mod are overwritten by another. This is part of the reason why TSLRCM and M4-78 had to be combined on the Workshop eventually--despite being completely compatible with one another, the Workshop was ramming them together in incompatible ways. Mods installed manually don't play well with Workshop mods. Jumping off of the above, because mods aren't truly installed with the Workshop, a user can mod their game by installing files onto their game directory in steamapps/common as one would normally do, but also subscribe to mods on the Workshop. Yet the same issues as two mods editing the same file on the Workshop will now occur in this scenario: a loose .2da file in the override will conflict with a .2da file from a Workshop mod and one will completely cancel out the other, rather than taking each other into account whatsoever. This is a big reason why it's a good idea to do all one thing or all another, since combinations like this are invariably more work than simply modding with the right tools from the start. The Workshop has limited selection, and few exclusives. This is an indirect rather than direct issue with the Workshop, but it's worth pointing out all the same. Because of many of the above issues, the Workshop has a rather limited base of modifications, and most modifications released on the Workshop have also seen standard releases, either here on Deadlystream or on the KOTOR 2 Nexus. Because those mod versions would be more compatibility-friendly anyway, there's little reason to use the Workshop just for the sake of the mods on it; there's more variety and less headache installing mods elsewhere. Many Workshop mods are out-of-date and not supported by their authors. This is again (at least partly) an indirect issue, but I feel the need to mention it here because it does have consequences for users. It is very easy to upload mod content to the Workshop even if you aren't the original author, and difficult for original authors to get these reuploads taken down. Regardless of your stances on mod ownership or reuploading, the users who perform these uploads often drop them on the Workshop for quick downloads and kudos-padding and then abandon them, not providing any future updates or support that the original authors would at their typical download locations. This leads already-anemic Workshop content to also frequently suffer from being outdated, and lack proper support, as the uploaders are frequently not the original software authors and may not even understand how the content they've hosted works. While the above is by no means an exhaustive list, it does represent the bulk of the problems with the Workshop. I want to reiterate a final time that the Workshop is an easier install method, as it's a simple one-click solution, but, much like the dark side, it's an easy path that often brings its own problems down the line. It's never worth it to use the Workshop for a couple of mods only to find out that you have a serious incompatibility late into the game, and no clue how to resolve it. Manually downloading mods isn't much more difficult, and neither is their installation, while the compatibility benefits from doing so are significant. I hope this post has helped explain exactly why that is, and encouraged you to look into a traditional install instead. If concerns about compatibility now seem significant to you, or if you're new to modding and worried you'll simply be overwhelmed by the install process for mods, I (though biased) strongly recommend the mod builds on the subreddit. As fully-compatible mod lists, you won't need to worry about crashes from their use, and all the mods listed come with detailed instructions where necessary; spoiler-free builds are even available if you're a first-time player. With the builds as an option, there's really no reason not to skip the Workshop in favor of a much more content-rich and stable experience.
  39. 0 points
    I saw a few of your vids before this topic was made, mainly your explosive script test. That terentatek mod is perfect at 1.5X. That should be their canon size should have been, I think or close to it. They're not able to take on full grown Rancors but they definitely should be a little bigger than the Rancor youth. That camera view for it on Kashyyyk is also perfect. No model clipping with the angles but it's super close to its open jaw while it roars, a really cool shot! I'd eagerly await a mod for a 1.5x resize version of it. Everything else is incredibly cool and/or a really impressive start to something potentially great. Keep it up
  40. 0 points
    Welcome to the club, and from what I can see you've already advanced in areas in 9 months that I haven't in almost 9 years I'm not sure if you're the same guy I told this to on Discord, but are you aware of the "Swoop Droid"? Not the one that spawns on the Ebon Hawk on the Xbox, but the actual Swoop Droid that was fully voiced and has leftover VO in the game files. Maybe you can use the VO to your advantage here. I hope you add an option to pick up the turret once you're done with it, and maybe a limit too so the player doesn't just add a thousand turrets to kill a boss. Maybe have it so that you place one down, you lose the turret item, you can speak to the turret out of combat, you pick the dialogue option to "Pick it up", it removes the turret NPC and you gain the turret item again. Now that is an interesting concept. You might want to adjust the Ritual Beast camera so it shows the enlarged Terentatek. Now that might be a fun thing to add randomly throughout the game, depending on whether or not it makes sense for something to explode. Maybe you can lock one of the grenade footlockers and if you bash it it explodes. So I was personally was going to do this for an alien NPC mod I have planned, the install would be modular meaning you could hypothetically install Zabraks and no other species. But unlike your mod, I was going to use reskins of Bao-Dur's head and I was going to have them strategically replace pre-existing NPCs in the game. For example, the Exchange Debt Collector in the Lower City or one of the Bounty Hunters in Zax's office who I'd deck out in Zabrak gear, this way the Zabraks would speak English and wouldn't need any TOR Zabrak lines. Are you planning on merging Inyri's horn mask item with the head model itself? If you are would you consider making some female Zabraks as well? I like that, but my only concern is that you may have to make multiple versions for different screen resolutions. Cursed! I do like the idea of this! What sort of stats do you have in mind for the bandoliers? How many bandoliers do you plan to have? Is it possible to have the bandoliers be equipable in the armor slot? So... like merging Davik's head with his visor so you can see him wearing his mask for example? This one sounds dubious to me, though I'm sure what you have in mind for this mod idea is better than what I'm imaging.
  41. 0 points
    Hello DS. All ideas for EOD sidequests go here. I'm trying to keep spoilers to a minimum. Edge Of Darkness - Mods - Deadly Stream Knights Of The Old Republic 0: Edge Of Darkness mod - ModDB There aren't really guidelines to what is possible. The party are sith spies using the Ebon Hawk to masquerade as mercenaries in missions to retrieve data tablets on 10 worlds. Zeltros Ilum Gromas III Mustafar Thyferra Coruscant Tatooine Blenjeel Chaehroth Felucia
  42. 0 points
    It should be, though Chodo Habat won't be covered by the reskin.