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  11. 2 points
    I can assist, post the head and body textures and relevant files.
  12. 2 points
  13. 1 point
    It doesn't work due to changes Blender made to how normals/smoothing works in 4.0, so you'll have to stick with 3.x.
  14. 1 point
    It has been brought up, JC just never got around to addressing it in the mod. An alternative solution can be found here - https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1378-jcs-fashion-line-i-cloaked-jedi-robes-for-k1/?do=findComment&comment=9320
  15. 1 point
    Evening chat, So I finally saw Ahsoka. Possibly related(!?), one of the episodes reminded me of the star wars lore regarding force-imbued blades, sith swords in particular. If you're curious and don't care about spoilers... TL;DR They're powerful, very difficult to craft physical blades infused with the force, some or all using kyber crystals in their construction (?The internet is unclear). They're resistant to lightsabers and just as deadly. After all this came rushing back to me, I realized something. The three sith-themed melee weapons we find in the KOTOR series are supposed to be Sith Swords, and yet they're treated as slightly better melee weapons. Bioware y
  16. 1 point
    @Kaidon Jorn Looks amazing, though yeah the area glow seems a little too wide/strong? That's a detail I don't usually pay attention to when watching Star Wars media, so it could be consistent and I'm just a doofus. I'm not familiar with the modding process at all, are you using custom shader code or just textures? EDIT: I ask because shaders are useful for generating a volumetric light-looking haze around things like light saber beams.
  17. 1 point
    Ok well I'm still tweaking the actual blade textures, not sure if I'm going to de-level the glows around them of not, though i think I should. green is outta control, but cool at the same time. Colored GL and CR tex's, thick blades. Couldn't do what I wanted with them originally, so this is where I'm at. Aight. I honestly don't know what to do with this s***. Yellow is always a pain to deal with, and this time i have a green aura/glow around it I cant seem to get rid of. Any suggestions?
  18. 1 point
    So I have been playing with these blades as of late... ...what do ya think?
  19. 1 point
    The problem is not the changes it is making to the DLGs, it's the fact that it lazily dumps a module DLG in the Override folder. This is not just bad from a mod compatibility standpoint, it's bad from a general game compatibility standpoint. There are three separate modules that have a lev40_carth.dlg file. Dumping one in the Override will replace all of them. Finding out which module it is supposed to be editing and merging the changes into the version in that module's MOD file is the appropriate solution. As far as k_hcar_dialogue.dlg goes, that is Carth's global DLG so that can stay in the Override.
  20. 1 point
    If you want to see something get fixed, you'll need to create a new issue for it on the mod's Github repo. As to actually determining what is going on under the hood, you'd want to edit the scripts to pipe more verbose debug info to the feedback screen.
  21. 1 point
    View File Kotor1 balanced force powers Kotor1 balanced force powers Description: Mod adjusts force powers in KOTOR 1 to make them more balanced. Slightly increases FP cost for almost all low and middle tier force powers. Powerful spells has a significant change in their FP cost. Adjusts duration for some buffs so you won`t need to constantly reapply them during the combat. As a result, you won`t be able to spam powerful Dark side powers being a Light side character and vice versa. Please check forcepowerchanges.html for more details. forcepowerchanges.html Installation: Run TSLPatcher and select a folder with Kotor 1 installed Compatibility: Any mod that does not change spells.2da and k_sp1_generic.nss Any feedback will be much appreciated Submitter Elm Submitted 01/01/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  22. 1 point
    Ah... That's why. Cause I used to buying it on Dantooine, now I get it XD
  23. 1 point
    A few things here: First: You shouldn't really post in the "Mod Releases" section, most threads you see here are auto generated when users upload mods to the site and this section is for announcing mod releases so a bug report thread like this shouldn't be here regardless. KOTORMODSync has its own thread you could've left this report in instead of making a new one. Second: As the mod author who made the Senni Vek Restoration mod, that mod was updated with new content and a name change. The correct name for the most update to date version of what was the Senni Vek Restoration mod is now "SVR1.2.7z", and since the aforementioned new content was specifically requested by the author of the Build List I doubt this is going to change.
  24. 1 point
    All NPCs wear gloves.
  25. 1 point
    I could do this all day. 1. Carth is Force Sensitive but not trained. Flyboy has way too much in the way of creepy accurate gut feelings, creepy accurate casual predictions about the future, and just plain weird luck. Plus, y'know, the Ajunta Pal thing. He's about on par with Bao-Dur; maybe not the biggest Force nuke, but enough to get himself in trouble if anyone discovered it. 2. Screw canon. Carth and Canderous were working together in KOTOR 2 so far under the radar it might as well have been underground. It would cause trouble for both of them if it got out that Mandalore the Preserver and a Republic Admiral were sharing intel about a former Sith Lord, so they keet it VERY quiet. 3. Tied to that, the reason why Canderous doesn't start trouble with Disciple is that Canderous listed in on one of Mical's reports to Carth. Canderous figures "Okay, he's working for my brother, the guy who can count the people he trusts on his fingers (and have fingers left over). This kid is safe." And then Carth finishes the conversation telling Mical to be careful because "you're like another son to me." Well, it's not "I know your name as my child," but it's close enough. Canderous now figures "DAMN IT! This half Jedi kid is my NEPHEW!" 4. Telos was a test for Malak to see if he could win a war, not just a battle. And Malak screwed the pooch. The planet would have been a lot more valuable taken with precision. It's the Jedi's food supply (army travels on their stomach in any universe), a potential hiding place (so cut off Jedi escape routes), great spot on a major hyperspace lane for a base, and...y'know, a lot of Sensitives that might be open to persuasion, given the Jedi rejected them. But Malak instead gives dead rock, an atrocity the Republic can rally around, and it potentially scares off any other planets from a quick surrender since they will now fight to the death (and Revan wanted the infrastructure intact). 5. The ensuing argument about Malak's brute force approach to Telos ended with Malak picking his jaw off the floor.
  26. 1 point
    View File Five Twin Suns-esque Outfits For Female PCs Five Twin Suns-esque Outfits For Female PCs Author: Empeor Devon E-mail: Lawlz, you think I want it to get flooded with spam? You can PM me at LucasForums with any comments/questions you might have. --------------- 1. Description --------------- This mod does several things. 1. Pretty much what the title says, five Twin Sun-esque outfits, now wearable by female PCs. (Caucasian ones only, though - no Asian or African-American textures are included. Sowwy!) The Twin Sun outfits replace the first five variations of the default clothing, though only for the main character. Wouldn't do to see half the refugees on Nar Shaddaa dressed like that, would it? The first clothing you'll be able to find throughout the game semi-often at the start, although the other four can't be had without cheating. The codes are: g_a_clothes02 g_a_clothes03 g_a_clothes04 g_a_clothes05 For all you anti-cheaters out there, the clothes provide no form of bonus or penalty to your PC's stats. Literally all it does is give a different appearance. 2. To make it possible to tell the different variants apart at the equipping menu, the clothes have had 'variant 2','variant 3', 'variant 4', etcetera added to their names. 3. In addition, since I think DS female PCs are ugly enough even when they're fully clothed, (and making DS textures for this would've taken more work! :P) the rotting corpse DS transitions have been removed and replaced with RotS-style Sith eyes. The DS dancer's outfit skin has been removed entirely and replaced with the LS/neutral one. Yay for scantily-clad dancers that aren't dying of cancer! 4. There is also a folder called 'alternate skin hue' that contains slightly more tan and less yellow versions of the skin on the clothes. If you're not using the head in most of the pics (the blue-eyed girl with blonde hair in a bun) you might think these textures better match the skin tone. Or maybe you won't. Either way it's there if you want it. --------------- 2. Instillation --------------- Use the TSLPatcher, and viola. Be sure to install in SWKotOR2 rather than Override. For manual install, extract all the files from ED_twin_sun_outfit to C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Override. If you don't have an Override folder, make one. If you want to use the textures from the alternate skin hue folder, simply copy them into your override. When you get a message asking if you want to replace the already existing files, say yes. -------------------- 3. Bugs and Glitches -------------------- One problem I noticed during a test install of the mod was how at the startup screen the textures I modified were applied to the default female clothes model on the PCs. (Ie there was a weird mess of black and tan on them all.) When starting a game, however, I was able to equip the new clothes normally without any bug like I encountered at the startup screen. Since it has no adverse effect on the gameplay and only makes the character creation process somewhat weird to look at, I've seen no need to search for the cause and fix it. ----------------- 4. Files included ----------------- appearance.2da g_a_clothes02.uti g_a_clothes03.uti g_a_clothes04.uti g_a_clothes05.uti g_a_clothes06.uti g_a_clothes07.uti g_a_clothes08.uti g_a_clothes09.uti N_PCB01.tga N_PCB02.tga N_PCB03.tga N_PCB04.tga N_PCB05.tga PFBLCD01.tga PFHC01AD1.tga PFHC01AD2.tga PFHC02AD1.tga PFHC02AD2.tga PFHC05d1.tga PFHC05d2.tga PFHC06D1.tga PFHC06D2.tga PFHC07d1.tga PFHC07d2.tga ---------- 5. Credits ---------- stoffe for TSLPatcher SithRevan for some tips on the former Shem for nurse-maiding me through getting the former to work Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool And, naturally, Obsidian for making a kickass game ------------- 6. Disclaimer ------------- Fan modifications such as this are made independently and without the support, approval, or acknowledgment of LucasArts, BioWare, and Obsidian. The risk that this file would harm your person, game, and computer was taken consentfully and with full knowledge of the previously mentioned risks by you. No claims have been made to deny the possibility of any damages by either the author, KotorFiles, LucasForums or the above mentioned companies, thus absolving them of any responsibility should said damages or any other grievances occur to you as a result of downloading this file. Submitter Empeor Devon Submitted 02/26/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  27. 1 point
    Hello! It seems like in the original game it is not possible to ever get all three Mandalorian Datapads as part of the Mandalorian Raiders mission. I am working on a solution that should improve the overall flow of the mission by restoring this third item and moving one of the Datapads to the body of one fallen Mandalorian (supposedly Jarg). I just need to test it and, if there is any interest, I will then release it.
  28. 1 point
    Another Argentinian waiting for ROR here, aguante KOTOR!
  29. 1 point
    Playing KOTOR2 for the first time on steam. Mods installed were the Content mod, plus maybe 3ish visual mods from nexus (I wanna say I had flame effects, enhanced space/sky, enhanced skyboxes, maybe one other like that). Got through the intro missions and all of Nar Shaddar without any problems. Next wanted to go to Onderon/Dxun, but the game crashes everytime I try to exit the Ebon Hawk to Dxun. Solutions I have attempted: 1) Reloading and trying again, with different party members, or after waiting a while to let it load, etc. No help. 2) Loading an older save before I get to Dxun. I was able to travel to other planets like Dantooine and exit the ship and progress no problem. But I didn't want to just continue on other planets knowing that eventually my progress would be wasted and my game would crash on Dxun, so I got back in the ship and flew to Dxun. Of course, the issue persists, it crashes every time I exit. 3) Messed with some graphics settings such as disabling shadows, etc., didn't help. 4) Uninstalled the game and reinstalled, only mod I reinstalled was content mod. Didn't help, still crashes on exiting Dxun. 5) Finally I googled up how to do console commands and warp in the game. I tried command warping to "Dxun landing," no dice, it crashes. However, next I tried warping to the next area on Dxun (maybe Dxun jungle?). That worked! So then I try manually walking back to the prior area, Dxun landing, and it crashes again. I am concerned that at some point there will be some piece of content I have to be on Dxun landing for to complete the game, and it seems that my game just won't allow it. Can anyone come up with any solutions?
  30. 1 point
    I was referring to her work in this screenshot posted below. I figured she'd know what I'm talking about.
  31. 1 point
    Happy to know that this great mod is still in development, good luck to the entire work team! I look forward to it, cheers from Argentina!
  32. 1 point
    It's been a long time since I've made a WIP thread here on Deadlystream, usually I just make a mod in private and (if it is finished) I release it. This WIP thread isn't about a single mod, however. The release of my latest mod, Diverse Galaxy, marks the beginning of my NPC Overhaul series. The NPC Overhaul series shall be multiple mods which 'Overhaul' many of the NPCs within Kotor 1 (with the possibility of K2 versions of these mods being made at a later date). Kotor has a reputation of having a sort of 'clone' effect where you'll see the same set of generic heads in close proximity to each other in-game. the Diverse Galaxy mod will swap the appearances of over 150 NPCs to ensure that you'll encounter more variety in the game, this mod only changes the NPC's heads and will not affect the Lite NPCs. As the K1 Community Patch is REQUIRED for this mod to work the Lite NPC's will be upgraded by the K1CP mod anyway. As this is a series, more mods are planned to be made which do similar things for the game's NPCs, however, I am at a lost as to how the first few mods should be made. I wanted to release these mods separately so that users can install what they want, but I also have the option of simply adding these first few mods directly into the Diverse Galaxy mod as part of updates. The mod ideas are as follows: * Diverse Galaxy: Will diversify the heads and appearances of Kotor's NPCs. RELEASED! * Fashion of the Old Republic: Will diversify the clothing of Kotor's NPCs and will apply lore-friendly armor when applicable (This armor does not drop) RELEASED! * Lite of my Life: Will convert the generic NPCs who use the Lite appearances into standard generic NPCs, will use the heads, appearances and clothing style as DG and FotOR meaning this mod would be installed 3rd alongside them both. RELEASED! These mods will all use vanilla assets and won't really 'add' anything to the game other than swapping out appearances/clothing in the .MOD files, this would make it easy for me to add these 3 mods into one mod. I'm thinking of having 3 separate TSLPatcher installations with one being Diverse Galaxy, the other being Fashion of the Old Republic and 3rd being Lite of my Life. Feel free to leave your opinions and suggestions!
  33. 1 point
    NexusMods I can understand, but... GameBanana? GameBanana has less than 30 mods for both K1 & K2 and the most modern mods were from over 5 years ago and some of the oldest mods are over 15 years old. What could GameBanana possibly have to make it come close to being a viable Kotor mod hub? As for NesusMods, for me it's just another place where some good mods might be hosted... though sometimes there can be some really brain dead mods on there. As for you, I recommend you check both Deadlystream and NexusMods together. Think of it like going to the grocery store, sure... you might like one grocery store, but the grocery store across the street might have some deals you might also like. For example, there are some really neat AI Upscale mods on NexusMods not found on Deadlystream, and there are many mods on Deadlystream not found on NexusMods. For an easier mod downloading experience, refer to the Kotor Community Mod Builds.
  34. 1 point
    View File Unofficial TSLRCM Tweak Pack UNOFFICIAL TSLRCM (THE SITH LORDS RESTORATION MODIFICATION) TWEAK PACK version 1.3 Author: Pavijan357 1. Description: --------------------- As you all know, SW-KOTOR 2 : The Sith Lords is a brilliant game. Unfortunately, at the time of release, it was definitely a flawed game, because it was published in unfinished state. Then came the people behind TSLRCM project and did what seemed impossible. After years hard work by all people involved in it, final result is here: TSLRCM 1.8.5 . KOTOR 2 is closer to its finished state and Obsidian's vision than ever before. So, what is this than actually for? Well, the way I see it, instead of the broken, dirty gem TSL was before, now with TSLRCM, it's the large shinning diamond, just a little rough on the few edges. This is made to polish it around a little... It's seems to me that in their vision to restore as much cut content, TSLRCM crew got a little carried away and restored even things that seem that weren't left out because of short development time, but actually CUT from game, because authors had some other and better ideas, or simple they didn't thought that those fit in the game in general way. Now, I don't claim to know what was Obsidian's original vision better than anybody else, especially TSLRCM guys, but there are some things that bothered me during the playthrough and which seamed jarring and out of place to me, so I have made this Tweak Pack for my personal usage, and also for everyone else who feels the same way about those particular things. Of course, this is ultimately thing of personal preference, so I have made this pack modular so you can install only things that you want and leave others as they are (modular parts are installed with TSL Patcher), but have also provided all-in-one setup for those that want it all. 2. Component list: --------------------- This pack consists of five main components and three small extras: Component 1 - Jorran the extortionist instead of Kaeve the thief As you probably know, TSLRCM returned cut character of padawan Kaeve, whose laigreks stole the farming equipment from farmer Suulru on Dantoine, instead of scavenger Jorran who insisted that Suulru should give him extra money for his vaporator, which was the case in the published version of the game. I like the general idea behind Kaeve, and voice-over done for her by Usagi was fine, but the main problem with her is that her dialogue seams, well... not well written in the first place, it feels incomplete and not well thought through. It seems to me that she was abandoned in earlier part of production and wholly discarded as an idea, and that's why Obsidian eventually recorded voice-over for Jorran's and Suulru's new lines instead of making some for Keave. Don't get me wrong, TSLRCM crew did a good job of restoring what was in the files, but it seems that there wasn't a lot of quality material to restore in the first place... So this component returns whole Jorran/Suulru situation to what it was in published version of TSL and removes Keave from game altogether. This also returns lightsaber part to Jorran which he had originally, instead of Keave as in TSLRCM. Component 2 - Saedhe's original head If you played the game, you would remember Seadhe, Khoonda Militia investigator in Khoonda plains, Dantooine. In TSLRCM he is given cut unique head which was planned for him earlier, but my opinion, based on his voice in game, is that unique head was intentionally scrapped and in the published version he got that of an old black guy to fit better with that voice. So install this component if you would like to see his originally assigned head again. Component 3 - No Mandalore falling on Ravager bridge In old TSLRCM versions, after you defeat Darth Nihilus and your party is leaving Ravager's command bridge, Mandalore inexplicably stood on some invisible mine and fell on the ground. This has been done to make excuse for starting Mandalore/Visas conversation. Version 1.8.3 replaced mine with much more sensible Dark Side backslash from the disappearing corpse of Nihilus, which actually looks fitting to a point, and could satisfy some people, but in case that you still want that whole part removed, like I do - this component is here. There is also spliced part on first Mandalore/Visas conversation upon boarding Ravager ("I know what it meant for you to accompany me here...") that should also, like the post-fight conversation between them, be left for some other mod which restores Ravager part to its original concept (Mandalore and Visas go to Ravager alone, Exile joins them later) like Zbyl2's excellent "Ravager Rewrite" mod, which will, I hope, be eventually updated for TSLRCM compatibility if he finds time and still has some desire for modding after his work on M4-78EP. So, this component removes spliced part on first Mandalore/Visas conversation and whole bridge collapse/second conversation situation after Nihilus fight, so you can wait nicely until some future version "Ravager Rewrite", or some other mod, restores those lines more fittingly. Component 4 - Atton’s ending dialogue After you defeat final boss, in TSLRCM you (depending on your choices) get a few final conversations with some of your crew mates. Atton is one of them, and his conversations (in both possible versions) are great and emotionally satisfying. But they seem written only for light-side character and don't fit at all for the cold-blooded bastard that you may have turned your Exile into! Because of that, this component inserts extra requirements for this dialogs to happen: Exile must be light-side, neutral, or mildly dark-side with high influence with Atton (high requirement for influence is only for slightly dark-side chars to reflect the situation when player is not entirely insensitive to suffering of those close to him and he got along with Atton nicely). So if your Exile matches any of those requirements you will get the dialogue as it has been until now, and if he/she doesn't - you will not be bothered with it. Component 5 - Kreia-Atris dialogue tweak During Kreia's visit to Atis on Telos, dialogue between those two is one of the more important ones in the whole game because it gives lots of exposition on Kreia's motivation. TSLRCM added a few restored lines of dialogue to that scene that do not seem to fit the story in it's final form. Those are the lines that reference that Kreia was there during Exile's trial, and more important, that she was the one who asked for her/him to be exiled. Which doesn't fit at all, because she was presumed dead since Mandalorian Wars by the Jedi Order at that time, and because of that she couldn't have asked that of the Jedi Council when (as we see in dialogue between them near the end) they weren't even aware that she survived! This seems to be a remnant of some old plot version that was abandoned during the production. Thus, this component removes that group of added lines from that dialogue (but keeps other ones that are not related to this issue). Thanks to Markus Ramikin who has noticed this issue and informed me of it. Component 6 - Tweak for Exile-Mandalore dialogue in Trayus academy From the first time I saw it, I was not fond at all of the Player responses in the Exile-Mandalore conversation that happens in the Trays academy if you save your party. They consist of pairs of almost identical responses with just several words changed and do not seem like anything that would normally be found anywhere in the game and therefore they really stick out as "modded content". This component of TSLRCM Tweak Pack will alter the player responses to something that (at least in my opinion) fits better with the rest of the dialogue found in the game. Mandalore's lines are not altered. Extra components: These small tweaks are separated as extras because they are not based on restorations or anything other than some thoughts of mine, or are probably insignificant to majority of players and made mostly for extra nit-picky crazies like myself. Extra 1 - Trayus Sith Lords unified This takes care of the small thing that caught my eye - that Sith Lords in the left part of Trayus Academy have their masks on, but those in the right part don't. This was probably done intentionally, possibly to provide more diversity, but what bothered me is that those without masks share the same head with Sith apprentices which are at few places found at the very same room (Yes, it bothers me, I'm that kind of guy [:p] ). So, this only gives those few Sith Lords in Trays Ac. the same masks that their "colleagues" in the other part have. Simply as that. Extra 2 - Lower Awareness requirement for "Gand Warrior" quest This lowers required Awareness skill level for solving the quest given by Suulustan in Jekk Jekk Tarr cantina, on Nar Shadaa, to 4 instead of 16. Why so low? Because I think that 16 is really too much for such a trivial quest, and by making it as low as 4 it can be solved even by players who didn't focus on developing their Exile's Awareness, simply by equipping a few of skill boosting items, and maybe also casting Valor if needed. 3. Installation: --------------------- To install this Tweak Pack, TSLRCM 1.8.3 or newer version, MUST be installed. It is made for TSLRCM and without it, it has no point. 1) If you're planning to install the complete installer version, just run its URCMTP.exe and follow instructions. It's advisable to do it IMMEDIATELY after TSLRCM installation. In that case if you plan to install some other mods after TSLRCM they won't be overwritten, and maximum compatibility is assured. 2) If you're planning to install any of modular parts just run U_TSLRCM_TP_IND.exe and follow instructions. You need to run U_TSLRCM_TP_IND.exe once for each component you have to install. For Component 1 (Kaeve removal) BOTH parts must be installed for it to work properly. Any component can be installed any time after TSLRCM installation. 4. Uninstallation --------------------- Copy appropriate files from the "backup" folder to their original places. 5. Mod Compatibility: --------------------- Any mod that is compatible with TSLRCM is compatible with this Tweak Pack. For full compatibility with "Fixed Hologram Models and Admiralty Redux for TSLRCM" by DarthParametric and M4-78EP, use the the Individual component installer for this pack, and install it AFTER those mods. --------------------- Thanks to Fair Strides for creating and updating the TSL Patcher version of the installer. Special thanks to Zbyl2, DarthStoney, VarsityPuppet, Hassat Hunter, and everybody else who was involved with TSLCRM during its long years of making, for all that they have given us... --------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Pavijan357 Submitted 03/08/2013 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    Taken a few days ago in Portland . . . I'm the one in the Hawaiian shirt over a t-shirt. Fair Strides is the lady with long hair.
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    I made an animation. I will still edit the texture. Новый проект.mp4
  39. 1 point
    Did you have any success with the revenge of revan bastila mod? Having the exact same issue
  40. 1 point
    View File Cup of Caf Recovery Item for K1 This mod adds a new type of stimulant item that will remove status effects applied to the user. There is a bug with the game that in some instances causes effects such as Slow to be applied to the player/party (semi-)permanently, with no practical in-game way to remove them. To use, simply add the "Cup of Caf" item (g_i_adrnaline025) to your inventory via KSE or console command. It will appear in the GUI alongside other stimulants like adrenals and is used in the same manner. Each item is single use and will remove ALL status effects currently applied to the user. This includes both positive and negative effects, so take care when you use it. It is intended as more of last resort bug fix item than for general use. The droid-specifc companion mod, Droid Oil Bath, is available here. Known Issues: Uses the "inject into thigh" animation like all stims/meds. I did attempt to disable that, but I suspect it is hardcoded. Acknowledgements: Thanks to @JCarter426 for pointing out the cause of the bug and coming up with the original script fix Cup image/icon modified from "Coffee cappuccino cup" by PikWizard Gulp sound effect modified from "gulping and drinking_1-2" by schatzl03 / Freesound Submitter DarthParametric Submitted 08/27/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  41. 1 point
    Request 1: If anyone feels like providing feedback to some of the written dialogue I've done for various triggers, do let me know. Currently it's only myself working on the written dialogue, and I'd personally love to have another pair of eyes on some of the stuff that I'm writing, to potentially make it even better. Request 2: On the off chance that someone is able and willing to create a new lightsaber hilt, that's compatible with the upgrade to lightsabers from This Mod, I do think it would be amazing if Mission could gain a unique lightsaber. Currently Mission only has a unique robe, and I think having a unique lightsaber as well, would help make it more interesting, and visually pleasing to turn Mission into a Jedi. The only real requirement, would be for it to roughly match the colour scheme used in her robe Progress update: Thanks to Skpy, I've now gotten most/all the audio needed for my triggers on Kashyyk and Dantoine, and have created the DLG and trigger for one of them, and going to create the .dlg and trigger for Kashyyk in one of the upcoming days. This means that for the triggers aspect of the mod to be completed, I still need to cover the triggers I want to setup on the remaining planets (excluding Taris). Thankfully I've already written out a rough draft for most dialogue, and figured out where to place the majority of the triggers conceptually. When the trigger implementation on all planets is finally finished, the plan is to look at Lehon, and attempt to see if I can let a DS turned Mission join a DS Revan, and add a bit of more content where she'd normally be absent from the game on a DS playthrough. Once I manage to complete the remaining parts described above, that should mark the conclusion of the WIP aspect of the mod, and have it enter into its release stage.
  42. 1 point
    After looking around on the forums, I realized that editing the GUI of KotOR (and possibly TSL) is quite painful and most people use K-GFF (very great tool, but not visual). I then found xoreos-tools (part of xoreos - a very cool open source project). So this weekend, I started up making my own version of a tool which should help a lot with the process of laying out things nicely. The project is not fully complete, but it is ready for some beta testing! A few features so far - Visual display of all images (I think) + bounding boxes - Supports drag + drop / resize - Nested view for only what you care about (cleaner than K-GFF) - Cross-platform - works on linux / windows / mac (with caveats) - Light / Dark Mode for all of you who look at too many bright things (like I do) Getting Started Guide: https://github.com/amcolash/kotor-gui-editor/blob/master/README.md Release Page: https://github.com/amcolash/kotor-gui-editor/releases Source Code: https://github.com/amcolash/kotor-gui-editor Changelog 0.0.4 (9/17/2020): First Public Release
  43. 1 point
    Just in case there are still people looking for this in 2019 (and in case I ever forget), Miles Sound Studio is still available from the following archive location: https://web.archive.org/web/20080512093039/http://www.radgametools.com/mssdown.htm I can confirm the tool still works on Windows 10. As others have mentioned, the dialogue files should be in the following locations for KoTOR and KoTORII, respectively: swkotor\streamwaves Knights of the Old Republic II\StreamVoice I needed to do the following to decompress and play the dialogue files on Win 10: 1) For safety, copy the source .wav files from the install location and paste elsewhere on your PC 2) Change the files to .mp3 by modifying the extension 3) Open milesstu.exe from Miles Sound Tools\tools\win Note: The 64-bit versions of Miles Sound Tools do not appear to work with Win 10. The 32-bit versions work, but you must run them in Windows XP Service Pack 3 compatibility mode 4) Select one of the copied .mp3 dialogue files, choose "Decompress", save with a new file name This process should give you a useable .mp3 file that any player can work with. Good luck KoTOR fans!
  44. 1 point
    For anyone who stumbles on this thread(it is pretty high in google search results): For me it was annoying having to recast everything, so I wanted to do the same thing. This won't be an exhaustive tutorial, just the high-level steps. First, obviously you need the NWScript compiler. The code for the powers is in "k_inc_force.nss". Use kotortool to get it. Syntax is C-like, so you can use any C syntax highlighting you want. This is just an include file. The actual script called is listed in "spells.2da", impactscript column. This is what you will be compiling. After making all changes to code you want, put the base script, and all includes it calls in a folder and compile. The result should be a .ncs and .ndb files. You only need the .ncs file. Put the .ncs file in your Override. These instructions are valid for for all games. Including Kotor 1/2 and even Neverwinter Nights (apart from any filename differences). Misc note: Some force powers just apply poisons. Those are configurable in "poison.2da", not the script itself. Misc note 2: If you want to preserve balance, you can adjust cost in "spells.2da" and damage appropriately.
  45. 1 point
    Hi, fellow Star Wars fans and enthusiasts. I'm the current maintainer of KSE, the KotOR Save Editor. As most of you who use this tool know, the 3.3.6 version I got out was rushed and highly buggy, and for that I have already and continue to apologize for... Then there was the 3.3.7 version that came out quite recently, amid reports of virus scanners detecting both 3.3.6 and 3.3.7 as carrying viruses. Menirz (the Steam Workshop manager for KSE), Chev Chelios (the maintainer of KPF, the KotOR Path Finder utility used by KSE as of 3.3.7), and I all assured you that these were false positives and that there was nothing in the program that could harm your computers. We were wrong, and more importantly, I was wrong. Menirz and Chev trusted my word that everything was okay, and having had no issues on their computers, they took me at my word, which I now regret... You see, I recently discovered several viruses hidden on my system, some of them buried quite deeply as it turned out. I was tipped off to these by an annoying browser adware called "Ads by Name". This would not show up in my installed programs nor in my browsers' addon list, so I couldn't remove it using conventional methods. I then proceeded to run the following software: Adware Cleaner TDSSKiller RKill Malware Bytes Hitman Pro A Pro form of my Antivirus software, Advanced System Care from IoBit I also cleaned my registry, Scheduled Tasks, Temp files, and a lot of my appdata. In the end, I had to uninstall my browsers and delete all of my local data (so everything but my bookmarks) and wipe that from my system to get the Ads by Name removed from my computer. In the process of running all of this software, other suspicious files and two pieces of malware were removed from my system... When I talked with a good friend later, she asked if I'd recompiled KSE and scanned it now that my system was virus free. I told her that I hadn't even thought about it, since 3.3.6 had been flagged from an online scan and then at several points during development, 3.3.7 had shown up as flagged and not flagged, so its health was debatable. I re-compiled KSE and then proceeded to scan the .exe online with virustotal.com. Here are the results: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/799224ccf99cb201ff860e1032d5969dac99fb517d38540a78e4d1a432553359/analysis/1442555614/ I deeply regret insisting that the virus reports were false positives, and I can't apologize enough to everyone who has downloaded KSE 3.3.7 over the past month. I have sent Menirz a link to the fixed and virus-free version of KSE, what will be known as 3.3.7a, and I had the version hosted here on Deadlystream updated earlier today. I will be contacting Pazuzu soon to see if he's heard the news and in short order, the auto-updater will have the fixed version. To any of you who are concerned for the safety of your systems, I can only recommend deleting KSE from your systems (including the recycle bin or junk folder), re-downloading it, and then scanning your system with the above software... Once again, I am so sorry for this, and I ask that you please believe me when I say that I will not let this happen again... Please note that no other Deadly Stream hosted files/mods were affected by this and that the Deadlystream Site itself remains secure.
  46. 1 point
    Since I was checking K1 for modules that reuse the same music even though they are different places, I created a spreadsheet that lists all of K1's modules and their corresponding Day, Night and Battle music. Day and Night is always the same (with one exception) and I think the game actually only uses Day anyway. All tracks are listed with their number corresponding to their row in ambientmusic.2da, their file name and the name given in the KotOR Soundtrack playlist linked below. You should hopefully be able to sort the spreadsheet by any of the values. To do so, click in the column you want to sort by, press Ctrl+A to select everything and then in "Data" select "Sort by Column XX...". That's all there is to it. I don't know if anyone will ever use this but since I made it, I figured I might as well shart it^^ At the very least you can use it to get warp codes Here you go: K1 music overview spreadsheet Note that most of the STUNT modules do not have any ambient music assigned. That does not mean that no music plays in this scene. Instead the music is most likely started by the script that controls the cutscene. While building this list, I also found some music pieces that are not used in any of the game's modules. However scripts could still play them anywhere in the game. If you happen to know where exactly, please let me know and I'll add the information. Those are the following tracks (once again with the name for the linked playlist): 1 mus_gui_start (The Old Republic Theme) That's the theme played in the main menu. 7 mus_theme_carth (Captured by the Leviathan) This one is played in the cutscene where the Ebon Hawk is captured in the Leviathan's tractor beam. 33 mus_bat_out (The Temple) 45 mus_bat_valsith (Uthar Wynn's Trials) 46 mus_bat_sforge (Star Forge Battle (Not quite sure here as I haven't checked the game file)) And finally, here's the playlist.
  47. 1 point
    Welcome to Deadly Stream's TSLRCM Mod Discussion Area! 1. For those that have come here first before finding the download area, the link to the download is right here. (You do not have to be registered on this site to download but feel free to sign up as it will be helpful with points 2 through 6.) 2. Are you wondering what exactly was restored to the game using the TSLRCM 1.8.6 mod? Look to this this post for answers. If you are wondering what was restored in previous versions of TSLRCM, you'll want to check out the master thread for that which can be found here. 3. Are you wondering if your mod has been found to be either compatible or incompatible with TSLRCM 1.8.6? You'll want to to check out this thread. This thread is by no means complete but will be updated on a regular basis. If you find that there is an important mod missing - and by important, I mean over 10,000 downloads - feel free to mention it to a Deadly Stream Staff member for possible inclusion on the list. (The current Staff members can be found on this page.) 4. If the mod that you'd like to use isn't listed in the thread in (3), it is highly advised that you check out this thread. Please read all the way from the beginning as your question may have already been answered. 5. As much as the team is (dare I say it) obsessed with getting the maximum amount of players enjoying the mod, please keep in mind that working on the TSLRCM isn't their full time job. They sleep, go to work (or school), and have real lives. The TSLRCM team (or experienced users) will see your question in the thread and get to them as quickly as they can. They ask for your patience in these matters. 6. If you'd like to leave a compliment for the modding team for the beta testers, you'll probably want to go right here. Once again, welcome and enjoy your stay! UPDATED 18OCT2017: Information and links updated for TSLRCM 1.8.6
  48. 1 point
    I was looking through the WotOR thread (http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=173733) and noticed that the mod is broken up into a few different parts: the main download off FileFront, two patches, the need to remove two .utc files, and then the lightsaber 7 pack. I noticed that later in the thread T7 says: I'll be honest, I have just starting playing with mods for KOTOR, and so haven't done a play through even with the above adjustments. But it seems like T7 wasn't quite done with this mod, or atleast it wasn't all one clean mod install in 2007. Does anyone know if he finished it somewhere else, or if someone else cleaned it up? If not, it seems like (with the correct permissions) that this would be a mod people would want. Thoughts?
  49. 0 points
    Are these models from a mod or are these vanilla assets from the game itself? If it's from a mod, can you link said mod?
  50. 0 points
    I'm sure many of us play the Kotor 1 Community Patch (K1CP), it's the 4th most downloaded mod on Deadlystream after all! And I'm sure many of us might also know that the K1CP isn't compatible with the Kotor 1 Restoration (K1R mod)... you might be wondering, why is that? K1R is similar to it's K2 cousin, TSLRCM, in that it restores cut content, fixes bugs in the vanilla game and it expects you to install it first and any other mods installed afterwards need to be made compatible with it. But K2 was rushed, Obsidian was forced to leave content unfinished and cut the rest to make way to make way for a release before the 2004 Christmas sales... this not only gutted much of the plot but it also left a plethora of bugs upon release. TSLRCM undoes all of this by restoring much of Obsidian's intended content for early 2005 and fixing many of the game breaking bugs. K1, on the other hand, wasn't like this. What was cut by Bioware was stuff that most players agree was *actually* cut for a good reason, and the bugs in the vanilla game weren't nearly as bad as they were in vanilla K2. In K1R's "prime" from its full release in 2015 until K1CP's first release in 2018, K1R competed with many mods that were incompatible with it such as Kainzorus Prime's NPC Overhaul Mod... and since all K1R had to offer was minor and controversial restored content and minor bug fixes many players, including myself, opted for the much better incompatible mods. With the release of K1R's 1.2 update, there have been a handful of critical bugs in the mod with some capable of breaking the game. This would normally be fixed by the Dev Team behind the mod, but one by one the original K1R Devs left the Kotor Community with only 2 K1R Devs remaining in the community. The mod's leader, ZM90, also vanished... without him, it's impossible to update K1R as he's the one who hosts it, more importantly, we can't obtain permission to update K1R or use assets from K1R. With K1R being seen as undesirable by many and with no hope of it ever being fixed, the developers of the newly emerging K1CP mod abandoned K1R compatibility... just over 5 years later and K1R has become a obsolete relic of the past whilst the K1CP has become the ultimate bug fix mod for K1 standing alongside TSLRCM in importance (Not anywhere near as close, TSLRCM is still King... but its far superior to K1R). Some modders might still make their mods K1R compatible, but I don't bother since K1R has those before mentioned game breaking bugs... why on earth would I put in the effort to make my mods K1R compatible if your game is guaranteed to break because you installed K1R? I'd much rather focus on K1CP compatibility as their dev team is active, are willing to fix bugs with their mod and are still working to this day to fix more vanilla bugs. So this creates a problem... many of us play K1CP, but we can't have Restored Content due to K1CP being incompatible with K1R, and no one can update K1R as the original K1R Devs have abandoned the community... so how do we update K1R? How do we get K1CP compatible with K1R if K1CP Devs refuse to do it? My answer: forget K1R... The K1 Community Patch has already taken the mantle of the "main Kotor mod" from K1R and we can't change that, but we can work with this! This thread is a WIP thread for an upcoming mod, one that you will install after the K1CP mod, one that will restore Kotor 1's cut content whilst having K1CP and it's many, many bug fixes installed! I present to you: Restored Content for the K1 Community Patch or RC-K1CP for short! Now we have to keep our expectations in check... this is currently a one man project, and I alone cannot recreate K1R in its entirety from scratch... though I can, however, restore much of the lesser restored content like impossible difficulty before working my way up to the big leagues like the Vulkar Sublevel. Much of what can be restored is limited to my own modding abilities, so if I can't restore the Vulkar Sublevel constantly requesting it won't make me restore it... it'll be restored when I'm able to restore it, and if that time is not now it'll be some time in the future. You might be wondering; won't this impact the development of my NPC Overhaul mod development? The answer is no... that is because the first release of the RC-K1CP Demo is ready for release! In the coming week or two, I'm planning on releasing some screenshots from the mod to demonstrate what the mod has thus far alongside a YouTube video of an ambitious restoration. Once these are posted here, I shall release the RC-K1CP Demo here on Deadlystream for you to try out! Updates for the RC-K1CP shall be done in two ways; they shall be done in either content updates which adds restorations and bug fix updates which fixes bugs with the mods. As with any other mods, I'd like for players to be ever vigilant for possible bugs and to report any if bugs do arise! RC-K1CP does not follow the same "rules" as K1R and TSLRCM did, so you might see some restored content K1R avoided or never knew existed... so keep that in mind! With release version 0.1.0, you shall enjoy the following restorations from the RC-K1CP. And lastly, there are some things you might consider 'cut content' which might be added to the RC-K1CP. If this cut content was found in pre-release screenshots between 2001-early 2003 before the games release it could be added to the K1 Pre-Release Pack instead and if it's from the XBOX version but was cut from the PC version it might be added to the Knights of the Old XBOX mod (which is due for an update anyway). What do we think? Do you have any suggestions or recommendations? Anything you dislike in K1R you don't want to see in RC-K1CP?