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Showing content with the highest reputation since 08/27/2010 in Status Updates

  1. 13 points
    Remember the days when the Status Update section wasn't dominated by one person?
  2. 12 points
    Just out of the oven, freshly baked.
  3. 11 points
    Attention crew of the Endar Spire. After the ship's recent refit, the medical department has reported an increased incident rate of personnel encountering extremely cold floors when getting out of bed. To combat this, we are issuing new tactical footwear to all crew. Be sure to use them during our upcoming mission to escort members of the Jedi Order to the Outer Rim. That is all.
  4. 11 points
    Latest progress on cloaked party clothing robes: It's not readily apparent, but in addition to the cloak I upscaled her clothing texture and fixed some minor errors.
  5. 10 points
    Some more robe progress: There are ten texture variants for the K2 version. Half are done, and the other half is on the way. I've finished the basic recreation of them all, but that was only the first step. A lot of them need additional fine-tuning. For example, the Dark Jedi Knight robe was misaligned; part of the robe was shifted up a few pixels, compared to the other variants. I also thought the cloaks on a few textures looked washed out, so I fiddled with the levels to give them better contrast. But the biggest changes I've had to make were for Jolee's robe because the original just did not look like Jolee at all. Fortunately, the rest don't have to be replaced almost from scratch like that one. Jolee's robe is the only unique robe that uses that model rather than the master robe model. Just little changes - the fine tuning - are needed for the final five textures. The only thing slowing me down is my motivation. That's the sort of thing I can spend forever fussing over, and in fact I'm still not totally happy with the Jolee texture and might go back to it later. Anyway, the K2 version is coming... eventually.
  6. 10 points
    I haven't been doing much modding over the last couple weeks because I've been working on this instead: It's a fully-functional user-defined language for Notepad++. It has syntax highlighting and auto-completion based on all the terms found in nwscript.nss. I've done all my coding over the last ten years with Notepad - the regular one - with none of these features, so I think it's pretty cool to have now. (The code I typed is garbage, though. I was just putting stuff down to show a few of the features and I forgot to assign the command to an object.)
  7. 10 points
    Trying out something new: Still need to fill in the back after I chopped off all the head and neck parts of the original, plus add a shadowcaster mesh and fiddle with envmaps (ugh).
  8. 9 points
    Just uploaded my 55th mod release on DeadlyStream.
  9. 9 points
    Excited to announce that I just got accepted to grad school! Not bad for a guy who almost flunked out of college 3 years ago. It's really humbling; I'm truly grateful.
  10. 9 points
    Well N-DReW25 knows how to port NPCs between games, all without the need of creating a help thread.
  11. 8 points
    I am eternally grateful for the support and knowledge within this community.
  12. 8 points
  13. 8 points
    That's a lot of posts by just one guy. Or is it just me seeing this?
  14. 8 points
    Words do not describe how excited and elated I am to have finally released one of my big projects. Thank you so much to everyone involved for helping make this a reality. Onto the next one!
  15. 8 points
    Big guns: I had to do an update for my Harbinger Hull Fixes mod. While I was at it, I figured I should probably address something that has always bothered me. So I hacked up the Harbinger's exterior model, made some new gun meshes, and plonked it on top of the bridge. And since the bridge is just a reskin of the Endar Spire's bridge, it will also slot straight into K1. I think I might add some actual mesh frames to the glass as well, give those dirt stains something to actually accumulate around. One drawback is that the guns now almost completely block the docking collar which I added previously. Oh well.
  16. 8 points
  17. 8 points
    To all my friends that I have made over the years on this site, I cannot begin to tell you how much your friendship has meant to me. Unfortunately, my activity on Deadly Stream will be ceasing to a halt (aside from the occasional download) due to having orders from the United States Navy. OCS here I come!
  18. 8 points
    Excited to announce that non other than the man of a thousand voices himself @UnusualCharacters will now be playing Zekk Vorrn in the The Prodigal Knight!
  19. 7 points
    The other day on the DS Discord I suggested that we should make some KOTOR "Feels Good" emojis. I figured it should be possible to generate some through the various machine learning algorithms that have appeared in the last 6-12 months. I especially thought one of the image-to-image ones might be best, since you could use renders of the KOTOR characters and then try to stylise them. I decided to have a crack at it myself. I messed around trying to pose Bastila's model, first her default clothing model and then the underwear model, and then afterwards touched up the image to reduce some elements that the algorithm was choking on (like her eyeshadow and bra straps): The algorithm didn't seem to like the low poly model that much, nor her apparently giant man hands. But here's a selection of what it produced: It insisted on trying to put clothes on her, which I attribute to the crackdown on naked/porn images a while back. Anyway, the results weren't particularly Bastila-like, but here's an attempt to convert one of them to a line drawing more in the style of the meme: And while I was at it, I also tried some text-to-image algorithms. I established that the Bing one has no idea who any of the characters from KOTOR are, but it does know more general Star Wars characters (as evidenced by every request for a Malak or Revan resulting in some sort of Vader-esque result). So leaning into that, I managed to get the following: The Mando one is a little wonky, what with dual-wielding rangefinders and the errant bit of cloth/cape under the right forearm, but overall quite impressive from a purely text-based prompt.
  20. 7 points
    After all these years, I finally made another mod analysis video. I tried changing how I make these videos and I hope to improve on the new format with the next one.
  21. 7 points
    Lonna Vash Mod for TSLRCM has been updated to version 1.1 to add an installation option to give Kaah his M4-78EP appearance and voice. Thanks to the fellow modders who have given me permission to use their assets for this!
  22. 7 points
  23. 7 points
  24. 7 points
  25. 7 points
  26. 7 points
  27. 7 points
    Things are getting pretty weird around here. BTW, if you have saves for M4-78 EP, I'd like to have them. Please note whether you used version 1.2, 1.3 (Steam), or 1.5. Also list which mods you used as well (with links). Finally, did you have a LS or DS gameplay-through. Thanks. I'd post this in the Game Saves section but let's be honest, - most people don't check that section.
  28. 7 points
    Canderous demonstrating an advanced Mandalorian stretching technique.
  29. 7 points
    Step 1: Certificate of Occupancy acquired. Step 2: House purchased. Steps 3 and 4 remain to be completed.
  30. 6 points
    For those that use KOTORBlender, I forked seedhartha's repo to make a few tweaks in case anyone is interested. Fixes the texture search path for Windows users, adds a new separate search path for lightmap textures, and adds a menu to the UI with some show/hide functionality similar to KMax: I'm open to other ideas if anyone has suggestions for further KMax-like additions. Although I'm no programmer, so I'm not going to be able to do anything too fancy. Edit: I created a pull request to merge these additions, so you can now just download it directly from DS on the KBlender page in the Tools section.
  31. 6 points
    Hey, this is my first status update on this site! Anyway, I intended to post this on New Year but there were more complications than I anticipated. So recently I softmodded my +20 year old original Xbox and I wanted to try modding the Kotor games with the new tools to check how far you could go. I saw some threads about this here and here, which were really useful but I wanted to note some things: · From my experiments, textures need to be square with a size of 512x512 maximum, otherwise they will not show up correctly. They don't need to be in TXB format, you can just throw the TGA and TXI into override. · I tried converting custom modules (like the ones in Brotherhood of Shadow) to the Xbox version, but they didn't work for some reason. · Character models and other mods can easily crash the game. I have had countless crashes which made my console freeze and I couldn't turn it on until a few hours passed which is why this took me so long. So with all this I just made a video about it here: Excuse the video and audio quality, I don't have a game capture lol. I also experimented with the Xbox version of the Jedi Knight games and ironically, they are way more limited than the Kotor games despite having released all the tools and source code for the PC version. You can see a video about it here: On another note, my machinima is getting closer to completion and I will show it here once it's done. No mods to show this time, but I hope you find this useful if you ever intend to mod the Xbox version of this games. And don't hesitate to post any other info about this I may have missed if you have any! Happy New Year!!
  32. 6 points
    I updated my Prototype Knight & Warrior Breastplates with some visual tweaks. I'm looking into adding them to K1 using JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes.
  33. 6 points
    Working on a little something: While doing so, the thought arises: what are those "wings" meant to be exactly? Giant Wi-Fi antenna?
  34. 6 points
  35. 6 points
    Another sneak peak, in the concept design phase.
  36. 6 points
    Sneak peak of the current testing process
  37. 6 points
    One of my biggest pet peeves as a modder is getting reports of bugs that could be solved if the user actually read through the Read Me file of my mod.
  38. 6 points
    For the first time in over half a decade, the original "Canderis" account has been returned to me! Add me on Old School Runescape if any y'all play haha
  39. 6 points
    Question: Does it make sense to leave reviews on mods when you can't use them (i.e. you don't have a non Xbox version of the game)?
  40. 6 points
    Happy holidays! My girl made me a little SW tree
  41. 6 points
  42. 6 points
    When Robert Pattinson was announced as Batman, I had my doubts (but after the controversy surrounding Heath Ledger's casting as The Joker for TDK and how wrong everyone turned out to be I decided to wait and see), but god damn this looks excellent so far:
  43. 6 points
    Me: *Loads Kotor Tool* *Kotor Tool's script compiling feature suddenly works* Me: *But now I can't edit any uti files* Me:
  44. 6 points
    I have zero motivation to do any of my coursework online.
  45. 6 points
    Jolee and Juhani done (barring possible future tweaks). Still Bastila's to go. I also should try a few different brown variations for compatibility with the 100% Brown option of the main cloaked robes mod, but I'm not sure what to do with those yet, might save it for a future update.
  46. 6 points
    Juhani Appearance Overhaul - coming soon to your Override folders.
  47. 6 points
    Will have me-self my first ever SW movies marathon. May the Force be with You all!
  48. 6 points
    I'm waiting for this policy change to turn out to be some elaborate scheme to round up all the porters and ban them.
  49. 5 points
    Remember Shem from FileFront and LucasForums? You ought to read his personal thoughts about KotOR on Reddit. (KotOR1 spoilers throughout.)
  50. 5 points
    Disney is working very hard to produce new material for @Hassat Hunter to complain about: