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Found 78 results

  1. Darth Vhail

    Revan's Head

    Version 1.2


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: Darth Vhail Release Date: 05.11.2016 ->Description: This mod changes the appearance of the fourth caucasian male head to resemble Revan from the SWTOR game. There are two variations: one with scares, and one without. They both are complete with dark side transitions and portraits. ->Installation: Choose which skin variant you prefer, then copy the files from the corresponding folder to your KotOR override folder. To uninstall, simply delete the files. The are also two alternate portraits folders. ->Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    A new retexture of the wonderful character Kreia, also known as Darth Traya. Both iterations, textures of the Light and Dark Side of the Force are presented. Installation: unpack all files to your Override folder.
  3. View File HD Realistic Sand People The demonization of the Sand People has always irritated me. Don't these wonderful characters deserve to at least have decent 2K textures? Installation: Move all files from the downloaded and opened archive to the Override folder of your game. Submitter Etienne76 Submitted 08/17/2024 Category Knights of The Old Republic  
  4. Version 1.1.1


    **While most of the screenshots are in K2, all of the stuff shown is what is in the download, and the screenshots are just used for the sake of me not having to retake all the screenshot.** *NOTHING QUALITY WISE IS CHANGED IN THE TEXTURE FILES* Description: The swords, axes, and stun batons in Vanilla K1 aren't the most prettiest things you could look at in the game. I have decided to make a texture enhancement for the swords since Snigaroo put a request for a skin to do something like this on the mod build request thread for TSL and K1. I also wanted to make this eventually, so why not do it now? The vanilla K1 swords have been upscaled to 2048 x 2048 from 64 x 64. I then used KotorBlender and GIMP to make the swords look better. Likewise for the axes and the stun batons. These are texture re-used from the TSL Melee Texture Enhancement I uploaded, but just the files K1 has. Person-who-wouldn't-wish-to-be-credited also provided an alternate stun baton texture for the 004 stun baton in a discussion with him, and button textures I used on the stun batons and swords. The alternate stun baton texture has a wood and leather appearance. I haven't changed the animated "zappy" texture on the stun batons, nor have I changed the third stun baton texture (re-used 2nd Stun Baton texture for this K1 version) , since none of the stun batons in the game use it. Screenshots are provided in the "Screeshots" folder. Installation: 1. Extract the .zip 2. Copy all of the .tpc files from "override" 3. Paste them into the override folder in the K1 directory 4. *Optionally* Copy w_Stunbaton_004.tpc from Alternate 4th Stun Baton folder and copy that into the override folder in your K1 directory, overwrite when prompted. Credits: Person-who-wouldn't-wish-to-be-credited for the button and Alternate 4th Stun Baton Texture GIMP Kotor Tool KotorBlender Use of Mod: Do not upload to any other file hosting sites without my permission (like NexusMods, GameBanana, etc.) You can re-use one of these textures in your own mod, as long as you have my permission. This mod should be compatible with any mods as long as they don't change or edit the melee textures used in this mod. This does not change or edit any new melee textures used in other mods, it is simply a vanilla add-on, and does not require anything but the download to use. 🙂
  5. Version 1.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: Darth Vhail Release Date: 05.01.2017 ->Description: This mod adds new graphics to the Sith/Stabilizer/Vacuum Masks and Motion Detection/Stealth Field Reinforcement Goggles found in-game. It also adds new icons for these items. ->Installation: To install you need to copy the files into your KotOR override folder. ->Compatibility: If you have other mod files changing the appearance of the Sith/Stabilizer/Vacuum Masks and Motion Detection/Stealth Field Reinforcement Goggles, they will be replaced. Also any mods that add new models for these four masks are incompatible with these textures. ->Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  6. Version 1.2.0


    For someone like Kreia who stays COMPLETELY Neutral throughout the entirety of her being in your party for most of the game, her visual aesthetic doesn't express neutrality (more like wise, mysterious but hidden in rags), in my opinion. This gives her an Asthetic reskin to make her robes more Neutral. - - - - - - - - - - To install just: 1. Unzip "Neutral Kreia Asthetic Robes (Reskin)" (You can use things like WinRAR to open it, or if you are on windows you may be able to just unzip it with FileExplorer.) 2. Once it has been unzipped, open up "Neutral Kreia Athetic Robes (Reskin)" 3. Copy the files to the override folder in your swkotor2 directory. To Uninstall, delete the files this mod adds. - - - - - - - - - - If you need any assistance with mods, I recommend going to the Kotor Discord server for help in #Tech_Support. - - - - - - - - - - Please Do Not upload this mod to the Steam Workshop. You can use this Skin in your own Mod if you'd like, as long as I am credited.
  7. Can anyone with experience mod a player skin for TSL that more closely resembles me.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    The demonization of the Sand People has always irritated me. Don't these wonderful characters deserve to at least have decent 2K textures? Installation: Move all files from the downloaded and opened archive to the Override folder of your game.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Retextures of Jawas. Jawas are sexy! Installation: unpack and place files to your game Override folder
  10. View File HD realistic Jawas Retextures of Jawas. Jawas are sexy! Installation: unpack and place files to your game Override folder Submitter Etienne76 Submitted 08/18/2024 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  11. LewokGuy

    Yassified Carth

    Version 1.0.0


    Description: This Yassifies Carth. It gives him Baby Smooth Skin, Removes his facial hair, and gives him some makeup. Installation: Put the files from Yassified Carth into your Override Folder in your swkotor directory Permissions: Do not use this in your own mod without my permission. Do not Upload this anywhere else and/or take credit for it. Compatiblity: Not compatible with anything that edits Carth's head or portrait. I recommend using this mod here and choosing one of the recolored variants of Carth's Clothing to go with his newly Glammed face!
  12. View File HD realistic Kreia A new retexture of the wonderful character Kreia, also known as Darth Traya. Both iterations, textures of the Light and Dark Side of the Force are presented. Installation: unpack all files to your Override folder. Submitter Etienne76 Submitted 07/29/2024 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  13. I cant find a mod for KOTOR 1 that I had been using before, if anybody knows the mod that would be amazing. It was one that altered the underwear of the PC. There were 3 different designs within the mod, and each design was linked to a different ethnicity (caucasion had 1 design, asian had another etc) I swear I found it on this site before but i feel like i've searched every word variation and scrolled through every kotor 1 mod published and cant find it lol
  14. Greetings. During my weekends I decided to redownload kotor and installed a big amount of mods, which all work fine except for the: As it only changes the sound of the Dark Jedi that should've been replaced by Stalker, but not the model itself. Also I mixed 2 more mods, first going for the : And secondly going with : Before going for the mentioned mod... Could there be a reason why this one specifically refuses to work fully?
  15. Version 1.1.0


    Description: I've never liked how Kreia has a thing covering her whole neck, and it looks kind of weird and unnecessary. I don't know what it's called, so I will just refer to it as her "neck cushion." I tried my best to make it look like skin on her neck. Some areas may look weird or unusual in the corners of her head model. Textures are 2048 x 2048 Installation: Copy the "Override" folder found in the folder found inside the mod archive to your TSL game directory and overwrite if prompted. Check for any .tpc or .txi that have the same name as the textures in this mod and delete those. UnInstalling: Delete the 2 files in your Override folder that are in the mods override folder Compatability: Compatible with everything but mods that change Kreia's regular textures. It will work with any mod that changes how she looks in her dark side outfit. Credits: Kotor Tool GIMP Blender Permissions: You can use this in your own mod if you'd like as long as I am credited. Do not reupload this mod as it's whole like this to any other sites without my permission (If I wanted it on another site though, I'd just upload it there myself.) Do not claim this mod as your own. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  16. Version 1.1.1


    This mod replaces the vanilla and/or the installed Republic Soldier texture with the new shade-specularity tweaked version. # Background # The way I see it; the vanilla and/or already present Republic Soldier texture lacks some shading and reflection particularly on its trim, so I thought adding ones would somehow enhance its appearance. # About this Mod # Inside this mod are 6 options of new shade and specularity tweaked Republic Soldier texture in TPC format: [Main] New Shade for Male NPC Republic Soldier [Option-1] Vanilla version for JC's "Republic Soldier Fix for K1" - Male and Female * [Option-2] Vanilla Version Model - Female NPC Republic Soldier [Option-3] New Shade for JC's "Republic Soldier Uniform for PC" - Male and Female * [Option-4] Vanilla version for JC's "Republic Soldier Uniform for PC" - Male and Female * [Option-5] New Shade for JC's "Republic Soldier Fix for K1" - Male and Female NPC Republic Soldier * * Option 1, 3, 4 and 5 requires JCarter426/JC's "JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1" to be installed first. # Final Remarks # There's always room for improvements - critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks for the next update are much appreciated - PM, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: I suggest you to manually removes any TGA/DDS and TXI instances of the relevant files [if there're any] from the 'Override' folder. And then - run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe], and hit the [Install Mod ->] button! Uninstallation: remove the installed files from the 'Override' folder or replaces them with the files stored in the 'Backup' folder [if generated] Compatibility: this option will be compatible with JCarter426's "JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1" as long as this mod was installed after the said mod has. With any mods that is using the same name for the assets and/or potentially overwrite this mod, no compatibility is guaranteed Redistribution: if you want to redistribute the mod - just go with it. Though less likely I will provide supports to any other place than DeadlyStream. If you are to re-use an assets to a project you will be releasing, you don't have to ask for permission - but your generous intention is very much welcome. I'd love to know what others are up too, particularly if my work are included. And then, make sure to credit BioWare & LucasArts with the release - particularly with the inclusion of the assets. An appreciation to this lil' peasant work here is also a very warm welcome, welcome. Credits: The Almighty Force which gave me chance to finish the mod BioWare & LucasArts for developing one of the best RPG I've played DarthParametric for past-present knowledge which allows me to create customs and for all the outstanding creation that I am a fan of JCarter426 for "JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1" release; as without his mod - most of these contents would not have been possible Snigaroo/Sniggles for hosting #mod_development on Discord > r/kotor, and especially for making me revisit this mod for an update Salk for the input to include additional before-after screenshots Fred Tetra for the amazing KotOR Tool ndix UR for tga2tpc DrMcCoy for xoreos-tools' "xoreostex2tga" stoffe for the magnificent TSLPatcher, and Fair Strides for later improves it Notepad++team for Notepad++ All the Tool Makers wasn't mentioned - can't make it without y'all! All the inspiring streamers on DeadlyStream All the inspiring modders either active or inactive DeadlyStream for being a home; a place to hangout - to discuss and hosting my work DeadlyStream staffs for tirelessly improving and maintaining the site -eb
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Movie Mandalorians - Retextured by Mcfly -------------------- My intention in making these textures was to fuse the concept of the Movie Mandalorians mod, with the original in-game Mandalorian designs. I initially made these just for my own use, but I decided to release them once I finally completed the set. -------------------- Install: -------------------- - These textures require the Movie Mandalorians mod by Deadman. - Copy all .tga files into your KOTOR2/override folder. -------------------- Uninstall: -------------------- - Delete the .tga files from your override folder. - Reinstall Movie Mandalorians mod to restore the original textures -------------------- Special Thanks: -------------------- - Deadman, for creating the original mod. Thank you Deadman! -------------------- Permission: -------------------- - Anyone is welcome to do whatever they like with these. -------------------- Contact: -------------------- If for any reason you want to contact me, you can find me on DeadlyStream and NexusMods. - Mcfly696 @ NexusMods - Mcfly @ DeadlyStream
  18. Version 2.0.0


    This mod replaces the static computer panel placeables [PLC_comPanel] that found throughout the game; such as one in the Bumani's, Medical Unit, and Czerka's [on Telos] with the animated ones. -= BACKGROUND =- It was Sith Holocron's request about his least favorite texture in KotOR2/TSL that makes me work on this mod. But as time goes by curiosity on trying to improve it haunts me, by doing more and looking much better -- hence the born of v2.0.0. On this [as well as the previous one] I have him to help on making the panel screen, hence the sweet result of a movie-like looking ones. You should check out his blog from where the inspiration comes -- And then with DarthParametric's handy-hands the panel now have a new symmetrical frame, some 3D buttons, also few TOR-ported bits on the screen. Not stopping there, it now have a new panel board decals -- a copied work from Frank Diorio's downloadable decals [then niubniubsuniverse-dot-com]. -= ABOUT THIS MOD =- Inside this mod are 2 version; transparent screen and a solid-non-transparent version. Preview: Transparent Solid Specifics: New panel frame trimesh made by @DarthParametric New 3D buttons trimesh made by DarthParametric Panel screen bitmap made by @Sith Holocron Panel board bitmap made by Frank Diorio TOR ported animated bits redistributed by DarthParametric Tools mostly worked on to -- KOTORmax [gmax] by bead-v / Aurora MDL [N++] by Symmetric The panel texture currently still in vanilla scheme [based on stock PLC_comPanel], albeit upscaled to x1024 from x256 using PS'. -= KNOWN ISSUES =- With transparent version, some objects will become invisible behind the screen; such as traffics seen from Medical Unit and lightsaber as well with the hilt. There's a workaround for the traffics, but that's beyond the scope of this mod so they're something to live with at the moment. Nothing that I know of though for the lightsabers. -= FINAL REMARKS =- There's always room for improvements; reviews, critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks are much appreciated. PM me here, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and using this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! -= INSTALLATION =- Run the installer and choose INSTALL option. Pick one you choose -- then hit the [Install Mod ->] button! -= UNINSTALLATION =- Choose the UNINSTALL option in the installation menu For a clean uninstallation, remove these files from the Override after proceeding with the main procedure -- eb_plc_commpane1/2.MDL eb_plc_commpane1/2.MDX eb_plc_commpane1/2.PWK eb_companel_btns.TPC eb_companel_pnel.TPC eb_companel_wave.TPC sheb_compnl_scrn.TPC -= COMPATIBILITY =- Not compatible with mods that hard-overwrites placeables.2DA Not compatible with mods that alter the modelname and label setup for RowIndex 292 in placeables.2DA Not compatible with mods which happened to have the same name with the MDL, MDX, PWK, and TPC-s that included with this mod -= REDISTRIBUTION =- Do not redistribute this mod or re-release it on any websites. I'd love to provide direct support to my work, which wouldn't be possible if they're scattered in the Unknown Regions. If you are to re-use an assets to a project you will be releasing, please be kindly to ask for permission first - that way I know what's up, and if it's interesting enough I might offer to be involved, lol. Or at least we'll talk. Cheers! -= CREDITS =- The Almighty Force Obsidian Entertainment and LucasArts for The Sith Lords Frank Diorio as the creator of panel board bitmap Sith Holocron for feedbacks, ideas and the panel screen DarthParametric for past-present knowledge, his creation that I took learn from, and particularly with this project -- the panel frame, 3D buttons as well the TOR-ported bits [and both endless technical-to-non assistance which makes this mod possible] JCarter426 and Inyri Forge for all their awesome work that I look up to - I learned a lot from their mods and been practicing a lot using their method Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool bead-v for KOTORmax and MDLedit Symmetric for Aurora MDL ndix UR for tga2tpc and tpcview stoffe for TSL Patcher and Fair Strides for the updates VarsityPuppet for 2DA Editor All Tool Makers wasn't mentioned - can't make it without y'all! All streamers on DeadlyStream All modders either active or inactive DeadlyStream for being a home -- a place to hangout, to discuss and hosting my work DeadlyStream staffs for tirelessly improving and maintaining the site DeadlyStream's #modding [Discord] channel that particularly essential for this project -eb
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Description: This Mod Gives Atton's Clothing A New Look And Also Changed His Dark Side Transitions To Look Better. ------------- Installation: 1. Extract Atton Re-Textured 1.0.0.Zip with any program that can open a .Zip file. 2. Open Attons Re-Textured and select all files (click the top file and shift click the bottom file.) 3. Copy them and Paste them in the Kotor 2 Override folder. For Steam users you need right click the game in your library, click on "Manage" and click on the option that allows you to view the games files. For Retail Users and Mobile Users it will be much more difficult and I do not know how to. I recommend searching up a guide on Deadly Stream or YouTube on how to. ------------ Credits: Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool GNU Image Manipulation Program aka GIMP ------------ Permissions: It can be uploaded to any other site, as long as it has all the files that are in this and if I am credited. If it is uploaded to the Steam Workshop and there are problems with it, I will not be responsible for it and it's issues as the Workshop is already pretty buggy. ------------ Compatibilites: - TSLRCM? Compatible. - No Party Member Dark Side Transitions? Compatible if this is installed after and all files that ask to be overwrited must be. - Any Other Mods? Should be as long as you install and overwrite these files after the mods, but will not have these textures from my mod if a mod overwrites these.
  20. View File Kreia's Neck Cushion Removed Description: I've never liked how Kreia has a thing covering her whole neck, and it looks kind of weird and unnecessary. I don't know what it's called, so I will just refer to it as her "neck cushion." I tried my best to make it look like skin on her neck. Some areas may look weird or unusual in the corners of her head model. Textures are 2048 x 2048 Installation: Copy the "Override" folder found in the folder found inside the mod archive to your TSL game directory and overwrite if prompted. Check for any .tpc or .txi that have the same name as the textures in this mod and delete those. UnInstalling: Delete the 2 files in your Override folder that are in the mods override folder Compatability: Compatible with everything but mods that change Kreia's regular textures. It will work with any mod that changes how she looks in her dark side outfit. Credits: Kotor Tool GIMP Blender Permissions: You can use this in your own mod if you'd like as long as I am credited. Do not reupload this mod as it's whole like this to any other sites without my permission (If I wanted it on another site though, I'd just upload it there myself.) Do not claim this mod as your own. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Lewok2007 Submitted 09/20/2023 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  21. Version 1.1.1


    Description: The swords, axes, and stun batons in Vanilla TSL aren't the most prettiest things you could look at in the game. I have decided to make a texture enhancement for the swords since Snigaroo put a request for a skin to do something like this on the mod build request thread for TSL. I also wanted to make this eventually, so why not do it now? The vanilla TSL swords have been upscaled to 2048 x 2048 from 64 x 64. I then used KotorBlender and GIMP to make the swords look better. Likewise for the axes and the stun batons. Person-who-wouldn't-wish-to-be-credited also provided an alternate stun baton texture for the 004 stun baton in a discussion with him, and button textures I used on the stun batons and swords. The alternate stun baton texture has a wood and leather appearance. I haven't changed the animated "zappy" texture on the stun batons, nor have I changed the third stun baton texture, since none of the stun batons in the game use it. Screenshots are provided in the "Screeshots" folder. Installation: 1. Extract the .zip 2. Copy all of the .tpc files from "override" 3. Paste them into the override folder in the TSL directory 4. *Optionally* Copy w_Stunbaton_004.tpc from Alternate 4th Stun Baton folder and copy that into the override folder in your TSL directory, overwrite when prompted. Credits: Person-who-wouldn't-wish-to-be-credited for the button and Alternate 4th Stun Baton Texture GIMP Kotor Tool KotorBlender Use of Mod: Do not upload to any other file hosting sites without my permission (like NexusMods, GameBanana, Steam Workshop. etc.) You can re-use one of these textures in your own mod, as long as you have my permission.
  22. Greetings. Russian Kotor fan here who would like some help with mod installment since I have been running into a few issues recently : 1) small sized map when using widescreen fix and UI fix for white screen. 2) Bolook's "Murdered Setler" quest on Dantooine gets stuck on the first round no matter what I would do and how many reloads I would make beforehand. My mod combination is starting with kotor editable executable. For UI For videos Along with a few Dark Hope mods on HD textures for chars, Logical Datapads mod, Marius Fett Sith armors and aditional armor packs, effects, heads and other stuff installed after it, plus a weapon pack combo I found working quite well together. And also K1 Legends combo of mods As of now, I figures that first I should keep the armor related mods being downloaded last in this case (since for some reason installing armors first would result in some npcs dissapearing) and using any droid skins after K1 Legends Januce Nall mod as well, in order to avoid her dissapearing. Everything else works fine, but the map and Bolook quest are the only issue not progressing further. Could anyone help with that? My current weapon pack is: /1209 Along with
  23. View File K1 Melee Texture Enhancement **While most of the screenshots are in K2, all of the stuff shown is what is in the download, and the screenshots are just used for the sake of me not having to retake all the screenshot.** *NOTHING QUALITY WISE IS CHANGED IN THE TEXTURE FILES* Description: The swords, axes, and stun batons in Vanilla K1 aren't the most prettiest things you could look at in the game. I have decided to make a texture enhancement for the swords since Snigaroo put a request for a skin to do something like this on the mod build request thread for TSL and K1. I also wanted to make this eventually, so why not do it now? The vanilla K1 swords have been upscaled to 2048 x 2048 from 64 x 64. I then used KotorBlender and GIMP to make the swords look better. Likewise for the axes and the stun batons. These are texture re-used from the TSL Melee Texture Enhancement I uploaded, but just the files K1 has. Person-who-wouldn't-wish-to-be-credited also provided an alternate stun baton texture for the 004 stun baton in a discussion with him, and button textures I used on the stun batons and swords. The alternate stun baton texture has a wood and leather appearance. I haven't changed the animated "zappy" texture on the stun batons, nor have I changed the third stun baton texture (re-used 2nd Stun Baton texture for this K1 version) , since none of the stun batons in the game use it. Screenshots are provided in the "Screeshots" folder. Installation: 1. Extract the .zip 2. Copy all of the .tpc files from "override" 3. Paste them into the override folder in the K1 directory 4. *Optionally* Copy w_Stunbaton_004.tpc from Alternate 4th Stun Baton folder and copy that into the override folder in your K1 directory, overwrite when prompted. Credits: Person-who-wouldn't-wish-to-be-credited for the button and Alternate 4th Stun Baton Texture GIMP Kotor Tool KotorBlender Use of Mod: Do not upload to any other file hosting sites without my permission (like NexusMods, GameBanana, etc.) You can re-use one of these textures in your own mod, as long as you have my permission. This mod should be compatible with any mods as long as they don't change or edit the melee textures used in this mod. This does not change or edit any new melee textures used in other mods, it is simply a vanilla add-on, and does not require anything but the download to use. 🙂 Submitter Lewok2007 Submitted 06/04/2023 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  24. View File TSL Melee Texture Enhancement Description: The swords, axes, and stun batons in Vanilla TSL aren't the most prettiest things you could look at in the game. I have decided to make a texture enhancement for the swords since Snigaroo put a request for a skin to do something like this on the mod build request thread for TSL. I also wanted to make this eventually, so why not do it now? The vanilla TSL swords have been upscaled to 2048 x 2048 from 64 x 64. I then used KotorBlender and GIMP to make the swords look better. Likewise for the axes and the stun batons. Person-who-wouldn't-wish-to-be-credited also provided an alternate stun baton texture for the 004 stun baton in a discussion with him, and button textures I used on the stun batons and swords. The alternate stun baton texture has a wood and leather appearance. I haven't changed the animated "zappy" texture on the stun batons, nor have I changed the third stun baton texture, since none of the stun batons in the game use it. Screenshots are provided in the "Screeshots" folder. Installation: 1. Extract the .zip 2. Copy all of the .tpc files from "override" 3. Paste them into the override folder in the TSL directory 4. *Optionally* Copy w_Stunbaton_004.tpc from Alternate 4th Stun Baton folder and copy that into the override folder in your TSL directory, overwrite when prompted. Credits: Person-who-wouldn't-wish-to-be-credited for the button and Alternate 4th Stun Baton Texture GIMP Kotor Tool KotorBlender Use of Mod: Do not upload to any other file hosting sites without my permission (like NexusMods, GameBanana, Steam Workshop. etc.) You can re-use one of these textures in your own mod, as long as you have my permission. Submitter Lewok2007 Submitted 05/21/2023 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  25. View File Playable Nightsister Characters REDONE 1.0 Nightsister Playable Character REDONE by Lewok (For TSL) Description: A bit ago, I made a mod called “Nightsister Playable Character,” but I wanted to recreate it. I used heads from Kotor 1 and created a Nightsister Texture on them and added them as new heads. (They will not overwrite any preexisting heads, so you can play with the rest without the texture changed.) Head Descriptions: PFHS01: Medium long hair, some tattoos, and a ponytail. PFHS02: Short Hair and few face tattoos. PFHS03: Medium Long Hair, Lots of face tattoos, and a ponytail. PFHS01 and PFHS03 are re-used heads from Kotor 2, PFHS02 is a re-used head from Kotor 1. Installation: 1. Unzip Nightsister Playable Character Redone 2. Open up the Nightsister Playable Character REDONE Folder 3. Start TSLPatcher and go through the installation process by directing it to the folder where the Override folder is. (Not the override folder itself though, where the .exe is located.) 4. Let TSLPatcher do its thing. Credits: Fred Tetra for Kotor tool GIMP Stoffe for TSLPatcher Effix for helping me figure out how to set up the TSLPatcher for this and letting me use the changes.ini from his Zabrak Player mod as a base for this. Unused Modules for TSL (Used for taking screenshots) Bugs: PFHS03 has pink on the eyelids. No other bugs, please report to me for anymore. Permissions: You can re-use the textures from this mod in your own, as long as I am properly credited and you do not claim them for your own. I do not want this to be uploaded to Nexusmods, Moddb, Steam Workshop, or any other platforms. THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Submitter Lewok2007 Submitted 01/21/2023 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes