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Found 28 results

  1. View File Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance =Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Hand_Disc_SameGenderRomances.7z LATEST VERSION: 1.6 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream PLEASE READ THROUGH THE MOD INFO ON THIS PAGE AND THE FAQ ARTICLE FOR MY KOTOR SAME-GENDER ROMANCE MODS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS! 1. DESCRIPTION: As much as I love KotOR II: TSL, I have always been disappointed by the lack of same-gender romance options with any of the party members. Granted, TSL never had any fully developed romance arc to begin with, but given KotOR 1 at least has Juhani as a lesbian romance option even though her romance has less content (and is much easier to miss due to bugs) compared to Bastila's or Carth's, the lack of same-gender romance options in TSL is disappointing, in my opinion. My Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance as well as Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance mods had been made and released as part of my same-gender romance mod project for TSL, now I present to you the next and the biggest part of my project: Handmaiden Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance mod! This mod makes the Handmaiden a romance option for female Exiles, and the Disciple a romance option for male Exiles. Players do not need to worry about any possible pronouns mix-up either because this mod will make the Handmaiden refer to a female Exile by "she/her" and the Disciple refer to a male Exile by "he/him". If a female Exile has much higher influence with Visas than the Handmaiden, the Handmaiden vs. Visas jealousy/rivalry cutscenes will be triggered (however, be warned that this will also make the Handmaiden refuse to speak to the player for the rest of the game, unless you installed my No Jealousy Lock in Handmaiden Dialogue mod). Similarly, if a male Exile has much higher influence with the Disciple than Atton, Atton vs. the Disciple jealousy/rivalry cutscenes will be triggered. It is worth noting that this mod also enables the romantic subtext between a female Exile and Atris, due to the fact that said romantic subtext are only available if you recruit Handmaiden as a party member. Please note that this mod is ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE ENGLISH LOCALIZATION OF TSL AND TSLRCM. I do not provide support for non-English localizations of TSL and TSLRCM. 2. IMPORTANT NOTE TO MAKE THIS MOD WORK: In order for the Handmaiden/Disciple content from this mod to take effect, you must use a save before Handmaiden/Disciple joins your party. In Handmaiden's case, you must load a save before leaving the secret Academy on Telos. In Disciple's case, you must load a save before meeting him in the Enclave Sublevel on Dantooine. There is NO other way to add Handmaiden/Disciple in your party if you have played past the point where Handmaiden/Disciple is supposed to join your party. 3. INSTALLATION: ***** Due to the fact that this mod will make considerable amount of changes to the game's content, please read my instructions carefully and check out the "MOD COMPATIBILITY" section below before installing this mod! ***** First and foremost, make sure you have The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) installed since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for this mod to work. !! ATTENTION!! STEAM USERS: If you play KotOR 2 on Steam, DO NOT USE THE STEAM WORKSHOP VERSION OF TSLRCM if you want to use this mod! Instead, use the installer (.exe) version of TSLRCM, which can be downloaded from Deadly Stream here. I recommend reading this Deadly Stream post on why Steam Workshop is NOT recommended for modding KotOR 2. After installing TSLRCM, extract the Hand_Disc_SGRomances.7z you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR 2 directory. Before you install, make sure that your KotOR 2 main game directory and all subfolders are NOT set as read-only, otherwise you may get an error message that says along the lines of "[ERROR] Unhandled exception: Access violation at address...". Right-click your KotOR 2 folder and subfolders, go to Properties and uncheck the "Read-only". Run Install.exe. You will notice that this mod provides two installation options. You may only choose ONE of these options: Default Installation: This option will make the Handmaiden join a female Exile and the Disciple to join a male Exile automatically. Players will not need to do any extra actions for it to happen. However, this option does not allow players to recruit both the Handmaiden and the Disciple in a single playthough. WARNING: If you choose this installation option, male Exiles will not be able to recruit the Handmaiden. Similarly, female Exiles will not be able to recruit the Disciple. PartySwap Compatible Installation: This option is for players who have installed DarthTyren's PartySwap mod, which allows players to recruit both the Handmaiden and the Disciple in a single playthrough regardless of the Exile's gender. Make sure you have installed PartySwap first BEFORE choosing this installation option! Once you have chosen the installation option you want, and select your KotOR 2 game folder as your KotOR 2 directory path, click the “Install” button and let the installer do its job. This mod also provides compatibility patches for players who also have installed any of the following mods: M4-78 Enhancement Project Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco Extended Enclave by danil-ch and Darth Hayze Extended Enclave Patch by N-DReW25 Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) by danil-ch Go to the “Compatibility Patches” folder from this mod, read the READ ME files within the subfolders and follow the instructions to make these mods work together with mine. When you install this mod, two new folders named "backup" and “uninstall” will be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folders or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod. 4. UNINSTALLATION: Open Install.exe and select your KotOR 2 directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” dropdown menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod. You can also choose to delete the backup after uninstalling the mod. Please note that if you have installed PartySwap and you want to uninstall it, you need to follow the instructions from the PartySwap mod. 5. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know. 6. MOD COMPATIBILITY: Other mods that modifies any of the following comtent will likely conflict with this mod: disciple.dlg, Disciple's main dialogue file kreia.dlg, Kreia's main dialogue file mira.dlg, Mira's main dialogue file Dialogue of the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence k_003ebo_enter.ncs and a_next_scene.ncs, script used for entering the Ebon Hawk and party member cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk I have set up the installer to install this mod by patching the relevant dialogue files to improve compatibility with other content mods as much as possible, but it is still not guaranteed to be compatible with every other mods that modify the same files. If you use any of the below mods, I have provided compatibility patches, as noted in the "INSTALLATION" section above: M4-78 Enhancement Project Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco Extended Enclave by danil-ch and Darth Hayze Extended Enclave Patch by N-DReW25 Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) by danil-ch This mod is not compatible with any other mod that involves putting the holorec.dlg file in the Override folder. If you want to use this mod, make sure you DO NOT have holorec.dlg in your Override folder, or Handmaiden will not be able to join your female Exile's party. This mod is compatible with KOTOR 2 Community Patch. If you want to use my Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance, install this mod first, then install Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance and the compatibility patch included in the Atton romance mod. This mod is compatible with JC2's Train the Handmaiden. If you want to use JediArchivist’s Mira Romance Mod, you must install my mod after Mira Romance mod. This mod also makes the Visas romance scene trigger for female Exiles, while Disciple will replace Visas in said scene if you play a male Exile, so unless you want the Visas romance scene available for both male and female Exiles, if you install this mod, you will not need to install the “Visas Romance Scene” component of my Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance mod. This mod is compatible with the “Kreia’s Reference to Visas Romance” component of the Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance mod. If you're uncertain if a mod is compatible with this mod or not, feel free to ask me. 7. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for personal use or show this mod in screenshots. However, do not release your mods containing assets from my mod without my permission. You may use the k_003ebo_enter and a_next_scene scripts from this mod to make compatibility patches with your mod, but do not claim these modifications as your own. I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not want any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 8. CREDITS: DarthTyren for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch for PartySwap danil-ch for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch for Extended Enclave and Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) N-DreW25 for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch for Extended Enclave Patch Sith Holocron for helping with VO splicing Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool Cortisol for Holocron Toolset bead-v for Workbox KobaltBlu for Kotor Scripting Tool tk102 for DLG Editor JdNoa for DeNCS KotOR Script Decompiler Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher Stoffe for TSLPatcher, ERFEdit and TalkEd; Fair Strides for the updated versions THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Leilukin Submitted 01/02/2017 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    A simple mod that goes in and tweaks the character flags for Juhani's dialogue file, her section of the Dantooine Grove dialogue file, and her scipt that allows a male PC to romance her. She'll still refer to the PC as female since splicing audio is far beyond my capabilities, but I took the time to do this, and as far as I'm aware, the only other file that ever attempted to do this is broken. Installation is simple and just requires moving the files to the Override folder. The only mods that might conflict would be those that edit Juhani's dialogue, her scripts, or one particular file for Dantooine (though I'm not aware of any mods that also alter this file.) Maybe one day I'll be good enough to make use of the TSLPatcher. Many thanks to @ebmar and @DarthParametric for answering a couple questions I had that without which this mod would have not been possible.
  3. Version 4.2


    =Alternate Revan Romances REDUX= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin ORIGINAL MOD AUTHOR: felixfelicitas FILE NAME: Alternate Revan Romances REDUX.7z LATEST VERSION: 4.2 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream PLEASE READ THROUGH THE MOD INFO ON THIS PAGE AND THE FAQ ARTICLE FOR MY KOTOR SAME-GENDER ROMANCE MODS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS! 1. DESCRIPTION: In KotOR II: TSL, players are given options to set Revan's gender and alignment during the first conversation with Atton on Peragus. However, the game always assumes a male Revan is romantically involved with Bastila, while female Revan is romantically involved with Carth. In March 2015, felixfelicitas released his Alternate Revan Romances mod to remedy that problem. His mod allowed players to set Revan's love interest(s), or lack thereof, and the rest of the game will have different variations of dialogue to reflect that change. Most notably, Bastila can be chosen as female Revan's love interest, and Carth can be chosen as male Revan's love interest. Unfortunately, the original mod also had multiple bugs, including game-breaking ones. After becoming a modder myself, I had been trying to fix the bugs with felixfelicitas' mod, and was eventually successful. With felixfelicitas' permission, I release this updated version of the Alternate Revan Romances mod. Changes since the 2.0 version of felixfelicitas' original mod: Many bug fixes, including fixing the game-breaking issue with the 904kreia.dlg file from the original mod The WAV files of the custom VOs have been converted to MP3 format to make this mod compatible with the Steam version of TSL Tweaked the dialogue options to choose Revan's love interest(s) Improved compatibility with the latest version of The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) Restructured the installation process of the mod by setting up TSLPatcher to patch relevant dialogue files instead of replacing dialogue files to improve compatibility with other mods. Starting from version 4.0, Alternate Revan Romances REDUX also provides an optional add-on to make Juhani actually appear in the TSL game, with fully-voiced new dialogue, if you choose her as Revan’s love interest, remedying the fact that Juhani gets zero content in the entire TSL game even in cut content. Note that Juhani is available as a romance option for female Revan only. Content from the Juhani cameo add-on: Juhani will leave hologram message to T3, with variations depending on Revan’s alignment. If Revan is light side, Juhani will appear and have a brief conversation with Carth after Carth’s meeting with the player post-Ravager. If both Juhani and Bastila are chosen as Revan’s love interests, Juhani and Bastila will show up together in this scene. Kreia will reference Juhani in the ending when the player asks Kreia about Revan. Juhani’s texture and model are ported from KotOR 1, while the voice-overs of the new dialogue from this add-on were AI-generated: Juhani’s new voice lines were generated by xVASynth, an AI speech synthesis app developed for video game character voices, while Kreia’s new voice line was generated by XTTS from Caqui AI. Special thanks to HappyPenguin from the xVASynth Discord server for helping to train Juhani and Kreia’s voice models for xVASynth, as well as generating Kreia’s voice with XTTS, so I can make all the new dialogue fully-voiced. Please note that this mod is ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE ENGLISH VERSION OF TSL AND TSLRCM. I do not provide support for non-English versions of TSL and TSLRCM. 2. INSTALLATION: First and foremost, make sure you have The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) installed since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for this mod to work. !! ATTENTION!! STEAM USERS: If you play KotOR 2 on Steam, DO NOT USE THE STEAM WORKSHOP VERSION OF TSLRCM if you want to use this mod! Instead, use the installer (.exe) version of TSLRCM, which can be downloaded from Deadly Stream here. I recommend reading this Deadly Stream post on why Steam Workshop is NOT recommended for modding KotOR 2. Download and extract the Alternate Revan Romances REDUX.7z archive to you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR 2 directory. Run Install.exe, select one of the two “Main Installation” options depending on if you have installed M4-78 Enhancement Project (M4-78EP) or not. Once you have chosen the installation option you want, and select your KotOR 2 game folder as your KotOR 2 directory path, click the “Install” button and let the installer do its job. JUHANI CAMEO ADD-ON: If you want to install the add-on to make Juhani appear in the game if you choose her as Revan’s love interest, after installing any of the “Main Installation” options of this mod, select one of the two “ADD-ON: Juhani Cameo” options depending on if you have installed M4-78 Enhancement Project (M4-78EP) or not, then select your KotOR 2 directory path, and click the “Install” button.Make sure you have installed the “Main Installation” component of the mod before installing this add-on. When you install this mod, two new folders named "backup" and “uninstall” will be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folders or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod. 3. UNINSTALLATION: Open Install.exe and select your KotOR 2 directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” dropdown menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod. If you have also installed the Juhani Cameo add-on, it will uninstall the add-on first. After uninstalling the add-on, you need to select Yes to delete the most recent backup folder, then select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup” from the dropdown menu again to uninstall the main part of the mod. 4. PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS: For the best experience with this mod, it's recommended to have a completely new TSL playthrough. During your first conversation with Atton on Peragus, after setting Revan's alignment and gender, you will be given dialogue options to set Revan's love interest(s). Regardless of Revan's gender and alignment, you can choose Bastila, Carth, or both as Revan's love interest(s). If you set Revan as female, you will also get the option to choose Juhani as Revan's love interest. If Revan is both light side and female, you can choose any combination of Juhani, Bastila and Carth as Revan’s love interests. Alternately, you can even choose to make Revan not having any love interest. If you install this mod after playing past the initial conversation with Atton, and still want to customize Revan's romance choice, you can change it by using the KotOR Savegame Editor (KSE). Create a new save after installing this mod. Open KSE, expand a save file, and look for Globals > Booleans. At the bottom of the list of global booleans, there should be three new options: llk_revrom_bast — Checks if Bastila is chosen to be Revan’s love intrest llk_revrom_carth — Checks if Carth is chosen to be Revan’s love interest llk_revrom_juh — Checks if Juhani is chosen to be Revan’s love interest Select any of these global booleans, then select “Yes” or “No”, click the “Apply” button, and click the “Commit Changes” button. NOTE: Even if you set Juhani as Revan’s love interest during your first conversation with Atton or in KSE, you must install the Juhani cameo add-on to make Juhani appear in the game. On the other hand, you will not get any of Juhani’s content if you do not set Juhani as Revan’s love interest, even if you have installed the add-on. 5. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know. 6. MOD COMPATIBILITY: Apart from TSLRCM, which is required for this mod to work, any other mods that modify any of the following content may conflict with this mod: T3-M4's main dialogue (t3m4.dlg) Atton's initial conversation on Peragus (101atton.dlg) Dialogue of Carth's meeting after the Ravager (carthend.dlg) Kreia's endgame dialogue (904kreia.dlg) I have set up the installer to install this mod by patching the relevant dialogue files to improve compatibility with other content mods as much as possible, but it is still not guaranteed to be compatible with every other mods that modify the same files. If you want to use M4-78 Enhancement Project (M4-78EP), you need to install M4-78EP first, then select the “M4-78EP Compatible” option(s) when you install my mod. If you want to use my Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance, you must install this mod first, then you must choose one of the “Alternate Revan Romances REDUX Compatible” option when you install Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance. you must install this mod after Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance. If you want to use DarthTyren’s PartySwap and/or my Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance, you need to install this mod after PartySwap and/or my Handmaiden/Disciple same-gender romance mod. The Juhani Cameo Add-on of this mod is compatible with KotOR 1 mods that modify Juhani’s textures (in TGA, TPC or DDS format), but not compatible with KotOR 1 mods that modify Juhani’s models (in MDL and MDX format) unless they are ported to TSL. 7. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for your personal use. However, if you want to use any files from this mod for your own mod, please ask for my permission before releasing your mod. If I give you permission for it, you must credit me and the original author felixfelicitas when you release your mod. If you want to create your own mod that makes Juhani appear in TSL, I have uploaded the ported Juhani textures and models separately as part of my Missing K1 Party Member Ports for TSL modder’s resource, which also includes a character template file (in UTC format) that allows you to spawn Juhani as an NPC. If you want to create new voice-overs for Juhani or Kreia with xVASynth, you may download their voice models from the following links, and drop the models into your xVASynth directory: Juhani's voice model Kreia's voice model I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not wish any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 8. CREDITS: felixfelicitas for making the original Alternate Revan Romances mod, as well as giving me the permission to use, update and re-upload his mod HappyPenguin for helping to train Juhani’s voice models for xVASynth and generating Kreia’s new voice line with XTTS Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool Cortisol for Holocron Toolset tk102 for DLG Editor JdNoa for DeNCS KotOR Script Decompiler and KotOR Lipsynch Editor KobaltBlu for KotOR Scripting Tool bead-v for MDLedit Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  4. As a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community and a player and modder of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series, I would be remiss if I do not compile a list for the same-gender romance mods for the KotOR series throughout the games' modding history. Here is the list of same-gender romance mods for the KotOR series. The listed mods are categorized by which KotOR game the mods were made for, sorted by the mods' original release dates in chronological order. This list was compiled to be a resource and archive, aimed especially at fellow LGBTQ+ players of the KotOR series who want to make their KotOR games more gay. Happy gayming! [UPDATE September 20, 2022] The list is now also available on my own website.
  5. Version 1.6.1


    =Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Hand_Disc_SameGenderRomances.7z LATEST VERSION: 1.6 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream PLEASE READ THROUGH THE MOD INFO ON THIS PAGE AND THE FAQ ARTICLE FOR MY KOTOR SAME-GENDER ROMANCE MODS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS! 1. DESCRIPTION: As much as I love KotOR II: TSL, I have always been disappointed by the lack of same-gender romance options with any of the party members. Granted, TSL never had any fully developed romance arc to begin with, but given KotOR 1 at least has Juhani as a lesbian romance option even though her romance has less content (and is much easier to miss due to bugs) compared to Bastila's or Carth's, the lack of same-gender romance options in TSL is disappointing, in my opinion. My Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance as well as Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance mods had been made and released as part of my same-gender romance mod project for TSL, now I present to you the next and the biggest part of my project: Handmaiden Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance mod! This mod makes the Handmaiden a romance option for female Exiles, and the Disciple a romance option for male Exiles. Players do not need to worry about any possible pronouns mix-up either because this mod will make the Handmaiden refer to a female Exile by "she/her" and the Disciple refer to a male Exile by "he/him". If a female Exile has much higher influence with Visas than the Handmaiden, the Handmaiden vs. Visas jealousy/rivalry cutscenes will be triggered (however, be warned that this will also make the Handmaiden refuse to speak to the player for the rest of the game, unless you installed my No Jealousy Lock in Handmaiden Dialogue mod). Similarly, if a male Exile has much higher influence with the Disciple than Atton, Atton vs. the Disciple jealousy/rivalry cutscenes will be triggered. It is worth noting that this mod also enables the romantic subtext between a female Exile and Atris, due to the fact that said romantic subtext are only available if you recruit Handmaiden as a party member. Please note that this mod is ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE ENGLISH LOCALIZATION OF TSL AND TSLRCM. I do not provide support for non-English localizations of TSL and TSLRCM. 2. IMPORTANT NOTE TO MAKE THIS MOD WORK: In order for the Handmaiden/Disciple content from this mod to take effect, you must use a save before Handmaiden/Disciple joins your party. In Handmaiden's case, you must load a save before leaving the secret Academy on Telos. In Disciple's case, you must load a save before meeting him in the Enclave Sublevel on Dantooine. There is NO other way to add Handmaiden/Disciple in your party if you have played past the point where Handmaiden/Disciple is supposed to join your party. 3. INSTALLATION: ***** Due to the fact that this mod will make considerable amount of changes to the game's content, please read my instructions carefully and check out the "MOD COMPATIBILITY" section below before installing this mod! ***** First and foremost, make sure you have The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) installed since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for this mod to work. !! ATTENTION!! STEAM USERS: If you play KotOR 2 on Steam, DO NOT USE THE STEAM WORKSHOP VERSION OF TSLRCM if you want to use this mod! Instead, use the installer (.exe) version of TSLRCM, which can be downloaded from Deadly Stream here. I recommend reading this Deadly Stream post on why Steam Workshop is NOT recommended for modding KotOR 2. After installing TSLRCM, extract the Hand_Disc_SGRomances.7z you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR 2 directory. Before you install, make sure that your KotOR 2 main game directory and all subfolders are NOT set as read-only, otherwise you may get an error message that says along the lines of "[ERROR] Unhandled exception: Access violation at address...". Right-click your KotOR 2 folder and subfolders, go to Properties and uncheck the "Read-only". Run Install.exe. You will notice that this mod provides two installation options. You may only choose ONE of these options: Default Installation: This option will make the Handmaiden join a female Exile and the Disciple to join a male Exile automatically. Players will not need to do any extra actions for it to happen. However, this option does not allow players to recruit both the Handmaiden and the Disciple in a single playthough. WARNING: If you choose this installation option, male Exiles will not be able to recruit the Handmaiden. Similarly, female Exiles will not be able to recruit the Disciple. PartySwap Compatible Installation: This option is for players who have installed DarthTyren's PartySwap mod, which allows players to recruit both the Handmaiden and the Disciple in a single playthrough regardless of the Exile's gender. Make sure you have installed PartySwap first BEFORE choosing this installation option! Once you have chosen the installation option you want, and select your KotOR 2 game folder as your KotOR 2 directory path, click the “Install” button and let the installer do its job. This mod also provides compatibility patches for players who also have installed any of the following mods: M4-78 Enhancement Project Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco Extended Enclave by danil-ch and Darth Hayze Extended Enclave Patch by N-DReW25 Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) by danil-ch Go to the “Compatibility Patches” folder from this mod, read the READ ME files within the subfolders and follow the instructions to make these mods work together with mine. When you install this mod, two new folders named "backup" and “uninstall” will be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folders or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod. 4. UNINSTALLATION: Open Install.exe and select your KotOR 2 directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” dropdown menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod. You can also choose to delete the backup after uninstalling the mod. Please note that if you have installed PartySwap and you want to uninstall it, you need to follow the instructions from the PartySwap mod. 5. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know. 6. MOD COMPATIBILITY: Other mods that modifies any of the following comtent will likely conflict with this mod: disciple.dlg, Disciple's main dialogue file kreia.dlg, Kreia's main dialogue file mira.dlg, Mira's main dialogue file Dialogue of the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence k_003ebo_enter.ncs and a_next_scene.ncs, script used for entering the Ebon Hawk and party member cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk I have set up the installer to install this mod by patching the relevant dialogue files to improve compatibility with other content mods as much as possible, but it is still not guaranteed to be compatible with every other mods that modify the same files. If you use any of the below mods, I have provided compatibility patches, as noted in the "INSTALLATION" section above: M4-78 Enhancement Project Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco Extended Enclave by danil-ch and Darth Hayze Extended Enclave Patch by N-DReW25 Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) by danil-ch This mod is not compatible with any other mod that involves putting the holorec.dlg file in the Override folder. If you want to use this mod, make sure you DO NOT have holorec.dlg in your Override folder, or Handmaiden will not be able to join your female Exile's party. This mod is compatible with KOTOR 2 Community Patch. If you want to use my Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance, install this mod first, then install Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance and the compatibility patch included in the Atton romance mod. This mod is compatible with JC2's Train the Handmaiden. If you want to use JediArchivist’s Mira Romance Mod, you must install my mod after Mira Romance mod. This mod also makes the Visas romance scene trigger for female Exiles, while Disciple will replace Visas in said scene if you play a male Exile, so unless you want the Visas romance scene available for both male and female Exiles, if you install this mod, you will not need to install the “Visas Romance Scene” component of my Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance mod. This mod is compatible with the “Kreia’s Reference to Visas Romance” component of the Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance mod. If you're uncertain if a mod is compatible with this mod or not, feel free to ask me. 7. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for personal use or show this mod in screenshots. However, do not release your mods containing assets from my mod without my permission. You may use the k_003ebo_enter and a_next_scene scripts from this mod to make compatibility patches with your mod, but do not claim these modifications as your own. I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not want any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 8. CREDITS: DarthTyren for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch for PartySwap danil-ch for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch for Extended Enclave and Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) N-DreW25 for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch for Extended Enclave Patch Sith Holocron for helping with VO splicing Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool Cortisol for Holocron Toolset bead-v for Workbox KobaltBlu for Kotor Scripting Tool tk102 for DLG Editor JdNoa for DeNCS KotOR Script Decompiler Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher Stoffe for TSLPatcher, ERFEdit and TalkEd; Fair Strides for the updated versions THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  6. Version 1.4


    =Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Vsas Marr and Female Exile Romance.7z LATEST VERSION: 1.4 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream PLEASE READ THROUGH THE MOD INFO ON THIS PAGE AND THE FAQ ARTICLE FOR MY KOTOR SAME-GENDER ROMANCE MODS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS! 1. DESCRIPTION: In KotOR II: TSL, certain party members can develop romantic feelings for the Exile, even though none of the romances in TSL were given much development, especially if compared to the first KotOR game. Among the possible romance options, only male Exiles can romance Visas Marr, with her romance scene (or at least, the closest thing the game has to one) occurs near the endgame (see below for details, though beware of possible spoilers). What this mod do is to make the Visas romance scene available for female Exiles as well. In vanilla TSL, after the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence and you return to the Ebon Hawk, you will be approached by Visas if your Exile is male, or the Disciple if your Exile is female. In Visas' case, she can confess her love for the male Exile, and the male Exile can agree to her to "look upon" each other through the Force. This mod gets rid of the gender check for the Visas conversation post-Rebuilt Jedi Enclave, so Visas will always be the one who talks to the Exile regardless of the Exile's gender, even if the Disciple joins your party. Therefore, with this mod, female Exiles are also able to enjoy the same Visas scene as male Exiles do, including the romance. Originally, Visas mentions the Handmaiden when she confesses her feelings for the Exile. This mod also checks if the Handmaiden joins your party to that particular dialogue, so with this mod, if you never recruited Handmaiden, Visas will not mention her. This mod also provides an additional component to make Kreia reference the Exile’s interest in Visas, regardless of the Exile’s gender, during the player’s conversation with Kreia. 2. INSTALLATION: First and foremost, make sure you have The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) installed since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for this mod to work. !! ATTENTION!! STEAM USERS: If you play KotOR 2 on Steam, DO NOT USE THE STEAM WORKSHOP VERSION OF TSLRCM if you want to use this mod! Instead, use the installer (.exe) version of TSLRCM, which can be downloaded from Deadly Stream here. I recommend reading this Deadly Stream post on why Steam Workshop is NOT recommended for modding KotOR 2. Extract the Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance.7z archive you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR 2 directory. Run Install.exe. You will notice that this mod provides two installation options: Visas Romance Scene: This component will make Visas’ romance scene after the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave available for both male and female Exiles. Kreia’s Reference to Visas Romance: This component will make Kreia reference the Exile’s interest in Visas, regardless of the Exile’s gender, during the player’s conversation with Kreia. You may choose to install both options, or only one of them. Once you have chosen the installation option(s) you want, point the installer to your KotOR 2 directory and let the installer do its job. If you also have installed N-DReW25's Extended Enclave Patch, go to the "Compatibility for Extended Enclave Patch" folder, run Install.exe and point the installer to your KotOR 2 directory, where swkotor2.exe is located, and let the installer do its job. When you install this mod, a new folder named "backup" will be created by the installer. Do not delete the folder or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod. 3. UNINSTALLATION: If you installed the “Visas Romance Scene” component, go to the "backup" folder, cut and paste 006EBO.mod into the Modules folder in your KotOR 2 directory. If you installed the “Kreia’s Reference to Visas Romance” component, go to the "backup" folder, cut and paste kreia.dlg into the Override folder in your KotOR 2 directory. If you want to uninstall the compatibility patch for Extended Enclave Patch, go to the "backup" folder created by the TSLPatcher from this mod, cut and paste visasend.dlg into the Override folder in your KotOR 2 directory. Note that this step does not uninstall Extended Enclave Patch itself. 4. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know. 5. MOD COMPATIBILITY: Any other mod that modifies Visas' dialogue after the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence will likely conflict with this mod, especially for the following files: k_attonend.ncs a_load006end.ncs visasend.dlg The above files are used for Visas' dialogue after the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence, and script that triggers Atton, Disciple or Visas' dialogue with the PC after the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence. The “Kreia’s Reference to Visas Romance” component of this mod modifies the kreia.dlg file, which is for Kreia’s global dialogue. Specifically, this mod removes the gender check to Visas’ romance in Kreia’s dialogue about Visas. In order to improve compatibility with other mods that also modify kreia.dlg, I have set up TSLPatcher to patch the DLG file instead of hard replacing it in the Override folder. If you are using any other mod that involves putting the kreia.dlg file in the Override folder, you must install my mod after the other mod. If you use N-DReW25's Extended Enclave Patch, I have provided a compatibility patch, as noted in the “INSTALLATION” section above. If you want to use DarthTyren's PartySwap mod, you need to install PartySwap first before installing this mod. My Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance mod also makes the Visas romance scene available for female Exiles, though Disciple will replace Visas in said scene if you play a male Exile. Unless you want the Visas romance scene available for both male and female Exiles, you do not need to install the “Visas Romance Scene” component of this mod if you want to use my Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance mod. The “Kreia’s Reference to Visas Romance” component of this mod is compatible with Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance. 6. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for personal use or show this mod in screenshots. However, do not release your mods containing assets from my mod without my permission. I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not wish any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 7. CREDITS: Fair Strides and DarthTyren for helping with my issues with triggering the scene of Disciple reporting to Carth/Cede after Visas’ romance scene N-DReW25 for giving me permission to make my mod compatible with his Extended Enclave Patch Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool KobaltBlu for KotOR Scripting Tool tk102 for DLG Editor Stoffe for TSLPatcher; Fair Strides for the updated version THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  7. Version 1.5


    =Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance.7z LATEST VERSION: 1.5 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream PLEASE READ THROUGH THE MOD INFO ON THIS PAGE AND THE FAQ ARTICLE FOR MY KOTOR SAME-GENDER ROMANCE MODS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS! 1. DESCRIPTION: In KotOR II: TSL, certain party members can develop romantic feelings for the Exile, even though none of the romances in TSL were given much development, especially if compared to the first KotOR game. Atton Rand is among the potential romance options of TSL, however, in the vanilla game, he flirts with and expresses romantic interests for female Exiles only. What this mod does is to change the gender check of Atton's flirting and romantic dialogue, so he will express interest in male Exiles as well. Please note that this mod is ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE ENGLISH LOCALIZATION OF TSL AND TSLRCM. I do not provide support for non-English localizations of TSL and TSLRCM. 2. INSTALLATION: First and foremost, make sure you have The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) installed since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for this mod to work. !! ATTENTION!! STEAM USERS: If you play KotOR 2 on Steam, DO NOT USE THE STEAM WORKSHOP VERSION OF TSLRCM if you want to use this mod! Instead, use the installer (.exe) version of TSLRCM, which can be downloaded from Deadly Stream here. I recommend reading this Deadly Stream post on why Steam Workshop is NOT recommended for modding KotOR 2. Extract the Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance.7z archive you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR 2 directory. Run Install.exe. You will notice that this mod provides four installation options. You may only choose ONE of these options: Version A: This option will make Atton express interest in both male and female Exiles. Version B: This option will make Atton express interest in male Exiles only, and Atton will not flirt with a female Exile. Version A + Alternate Revan Romances REDUX Compatible: Choose this option if you have my Alternate Revan Romances REDUX installed and you want to use Version A of my mod. Version B + Alternate Revan Romances REDUX Compatible: Choose this option if you have my Alternate Revan Romances REDUX installed and you want to use Version B of my mod. Once you have chosen the installation option you want, and select your KotOR 2 game folder as your KotOR 2 directory path, click the “Install” button and let the installer do its job. This mod also provides compatibility patches for the following mods: My Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance mod danil-ch's Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) If you want to use any of the above mod alongside this mod, go to the "Compatibility Patches" folder, and follow the instructions written on the READ ME file. When you install this mod, two new folders named "backup" and “uninstall” will be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folders or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod. 3. UNINSTALLATION: Open Install.exe and select your KotOR 2 directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” dropdown menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod. You can also choose to delete the backup after uninstalling the mod. 4. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know. 5. MOD COMPATIBILITY: Apart from TSLRCM, which is required for this mod to work, any other mods that modify any of the following content may conflict with this mod: Atton's main dialogue (atton.dlg) Atton's dialogue on Peragus (101atton.dlg, 102atton.dlg) Dialogue of the Atton & Bao-Dur cutscene on the Ebon Hawk (baoatt_p.dlg) Atton's endgame dialogue (904atton.dlg) Kreia's endgame dialogue (904kreia.dlg) Script for the party member cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk (k_003ebo_enter.ncs and a_next_scene.ncs from the 003EBO module) I have set up the installer to install this mod by patching the relevant dialogue files to improve compatibility with other content mods as much as possible, but it is still not guaranteed to be compatible with every other mods that modify the same files. If you use any of the below mods, I have provided compatibility patches, as noted in the "INSTALLATION" section above: My Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance mod danil-ch's Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) If you want to us my Alternate Revan Romances REDUX alongside this mod, you must install Alternate Revan Romances REDUX first, then you must choose one of the “Alternate Revan Romances REDUX Compatible” option when you install this mod. If you want to use DarthTyren's PartySwap mod alongside this mod, you must install this mod AFTER PartySwap, otherwise you'll miss out certain Atton romance content when you're playing as a male Exile. This mod is compatible with the Atton’s ending dialogue component of Pavijan357's Unofficial TSLRCM Tweak Pack. If you want to use Kaidon Jorn’s Schematic Lightsaber Mod (SLM), you must install my mod after SLM. 6. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for personal use or show this mod in screenshots. However, do not release your mods containing assets from my mod without my permission. You may use the k_003ebo_enter and a_next_scene scripts from this mod to make compatibility patches with your mod, but do not claim these modifications as your own. I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not want any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 7. CREDITS: danil-ch for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch for Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool Cortisol for Holocron Toolset KobaltBlu for Kotor Scripting Tool tk102 for DLG Editor Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher Stoffe for TSLPatcher; Fair Strides for the updated version THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  8. Version 1.1


    Bastila Romance Scriptfix for Kotor 1 (GOG/retail) by Markus Ramikin version 1.1 ******************* Readme contents ******************* I. The bugs (SPOILERS) II. The bugs - technical description III. Installation IV. Other mods V. Old savegames VI. Changelog VII. Disclaimers and permissions. ************************* I. The bugs (SPOILERS) ************************* After you've kissed Bastila, you can have a final conversation with her where the romance gets put on hold "until Malak is defeated". Two later dialogs potentially have lines that bring up the romance. These dialogs have bugs: First, confronting Evil Bastila on Temple Summit, on Rakata: - if you've had that post-kiss conversation with her, the game will not recognize the romance, and you will miss out on certain dialog options. Second, the final confrontation with Bastila on the Star Forge has an opposite problem: - If you've sunk the romance completely, for example by saying "Sorry, Bastila, that starship won't fly", the game will mistakenly give you the romance dialogue option. Of course Kotor 1 players have known for years that Bastila's romance is buggy, and several attempted fixes already exist. But these modify Bastila's dialog file from the Ebon Hawk conversations, so 1. they don't fix the second situation, on the Star Forge, and 2. they don't help a player whose savegame is already past the kiss+conversation part. This modification fixes both situations directly. Now you will get romance-related dialogue options on Rakata and the Star Forge regardless of whether you've discussed the kiss with her afterwards, but you will not get these options if you've shot her down. ************************************* II. The bugs - technical description (you may safely skip this) ************************************* The romance is controlled by the variable K_SWG_BASTILA. Once you've completed Bastila's plot it should have one of these values: K_SWG_BASTILA = 12: kissed Bastila = romance active K_SWG_BASTILA = 13: kissed Bastila AND talked afterwards = romance active K_SWG_BASTILA = 99: romance sunk (or unavailable because the PC is female) The Temple Summit dialog only recognizes the romance if the value is 12, which is why common advice to players is to not talk to Bastila after the kiss. The Star Forge dialog only recognizes the romance if the value is greater than 12, which means it will mistakenly recognize it even if it's 99, and may fail to recognize it if you didn't talk to Bastila after the kiss. To further complicate things, some of the Temple Summit dialog's endings run a script that sets the value to 13, even when it was 99. This mistakenly restores a killed romance for players who wanted to just stay friends. My fixed scripts recognize the romance at values 12 and 13 in both dialogs, as well as prevent the mistaken reactivation when it was 99. **************** III. Installation **************** Unzip, copy the files from Override into your game's Override folder. ***************** IV. Other mods ***************** Compatible with any mod out there that doesn't modify the same script files, or redesign the romance too much (i.e. the K_SWG_BASTILA variable behaves the same way). Compatible with K1R. At the time I'm writing this K1R contains a different Bastila romance fix, but that simply becomes irrelevant if my mod is present. Its changes to Bastila's dialog file neither hurt nor help. For authors of mods that allow a female PC x Bastila romance: I provide a version of my fix that removes the gender check. "Use it well. Use it for good." Players should note that this does NOT automatically make my fix compatible with such mods - it depends on how these mods are written. Consult the authors to be sure. The mod was tested with the GOG version, and I expect it'll work fine with the old retail/CD versions too. I will not be testing the Steam version, and I make no guarantees about it at all. (PSA: Don't get gaming classics from Steam, kids - good old games are the speciality of Good Old Games, duh.) ******************** V. Old savegames ******************** Compatible with pre-existing savegames, including past the kiss+conversation on the Ebon Hawk, up until the Temple Summit confrontation with Dark Bastila. Savegames from past the Temple Summit may fail to benefit from the fix fully, especially if your character's relationship with Bastila is supposed to be platonic. ***************** VI. Changelog ***************** 1.0 -> 1.1: - Players who were deliberately NOT romancing Bastila could still sometimes get romantic lines in the second confrontation, on the Star Forge. This is properly fixed now; there was one more offending script to take care of. - [by request] added a variant without a gender check, so that this fix can (potentially) be used with mods that allow a female x Bastila romance. ************************************ VII. Disclaimers and permissions. ************************************ The usual stuff applies. The mod is provided as-is and with no guarantees; by installing it, you accept it may melt your computer, cause nuclear war, and hasten the heat death of the Universe. Distribute freely, including incorporating it in your mods, as long as you give credit.
  9. Version 1.1


    =Carth Onasi and Male PC Romance= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Carth Onasi and Male PC Romance.7z LATEST VERSION: 1.1 CONTACT: E-mail, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1. DESCRIPTION: In the vanilla game of the first Knights of the Old Republic game, Carth Onasi’s romance subplot is only available to a female player character. This mod allows male PCs to romance Carth by modifying the gender checks in Carth’s romance. The male version of Carth’s romance subplot still requires the player to talk to Carth frequently and progress his personal quest line to complete successfully. In addition, the player can still end Carth’s romance by choosing certain dialogue options. This mod was inspired by forgetcanon’s Bi Carth mod. However, my mod has different ways of executing the concept of a Carth and male PC romance mod, including but not limited to: Installing this mod by patching the relevant dialogue files to improve compatibility with other content mods as much as possible. Editing Carth’s dialogue and splicing audio files to ensure that Carth will not refer to a male PC as a woman. Adding an alternate installation option to make Carth’s romance available for male PCs only, while Carth will interact with a female PC the same way with a male PC in vanilla. This option is for players who want to avoid any romantic interactions with Carth when playing a female PC entirely, without needing to choose specific dialogue options to shut down the romance. For the best experience with this mod, it's recommended to have a completely new KotOR 1 playthrough. Please note that this mod is ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE ENGLISH LOCALIZATION OF KOTOR. I do not provide support for non-English localizations of KotOR. 2. INSTALLATION: Download the mod and extract Carth Onasi and Male PC Romance.7z archive to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR directory. Run Install.exe. You will notice that this mod provides four installation options. You may only choose ONE of these options: Version A: Carth Romance for Both Male and Female PCs — This option will make Carth’s romance available to both male and female player characters. This version also adds a [Not Interested] dialogue option to allow players to turn off Carth’s romance early on. Version B: Carth Romance for Male PCs ONLY — This option will make Carth’s romance available to male player characters ONLY. In this version, Carth will not flirt with a female player character, and female PCs cannot romance Carth. Version A + KOTOR 1 Community Patch Compatible — Choose this option if you have KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) installed and you want to use Version A of my mod. Version B + KOTOR 1 Community Patch Compatible — Choose this option if you have KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) installed and you want to use Version B of my mod. Once you have chosen the installation option you want, and select your KotOR game folder as your KotOR directory path, click the “Install” button and let the installer do its job. This mod also provides compatibility patches for the following mods: Carth Romance Fix by cjt0202 KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R) If you want to use any of the above mod alongside this mod, go to the "Compatibility Patches" folder, and follow the instructions written on the Read Me files contained in the subfolders. When you install this mod, two new folders named "backup" and “uninstall” will be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folders or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod. 3. UNINSTALLATION: Open Install.exe and select your KotOR directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” dropdown menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod. You can also choose to delete the backup after uninstalling the mod. 4. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know. 5. MOD COMPATIBILITY: Any other mods that modify any of the following dialogue files will likely conflict with this mod: k_hcar_dialog.dlg — Carth’s global dialogue lev40_saul403.dlg — Saul Karath’s interrogation scene on the Leviathan ebo_carth.dlg — Dialogue of the party members on the Ebon Hawk immediately after Leviathan unk41_carth.dlg — The game has two different modules that use dialogue files that share this name: one for the party conversation on the Ebon Hawk after crashing on the Unknown World; the other for Carth’s dialogue on the Unknown World beach after confronting Bastila on the temple summit. This mod affects the latter. k_sta_carth.dlg — Carth’s dialogue on the Star Forge after defeating Malak I have set up the installer to install this mod by patching the relevant dialogue files to increase compatibility with other content mods as much as possible, but it is still not guaranteed to be compatible with every other mods that modify the same dialogue files, especially if the other mod is installed into the Override folder. If you use any of the below mods, I have provided compatibility patches, as noted in the "INSTALLATION" section above: Carth Romance Fix by cjt0202 KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R) If you are using KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP), you must install K1CP first, then choose one of the KOTOR 1 Community Patch Compatible option when you install my mod. This mod is compatible with JC's Romance Enhancement: Dark Sacrifice for K1. This mod is compatible with JC's Romance Enhancement: Pan-Galactic Flirting for K1. This mod has a conflict with JC's Romance Enhancement: Biromantic Bastila for K1, specifically regarding Saul’s interrogation scene. Whichever mod installed later will override the changes made by the other mod. Biromantic Bastila compares how far you have progressed Bastila and Carth’s personal and romance quest lines to decide who will get tortured by Saul. Meanwhile, in Version A of my mod, Saul will torture Carth only if Carth’s romance is active, while in Version B of my mod, Saul will torture Carth as long as the PC is male, or Bastila as long as the PC is female. Therefore, if you want to use both Biromantic Bastila and my mod, the installation order depends on your preference: if you prefer the changes made by Biromantic Bastila, install it after my mod; if you prefer the changes made by my mod, install my mod after Biromantic Bastila. 6. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for personal use or show this mod in screenshots. However, do not release your mods containing assets from my mod without my permission. 7. CREDITS: forgetcanon whose Bi Carth mod became the inspiration of this mod Cortisol for Holocron Toolset Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool KobaltBlu for Kotor Scripting Tool tk102 for DLG Editor JdNoa for DeNCS KotOR Script Decompiler JCarter426 for SithCodec Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher Stoffe for TSLPatcher; Fair Strides for the updated version THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  10. View File Juhani Male Romance A simple mod that goes in and tweaks the character flags for Juhani's dialogue file, her section of the Dantooine Grove dialogue file, and her scipt that allows a male PC to romance her. She'll still refer to the PC as female since splicing audio is far beyond my capabilities, but I took the time to do this, and as far as I'm aware, the only other file that ever attempted to do this is broken. Installation is simple and just requires moving the files to the Override folder. The only mods that might conflict would be those that edit Juhani's dialogue, her scripts, or one particular file for Dantooine (though I'm not aware of any mods that also alter this file.) Maybe one day I'll be good enough to make use of the TSLPatcher. Many thanks to @ebmar and @DarthParametric for answering a couple questions I had that without which this mod would have not been possible. Submitter LordCybot Submitted 01/03/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  11. Hello all, This is an idea I had many years ago (I think I even made a thread here about it), but I never got very far. It crossed my mind recently so I decided to take another crack at it since it's a character's story I feel low-key passionate about. When the player is down in the Undercity of Taris, they can run into Rukil, the old proclaimer of something called the Promised Land. He has you go search for his missing apprentice, a young woman named Malya. In the game, you find a generic (old man) corpse with Malya's journal, and you tell Rukil she died. The end. Or not. The Promised Land concept is interesting enough, but the fact that Rukil has an apprentice (with a name), who seems to be an open-minded, hopeful, and brave young woman of all things seems like a huge missed opportunity to me. Maybe she's force sensitive. Maybe she has a unique perspective the other characters don't have, based on her unique upbringing. It's especially tragic for my player character, who doesn't really have the hots for Bastila and would be much more interested in someone who's not such a normie. So, Malya lives on, developing quietly in the back of my mind. So I've started work on it again. STORY: The new story is, basically, that while searching for the Promised Land, Malya left her journal on an old corpse in the Undercity when had to run and hide from Rakghouls and then Gamorrean slave hunters. She got captured by Gamorreans, and sold to the exchange. Shortly before the player character arrives at Davik's estate, Malya attempted to escape but was caught and thrown in the torture chamber. She is then rescued by the player character, and the grateful Malya joins him after learning that the other Outcasts are long gone on their journey to the Promised Land. The party then escapes Taris and goes to Dantooine, where Malya succumbs to her usual habits and explores every part of the Jedi enclave she can. While the player character is in training, Malya steals a Jedi holocron, and starts learning about the Jedi, Sith, and various Force philosophies. Once the quest for the Star Forge begins, the player character learns of Malya's Force experiments and has the option to train her as his own apprentice. Instead of becoming a traditional Jedi, however, Malya forms her own philosophy combining the teachings of Rukil and what she has learned since. One of her protests to the usual events of the game's story is on Kashyyyk, where she denounces a violent Wookiee uprising against Czerka, instead advocating for a more moderate agenda. As she harbors feelings for the player character, she dislikes Bastila, and by extension distrusts the Jedi. This is amplified after the Leviathan incident and subsequent revelation. Near the end, Malya declares her wish that the player character neither be subservient to the Jedi nor the Dark Side, and instead submit to nothing but Truth itself and become a fully realized individual, and says that this can be done by saving his old friend Malak from the Dark Side. MOD GOAL: Recruitment mod that adds Malya to the party, replacing Juhani. She serves as an alternative love interest to Bastila for male PCs. She can be trained as a Force user by the player character. She is to be fully voiced (I have directed voice actors before so I'm not worried about this - I'm more worried about lip synching because I have no idea how to do it). She is to chime in on the story like other party members do. Further down the road, if I get good enough at modding or have help, I'd like to have more story stuff like in the above summary. WHAT I'VE DONE SO FAR: -In Davik's estate, Malya can be found in the torture chamber (replacing Hudrow). When you rescue her, she gives you the Ebon Hawk security codes and joins your party after you escape Taris. This is implemented and works. However, there are a few problems I have to work out. -Her appearance is subject to change, but right now I have a reskinned albino version of TSL's PFHA06. After she escapes Davik's estate and changes out of the dirty old Outcast clothes, she has a hooded outfit which was made by removing the face from the darkjedif model (I might publish that bit on this website separately as a modder's resource or small mod). I made a prototype skin for the clothing, and I'll make cooler variants in the future. CURRENT PROBLEMS AS OF POSTING THIS: -I don't have any voiced lines yet, so Malya has been speaking Twilek. Sometimes her mouth doesn't move and I don't know why. Edit: Now I know why. -Although Malya has a unique entry in appearance.2da, I don't know how to access the new entry with the UTC editor. The dropdown menu only shows vanilla appearances to choose from, so that's why the Malya in Davik's estate looks like her old friend Shaleena the Outcast girl. Edit: Fixed! Thanks, Effix. -I hardly know how to do anything! Lol. So, if any of that sounds interesting, or if you have any comments or suggestions, or want to help in any way, or just want to say hi, I welcome your words. It had been so long I had forgotten the details; I had a post about this back in 2016: However, it's super old so I guess ignore it. Here are some images:
  12. View File Alternate Revan Romances REDUX =Alternate Revan Romances REDUX= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin ORIGINAL MOD AUTHOR: felixfelicitas FILE NAME: Alternate Revan Romances REDUX.7z LATEST VERSION: 4.2 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream PLEASE READ THROUGH THE MOD INFO ON THIS PAGE AND THE FAQ ARTICLE FOR MY KOTOR SAME-GENDER ROMANCE MODS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS! 1. DESCRIPTION: In KotOR II: TSL, players are given options to set Revan's gender and alignment during the first conversation with Atton on Peragus. However, the game always assumes a male Revan is romantically involved with Bastila, while female Revan is romantically involved with Carth. In March 2015, felixfelicitas released his Alternate Revan Romances mod to remedy that problem. His mod allowed players to set Revan's love interest(s), or lack thereof, and the rest of the game will have different variations of dialogue to reflect that change. Most notably, Bastila can be chosen as female Revan's love interest, and Carth can be chosen as male Revan's love interest. Unfortunately, the original mod also had multiple bugs, including game-breaking ones. After becoming a modder myself, I had been trying to fix the bugs with felixfelicitas' mod, and was eventually successful. With felixfelicitas' permission, I release this updated version of the Alternate Revan Romances mod. Changes since the 2.0 version of felixfelicitas' original mod: Many bug fixes, including fixing the game-breaking issue with the 904kreia.dlg file from the original mod The WAV files of the custom VOs have been converted to MP3 format to make this mod compatible with the Steam version of TSL Tweaked the dialogue options to choose Revan's love interest(s) Improved compatibility with the latest version of The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) Restructured the installation process of the mod by setting up TSLPatcher to patch relevant dialogue files instead of replacing dialogue files to improve compatibility with other mods. Starting from version 4.0, Alternate Revan Romances REDUX also provides an optional add-on to make Juhani actually appear in the TSL game, with fully-voiced new dialogue, if you choose her as Revan’s love interest, remedying the fact that Juhani gets zero content in the entire TSL game even in cut content. Note that Juhani is available as a romance option for female Revan only. Content from the Juhani cameo add-on: Juhani will leave hologram message to T3, with variations depending on Revan’s alignment. If Revan is light side, Juhani will appear and have a brief conversation with Carth after Carth’s meeting with the player post-Ravager. If both Juhani and Bastila are chosen as Revan’s love interests, Juhani and Bastila will show up together in this scene. Kreia will reference Juhani in the ending when the player asks Kreia about Revan. Juhani’s texture and model are ported from KotOR 1, while the voice-overs of the new dialogue from this add-on were AI-generated: Juhani’s new voice lines were generated by xVASynth, an AI speech synthesis app developed for video game character voices, while Kreia’s new voice line was generated by XTTS from Caqui AI. Special thanks to HappyPenguin from the xVASynth Discord server for helping to train Juhani and Kreia’s voice models for xVASynth, as well as generating Kreia’s voice with XTTS, so I can make all the new dialogue fully-voiced. Please note that this mod is ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE ENGLISH VERSION OF TSL AND TSLRCM. I do not provide support for non-English versions of TSL and TSLRCM. 2. INSTALLATION: First and foremost, make sure you have The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) installed since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for this mod to work. !! ATTENTION!! STEAM USERS: If you play KotOR 2 on Steam, DO NOT USE THE STEAM WORKSHOP VERSION OF TSLRCM if you want to use this mod! Instead, use the installer (.exe) version of TSLRCM, which can be downloaded from Deadly Stream here. I recommend reading this Deadly Stream post on why Steam Workshop is NOT recommended for modding KotOR 2. Download and extract the Alternate Revan Romances REDUX.7z archive to you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR 2 directory. Run Install.exe, select one of the two “Main Installation” options depending on if you have installed M4-78 Enhancement Project (M4-78EP) or not. Once you have chosen the installation option you want, and select your KotOR 2 game folder as your KotOR 2 directory path, click the “Install” button and let the installer do its job. JUHANI CAMEO ADD-ON: If you want to install the add-on to make Juhani appear in the game if you choose her as Revan’s love interest, after installing any of the “Main Installation” options of this mod, select one of the two “ADD-ON: Juhani Cameo” options depending on if you have installed M4-78 Enhancement Project (M4-78EP) or not, then select your KotOR 2 directory path, and click the “Install” button.Make sure you have installed the “Main Installation” component of the mod before installing this add-on. When you install this mod, two new folders named "backup" and “uninstall” will be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folders or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod. 3. UNINSTALLATION: Open Install.exe and select your KotOR 2 directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” dropdown menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod. If you have also installed the Juhani Cameo add-on, it will uninstall the add-on first. After uninstalling the add-on, you need to select Yes to delete the most recent backup folder, then select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup” from the dropdown menu again to uninstall the main part of the mod. 4. PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS: For the best experience with this mod, it's recommended to have a completely new TSL playthrough. During your first conversation with Atton on Peragus, after setting Revan's alignment and gender, you will be given dialogue options to set Revan's love interest(s). Regardless of Revan's gender and alignment, you can choose Bastila, Carth, or both as Revan's love interest(s). If you set Revan as female, you will also get the option to choose Juhani as Revan's love interest. If Revan is both light side and female, you can choose any combination of Juhani, Bastila and Carth as Revan’s love interests. Alternately, you can even choose to make Revan not having any love interest. If you install this mod after playing past the initial conversation with Atton, and still want to customize Revan's romance choice, you can change it by using the KotOR Savegame Editor (KSE). Create a new save after installing this mod. Open KSE, expand a save file, and look for Globals > Booleans. At the bottom of the list of global booleans, there should be three new options: llk_revrom_bast — Checks if Bastila is chosen to be Revan’s love intrest llk_revrom_carth — Checks if Carth is chosen to be Revan’s love interest llk_revrom_juh — Checks if Juhani is chosen to be Revan’s love interest Select any of these global booleans, then select “Yes” or “No”, click the “Apply” button, and click the “Commit Changes” button. NOTE: Even if you set Juhani as Revan’s love interest during your first conversation with Atton or in KSE, you must install the Juhani cameo add-on to make Juhani appear in the game. On the other hand, you will not get any of Juhani’s content if you do not set Juhani as Revan’s love interest, even if you have installed the add-on. 5. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know. 6. MOD COMPATIBILITY: Apart from TSLRCM, which is required for this mod to work, any other mods that modify any of the following content may conflict with this mod: T3-M4's main dialogue (t3m4.dlg) Atton's initial conversation on Peragus (101atton.dlg) Dialogue of Carth's meeting after the Ravager (carthend.dlg) Kreia's endgame dialogue (904kreia.dlg) I have set up the installer to install this mod by patching the relevant dialogue files to improve compatibility with other content mods as much as possible, but it is still not guaranteed to be compatible with every other mods that modify the same files. If you want to use M4-78 Enhancement Project (M4-78EP), you need to install M4-78EP first, then select the “M4-78EP Compatible” option(s) when you install my mod. If you want to use my Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance, you must install this mod first, then you must choose one of the “Alternate Revan Romances REDUX Compatible” option when you install Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance. you must install this mod after Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance. If you want to use DarthTyren’s PartySwap and/or my Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance, you need to install this mod after PartySwap and/or my Handmaiden/Disciple same-gender romance mod. The Juhani Cameo Add-on of this mod is compatible with KotOR 1 mods that modify Juhani’s textures (in TGA, TPC or DDS format), but not compatible with KotOR 1 mods that modify Juhani’s models (in MDL and MDX format) unless they are ported to TSL. 7. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for your personal use. However, if you want to use any files from this mod for your own mod, please ask for my permission before releasing your mod. If I give you permission for it, you must credit me and the original author felixfelicitas when you release your mod. If you want to create your own mod that makes Juhani appear in TSL, I have uploaded the ported Juhani textures and models separately as part of my Missing K1 Party Member Ports for TSL modder’s resource, which also includes a character template file (in UTC format) that allows you to spawn Juhani as an NPC. If you want to create new voice-overs for Juhani or Kreia with xVASynth, you may download their voice models from the following links, and drop the models into your xVASynth directory: Juhani's voice model Kreia's voice model I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not wish any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 8. CREDITS: felixfelicitas for making the original Alternate Revan Romances mod, as well as giving me the permission to use, update and re-upload his mod HappyPenguin for helping to train Juhani’s voice models for xVASynth and generating Kreia’s new voice line with XTTS Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool Cortisol for Holocron Toolset tk102 for DLG Editor JdNoa for DeNCS KotOR Script Decompiler and KotOR Lipsynch Editor KobaltBlu for KotOR Scripting Tool bead-v for MDLedit Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Leilukin Submitted 01/26/2017 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  13. View File Carth Onasi and Male PC Romance =Carth Onasi and Male PC Romance= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Carth Onasi and Male PC Romance.7z LATEST VERSION: 1.1 CONTACT: E-mail, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1. DESCRIPTION: In the vanilla game of the first Knights of the Old Republic game, Carth Onasi’s romance subplot is only available to a female player character. This mod allows male PCs to romance Carth by modifying the gender checks in Carth’s romance. The male version of Carth’s romance subplot still requires the player to talk to Carth frequently and progress his personal quest line to complete successfully. In addition, the player can still end Carth’s romance by choosing certain dialogue options. This mod was inspired by forgetcanon’s Bi Carth mod. However, my mod has different ways of executing the concept of a Carth and male PC romance mod, including but not limited to: Installing this mod by patching the relevant dialogue files to improve compatibility with other content mods as much as possible. Editing Carth’s dialogue and splicing audio files to ensure that Carth will not refer to a male PC as a woman. Adding an alternate installation option to make Carth’s romance available for male PCs only, while Carth will interact with a female PC the same way with a male PC in vanilla. This option is for players who want to avoid any romantic interactions with Carth when playing a female PC entirely, without needing to choose specific dialogue options to shut down the romance. For the best experience with this mod, it's recommended to have a completely new KotOR 1 playthrough. Please note that this mod is ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE ENGLISH LOCALIZATION OF KOTOR. I do not provide support for non-English localizations of KotOR. 2. INSTALLATION: Download the mod and extract Carth Onasi and Male PC Romance.7z archive to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR directory. Run Install.exe. You will notice that this mod provides four installation options. You may only choose ONE of these options: Version A: Carth Romance for Both Male and Female PCs — This option will make Carth’s romance available to both male and female player characters. This version also adds a [Not Interested] dialogue option to allow players to turn off Carth’s romance early on. Version B: Carth Romance for Male PCs ONLY — This option will make Carth’s romance available to male player characters ONLY. In this version, Carth will not flirt with a female player character, and female PCs cannot romance Carth. Version A + KOTOR 1 Community Patch Compatible — Choose this option if you have KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) installed and you want to use Version A of my mod. Version B + KOTOR 1 Community Patch Compatible — Choose this option if you have KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) installed and you want to use Version B of my mod. Once you have chosen the installation option you want, and select your KotOR game folder as your KotOR directory path, click the “Install” button and let the installer do its job. This mod also provides compatibility patches for the following mods: Carth Romance Fix by cjt0202 KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R) If you want to use any of the above mod alongside this mod, go to the "Compatibility Patches" folder, and follow the instructions written on the Read Me files contained in the subfolders. When you install this mod, two new folders named "backup" and “uninstall” will be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folders or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod. 3. UNINSTALLATION: Open Install.exe and select your KotOR directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” dropdown menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod. You can also choose to delete the backup after uninstalling the mod. 4. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know. 5. MOD COMPATIBILITY: Any other mods that modify any of the following dialogue files will likely conflict with this mod: k_hcar_dialog.dlg — Carth’s global dialogue lev40_saul403.dlg — Saul Karath’s interrogation scene on the Leviathan ebo_carth.dlg — Dialogue of the party members on the Ebon Hawk immediately after Leviathan unk41_carth.dlg — The game has two different modules that use dialogue files that share this name: one for the party conversation on the Ebon Hawk after crashing on the Unknown World; the other for Carth’s dialogue on the Unknown World beach after confronting Bastila on the temple summit. This mod affects the latter. k_sta_carth.dlg — Carth’s dialogue on the Star Forge after defeating Malak I have set up the installer to install this mod by patching the relevant dialogue files to increase compatibility with other content mods as much as possible, but it is still not guaranteed to be compatible with every other mods that modify the same dialogue files, especially if the other mod is installed into the Override folder. If you use any of the below mods, I have provided compatibility patches, as noted in the "INSTALLATION" section above: Carth Romance Fix by cjt0202 KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R) If you are using KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP), you must install K1CP first, then choose one of the KOTOR 1 Community Patch Compatible option when you install my mod. This mod is compatible with JC's Romance Enhancement: Dark Sacrifice for K1. This mod is compatible with JC's Romance Enhancement: Pan-Galactic Flirting for K1. This mod has a conflict with JC's Romance Enhancement: Biromantic Bastila for K1, specifically regarding Saul’s interrogation scene. Whichever mod installed later will override the changes made by the other mod. Biromantic Bastila compares how far you have progressed Bastila and Carth’s personal and romance quest lines to decide who will get tortured by Saul. Meanwhile, in Version A of my mod, Saul will torture Carth only if Carth’s romance is active, while in Version B of my mod, Saul will torture Carth as long as the PC is male, or Bastila as long as the PC is female. Therefore, if you want to use both Biromantic Bastila and my mod, the installation order depends on your preference: if you prefer the changes made by Biromantic Bastila, install it after my mod; if you prefer the changes made by my mod, install my mod after Biromantic Bastila. 6. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for personal use or show this mod in screenshots. However, do not release your mods containing assets from my mod without my permission. 7. CREDITS: forgetcanon whose Bi Carth mod became the inspiration of this mod Cortisol for Holocron Toolset Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool KobaltBlu for Kotor Scripting Tool tk102 for DLG Editor JdNoa for DeNCS KotOR Script Decompiler JCarter426 for SithCodec Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher Stoffe for TSLPatcher; Fair Strides for the updated version THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Leilukin Submitted 08/06/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  14. Version 2.2.1


    Changes Juhani's appearance to a more pleasant looking Cathar woman in game, based on official Star Wars graphic novel visual concepts/references. Released: 12 March 2015 Author: Cerez Description: Based on official, Star Wars Expanded Universe visual references, this mod completely changes Juhani's hostile default appearance in the game to a more-broadly-accepted-canon-like, unique, young Cathar woman players can find more relatable, to compliment her story arc. A number of years were spent detail refining this mod to make it feel like it was always meant to be a part of the original game. Instructions: Place all the files in the Files folder into your game's Override folder. To make best use of this mod, I recommend also copying the files in the Extra folder to Override, because they serve to fix some debilitating bugs in Juhani's quest, and restore some of her removed dialogue from the original game -- therefore completing her involvement in the game's story. Credits: This mod is built on Shem's "Juhani - Total Makeover" mod, which used Mjpb3's head skin as a base, and its head model was exported/made by Kha. In addition, I've had generous help from DarkLordXana, who was kind to help me give Kha's head model Cathar features (sharp teeth, flatter nose), and to whom I am forever grateful for their support. Model (Export): Kha Skin: Mjpb3 Juhani Mod and Cathar Reskin: Shem Cathar Model Tweaks: DarkLordXana New Cathar Reskin and Icon: Cerez Bug Fixes: Darth333, RPGClassics, Kexikus Dialogue Restoration: KotOR1 Restoration (K1R) Team License: You may freely use, develop, and release this mod in any way you like as long as you provide due credit for everyone's work involved. Naturally, I'm not taking any responsibilities for any misuse or damage that may arise from the use of this mod. There are no warranties or guarantees. Take it as is. Enjoy.
  15. HelloEveryone, I'm new here! Anyway, I'm here because there is a mod I've wanted to make for several years now. I am actually able to do quite a bit of modding myself, but I am very limited at scripting/coding and I don't have all the time in the world to figure it out. I really would like a helper or maybe even a team to help me create this mod. Okay so remember Malya...? No? Remember the Taris undercity and the outcast village and that old guy named Rukil who was searching for the Promised Land? Well he had an "apprentice" named Malya who was described as a young woman who died trying to find the Promised Land. Now I don't know about you, but that sounds like a serious missed opportunity to me: A female roughly the same age as Bastila who is adventurous and open-minded enough to be a crazy old man's apprentice! Also, I believe KOTOR would be better if you had an option as to which girl you want to end up with romantically. I don't really like Bastila, personally . Now you have a choice, Bastila or Malya. So in this story, Malya survives and joins up with the Main Character and the gang. She is an eccentric sweety-pie who has albinism and has never been outside the undercity, and has never seen the light of the sun in her life. However, she is less pessimistic than the other outcasts and believes in the symbol of hope itself, the Promised Land, even if only in spirit. As a youth, Malya finds a mysterious Holocron while exploring the undercity. She develops an understanding of the Force, and the lack of Jedi interference causes her to develop extremely unorthodox views. These views influence the Main Character and help to cause an even more tense love triangle with Bastila. Also, the Holocron's mysterious source eventually ties into the Main Character's story. What I Can Do -I can do graphics somewhat. I have already made a prototype Malya. I will also make her clothes. I made her a hoodie based on the Dark Jedi Female model, complete with a hood that actually moves with Malya's head! -I can dialogue edit. Mostly. -I can use KOTOR Tool. -I have a very intricate story already developed, I will tell you all about it if we email or Skype. It contains themes of acceptance, love and romance, spirituality and belief, and tradition vs open-mindedness. -I voice act for male characters. I also have ways to get voice actors for female characters. -I am nice and will be your friend forever if you help me . What I Need You To Do -I mainly need someone who can script the quests and cutscenes. I am lost when it comes to this stuff. I am also a full-time college student who works during breaks so I can't really dedicate a ton of time to learning this. -A couple of new areas/maps (they can be reused/reskinned) That's it really. Goals -Make a new fully voiced Party Member with an optional romance storyline. -Expand KOTOR 1's horizons with new looks at morality and spirituality (KOTOR 2 style). -Keep the look and feel of the original game and have the mod seamlessly weave into the normal storyline. -A new "Malya" ending. In addition, if things go well, I have storylines for an expansion that involves adding on the the Malya ending with a new faction that joins the Main Character's independent cause, discovering who made the mysterious Holocron that Malya found, and invading Coruscant . Alright, so if you are interested in helping in any way whatsoever, or if you just want to ask about the mod, feel free to contact me! You can reach me through PMs, or preferably Skype me, my name is justinkorycki (look for the weasel with the pipe!)
  16. View File Mira Romance Mod 2.0 Mira Romance Mod – v 2.0 ========================================================= Description: When KOTOR II TSL came out in 2004, it was a brilliant game but lacking a feature: You could romance Your party members, however sadly You could not romance the hotest girl in the game! This mod is intended to fix that, enabling the male exile to romance Mira. It has been tested and works fine. This mod is compatible with TSLRCM and M4-78 EP! Important: - You must install this mod after TSLRCM and M4-78 EP, because it updates the mira.dlg and global.jrl files! - This mod works only with the English version of KOTOR II TSL! If You install it on another language version it will display black screens instead of the dialogues! Player Guide: In order to trigger Mira’s romance dialogue, You must have 100% influence with her, and have her fully trained as a Jedi! I hope You will enjoy this mod! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit: - Credit goes to Effix for allowing me to use the files “"pfbam.mdl" and "pfbam.mdx" from his mod "Effixian's Alternative Female Underwear 2019"! - Credit goes to Empeor Devon for the Twin Suns outfit texture file, from his mod “Five Twin Suns-esque Outfits For Female PCs”! - The "get_close.ncs" and "kiss_mira.ncs" files were also bundled with the “Bastila Romance Enhacement” mod by Swfan28, which can be found here: I believe the files are KOTOR proprietary as only the k_hbas_dialog.dlg file was altered in that mod... The Author also implies something similar in his Mod Description: "PERMISSIONS: This mod may be used without the explicit permission of the author WITH ONE EXCEPTION. If you want to use the file "k_hbas_dialog.dlg" from To Override (Allronix Dlg-Pack 2.0) you have to ask Allronix for permission." Since he clearly stated that only the "k_hbas_dialog.dlg" file requires permission, and he is nowhere to be found anyway since this is a 2008 mod that was reuploaded to other sites several times, i believe it is ok to include the files even if they were mod-proprietary (which they appear not to be!)... Anyway, in all eventuality and just to be on the safe side, I hereby give full credit to Swfan28 / Allronix for the "get_close.ncs" and "kiss_bastila.ncs" (that has been renamed to "kiss_mira.ncs" for this mod) files and menetion that they are only used in my mod as auxiliary / aiding files with this mod and should no be considered mod content or my work! As a matter of fact, thay do not even work as intended and produce a very different effect from the original, intended effect! In the eventuality of any sort of issues these files will be removed from the mod! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: - TSLPatcher Install (recommended): Important: You must install this mod after TSLRCM and M4-78 EP, because it updates the mira.dlg and global.jrl files. If You have the 1.0 or 1.1 version of the mod already installed, just delete get_close.ncs from Your Override folder, then run the TSLPatcher installer, it will overwrite the old version and update to version 2.0! Run TSLPatcher.exe, click the “Install Mod” button, then point it to your KOTOR II TSL install directory and wait for the mod to install. The TSLPatcher will automatically backup your global.jrl file in the mod installer folder (Mira Romance Mod/Backup), You must copy it from there into a safe location (You can make a Backup folder into Your KOTOR or Override folder)! - Manual Install: Backup your global.jrl file in the Override folder, if there is any (in case You have TSLRCM and / or M4-78 EP or other mods that affect this file installed)! Unzip the archive, then copy the files in the tslpatchdata folder from the Mira Romance Mod folder to the "Override" and “Movies” folders inside Your KOTOR II TSL install directory (Default: C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/swkotor2 or C:/Program Files/Star Wars - Kotor 2 for GOG version). You should have the following files inside your swkotor2/Override folder: mira.dlg global.jrl kiss_mira.ncs pfbam.mdl pfbam.mdx pfbamc01.tga And in the Movies folder: MiraRomance.bik ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstallation: To uninstall the mod, just delete the following files from your Override folder: mira.dlg global.jrl kiss_mira.ncs pfbam.mdl pfbam.mdx pfbamc01.tga And from the Movies folder: MiraRomance.bik And then restore Your backup of global.jrl. If You forgot to backup global.jrl before installation, then just leave the modded global.jrl inside the Override folder instead of deleting it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution and Use: You may re-upload this mod on other websited or here (if You have a copy of it and it is no longer hosted online), with proper credit given. You may use this mod and associated files to include in Your own mod without asking permission, it is only required that You give credit for my mod! It is not permitted to re-upload this mod or use it as part of Your mod claiming it is your work and without giving credit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many Thanks To: Effix, AmanoJyaku, JCarter426, JC2, DarthParametric for the great advice and support! Deadlystream Community, Kotor Tool Creators, K-GIFF Creators, Modding Tutorials Creators ========================================================= TSLRCM Compatibility: Yes Current Version: 2.0.0 – Major Update 1.1.0 - Original Release, First Update Update 1.1.0 (Original Release, First Update) features: - Added a TSLPatcher installer to the mod, for easy and optimized installation. 2.0.0 – Major Update Update 2.0.0 (Major Update) features: - Updated the global.jrl file to be completely compatible with TSLRCM and M4-78 Enhancement Project. Now the global.jrl file in the override folder can be safely overwritten by the mod’s file without causing any issues! - Fixed a bug caused by the “get_close.ncs” script, where the Player Character would teleport to another area after ending the dialogue. - Added a movie with an animation that replaces the broken “get_close.ncs” script. - Added a new outfit for Mira inspired by the Twin Suns outfit. To equip it You must unequip all clothes / robes / armours, the outfit basically replaces the underwear model! Please install the Mira Romance mod after You have installed the TSLRCM and M4-78 EP mods! It is also compatible with Cathalan, as long as You install TSLRCM, M4-78 EP and the Mira Romance mod first, then Cathalan last, because it updates the global.jrl file! The mod should be compatible with any other mod, as long as it does not alter Mira's dialogue file (mira.dlg) or the Journal file (global.jrl)! This mod works only with the English version of KOTOR II TSL! If You install it on another language version it will display black screens instead of the dialogues! Here is a savegame made before the Mira romance scene, so you can try the mod right away without having to play through the whole game, just drop it into Your Saves folder: Before Mira Romance.rar Submitter JediArchivist Submitted 01/11/2019 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  17. View File Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance =Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance.7z LATEST VERSION: 1.5 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream PLEASE READ THROUGH THE MOD INFO ON THIS PAGE AND THE FAQ ARTICLE FOR MY KOTOR SAME-GENDER ROMANCE MODS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS! 1. DESCRIPTION: In KotOR II: TSL, certain party members can develop romantic feelings for the Exile, even though none of the romances in TSL were given much development, especially if compared to the first KotOR game. Atton Rand is among the potential romance options of TSL, however, in the vanilla game, he flirts with and expresses romantic interests for female Exiles only. What this mod does is to change the gender check of Atton's flirting and romantic dialogue, so he will express interest in male Exiles as well. Please note that this mod is ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE ENGLISH LOCALIZATION OF TSL AND TSLRCM. I do not provide support for non-English localizations of TSL and TSLRCM. 2. INSTALLATION: First and foremost, make sure you have The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) installed since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for this mod to work. !! ATTENTION!! STEAM USERS: If you play KotOR 2 on Steam, DO NOT USE THE STEAM WORKSHOP VERSION OF TSLRCM if you want to use this mod! Instead, use the installer (.exe) version of TSLRCM, which can be downloaded from Deadly Stream here. I recommend reading this Deadly Stream post on why Steam Workshop is NOT recommended for modding KotOR 2. Extract the Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance.7z archive you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR 2 directory. Run Install.exe. You will notice that this mod provides four installation options. You may only choose ONE of these options: Version A: This option will make Atton express interest in both male and female Exiles. Version B: This option will make Atton express interest in male Exiles only, and Atton will not flirt with a female Exile. Version A + Alternate Revan Romances REDUX Compatible: Choose this option if you have my Alternate Revan Romances REDUX installed and you want to use Version A of my mod. Version B + Alternate Revan Romances REDUX Compatible: Choose this option if you have my Alternate Revan Romances REDUX installed and you want to use Version B of my mod. Once you have chosen the installation option you want, and select your KotOR 2 game folder as your KotOR 2 directory path, click the “Install” button and let the installer do its job. This mod also provides compatibility patches for the following mods: My Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance mod danil-ch's Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) If you want to use any of the above mod alongside this mod, go to the "Compatibility Patches" folder, and follow the instructions written on the READ ME file. When you install this mod, two new folders named "backup" and “uninstall” will be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folders or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod. 3. UNINSTALLATION: Open Install.exe and select your KotOR 2 directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” dropdown menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod. You can also choose to delete the backup after uninstalling the mod. 4. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know. 5. MOD COMPATIBILITY: Apart from TSLRCM, which is required for this mod to work, any other mods that modify any of the following content may conflict with this mod: Atton's main dialogue (atton.dlg) Atton's dialogue on Peragus (101atton.dlg, 102atton.dlg) Dialogue of the Atton & Bao-Dur cutscene on the Ebon Hawk (baoatt_p.dlg) Atton's endgame dialogue (904atton.dlg) Kreia's endgame dialogue (904kreia.dlg) Script for the party member cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk (k_003ebo_enter.ncs and a_next_scene.ncs from the 003EBO module) I have set up the installer to install this mod by patching the relevant dialogue files to improve compatibility with other content mods as much as possible, but it is still not guaranteed to be compatible with every other mods that modify the same files. If you use any of the below mods, I have provided compatibility patches, as noted in the "INSTALLATION" section above: My Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance mod danil-ch's Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) If you want to us my Alternate Revan Romances REDUX alongside this mod, you must install Alternate Revan Romances REDUX first, then you must choose one of the “Alternate Revan Romances REDUX Compatible” option when you install this mod. If you want to use DarthTyren's PartySwap mod alongside this mod, you must install this mod AFTER PartySwap, otherwise you'll miss out certain Atton romance content when you're playing as a male Exile. This mod is compatible with the Atton’s ending dialogue component of Pavijan357's Unofficial TSLRCM Tweak Pack. If you want to use Kaidon Jorn’s Schematic Lightsaber Mod (SLM), you must install my mod after SLM. 6. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for personal use or show this mod in screenshots. However, do not release your mods containing assets from my mod without my permission. You may use the k_003ebo_enter and a_next_scene scripts from this mod to make compatibility patches with your mod, but do not claim these modifications as your own. I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not want any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 7. CREDITS: danil-ch for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch for Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool Cortisol for Holocron Toolset KobaltBlu for Kotor Scripting Tool tk102 for DLG Editor Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher Stoffe for TSLPatcher; Fair Strides for the updated version THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Leilukin Submitted 12/27/2016 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  18. Version 2.0


    This mod will allow you to set Revan's love interest(s) in the initial conversation with Atton, and all the dialogue in the game will reflect it. No longer will Carth automatically be a female Revan's love interest, nor will Bastila automatically be a male Revan's love interest. Scripting and help given by forgetcanon on Deadly Stream. Audio is now included in version 2.0. This file was adapted based off the TSLRCM, and should not be used without it. It will also replace certain dialogue files in the Override. If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact me at my tumblr, aroaceobiwan.
  19. Version 2.0


    Mira Romance Mod – v 2.0 ========================================================= Description: When KOTOR II TSL came out in 2004, it was a brilliant game but lacking a feature: You could romance Your party members, however sadly You could not romance the hotest girl in the game! This mod is intended to fix that, enabling the male exile to romance Mira. It has been tested and works fine. This mod is compatible with TSLRCM and M4-78 EP! Important: - You must install this mod after TSLRCM and M4-78 EP, because it updates the mira.dlg and global.jrl files! - This mod works only with the English version of KOTOR II TSL! If You install it on another language version it will display black screens instead of the dialogues! Player Guide: In order to trigger Mira’s romance dialogue, You must have 100% influence with her, and have her fully trained as a Jedi! I hope You will enjoy this mod! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit: - Credit goes to Effix for allowing me to use the files “"pfbam.mdl" and "pfbam.mdx" from his mod "Effixian's Alternative Female Underwear 2019"! - Credit goes to Empeor Devon for the Twin Suns outfit texture file, from his mod “Five Twin Suns-esque Outfits For Female PCs”! - The "get_close.ncs" and "kiss_mira.ncs" files were also bundled with the “Bastila Romance Enhacement” mod by Swfan28, which can be found here: I believe the files are KOTOR proprietary as only the k_hbas_dialog.dlg file was altered in that mod... The Author also implies something similar in his Mod Description: "PERMISSIONS: This mod may be used without the explicit permission of the author WITH ONE EXCEPTION. If you want to use the file "k_hbas_dialog.dlg" from To Override (Allronix Dlg-Pack 2.0) you have to ask Allronix for permission." Since he clearly stated that only the "k_hbas_dialog.dlg" file requires permission, and he is nowhere to be found anyway since this is a 2008 mod that was reuploaded to other sites several times, i believe it is ok to include the files even if they were mod-proprietary (which they appear not to be!)... Anyway, in all eventuality and just to be on the safe side, I hereby give full credit to Swfan28 / Allronix for the "get_close.ncs" and "kiss_bastila.ncs" (that has been renamed to "kiss_mira.ncs" for this mod) files and menetion that they are only used in my mod as auxiliary / aiding files with this mod and should no be considered mod content or my work! As a matter of fact, thay do not even work as intended and produce a very different effect from the original, intended effect! In the eventuality of any sort of issues these files will be removed from the mod! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: - TSLPatcher Install (recommended): Important: You must install this mod after TSLRCM and M4-78 EP, because it updates the mira.dlg and global.jrl files. If You have the 1.0 or 1.1 version of the mod already installed, just delete get_close.ncs from Your Override folder, then run the TSLPatcher installer, it will overwrite the old version and update to version 2.0! Run TSLPatcher.exe, click the “Install Mod” button, then point it to your KOTOR II TSL install directory and wait for the mod to install. The TSLPatcher will automatically backup your global.jrl file in the mod installer folder (Mira Romance Mod/Backup), You must copy it from there into a safe location (You can make a Backup folder into Your KOTOR or Override folder)! - Manual Install: Backup your global.jrl file in the Override folder, if there is any (in case You have TSLRCM and / or M4-78 EP or other mods that affect this file installed)! Unzip the archive, then copy the files in the tslpatchdata folder from the Mira Romance Mod folder to the "Override" and “Movies” folders inside Your KOTOR II TSL install directory (Default: C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/swkotor2 or C:/Program Files/Star Wars - Kotor 2 for GOG version). You should have the following files inside your swkotor2/Override folder: mira.dlg global.jrl kiss_mira.ncs pfbam.mdl pfbam.mdx pfbamc01.tga And in the Movies folder: MiraRomance.bik ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstallation: To uninstall the mod, just delete the following files from your Override folder: mira.dlg global.jrl kiss_mira.ncs pfbam.mdl pfbam.mdx pfbamc01.tga And from the Movies folder: MiraRomance.bik And then restore Your backup of global.jrl. If You forgot to backup global.jrl before installation, then just leave the modded global.jrl inside the Override folder instead of deleting it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution and Use: You may re-upload this mod on other websited or here (if You have a copy of it and it is no longer hosted online), with proper credit given. You may use this mod and associated files to include in Your own mod without asking permission, it is only required that You give credit for my mod! It is not permitted to re-upload this mod or use it as part of Your mod claiming it is your work and without giving credit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many Thanks To: Effix, AmanoJyaku, JCarter426, JC2, DarthParametric for the great advice and support! Deadlystream Community, Kotor Tool Creators, K-GIFF Creators, Modding Tutorials Creators ========================================================= TSLRCM Compatibility: Yes Current Version: 2.0.0 – Major Update 1.1.0 - Original Release, First Update Update 1.1.0 (Original Release, First Update) features: - Added a TSLPatcher installer to the mod, for easy and optimized installation. 2.0.0 – Major Update Update 2.0.0 (Major Update) features: - Updated the global.jrl file to be completely compatible with TSLRCM and M4-78 Enhancement Project. Now the global.jrl file in the override folder can be safely overwritten by the mod’s file without causing any issues! - Fixed a bug caused by the “get_close.ncs” script, where the Player Character would teleport to another area after ending the dialogue. - Added a movie with an animation that replaces the broken “get_close.ncs” script. - Added a new outfit for Mira inspired by the Twin Suns outfit. To equip it You must unequip all clothes / robes / armours, the outfit basically replaces the underwear model! Please install the Mira Romance mod after You have installed the TSLRCM and M4-78 EP mods! It is also compatible with Cathalan, as long as You install TSLRCM, M4-78 EP and the Mira Romance mod first, then Cathalan last, because it updates the global.jrl file! The mod should be compatible with any other mod, as long as it does not alter Mira's dialogue file (mira.dlg) or the Journal file (global.jrl)! This mod works only with the English version of KOTOR II TSL! If You install it on another language version it will display black screens instead of the dialogues! Here is a savegame made before the Mira romance scene, so you can try the mod right away without having to play through the whole game, just drop it into Your Saves folder: Before Mira Romance.rar
  20. This mod is intended to enable the male Exile in K2 to romance Mira. It is comprised of: - Modifications to Mira's dialogue file (dialogs.bif/Dialog/mira.dlg) --- 95% Done Romance dialog lines added, the game only allows the Exile to pursue the romance if gender=male. - Porting the animation from K1 where Revan and Bastila kiss - and have that scene in K2 with the male Exile and Mira! --- Done I am working at identifying that script in K1, but i have no programming . scripting skills and i unfortunately have no idea how to port / make that scene trigger in K2. Thanks to DarthParametric, i found out that the kiss scene was faked using a mod, i studied the bastila.dlg file from the mod and applied the same animations as there to get that effect. I got a totally different effect as intended, but that will do for now... Many thanks to DarthParametric for explaining where to find Bastila's dialogue file! - Adding an entry in the Quests Log about the pursued romance with Mira --- Done I will need to study the Quest Log Modding Tutorial. Many thanks to LucasForums user Darth333 for his brilliant Tutorial, that can be found here: This Tutorial was used to make this mod. So far i have encountered some problems preventing me from finishing this mod: - My edited .dlg file seems to break Mira's dialogue and i have no idea why... i opened and edited the file in Kotor Tool's Conversation Editor, i also re-opened and altered it in the standalone DlgEditor. Basically only part of the conversation is activated, and the conversation crashes when the conversation option which adds my custom replies is triggered and the conversation ends. I have no idea what is causing this, according to all dialog tutorials it should have no problems but id doesn't... I'm uploading my modded file here for you to test and see for yourselves what i mean. Just copy the mira.dlg file into your K2 Override folder! This was solved using the standalone DLG Editor instead of the one bundled with Kotor Tool. Many thanks to JCarter426 and JC2 ,who helped greatly by pointing out the issues with the bundled dialog editor in Kotor Tool (it seems to corrupt the .dlg files) and recommending the standalone DLG Editor! - I have no scripting knowledge and can't wrap my head around binding some scripts to the conversation: 1. Once the "Kiss me..." dialog line is triggered, the romance must be considered "enabled" and new dialogues should reflect that instead of just re-tracing the steps that "enabled" the romance. 2. Porting the animation / script from K1 where Revan and Bastila kiss - and have that scene in K2 with the male Exile and Mira - Done! 3. Modding the Quest Log, in order for it to reflect that the Exile is romancing Mira. - Done! 4. Optional: Have the other romanceable characters (Visas and the Handmaiden) somehow acknowledge the male Exile's romance with Mira - this requires scripting as well as editing their dialogue files (that I can do myself, but not the scripting and triggers). I am looking for modders with Scripting and Dialog Editing skills to help me out wih this in order for this to become a great mod i will need lots of help... If you know how to solve this please take a look at the bugged file, any help / advice is welcome! UPDATE: Good News! I made a new mira.dlg file with DlgEditor and this one works perfectly! Status update: I finished modding the .dlg file. I also used the same animations as in the K1 Bastila romance mod, although it had different results, but it works fine nonetheless! The only thing i need help with now is if anyone knows how to edit a conversation to pop up a different line of dialogue after an event happened, as i have no scripting knowledge and can't wrap my head around the tutorials... UPDATE 2: I am now working on the 2.0 version of this mod. It will include: a remade global.jrl file fully compatible with TSLRCM and M4-78 EP, a movie animation that will replace the broken kiss script and a Twin Suns outfit for Mira. Many thanks go to: Efix, AmanoJyaku, JCarter426, JC2, DarthParametric for the great advice and support! *I'm uploading my modded dialogue file here for you to test for yourselves. Just download and copy the mira.dlg file into your K2 Override folder, and start a dialog with Mira in-game! If You need a savegame for K2 where you have Mira on the Ebon Hawk to be able to talk to her, i also included that below! mira.dlg global.jrl
  21. Version 1.0.0


    This is a savegame file made right before the last conversation before the Bastila romance scene. To trigger the scene, just follow the conversation giving the right answers. I used the "Bastila Romance Enhancement" mod in my playthrough (that adds a kiss to the romance scene), but you won't need it mandatorily!
  22. View File [K1] Savegame Before Bastila Romance Scene This is a savegame file made right before the last conversation before the Bastila romance scene. To trigger the scene, just follow the conversation giving the right answers. I used the "Bastila Romance Enhancement" mod in my playthrough (that adds a kiss to the romance scene), but you won't need it mandatorily! Submitter JediArchivist Submitted 03/09/2020 Category Game Saves Mods Used Bastila Romance Enhancement Game Knights of The Old Republic  
  23. View File Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance =Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Vsas Marr and Female Exile Romance.7z LATEST VERSION: 1.4 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream PLEASE READ THROUGH THE MOD INFO ON THIS PAGE AND THE FAQ ARTICLE FOR MY KOTOR SAME-GENDER ROMANCE MODS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS! 1. DESCRIPTION: In KotOR II: TSL, certain party members can develop romantic feelings for the Exile, even though none of the romances in TSL were given much development, especially if compared to the first KotOR game. Among the possible romance options, only male Exiles can romance Visas Marr, with her romance scene (or at least, the closest thing the game has to one) occurs near the endgame (see below for details, though beware of possible spoilers). What this mod do is to make the Visas romance scene available for female Exiles as well. In vanilla TSL, after the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence and you return to the Ebon Hawk, you will be approached by Visas if your Exile is male, or the Disciple if your Exile is female. In Visas' case, she can confess her love for the male Exile, and the male Exile can agree to her to "look upon" each other through the Force. This mod gets rid of the gender check for the Visas conversation post-Rebuilt Jedi Enclave, so Visas will always be the one who talks to the Exile regardless of the Exile's gender, even if the Disciple joins your party. Therefore, with this mod, female Exiles are also able to enjoy the same Visas scene as male Exiles do, including the romance. Originally, Visas mentions the Handmaiden when she confesses her feelings for the Exile. This mod also checks if the Handmaiden joins your party to that particular dialogue, so with this mod, if you never recruited Handmaiden, Visas will not mention her. This mod also provides an additional component to make Kreia reference the Exile’s interest in Visas, regardless of the Exile’s gender, during the player’s conversation with Kreia. 2. INSTALLATION: First and foremost, make sure you have The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) installed since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for this mod to work. !! ATTENTION!! STEAM USERS: If you play KotOR 2 on Steam, DO NOT USE THE STEAM WORKSHOP VERSION OF TSLRCM if you want to use this mod! Instead, use the installer (.exe) version of TSLRCM, which can be downloaded from Deadly Stream here. I recommend reading this Deadly Stream post on why Steam Workshop is NOT recommended for modding KotOR 2. Extract the Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance.7z archive you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR 2 directory. Run Install.exe. You will notice that this mod provides two installation options: Visas Romance Scene: This component will make Visas’ romance scene after the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave available for both male and female Exiles. Kreia’s Reference to Visas Romance: This component will make Kreia reference the Exile’s interest in Visas, regardless of the Exile’s gender, during the player’s conversation with Kreia. You may choose to install both options, or only one of them. Once you have chosen the installation option(s) you want, point the installer to your KotOR 2 directory and let the installer do its job. If you also have installed N-DReW25's Extended Enclave Patch, go to the "Compatibility for Extended Enclave Patch" folder, run Install.exe and point the installer to your KotOR 2 directory, where swkotor2.exe is located, and let the installer do its job. When you install this mod, a new folder named "backup" will be created by the installer. Do not delete the folder or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod. 3. UNINSTALLATION: If you installed the “Visas Romance Scene” component, go to the "backup" folder, cut and paste 006EBO.mod into the Modules folder in your KotOR 2 directory. If you installed the “Kreia’s Reference to Visas Romance” component, go to the "backup" folder, cut and paste kreia.dlg into the Override folder in your KotOR 2 directory. If you want to uninstall the compatibility patch for Extended Enclave Patch, go to the "backup" folder created by the TSLPatcher from this mod, cut and paste visasend.dlg into the Override folder in your KotOR 2 directory. Note that this step does not uninstall Extended Enclave Patch itself. 4. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know. 5. MOD COMPATIBILITY: Any other mod that modifies Visas' dialogue after the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence will likely conflict with this mod, especially for the following files: k_attonend.ncs a_load006end.ncs visasend.dlg The above files are used for Visas' dialogue after the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence, and script that triggers Atton, Disciple or Visas' dialogue with the PC after the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence. The “Kreia’s Reference to Visas Romance” component of this mod modifies the kreia.dlg file, which is for Kreia’s global dialogue. Specifically, this mod removes the gender check to Visas’ romance in Kreia’s dialogue about Visas. In order to improve compatibility with other mods that also modify kreia.dlg, I have set up TSLPatcher to patch the DLG file instead of hard replacing it in the Override folder. If you are using any other mod that involves putting the kreia.dlg file in the Override folder, you must install my mod after the other mod. If you use N-DReW25's Extended Enclave Patch, I have provided a compatibility patch, as noted in the “INSTALLATION” section above. If you want to use DarthTyren's PartySwap mod, you need to install PartySwap first before installing this mod. My Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance mod also makes the Visas romance scene available for female Exiles, though Disciple will replace Visas in said scene if you play a male Exile. Unless you want the Visas romance scene available for both male and female Exiles, you do not need to install the “Visas Romance Scene” component of this mod if you want to use my Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance mod. The “Kreia’s Reference to Visas Romance” component of this mod is compatible with Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance. 6. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for personal use or show this mod in screenshots. However, do not release your mods containing assets from my mod without my permission. I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not wish any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 7. CREDITS: Fair Strides and DarthTyren for helping with my issues with triggering the scene of Disciple reporting to Carth/Cede after Visas’ romance scene N-DReW25 for giving me permission to make my mod compatible with his Extended Enclave Patch Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool KobaltBlu for KotOR Scripting Tool tk102 for DLG Editor Stoffe for TSLPatcher; Fair Strides for the updated version THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Leilukin Submitted 12/15/2016 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  24. View File Bastila Romance Scriptfix Bastila Romance Scriptfix for Kotor 1 (GOG/retail) by Markus Ramikin version 1.1 ******************* Readme contents ******************* I. The bugs (SPOILERS) II. The bugs - technical description III. Installation IV. Other mods V. Old savegames VI. Changelog VII. Disclaimers and permissions. ************************* I. The bugs (SPOILERS) ************************* After you've kissed Bastila, you can have a final conversation with her where the romance gets put on hold "until Malak is defeated". Two later dialogs potentially have lines that bring up the romance. These dialogs have bugs: First, confronting Evil Bastila on Temple Summit, on Rakata: - if you've had that post-kiss conversation with her, the game will not recognize the romance, and you will miss out on certain dialog options. Second, the final confrontation with Bastila on the Star Forge has an opposite problem: - If you've sunk the romance completely, for example by saying "Sorry, Bastila, that starship won't fly", the game will mistakenly give you the romance dialogue option. Of course Kotor 1 players have known for years that Bastila's romance is buggy, and several attempted fixes already exist. But these modify Bastila's dialog file from the Ebon Hawk conversations, so 1. they don't fix the second situation, on the Star Forge, and 2. they don't help a player whose savegame is already past the kiss+conversation part. This modification fixes both situations directly. Now you will get romance-related dialogue options on Rakata and the Star Forge regardless of whether you've discussed the kiss with her afterwards, but you will not get these options if you've shot her down. ************************************* II. The bugs - technical description (you may safely skip this) ************************************* The romance is controlled by the variable K_SWG_BASTILA. Once you've completed Bastila's plot it should have one of these values: K_SWG_BASTILA = 12: kissed Bastila = romance active K_SWG_BASTILA = 13: kissed Bastila AND talked afterwards = romance active K_SWG_BASTILA = 99: romance sunk (or unavailable because the PC is female) The Temple Summit dialog only recognizes the romance if the value is 12, which is why common advice to players is to not talk to Bastila after the kiss. The Star Forge dialog only recognizes the romance if the value is greater than 12, which means it will mistakenly recognize it even if it's 99, and may fail to recognize it if you didn't talk to Bastila after the kiss. To further complicate things, some of the Temple Summit dialog's endings run a script that sets the value to 13, even when it was 99. This mistakenly restores a killed romance for players who wanted to just stay friends. My fixed scripts recognize the romance at values 12 and 13 in both dialogs, as well as prevent the mistaken reactivation when it was 99. **************** III. Installation **************** Unzip, copy the files from Override into your game's Override folder. ***************** IV. Other mods ***************** Compatible with any mod out there that doesn't modify the same script files, or redesign the romance too much (i.e. the K_SWG_BASTILA variable behaves the same way). Compatible with K1R. At the time I'm writing this K1R contains a different Bastila romance fix, but that simply becomes irrelevant if my mod is present. Its changes to Bastila's dialog file neither hurt nor help. For authors of mods that allow a female PC x Bastila romance: I provide a version of my fix that removes the gender check. "Use it well. Use it for good." Players should note that this does NOT automatically make my fix compatible with such mods - it depends on how these mods are written. Consult the authors to be sure. The mod was tested with the GOG version, and I expect it'll work fine with the old retail/CD versions too. I will not be testing the Steam version, and I make no guarantees about it at all. (PSA: Don't get gaming classics from Steam, kids - good old games are the speciality of Good Old Games, duh.) ******************** V. Old savegames ******************** Compatible with pre-existing savegames, including past the kiss+conversation on the Ebon Hawk, up until the Temple Summit confrontation with Dark Bastila. Savegames from past the Temple Summit may fail to benefit from the fix fully, especially if your character's relationship with Bastila is supposed to be platonic. ***************** VI. Changelog ***************** 1.0 -> 1.1: - Players who were deliberately NOT romancing Bastila could still sometimes get romantic lines in the second confrontation, on the Star Forge. This is properly fixed now; there was one more offending script to take care of. - [by request] added a variant without a gender check, so that this fix can (potentially) be used with mods that allow a female x Bastila romance. ************************************ VII. Disclaimers and permissions. ************************************ The usual stuff applies. The mod is provided as-is and with no guarantees; by installing it, you accept it may melt your computer, cause nuclear war, and hasten the heat death of the Universe. Distribute freely, including incorporating it in your mods, as long as you give credit. Submitter Markus Ramikin Submitted 05/18/2017 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
  25. View File Juhani - Canon-like Cathar Changes Juhani's appearance to a more pleasant looking Cathar woman in game, based on official Star Wars graphic novel visual concepts/references. Released: 12 March 2015 Author: Cerez Description: Based on official, Star Wars Expanded Universe visual references, this mod completely changes Juhani's hostile default appearance in the game to a more-broadly-accepted-canon-like, unique, young Cathar woman players can find more relatable, to compliment her story arc. A number of years were spent detail refining this mod to make it feel like it was always meant to be a part of the original game. Instructions: Place all the files in the Files folder into your game's Override folder. To make best use of this mod, I recommend also copying the files in the Extra folder to Override, because they serve to fix some debilitating bugs in Juhani's quest, and restore some of her removed dialogue from the original game -- therefore completing her involvement in the game's story. Credits: This mod is built on Shem's "Juhani - Total Makeover" mod, which used Mjpb3's head skin as a base, and its head model was exported/made by Kha. In addition, I've had generous help from DarkLordXana, who was kind to help me give Kha's head model Cathar features (sharp teeth, flatter nose), and to whom I am forever grateful for their support. Model (Export): Kha Skin: Mjpb3 Juhani Mod and Cathar Reskin: Shem Cathar Model Tweaks: DarkLordXana New Cathar Reskin and Icon: Cerez Bug Fixes: Darth333, RPGClassics, Kexikus Dialogue Restoration: KotOR1 Restoration (K1R) Team License: You may freely use, develop, and release this mod in any way you like as long as you provide due credit for everyone's work involved. Naturally, I'm not taking any responsibilities for any misuse or damage that may arise from the use of this mod. There are no warranties or guarantees. Take it as is. Enjoy. Submitter Cerez Submitted 08/30/2018 Category Skins K1R Compatible No