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Version 1.1
Author: Kainzorus Prime, Darth DeadMan Mod Name: KotOR Prequel Robes Replacement 1.1 ************************* Under NO circumstances is this, or any of my other, mod(s) to be posted on ANY site other than by myself. ************************* 1. Info =========== This mod replaces the default Jedi and Dark Jedi robes with the styles seen in Episode I-III. Includes new icons, texture for Qel-Droma robe, optional replacement for Jedi robes worn by NPCs, as well as optional replacement for Star Forge/Darth Revan’s robes. 2. Installation: ========= Copy the files from the Main Mod folder into the Override. Overwrite all if prompted. Install optional components from specified folders into the Override as you want. 3. Credits: =========== Special thanks to: Holowan Laboratories - For all the great resources. Varsity Puppet - Discovered the cause of model crashes on macs; fixed half the models. Fair Strides - Fixed the other half of the models; relayed information between Kainzorus and Varsity Puppet. 4. DISCLAIMER: =============== This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian. Please do not contact them for support of this mod. Copyright: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Bioware and the Odyssey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Obsidian are trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. -
Version 1.0
Author: Kainzorus Prime, Darth DeadMan Mod Name: TSL Prequel Robes Replacement 1.0 ************************* Under NO circumstances is this, or any of my other, mod(s) to be posted on ANY site other than by myself. ************************* 1. Info =========== This mod replaces the Padawan-type robes with the styles seen in Episode I-III. Includes new icons. 2. Installation: ========= Copy the files from the Main Mod folder into the Override. Overwrite all if prompted. Install optional components from specified folders into the Override as you want. 3. Credits: =========== Special thanks to: Holowan Laboratories - For all the great resources. 4. DISCLAIMER: =============== This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian. Please do not contact them for support of this mod. Copyright: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Bioware and the Odyssey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Obsidian are trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.- 18 comments
- 15 reviews
- 1
- Mod
- Replacement
- (and 6 more)
I would like whichever one of these is easiest to be accomplished with minimal influence on the game itself: A- The Jedi Armors to have NO "Max Dex. Bonus" in their stats or increase that value in particular to a Max Dex. Bonus of 10000000000 or whatever... OR B- To have standard robes replaced with Zeison Sha and the other jedi armors (visually only) .... OR C- I want to ALWAYS be wearing the model for the Zeison Sha Warrior Armor (Blue one with mail skirt) as Kiera and Vissas are ALWAYS wearing their robes regardless of what is equipped Option "A" would be best since i could still use under/overlays and seems like a decent press of the "delete" key in the right spot... should be rather simple to accomplish what im going for, change the appearance.2da... change the Armor stats to remove/alter Max Dex... or reskin the robes entirely. I'm tired of search engines NOT understanding my request and sending me to reskins of the Jedi armors because NO ONE likes them. although there was ONE that i saw and liked but it REPLACED the armor im trying to KEEP 😕 *Bonus* if it is AT ALL possible to have the Max Dex. Stat removed or drastically expanded for the Jedi Armors *especially Zeison Sha Warrior* , and reskin/exchange the Jedi/Sith robes to be the Jedi/Sith robes from KOTOR 1 and do the same with the "Master" robes and equivalents with the 'Padawan-Jedi robes' models in KOTOR 2 (making Kotor 2's placeholder for Padawan -> Jedi -> Jedi Knight robes to be the 'robeless' robes from Kotor 1 and the placeholder for Kotor 2's Master tier robes would be replaced with the models for the Kotor 2's Padawan/Jedi Robes. Purely visually, robe stats would stay as they are in base game only Jedi armor would have altered stats with the removal of 'Max Dex. Mod') *I would be extremely happy and willing to resume my playthrough with just option "A" but if you had a glimmer of compassion and a spare chunk of time, maybe take a look into adding this as well *this isn't my actual request but since I'm asking in the 1st place and I've seen it around, just replacing things id rather keep* Thank you SOOOOO much, I've looked for over 2 hours to try and do any of this myself, cuz I don't like asking people to do something if i can just do it myself... but after my 2nd hour passed and i was just fuming at the concept that after HOW many years no one has wanted to either look a particular way (IE cool blue Jedi plate mail) , got sick of having more Dexterity than they are allowed to use/ not wearing armor for stats, or even thought the bulky robes post Jedi look bad enough to, well, replace with the Jedi armor models... so here i am ^-^
- 16 replies
- mini mod
- no max dex bonus
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I would like whichever one of these is easiest to be accomplished with minimal influence on the game itself: A- The Jedi Armors to have NO "Max Dex. Bonus" in their stats or increase that value in particular to a Max Dex. Bonus of 10000000000 or whatever... OR B- To have standard robes replaced with Zeison Sha and the other jedi armors (visually only) .... OR C- I want to ALWAYS be wearing the model for the Zeison Sha Warrior Armor (Blue one with mail skirt) as Kiera and Vissas are ALWAYS wearing their robes regardless of what is equipped Option "A" would be best since i could still use under/overlays and seems like a decent press of the "delete" key in the right spot... should be rather simple to accomplish what im going for, change the appearance.2da... change the Armor stats to remove/alter Max Dex... or reskin the robes entirely. I'm tired of search engines NOT understanding my request and sending me to reskins of the Jedi armors because NO ONE likes them. although there was ONE that i saw and liked but it REPLACED the armor im trying to KEEP :/ *Bonus* if it is AT ALL possible to have the Max Dex. Stat removed or drastically expanded for the Jedi Armors *especially Zeison Sha Warrior* , and reskin/exchange the Jedi/Sith robes to be the Jedi/Sith robes from KOTOR 1 and do the same with the "Master" robes and equivalents with the 'Padawan-Jedi robes' models in KOTOR 2 (making Kotor 2's placeholder for Padawan -> Jedi -> Jedi Knight robes to be the 'robeless' robes from Kotor 1 and the placeholder for Kotor 2's Master tier robes would be replaced with the models for the Kotor 2's Padawan/Jedi Robes. Purely visually, robe stats would stay as they are in base game only Jedi armor would have altered stats with the removal of 'Max Dex. Mod') *I would be extremely happy and willing to resume my playthrough with just option "A" but if you had a glimmer of compassion and a spare chunk of time, maybe take a look into adding this as well *this isn't my actual request but since I'm asking in the 1st place and I've seen it around, just replacing things id rather keep* Thank you SOOOOO much, I've looked for over 2 hours to try and do any of this myself, cuz I don't like asking people to do something if i can just do it myself... but after my 2nd hour passed and i was just fuming at the concept that after HOW many years no one has wanted to either look a particular way (IE cool blue Jedi plate mail) , got sick of having more Dexterity than they are allowed to use/ not wearing armor for stats, or even thought the bulky robes post Jedi look bad enough to, well, replace with the Jedi armor models... so here i am ^-^
- no max dex bonus
- stats
(and 5 more)
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1. What is this? Are you tired of awfull look of quarterstaffs? No? Hey, I know you don’t use them, but a lot of NPCs do, so this mod will replace them with better looking models. I’ve also made some interesting changes to these weapons: - Handmaiden’s staff is now double-bladed sword with retractable blades (huge thanks to SithSpecter for allowing me to use his awesome Yinchorr Dueling Sword model) and deals a bit more damage (not too much, just enough for you to keep this blade until you train her as Jedi) - Guidon Beacon, which was restored in TSLRCM will have unique model. - My favorite, Geonosian Electrostaff. It now looks more like staffs which Magnaguards used in episode 3 (electrical field will turn on and off, and it also have custom sounds) 2. Why should I install it? To make your game look better, of course! 3. How to install? Just run TSL Patcher, it will do everything for you. 4. Compatibility. Compatible with TSLRCM. Not compatible with other mods which alter ingame quarterstaff models. 5. Credits. SithSpecter - for allowing me to use his awesome Yinchorr Dueling Sword model. RevanDark and AshuraDX – I used some texture parts from their JA mods. Conditions of Use: You are free to use this models as you like as long as you give proper credit to me, except for the Handmaiden’s staff model. For that one, ask permission from SithSpecter. One more exception: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ANY OF MY MODS TO BE UPLOADED TO STEAM WORKSHOP.- 13 comments
- 14 reviews
- 2
- quarterstaff
- weapons
(and 2 more)
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Version 1.0
Author: Kainzorus Prime Mod Name: Count Dooku - PMHC01 Replacement ************************* Under NO circumstances is this, or any of my other, mod(s) to be posted on ANY site other than by myself. ************************* 1. Info =========== After the demise of my old TSL Dooku skin along with pcgamemods, I've decided to make it once again, this time having more experience and using more suitably shaped head. The skin replaces PMHC01, or the caucasian guy with scar underneath his right eye. There are custom icons present aswell, though they don't differ too much. As Dooku was never shown any sign of dark side corruption, there are no transitions included, all dark side skins using the same one as normal light side head. 2. Instalation: ========= Unpack all files from zip and place them in Override folder. If you do not have Override folder, create it in main K1 directory. 3. Usage ========= This replaces the first caucasian pc head, so you just can create new pc or change current appearance via KSE to use it. 4. REMOVAL: =========== Remove these files form Override folder to uninstall: PMHC01.TGA PMHC01D1.TGA PMHC01D2.TGA PMHC01D3.TGA PMHC01D.TGA PO_PMHC01.TGA PO_PMHC01D1.TGA PO_PMHC01D2.TGA PO_PMHC01D3.TGA PO_PMHC01D.TGA 5. Credits: =========== Special thanks to: Holowan Laboratories - For all the great resources. Hapslash - Original textures from his Dooku model for Jedi Academy. 6. DISCLAIMER: =============== This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian. Please do not contact them for support of this mod. Copyright: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Bioware and the Odyysey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Obsidian are trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. -
I'm currently working on a mod to combat some of the clone effect on Taris, and to make some immersion-level tweaks. I'm limiting myself to working off of existing Kotor textures, but so far I've got the following changes: I also want to give Rukil a new head; my current idea is to just take the old Asian commoner head he has and make it bald. I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any input. It's certainly the largest mod I've tried, so I don't mind taking time on it.
- 9 reviews
- 1
- weapon
- replacement
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Version 1.0
I've got tired of standart ingame vibroswords and was looking for mods which will replace them with high(er) quality models. While looking for KotOR models I've found an intresting mod for Jedi Academy made by RevanDark which added tons of new weapons. I especially liked the look of 'Cyber Ninja' swords and I thought it will be great to have such swords in KotOR... So, this mod will replace standart vibroswords with cool "Cyber Ninja" swords. I've managed to convert models and re-create glowing effect for the blades. Mod will not change stats of weapons. Credit goes to RevanDark for creating original JA models. Permissions: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ANY OF MY MODS TO BE UPLOADED TO STEAM WORKSHOP. Anything else - be my guest, use like you want, just give credit to me.- 7 comments
- 7 reviews
- 1
Version 1.2
This mod replaces the default lightsaber in the game. It is set up to work with the TSLRCM, in particular the bronze lightsaber restoration. The mod does not replace the default double lightsaber models. To install, drop the contents of this archive into your override folder. To uninstall, take them out again. Particular thanks to everyone who provided feedback and comments on this model during construction, and who helped out with getting the mod to this stage, most particularly Fair Strides and VarsityPuppet.- 2 reviews
- lightsaber
- replacement
(and 4 more)
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Version 1.0
Installation Instructions Copy the following folders into the override folder in your SWKOTOR directory. iw_BlstrCrbn_002.tga me3-valiant.tga me3-valiant.txi w_BlstrCrbn_002.mdl w_BlstrCrbn_002.mdx To uninstall, remove the above files from your override folder. Description This is a custom model of the N7 Valiant sniper rifle from Mass Effect 3, which was originally released with the Collector's Edition of the game and then later added to multiplayer for everyone as a possible reward for the game's weekend operations. This gun took an extensive amount of modeling and, more importantly, texture work to complete. Construction began on June 12th 2012 and completed on February 7th 2013 for an insane build time of almost 7 months. I am easily distracted, which is the only reason it took this long. Probably because I've clocked over 400 hours in ME3 multiplayer... This mod will replace the 2nd blaster carbine model, which corresponds to the Sith Assault Gun. The choice was made to overwrite an existing gun to maximize compatibility, however with a little elbow grease you can add this as a custom gun that you can add to your inventory with whatever crazy stats you'd like. This gun includes a TXI file to make bits of the gun shine at different angles. This is used minimally to emphasize the gun's battle damage.- 4 comments
- 2 reviews
Quarterstaff Replacement Pack View File 1. What is this? Are you tired of awfull look of quarterstaffs? No? Hey, I know you don’t use them, but a lot of NPCs do, so this mod will replace them with better looking models. I’ve also made some interesting changes to these weapons: - Handmaiden’s staff is now double-bladed sword with retractable blades (huge thanks to SithSpecter for allowing me to use his awesome Yinchorr Dueling Sword model) and deals a bit more damage (not too much, just enough for you to keep this blade until you train her as Jedi) - Guidon Beacon, which was restored in TSLRCM will have unique model. - My favorite, Geonosian Electrostaff. It now looks more like staffs which Magnaguards used in episode 3 (electrical field will turn on and off, and it also have custom sounds) 2. Why should I install it? To make your game look better, of course! 3. How to install? Just run TSL Patcher, it will do everything for you. 4. Compatibility. Compatible with TSLRCM. Not compatible with other mods which alter ingame quarterstaff models. 5. Credits. SithSpecter - for allowing me to use his awesome Yinchorr Dueling Sword model. RevanDark and AshuraDX – I used some texture parts from their JA mods. Conditions of Use: You are free to use this models as you like as long as you give proper credit to me, except for the Handmaiden’s staff model. For that one, ask permission from SithSpecter. One more exception: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ANY OF MY MODS TO BE UPLOADED TO STEAM WORKSHOP. Submitter DeadMan Submitted 09/08/2012 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible
- 7 replies
- replacement
- quarterstaff
(and 2 more)
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File Name: [KotOR] Prequel Robe Replacement File Submitter: Kainzorus Prime File Submitted: 04 Apr 2014 File Category: Mods K1R Compatible: Yes Author: Kainzorus Prime, Darth DeadMan Mod Name: KotOR Prequel Robes Replacement 1.1 ************************* Under NO circumstances is this, or any of my other, mod(s) to be posted on ANY site other than by myself. ************************* 1. Info =========== This mod replaces the default Jedi and Dark Jedi robes with the styles seen in Episode I-III. Includes new icons, texture for Qel-Droma robe, optional replacement for Jedi robes worn by NPCs, as well as optional replacement for Star Forge/Darth Revan’s robes. 2. Installation: ========= Copy the files from the Main Mod folder into the Override. Overwrite all if prompted. Install optional components from specified folders into the Override as you want. 3. Credits: =========== Special thanks to: Holowan Laboratories - For all the great resources. Varsity Puppet - Discovered the cause of model crashes on macs; fixed half the models. Fair Strides - Fixed the other half of the models; relayed information between Kainzorus and Varsity Puppet. 4. DISCLAIMER: =============== This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian. Please do not contact them for support of this mod. Copyright: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Bioware and the Odyssey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Obsidian are trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Click here to download this file
- 24 replies
- Replacement
- Robe
- (and 6 more)
View File Default Lightsaber Replacement This mod replaces the default lightsaber in the game. It is set up to work with the TSLRCM, in particular the bronze lightsaber restoration. *UPDATE v1.2* The mod now does replace short and double lightsaber hilts. To install, drop the contents of this archive into your override folder. To uninstall, take them out again. Particular thanks to everyone who provided feedback and comments on this model during construction, and who helped out with getting the mod to this stage, most particularly Fair Strides and VarsityPuppet. Submitter InSidious Submitted 10/24/2016 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible
- 1 reply
- kotor 2
- lightsaber hilt
(and 4 more)
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File Name: Bearded PMHC01 Head Replacement File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 21 Oct 2014 File Category: Skins Installation Instructions First, select whether you plan to install the FULL BEARD or GOATEE. You can only install ONE of these mods. Once selected, copy the following folders into the override folder in your SWKOTOR directory. PMHC01.tga PMHC01d.tga PMHC01d1.tga PMHC01d2.tga PMHC01d3.tga] po_pmhc1.tga po_pmhc1d.tga po_pmhc1d1.tga po_pmhc1d2.tga po_pmhc1d3.tga Each head option features normal KotOR dark side transitions with Sith Eyes (yellow with red rings). If you prefer dark side transitions that feature Sith Eyes only and no change to the skin tone copy the files from Alternate Darkside in your selected head and overwrite these files in your override folder. To uninstall, remove the above files from your override folder. Description I almost always play with the first male caucasian head when I play Knights of the Old Republic however I prefer my gentleman a little scruffy. Years ago I created a similar reskin that became very popular and I decided it was time to rehash the same ol' same ol' with some more advanced texturing skills. This mod will add either a goatee or a full beard to this particular head. The two versions are mutually exclusive so you can only select one at the moment. This mod will also be incompatible with any other mod that replaces the files above. Click here to download this file
File Name: N7 Valiant File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 21 Oct 2014 File Category: Mods Installation Instructions Copy the following folders into the override folder in your SWKOTOR directory. iw_BlstrCrbn_002.tga me3-valiant.tga me3-valiant.txi w_BlstrCrbn_002.mdl w_BlstrCrbn_002.mdx To uninstall, remove the above files from your override folder. Description This is a custom model of the N7 Valiant sniper rifle from Mass Effect 3, which was originally released with the Collector's Edition of the game and then later added to multiplayer for everyone as a possible reward for the game's weekend operations. This gun took an extensive amount of modeling and, more importantly, texture work to complete. Construction began on June 12th 2012 and completed on February 7th 2013 for an insane build time of almost 7 months. I am easily distracted, which is the only reason it took this long. Probably because I've clocked over 400 hours in ME3 multiplayer... This mod will replace the 2nd blaster carbine model, which corresponds to the Sith Assault Gun. The choice was made to overwrite an existing gun to maximize compatibility, however with a little elbow grease you can add this as a custom gun that you can add to your inventory with whatever crazy stats you'd like. This gun includes a TXI file to make bits of the gun shine at different angles. This is used minimally to emphasize the gun's battle damage. Click here to download this file
File Name: Count Dooku - PMHC01 Replacement File Submitter: Kainzorus Prime File Submitted: 10 Sep 2013 File Category: Skins Author: Kainzorus Prime Mod Name: Count Dooku - PMHC01 Replacement ************************* Under NO circumstances is this, or any of my other, mod(s) to be posted on ANY site other than by myself. ************************* 1. Info =========== After the demise of my old TSL Dooku skin along with pcgamemods, I've decided to make it once again, this time having more experience and using more suitably shaped head. The skin replaces PMHC01, or the caucasian guy with scar underneath his right eye. There are custom icons present aswell, though they don't differ too much. As Dooku was never shown any sign of dark side corruption, there are no transitions included, all dark side skins using the same one as normal light side head. 2. Instalation: ========= Unpack all files from zip and place them in Override folder. If you do not have Override folder, create it in main K1 directory. 3. Usage ========= This replaces the first caucasian pc head, so you just can create new pc or change current appearance via KSE to use it. 4. REMOVAL: =========== Remove these files form Override folder to uninstall: PMHC01.TGA PMHC01D1.TGA PMHC01D2.TGA PMHC01D3.TGA PMHC01D.TGA PO_PMHC01.TGA PO_PMHC01D1.TGA PO_PMHC01D2.TGA PO_PMHC01D3.TGA PO_PMHC01D.TGA 5. Credits: =========== Special thanks to: Holowan Laboratories - For all the great resources. Hapslash - Original textures from his Dooku model for Jedi Academy. 6. DISCLAIMER: =============== This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian. Please do not contact them for support of this mod. Copyright: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Bioware and the Odyysey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Obsidian are trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Click here to download this file
View File [k1]Vibrosword replacement pack This is just a K1 version of my Vibrosword replacement pack, so I will quote the original description: Permissions: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ANY OF MY MODS TO BE UPLOADED TO STEAM WORKSHOP. Anything else - be my guest, use like you want, just give credit to me. Submitter DeadMan Submitted 04/12/2012 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
- weapon
- replacement
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Vibrosword replacement pack View File I've got tired of standart ingame vibroswords and was looking for mods which will replace them with high(er) quality models. While looking for KotOR models I've found an intresting mod for Jedi Academy made by RevanDark which added tons of new weapons. I especially liked the look of 'Cyber Ninja' swords and I thought it will be great to have such swords in KotOR... So, this mod will replace standart vibroswords with cool "Cyber Ninja" swords. I've managed to convert models and re-create glowing effect for the blades. Mod will not change stats of weapons. Credit goes to RevanDark for creating original JA models. Permissions: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ANY OF MY MODS TO BE UPLOADED TO STEAM WORKSHOP. Anything else - be my guest, use like you want, just give credit to me. Submitter DeadMan Submitted 05/23/2011 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible
- replacement
- vibrosword
(and 3 more)
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