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Found 45 results

  1. View File Lightsaber and Force Forms This mod adds 10 lightsaber forms and four force forms to the game, which can be learned at various levels. These can be learned from four holocrons and one new NPC, on Dantooine, Kashyyyk, Korriban and the Unknown World. The playe...
  2. Version 1.6


    This mod adds 10 lightsaber forms and four force forms to the game, which can be learned at various levels. These can be learned from four holocrons and one new NPC, on Dantooine, Kashyyyk, Korriban and the Unknown World. The player can learn a total of seven forms. They can be activated from the me...
  3. Version 2.0.0


    This mod replaces all the saber icons [Mantle of the Force, Heart of the Guardian and Malak's Lightsaber included] with the all new Cool Saber Icons. -= BACKGROUND =- When I switch around the lightsabers on the equip-list menu I had noticed that the blue lightsaber icons wasn't blue...
  4. i was wondering if anyone can help me edit the levels of Dark Forces 2 and Mysteries of the Sith levels. I wanted to add Some Republic Soldiers here and there particularly in the first level and escort ship level of MoTS and some other ones in Dark Forces 2. Any help would be appreciated. I am a com...
  5. View File [K1] Cool Saber Icons This mod replaces all the saber icons [Mantle of the Force, Heart of the Guardian and Malak's Lightsaber included] with the all new Cool Saber Icons. -= BACKGROUND =- When I switch around the...
  6. Version 2.0.0


    Please note this is a CUSTOM FAN INTERPRETATION of the Revelation cutscene, it is not 100% faithful to the original BIK and features the use of visual mods. File Name: "DV's The Revelation Cutscene Remake V.1" Author: Darth Varkor Works for: Knights of the Old Republic I K1 Rest...
  7. Kotor machinima has been popping up recently. I know how to use kotor tool and script with I just would like someone to point me in the right direction as to how it could be done? How would fight scenes or walking scenes or unique dialogue scenes be done? Example:
  8. Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, stealth reboot? Yes prithee. Thoughts everyone?
  9. So the idea behind this Role play is set during a time of the Knights of the Fallen Empire that was never really discussed which is when the eternal empire hit both the Republic and Sith Empire were hit by the Eternal Empire. In this RP, we'd be playing renegade Jedi and Sith who have abandoned thei...
  10. So I wanted to replay Kotor with mods including Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon’s Revenge and one of the things I wanted to be part of the game was the mod Fett Style Mandalorians. Unfortunately there seems to be a mistake when it comes to their heads. I first noticed this with Canderous having Shado...
  11. Normally i use Blender converting SWTOR models into Jedi Academy, But when i saw a blender video about destroyer, i have been inspired ^^
  12. Version 3.0


    Armored Robes from SWTOR game. To install, just drop everything into your Override folder. To uninstall, just delete the files. Have fun !
  13. View File [K1] - "The Revelation" Cutscene Custom Remake Please note this is a CUSTOM FAN INTERPRETATION of the Revelation cutscene, it is not 100% faithful to the original BIK and features the use of visual mods. File Name: "DV's The Revelation Cutsce...