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Everything posted by DarthValeria

  1. We: "How many times will you update your Darth Malak Reskin model?" Elayerfawkes45: "Yes" 😂😂😂 😂😂😂 😂😂😂
  2. Mod looks perfect, I'll download and try it one day And I see that you used Holocron Toolset I wonder can you teach me how to make those cutscenes with those tools if you have Discord ^^
    This tool is a miracle, I was always having some errors with KOTOR toolset but this one works perfectly even if there are a few minor bugs but not a big deal The tool deserves more than 5 stars
  3. I have some experience with Blender animations, I can help if you guys want And I'm glad you're back Sent you a DM
  4. When I click Indoor Map Builder it gives this error: No Kits were detected, would you like to open the Kit downloader? And when I click Ok, it does nothing after freezing
  5. I always wanted to import KOTOR ships like Leviathan, Endar Spider, Ebon Hawk or other fighter into Blender and I found a way I found a page in moddb which contains those ships. Those were .max files but I converted them into .fbx format and managed to import them into blender I also used Holocron Toolset to extract ebon hawk or other ships to use them in Blender as well. With space backgrounds I managed to render some good images with those ships
  6. It seems your registry has been broken
  7. I wonder is it possible to make those settings in Audacity?
  8. I dont visit this site so oftenly Thank you very much Can't wait to use this in Unity
    That's so great but unfortunately the link you putted for Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 is no longer available Please help us with that
  9. You're modding KOTOR 2 with Unity That's impressive and insane I wonder can you tell me what kind of plugin or asset are you using? I want to make mods too