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Everything posted by Effix

  1. I've also mostly been making stuff. I'm currently not replaying K2, I am replaying K1 but I'm not using many of my own mods, mostly my Jolee alternative and bearded PMHC01 reskin. On Steam I'm subscribed to a few of my own mods and I would keep them if I would do another playthrough, but yeah, that doesn't say much if you're not playing. There's also a lot of mods that I made that came from requests, that I think are cool and were fun to make, but maybe not necessarily things I'd use for another playthrough.
  2. Phew! New Twi'lek pack uploaded, pending approval, another happy landing. Possibly my most time consuming mod ever. It's silly how much work producing nice screenshots was. On to something else :)

    1. djh269


      I can't wait to see it mate!

    2. Effix
  3. Version 1.0.3


    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: TSL Effixian's Twi'lek PC Pack 2021 AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- This mod pack can add 12 female and 8 male Twi'lek player characters. Most are based on vanilla NPC Twi'leks and a few are unique. All have matching underwear and females get a unique Dancer's Outfit, based on the Bastila robes model. The dark side transitions are a bit more subtle than vanilla player characters (all become more pale, females get very subtle veins showing). The eyes become like yellow Sith eyes as seen in the movies. A few characters have something extra as they progress to the dark side, see the portraits in the screenshots. ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip somewhere. There's a folder "Installers", every character has its own installer there so you can only add one character if you like. There's 2 optional things for females included: "make the clothing the same as the underwear" and "add stats to the Dancer's Outfit item". If you really want to install them all then I'll admit, it's a bit tedious, but there's also benefits to this modular approach. If you install more than one female then the installer will give you 2 warnings about 2 files already being there, this won't cause problems. Steam version / Steam's TSLRCM: You can apply things to your Steam version of the game, you just need to point the installer(s) to the location where it stores your game. But... If you use the Steam version of TSLRCM then you need to point the installer(s) to its Workshop mod location. ---------------------------- COMPATABILITY ---------------------------- This mod adds new player characters and should not conflict with other mods. Using my Dancer's Outfit mod should also work in combination with this, in case you want to use that for The Handmaiden or Mira. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- 1. For details on which files to clean up, see info.rtf inside the tslpatchdata folder of the character you've installed. 2. If you've installed more than one of the characters and want to completely undo things then you should go into the backup folder of the one you've installed first and place the appearance.2da, heads.2da and portraits.2da from there back into your override folder. If you had no other mods before installing anything then removing these 3 files will do the trick. ------------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------ You may NOT use the material from this mod in your own mod without giving me credit, implying it was your own creation. That of course does not apply to a few parts of this mod that are 100% unchanged vanilla files. Some vanilla files have only been upscaled. You will likely get permission to reuse material from this mod in your own mods if you simply ask me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- Stoffe and Fred Tetra for the needed tools and tutorials waifu2x.udp.jp for offering free AI upscaling ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/effix ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  4. It doesn't really get much better than JC's mod: Here's what the council looks like in my game using his mod: You can swap some files if you only want the colors that the left one wears. Edit: although, the prequel council members also mix things up, mostly with the tunic colors.
  5. What would you like changed? I did? Refresh my memory please.
  6. Golden HK-47 reskin added to the metallic collection:


  7. The hat is part of the head, so there's no easier route. You would have to replace the Dodonna head and the special full body hologram version which is one model with a body + head. A bit much work to replace a char that already has a unique look. For your project it's probably better to put your time/energy in making the generic NPCs more unique, which is a good plan.
  8. The Handmaiden starts with row 454, which has the hood up and uses a full body model (a single 3D model that includes the head & body, "F" for "full" in column "modeltype"). Later she uses row 638, which uses separate head and body models ("B" in column "modeltype" and a number in the "normalhead" column) , so it can show gear that's equiped. There's several ways to go, up to you. You can turn 638 into the hood up version or keep the hood down in 638 but make it so that it will never show gear. Sure, no problem. Effixians_Keep_Companian_Default_Clothing_Jedi_only_version.zip
  9. Extract the template file g_i_mask15.uti with KotOR Tool (Kotor I -> BIFs -> templates.bif -> Blueprint, Item) , that's the Stabilizer Mask (see GameBanshee to look up the template names). Extract to your Override folder or for now to a temporary location to keep some more overview. Now you can open (no need to extract) g_i_mask06.uti (Vacuum Mask) to check its Model Variation value: 10. This means that the model name for it is i_mask_010.mdl & i_mask_010.mdx (2 files make up the 3D model). The filename of the texture for a mask is "embedded" in the 3D model, in this case that means that you need to do some things to let the 2 instances of the same model use 2 different textures: - Extract i_mask_010.mdl & i_mask_010.mdx (KotOR Tool: Kotor I -> BIFs -> items.bif -> Aurora Model & Aurora Model Extension), give them a new number. 001 through 014 are used by vanilla items and best not to use 015 but something a bit more random to make it less likely to conflict with another mod. - Use K-GFF* to open your g_i_mask15.uti and change the Model Variation value to reflect that new number you picked (without zeros at the front). Model swapping part done. - Now use MDLedit, load the mdl file -> Menu: Edit -> Textures -> click on the name, change it to whatever you like -> Menu: Save, Binary, replace original file. While doing this you'll see what the original texture is, you can extract it with KotOR Tool, edit it and of course make sure it matches that name you picked in MDLedit (not case sensitive and in MDLedit you don't add ".tga"). In the end you do need to put everything in your Override folder to test things. So you''ll have: - g_i_mask15.uti with a different model variation inside, to replace the original Stabilizer Mask model - a mdl and mdx file to match the model variation with a different texture reference inside of it - a new texture - Oh right, an icon.. the name that the game will try to pull up is also based on the model variation number. You can export/extract ii_mask_010.tpc to a .tga from Kotor I -> ERFs -> TexturePacks -> swpc_tex_gui.erf -> I Tweak that and change 10 in the filename to whatever model variation number you picked. Or use a photo of a kitten as your icon. * You can just do it with KotOR Tool, but I was told that that can make item names and descriptions English for other language versions of the game. Good luck & feel free to ask questions if you get stuck on something!
  10. Ok, and you're launching the game from there; C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II ? Hm, you say you manually added TSLRCM to this location, but the new log doesn't mention making backups of files, which it should if TSLRCM is there. Like in your first log. Are you sure you're not subscribed to the workshop version of TSLRCM? You can check by going to the Workshop of the game, then on the right you have your avatar with "Your Files" next to it, then click "Subscribed items".
  11. Ok, but looking at your installlog, that all went to/worked with C:\Program Files (x86)\lucasarts\swkotor2\override\ That is not the location of the Steam version. A simplified example of where the Steam game might be: DRIVE:\PATHTOSTEAM\(OPTIONAL)SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II Pointing the patcher there should work, it will add things to files you already have there. btw Adding a non Steam TSLRCM to your Steam version of the game is fine and might even make adding more non Steam mods a bit more straight forward. Then again, you can also add non Steam mods by directing the Patcher of the mod to the workshop folder of the Steam version of TSLRCM.
  12. Correct. I don't remember the order, but if you go through all the heads and end up at the one that you started with and they're not there then it's no good. The only thing that comes to mind.. did you maybe install different versions of the game or the same version in more than one location? Doesn't seem to be the case, judging from your log, but still: If you use the Steam version with the workshop version of TSLRCM then you need to point the patcher to its location (as mentioned in the description).
  13. Bummer, yeah, I forgot about that.
  14. Here's 2 posts with info on porting: Tips.. there's lots of things involved and also all kinds of tutorials out there. I guess it's best to ask for help if you get stuck on something specific, in the modding section or by sending me a message. To make Vima a player character you would need to add rows to heads.2da, appearance.2da and portraits.2da, copy existing rows/values from another PFHC char and replacing some values with the values from the NPC that this council mod uses. You would also need to make portraits and if wanted darkside transitions for the head textures (or you can just stick to 1 texture, same goes for the portraits).
  15. Pretty easy to do yourself, with KotOR Tool. Open your appearance.2da that you probably have in your override folder. Go to row 23, change the value in the normalhead column to 37, save.
  16. Strange, the log looks fine. I don't know what's wrong, sorry.
  17. A high res screenshot, please. 319 will not do.
  18. Alright, I think this should do it for Belaya. Do note that it only works with a save in which you haven't been to Dantooine yet, so as late as right before you enter the Ebon Hawk to leave Taris. Otherwise appearances get "locked" in your savegame, a bit of a pain making, testing and using a mod, but that's how it is. Effixians PFHC07 from K2 to Belaya K1.zip
  19. If you don't know how to use KotOR Tool, the files involved and an image editing tool; probably hard. I can't really produce a mod for you out of this request, since it's not my work, you'd need to contact Kexikus and/or DarthParametric. I can possibly guide you through something for your own personal use, let me know.
  20. I need some more time to turn it into a TSL Patcher mod, but for now I have this: p.s. the robe change is from "JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1", I didn't want to uninstall it for a screenshot.
  21. That's also not Kreia's dark side appearance, it's the unused dark side Atris model. Someone simply had some fun changing appearances with the savegame editor.
  22. Quite hard to see in the screenshots, because it's subtle, but parts of the armors have a mesh texture (Kaidon's idea). Not the medieval kind, the sports gear/modern sneaker kind. I'll be honest, I probably won't do a replay anytime soon, but the quest part sounds really cool and additions like that are very welcome for enriching the game. I'm glad I could assist with the texture part, it was fun. Keep up the good work! p.s. don't use that headgear in screenshots lol
  23. Work in progress sneak peek, TSL Twi'lek Pack 2021:


    20 chars, matching underwear, matching and unique dancer's outfits for the females, based on Bastila's robes.

    1. EAF97


      Just saw this. Looks great btw. Your work with skins for this game is definitely some of the best.

  24. (Spoilers)
    "10 Minutes of Useless Information about Knights of The Old Republic"


    1. DarthParametric


      10 minutes?! What's the one line TL:DR?

    2. Stormie97


      Juhani gay. Malak's real name is Squidward. T3M4 = T3M3+1. Kotor = $. Sleyheyron = Bye. Jedi Jabba cut. StarForge =/= Death Star. Mission used to be a dude. Big cronch to finish geme. HK47 funny voice actor. Malak has pretty grey eyes. Sion be chopping Jedi in K1. Dustin ❤️ Saleen. Selkath make Fish Jedi Order. Zal Shey = Force nerds. Taris hobos find paradise. Malak's a simp. Revan's mask is a female mandalorian's. Malak = Discount Vader. Evil Bastila = Bae. Trask VA uncredited =( Vrook = Biggest canonical POS.

      There. Should be a single line (on an ultrawide).

    3. DarthParametric


      Trask VA uncredited =(

      He's credited, just not as Trask. It was Cam Clarke, long time Bioware voice actor (also Leonardo on the original Ninja Turtles cartoon, amongst other things).

  25. Ok, yeah, makes sense to me. This mod is for the vanilla 3D head model, that mod replaces it and the textures that go with it are different. b.t.w. currently working on a new version of this mod, but not sure when it will be finished.