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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. Well TOR is undoubtedly a Kotor 3 since it does answer questions (Most of them) about what happened after TSL but I would honestly like a fresh reboot of the Kotor, TSL and TOR universe in a Movie series similar to Rogue One (That didn't need to exist but it does) or as a Cartoon series like clone wars and rebels or as another video game but with the graphic quality of Battlefront 3 WITH using the canon stuff as the canon.
  2. Thats my point and thank you for taking interest in this mod
  3. Well that's why i'd recommend you play this mod and the future versions with reskins because this mod will just add to the feel of playing a "Fresh" Kotor game I recommend you back up your swkotor folder and use one backup for K1R and the other for K1I Demo because in the Next version that covers Taris this mod should be more attractive to download Well can you list some restorations that are worth having because in my eyes you can live without the restored vulkar sub level I never said Mandalorian Heavy Pistol I said Mandalorian Blaster Pistol there dropped by the Mandalorians on Kashyyyk and are no where near as good as the Heavy Pistol variant (Mandalorian Heavy Pistols do 6-13 in damage while the Mandalorian Blaster Pistol does 2-7 in damage, Massive difference) (If this makes you download future versions of this mod in my mod you're going to get Mandalorian Heavy Blasters every single planet Calo dies on) Though please consider the fact that I don't develop K1R so what makes you think I know every bit of restored content and how to make it compatible with this plus if your a modder you would likely use ERF EDIT to make your .mod files but for me ERF EDIT doesn't work on none of my Computers so I used the Kotor Tool Mod Builder which is half of what ERF EDIT can do but it works so even if I did know what I was doing I would likely not be able to do it anyway and on top of that I still need to learn how to change the skills, attributes, feats and appearance 2da files though when the full mod is done I could attempt it
  4. This could be useful- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/805-dejarik-table-placeable/
  5. So you think the default blaster models are better than the High-Quality Blaster mod if Yes than click this link- Well K1R isn't like TSLRCM that changed the view of the game or fixed annoying bugs the only thing it really did was fix really minor yet noticeable bugs and added in a Vulkar Sub Level ,Female Dark Side Ending, Pazaak Tournament and iriaz the other features are kinda redundant like party on sea floor, Insanity difficulty and removing Jolee and Juhani's Robes. Now if you actually played the mod you'll notice how your getting things like Double-bladed swords and Mandalorian Blasters that's because in the default game you will certainly never use Mandalorian Blasters because there useless by the time you actually get them but on the Endar Spire there useful and are worth money that's one reason to download the mod plus the NPC's are more individual so no more really low-resolution faceless people and no more of the Attack of the Clones Virus that has infected K1 and TSL for years. Plus I will try to make it compatible when it actual NEEDS to be compatible the only restoration on the Endar Spire is Trask's Soundset Well by the time the next update comes out anything within Taris won't be compatible either sadly
  6. When it's out of the Demo i'l attempt it but no promises since this will be a mod that spans through the whole game. Well it could be compatible with K1R right now since there arn't very many Endar Spire tweaks but this mod is intended to be played with mods such as Endar Spire overhaul and High-Quality Blasters and other reskins so the game feels "Fresh" and "New"
  7. View File N-DReW's K1 Gameplay Improvement BETA N-DReW's K1 Gameplay Improvement Beta A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Demo 1.0 Release Date: 03.7.2016 Beta 1.0 Release Date: 1.11.2020 Installation: 1) Make sure you install my mod first before any other 2) Simply place the ALL the files within the "For Override" Folder into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder 3) Then place ALL the files within the "For modules" Folder into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic modules folder 4) Make sure you place all the VO audio in "For Streamwaves" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic streamwaves folder 5) Then place the "dialog.tlk" into the Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic folder and overwrite the one currently in there This is not necessary though if you want the any optional modules simply open the "Optional" folder and copy ALL the files within your desired folder and place them in your override folder Description: N-DReW's Gameplay Improvement is a total overhaul mod which reworks a lot of features in the game. Whilst the original lore, textures and game style are in-tact almost every other aspect of the game has been reworked and overhauled, from the game feats, player stats and skills, difficulty, loot drops, way items work, new items, a complex NPC Overhaul, ported aspects from Kotor 2, reworked dialogue, new NPCs, restored content, new content and much, much more. From the Endar Spire to the Star Forge, you can relive Kotor 1 in a new and immersive way which you have never seen before. * The mod retains its vanilla style meaning you won't see any 4K textures beside Low Res textures here * Relive the nostalgia glory days of the early 2000 mods as many have been repurposed for the K1GI, mods such as the famous Brotherhood of Shadow have been used throughout the game with permission to create a more diverse range of NPCs and Items * This mod also utilizes modders resources and defunct mod projects with permissions to add more flavour to the Kotor 1 Game, with the NPC Overhaul provided by the defunct K1 Enhancement Pack and the many heads avaliable in the also defunct Revenge of Revan Demo the K1GI provides player with a revolutionary array of NPCs to fill the Galaxt of clones * Inspired by the Blasters Reloaded mod, the Blaster attack feats have been removed from the levle up menu and are given for free using specific blasters. A Sniper Rifle can give Sniper Attack, a Heavy Repeater can give Rapid Shot and a Pistol can give Power Blast. This new system allows for players to be more creative with their player build allowing for players to focus on a melee build and be able to switch to a Blaster with no worries * Similar to blasters, the Blaster Focus, Specialization and Sneak Attack feats have also been removed and can be given for free via a mask item allowing for a freer hand in character builds * Feats in general have been reworked: Scoundrels get Scoundrels luck and Medium Armor, Scouts get Uncanny Dodge and Light Armor and Soldiers get Toughness and Heavy Armor. Restored the Simple Weapons feat which non-Vibro melee weapons need in order to be wielded * Certain Party Members have new feats, skills, attributes classes and powers * HK-47 can now equipt an upgrade to enable him to wield any type of Melee Weapon * New items from Shields, Sunglasses, Laser Swords and more have been added allowing for more worth while loot drops and merchant gear * The Tutorial has now been removed and Trask Ulgo the 4th wall destroyer has been replaced by a lore friendly Jedi Commander * Movie style dark side transitions and effects * Various cameos from Kotor 2 including Darth Sion and Kaah Ohtok 1.0 Added an optional 'Overhauled Mission Vao' from Efix's K2 mod Added an optional Kotor Weapon Model Overhaul Added Effix's underwear mod as human dancer skins Droid items like flame throwers are no longer infinite, most droid items now have their Kotor 2 names and have been reworked Reworked all the Baragwin items and added new Baragwin gear including the Electromesh and Plasmamesh robe and mask by Effix and Baragwin Ice Armor by MasterWaffle When Admiral Dodonna is informed of the victory against the Star Forge the sound of cheering can now be heard in the background Modified Star Forge NPCs Alongside the vanilla red Star Forge Assault Droids, other classes of red droids will attack the player such as red Sentinel Droids, Assault Droid Mark 4s and Spider Droids The Sith Master who informs Malak on the Star Forge has been replaced by an Admiral in a black uniform, this same admiral now spawns in the Star Forge Robe room as an enemy Numerous cameos to Kotor Trilogy's "The Circle of Fate" during the Star Forge sequence Restored Jedi, Zaalbar and Dark Side Bastila lines in the Hangar of the Star Forge Carth's main dialogue has been reworked Carth's alignment will become neutral if the player kills Dustil You can now kill the Jedi strike team in the Hangar if you are Dark Side The 3 Dark Jedi in the Dark Side ending now have unique appearances, with the leader being a cameo to Darth Varkor's Return of the Exile Temporarily disabled the option to create Star Forge robes, in future updates the robes shall be fixed and overhauled Removed the option to disable the turrets, to unlock the door to deck 3 you need to slay the turrets outside the elevator Master Vrook, Master Atris (With Effix reskin) and Master Kae have been added to the final Light Side scene The Jedi Librarian robes worn by Master Dorak have been replaced with Effix's Lore Keeper robes For previous updates please check the update log Incompatibilities: If you want to know if a certain mod is incompatible with my mod please PM me on Deadlystream If you have any suggestions for future idea's please give me a PM on Deadlystream and give me a detailed description of what you want and it may be considered (Don't be shy). If you would like to help the mod out I will accept whatever help I can especially if you can script or make textures! Permissions: You can NOT edit, upload to other websites or claim as your own without permission from me. You cannot use assets from other modders included in this project without their permission. Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game Obsidian for the second game and its assests Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool FairStrides for trying to help me with ERF Edit VO Talent: Zhaboka- Kaah Ohtok Credits: Bith Musician items/HK Melee Mod- Khrizby Dark Side Reimagined Mod- darksidebirdie Jedi from the Start scripts- darthbdaman M200 Intervention Sniper model- Skateordie808 Realistic Visual Effects Mod, Jedi Robe Skins- Shem Various textures- 90SK K1 Enchantment Pack assests- SpaceAlex Wookiee, Echani, Combat Suit skins- redrob41 Dark Jedi Robe texture- Ankh MedHypo mod- Rtas Vadum Sith Commander/Manaan Sith Soldier Skins- Dak Drexl Scout/Scoundrel uniforms- jonathan7 & FoolInTheWave Force Fashion 2- jonathan7 Sungladdes, Shields, Female Mandalorians- Inyri Forge Saber Pikes, Laser Swords- DeadMan Brotherhood of Shadow Assests- Silveredge9 Female republic soldier skin and the HD republic soldier skins- Dark Hope Republic Helmet- SithSpector Revenge of Revan Assets- Logan423, RedRobe41, Paige Lehnert Various Textures- Whyp JC2, TheRealDarthRevan- Scripting aid Sith Stalker- Qui-Gon Glenn, Dak Drexl, redrob41, Marius Fett, Varsity Puppet and j7 JC's Heads Modders Resource- JCarter426 Saeikan's Armors of the Old Republic Textures- Saeikan Leviathan Differentiated Dialogue- Revanator K1 Better Twi'lek Heads- Ashton Scorpius Robes for Korriban Sith Students assests- Shem JC's Vision Enchantment/JC's Slave Bastila/JC's Supermodel Fix/JC's Head Modders Resource/JC's Republic Soldier Fix- JCarter426 WOTOR weapons- T7Nowhere Manaan and Korriban Sith Soldier- sELFiNDUCEDcOMA Drinking Animation- Darth Parametric and Alvar007 Mission skin, Electro/Plasmamesh robe- Effix Baragwin Ice Armor- MasterWaffle This mod contains assets ported from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords by Obsidian Entertainment. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 07/04/2016 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  8. Davik's Upgradable Armor Mod View File A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 05.7.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: Davik is the Crimelord of Taris and is a member of the Exchange. During your travels you get to steal his ship the Ebon Hawke and witness his death and collect the fancy armor he wore and a few other items. Though this armor is good armor near the end of the game it becomes kinda useless but this mod should fix that. If you were to try out the game cheats you will notice there are 3 cheat codes that give davik's armor. g_a_class6007 g_a_class6008 g_a_class6009 The "g_a_class6007" is Davik's armor while the others arn't but there stats suggest Davik's armor was going to be upgradable at one point but it was likely cut due to it being to strong and it wasn't restored in K1R for probably the same reason or was overlooked since this is a minor thing. So this mod basically makes Davik's armor upgradable so it can be made more useful near the end game. Stats: Armor reinforcement: 2 Defence Bonus Mesh Underlay: Damage resistance: Cold 20% Damage resistance: Fire 20% Immunity: Mind Effecting Known Bugs: None that I know of but if their is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Will be incompatible with anything that changes g_a_class6007 or with anything that removes Davik's armor from Davik (Than this mod wouldn't have effect) Permissions: If you want to include this in your own mod please PM me on Deadlystream first(I will likely say yes) Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 07/05/2016 Category Mods K1R Compatible  
  9. Version 1.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 05.7.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: Davik is the Crimelord of Taris and is a member of the Exchange. During your travels you get to steal his ship the Ebon Hawke and witness his death and collect the fancy armor he wore and a few other items. Though this armor is good armor near the end of the game it becomes kinda useless but this mod should fix that. If you were to try out the game cheats you will notice there are 3 cheat codes that give davik's armor. g_a_class6007 g_a_class6008 g_a_class6009 The "g_a_class6007" is Davik's armor while the others arn't but there stats suggest Davik's armor was going to be upgradable at one point but it was likely cut due to it being to strong and it wasn't restored in K1R for probably the same reason or was overlooked since this is a minor thing. So this mod basically makes Davik's armor upgradable so it can be made more useful near the end game. Stats: Armor reinforcement: 2 Defence Bonus Mesh Underlay: Damage resistance: Cold 20% Damage resistance: Fire 20% Immunity: Mind Effecting Known Bugs: None that I know of but if their is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Will be incompatible with anything that changes g_a_class6007 or with anything that removes Davik's armor from Davik (Than this mod wouldn't have effect) Permissions: If you want to include this in your own mod please PM me on Deadlystream first(I will likely say yes) Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  10. Well every added content mod has a plot i was Just asking do you guys know how you will get to and obtain the star map personally I hope you add a bounty system to the game like Zax's bounty office but on sleheyron. Well can you show progress screenshots please like don't spoil it like show off for example populated area's, new models and maybe even the star map itself (Silverledge9 did that back when Brotherhood of shadow was in development, no spoilers just progress) Well it's kinda true people probably once said no one could restore TSL to a working state, same goes for M4-78, and K1R. The reason I say near impossible because you and fair strides (Probably two of the best modders of Kotor that still mods) are the only ones with the potential of doing for example someone like me this would never see the light of day. In my opinion the Tatooine temple is more easier to restore than this and the fact that you guys have started is amazing
  11. I did not mean to say go faster i'm just saying if this mod does include a star map than that would mean you need a story to go through for example on Korriban you collect sith rellics to get to the star map. here you'd likely get the attention of the hutts and you work for them and when you do enough work they give you the star map which is locked up in their trophy room. Now I 100% understand this isn't easy and you have lives but this seems near impossible since you will need to edit the Levinithan encounter, edit Calo nord and Darth bandon to go their, make certain NPC's spawn for example when Carths friend tells you about dustil spawn their, have random encounters like the GenoHaradan messanger appear, make choices on certain worlds effect Sleheyron like the wookie rebellion and the destruction of kolto so even if you have spare time to burn I bet it still won't be near finished.
  12. Do you even have side quest and story related stuff planned for this mod yet
  13. When you finish these ones off will you do k1 textures like Taris and the Star Forge
  14. N-DReW25

    Playable Twi'leks

    more or less a mistake on your part and it's a mod conflict
  15. I'm sure it works for BOTH for example a mod that reskins carth head in kotor 1 will certainley work in kotor 2 since both gamed uses the carth head texture
  16. Is this compatible with reskin mods
  17. When will the Callum ette (I Think thats his name) mod be in development.
  18. Does this fix the Lag though
  19. Will you do a TSL vsrsio
  20. this is an earlier version of the current M4-78 mod is TLS un restored content next
  21. I like how their are no screenshots
  22. I like how you combined the k1 robe with the TLS cape