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About olegkuz1997

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  • Birthday 05/09/1997

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  1. I think the user was asking if it was compatible with K1CP after installation.
  2. I'm not sure if I should write here, but since threads on GitHub are based mostly on bug reports, and that's not the point of my post, I'll write. It's a beautiful complex mod, which was worked on by many talented modders, and I think that it should be translated into Russian, there are also a lot of people here that love this game. So, so to speak, I am also taking up the baton. In this regard, I want to clarify something for myself. Is the translated one supposed to be only append.tlk? It seems pretty small (only 40 lines). Probably need to dig into the mod files. The first 11 lines look like just the cut off the tails of the original game. These are the closing lines of quests that would hang in the log until the penultimate island planet under certain situations. Since I translated K1R back in the day, this isn't a problem (I think even the lines are the same). Next comes some edits to a side quest with the son of one of the nobles on Dantooine, a stumping of tails with the Dustil quest, line 31 fixes the gender Revan, I assume? Which is not good, because we use 2 dIalog.tlk the second one is the letter "F" on the end. So we have two text files for both genders. I assume the line from the mod will overwrite them? Well never mind, we can write something in between. I've been translating in TalkEd, will there be no problem with it? I mean errors with Cyrillic and not reading the format. Anyway, here is the append.tlk file translated into Russian. I'm willing to translate anything else that is needed if you point it out to me. append.tlk
  3. Thank you for the feedback! Yes, there is another type of hologram texture in the game, rakata, and I also made it for myself, but the thing is, I took the mod DarthParametric as a basis. He has the best models and rakata move mouth, as well as redesigning camera angles and other "quality of life". Obviously he has more knowledge. He uses a different kind of textures (not blending based) so his holograms don't glow. Of course, you could say that rakata has a different, more "outdated technology" or something. Anyway, I'll see what I can do.
  4. View File HD Holo HD Holo ================================= MOD AUTHOR: Olegkuz1997 FOR WHICH GAMES: For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Description: ---------------- What does this mod do? Nothing much. This mod is a remake of the final scene with Admiral Dodonna's transmission, and more specifically, a remake of the hologram textures of the two characters. This mod is pretty rudimentary, I enlarged the original textures with AI and then manually edited them in photoshop. Tried to give the effect of "interference" and glow. Did it for myself, but if anyone wants it, take it. Yes, I'm aware of the awesome DarthParametric mod, but there were two things I didn't like about it: too strong blue color that kills the rest, and the lack of glow from the hologram. In his mod, the work is much more comprehensive, with redesigned UVs and models, which I have no idea about. Naturally, you have to choose between my mod and DarthParametric's mod, as they are done with different approach. There might be some questions about the hue, as it's not really "blue". It's actually something between the movies and the in-game version (turquoise). In the end, this is a texture mod, so anyone can open the file in paint or photoshop and adjust the color to their liking. Installation: ---------------- Drop tga and txi files in your game’s Override folder. To uninstall: ---------------- Take them out again. Known bugs: ----------------- Holo-Vandar turned out great, but Dodonna was a bit of a letdown. The whole thing is, I think, that she has an incorrect, and frankly crappy "mirror" model, so the textures of "interference" are not quite correctly displayed. Oh yeah, and she's also a bit translucent (eyeballs and mouth). I had to make the head textures brighter to try and hide these details. But overall, it's not too bad. I recorded a little video where you can see for yourself. But in general, this is a normal texture mod, so there should be no problems. Video: Legal Disclaimer: ------------------- All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it however you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the readme, mentioning me. Submitter olegkuz1997 Submitted 11/18/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  5. olegkuz1997

    HD Holo

    Version 1.0.0


    HD Holo ================================= MOD AUTHOR: Olegkuz1997 FOR WHICH GAMES: For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Description: ---------------- What does this mod do? Nothing much. This mod is a remake of the final scene with Admiral Dodonna's transmission, and more specifically, a remake of the hologram textures of the two characters. This mod is pretty rudimentary, I enlarged the original textures with AI and then manually edited them in photoshop. Tried to give the effect of "interference" and glow. Did it for myself, but if anyone wants it, take it. Yes, I'm aware of the awesome DarthParametric mod, but there were two things I didn't like about it: too strong blue color that kills the rest, and the lack of glow from the hologram. In his mod, the work is much more comprehensive, with redesigned UVs and models, which I have no idea about. Naturally, you have to choose between my mod and DarthParametric's mod, as they are done with different approach. There might be some questions about the hue, as it's not really "blue". It's actually something between the movies and the in-game version (turquoise). In the end, this is a texture mod, so anyone can open the file in paint or photoshop and adjust the color to their liking. Installation: ---------------- Drop tga and txi files in your game’s Override folder. To uninstall: ---------------- Take them out again. Known bugs: ----------------- Holo-Vandar turned out great, but Dodonna was a bit of a letdown. The whole thing is, I think, that she has an incorrect, and frankly crappy "mirror" model, so the textures of "interference" are not quite correctly displayed. Oh yeah, and she's also a bit translucent (eyeballs and mouth). I had to make the head textures brighter to try and hide these details. But overall, it's not too bad. I recorded a little video where you can see for yourself. But in general, this is a normal texture mod, so there should be no problems. Video: Legal Disclaimer: ------------------- All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it however you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the readme, mentioning me.
  6. Of course, my sweetest friend. Who said anything about problems?🤔
  7. Okay, I didn't know that. So, enemies have learned how to remove buffs and put them on (specifically everything they have, and even more specifically, the final boss). However, given Malak's already extremely serious stats, I have to assume those abilities were cut for a reason. That is, they did the right thing. With this mod, the final battle turns into a game of "who can remove and apply buffs first". But you don't seriously think that the ability to do such a monstrous amount of damage is determined by your skill in the game, do you? I can see the point though.
  8. Thank you very much for such valuable advice, but there is a great resource on the net, where there is a thorough description of every enemy in the game. And according to it, he didn't have those abilities at all. Or am I confused?
  9. That's great. Looking forward to the update, thanks anyway.
  10. The mod is great, thank you for your work. Though you're probably not happy you uploaded it yourself already, given the flood of comments on this page. I realize you're not doing it anymore and are unlikely to, but I'm a little surprised that no one has paid attention or asked you for the next one: On the screenshot you can see that the light and dark robes have a strange visual artifact/defect: some black spots on the bottom of the skirt (light refraction). If you go out into the light, the light robe looks like it's smeared with something (oil). And if you go into a dimly lit room, the problem is gone. It has been repeatedly tested including on vanilla, reinstalling new textures/options offered by your mod did not solve the problem. Problems in the supermodel, apparently? Is it even possible to fix it somehow, or is there an option to just use it as is or delete it?
  11. I apologize in advance for the ton of text. I have studied the mechanics of KotOR thoroughly, as I have been involved in translating this game into another language. As a consequence, I had to spend hundreds of hours reading strategy wiki, saves, buffs, enemy skills, and so on. So now I can tell with closed eyes which enemy has how much hp, and what he is immune to. Naturally, since I am also a fan of the game with 15 years of experience, it became too easy for me. I came across this mod and thought - this is it, what I wanted! Not a mindless increase in damage, but a competent approach to the matter, enemies smarter and more useful. But I was disappointed. Having tested the final level of the viewing platform, I entered the battle with Malak. The first surprise was that he suddenly became immune to Plague, which gives only two implant and headgear, which - and I know this for a fact - Malak does not have. But the bigger surprise for me was that he cast Master Speed and Imp Energy Resistance on himself. Which, according to the game stats, he shouldn't have. Naturally, I got knocked out in one hit. Specially put the mod on vanilla, after which I can draw conclusions: this mod does NOT make enemies smarter, allowing them to use their skills more competently; it rewards them with absurd abilities, which they should not have in principle. The description does not correspond to the true work of the mod.
  12. Ah, that's how it is. However, I got it a long time ago on an obviously dead forum from some user.
  13. Since I discovered Kotor about 15 years ago, I have been using this program: I don't remember where and when I downloaded it, but it has never let me down. I changed the language and created a localization in Russian from scratch for my needs, just converted the tlk file to text, there and back again. It handles the encodings perfectly and the games reads the language like a miracle. I didn't even know there were other programs like you mentioned above. It's probably almost the same thing though. Just take it out somewhere and try it. Converter tlk.rar
  14. I guess it's all about the encoding of the text, not the incorrect save. Since I'm mostly more of a native Russian speaker, I use the Cyrillic windows 1251 encoding. I use notepad++, and the symbol fragments you forwarded correspond to the Western European iso8859-1 encoding. So I think that's the main issue.