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Status Updates posted by Mephiles550

  1. It's my opinion that The Old Republic ruined various different concepts about the Sith. Agree or disagree?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mephiles550


      The idea of Vitiate screwing up the Sith could have worked without the game having all of the problems I discussed previously.

      Why should criticizing their designs be considered nit picking? It's all we've got of them. Whether it be concept art or in game designs, I just don't like their messy designs. All we had of Kotor designs for a while was their in game designs and some concept art.

      Revan's story in TOR is ok. I got some problems with it, but it's alright....

    3. LiliArch


      Funny thing is that Vitiate is the one I have most grudge against. Also, those shoulder pads ARE insane. I keep wondering how they get through doors with them.

  2. If Kotor was remade under today's gaming standards, Yavin IV and a re-written Korriban and/or Manaan would be DLC packs in a $40 season pass.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mephiles550


      Lol, a Sleheyron remake that's on-disc DLC

    3. VarsityPuppet


      The ending for light-side and dark-side would be the same except for different colored lightsabers in the final scene of the game

    4. Jorak Uln

      Jorak Uln

      Yeah, in the offline sector especially EA sympathizes with that kind of policy - CD Projekt Red is the only exception i know.

      Id really like to see some more 30+ hours quality "expansions" like the old ones from NWN2.

  3. This is going to sound like a really dumb question, but does Kotor work the same on modern AMD GPUs compared to Nvidia ones? The games are really picky about which hardware they like, but I mostly remember that for older hardware giving me a hassle with AMD and Kotor when compared to Nvidia. Lots of visual bugs.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mephiles550


      Apologies for the late reply, but I took your advice and decided to wait a little bit longer. I'm getting a RTX 3060 TI for a roughly 20% discount which is... msrp lol but the normal price for these things is 500 and I'm paying 400 bucks 

      I went back and forth between thinking Kotor's incompatibilities would be worth the cheaper price with AMD, but then I remembered that the stealth effect is tied to Frame Buffer Effects and disabling that make stealth look beyond immersion breaking. I don't even use the Stealth skill and I hate it. One garbage texture issue all but sealed the deal.

      Well that and Nvidia's drivers just seem much better in the long run and I think it'll be a better long term investment. Thanks for your advice! I was also considering the A770, but that video and some additional research made me realize that Intel needs some more catching up to do that I don't want to be a part of. 

    3. DarthParametric


      Just note that nVidia are deliberately holding off on releasing lower tier 4000 series cards in order to clear the backlog of 3000 inventory, so that 3060 will drop further in the coming months. I would definitely suggest holding off on any card purchase right now unless you absolutely require one.

    4. Mephiles550


      My free time is basically going to get cut in half in a few months if not weeks from now for work and school related reasons anyway so I'm trying to squeeze out what enjoyment I can get. Months from now, knowing I could've saved an extra $50 or even $100 bucks will sting slightly but it won't be a big deal. I just want time to use the thing.

      $400 was also the cheapest I could find this card anyway, so it's alright. The average price I'm seeing this right now is $500 and that price was already dropping a decent amount over the past few months. 


  4. Decided to try Reshade on Kotor for the first time... this hurts my eyes and it feels like the antialiasing was completely turned off (it's set to 8x). Ya... not seeing the big deal.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. N-DReW25


      Not sure about you guys but when I tried reshade on Kotor it was the worst mistake I ever made: literally felt like I applied a 1970s style VCR filter on my game whilst paying my FPS for it.

    3. Malkior


      @N-Drew Sigh... That's because the person who made that preset probably used a 1970s VCR filter shader. That's literally a thing it can do.

      Reshade is a tool that allows you to do ANYTHING to your game's pixel shader. You can change every variable in each shader in your preset to whatever you want.

      Why does everyone keep blaming the tool itself instead of the poorly made presets? 

      What you are saying is akin to claiming game mods suck because of a crappy skin someone made of Jolee.



    4. Mephiles550


      The similarity between reshade and modding is that most people who play kotor only know how to "use" it, not how it works. The majority of people who download anything besides a texture mod, and even then, dont know the purpose behind any file in their override. It's the same with reshade, they dont know how it works. They just download it and put it in their kotor folder 

      The difference between reshade and modding is that the majority of kotor mods, I think, are fairly good. The majority of kotor reshade presets available, from what i can tell, are ass.


  5. How likely do you think the possibility for a Kotor 1 remake is? TSL seems highly doubtful, but I think there is a possibility, though slim, for Kotor 1

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. diegodb


      Since EA is in charge now, highly impossible.

    3. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Why do we need a remake anyway, the games are still fine???

    4. milestails


      It will not happen.

  6. I wish we had a download here for Kotor 1 saves on every location. :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. djh269


      Hello, I've just submitted 548 Kotor 1 game saves. It covers every moment in the game :)

    3. Mephiles550


      That's great, thank you! Now we just have to wait for the mod's approval.

      Are these saves with K1R or not? It doesn't really matter to me eitherway, but I'm curious.

    4. djh269


      Hello again, I'm just sorting things out with Sithspecter as I should of added some more info, unfortunately I didn't install K1R at this point. I can easily do any set in the future!

  7. Quanon made a Jolee reskin, didn't he? I can't find it anywhere.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I've asked Quanon to comment as he's on right now.

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Oh - and thanks!

    4. Quanon


      I havent releases it just yet. Expect it soon. I just need to pack it all up and take few extra screenshots ☺

  8. Is it common in the Steam version of TSL for your character to be locked in place in combat and unable to move afterwards cause that's been happening to me alot lately.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DarthParametric


      It's not the monitor itself, it's the game running at refresh rates beyond what it was designed for (remember it was designed to run at 30Hz/fps on a CRT television). You see similar kinds of things with certain games having physics issues when the game runs faster than it was designed for. As with KOTOR, a common problem with console ports. Another example of framerate-related weirdness - in Fallout 4 above 60fps you will end up getting trapped when interacting with computer terminals, unable to exist.

    3. LiliArch


      unable to exist”, huh? Guess that’s one way to cause a critical existence failure. In all seriousness though, I knew that old games may run too fast thus making it impossible to do anything, because you’ll, for example, just plain hit a wall before having a chance to act, but freezing caused by similar reasons was news to me. It’s a bizarre thought. Well, unless the game is actually run by GPU and not CPU, in which case I can imagine it going haywire.

      Not that I would know, mind you. I’m a software person, not a hardware one.

    4. DarthParametric


      Lol, whoops. Unable to exit. You'd try to exit out of the terminal screen and get stuck in the middle of the standing up animation. The only way out was to load a prior save or teleport via the console.

  9. In terms of decision making, who do you think is the worst Jedi?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spectrometer


      I'm surprised no one mentioned Anakin (I'm an Anakin fan, but even I can't deny that he made some bad decisions, even though in the end he fulfilled the Prophecy).

    3. djh269


      Definitely Anakin, he killed all the Jedi in the Temple including the younglings because he didn't like sand or people with the high ground. "In my point of view the jedi are evil" after killing 8 year olds. 

    4. Mephiles550


      I'm going with Mace Windu on this one.

      Basically said the dumbest shit to convince Ahsoka to stay, which ended up making her leave anyway and he probably didn't care.

      Brought only three other Jedi Masters, one of which Grievous even technically bested,  to take down Palpatine without properly examining the situation.

      Made his own padawan fall to the Dark Side and he had to kill him.

      Treated Anakin worse than any other Jedi did IMO, first one to declare that he should not be trained, did not believe that he was the chosen one,  kept denying him important misions and trust, etc. Always failed to properly reason with Anakin.

      Fell for Palpatine's bait, both before confronting him and after "beating" him right as Anakin showed up.

      Basically I'm convinced Windu is the whole reason why all the fucking Jedi were killed cause of his poor decision making.

  10. Is there a UTC file for trask? Like P_Trask.utc? Cause I can't find something like it anywhere. Is his equipment strictly script based?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ebmar



      ...when he actually equips it...

      This! If only he equipped the sword one scene earlier...

    3. DarthParametric


      The script that fires on Entry0, k_pend_cut32, calls his OnUserDefined Case 400, so you could probably just edit k_pend_trask_d and move the sword creation/equipping elements from Case 500 to Case 400.

    4. ebmar



      ...edit k_pend_trask_d and move the sword creation/equipping elements from Case 500 to Case 400.

      Could you explain the basic move on using DeNCS? I already have the JAR file but I'm lost afterwards.

      Many thanks for considering this. :cheers:

      Edit: As it seems there is no source file for k_pend_trask_d. So yeah, we should decompiled it right? 🤔

      Edit2: Ooops, apologize that I'm pushing my luck a bit too far on this status update. I think asking the aforementioned matter with a proper thread is the best manner possible.

  11. Would you want a Kotor remake? Rumors of one are surfacing again.

    I'm personally leaning towards no. I'm too paranoid they'll just make a trash product loosely based on the original game that plays and feels completely different.

    And if they do remake the first one, I really, REALLY do not want them to remake the 2nd one. It will almost definitely not implement the cut content, whether that just be the minor story consistencies or M478. 

    I kinda just want a Kotor 3 that eliminates a lot of the story in TOR and revises it it to make Revan's journey and the threat in the unknown regions less underwhelming... but that's probably asking for too much.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vriff


      Yes, I would want them to remake KOTOR 1 and 2 both and bring them into canon status.


      I know people are doubtful, but Jason Schreier has a well known record for being having insider industry knowledge so if he's teasing a KOTOR game is in development I 100% believe it.

    3. TamerBill


      If we do get a KotOR 3 it'll be like Baldur's Gate 3, an unrelated game re-using the KotOR name for marketing reasons.

    4. Spectrometer


      A good remake of KOTOR 2 (just graphics, cut content and maybe minor gameplay tweaks) would be amazing for my personal replayability of the game.

      I love KOTOR 2, but I've played it so many times that I cannot enjoy it without any novelty.

  12. I'm planning to play TSL with just the Restored Content Mod, M4-78EP and the Ultimate Saber Mod. Where can I expect to see the most major conflicts?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mephiles550


      I obviously know it's incompatible and that the game will be messy, but I'm curious to see WHY it's incompatible.

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      You've been warned now 3 times. Do not post issues concerning errors about this in this forum Or they will be deleted.

    4. milestails


      Might I suggest VP's Holowan Duplisaber? It is updated for 2015 usage whereas USM is stuck in the past.

  13. I've been playing a lot of Dark Forces lately. The DarkXL engine mod adds a few undesirable quirks, but I'm really enjoying the game now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mephiles550


      It's been several years since this version came out. Don't get your hopes up.

    3. HK-47
    4. Mephiles550


      How incredibly interesting and conveniently timed. Nice find, HK-47.

  14. I just downloaded an old mod for Kotor 1 that is about 75 MB. It has multiple modules that have the "Sle_" in their names, several Sleheyron textures and voice files that reference Sleheyron. Huh... what did I find. :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mephiles550


      Interesting. I lol'd at that picture of Sleheyron.

    3. Mephiles550


      Judging by the screenshot of "Sleheyron" I saw on their website, I'm guessing it's just a bunch of Tatooine modules with Sleheyron skyboxes. That feels out of place.

    4. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      This has potential for an interesting video. Someone clue in Xuul!

  15. Does anyone else find it weird how Obsidion didn't both to animate Revan's cape? It was acceptable in Kotor because you never saw an in-game model of him besides when Revan removes his/her mask, but you actually fight Revan in TSL. Pure laziness.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mephiles550


      The Nihilus fight wasn't technically complete either. He was animated perfectly fine.

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      1-There's a long list of issues with TSL, this Robe issue shouldn't be surprising at this point. 2-If it's really an issue with you, perhaps you should ask this create of the "Revans Flowing Robe TSL v1.1" mod to consider tackling it

    4. Mephiles550


      Trust me, I downloaded the cap fix a long time ago. It's a great mod. I just find it kind of strange to think that Obsidian didn't bother to fix the issue themselves, that's all.

      Something tells me they would have ignored fixing the model even if they had put in all of the content they wanted.

  16. More proof that Kotor is cannon. :)
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. VarsityPuppet


      They are being absolute cock teases.

    3. Sith Holocron
    4. Mephiles550


      I realized the mistake the moment I typed it. I'm not going to delete a status for it.

      Besides, cannons are cool.

  17. I'm looking for a mod that replaces the characters in TSL's menu screen with Darth Malak like in the first Kotor. I know this mod exists because I've downloaded it before but I can't find it anymore. Can anyone help me find it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mephiles550


      Alright, I downloaded the mod from Lonebullet and I have no problems. Thank you for putting my worries aside. :)

    3. HK-47


      I've had the same malware warning from both gamefront and lonebullet. Chrome wouldn't even let the download finish.

    4. HK-47


      Oh, and glad to hear you got what you were after.

  18. Aaaaaand another Kotor remake/reboot rumor to add to the pile.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DarthParametric


      Probably just another Knights of the Retconned Emperor expansion for TOR, with the "leaker" too clueless to tell the difference.

    3. VarsityPuppet
    4. VarsityPuppet


      Well well well.. turns out the rumors were false

  19. My current TSL Override is 3.5GB. Go hard or go home, huh?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. milestails


      Big texture mods present?

    3. LiliArch


      My whole TSL folder is ~ 100 GB... never checked the size of an individual Override, though. I have multiple mod combinations present, swapping folders as needed.

    4. Makashi


      Yeah, textures overhauls are quite heavy ;/

  20. I think Kylo Ren's unstable lightsaber would fit perfectly with Darth Nihilus.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sithspecter


      I think the unstable lightsaber blade symbolizes that the crystal inside was cracked. Bad crystal = blade on the fritz. No need to read into it.

    3. 1Leonard


      Besides, I don't think it has ever been stated that the saber is ancient itself, just based on an ancient design.

    4. Mephiles550


      Decided to rip the Nhilus saber from the Ultimate Saber Mod and give it to Nihilus. Works like a charm with no comparability issues with TSLRCM mod because I only edited his MOD. file.. :)


  21. Theoretically speaking, would it be possible for a version of TSLRCM + M4-78 to be ported to the Xbox version of TSL? I'm curious since I've seen alpha maps of M4-78 and the HK factory work on it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bead-v


      Well, if an xbox version of TSLRCM and M4-78 was made, then yes. The big problem has always been that the MDL format is different on xbox, so it was impossible to get any models to work. This will be possible in the future though, so theoretically speaking, yes :)

    3. Mephiles550


      I just looked up some of the restrictions, which include the inability of using custom mdl/mxl files, textures higher than 256x256 and usually any MOD files. What do you mean it'll be possible in the future?

    4. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      New tools, perhaps?

  22. TSL is strange. The loading screens imply that the citizens were originally going to be low poly models, but that was changed last minute into better quality models. That's good and all, but then why is the Sith Marauder a low-poly citizen of all things?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HK-47


      I would say that they were used to make the screenshots early on before the high poly were made. Then the low poly in the Trayus Academy are part of the incomplete tasks when the game was rushed out (as is the case with basically all of Malachor V).

    3. N-DReW25


      I bet the Sith Marauder's low poly model was a placeholder for a new appearance that was supposed to be made, similar to how the Archon's on M4-78 where Firaxan Shark's during its development before it was cut. As for the low poly models on the loading screens. I assume most of the starting development was done on the Xbox, perhaps the low poly models were used in early tests of Kotor 2 but during testing, they discovered having high poly models didn't cause lag or issues on t...

  23. TSL could have it's lack of content by interpreting that the devs actually intentionally left all of the gaps to be filled in by the players themselves. No HK factory? Maybe you were never meant to find it and the false hope was intentional. :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 1Leonard


      Sure, I get you. They did a fine enough job, considering their impossible deadline...

    3. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      The Last Jedi parody?

    4. 1Leonard


      Would be a pretty bad analogy if it was, no?

  24. Has anyone seen this Ebon Hawk animation?

    This is genuinely amazing

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thor110


      That's awesome! Time to make Yavin IV a planet! I jest. 🤣

    3. Mephiles550


      Honestly I kinda wish the old Yavin IV mod got a modern take to it, it didn't age well at all.

      It doesn't need brand new modules, but boy could it use a better story behind it and scripting. The beginning is a perfect summary of how whack the mod is, Suvam just flies his ship through the hills lol 

      It was ambitious for back then, but definitely flawed.

    4. Thor110


      I still haven't played the Yavin IV mod or many of either games mods and I really should try to find the time to do so.

  25. Even though I can't use Brotherhood of Shadow cause It'd be completely incompatible with all of my mods, I still found a good use for Dark Hope's excellent Shadow texture mod.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mephiles550


      Made the regular yellow and Orange Twilek's full Dark Side transition face texture Hope's Shadow and other Twilek texture in the Heads.2DA. I couldn't just let such good texture mods go to waste.

    3. jc2
    4. Mephiles550