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  1. Tighty Whiteys

    A new male underwear model for your pc, the npc's, or whoever you choose to use it for.


       (1 review)



  2. Make Visas Marr Dance For Vogga

    This will give you the option of making Visas Marr dance for Vogga on Nar Shaddaa. It may not be all that easy, though


       (1 review)



  3. Revan Model Without Cape (K2)

    Removes the starchy cape from the Revan models.


       (3 reviews)



  4. Jedi Hermit Robes

    Some of the Dark Jedi/Sith Assassin robes in TSL were repurposed versions of Jolee Bindo’s model from K1. Because the original model and texture for Jolee’s robes weren’t included in TSL, and due to issues concerning porting content from one game to the other, this mod adds a retinted version of the TSL Dark Jedi/Sith Assassin robes to approximate the original look of Jolee’s robes in K1. Note that this does not include the lowered hood like the K1 version, as that was physically removed from the mesh. However, one bonus is that TSL added a female version of the mesh, so this is available for both male and female characters.
    Because of restrictions with the way body models in KOTOR work, the only way to add the model without replacing an entire class of existing clothes/armour/robe models is as a disguise. The problem with the disguise functionality is that is replaces the entire body, including the head. In order to show a head, a separate appearance is required for every single player and party member head. In other words, each version of the item will show a specific head, regardless of whatever head you usually have. The item name references which particular head it will show, so choose the one that matches your regular head. Refer to the player head reference chart or check your head ID in KSE. Note that this only includes vanilla heads. If you use a custom head mod then you will need to modify the head ID value in one of the added appearance.2da rows to point to your custom head’s heads.2da ID.
    The item has the base stats of a Jedi Master Robe and is upgradeable.
    Extract the archive and run TSLPatcher to install. Add the robes to your inventory via KSE or console command. There are 40 versions of the item to cover all player/party heads. Simply add whichever are appropriate. Item use is restricted by player, sex, and party member, as appropriate.
    Both the TSL and original versions of the model have some issues with backface clipping of the "skirt" polys that cause some shading errors. This is an inherent issue in the model and not due to anything this mod does. It simply uses a hex edited version of the original models, they are otherwise untouched. Trying to fix it would probably cause more trouble than it would solve.
    While the robe is upgradeable, in the Workbench rotating display it shows a commoner clothes model. I don't think this is resolvable because of the way the mod works. It adds two new entries to baseitems.2da, but it has to specify a pre-existing Body Variation (B in this case, clothing). I can't get it to show the Jolee robes model without replacing one of the base body types, which would defeat the whole point of going the disguise route.
    While I did some basic testing to ensure that the items were equippable and didn't cause any crashes, the mod has not had any proper testing. Thus, I am releasing it here as a DS exclusive beta in the hope that some of you lot will play guinea pig.
    As an additional note, the texture is not very good, basically just a quick and dirty colour overlay of the TSL texture. If anyone wants to do a proper version then by all means feel free to volunteer.
    Also, I think I got all the heads, but let me know if I missed any.


       (4 reviews)

    1 comment


  5. Twin Mullet Men

    This mod will add two new, playable heads. They are based on the fan favourite head from KotOR 1 known as "Mullet Man" (PMHC04). I have modified TSL assets (to avoid porting), mostly PMHH01 model and texture to get as close as possible to the original appearance. There is also a second head model where I cribbed together parts of PMHH01 with the long spiky hair from N_ZezKaiEllH and the bangs from PMHC04 (again, only using TSL assets).
    Thanks to MDLOps 0.7 Alpha, both heads now have smooth edges and epic hair.
    You get to choose, which of the twins will you rule the galaxy with?


       (6 reviews)



  6. Lightsaber Textures

    A simple mod that changes the colors of the lightsabers in the game. I always thought they were a bit off, some less, some more.

    I'm very well aware that there are going to be people who don't like certain colors. Tough luck. I don't mind criticism at all, I say HIT ME with it, but, please, refrain from whining and saying things that I can only reply "Mhm" to (e.g. "oh my god, I hate the orange color, it's not even orange, it's [whatever]"). If you hate something so much that you'd rather see me burn in a pool of lava, my advice is: open photoshop and change whatever you want, it ain't that hard.
    The "Alt" folder contains some alternatives. Some of the changes are unnoticeable, some of them are rather obvious. The second screenshot shows these colors.

    PS: that weird property of the blue, red, green and yellow lightsabers that causes them to look thinner from behind and much thicker from the front; I don't know how to fix that. I tried tweaking the models, but I failed horribly. It's the models, or the shaders or I don't know, but there's nothing I can do about it. Apologies.
    No compatibility problems. There are none, there can be none. It's just a simple texture mod. I'm 99,9% sure about that. Also, no black-core lightsabers, there are shading issues, it won't work, it'll look off and horrible and just NO. You hear me? NO.
    Installation: simply drag whichever files for respective lightsaber colors you want into the override folder.


       (2 reviews)



  7. A Darker Peragus REDUX

    Using the techniques pioneered by the great modder Canderis, I have created my own version of the Darker Peragus formula.
    However, when working with the darker areas, I noticed that no matter what I did, all of the Plasteel Canisters and Footlockers were much too bright.
    And so, with the help of my modding compatriots, I have darkened all of the placeable items in the Peragus, Peragus Spacewalk, and Harbinger portions to match the darker lightmaps.

    To Install:
    Choose from either the full REDUX (WIth all of my customized lightmaps), or from the compatibility option (For those using Canderis' A Darker Peragus mod)
    (Note: There are two versions available to download. Use the A_Darker_Peragus_REDUX_TSLRCM if you have TSLRCM installed, and A_Darker_Peragus_REDUX_Vanilla if you don't)
    To Uninstall:
    1) Replace the .mod files in your Modules folder with the .mod files found in the Backup folder
    created by the TSLPatcher,
    2) Replace the placeables.2DA in your Override with the placeables.2DA from the Backup folder, and
    3) Copy all of the TGA MDX and TXI files from the TSLPatchdata folder to your Override
    (let them overwrite files if they’re already there), and then delete them all from it

    Permissions: Please inform me if you would like to use this mod or its assets in your own projects.
    Credits: Canderis for his permission in making a compatibility for his mod and for teaching me how to
    edit lightmaps to darken levels with his own mod A Darker Peragus;
    FairStrides for his endless insight, his BGR-RGB Converter,
    and for packaging this mod’s install as well as walking me through the process,
    LiliArch for her research into editing assets within the GIT
    and teaching me what a ColorTweak variable is; Darth Sapiens for his resource Cubemap Pack to make the
    Spacesuit snazzy; The rest of the Deadlystream community for their continued support and enthusiasm;
    TK102’s KGFF for its easy to use interface and raw GIT editing power;
    Fred Tetra for making KOTORTool which is still my favorite modding utility;
    Adobe for their Photoshop; Obsidian for making KOTOR2 in the first place;
    Bioware for starting the KOTOR craze in the first place;
    and George Lucas for starting all of the Star Wars insanity.


       (8 reviews)



  8. Kyle Katarn Head

    This mod adds a head based on Kyle Katarn from the Jedi Knight series. The head itself is a heavily modified pmhc07 with a skin painted from scratch in a higher resolution.
    Installation: Press "Install Kyle Katarn.exe" and follow the instructions.
    Removal: Remove the relevant .mdl, mdx and .tga files and put back the .2da files stored in the backup folder
    I do not give permission for this mod to be reuploaded to other sites and/or sources without my knowledge.


       (9 reviews)



  9. Handmaiden Redone

    This is a reskin for the Last Handmaiden. It also has a "Handmaiden for Females" option.


       (3 reviews)

    1 comment


  10. Thinner HUD Elements

    This mod makes some of the HUD elements thinner, and a bit less chunky.
    The part items and powers menus have had the sides of each section cut out,
    and the up and down arrows made narrower. The 'hostile' powers and items menu,
    which appears above enemies, has also been thinned out in the same way.
    The combat action queue has been slightly streamlined.
    The combat reticle which apears over the currently-targeted enemy has been replaced.
    The party's health and force power bars have also been thinned.
    N.B.: This mod has only been tested at 1280x768 resolution on the PC.
    It does not replace the Xbox versions of the UI,
    and may not work at lower resolutions.
    Just drop the files into
    your Override folder.
    Take them out again.


       (7 reviews)



  11. Force Power Progression

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Here we have a mod by our newest staff member JediShemL. This mod changes the way each Jedi Class gains their Force Powers per level. Every now and then your jedi will get two powers, then next level he will get one. It is pretty much random the way he has set it up. As for balance, I would have to say this mod is as balanced as it could be. The noticable difference that this mod has to other feat/force power gain mods is that it changes the rate at which your specific class gains powers.
    - JediKilla


       (3 reviews)



  12. Darth Nihilus Robes

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Sith Lords are so cool, I love the way the game creators and movie directors make them. They are just so evil and awesome looking. A lot of them like Darth Sion, Darth Revan, and even Darth Vader (for the time that they created him in) had awesome looking clothing and were just SO immensely evil. That is the on thing the Jedi never had though, I mean they did look cool but not as cool as some of the Sith Lords. There also were other types of Sith Lords that just looked plain freaky; actually I should say there was one Sith Lord that took that part because really there was only one and that one Sith Lord was Darth Nihilus. He was just so freaky lookin� that he made you think he could beat you with one swipe of his saber, but we all know that is not true. Anyway though speaking of Darth Nihilus lets get into the review.
    To put it simple this mod that Shem made will let you get Darth Nihilus�s robes in game without having to type a long boring cheat or go through rigorous trials to get it. The robe will show up in the game twice, one on Korriban and once on Dxun. They both will be using a custom icon for these types of robes as an icon and both will have a Datapad which I don�t think will have anything to do with the mod. Needless to say though I am sure this will definitely be a preferred way to get these robes in game.
    I really have to say Shem this is a very simple but very awesome mod. So really good job. Now to all of you people out there just dying to get you hands on this one of a kind mod... enjoy.
    Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.


       (2 reviews)



  13. Kreia's Hood Down

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Ah, Kreia. Wise teacher or corroded hag? Hate to love her or love to hate her, she is one of the most memorable parts of K2. And, as some of you have seen in the KOTOR2 Restoration project teaser, she is capable of removing her concealing hood and revealing herself.
    Shem's mod allows Kreia to take off that hood when she speaks to Exile, allowing her face to be seen. This will benefit fan writers and artists greatly as we can now get a solid look at her face and hair from various angles. As you can see, Atton may have been right - she is still rather striking.
    Once again, I do ask that you give feedback for this mod. It's the only payment a fan artist gets, and the more detailed it is, the better the mods we can make in the future.
    Review by Allronix


       (3 reviews)



  14. Feat Progression for TSL

    Original Review on FIlefront:
    Well this is fun.. two awesome mods from Shem in one day. It is not surprising though, Shem is an awesome modder and when he puts out a mod he goes all out. It looks like this one is the counterpart to the one I just reviewed last. Well I know that you all have heard my speech from the last one so I am going to get right into the review.
    This mod is actually very unique in several ways 1 it deals with the way your characters gain feats, 2 it uses a 2da file that is really not used very much, and three well it is just plain cool. What this mod does is it upgrades the amount of feats you gain on every level up cycle. That way instead of getting maybe 1 or 2 feats you are going to be getting double that or more depending on your class. This mod also gives you feats based on class like lets say for example you were a bounty hunter, it will try give you more feats based on that class. So you can definitely see how this mod would come in handy throughout the entire game.
    So like I said before on the last review I did, I have to hand it to you Shem. Not only did you make a way cool mod you made it for both games. That takes real skill and patients, so I have to commend you on that one. Now to all of you out there just waiting to get your hands on this.... enjoy.
    Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.


       (6 reviews)



  15. Prequel Sabers

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Here we have a mod that will add the various colour lightsabers to the game. They come in blue, red, green, and purple, white and also just for the people here who download here at some bonus colours! Now I wont disclose what the new colours are, hehe you'll just have to see for yourself
    I find the colours to be very much like the ones in the movies, more-so episodes One, Two and Three. The only colour I don't like is the yellow colour. I feel it should be a bit brighter to further extentuate it's power. But none the less these are very well made and add more variation to the defaults. You have a nice eye for detail.
    Keep up the great work.
    - JediKilla


       (3 reviews)



  16. Exile's Atris-style Robes

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Before we get into the review, we should all give a big hand to mjpb3 and Oldflash for making these robes possible.
    Now you're wanting to know what I'm talking about, I'm sure. This mod gives a set of playable Atris-style robes for the female Exile. That's right! Those same robes Atris wears. Well, not the same. These robes, a Jedi and Sith version, are brown and black respectively. They also have some very nice stats, but there are quite a few of them so I won't list them here. Just take my word for it that they're handy stats to have.
    You will receive these robes in normal gameplay when Kreia joins your party. Shem uses his usual wit to come up with a great way to have these puppies drop into your inventory as soon as she joins your party by placing them in Kreia's shield slots. Since this is an incompatible item for that slot, they simply "fall off" right into your inventory! Is that ingenius or what? So yes, you will receive both of these robes, relatively early on, without needing to use cheats.
    "But I've already started a game!" you might say. That's where cheats or the KotOR savegame editor will come in handy. To use cheats, simply type "giveitem exilef1" for the Sith robes, or "giveitem exilef2" for the Jedi robes. Shem has also made this mod compatible with his own Prequel Style Robes mod. One last goodie is that there are two versions of this mod: one for black females and another for asian/caucasion females, so you won't have to worry about having caucasian hands if you play one of the black female characters!
    This mod is a must have, as is the original by mjpb3, so if you're looking to spice up your TSL experience for your female character I strongly recommend it. No sense in letting Atris have those cool robes to herself, is there?
    Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.


       (2 reviews)



  17. Prequel-style Robes

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Fans of the prequels should be happy with this very large set of prequel-inspired robes - 28 in all. There are various color combinations to choose from, and Shem has also gone as far as to include customized robes for each trainable (or Jedi) member of your party. Even Bao-Dur has a special "Jedi robe" (armor that acts as a robe, since he can not wear them). The robes have modified stats and come in a pretty wide variety of colors, though the colors seem restricted to something a Jedi might actually consider wearing. Sorry, no Hawaiian robes!
    Still asking yourself why you should download this mod? Each customized robe has some very good (but not unbalanced) stat bonuses and perks. They are-- Ha, you didn't think I was going to tell you, did you? Go play and find out for yourself! That's half the fun anyway .
    Just as a note, this is mod is best played starting from a new game if you want the greatest effect as quickly as possible with as few complications as possible. This also contains a fix for older versions for a bug concerning Bao Dur's robe.


       (3 reviews)



  18. Real Names + Addon

    Original Review on Filefront (Base mod):
    Personally I couldn't care less if the handmaidens name in the game is "handmaiden" or the Disciple is "Disciple" for that matter. But if your a total KOTOR2 freak you may want this
    Original Review on Filefront (Addon):
    Now this is more like it. Not only did the author change the name but he made Canderous/Mandalore more powerful Sweet little mod. The first mod can be found here;43942


       (2 reviews)



  19. Bao-Dur Wears Jedi Robes

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Anyone remember the history to do with this? A while ago (well over a year) on Holowan, getting Bao-Dur into Jedi robes was all but impossible - the models simply didn't mesh, and his head always floated above the robes some. Thankfully, Kristy Kistic was able to remedy the issue, but the mod was never released - until now, that is.
    Well, it basically does what I said there - fixes Bao-Dur's head, and causes it to no longer float above his head when he wears any robes. A much-needed fix indeed, for those of you who like to train him as a Jedi. Kudos to Shem for bringing this to the public at long last, and Kristy for making it in the first place!
    Anyways, to install this thing just run the TSLPatcher - it modifies appearance.2da. And also remember to cheat in one of his robes if you install this mod while having Bao-Dur in your party - the codes are 'baodurjedi' and 'baodursith' for the respective light and dark side-aligned ones.
    Note: Please remember to give the author of the mod feedback, as the download count isn't particularly verbose. Written comments tend to be much more useful and encouraging.
    -Emperor Devon


       (5 reviews)



  20. Custom Party Member Portraits

    Original Review on FIlefront:
    As promised, the Knights of the Old Republic II update of Shem's Custom Party Member Portraits mod is here! For those of you unfamiliar with the mod, Shem has replaced all of the party member portraits--and I mean all party members. The new portraits are close-up screenshots on a light-colored background, as opposed to the hand-drawn style of the originals.
    Now, one of the major differences between KotOR I and KotOR II is that in K1 there are only nine party members, and that was it. Well, ten if you include Trask. And you can't change any of their alignments (without cheating ), so they have no dark side transitions. Well, in K2, everything changes. There are a total of twelve party members, several of which have dark side transitions. And of course Shem has made new portraits for each party member, dark side transitions included. Note that this only applies to the five trainable Jedi: Atton, Bao-Dur, Brianna the Handmaiden, Mical the Disciple, and Mira. If and when they fall to the dark side, they will get the Sith eyes featured in one of Shem's other mods. Visas doesn't have any eyes, so instead she gets a different color background, and she faces in a different direction. Oh, and Bao-Dur also has his dark side tattoos.
    Now, remember how I said that every party member gets a portrait? Well, yup, all of them, including C3-FD, that little utility droid from the Prologue (for those of you who even play it ), as well as temporary characters B-4D4 and Bao-Dur's remote. And even Atris gets a new portrait, even though she's not actually a party member; there is some evidence that the developers intended for her to be one originally, since they took the time to make her a portrait, and some her files have the "Player_" prefix reserved for party members. In any case, Shem decided to give Atris a new portrait, for fun (apparently ).
    And not only that, but there are a few alternates to choose from. Just like in the K1 version, HK-47 gets an alternate portrait, featuring the smart-mouthed assassin droid brandishing one of his beloved blaster rifles. Also included is an alternate portrait for Kreia her hood off, to go along with another mod Shem released, and Mandalore/Canderous with his helmet off, since Obsidian made a Canderous model with his helmet off, but never had time to add it to the game.
    Not much else to say. If you like the new portraits, then click the download button now. Enjoy!
    NOTE: Please leave comments/feedback for the author, especially if you download and use this mod; usually it's the only reward modders receive for their efforts.


       (5 reviews)



  21. Sith Assassins -- With Lightsabers

    Original Review on Filefront:
    This mod works very well for what it is intended to do. When I was playing Knights Of the Old Republic II I always found it strange that the sith assassins did not use lightsabers as their weapons. This mod fixes that, and it does it without any errors as far as I can see.
    Nice work, keep on fixing the game for us.
    - Enterprise2002


       (10 reviews)



  22. Ultimate Sound Mod

    TSL version only!
    Original Review on Filefront:
    The ear is impressively good at distinguishing the most minute of differences between sounds, however without a context or direct comparison it can do an amazingly poor job at just that. This is why judging a sound mod just from listening to the sounds won't give you a clear picture of how good (or bad) the mod really is. From listening to the sound files from this mod out of game, they didn't sound all that impressive. However from experience I know these findings are generally inaccurate. Testing this mod in-game proved just that.
    Just from the saber ignite sounds I knew this was going to be a very popular sound mod. Try it out and you'll see what I mean. Shem has taken some of the sound effects from the recent (as well as older) films and put them into KotOR and KotOR2. This not only adds a wider variety of sound variation, since the styles between the two trilogies are actually quite distinct, but it also simply improves the sounds, making them all the more impressive. Of course not only the saber ignition sounds have been changed. All the saber sounds, basically, have been enhanced, as well as several of the blaster sounds, using familiar sounds such as those from Han Solo's DL-44 pistol. Several Force sounds have also been changed, and luckily changing the Force saber throw sound to something that actually sounds like a saber has been a key change!
    This is definitely a mod to look into if you're either disappointed with KotOR or KotOR2's original sounds, or if you just enjoy hearing new sound variations added to the game. I'd certainly recommend it.
    Note: If I didn't make it clear in the review, this mod is compatible with both KotOR1 and KotOR2, so you can use it with either. Simply make sure to read the read-me before installing.


       (4 reviews)

    1 comment


  23. Enhanced Merchants

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Well again Shem brings us another one of his awesome merchant mods and this time it is for TSL so you all can tell this is going to be really cool. This one does bascially the same thing as the K1 version of this mod but with a twist, it is for TSL. Again this does upgrade a good majority of the merchants in TSL like it did in K1... 90% to be exact. Now as before he wasd thinking of all of you guys who just have too much moeny for your own good, so now also in TSL you can get rid of those pesky credits that you just seem to accumulate. So all in all like I said in my last review of the K1 version of this mod I really do find it quite beneficial and overall great to have in the game.
    Now as I said my personal opinion of this mod is that it is a real asset to the game andI think he did a great job on it, I also do highly recommend putting it into your game just to have all of those benefits. Anway though as always enjoy and please make sure you downloads this one right away...Enjoy people!
    Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.


       (3 reviews)

    1 comment


  24. Invisible Headgear

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Masks are as much a part of Star Wars as Wookiees or the Sith. The only problem with those masks like I said in my review of Shem's KotOR I version of this mod is that they look a bit... silly. Very few masks have the certain something needed to make the wearer look cool.
    Now if you're like me and of course my good friend Shem you think the same thing. So how do we get rid of the eyesores that give us enhanced feats, attributes, and skills without giving up the bonuses that come along with them? Well that is where Shem comes in. He has devised an ingenious way to get rid of them without giving up those certain bonuses. The solution is just to make them invisible.
    By using the "Null" model in the game and renaming it to portray all of the default masks in the game he has successfully made them invisible. So no more of the "should I wear this mask or does it make my character look stupid" dilemma. You can just get an invisible mask on and wear it with pride.
    So I really have to say awesome job Shem. Not only did you make all of those fashion statements you did it for both games! So really GOOD JOB. Now to all of you TSL freaks who have been itching to get your hands on this... Enjoy!
    Also, sorry for the long delay everybody.
    Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.


       (8 reviews)



  25. Realistic Visual Effects

    Original Review on Filefront:
    As promised, the KotOR II version of Shem's Realistic Visual Effects mod is up! Because I'm lazy, I'll quote parts of the KotOR I review...

    All those nasty visual effects are gone with this mod. There are too many to count, and you'll probably want to see for yourself anyway, but here are the basics:

    As far as I can tell, this mod is identical to the KotOR I version, because in essence there weren't more annoying visuals in KotOR II, just more of the same. For those of you who are as annoyed by the special effects as I am, this mod is just for you! Also, it should come in handy for those fan film makers out there. Enjoy!  

    The mod does use the TSL Patcher, of course, since this is a major edit of the visualeffects.2da file. But you'll need WinRAR or 7Zip to extract the files in the first place.
    NOTE: Please leave comments/feedback for the author, especially if you download and use this mod; usually it's the only reward modders receive for their efforts.


       (6 reviews)

