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Found 26 results

  1. Version 1.6


    KOTOR II: The Sith Lords Community Patch Original Mod Development/Inception: A Future Pilot Current Editor/Maintainer: @JCarter426 Contact: PM at Original Release Date: June 14, 2018 Prior Version Release Date: December 10, 2022 Current Version: v1.6.0 Release Date: February 17, 2025 1. Description: This mod is a compilation of various bugfix mods put together with the intention of fixing all the known bugs with the last official patch of KOTOR 2. A huge thanks to all of the mod authors who created these mods, and gave me permission to include them in this patch. 2. Install: Run INSTALL.exe and navigate to your K2 install folder. Generally speaking, this mod should be installed before anything else, except mods that do hard edits/overwrites of 2DA, TLK or MOD (module) files. 3. Uninstall: Given the complexity of this mod, a clean install of KOTOR II is recommended. However, you can check through the installation log file if you wish to undo the changes made. 4. List of included mods and fixes (alphabetical by author): A Future Pilot: Running in outer space makes you look like a squirrel injected with caffeine Ashton Scorpius: Malak had some oral hygiene problems: TSL Jedi Malak Mouth Fix 1.1.0 bead-v: The Ebon Hawk has a couple panels with bad models: Ebon Hawk Model Fixes 2.0 danil-ch: In the prologue there are remote clones instead of sensor droids: Prologue Sensor Droids Fix A number of textures don't use shaders: Textures Improvement Project DarthParametric: There are multiple issues with the Harbinger level geometry: Harbinger Hull Fixes 1.1 The Zeison Sha armour for males (PMBMM) is unable to properly perform a two-handed grip during weapon animations: Get a Grip! Zeison Sha Armour Male Model Fix 1.0 There are some minor level geometry issues in the Peragus Administration level: Peragus Administration Level Room Model Fixes 1.0 The head texture for Visas has a poor quality mask for its environment map and incorrectly uses her skin colour for the inside of her mouth The female player head PFHA04 has some clipping issues with the right eyeball and eyelid (reported by Soka) The female player head PFHA05 has incorrect UVs for the upper teeth, causing them to be flesh-coloured (reported by ebmar) The Ebon Hawk's medbay has some bad lightmaps and the camera can clip through its walls (suggested by JCarter426) The Ebon Hawk's interior had various minor additional geometry/lightmap issues not addressed by bead-v's mod The Bumani Exchange Corp. module lacked a skybox/starscape (reported by JCarter426) Mandalore is missing the helmet filter effect on one of his lines (reported by Sniggles) War Droid texture variants didn't properly display the blaster texture (Reported by Sith Holocron) When Kreia first wakes up in the Peragus Administration Level morgue, it's possible to briefly see her body disappear FF97: Khoonda’s flag was missing its texture: Khoonda Flag Fix 1.0.0 GearHead: Droids were erroneously unable to equip claw weapons: KotOR2 Droid Claw Fix 1.0.0 Droids wielding two blasters fired only one shot when using Power Blast: KotOR2 HK-47 Power Blast Fix 1.0.0 JCarter426: Various issues: JC's Minor Fixes for K2 1.5 T3-M4 and the HK units lacked shaders: JC's Shader Fixes for K2 1.1 Various fixes for which feats characters can select: JC's Feat Fixes for K2 1.2 T3-M4 was missing VO and some Gand VO was misplaced: JC's VO Fix for K2 1.2 The Republic soldier body models have been improved: JC’s Republic Soldier Fix for K2 1.1 (with DarthParametric lending a hand) TSLRCM’s Zhug encounter on Nar Shaddaa had a couple issues: JC’s Zhug Attack Fix for TSLRCM 1.1 Strength Gauntlets were missing from random loot. Peragus items have had their stats unified across all areas. They will also now stack in the inventory menu. Party puppets such as Bao-Dur’s remote would erroneously trip the stealth sensor in the jungle tomb mission (reported by Sniggles) Malak's flashback lightsaber has a long blade, matching its appearance in the first game (inspired by Marius Fett's Secret Tomb Lightsaber Fixes) Kainzorus Prime: Boma beasts have black between their teeth: Boma Beast Teeth Fix 1.0 The model in the galaxy map for Peragus looks nothing like it: Peragus Galaxy Map Change LiliArch: The broken item icon, and Grenn's case icon are incorrect LoneWanderer: The damage penalty for mining lasers did not actually apply, so the mining lasers have been implemented as a different item type. LOTO: Texture fixes: Female Asian Head 6 Dark Side Texture Fix 1.0.0 Marauder: A number of items have wrong descriptions or properties: Marauder Fix Pack 1.0.3 N-DReW25: The Serocco guard has a VO that used the wrong actor: Serroco Guard VO Fix 1.0 It's possible to not be able to get a starport visa if you let a bounty hunter go: Bounty Hunter Starport Visa Fix 1.0 ndix UR: One of the player heads wasn't able to blink or move his eyes: PMHC06 Fixed for TSL PapaZinos: The speeder on Nar Shaddaa clipped through the railing: Don't Let Kreia Fly Your Speeder! 1.0.0 Khoonda’s turrets had the wrong appearance: Khoonda Turrets Model Repair 1.0.0 Model fixes: Nar Shaddaa Docks Repair 1.1.0 Model fixes: Nar Shaddaa Landing Pad Repair Model fixes: Telos Model Repairs 1.0.0 Model fixes: TSL Turrets Model Repair 1.0.0 Model fixes: Ultimate Citadel Station Repairs 1.0.0 Model fixes: Ultimate Ebon Hawk Repairs for TSL 2.0.2 The full version of the mod at the link of the above includes some alternative animated texture options. Model fixes: Ultimate Harbinger Repairs 2.0.1 Model fixes: Ultimate Peragus Models Repair 1.3.0 Squall Lionheart: PMHH01 has some issues: PMHH01 Fixed Thor110: Model fixes: Dantooine & Coruscant Model Fix 1.0.0 (Dantooine only) Model fixes: Gamorrean Shadow Fix 1.0.1 Model fixes: Sentry Droid Animation Fix 1.0.0 VarsityPuppet: Some doors were oriented wrong: Side Opening Doors on Malachor ZimmMaster: The walking and running animations are janky: Movement Animation Fix for Both KOTOR and TSL 5. Bugs: These are the currently known bugs with KOTOR II or the mod that the K2CP is looking to resolve: If you find any others, please report them. 6. Permissions: Due to this mod being a compilation from many different authors, please do not distribute it. 7. Special Thanks/Acknowledgements: · All of the mod authors who have helped make this patch a reality - thank you! · Fred Tetra - For KOTOR Tool · tk102 - For DLGEditor and K-GFF · JdNoa/Dashus - For DeNCS · Stoffe - For TSLPatcher · bead-v - For MDLEdit and KOTORMax · ndix UR - For TGA2TPC, TPCView, and MDLOps v1.0+ · seedhartha - For KOTORBlender fork for Blender 2.8+ · Fair Strides - For various tools and updates to older tools · DrMcCoy - For Xoreos Tools · Snigaroo - For maintaining mod builds on the KOTOR Community Portal · danil-ch - For the original info.rtf template THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS MODIFICATION IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS MODIFICATION.
  2. Version 1.3


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 Author: N-DReW25 1.3.0 Release Date: 22.03.2025 INSTALLATION: (It is highly recommended that you update your game to version 2.10 (the 1.0b update) before installing this mod.) As this is an add-on for TSLRCM, TSLRCM 1.8.6 is REQUIRED. It will not work otherwise, so have that installed first. As this is a patch for Extended Enclave, Extended Enclave 2.5.2 is REQUIRED. It will not work otherwise. Install the Extended Enclave mod AFTER TSLRCM and BEFORE the Extended Enclave Tweaks. The Extended Enclave Tweaks used the M4-78 versions of the Enclave dialogues, if you aren't using M4-78EP none of the M4-78 restricted content should be activated (There exists some weird easter egg ending where, if you kill Vrook, Kavar and Zez-Kai Ell then you can save Vash only to kill her in the Enclave.) To install, extract the Extended Enclave Tweaks folder to anywhere you like, as long as it is not the SWKotOR2 folder. When you run the installer, it will present you with two options, the option "Main Installation" is REQUIRED as it installs the base mod and "CARTH FIX" is OPTIONAL, select "Main Installation" first and run it. "CARTH FIX" can be installed after "Main Installation", this option fixes an inconsistency with Carth's armor as seen in TSLRCM. DO NOT USE THIS OPTION if you use DarthParametric's "TOR Ports: KOTOR Comic Republic Uniforms Admiralty Patch" Description: This is a patch for the Extended Enclave mod which extends version the Rebuilt Enclave sequence with new restored dialogue, scenes and other missing content. The following scenes have been modified: 1. "Tobin's Corruption" Colonel Tobin has several head textures in the game files- his main head texture, his Dark Side transition for his end game appearance, and a partial Dark Side transition. This patch will restore the partial Dark Side transition for Tobin's cutscene during the Enclave section of the game. 2. "Admiration" Scenes in the Jedi Enclave where the dialogue shows an animated fly-by camera have now been made unskippable for the duration of the camera, this was done to allow players to admire the scene for a brief moment rather than skipping it like you can in vanilla. 3. "Disciple's Choice." The "Disciple's Choice" restored content has been moved from the Ebon Hawk to the Enclave. Once inside the Enclave, Kreia telepathically goads Disciple into telling the Republic what's happening but in doing so, he'd endanger the Exile. 3. "Disciple's Distress Call" Knowing that Kreia is a Sith and that the Exile and Jedi were in danger, the Disciple contacts Atris, who in turn sends her Handmaidens to Dantooine. Atton will acknowledge this in the post-Enclave scene. 4. "Alternate Lines." A handful of 'alternate lines' exist within the Enclave files, these have been restored. 5. "Restructuring." Certain dialogue replied have been restructured so that you don't unknowingly skip past dialogue content by accident. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but youu find any just report it to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Report any incompatibilities to me on Permissions: This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the authors. Thanks and Credits: danil-ch & Darth Hayze: Extended Enclave mod and associated files Zbyl2: Help with getting it ready for TSLRCM 1.8.6 Leilukin: For her amazing Partywap compatibility patch Sith Holocron: The Awesome logo and screenshot edits Exile007: Sion related files LoneWanderer: Extensive Beta Testing and identifying solutions to 1.0.0 bugs Alex Star: Discovering the Sion Harbinger and Atris Academy Bypass bugs in version 1.0.0 TSLRCM Team: TSLRCM 1.8.6 and associated files Bioware: For such an amazing game Obsidian: For such an amazing sequel and for keeping the cut content in the files Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool Everyone who downloads the mod! Extended Enclave Credits: danil-ch and Darth Hayze: Pretty much most stuff, this included lots of scripting, vo splicing, picking up slack when one of us dissapeared, etc... Thanks go the entire TSLRCM team; your work has been outstanding. Hassat Hunter; for help with getting it ready for TSLRCM 1.8.2 Sith Holocron; for suggesting a mod collaboration and the cool logo zbyl2; for help with getting it ready for TSLRCM 1.8.3 Exile007; for contribuitng his early work on the Sion scenes TESTERS: Loki147, Malkior Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  3. Version 1.10.0


    The K1 Community Patch (K1CP) is a compilation of previous bugfix mods and a multitude of new original fixes put together with the intention of resolving the many and various issues that KOTOR has. This includes some well-known game breaking bugs/softlocks, broken quests, inaccessible content, as well as lesser issues such as problems in conversations, visual inconsistencies, player annoyances, etc. The intention is for the changes to be as seamless as possible, fixing and improving things whilst still retaining the original developer intent. A huge thanks to all of the mod authors who created these mods, and allowed them to be included in this patch! Unfortunately, the individual list of changes has grown far too long to be included in this post. However, you can view a detailed breakdown of each author's individual contributions in the included readme file and a summary of the changes the current version has made since the previous release in the changelog file. List of Contributing Authors (alphabetical): A Future Pilot blennus danil-ch darthbdaman DarthParametric Ebmar Frykas Gimmick5000 jc2 JCarter426 Kainzorus Prime Kexikus KOTOR 1 Restoration Team Leilukin Markus Ramikin N-DReW25 ndix UR R2-X2 Red Hessian Salk th3w1zard1 Thrak Farelle WildKarrde Installation: Run INSTALL.exe and navigate to your K1 install folder. Generally speaking, this mod should be installed before anything else, except mods that do hard edits/overwrites of 2DA, TLK or MOD (module) files. Warning: Never run the installer from inside the archive! Always extract the archive onto your hard drive first. N.B.: With the advent of version 1.10.0, K1CP has migrated away from the use of TSLPatcher and switched to HoloPatcher. This allows for additional patching functionality and resolves some bugs encountered with TSLPatcher. HoloPatcher is also multi-platform. The bundled installer is the Windows version, but Mac and Linux users can download the appropriate installer for their system here. It is highly recommended that you do not install the game on your system's C drive, especially in Program Files. Windows can have permissions issues when trying to install the mod to a C drive destination. If you are using the Steam version of the game and have installed Steam in its default Program Files location, we advise creating a new Steam Library on a different drive and moving the game there via the game's Properties pop-up in Steam. Translation: The mod now has translations in French and Russian, available as separate patches. To use, first download the base K1CP v1.10.0 archive and extract it to your harddrive. Download your translation patch of choice and extract its contents into K1CP's tslpatchdata folder. Proceed to install the mod as normal. Traduction (Français - Harlockin): Le mod a maintenant des traductions en français et en russe, disponibles sous forme de patchs séparés. Pour l'utiliser, téléchargez d'abord l'archive de base de K1CP v1.10.0 et extrayez-la sur votre disque dur. Téléchargez le patch de traduction de votre choix et extrayez son contenu dans le dossier tslpatchdata de K1CP. Procédez à l'installation du mod comme d'habitude. Переводы (Русский - olegkuz1997): Мод теперь включает в себя переводы на французский и русский языки, доступные в виде отдельных патчей. Для использования сперва скачайте базовый архив K1CP v1.10.0 и распакуйте его на жесткий диск. Скачайте нужный вам патч с переводом и извлеките его содержимое с заменой в папку tslpatchdata K1CP. После чего приступите к установке мода как обычно. Compatibility/Known Issues: K1CP uses module injection in an attempt to remain as compatible as possible with other mods. This may result in issues with mods that simply put files in the Override folder. It is recommended that you consult the individual authors of any large scale mods, particularly those that edit DLGs and scripts, as to whether their work is compatible with K1CP. Some mods will likely require updates, some may need to be installed in a specific order, whilst others may be fundamentally incompatible. K1CP currently only supports the English language version of the game, and makes a number of edits to the TLK file in English. If anyone is able to provide translations of these changes to other languages, please let us know. The KOTOR 1 Restoration (K1R) mod is incompatible with K1CP, however there is ongoing work to re-create the K1R mod for K1CP: These are the currently known bugs/issues with KOTOR or the mod that the K1CP is looking to resolve: If you find any others, especially with changes/additions K1CP makes, please report them on the Github issue page or here on Deadly Stream so they can be addressed. Be sure to include as much information as possible, including a list of all the other mods you have installed, the order you installed them in, steps to reproduce the problem, along with screenshots and save files, if appropriate. You may also be directed to provide the install log file, a list of the contents of your Override folder, and specific MOD files from your modules folder. Uninstallation: Given the complexity of this mod, a clean install of KOTOR is the recommended approach for uninstalling K1CP. However, HoloPatcher does provide uninstall Shell (Bash) and PowerShell scripts which will work as long as K1CP was the most recent mod installed. Permissions: Due to this mod being a compilation from many different authors, please do not distribute/rehost it. Acknowledgements: All of the mod authors who have helped make this patch a reality - thank you! - especially for agreeing to distribution outside of Deadly Stream Fred Tetra - For KOTOR Tool tk102 - For DLGEditor and K-GFF JdNoa/Dashus - For DeNCS stoffe - For TSLPatcher/ChangeEdit/TalkEd bead-v - For MDLEdit and KOTORMax ndix UR - For TGA2TPC, TPCView, and MDLOps v1.0+ seedhartha - For KOTORBlender fork for Blender 2.8+ Cortisol - For Holocron Toolset and HoloPatcher/PyKotor th3w1zard1 - For additional customisation and feature improvement of HoloPatcher Fair Strides - For various tools and updates to older tools DrMcCoy - For Xoreos Tools Snigaroo - For maintaining mod builds at danil-ch - For the original info.rtf template Many thanks to ebmar, Salk, and KnifeMaster for providing numerous bug reports and beta testing certain fixes THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSEES/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS MODIFICATION IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER BY THE USAGE OF THIS MODIFICATION.
  4. Version 1.0.1


    THIS IS A PATCH, ORIGINAL MOD BY EXISTENTIAL SELKATH IS STILL REQUIRED The purpose of this mod is to provide a patch to finally be able to use Existential Selkath's excellent HK Overhaul mod in Kotor 2. I was hoping for Existential Selkath to release their own version of this but after seeing the following comment by them it seemed to me like they mostly gave up on doing so, thus I decided to release my own. This patch does not include any of the incredible texture work by Existential Selkath, it only patches the model to bring it to work within TSL. This patch also makes it so the model uses the new TSL animations and includes Marius Fett's HK-47 Disabled Animation Eye Fix Mod. A disabled HK-47 will have its eyes turned off. Original Mod: ------------------------------ Installation ------------------------------ Download Existential Selkath's original mod, and copy its contents to your TSL Override directory. Once that is done, run the TSL Patcher found with this mod. ------------------------------ Uninstallation ------------------------------ Copy the appearance.2da found in the backup directory back to override. Then delete the new p_hk47.mdl and p_hk47.mdx files.
  5. Version 1.0.0b1


    A very simple CLI-based tool that'll take a folder of GUIs made for one resolution and patch them to work for another resolution. Please report any bugs. Simply input the path to the GUI file (or folder of GUI files) and the output location, your desired resolution, and let it work. GUI Resizer CLI Tool Overview This is a simple command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to adjust and scale GUI (Graphical User Interface) files based on different screen resolutions. The tool reads `.gui` files from the popular game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and adjusts the layout to fit various resolutions and aspect ratios. It supports multiple resolutions and can handle batch processing of files. Features Multi-Resolution Support: The tool can adjust GUI files to fit several resolutions across different aspect ratios, such as 16:9, 16:10, 4:3, 5:4, 21:9, 3:2, and 1:1. Batch Processing: You can process multiple GUI files at once, making it easy to adjust a whole directory of files. Logging: Outputs logs to track the processing of files, including which resolutions were processed and where the output files are saved. Cross-Platform: Works on Windows, Linux, and macOS with Python 3.8+. Usage Basic Command To run the tool, use the following command: python3 --input <input-path> --output <output-path> --resolution <resolution> Parameters --input: The path to the `.gui` file(s) you want to process. You can specify a single file or a directory containing multiple `.gui` files. --output: The directory where the processed files will be saved. --resolution: The target resolution(s). Use the format `WIDTHxHEIGHT` (e.g., `1920x1080`). You can also specify `ALL` to process all common resolutions. Example To convert all `.gui` files in the directory `input_files/` to fit a 1920x1080 resolution and save them to the `output_files/` directory, run: python3 --input input_files/ --output output_files/ --resolution 1920x1080 Logging If logging is enabled, a log file named `output.log` will be created in the specified output directory. This file will contain details of the processing operations performed. How It Works 1. Input Handling: The tool takes in `.gui` files or directories containing these files and reads them using the `pykotor` library. 2. Resolution Scaling: The tool scales the GUI elements based on the specified target resolution(s). It calculates scale factors based on the original dimensions of the GUI and applies these factors to resize elements accordingly. 3. Output Generation: The processed GUI files are then saved to the specified output directory, organized by resolution. Credit: Cortisol for PyKotor (90% of the code) DarthParametric for testing and brainstorming the idea
  6. View File KOTOR 1 Community Patch The K1 Community Patch (K1CP) is a compilation of previous bugfix mods and a multitude of new original fixes put together with the intention of resolving the many and various issues that KOTOR has. This includes some well-known game breaking bugs/softlocks, broken quests, inaccessible content, as well as lesser issues such as problems in conversations, visual inconsistencies, player annoyances, etc. The intention is for the changes to be as seamless as possible, fixing and improving things whilst still retaining the original developer intent. A huge thanks to all of the mod authors who created these mods, and allowed them to be included in this patch! Unfortunately, the individual list of changes has grown far too long to be included in this post. However, you can view a detailed breakdown of each author's individual contributions in the included readme file and a summary of the changes the current version has made since the previous release in the changelog file. List of Contributing Authors (alphabetical): A Future Pilot blennus danil-ch darthbdaman DarthParametric Ebmar Frykas Gimmick5000 jc2 JCarter426 Kainzorus Prime Kexikus KOTOR 1 Restoration Team Leilukin Markus Ramikin N-DReW25 ndix UR R2-X2 Red Hessian Salk th3w1zard1 Thrak Farelle WildKarrde Installation: Run INSTALL.exe and navigate to your K1 install folder. Generally speaking, this mod should be installed before anything else, except mods that do hard edits/overwrites of 2DA, TLK or MOD (module) files. Warning: Never run the installer from inside the archive! Always extract the archive onto your hard drive first. N.B.: With the advent of version 1.10.0, K1CP has migrated away from the use of TSLPatcher and switched to HoloPatcher. This allows for additional patching functionality and resolves some bugs encountered with TSLPatcher. HoloPatcher is also multi-platform. The bundled installer is the Windows version, but Mac and Linux users can download the appropriate installer for their system here. It is highly recommended that you do not install the game on your system's C drive, especially in Program Files. Windows can have permissions issues when trying to install the mod to a C drive destination. If you are using the Steam version of the game and have installed Steam in its default Program Files location, we advise creating a new Steam Library on a different drive and moving the game there via the game's Properties pop-up in Steam. Translation: The mod now has translations in French and Russian, available as separate patches. To use, first download the base K1CP v1.10.0 archive and extract it to your harddrive. Download your translation patch of choice and extract its contents into K1CP's tslpatchdata folder. Proceed to install the mod as normal. Traduction (Français - Harlockin): Le mod a maintenant des traductions en français et en russe, disponibles sous forme de patchs séparés. Pour l'utiliser, téléchargez d'abord l'archive de base de K1CP v1.10.0 et extrayez-la sur votre disque dur. Téléchargez le patch de traduction de votre choix et extrayez son contenu dans le dossier tslpatchdata de K1CP. Procédez à l'installation du mod comme d'habitude. Переводы (Русский - olegkuz1997): Мод теперь включает в себя переводы на французский и русский языки, доступные в виде отдельных патчей. Для использования сперва скачайте базовый архив K1CP v1.10.0 и распакуйте его на жесткий диск. Скачайте нужный вам патч с переводом и извлеките его содержимое с заменой в папку tslpatchdata K1CP. После чего приступите к установке мода как обычно. Compatibility/Known Issues: K1CP uses module injection in an attempt to remain as compatible as possible with other mods. This may result in issues with mods that simply put files in the Override folder. It is recommended that you consult the individual authors of any large scale mods, particularly those that edit DLGs and scripts, as to whether their work is compatible with K1CP. Some mods will likely require updates, some may need to be installed in a specific order, whilst others may be fundamentally incompatible. K1CP currently only supports the English language version of the game, and makes a number of edits to the TLK file in English. If anyone is able to provide translations of these changes to other languages, please let us know. The KOTOR 1 Restoration (K1R) mod is incompatible with K1CP, however there is ongoing work to re-create the K1R mod for K1CP: These are the currently known bugs/issues with KOTOR or the mod that the K1CP is looking to resolve: If you find any others, especially with changes/additions K1CP makes, please report them on the Github issue page or here on Deadly Stream so they can be addressed. Be sure to include as much information as possible, including a list of all the other mods you have installed, the order you installed them in, steps to reproduce the problem, along with screenshots and save files, if appropriate. You may also be directed to provide the install log file, a list of the contents of your Override folder, and specific MOD files from your modules folder. Uninstallation: Given the complexity of this mod, a clean install of KOTOR is the recommended approach for uninstalling K1CP. However, HoloPatcher does provide uninstall Shell (Bash) and PowerShell scripts which will work as long as K1CP was the most recent mod installed. Permissions: Due to this mod being a compilation from many different authors, please do not distribute/rehost it. Acknowledgements: All of the mod authors who have helped make this patch a reality - thank you! - especially for agreeing to distribution outside of Deadly Stream Fred Tetra - For KOTOR Tool tk102 - For DLGEditor and K-GFF JdNoa/Dashus - For DeNCS stoffe - For TSLPatcher/ChangeEdit/TalkEd bead-v - For MDLEdit and KOTORMax ndix UR - For TGA2TPC, TPCView, and MDLOps v1.0+ seedhartha - For KOTORBlender fork for Blender 2.8+ Cortisol - For Holocron Toolset and HoloPatcher/PyKotor th3w1zard1 - For additional customisation and feature improvement of HoloPatcher Fair Strides - For various tools and updates to older tools DrMcCoy - For Xoreos Tools Snigaroo - For maintaining mod builds at danil-ch - For the original info.rtf template Many thanks to ebmar, Salk, and KnifeMaster for providing numerous bug reports and beta testing certain fixes THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSEES/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS MODIFICATION IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER BY THE USAGE OF THIS MODIFICATION. Submitter A Future Pilot Submitted 04/21/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  7. View File Existential Selkath's HK-47 Overhaul, TSL Patch THIS IS A PATCH, ORIGINAL MOD BY EXISTENTIAL SELKATH IS STILL REQUIRED The purpose of this mod is to provide a patch to finally be able to use Existential Selkath's excellent HK Overhaul mod in Kotor 2. I was hoping for Existential Selkath to release their own version of this but after seeing the following comment by them it seemed to me like they mostly gave up on doing so, thus I decided to release my own. This patch does not include any of the incredible texture work by Existential Selkath, it only patches the model to bring it to work within TSL. This patch also makes it so the model uses the new TSL animations and includes Marius Fett's HK-47 Disabled Animation Eye Fix Mod. A disabled HK-47 will have its eyes turned off. Original Mod: ------------------------------ Installation ------------------------------ Download Existential Selkath's original mod, and copy its contents to your TSL Override directory. Once that is done, run the TSL Patcher found with this mod. ------------------------------ Uninstallation ------------------------------ Copy the appearance.2da found in the backup directory back to override. Then delete the new p_hk47.mdl and p_hk47.mdx files. Submitter Nehua Submitted 04/14/2023 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  8. View File Lightweight GUI Patcher A very simple CLI-based tool that'll take a folder of GUIs made for one resolution and patch them to work for another resolution. Please report any bugs. Simply input the path to the GUI file (or folder of GUI files) and the output location, your desired resolution, and let it work. GUI Resizer CLI Tool Overview This is a simple command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to adjust and scale GUI (Graphical User Interface) files based on different screen resolutions. The tool reads `.gui` files from the popular game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and adjusts the layout to fit various resolutions and aspect ratios. It supports multiple resolutions and can handle batch processing of files. Features Multi-Resolution Support: The tool can adjust GUI files to fit several resolutions across different aspect ratios, such as 16:9, 16:10, 4:3, 5:4, 21:9, 3:2, and 1:1. Batch Processing: You can process multiple GUI files at once, making it easy to adjust a whole directory of files. Logging: Outputs logs to track the processing of files, including which resolutions were processed and where the output files are saved. Cross-Platform: Works on Windows, Linux, and macOS with Python 3.8+. Usage Basic Command To run the tool, use the following command: python3 --input <input-path> --output <output-path> --resolution <resolution> Parameters --input: The path to the `.gui` file(s) you want to process. You can specify a single file or a directory containing multiple `.gui` files. --output: The directory where the processed files will be saved. --resolution: The target resolution(s). Use the format `WIDTHxHEIGHT` (e.g., `1920x1080`). You can also specify `ALL` to process all common resolutions. Example To convert all `.gui` files in the directory `input_files/` to fit a 1920x1080 resolution and save them to the `output_files/` directory, run: python3 --input input_files/ --output output_files/ --resolution 1920x1080 Logging If logging is enabled, a log file named `output.log` will be created in the specified output directory. This file will contain details of the processing operations performed. How It Works 1. Input Handling: The tool takes in `.gui` files or directories containing these files and reads them using the `pykotor` library. 2. Resolution Scaling: The tool scales the GUI elements based on the specified target resolution(s). It calculates scale factors based on the original dimensions of the GUI and applies these factors to resize elements accordingly. 3. Output Generation: The processed GUI files are then saved to the specified output directory, organized by resolution. Credit: Cortisol for PyKotor (90% of the code) DarthParametric for testing and brainstorming the idea Submitter th3w1zard1 Submitted 11/14/2023 Category Modding Tools  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    While heavily modifying my TSL play-through, I stumbled upon xander2077's excellent KOTOR 1 Vanilla Masks Overhaul Mod. Unfortunately, as can be seen by the comments in that mod, since it's meant for KOTOR 1, installing its mdl files into your TSL override directory, causes TSL to instantly crash. The comments in the mod recommended installing just the textures, however this missed out on some of the cooler features of some of the headgear like the Verpine Headband's visual interface. So, I went ahead and patched the models so that they would work for TLS instead. After playing with it for a while, I figured I may as well share this to the community. This is a patch and only contains the game models themselves patched for TSL, in order for you to get the mod to work you will still have to download the original mod. To reiterate: THIS MOD IS A PATCH AND IT STILL REQUIRES THE ORIGINAL MOD TO WORK. ------------------------------ Installation ------------------------------ After installing xander2077's mod by dragging the files in it to your override folder, move the files in this mod to your override folder overwriting any conflicts. ------------------------------ Uninstallation ------------------------------ Simply delete the contents of this file from your override folder.
  10. Version 1.0


    Description: A while ago Kain released his companion robes pack to go along with Deadman's movie style Jedi Robes pack. Well, an issue arose when you train Bao-Dur in the ways of the Jedi (or Sith, I don't judge). He would not disappear from the cargo hold of the Ebon Hawk. I took it upon myself and with a little help from the community, I give you the patch to fix this issue. Now Bao-Dur will disappear from the Ebon Hawk and you can still have those awesome robes. Requires Kain's Companion Robes pack first. Link: Installation: Drag and drop into Override folder. Allow it to override the one from Kain's pack Uninstallation: Take the file out of the override folder (Please make a back up of your original a_makejedi.ncs file.) Bugs: None to report. Let me know if any arise Credit: Kain with his Companion Robes pack Deadman with the original models
  11. View File KOTOR 2 Community Patch KOTOR II: The Sith Lords Community Patch Original Mod Development/Inception: A Future Pilot Current Editor/Maintainer: @JCarter426 Contact: PM at Original Release Date: June 14, 2018 Prior Version Release Date: December 10, 2022 Current Version: v1.6.0 Release Date: February 17, 2025 1. Description: This mod is a compilation of various bugfix mods put together with the intention of fixing all the known bugs with the last official patch of KOTOR 2. A huge thanks to all of the mod authors who created these mods, and gave me permission to include them in this patch. 2. Install: Run INSTALL.exe and navigate to your K2 install folder. Generally speaking, this mod should be installed before anything else, except mods that do hard edits/overwrites of 2DA, TLK or MOD (module) files. 3. Uninstall: Given the complexity of this mod, a clean install of KOTOR II is recommended. However, you can check through the installation log file if you wish to undo the changes made. 4. List of included mods and fixes (alphabetical by author): A Future Pilot: Running in outer space makes you look like a squirrel injected with caffeine Ashton Scorpius: Malak had some oral hygiene problems: TSL Jedi Malak Mouth Fix 1.1.0 bead-v: The Ebon Hawk has a couple panels with bad models: Ebon Hawk Model Fixes 2.0 danil-ch: In the prologue there are remote clones instead of sensor droids: Prologue Sensor Droids Fix A number of textures don't use shaders: Textures Improvement Project DarthParametric: There are multiple issues with the Harbinger level geometry: Harbinger Hull Fixes 1.1 The Zeison Sha armour for males (PMBMM) is unable to properly perform a two-handed grip during weapon animations: Get a Grip! Zeison Sha Armour Male Model Fix 1.0 There are some minor level geometry issues in the Peragus Administration level: Peragus Administration Level Room Model Fixes 1.0 The head texture for Visas has a poor quality mask for its environment map and incorrectly uses her skin colour for the inside of her mouth The female player head PFHA04 has some clipping issues with the right eyeball and eyelid (reported by Soka) The female player head PFHA05 has incorrect UVs for the upper teeth, causing them to be flesh-coloured (reported by ebmar) The Ebon Hawk's medbay has some bad lightmaps and the camera can clip through its walls (suggested by JCarter426) The Ebon Hawk's interior had various minor additional geometry/lightmap issues not addressed by bead-v's mod The Bumani Exchange Corp. module lacked a skybox/starscape (reported by JCarter426) Mandalore is missing the helmet filter effect on one of his lines (reported by Sniggles) War Droid texture variants didn't properly display the blaster texture (Reported by Sith Holocron) When Kreia first wakes up in the Peragus Administration Level morgue, it's possible to briefly see her body disappear FF97: Khoonda’s flag was missing its texture: Khoonda Flag Fix 1.0.0 GearHead: Droids were erroneously unable to equip claw weapons: KotOR2 Droid Claw Fix 1.0.0 Droids wielding two blasters fired only one shot when using Power Blast: KotOR2 HK-47 Power Blast Fix 1.0.0 JCarter426: Various issues: JC's Minor Fixes for K2 1.5 T3-M4 and the HK units lacked shaders: JC's Shader Fixes for K2 1.1 Various fixes for which feats characters can select: JC's Feat Fixes for K2 1.2 T3-M4 was missing VO and some Gand VO was misplaced: JC's VO Fix for K2 1.2 The Republic soldier body models have been improved: JC’s Republic Soldier Fix for K2 1.1 (with DarthParametric lending a hand) TSLRCM’s Zhug encounter on Nar Shaddaa had a couple issues: JC’s Zhug Attack Fix for TSLRCM 1.1 Strength Gauntlets were missing from random loot. Peragus items have had their stats unified across all areas. They will also now stack in the inventory menu. Party puppets such as Bao-Dur’s remote would erroneously trip the stealth sensor in the jungle tomb mission (reported by Sniggles) Malak's flashback lightsaber has a long blade, matching its appearance in the first game (inspired by Marius Fett's Secret Tomb Lightsaber Fixes) Kainzorus Prime: Boma beasts have black between their teeth: Boma Beast Teeth Fix 1.0 The model in the galaxy map for Peragus looks nothing like it: Peragus Galaxy Map Change LiliArch: The broken item icon, and Grenn's case icon are incorrect LoneWanderer: The damage penalty for mining lasers did not actually apply, so the mining lasers have been implemented as a different item type. LOTO: Texture fixes: Female Asian Head 6 Dark Side Texture Fix 1.0.0 Marauder: A number of items have wrong descriptions or properties: Marauder Fix Pack 1.0.3 N-DReW25: The Serocco guard has a VO that used the wrong actor: Serroco Guard VO Fix 1.0 It's possible to not be able to get a starport visa if you let a bounty hunter go: Bounty Hunter Starport Visa Fix 1.0 ndix UR: One of the player heads wasn't able to blink or move his eyes: PMHC06 Fixed for TSL PapaZinos: The speeder on Nar Shaddaa clipped through the railing: Don't Let Kreia Fly Your Speeder! 1.0.0 Khoonda’s turrets had the wrong appearance: Khoonda Turrets Model Repair 1.0.0 Model fixes: Nar Shaddaa Docks Repair 1.1.0 Model fixes: Nar Shaddaa Landing Pad Repair Model fixes: Telos Model Repairs 1.0.0 Model fixes: TSL Turrets Model Repair 1.0.0 Model fixes: Ultimate Citadel Station Repairs 1.0.0 Model fixes: Ultimate Ebon Hawk Repairs for TSL 2.0.2 The full version of the mod at the link of the above includes some alternative animated texture options. Model fixes: Ultimate Harbinger Repairs 2.0.1 Model fixes: Ultimate Peragus Models Repair 1.3.0 Squall Lionheart: PMHH01 has some issues: PMHH01 Fixed Thor110: Model fixes: Dantooine & Coruscant Model Fix 1.0.0 (Dantooine only) Model fixes: Gamorrean Shadow Fix 1.0.1 Model fixes: Sentry Droid Animation Fix 1.0.0 VarsityPuppet: Some doors were oriented wrong: Side Opening Doors on Malachor ZimmMaster: The walking and running animations are janky: Movement Animation Fix for Both KOTOR and TSL 5. Bugs: These are the currently known bugs with KOTOR II or the mod that the K2CP is looking to resolve: If you find any others, please report them. 6. Permissions: Due to this mod being a compilation from many different authors, please do not distribute it. 7. Special Thanks/Acknowledgements: · All of the mod authors who have helped make this patch a reality - thank you! · Fred Tetra - For KOTOR Tool · tk102 - For DLGEditor and K-GFF · JdNoa/Dashus - For DeNCS · Stoffe - For TSLPatcher · bead-v - For MDLEdit and KOTORMax · ndix UR - For TGA2TPC, TPCView, and MDLOps v1.0+ · seedhartha - For KOTORBlender fork for Blender 2.8+ · Fair Strides - For various tools and updates to older tools · DrMcCoy - For Xoreos Tools · Snigaroo - For maintaining mod builds on the KOTOR Community Portal · danil-ch - For the original info.rtf template THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS MODIFICATION IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS MODIFICATION. Submitter A Future Pilot Submitted 06/14/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  12. View File Extended Enclave Tweaks A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 Author: N-DReW25 1.3.0 Release Date: 22.03.2025 INSTALLATION: (It is highly recommended that you update your game to version 2.10 (the 1.0b update) before installing this mod.) As this is an add-on for TSLRCM, TSLRCM 1.8.6 is REQUIRED. It will not work otherwise, so have that installed first. As this is a patch for Extended Enclave, Extended Enclave 2.5.2 is REQUIRED. It will not work otherwise. Install the Extended Enclave mod AFTER TSLRCM and BEFORE the Extended Enclave Tweaks. The Extended Enclave Tweaks used the M4-78 versions of the Enclave dialogues, if you aren't using M4-78EP none of the M4-78 restricted content should be activated (There exists some weird easter egg ending where, if you kill Vrook, Kavar and Zez-Kai Ell then you can save Vash only to kill her in the Enclave.) To install, extract the Extended Enclave Tweaks folder to anywhere you like, as long as it is not the SWKotOR2 folder. When you run the installer, it will present you with two options, the option "Main Installation" is REQUIRED as it installs the base mod and "CARTH FIX" is OPTIONAL, select "Main Installation" first and run it. "CARTH FIX" can be installed after "Main Installation", this option fixes an inconsistency with Carth's armor as seen in TSLRCM. DO NOT USE THIS OPTION if you use DarthParametric's "TOR Ports: KOTOR Comic Republic Uniforms Admiralty Patch" Description: This is a patch for the Extended Enclave mod which extends version the Rebuilt Enclave sequence with new restored dialogue, scenes and other missing content. The following scenes have been modified: 1. "Tobin's Corruption" Colonel Tobin has several head textures in the game files- his main head texture, his Dark Side transition for his end game appearance, and a partial Dark Side transition. This patch will restore the partial Dark Side transition for Tobin's cutscene during the Enclave section of the game. 2. "Admiration" Scenes in the Jedi Enclave where the dialogue shows an animated fly-by camera have now been made unskippable for the duration of the camera, this was done to allow players to admire the scene for a brief moment rather than skipping it like you can in vanilla. 3. "Disciple's Choice." The "Disciple's Choice" restored content has been moved from the Ebon Hawk to the Enclave. Once inside the Enclave, Kreia telepathically goads Disciple into telling the Republic what's happening but in doing so, he'd endanger the Exile. 3. "Disciple's Distress Call" Knowing that Kreia is a Sith and that the Exile and Jedi were in danger, the Disciple contacts Atris, who in turn sends her Handmaidens to Dantooine. Atton will acknowledge this in the post-Enclave scene. 4. "Alternate Lines." A handful of 'alternate lines' exist within the Enclave files, these have been restored. 5. "Restructuring." Certain dialogue replied have been restructured so that you don't unknowingly skip past dialogue content by accident. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but youu find any just report it to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Report any incompatibilities to me on Permissions: This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the authors. Thanks and Credits: danil-ch & Darth Hayze: Extended Enclave mod and associated files Zbyl2: Help with getting it ready for TSLRCM 1.8.6 Leilukin: For her amazing Partywap compatibility patch Sith Holocron: The Awesome logo and screenshot edits Exile007: Sion related files LoneWanderer: Extensive Beta Testing and identifying solutions to 1.0.0 bugs Alex Star: Discovering the Sion Harbinger and Atris Academy Bypass bugs in version 1.0.0 TSLRCM Team: TSLRCM 1.8.6 and associated files Bioware: For such an amazing game Obsidian: For such an amazing sequel and for keeping the cut content in the files Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool Everyone who downloads the mod! Extended Enclave Credits: danil-ch and Darth Hayze: Pretty much most stuff, this included lots of scripting, vo splicing, picking up slack when one of us dissapeared, etc... Thanks go the entire TSLRCM team; your work has been outstanding. Hassat Hunter; for help with getting it ready for TSLRCM 1.8.2 Sith Holocron; for suggesting a mod collaboration and the cool logo zbyl2; for help with getting it ready for TSLRCM 1.8.3 Exile007; for contribuitng his early work on the Sion scenes TESTERS: Loki147, Malkior Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 02/26/2021 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Weapon Model Overhaul Patch ------------------------------ The purpose of this mod is to provide a patch to finally be able to use Toasty Fresh's weapon models' mod in Kotor 2 and the excellent reskin by Fallen Guardian. When I first started diving into modding for Kotor 2 one of the first mods I stumbled across was Toasty Fresh's Weapons Model Overhaul mod (and Fallen Guardian's retexture of it), which provided what looked like some great high resolution version of the game's vanilla swords and vibroswords. Unfortunately, when I tried to add it to my TSL override folder, it immediately caused the game to crash. Now, after learning more about this game and its mods I was finally able to revisit it and patch it so that those models will work with TSL as well (thanks to PoopaPapaPalpatine for reminding me about it). While there is already an excellent blaster mod in the High Quality Blasters mod. Toasty Fresh's mod really does an excellent job of providing a high resolution version of the game's vanilla swords and vibroweapons, particularly when paired with Fallen Guardian's retexture. If you, like me want to use those weapons on your TSL game, this patch should allow you to do so. THIS MOD IS A PATCH, YOU STILL NEED THE ORIGINAL MOD TO GET THIS TO WORK. You can find the original mod here: I also personally recommend Fallen Guardian's retexture which can be found here: Since I mainly wanted the melee weapons out of this mod, I separated the swords and blasters into two separate folders for your convenience. ------------------------------ Installation ------------------------------ First start by installing Toasty Fresh's mod by dragging the files in it to your override folder. If you want Fallen Guardian's textures, install his mod next overwriting all relevant files. Finally move the files in this mod to your override folder overwriting any conflicts. ------------------------------ Uninstallation ------------------------------ Simply delete the contents of this mod from your override folder.
  14. View File Weapons Model Overhaul Patch for TSL Weapon Model Overhaul Patch ------------------------------ The purpose of this mod is to provide a patch to finally be able to use Toasty Fresh's weapon models' mod in Kotor 2 and the excellent reskin by Fallen Guardian. When I first started diving into modding for Kotor 2 one of the first mods I stumbled across was Toasty Fresh's Weapons Model Overhaul mod (and Fallen Guardian's retexture of it), which provided what looked like some great high resolution version of the game's vanilla swords and vibroswords. Unfortunately, when I tried to add it to my TSL override folder, it immediately caused the game to crash. Now, after learning more about this game and its mods I was finally able to revisit it and patch it so that those models will work with TSL as well (thanks to PoopaPapaPalpatine for reminding me about it). While there is already an excellent blaster mod in the High Quality Blasters mod. Toasty Fresh's mod really does an excellent job of providing a high resolution version of the game's vanilla swords and vibroweapons, particularly when paired with Fallen Guardian's retexture. If you, like me want to use those weapons on your TSL game, this patch should allow you to do so. THIS MOD IS A PATCH, YOU STILL NEED THE ORIGINAL MOD TO GET THIS TO WORK. You can find the original mod here: I also personally recommend Fallen Guardian's retexture which can be found here: Since I mainly wanted the melee weapons out of this mod, I separated the swords and blasters into two separate folders for your convenience. ------------------------------ Installation ------------------------------ First start by installing Toasty Fresh's mod by dragging the files in it to your override folder. If you want Fallen Guardian's textures, install his mod next overwriting all relevant files. Finally move the files in this mod to your override folder overwriting any conflicts. ------------------------------ Uninstallation ------------------------------ Simply delete the contents of this mod from your override folder. Submitter Nehua Submitted 06/12/2022 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  15. View File Vanilla Masks Overhaul Patch for TSL While heavily modifying my TSL play-through, I stumbled upon xander2077's excellent KOTOR 1 Vanilla Masks Overhaul Mod. Unfortunately, as can be seen by the comments in that mod, since it's meant for KOTOR 1, installing its mdl files into your TSL override directory, causes TSL to instantly crash. The comments in the mod recommended installing just the textures, however this missed out on some of the cooler features of some of the headgear like the Verpine Headband's visual interface. So, I went ahead and patched the models so that they would work for TLS instead. After playing with it for a while, I figured I may as well share this to the community. This is a patch and only contains the game models themselves patched for TSL, in order for you to get the mod to work you will still have to download the original mod. To reiterate: THIS MOD IS A PATCH AND IT STILL REQUIRES THE ORIGINAL MOD TO WORK. ------------------------------ Installation ------------------------------ After installing xander2077's mod by dragging the files in it to your override folder, move the files in this mod to your override folder overwriting any conflicts. ------------------------------ Uninstallation ------------------------------ Simply delete the contents of this file from your override folder. Submitter Nehua Submitted 06/11/2022 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  16. Could somebody please help to make a compatibility patch for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes or Hybrid Robes with the Lore friendly Qel-Droma Robes mod?
  17. Could any of you lovely and talented modders possibly create a compatibility patch for the kotor 1 reddit build version of Bendak Non-Darkside option and the Bendak Starkiller emblem armor? The reason for this, can be explained by the mod build creator, themselves, here.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    DESCRIPTION This is the Patch for update the 4 CD's version (English, German - Deutsch, French - Française, Italian - Italiano) to 201.420 version (1.0 to 1.0a) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD Click the Download button of this page and choose the Download Language File desired (UK, DE, FR, IT) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Just double click on the "KotOR2 Patch v201420 (...).exe" file. The Patch finds automatically the KotOR 2 The Sith Lords directory. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES If you don't know your version game, start the game and click "UPDATE" option at the launcher. It tells you which version of KotOR 2 TSL is installed. I'm not sure if this Patch works with the GOG, STEAM or COLLECTION versions. As far as I know, some of these versions are already updated. After install the 1.0a Patch you may want install the 1.0b Patch. Can be found here: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THANKS Deadly Stream team
  19. Version 1.0.0


    DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN This is the Patch for update the 4 CD's Spanish version to 201.420 version (1.0 to 1.0a) Este es el Parche para actualizar la versión española en 4 CD's a la versión 201.420 (1.0 >> 1.0a) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION /INSTALACIÓN Just double click on the "KotOR2 Patch v201420 SP.exe" file. The Patch finds automatically the KotOR 2 The Sith Lords directory. Simplemente haz doble click sobre el archivo "KotOR2 Patch v201420 SP.exe". El Parche encuentra automáticamente el directorio de KotOR 2 Los Señores Sith. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES / NOTAS If you don't know your version game, start the game and click "UPDATE" option at the launcher. It tells you which version of KotOR 2 is installed. Si no conoces la versión de tu juego, arráncalo y clica "ACTUALIZAR" en el Menú de Inicio. Te indicará qué versión de Caballeros de la Antigua República 2 está instalada. I'm not sure if this Patch works with the GOG, STEAM or COLLECTION versions. As far as I know, some of these versions are already updated. No estoy seguro si este Parche funciona con las versiones GOG, STEAM o COLLECTION. Hasta donde yo se alguna de estas versiones ya está actualizada. After install the 1.0a Patch you may want install the 1.0b Patch. Can be found here: Despues de instalar el Patch 1.0a quizás quieras instalar el Patch 1.0b. Puedes encontrarlo aquí: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THANKS Sith Holocron ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTA para los hispanohablantes El Foro es internacional pero exclusivamente en inglés así que por respeto a TODA la Comunidad (exceptuando, obviamente, los Mensajes Personales (PM)), haced uso de la lengua inglesa si deseais publicar un comentario.
  20. KotOR 2 - Patch 1.0a (UK, GER, FR, ITA versions) View File DESCRIPTION This is the Patch for update the 4 CD's version (English, German - Deutsch, French - Française, Italian - Italiano) to 201.420 version (1.0 to 1.0a) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD Click the Download button of this page and choose the Download Language File desired (UK, DE, FR, IT) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Just double click on the "KotOR2 Patch v201420 (...).exe" file. The Patch finds automatically the KotOR 2 The Sith Lords directory. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES If you don't know your version game, start the game and click "UPDATE" option at the launcher. It tells you which version of KotOR 2 TSL is installed. I'm not sure if this Patch works with the GOG, STEAM or COLLECTION versions. As far as I know, some of these versions are already updated. After install the 1.0a Patch you may want install the 1.0b Patch. Can be found here: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THANKS Deadly Stream team Submitter Obi Wan Pere Submitted 10/27/2018 Category Mods  
  21. Hi all of you I'm unable to find the Patch 1.0a International (or spanish) version anyware. All I find are closed servers or broken links where the file/download can be placed. I want to make this requirement to the Community, if someone can upload this file (or send me PM via) or leading me to a working link/site where I can download it. Thanks in advance to everyone.
  22. KotOR 2 - Patch 1.0a for Spanish Version View File DESCRIPTION / DESCRIPCIÓN This is the Patch for update the 4 CD's Spanish version to 201.420 version (1.0 to 1.0a) Este es el Parche para actualizar la versión española en 4 CD's a la versión 201.420 (1.0 >> 1.0a) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION /INSTALACIÓN Just double click on the "KotOR2 Patch v201420 SP.exe" file. The Patch finds automatically the KotOR 2 The Sith Lords directory. Simplemente haz doble click sobre el archivo "KotOR2 Patch v201420 SP.exe". El Parche encuentra automáticamente el directorio de KotOR 2 Los Señores Sith. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES / NOTAS If you don't know your version game, start the game and click "UPDATE" option at the launcher. It tells you which version of KotOR 2 is installed. Si no conoces la versión de tu juego, arráncalo y clica "ACTUALIZAR" en el Menú de Inicio. Te indicará qué versión de Caballeros de la Antigua República 2 está instalada. I'm not sure if this Patch works with the GOG, STEAM or COLLECTION versions. As far as I know, some of these versions are already updated. No estoy seguro si este Parche funciona con las versiones GOG, STEAM o COLLECTION. Hasta donde yo se alguna de estas versiones ya está actualizada. After install the 1.0a Patch you may want install the 1.0b Patch. Can be found here: Despues de instalar el Patch 1.0a quizás quieras instalar el Patch 1.0b. Puedes encontrarlo aquí: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THANKS Sith Holocron ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTA para los hispanohablantes El Foro es internacional pero exclusivamente en inglés así que por respeto a TODA la Comunidad (exceptuando, obviamente, los Mensajes Personales (PM)), haced uso de la lengua inglesa si deseais publicar un comentario. Submitter Obi Wan Pere Submitted 10/17/2018 Category Mods  
  23. 9,688 downloads

    Official 1.0b patch for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords. IF you have a non-English version of the game, then you will need the 1.0a patch for your language BEFORE you apply the 1.0b patch.
  24. File Name: Official 1.0b Patch File Submitter: Fair Strides File Submitted: 07 Feb 2016 File Category: Media Official 1.0b patch for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords. IF you have a non-English version of the game, then you will need the 1.0a patch for your language BEFORE you apply the 1.0b patch. Click here to download this file
  25. I stumbled upon this today & fail to see how it has not gotten ????, except by lack of exposure. This is petitioning for official Windows 10 compatibility, native widescreen, modern resolution options, controller support, steam workshop & achievements. Please share, sign, & articulate reasons why KotOR 1 deserves the same basic modernization that TSL received over 2yrs ago.