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Found 23 results

  1. Version 2.0


    This was inspired by a mod I saw way back when on Filefront that gave the Exile a custom gray Jedi Robe. All it was however, was just a thing to soak up blaster bolts. I am here to give my own take on this robe, and what perfect time than after Kain released his Character Robes mod. This mod has a custom description along with the feat to make it for the PC only, utilizing that War Veteran feat. I have included a custom icon, and it is found in Daraala's store. The PC has unique dialogue for the first time on meeting Daraala. I may fix some grammar issues if I get enough requests. "Well Squall, what if we're past the first meeting with Daraala?" Well, use the save game editor (the working one FS has released) or type in sl_exile to get the robe ingame. This acts as a teaser to my up in coming robe expansion pack with many other choices to come. Stay tuned. Required Mod is Deadman's Movie robe pack, and my Movie Robes pack. I will make a version for the original set of robes if I get enough requests. Installation: Copy all files to Override in the Kotor II Directory Bugs: None reported for now, if something comes up let me know and I will fix it ASAP.
  2. Version 1.0


    I looked over my Gray Jedi Robe mod and noticed you don't get it for a while in the game, so I decided to make a mod that gives the Exile some clothes to match the robe (before you get the robe itself). These do have stat upgrades so that way you can power on through Telos. They are found on the Harbinger when you get to your quarters. Installation: Drag files to Override Please make a backup of your Kreia.dlg file, as this does contain the script to fire when you enter the Harbinger. Bugs: None known, PM with any and I will see what I can do.
  3. 3,058 downloads

    This is just a simple PC portrait mod, it replaces PFHC07 with a new head (which is a modified version of PFHC05). The new head is supposed to look like http://vignette3.wik...=20091003183103, which is what Wookiepedia has as the Legends "canon" Exile. I did not make this mod—I requested it in the appropriate thread and a few other users put it together: - Schizo did the main bulk of the modeling work - Effix changed the hair color (I know that according the the Revan novel the Exile has light brown hair, but I prefer blonde because of Aimo's KOTOR comics on Deviantart. So I guess this isn't really "canon" after all) - DarthParametric fixed the model with Taina's Replacer - I actually did do one thing: I replaced the party portrait with that hand-drawn pic To install: unzip the files and copy them to your override folder To uninstall: take 'em out again
  4. View File Redhawke's Exile Booster Pack Author : RedHawke 06/17/05 V1.0 ============================================================================ This is simply an update to the Exile's Robes you get in the Exile's Item Pack I did. Available here: First, The White Robes have been totally redone using the favored Padawan Model, also if you have ilikecommas 'Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix' Installed, available at, I also supplied textures that are compatable with that mods fixed collar format. (They look far better IMHO) Second I have made the Exile's Sith Robes, and Jedi Robes their own Textures, nothing fancy, but I like em. The Jedi Exile Robes are similar to Obi-Wan Kenobi's from Episode 1, The Sith Exile Robes are simply a little Darker than they were before. (Again, like with the White Robes, I included fixed collar and normal collar versions each set in their own subfolder) Lastly I included a Handmaiden robe uti file that uses the White Robe Skin from this mod instead of the Greyish thicker bathrobe she normally gets, just in case you want to put the Handmaiden in this robe too. The stats of the items are not altered from my original mod. To see the changes you will have to install this before you enter the level with your Quarters on the Harbringer the first time, or use KSE or Cheats, to give yourself a new set of Exile's Robes. The Cheat Codes are listed in the Exile's Item Pack readme file. Installation Instructions: (Being this is a booster pack it is a little more complicated than normal sorry about that) ----------------------------- If you have not allready done so, create a folder called "Override", without the quotes, in your KOTOR2 directory. REQUIRES: Installing my Exile's Item Pack, available here Available instead on Deadlystream <insert link here when mod is approved> Unzip all of the files in the .rar, to a folder outside of your KOTOR2 override directory and put all of the following files into your override; -------------------------------------------------- ia_JediRobe_068.tga, ia_JediRobe_069.tga, and ia_JediRobe_070.tga rh_robe_01.uti, rh_robe_02.uti, and rh_robe_03.uti -------------------------------------------------- Then put all the tga and txi files from the appropriate subfolder into your override, explained below; If you just have the standard game robes then install the contents of the 'Normal Robe Textures' subfolder. If you have ilikecommas 'Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix' installed then you need to instead install the contents of the 'Svosh N ILC Collar Fix Textures' subfolder. If you want the Handmaidens robe to be like the Exile's White Robes, then copy over the a_robe_x01.uti from the 'Handmaiden Robe Modification' subfolder and when she gets her robe viola! You will see the changes best if you install this before you get into the Harbringer Crew Level and your quarters, or start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^) This mod requires that you at least have my Exile's Item Pack, available here, all ready installed to function correctly. It also helps to have ilikecommas 'Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix' Installed, available at Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. To Svösh for fixing the dreadful Jedi Robe Collar problem. To ilikecommas for making the default robe textures so the fixed robes could be used by all, and allow us modders to release textures using the fixed model without needing to make the default textures ourselves. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 03/16/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible No  
  5. View File Redhawke's Exile General Uniforms Pack Author : RedHawke 05/05/05 V1.0 ============================================================================ The Exile's General Uniform Pack These are a package of custom Uniform Tunics I created for KOTOR I and converted them to TSL, I listed the robes below so if you liked the K1 robe texture you can now have them for K2, they are strictly for the Exile (PC). These new General uniforms can be found in game normally on Telos or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the readme. The uniforms replace the normal clothing model for the PC, and the uniforms are all upgradeable and have a defense of 2, a little better than the mining uniform. These Exile Uniforms use the K1 robe/tunic model that came with TSL, and are available for both Male and Female PC's, to remove the gloves and make them strictly for the PC I had to do an appearance.2da edit, but I provided an appearance.2da that is compatable with Prime's Jedi Movie Robes Mod. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- run tslpatcher. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory. This Item Package Contains: ----------------------------- Note: Use of the term "<FullName>" indicates the item will have your PC's name on them. <FullName> Guardian Uniform (Blue, Black), 2 Def, Upgradeable (Uses the K1 Jedi General Robe Blue Texture) <FullName> Sentinel Uniform (Yellow, Black), 2 Def, Upgradeable (Uses the K1 Jedi General Robe Yellow Texture) <FullName> Consular Uniform (Green, Black), 2 Def, Upgradeable (Uses the K1 Jedi General Robe Green Texture) <FullName> Crimson Uniform (Red, Black), 2 Def, Upgradeable (Uses the K1 Jedi General Robe Red Texture) <FullName> Black Uniform (Black, Gray, Red), 2 Def, Upgradeable (Uses the K1 Make Carth a Jedi Onasi Robe Texture) <FullName> Gray Uniform (Gray, Black), 2 Def, Upgradeable (Uses the K1 Sith Uniform Robe Gray Texture) <FullName> Dark Uniform (Black, Gray), 2 Def, Upgradeable (Uses the K1 Sith Uniform Robe Black Texture) <FullName> Bladesinger Uniform (Black, Ayala Secura Style), 2 Def, +5 Persuade, Upgradeable, Female Exile's only will recieve and can wear. You will recieve the Class Uniform Robe appropriate to your class, as shown on the character creation screen, when you are arrested by Lt. Grenn on Telos, and the others uniforms will be waiting for you when you get your confiscated items back. So you can wear the style of your choice after that point. Also note, if you don normal default texture variant 1 g_a_clothes01 clothing you will get the blue texture, but if you put on the texture variant 2 g_a_clothes02 you will get the yellow texture, and the texture variant 3 g_a_clothes03 clothing you will get the green texture. Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes: --------------------------------------------------- rh_uniform01 - <FullName> Guardian Uniform rh_uniform02 - <FullName> Sentinel Uniform rh_uniform03 - <FullName> Consular Uniform rh_uniform04 - <FullName> Crimson Uniform rh_uniform05 - <FullName> Black Uniform rh_uniform06 - <FullName> Gray Uniform rh_uniform07 - <FullName> Dark Uniform rh_uniformas - <FullName> Bladesinger Uniform g_a_clothes01 - Normal game clothing that will display the Blue Texture g_a_clothes02 - Normal game clothing that will display the Yellow Texture g_a_clothes03 - Normal game clothing that will display the Green Texture Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. To stoffe -mkb- for his life saving decompiling skills. To Prime for his Jedi Movie Robes mod which inspired me to convert some of my own K1 robes to TSL. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 03/16/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible No  
  6. View File Redhawke's Exile Items Pack Author: Redhawke These are a package of custom items I created strictly for the Exile (PC). These items can be found in game normally on the Harbringer in your quarters or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the readme. A small Warning... Once again these items are powerful, but definately not like the ones I made early on in KOTOR I like the Revan Items were. These Exile items all have attributes within the limitations of the games normal given items, in most cases I simply combined some of the games items properties together to make the new Exile item of that class. I tried not too be outragous, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outragous item is. Definitely for use on the hardest difficulty settings, and with an eye for any future Hardcore mod.As I said above when you go into your quarters on the Harbringer you will find a new Verpine Klakar X-1000 Portable Vault there, open it up and see... You have the choice of just taking the LS stuff or just the DS stuff or just getting all the stuff at once. Be careful, once you choose to take the items there is no going back. New In Version 1.1: Altered the Mod to use Stoffe-mkb-'s TSL Patcher Program for complete compatibility. Fixed the give item scripts so that the "Game Freeze" glitch no longer happens. Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 03/16/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible No  
  7. View File Redhawke's Exile's Item Pack Booster (Robe Pack) Author : RedHawke 06/17/05 V1.0a ============================================================================ This is simply an update to the Jedi Master and Sith Lord Robes you get in Maverick187 & My Prestiege Class Robe & Saber Pack we did, to make it compatable with the robe collar fix Svösh made, and ilikecommas made the default textures for. This will only be needed if you want to use the cool collar fix that Svösh made and ilikecommas made default textures for. This only affects the Padawan style Jedi Master and Sith Lord robes. The PrCl R&S Pack is available here: ILC's Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix is available here: You should be able to apply these changes at any time. Installation Instructions: (Being this is a booster pack it is a little more complicated than normal sorry about that) ----------------------------- If you have not allready done so, install the Prestiege Class Robe & Saber Mod, and ilikecommas Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix. Unzip all 4 of the .tga files in the .rar, to your override directory and overwrite the originals. To use this robe fix you have to have ilikecommas 'Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix' Installed, available at And of course the Prestiege Class Robe & Saber Pack, available at Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. To Svösh for fixing the dreadful Jedi Robe Collar problem. To ilikecommas for making the default robe textures so the fixed robes could be used by all, and allow us modders to release textures using the fixed model without needing to make the default textures ourselves. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 03/16/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible No  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Author : RedHawke 05/05/05 V1.0 ============================================================================ The Exile's General Uniform Pack These are a package of custom Uniform Tunics I created for KOTOR I and converted them to TSL, I listed the robes below so if you liked the K1 robe texture you can now have them for K2, they are strictly for the Exile (PC). These new General uniforms can be found in game normally on Telos or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the readme. The uniforms replace the normal clothing model for the PC, and the uniforms are all upgradeable and have a defense of 2, a little better than the mining uniform. These Exile Uniforms use the K1 robe/tunic model that came with TSL, and are available for both Male and Female PC's, to remove the gloves and make them strictly for the PC I had to do an appearance.2da edit, but I provided an appearance.2da that is compatable with Prime's Jedi Movie Robes Mod. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- run tslpatcher. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory. This Item Package Contains: ----------------------------- Note: Use of the term "<FullName>" indicates the item will have your PC's name on them. <FullName> Guardian Uniform (Blue, Black), 2 Def, Upgradeable (Uses the K1 Jedi General Robe Blue Texture) <FullName> Sentinel Uniform (Yellow, Black), 2 Def, Upgradeable (Uses the K1 Jedi General Robe Yellow Texture) <FullName> Consular Uniform (Green, Black), 2 Def, Upgradeable (Uses the K1 Jedi General Robe Green Texture) <FullName> Crimson Uniform (Red, Black), 2 Def, Upgradeable (Uses the K1 Jedi General Robe Red Texture) <FullName> Black Uniform (Black, Gray, Red), 2 Def, Upgradeable (Uses the K1 Make Carth a Jedi Onasi Robe Texture) <FullName> Gray Uniform (Gray, Black), 2 Def, Upgradeable (Uses the K1 Sith Uniform Robe Gray Texture) <FullName> Dark Uniform (Black, Gray), 2 Def, Upgradeable (Uses the K1 Sith Uniform Robe Black Texture) <FullName> Bladesinger Uniform (Black, Ayala Secura Style), 2 Def, +5 Persuade, Upgradeable, Female Exile's only will recieve and can wear. You will recieve the Class Uniform Robe appropriate to your class, as shown on the character creation screen, when you are arrested by Lt. Grenn on Telos, and the others uniforms will be waiting for you when you get your confiscated items back. So you can wear the style of your choice after that point. Also note, if you don normal default texture variant 1 g_a_clothes01 clothing you will get the blue texture, but if you put on the texture variant 2 g_a_clothes02 you will get the yellow texture, and the texture variant 3 g_a_clothes03 clothing you will get the green texture. Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes: --------------------------------------------------- rh_uniform01 - <FullName> Guardian Uniform rh_uniform02 - <FullName> Sentinel Uniform rh_uniform03 - <FullName> Consular Uniform rh_uniform04 - <FullName> Crimson Uniform rh_uniform05 - <FullName> Black Uniform rh_uniform06 - <FullName> Gray Uniform rh_uniform07 - <FullName> Dark Uniform rh_uniformas - <FullName> Bladesinger Uniform g_a_clothes01 - Normal game clothing that will display the Blue Texture g_a_clothes02 - Normal game clothing that will display the Yellow Texture g_a_clothes03 - Normal game clothing that will display the Green Texture Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. To stoffe -mkb- for his life saving decompiling skills. To Prime for his Jedi Movie Robes mod which inspired me to convert some of my own K1 robes to TSL. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Author : RedHawke 06/17/05 V1.0 ============================================================================ This is simply an update to the Exile's Robes you get in the Exile's Item Pack I did. Available here: First, The White Robes have been totally redone using the favored Padawan Model, also if you have ilikecommas 'Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix' Installed, available at, I also supplied textures that are compatable with that mods fixed collar format. (They look far better IMHO) Second I have made the Exile's Sith Robes, and Jedi Robes their own Textures, nothing fancy, but I like em. The Jedi Exile Robes are similar to Obi-Wan Kenobi's from Episode 1, The Sith Exile Robes are simply a little Darker than they were before. (Again, like with the White Robes, I included fixed collar and normal collar versions each set in their own subfolder) Lastly I included a Handmaiden robe uti file that uses the White Robe Skin from this mod instead of the Greyish thicker bathrobe she normally gets, just in case you want to put the Handmaiden in this robe too. The stats of the items are not altered from my original mod. To see the changes you will have to install this before you enter the level with your Quarters on the Harbringer the first time, or use KSE or Cheats, to give yourself a new set of Exile's Robes. The Cheat Codes are listed in the Exile's Item Pack readme file. Installation Instructions: (Being this is a booster pack it is a little more complicated than normal sorry about that) ----------------------------- If you have not allready done so, create a folder called "Override", without the quotes, in your KOTOR2 directory. REQUIRES: Installing my Exile's Item Pack, available here Available instead on Deadlystream <insert link here when mod is approved> Unzip all of the files in the .rar, to a folder outside of your KOTOR2 override directory and put all of the following files into your override; -------------------------------------------------- ia_JediRobe_068.tga, ia_JediRobe_069.tga, and ia_JediRobe_070.tga rh_robe_01.uti, rh_robe_02.uti, and rh_robe_03.uti -------------------------------------------------- Then put all the tga and txi files from the appropriate subfolder into your override, explained below; If you just have the standard game robes then install the contents of the 'Normal Robe Textures' subfolder. If you have ilikecommas 'Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix' installed then you need to instead install the contents of the 'Svosh N ILC Collar Fix Textures' subfolder. If you want the Handmaidens robe to be like the Exile's White Robes, then copy over the a_robe_x01.uti from the 'Handmaiden Robe Modification' subfolder and when she gets her robe viola! You will see the changes best if you install this before you get into the Harbringer Crew Level and your quarters, or start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^) This mod requires that you at least have my Exile's Item Pack, available here, all ready installed to function correctly. It also helps to have ilikecommas 'Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix' Installed, available at Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. To Svösh for fixing the dreadful Jedi Robe Collar problem. To ilikecommas for making the default robe textures so the fixed robes could be used by all, and allow us modders to release textures using the fixed model without needing to make the default textures ourselves. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Author: Redhawke These are a package of custom items I created strictly for the Exile (PC). These items can be found in game normally on the Harbringer in your quarters or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the readme. A small Warning... Once again these items are powerful, but definately not like the ones I made early on in KOTOR I like the Revan Items were. These Exile items all have attributes within the limitations of the games normal given items, in most cases I simply combined some of the games items properties together to make the new Exile item of that class. I tried not too be outragous, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outragous item is. Definitely for use on the hardest difficulty settings, and with an eye for any future Hardcore mod.As I said above when you go into your quarters on the Harbringer you will find a new Verpine Klakar X-1000 Portable Vault there, open it up and see... You have the choice of just taking the LS stuff or just the DS stuff or just getting all the stuff at once. Be careful, once you choose to take the items there is no going back. New In Version 1.1: Altered the Mod to use Stoffe-mkb-'s TSL Patcher Program for complete compatibility. Fixed the give item scripts so that the "Game Freeze" glitch no longer happens.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Author : RedHawke 06/17/05 V1.0a ============================================================================ This is simply an update to the Jedi Master and Sith Lord Robes you get in Maverick187 & My Prestiege Class Robe & Saber Pack we did, to make it compatable with the robe collar fix Svösh made, and ilikecommas made the default textures for. This will only be needed if you want to use the cool collar fix that Svösh made and ilikecommas made default textures for. This only affects the Padawan style Jedi Master and Sith Lord robes. The PrCl R&S Pack is available here: ILC's Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix is available here: You should be able to apply these changes at any time. Installation Instructions: (Being this is a booster pack it is a little more complicated than normal sorry about that) ----------------------------- If you have not allready done so, install the Prestiege Class Robe & Saber Mod, and ilikecommas Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix. Unzip all 4 of the .tga files in the .rar, to your override directory and overwrite the originals. To use this robe fix you have to have ilikecommas 'Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix' Installed, available at And of course the Prestiege Class Robe & Saber Pack, available at Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. To Svösh for fixing the dreadful Jedi Robe Collar problem. To ilikecommas for making the default robe textures so the fixed robes could be used by all, and allow us modders to release textures using the fixed model without needing to make the default textures ourselves. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.
  12. Version 0.0.1


    --- Exile's Iridorian Armor Description : Gives the Exile an Iridorian Tribal HyperMesh armor instead of a name armband on the Harbinger. Install : Run Install.exe Uninstall : Remove a_band_c01.uti from Override --- This mod was made in the spirit of recreating my first skin. It replaces the unused Restrictive Robe type of item. The item will now appear as a heavy armor, without force restrictions. The armor is a force-friendly, 12 defense non-upgradeable armor. It represents the Exile's personal armor. I didn't include any additional stat restrictions, so other party members should be able to wear it. This mod is also included in the TSL Loot and Immersion Upgrade 3.3b. No futher requirements for installation. To install, run tslpatcher, and when prompted, select your Knights of the Old Republic II directory. To remove, delete "a_band_c01.uti" from your override folder after installation. --- Credits : 90SK --- Notes : It will not conflict with the majority of other item mods. Please do not redistribute or use this mod for anything other than personal use. If you would like it for other uses, please contact 90SK on DeadlyStream --- This mod is as-is content and not supported by Obsidian, Bioware, or LucasArts. It is meant for personal use only and at users own risk. The developers of KOTOR and the author are not responsible for your computer or what you choose to do with it.
  13. View File Exile's Iridorian Armor --- Exile's Iridorian Armor Description : Gives the Exile an Iridorian Tribal HyperMesh armor instead of a name armband on the Harbinger. Install : Run Install.exe Uninstall : Remove a_band_c01.uti from Override --- This mod was made in the spirit of recreating my first skin. It replaces the unused Restrictive Robe type of item. The item will now appear as a heavy armor, without force restrictions. The armor is a force-friendly, 12 defense non-upgradeable armor. It represents the Exile's personal armor. I didn't include any additional stat restrictions, so other party members should be able to wear it. This mod is also included in the TSL Loot and Immersion Upgrade 3.3b. No futher requirements for installation. To install, run tslpatcher, and when prompted, select your Knights of the Old Republic II directory. To remove, delete "a_band_c01.uti" from your override folder after installation. --- Credits : 90SK --- Notes : It will not conflict with the majority of other item mods. Please do not redistribute or use this mod for anything other than personal use. If you would like it for other uses, please contact 90SK on DeadlyStream --- This mod is as-is content and not supported by Obsidian, Bioware, or LucasArts. It is meant for personal use only and at users own risk. The developers of KOTOR and the author are not responsible for your computer or what you choose to do with it. Submitter 90SK Submitted 12/04/2019 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  14. View File Female Exile Head ("Canon") This is just a simple PC portrait mod, it replaces PFHC07 with a new head (which is a modified version of PFHC05). The new head is supposed to look like http://vignette3.wik...=20091003183103, which is what Wookiepedia has as the Legends "canon" Exile. I did not make this mod—I requested it in the appropriate thread and a few other users put it together: - Schizo did the main bulk of the modeling work - Effix changed the hair color (I know that according the the Revan novel the Exile has light brown hair, but I prefer blonde because of Aimo's KOTOR comics on Deviantart. So I guess this isn't really "canon" after all) - DarthParametric fixed the model with Taina's Replacer - I actually did do one thing: I replaced the party portrait with that hand-drawn pic To install: unzip the files and copy them to your override folder To uninstall: take 'em out again Submitter bagthesnoot Submitted 03/21/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  15. View File Exile's Clothes I looked over my Gray Jedi Robe mod and noticed you don't get it for a while in the game, so I decided to make a mod that gives the Exile some clothes to match the robe (before you get the robe itself). These do have stat upgrades so that way you can power on through Telos. They are found on the Harbinger when you get to your quarters. Installation: Drag files to Override Please make a backup of your Kreia.dlg file, as this does contain the script to fire when you enter the Harbinger. Bugs: None known, PM with any and I will see what I can do. Submitter Squall Lionhart Submitted 04/30/2017 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible  
  16. Hello Deadly Stream community, I (TRDR) am currently working on on a mod that restores/enhances the Mira romance for Male PCs. The entire Mira romance was cut well and truly from the game BUT there is some dialog left that suggests that there was some kind of romance. What I am looking to do is restore the romance to a POINT, to add some more content to the game. TRDR
  17. Hi everyone! As the title says I'd interested in a Savage Opress mod for K1 and TSL. Maybe making Bao-Dur's head playable with Savage's reskin could do the trick. There is already a Savage Opress mod for Jedi Academy, so the textures if not the whole model is available. I have an idea for Dark Side transition. His original eyes are grayish-green, the first level of the DS transition could be yellow eyes and for the final level he could have yellow-red eyes (Maul-like) and blackish end of his spikes on the head. My only problem is that I've never created a K1/TSL mod, so I ask that if someone could create this mod.
  18. First of all let me start by saying I'm a carbonite encrusted fossil from the now defunct KOTOR Fan Media site where we had: Modding, Fanfic, FanArt, and even some clubs dedicated to Carth, Bastia etc. One of the most popular topics on the forums was finding out how many different ways people tailored both games to make their own unique KOTOR experience. So, I thought it might be done here too. It's pretty simple... 1. Describe your PC. Classes, Alignment, Romance (or not), Appearance, Backstory, and what they are best and worst at. 2. How do you use your NPC'S? 3. Planet Order. And so on... I'll start with my Revan just to get things going... Revan LSF: Programmed Name, Gia-Sade Solaris. Programmed age, 28. Starting Class: Scout. Jedi Class: Consular. Weapons: Melee and Hand-to-Hand Expert. Vital Stats: Height: 6'0'' Weight: 135 pounds. Hair: Long and Black. Eyes: Bright Aquamarine Skin: Pale. Lightsaber preferences and Styles of Combat. Paired Sabers MoF with Solari Crystals and Kryat Dragon Pearls. Also an expert with Single blade, and Saberstaff. Level of all forms: Expert. Primary Form: Niman. Fallback styles: Soresu and Shien against ranged enemies. Makashi, Ataru, Djem-So against Melee enemies. Juyo used against Sith Masters and Lords. Fighting style: A slipstream where she all her knowledge of combat styles, Echani, Deralian, Mandalorian, and Jedi, with dance steps, twirls, spins, and acrobatics to take control of and move with a fight. Awful with: Blasters and explosives. Romance: Carth Onasi. Backstory: Both Revan and Gia-Sade Solaris come from Deraila, a planet with a culture juxtaposed with an enlightened cultural and educational environment (Like Classical Athens) with an ancient Celtic martial tradition. They are Empathic humans, who have complex social rules on physical contact, and an obsession with following the proper etiquette of wherever they may be in the galaxy. In other words, they value "the proper way" of doing things so as to not offend others, and they expect others to treat them the same way. Highly advanced, they never strive for "perfection" just continually striving to become the best selves they can be. Very adaptable, pragmatic, and above all disciplined! Still, their Empathy leads them to form strong attachments to others, which they cannot break. As such they tend to be loners. NPC's: Bastila: I take her out when I know there will be a lot of Lightsabers, and on Tatooine. Canderous: My Ranged Weapon Tank! Take him when there's lots of shooting, and whenever there's another Mandalorian out there. Carth: My Pistol Jockey turned Captain Cuisinart, by the time I get to the Livathan. HK: Duh, My other Ranged Tank. Take him when I need to Laugh or Infiltrate. Jolee: He's my healer, my teacher, and the Grandfather I always wanted. He gets out everywhere I can! Juhani: Give her a Lightsaber, let her go kill bad guys. I take her everywhere but Tatooine. Mission: Any place that needs sneaking around with locked doors. T3-M4: My cutie is great in Sith Military Bases! Zaalbar: The Prince of Kashyyyk is a melee tank. He's not great against Force Users, but good on Maanan against crazed Selkath! Planet Order: Used to be- Kashyyyk, Tatooine, Korriban, Manaan. However, now that I have the K1R I'll use Kashyyyk, Tatooine, Maanan, Korriban. Well, there's my Revan! I tried to upload her picture but I couldn't... it's here at
  19. From the album: Kotor 1+2

    The purple hoods are ridiculous =P
  20. Exile's Jedi Robe View File This was inspired by a mod I saw way back when on Filefront that gave the Exile a custom gray Jedi Robe. All it was however, was just a thing to soak up blaster bolts. I am here to give my own take on this robe, and what perfect time than after Kain released his Character Robes mod. This mod has a custom description along with the feat to make it for the PC only, utilizing that War Veteran feat. I have included a custom icon, and it is found in Daraala's store. The PC has unique dialogue for the first time on meeting Daraala. I may fix some grammar issues if I get enough requests. "Well Squall, what if we're past the first meeting with Daraala?" Well, use the save game editor (the working one FS has released) or type in sl_exile to get the robe ingame. This acts as a teaser to my up in coming robe expansion pack with many other choices to come. Stay tuned. Required Mod is Deadman's Movie robe pack, and my Movie Robes pack. I will make a version for the original set of robes if I get enough requests. Installation: Copy all files to Override in the Kotor II Directory Bugs: None reported for now, if something comes up let me know and I will fix it ASAP. Submitter Squall Lionhart Submitted 10/03/2015 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  21. In KOTOR2 is it possible to kill one Jedi Master, spare the other two and still remain on the Light Side? I don't want to fall in the Dark Side, but merely want to kill Vrook. How would that affect last scene at the Jedi Academy courtyard on Dantooine? Or is it like when you kill one, there is no escape, there are no more dialogue lines when facing masters, just to kill. Or even if you chose to save them, you would still be judged as a dark sider on Dantooine, wouldn't it? Please help (I'm approaching Vrook...)!
  22. Hi! I am new to this community and modding KOTOR engine in general. I would like to create a video, which contain a scene where our Exile confess before Jedi Council. This holorecord is played by T3-M3, but the problem is it has that "droid camera" blueish overlay on it. Is it possible through modding to remove it and make that scene appear as a normal cutscene? I have a save before it. Is that overlay information stored in some kind of script or is it a setting in certain dialogue file? The best possibility would be if some good soul modify it and just send me mentioned file so I could throw it into 'Override' and start recording. If not, then please fellow modders, at least point me to the name of that file. Thanks.
  23. Purify

    HK and The Exile

    Hi.I want to know why HK-47 goes in the HK factory alone,since he said that he will go with the player if you ask him about where the HK units are manufactured.I know that after the battle with Atris The Exile goes to Citadel Station but if the story is followed,then shouldn't he/she should go with HK-47 aswell?