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Version 1.0.0
New textures for armor. Resolution 2048x2048. To Install 1. Download: Armor 7 HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
Version 4.2
I've never liked the KotOR Mandalorians. I wished them to look like Jango and Boba Fett. I mean, I wished them to have Fett-style armors and helmets. So, I've tried to make such mod. It is not perfect, but I hope you'll like it. It will change the appearance of all Mandalorians in the game, including Mandalore (he transformed into Jango). Features: - Changed appearance of ALL Mandalorians in game. Now they use completely new armors and helmets, which are made in style of Jango and Boba Fett. - Mandalore transformed into Jango Fett. Available two versions of his armor - with jetpack and without it. You may use any, because now you can unequip his armor (and see Canderous). - Bralor transformed into Boba Fett. I've also made him more dangerous opponent in the Battle Circle (since you may use anything when you fight him he was too easy to beat. And they call him a champion?!) - Kelborn now have unique armor. - New Mandalorian armors for your PC and party members. At this point, they are available for male characters only. - Mandalore comes equipped with 2 Westar Blaster pistols and special Mandalorian flamethrower. For those of you who like Boba I also provided EE-3 Blaster rifle. All this items are quite powerfull, but IMO that will not break game's balance ('cause ranged weapons are NOT effective in TSL). Credits: - NeoMarz1 - for creating awesome Mandalorian model for Jedi Academy. I've used this model in this version of MOD. - Don Kain - I've used some texture parts (symbol on Kelborn's armor) from his JA mandalorian skinpack. - Creator of original textures for Westar blaster pistol (sorry, I don't know your name) - Orsan - I used&altered 2 textures he made for KotOR1 (Boba and Jango armors on the upgrade screen). - Lit Ridl - for allowing me to modify his flamethrower script. Permissions: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ANY OF MY MODS TO BE UPLOADED TO STEAM WORKSHOP. Anything else - be my guest, use like you want, just give credit to me. -
Version 1.0.1
This mod was made to increase the immersion for those who like me, love to play with Canderous in full Mandalorian armor. It applies radio effect on Canderous' voice. Completed lines: Taris ✓ Canderous conversation (stories, etc.) ✓ Carth and Bastila banter ✓ Jagi quest line ✓ Leviathan ✓ Multiple random reactions ✓ Soundset ✓ I've done my best to locate most of the dialogs, but some of the files are a real pain to find. If you happen to stumble upon missing soundfile let me know. It would be extremely helpful if you told me which module it happend and which NPC started the conversation (or you starded with). THIS IS NOT A CLOTHING/ARMOR MOD, IT CONTAINS MODIFIED AUDIO FILES ONLY! IT REQUIRES ANOTHER MOD TO LOOK PROPERLY FE: "Mandalorian Ultimate Mod"! Have fun! -
Version 0.2.0 Beta
A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 0.1.3 Beta Release Date: 14.03.2024 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! No exceptions! Simply click on the INSTALL.exe, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: The Kotor games wouldn't be the same without the diverse array of items you can collect along your journey across the galaxy. With many of these items, you can mix and match your favorite items for the best defense or offense... or can you? A major problem I see in the first Kotor game is the distinct lack of loot drops... or more specifically, the lack of any "useful" loot drops. A good example of this are the Hold Out Blasters, these blasters are small pistols that do 1-4 energy damage with a chance of stun. These unique blasters are weaker then normal blasters, but unlike normal blasters, Hold Out Blasters have that chance of stun. This *could* give the player a choice between more energy based danage VS a chance for stun, however, you can only obtain the Hold Out Blaster on Tatooine and Manaan via merchants... so by the time you even have a chance to get the weakest Hold Out Blaster it's already been outclassed by the stronger weapons you found earlier in the game. Speaking of Hold Out Blasters, the strongest Hold Out Blaster is dropped via a mandatory enemy on Tatooine... this makes every other Hold Out Blaster in the game redundant, why even bother using any Hold Out Blaster when you can get the strongest one for free whereas the weaker ones are sold from merchants. This same problem applies to the armor you can obtain as well. On Taris, you can obtain the Echani Fiber Armor relatively early in the game... this has one big problem though. Echani Fiber Armor is a Class 4 armor type, Class 4 armors are some of the lightest armors you can find in the game with the weakest armor that you first obtain being a standard Combat Suit with 4 defense bonus (hence why it's called a "class 4"). So you start the game with the weak Combat Suit and you can then obtain the Echani Fiber Armor before any other armor piece, but once you upgrade this armor it turns from a 5 defense bonus to a 7 defense bonus. You can upgrade this armor to max capacity before finishing Taris, and after doing so the Echani Fiber Armor becomes one of *the* strongest Class 4 armors in the game. By obtaining this upgradeable armor so early, you no longer need to use the Zabrak Combat Suit, Echani Light Armor, Massassi Ceremonial Armor or the Cinnagar Weave Armor... and why would you? All those armors are weaker then the upgraded Echani Fiber Armor. And all that's just the tip of the ice burg! The K1 Loot Overhaul changes the loot of enemy drops, placeable objects, merchant inventories and even some quest rewards. This mod will make your next playthrough very interesting as you'll have the opportunity to use items you might never have considered previously, this mod will make your next playthrough a challenge as some items you've grown to use might no longer be available as it once was in the vanilla game, this mod will give you a genuine reason to save your credits and buy from merchants. Even if you don't use the new items you encounter, you can certainly sell them to buy better equipment. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there are feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream. Do note that this mod is a Beta, some loot choice you might find to be odd might've been intended. As such, I'm open to player feedback to improve the mod going forward! Incompatibilities: Incompatible with the Enhanced Merchants mod. Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
Aloha! Thanks for checking out my mod. This originally started out as a mod for getting Bao-Dur some non-vanilla starting gear, but I ended up expanding it and creating starting armors for each companion that didn't have one before and making Atton's and Mira's jackets moddable with underlays to keep them more useful. Now every companion can use their default appearance and have it be somewhat competitive to some of the mid-game gear and (hopefully) become a niche choice of equipment for some people! This mod uses TSLPatcher, so it should be compatible with any mods that don't change what armor Kreia, Bao-Dur, Handmaiden, Disciple, and Visas wear when you first meet them. Mods that change or alter their default appearance, such as Ultimate Character Overhaul, should work just fine with this mod since each armor is actually a suped-up generic clothing item. Please feel free to use this mod as you see fit! If you wanna include it in your mod, go ahead - just credit me if you do, that's all I ask. -
Version 1.0.0
This adds a set of Repulic themed upgradeable heavy armor to the game. To get this armor use the console command "giveitem g_a_class8085" without the quotation marks. Based on class8005 armor but with a republic theme. Perfect for your trusty pal Carth. Not sure if it is K1R compatible but probably. Use as you see fit, but please credit me if you re-release it. Feel free to contact me at if you have any issues. Rictus135 -
View File Republic Assault Armor This adds a set of Repulic themed upgradeable heavy armor to the game. To get this armor use the console command "giveitem g_a_class8085" without the quotation marks. Based on class8005 armor but with a republic theme. Perfect for your trusty pal Carth. Not sure if it is K1R compatible but probably. Use as you see fit, but please credit me if you re-release it. Feel free to contact me at if you have any issues. Rictus135 Submitter Rictus Submitted 12/10/2024 Category Skins K1R Compatible No
Version 1.0.0
-------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords -------------------------------------------- TITLE: Sith Robes AUTHOR: Blackrock ------------ INSTALLATION ------------ A note before installing: This mod uses the Revan/Star Forge model slot. Only one mod can do that, make sure you're not already using a mod that takes that approach, you can only use one option. Unzip and copy and paste all files to Override folder. ----------- DESCRIPTION ----------- This mod adds 1 robe. It's original sith robe that sith apprentice and dark jedi use in game. To get this item write a_sith on cheat codes. Only player can wear it. ------------ UNINSTALLING ------------ Remove from the Override folder a_sith.uti ia_revan_051.tpc PFBJ51.tpc pfbjm.mdl pfbjm.mdx PMBJ51.tpc pmbjm.mdl pmbjm.mdx --------- THANKS TO --------- Effix for the guide. -
View File Sith robes -------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords -------------------------------------------- TITLE: Sith Robes AUTHOR: Blackrock ------------ INSTALLATION ------------ A note before installing: This mod uses the Revan/Star Forge model slot. Only one mod can do that, make sure you're not already using a mod that takes that approach, you can only use one option. Unzip and copy and paste all files to Override folder. ----------- DESCRIPTION ----------- This mod adds 1 robe. It's original sith robe that sith apprentice and dark jedi use in game. To get this item write a_sith on cheat codes. Only player can wear it. ------------ UNINSTALLING ------------ Remove from the Override folder a_sith.uti ia_revan_051.tpc PFBJ51.tpc pfbjm.mdl pfbjm.mdx PMBJ51.tpc pmbjm.mdl pmbjm.mdx --------- THANKS TO --------- Effix for the guide. Submitter Blackrock Submitted 11/24/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Version 1.2.0
Instruction: Move all the files from the archive to the override folder. Note: in future versions, the installation will be done through the installer. Description: This modification gives you a new look at the Khoonda Militia and equipment commanders of mercenaries. New types of Khoonda Militia armor and mercenaries are added, and the inventory of some NPCs is updated. * Version 1.2.0 * Added Echani. Now some commanders of mercenaries will be representatives of this race. The first meeting will take place at Telos, where Bao-Dur meets us, and the second meeting will be in the cave of crystals in the mercenary camp, where enemies are held captive by a Jedi master Vrook Lamar. Now these commanders correspond to their heavy armor Echani. I displayed everything in the screenshots. In the future, it is possible to add additional heads to different NPCs. I removed all restrictions, now the mod is free to use, more about this in the credits. * Version 1.1.0 * 1. Added installer; 2. Fixed Berun and Zherron files; 3. Added modified files for Zherron and Azkul; 4. Changed the armor commanders of mercenaries: 4.1. in the crystal cave on Dantooine; 4.2. in the recovery zone on Telos 4, armor can be removed from some mercenaries; 5. Added armor to one of the wanted TSF hired assassins. In his inventory is combat armor and 200 credits, as well as 200 credits in the inventory of his criminal counterpart. 6. Screenshots are updated in accordance with the changes. Features: 1. Khoonda Militia Armor: 1) Old armor, which will periodically appear on the NPC. She is equipped with: Saedhe, Suulru and Jorran, if the last two people, of course, join the militia; 2) New heavy armor, in which all Khoonda militia, including Dillan, will be equipped, the following type of armor is provided for officers; 3) Khoonda Militia Resistance Armor. The armor is worn by Berun, Zherron, and with Zherron it can be removed if the player chooses to join Azkul; 2. In addition, I added armor for Azkul. Now he is equipped in it and, accordingly, his indicators are increased. 3. I also added a thousand credits to his inventory. After all, he is the commander of mercenaries on the planet, and why, I wonder, he walks without money? It is not clear, now it is fixed. 4. In fact, you can get all three Khoonda Militia armor by being on either side of the force. They are sold at Adum at the lowest prices, as he himself says. The price is shown in the screenshots. 5. The properties of all the armor are shown in the screenshots. Armor is available for both male and female characters. 6. I replaced the equipment for Dopak, now he is wearing heavy armor, which is equipped with the commanders of mercenaries. The armor of the mercenary commander, who attacks Chodo Habat to make it look even more dangerous, has also been modified, I always liked this particular type of armor. 7. The mod is compatible with all mods; with a modification of 90SK's SUPER Content Mod - partially compatible. Credits: 90SK texture and icon of Khoonda Militia Heavy Armor; Silveredge9 texture and icon Azkul armor; redrob41: Echani heads. The modification can be implemented on other sites, but in this case you should indicate me as the author, as well as indicate the persons indicated in the credits and special thanks section. Depending on what element you borrow, ask permission, if not provided otherwise, from the creator of a particular material, if you use my materials, permission is not required, my material of this modification can be used when creating your modifications, however you should specify in the future me in the credits section or special thanks. Special Thanks 1. 90SK for providing materials for the modification, which served the creation of Khoonda Militia Resistance Armor; 2. TK102 for the K-GFF GFF Editor; 3. Fair Strides for the KotOR SaveGame Editor. Screenshots: A shop selling armor; old armor; Berun: Khoonda Militia Heavy Armor: Khoonda Militia Resistance Armor: Equanimity Armor: Zherron: Azkul: Mercenary Commanders: Hired assassins: Echani:- 4 comments
Version 1.0
A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 25.07.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: In Kotor 1 you can obtain an armor called Mandalorian Assault Armor which disguises your character into a blue Mandalorian as if your actually wearing there full body armor which was a good feature about the last few missions in kotor but if you play TSL you will know that the Mandalorian Assault Armor has a unique armor reskin which for me was a big slap in the face since I personally liked seeing Canderous as a Mandalorian but when I was searching through the game textures I found out that the TSL Mandalorian Assault Armor texture appears in the files of Kotor 1 meaning that the Texture appearing in TSL was intended for Kotor 1 but was cut at the last minute and replaced with a disguise though personally I would prefer the disguise though the Hardcore Restoration Fans say otherwise Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if their is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "g_a_class9010.uti" though I don't know anything that edits those. Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.- 5 reviews
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- unknown world
- restored content
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TSL Jedi Items + Credits: 90SK - VarsityPuppet - DarthDarkus - Kaidon Jorn - SithSpectre This is an expansion for Jedi robes and Jedi armors in TSL. You can choose one option for each of the armor or robe types This will replace the Jedi master robe, Padawan robe, Jal Shey armors, armored flight suit, and Star Forge robe. All the new items have icons, male and female skins, and stats. Main Square merchant sells new item type with seven or more new items Multiple options for the Jedi item types included in the archive. The default Jal Shey items will have new appearances. The items will work with your old saves. -To Install, Choose up to one of each type of armor, and then copy mod files from archive to Override in your SKotORII directory. -To uninstall, remove the mod files from your Override folder. Please note that the Armored Flight Suit replacements will change the merchant on Onderon, to a new merchant and inventory. It shouldn't affect escaping Onderon. This mod is best used with new game or relatively early game (before Dxun) Features: This mod does a number of things: It will offer replacement types for the Jedi Items (JS/ZS armors, robes types 1 & 2, armored flight suit, and Rakatan cloak) Flight Suit Armors/Jedi Heavy Armors (giveitem jediheavy25 - jediheavy34) are all sold by the Main Square merchant on Onderon. The Star Forge Robe (giveitem deluxe) is in Vogga's treasure chamber. The Ubese Environment Suit is now a Ubese Disguise, (giveitem a_light_11) and is in random loot system. JS/ZS Armors have four types you can choose one of, DarthDarkus' Robes, Tunics, Bandon Armors, or Cloaked Heavy Armors Padawan robe replacement options (not pictured) are Jedi Master Robes, Cloaked KotOR 1 type, and Bastila Tunics. Additional details are still accurate for the replacements, but for Version 4.0 I have split up the archive so you can choose what to install. Additional Details: --- Compatibility: Update 6/18: I will add more screenshots of the additional skins for this update, but basically, the replacements will patch into Override and replace the items in your old saves. So you should be able to see changes to the items right away. You won't be able to install more than one of each type of replacement for each armor type. Update 6/28: Improved details, additional sf robe option added, fixed some items like g_i_cermshield and a_robe_26 ds restriction has been lifted --- Please do not reupload this mod anywhere or in any way. Contact 90SK on for info, questions, or comments. --- This mod is as-is content and not supported by Obsidian, Bioware, or LucasArts. It is meant for personal use only and at users own risk. The devlopers of KOTOR and the author are not responsible for your computer or what you choose to do with it.- 1 review
- armored robes
- npc
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Version 1.3.0
A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 17.06.2023 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! Simply click on this mod's INSTALL.exe, click install, sit back, and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: In the Kotor games, certain alien NPCs can wear the same robes and armor the player can (such as the Twi'leks and the Devaronians) whilst other aliens can't (such as Trandoshans and Rodians). The reason why this is is because of the way these aliens are setup, for example, the Twi'lek is made up of two models: the head and the body, whilst the Rodian is one single model containing both the head and the body. The Duros NPCs are one of the aliens that use 1 model for the entire NPC instead of two, this prevents the Duros from visibly wearing any armor that's equipped on the Duros NPC. Whilst most players won't really notice the single model alien NPCs who can't wear armor, what they might notice is how the Duros on Dantooine who are aligned with the Mandalorian faction there aren't wearing the iconic Mandalorian armor. One could argue that the Duros themselves aren't Mandalorians as they're only ever referred to as "allies" of the Mandalorians, but one longer has to argue, as this mod is here to change everything! In 2015, JCarter426 released his Head Modder's Resource for K2 on MediaFire which took many one model aliens and separated the heads from their bodies. This allowed one model NPCs like Rodians to wear Jedi Robes when previously they couldn't. This was not a mod; however, it was a resource for other modders to pick out assets they wanted to use in their own mods. In the past 8 years, the only thing that has come from the Modder's Resource was the Duros Jedi cameo in the Full Jedi Council mod by Kexikus and Duros Mandalorians in the Smash City Studios fan film "Star Wars KOTOR: Episode 1: A Familiar Path". The idea of Mandalorian Duros has been a dream ever since I first saw the "A Familiar Path" fan film, and today we get to live that dream! The Duros who accompany the Mandalorians on Dantooine and the Duros who work as Miners on Tatooine shall wear Mandalorian armor and Czerka uniform instead of the Duros outfit we all know and love. Originally, I wanted to have two totally different separate mods that edited the Mandalorian Duros and the Duros Miners on Tatooine separately... but to ensure the cleanest installation process I've decided to release this mod, "Duros: Armed and Ready!", before those two mods so that if players don't like those two secret mods then players can simply opt for this simplier mod instead! Those two secret mods shall require "Duros: Armed and Ready!" for the Duros aspect of those mods to work properly, but until those mods are released players do not have to worry about this. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there are feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream. It is possible that Duros modified in this mod shall perform 'idle' animations that clip through the Duros head (such as when an NPC brushes their hair, the Duros who perform this animation will brush right through their face). This bug isn't fixable without brute work modding (possibly involving a new unique Duros heavy battle armor and Czerka body model with different animations), though it shouldn't really be noticable as the Mandalorian Duros will turn hostile and attack the player if you approach them... the bug is only noticable if you focus on the Duros Miners. When the Duros Miners on Tatooine speak, their lips will not move. This might either be an oversight on JCarter426's part back when he made the heads or a result of porting the head to K1, this might be fixed in a future update. Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Will be incompatible with any mod that changes the Mandalorian Duros on Dantooine or the Duros Miners on Tatooine, though I don't know of any mods that do this. The Duros in this mod use the heavy battle armor and Czerka uniform body model, so any changes to these models will affect the Duros (Again, I don't know of any mods that do this). Duros reskins, Mandalorian Armor reskins and Czerka uniform reskins should be compatible with this mod, though how they look together is up to personal opinion! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. The Duros head models themselves are free for any modder to use! Thanks to: JCarter426: For creating the Duros heads in the first place, without you this mod wouldn't have been possible! Smash City Studios: For using the Duros heads in the "Star Wars KOTOR: Episode 1: A Familiar Path" fan film, their appearance greatly inspired this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.- 11 comments
- 1 review
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- this is the way!
- czerka
(and 5 more)
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Version 1.2
Dxun and Onderon Item Restoration Pack A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date 1.0: 09.08.2018 Release Date 1.1: 09.08.2018 Installation: Double Click the "TSLPatcher.exe" and select what restored item you want restored and click install. You may have to do this up to five times to install each item. If you want better stats for the weak items install the files from the "booster pack" folder into the "Override" folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Description: While digging through the game files I noticed a handful of "unused items" resting in 401DXN. While a few where useless the rest I've patched up and placed in-game for you to collect. Onderonian Military Gear: Consisting of an Armor and Headgear you can find these items on the Onderonian Scouts on Dxun and are dropped by their leader Beast Rider Flight Suit: Worn by all of the beast riders now, it uses a cut texture and is dropped by Bakkel Mandalorian Items: A Headgear and a Belt dropped from the Mandalorian Sentry at the start of Dxun and Daveral Ancient Sith Gauntlets: Found on Freedan Nadd's mummified corpse at the end of Freedan Nadd's tomb Mandalore's Mask: Restores an item called Mandalore's Mask to the game. It can be removed and given to other party members but it won't affect the appearance of Mandalore or will it change your party member's appearance in any special way as it uses a vanilla texture. Obtained once Mandalore is recruited These items stats and name where made by Obsidian, the description and the prices were made by me, please leave any comments you may have on them. A small number of items where rather weak so the "booster pack" contains the items with slightly improved stats. Known Bugs: this mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: None that I know of Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for the first game Obsidian for the second game timurD2003 for reporting the broken installer in 1.0 mrmann for early Beta testing Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
Version 2b
Cortosis and Baragwin Armor Items KOTORII:TSL Info: Adds a 20 Def. Cortosis Heavy Armor: "giveitem cortosis" Adds a basic clothing item with 7 Def: "giveitem zs18" Adds Baragwin Heavy Armor Item: "giveitem shadow" Adds Baragwin Hybrid Shadow Armor: "giveitem hybrid" Mini-Baragwin Armor: "giveitem baragwin" Iridorian HyperMesh Armor: "giveitem iridorian" Install: Copy files to Override. In-game, you must enter the giveitem code to receive the items. Uninstall: Remove files from Override Credits: 90SK VarsityPuppet Background: This Cortosis skin was originally created from VarsityPuppet's cloaked heavy armor UVmap. I discovered the UVmap functioning on the default heavy armor in 2015. That discovery lead to the discovery of randomly generated matching UVmap designs in KotOR2. If you would like this mod for other uses, please contact 90SK on Its previous versions have been removed due to some glitches. --- This mod is as-is content and not supported by Obsidian, Bioware, or LucasArts. It is meant for personal use only and at users own risk. The devlopers of KOTOR and the author are not responsible for your computer or what you choose to do with it. -
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- canderous ordo
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View File K1 Loot Overhaul A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 0.1.3 Beta Release Date: 14.03.2024 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! No exceptions! Simply click on the INSTALL.exe, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: The Kotor games wouldn't be the same without the diverse array of items you can collect along your journey across the galaxy. With many of these items, you can mix and match your favorite items for the best defense or offense... or can you? A major problem I see in the first Kotor game is the distinct lack of loot drops... or more specifically, the lack of any "useful" loot drops. A good example of this are the Hold Out Blasters, these blasters are small pistols that do 1-4 energy damage with a chance of stun. These unique blasters are weaker then normal blasters, but unlike normal blasters, Hold Out Blasters have that chance of stun. This *could* give the player a choice between more energy based danage VS a chance for stun, however, you can only obtain the Hold Out Blaster on Tatooine and Manaan via merchants... so by the time you even have a chance to get the weakest Hold Out Blaster it's already been outclassed by the stronger weapons you found earlier in the game. Speaking of Hold Out Blasters, the strongest Hold Out Blaster is dropped via a mandatory enemy on Tatooine... this makes every other Hold Out Blaster in the game redundant, why even bother using any Hold Out Blaster when you can get the strongest one for free whereas the weaker ones are sold from merchants. This same problem applies to the armor you can obtain as well. On Taris, you can obtain the Echani Fiber Armor relatively early in the game... this has one big problem though. Echani Fiber Armor is a Class 4 armor type, Class 4 armors are some of the lightest armors you can find in the game with the weakest armor that you first obtain being a standard Combat Suit with 4 defense bonus (hence why it's called a "class 4"). So you start the game with the weak Combat Suit and you can then obtain the Echani Fiber Armor before any other armor piece, but once you upgrade this armor it turns from a 5 defense bonus to a 7 defense bonus. You can upgrade this armor to max capacity before finishing Taris, and after doing so the Echani Fiber Armor becomes one of *the* strongest Class 4 armors in the game. By obtaining this upgradeable armor so early, you no longer need to use the Zabrak Combat Suit, Echani Light Armor, Massassi Ceremonial Armor or the Cinnagar Weave Armor... and why would you? All those armors are weaker then the upgraded Echani Fiber Armor. And all that's just the tip of the ice burg! The K1 Loot Overhaul changes the loot of enemy drops, placeable objects, merchant inventories and even some quest rewards. This mod will make your next playthrough very interesting as you'll have the opportunity to use items you might never have considered previously, this mod will make your next playthrough a challenge as some items you've grown to use might no longer be available as it once was in the vanilla game, this mod will give you a genuine reason to save your credits and buy from merchants. Even if you don't use the new items you encounter, you can certainly sell them to buy better equipment. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there are feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream. Do note that this mod is a Beta, some loot choice you might find to be odd might've been intended. As such, I'm open to player feedback to improve the mod going forward! Incompatibilities: Incompatible with the Enhanced Merchants mod. Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 03/03/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
View File Armor 7 HD New textures for armor. Resolution 2048x2048. To Install 1. Download: Armor 7 HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. Submitter Dark Hope Submitted 02/24/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.0
New textures for armor. Resolution 2048x2048. To Install 1. Download: Armor 5 HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
Version 1.0.0
New textures for armor. Resolution 2048x2048. To Install 1. Download: Armor 6 HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
View File Armor 5 HD New textures for armor. Resolution 2048x2048. To Install 1. Download: Armor 5 HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. Submitter Dark Hope Submitted 01/08/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.0
Brejik's New Repulsor Arm A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 24.06.2023 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch before this mod! Once you're ready to install this mod simply click on this mod's INSTALL.exe, click install, sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: One night, I was browsing through the game files of K2 to see what assets could be ported over to K1... then I found the files for Bao-Dur and an idea popped in my head: could I port Bao-Dur's Repulsor Arm for other NPCs? After careful consideration, I decided Brejik was one of the only NPCs in K1 that I could replace without causing a conflict with other mods. As a character, Brejik is always said to be a tough and formidable leader of the Black Vulkar Swoop Gang... though his reputation is always reflected through dialogue of other characters. Since Brejik only has a single encounter in the game, we can only use our imaginations as to how Brejik gained this reputation. But with this mod installed, Brejik will be given Bao-Dur's body model for the Military Suit armor. That means Brejik's entire body will now be physically buff, making his Military Suit larger and more muscular than his vanilla model. These muscular details might be easy to miss, though what's not easy to miss is the elephant in the room... the Repulsor Arm itself! This Repulsor Arm is entirely an aesthetic feature, Brejik will NOT power punch your player and knock out their energy shields... the arm simply acts as a symbolic testament to Brejik's character, between the year 3962 BBY (when Brejik last appeared in the Kotor comics) and 3956 BBY (when Kotor takes place) we can assume he lost his arm at some point during his career as a Swoop Gangster, similar to how Gadon Thek lost his eyes in the vanilla game. If you are someone who believes the Repulsor Arm is something only Bao-Dur has, you are welcome to not install this mod. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but feel free to report any bugs you might find! Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Obsidian Entertainment: For Bao-Dur's assets! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.- 7 comments
- 2
- vulkar
- black vulkars
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View File Armor 6 HD New textures for armor. Resolution 2048x2048. To Install 1. Download: Armor 6 HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. Submitter Dark Hope Submitted 10/14/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
View File Brejik's New Repulsor Arm Brejik's New Repulsor Arm A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 24.06.2023 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch before this mod! Once you're ready to install this mod simply click on this mod's INSTALL.exe, click install, sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: One night, I was browsing through the game files of K2 to see what assets could be ported over to K1... then I found the files for Bao-Dur and an idea popped in my head: could I port Bao-Dur's Repulsor Arm for other NPCs? After careful consideration, I decided Brejik was one of the only NPCs in K1 that I could replace without causing a conflict with other mods. As a character, Brejik is always said to be a tough and formidable leader of the Black Vulkar Swoop Gang... though his reputation is always reflected through dialogue of other characters. Since Brejik only has a single encounter in the game, we can only use our imaginations as to how Brejik gained this reputation. But with this mod installed, Brejik will be given Bao-Dur's body model for the Military Suit armor. That means Brejik's entire body will now be physically buff, making his Military Suit larger and more muscular than his vanilla model. These muscular details might be easy to miss, though what's not easy to miss is the elephant in the room... the Repulsor Arm itself! This Repulsor Arm is entirely an aesthetic feature, Brejik will NOT power punch your player and knock out their energy shields... the arm simply acts as a symbolic testament to Brejik's character, between the year 3962 BBY (when Brejik last appeared in the Kotor comics) and 3956 BBY (when Kotor takes place) we can assume he lost his arm at some point during his career as a Swoop Gangster, similar to how Gadon Thek lost his eyes in the vanilla game. If you are someone who believes the Repulsor Arm is something only Bao-Dur has, you are welcome to not install this mod. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but feel free to report any bugs you might find! Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Obsidian Entertainment: For Bao-Dur's assets! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 06/24/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
- 1
- black vulkars
- buff
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View File Duros: Armed & Ready! A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 17.06.2023 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! Simply click on this mod's INSTALL.exe, click install, sit back, and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: In the Kotor games, certain alien NPCs can wear the same robes and armor the player can (such as the Twi'leks and the Devaronians) whilst other aliens can't (such as Trandoshans and Rodians). The reason why this is is because of the way these aliens are setup, for example, the Twi'lek is made up of two models: the head and the body, whilst the Rodian is one single model containing both the head and the body. The Duros NPCs are one of the aliens that use 1 model for the entire NPC instead of two, this prevents the Duros from visibly wearing any armor that's equipped on the Duros NPC. Whilst most players won't really notice the single model alien NPCs who can't wear armor, what they might notice is how the Duros on Dantooine who are aligned with the Mandalorian faction there aren't wearing the iconic Mandalorian armor. One could argue that the Duros themselves aren't Mandalorians as they're only ever referred to as "allies" of the Mandalorians, but one longer has to argue, as this mod is here to change everything! In 2015, JCarter426 released his Head Modder's Resource for K2 on MediaFire which took many one model aliens and separated the heads from their bodies. This allowed one model NPCs like Rodians to wear Jedi Robes when previously they couldn't. This was not a mod; however, it was a resource for other modders to pick out assets they wanted to use in their own mods. In the past 8 years, the only thing that has come from the Modder's Resource was the Duros Jedi cameo in the Full Jedi Council mod by Kexikus and Duros Mandalorians in the Smash City Studios fan film "Star Wars KOTOR: Episode 1: A Familiar Path". The idea of Mandalorian Duros has been a dream ever since I first saw the "A Familiar Path" fan film, and today we get to live that dream! The Duros who accompany the Mandalorians on Dantooine and the Duros who work as Miners on Tatooine shall wear Mandalorian armor and Czerka uniform instead of the Duros outfit we all know and love. Originally, I wanted to have two totally different separate mods that edited the Mandalorian Duros and the Duros Miners on Tatooine separately... but to ensure the cleanest installation process I've decided to release this mod, "Duros: Armed and Ready!", before those two mods so that if players don't like those two secret mods then players can simply opt for this simplier mod instead! Those two secret mods shall require "Duros: Armed and Ready!" for the Duros aspect of those mods to work properly, but until those mods are released players do not have to worry about this. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there are feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream. It is possible that Duros modified in this mod shall perform 'idle' animations that clip through the Duros head (such as when an NPC brushes their hair, the Duros who perform this animation will brush right through their face). This bug isn't fixable without brute work modding (possibly involving a new unique Duros heavy battle armor and Czerka body model with different animations), though it shouldn't really be noticable as the Mandalorian Duros will turn hostile and attack the player if you approach them... the bug is only noticable if you focus on the Duros Miners. When the Duros Miners on Tatooine speak, their lips will not move. This might either be an oversight on JCarter426's part back when he made the heads or a result of porting the head to K1, this might be fixed in a future update. Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Will be incompatible with any mod that changes the Mandalorian Duros on Dantooine or the Duros Miners on Tatooine, though I don't know of any mods that do this. The Duros in this mod use the heavy battle armor and Czerka uniform body model, so any changes to these models will affect the Duros (Again, I don't know of any mods that do this). Duros reskins, Mandalorian Armor reskins and Czerka uniform reskins should be compatible with this mod, though how they look together is up to personal opinion! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. The Duros head models themselves are free for any modder to use! Thanks to: JCarter426: For creating the Duros heads in the first place, without you this mod wouldn't have been possible! Smash City Studios: For using the Duros heads in the "Star Wars KOTOR: Episode 1: A Familiar Path" fan film, their appearance greatly inspired this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 06/17/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
- this is the way!
- czerka
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