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Cytaris last won the day on November 29 2019

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33 Jedi Knight


About Cytaris

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    Jedi Knight

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  1. I'm extremely impressed and will have to use this.
  2. I was thinking the same thing, was in a hurry. Will Update when I get a chance. Edit: Updated Screenshot, now there is one for both games.
  3. Here it is, pretty sure it came from crashed republic ship on unknown world. There is another file similar in that mod that is also in my override. I will attach it as well. Yes, I would rather have it fixed than totally removed. Good to point out. I have uploaded it. There is another file similar in that mod that is also in my override. I will attach it as well. I believe it came from: k_punk_41aa_en.ncs old_k_punk_41aa_en.ncs
  4. Taking out k_punk_41aa_en fixed it for now but I see what you are saying. With it out G_FinalChoice = 1 and UNK_PARTYSHOWDOWN = 1 thanks appreciate the help! Taking out k_punk_41aa_en indeed fixed the issue, awesome! Thanks! I appreciate it!
  5. Glitch where screen fades to black when carth is supposed to say: "Bastila, you're alive!" I have gotten bastila back, and I am dark side. when i go to the ebon hawk the party never showed up. They should appear outside the ebon hawk but they don't so the dialogue won't trigger. Mods affecting this scene are save mission and my reskins. also community patch maybe others, When I try to trigger the dialogue it goes to a back screen. Any ideas how I can fix this?

    1. DarthParametric


      Check your Override folder for unk41_carth.dlg and if you find it delete it/move it somewhere else.

    2. Cytaris


      Thanks for the help but I do not have that file in my override folder so I am sadly at a loss.

    3. DarthParametric


      K1CP doesn't alter that scene (yet - it's on the to-do list) and the Mission mod should alter the scene that comes after it (which uses a separate DLG, unk41_mission.dlg), so I gather the problem isn't either of those.

      Re-reading your description, it sounds like the scene isn't triggering at all. That could be due to the module OnEnter script or a separate trigger OnEnter script. Have a look in your Override for any NCS files that start with "k_punk_".

  6. I have gotten bastila back, and I am dark side. when i go to the ebon hawk the party never showed up. They should appear outside the ebon hawk but they don't so the dialogue won't trigger. Mods affecting this scene are save mission and my reskins. When I try to trigger the dialogue it goes to a back screen. Any ideas how I can fix this?
  7. If you want the newest version (3.0) message me. I still need one person's permission to release it.
  8. View File Improved Sith Mask (K1 & K2) I liked the style of the Original Sith Mask in KOTOR but it's resolution was so low. This is nothing too fancy, I just upscaled it and used some texture and color effects to make it look slightly better imo. My intention was to keep the vanilla feel of the Original Sith Mask but improve it. This mod will work for both KOTOR & KOTOR 2 without needing to change the name of the file. It's really simple. Installation: Drop the file into the override of either game. Compatibility: It is compatible with anything that does not change the default sith mask. If you have a mod that changes the default sith mask, this mod will override it. Submitter Cytaris Submitted 08/11/2021 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  9. Version 1.0.1


    I liked the style of the Original Sith Mask in KOTOR but it's resolution was so low. This is nothing too fancy, I just upscaled it and used some texture and color effects to make it look slightly better imo. My intention was to keep the vanilla feel of the Original Sith Mask but improve it. This mod will work for both KOTOR & KOTOR 2 without needing to change the name of the file. It's really simple. Installation: Drop the file into the override of either game. Compatibility: It is compatible with anything that does not change the default sith mask. If you have a mod that changes the default sith mask, this mod will override it.
  10. I will do my best to let you know where the majority of the mods in this screenshot came from. It may take me a minute because I don't remember them all right now but I'll make a list when I can. The robe is from make carth a jedi Carths outfit is but i actually have it set on default clothes 3 for carth and i have 2 others for him on the same game.
  11. Cytaris


    If anyone wants this updated reskin of Bastila's Head I made last night let me know and I will send it in a message. I can't upload it until I get permission from Fin because he put in on the hair. Besides that, Dark Hope and everyone else listed in my Darth Bastila's Sith Eye's Mod is also credited. I also have a version with sith eyes I can send you I just haven't taken the screenshot yet.
  12. If anyone wants this updated reskin of Bastila's Head I made last night let me know and I will send it in a message. I can't upload it until I get permission from Fin because he put in on the hair. Besides that, Dark Hope and everyone else listed in my Darth Bastila's Sith Eye's Mod is also credited. I also have a version with sith eyes I can send you I just haven't taken the screenshot yet.



  13. Does anyone know how I can fix certain textures that are supposed to shine but instead become transparent in KOTOR 1?

    1. Malkior


      If it's a character texture like the Mandalorian armor, try opening Appearance.2da and changing the **** to "CM_Baremetal" in the "envmap" section.

      You could also try making a TXI file with "envmaptexture CM_Baremetal" typed into it with Notepad. (Same name as the TGA file with .txi instead)

    2. Cytaris


      I will do this, thanks!

  14. Awesome, I've wanted a good reskin of this armor for years.