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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. Is this an unused animation? How does this not warrant a modification to the S_male/female model files? Regardless, fantastic work here!
  2. View File Miro42's Naga Sadow PC Head The old Naga Sadow PC Head mod should be iconic to some of us as being the head of Lord Scourge in Smash City Studios' Kotor trilogy fan films. Unlike most of Miro42's mods, the Naga Sadow PC Head mod is not hosted on Deadlystream.com and was instead found hosted on his seemingly abandoned personal website. In the event that his website's domain expires, the Naga Sadow PC head mod would be lost to history... since Miro has authorized free use for his mod in his OG description I've decided to upload the Naga Sadow PC Head mod here on Deadlystream for Archival purposes. The original author of this mod is @miro42 and I took no part in the creation of this mod. Miro42's original readme. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 12/16/2022 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    The old Naga Sadow PC Head mod should be iconic to some of us as being the head of Lord Scourge in Smash City Studios' Kotor trilogy fan films. Unlike most of Miro42's mods, the Naga Sadow PC Head mod is not hosted on Deadlystream.com and was instead found hosted on his seemingly abandoned personal website. In the event that his website's domain expires, the Naga Sadow PC head mod would be lost to history... since Miro has authorized free use for his mod in his OG description I've decided to upload the Naga Sadow PC Head mod here on Deadlystream for Archival purposes. The original author of this mod is @miro42 and I took no part in the creation of this mod. Miro42's original readme.
  4. N-DReW25

    Sith Commandos [K1]

    Correct, the normal Sith Soldiers shall remain the same whilst Commandos are a new type of NPC found in specific areas. For anyone interested in a replacer, it can be found here!
  5. View File Sith Commandos [K1] A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 11.12.2022 Installation: 1) This mod requires .MOD files in order to work, these can be acquired by installing the K1 Community Patch. 2) Install the K1CP first: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1258-kotor-1-community-patch/ 3)Once you have that mod installed, simply click on this mod's INSTALL.exe, click install, sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Recommended, but not required, mods to install are: Commandos of the Old Republic, adds Commandos for the Republic!- https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2033-commandos-of-the-old-republic/ Effixian's Sith Commando Reskins, gives the Sith Commandos a higher quality skin - https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1998-effixians-sith-commando-reskins/ Description: Whilst many Star Wars fans may know of the many Trooper variants which exist in the Star Wars Canon and Legends universe, the Legends video game Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic doesn't offer many notable Trooper variants presenting only gold and red Sith Troopers as enemies who exist solely to be an obstacle in the way of the player and don't really offer anything valuable lore wise. KoTOR's sequel, The Sith Lords, tries to somewhat fix this issue with the Sith Army by adding "Sith Commandos", Sith Commandos are an odd appearance in Kotor 2 as they appear towards the end game but aren't really introduced to the player in any way which is impactful (like seeing gold Sith Troopers butcher Republic Soldiers or having a red Sith Soldier confront you up close and personal in the Undercity). Sith Commandos are so mundane in TSL it wouldn't come as a surprise if some of us never noticed them, however, Sith Commandos are unique from Bioware's Sith Soldiers in that they possess a unique model and texture. This mod will port the Sith Commandos from Kotor 2 and add them into Kotor 1, placing them strategically amongst the Sith you encounter across the galaxy. Do be warned, for better or worse, this mod will only change the name and appearance of Sith Soldiers thus converting them into Sith Commandos. Their stats and equipment will remain the same, this means they won't kill you easily with overpowered stats and won't drop odd loot, however, they won't be any stronger than Sith Soldiers despite being 'Commandos'. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. It should be noted that the vanilla Sith Commando model has a hole underneath one of the armpits, if this is fixed in the K2 Community Patch I will seek permission to include the fixed model in my mod. Incompatibilities: Report any unknown incompatibilities to me on Deadlystream.com Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Special Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Obsidian: For the original Sith Commando model and texture! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 12/11/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 11.12.2022 Installation: 1) This mod requires .MOD files in order to work, these can be acquired by installing the K1 Community Patch. 2) Install the K1CP first: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1258-kotor-1-community-patch/ 3)Once you have that mod installed, simply click on this mod's INSTALL.exe, click install, sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Recommended, but not required, mods to install are: Commandos of the Old Republic, adds Commandos for the Republic!- https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2033-commandos-of-the-old-republic/ Effixian's Sith Commando Reskins, gives the Sith Commandos a higher quality skin - https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1998-effixians-sith-commando-reskins/ Description: Whilst many Star Wars fans may know of the many Trooper variants which exist in the Star Wars Canon and Legends universe, the Legends video game Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic doesn't offer many notable Trooper variants presenting only gold and red Sith Troopers as enemies who exist solely to be an obstacle in the way of the player and don't really offer anything valuable lore wise. KoTOR's sequel, The Sith Lords, tries to somewhat fix this issue with the Sith Army by adding "Sith Commandos", Sith Commandos are an odd appearance in Kotor 2 as they appear towards the end game but aren't really introduced to the player in any way which is impactful (like seeing gold Sith Troopers butcher Republic Soldiers or having a red Sith Soldier confront you up close and personal in the Undercity). Sith Commandos are so mundane in TSL it wouldn't come as a surprise if some of us never noticed them, however, Sith Commandos are unique from Bioware's Sith Soldiers in that they possess a unique model and texture. This mod will port the Sith Commandos from Kotor 2 and add them into Kotor 1, placing them strategically amongst the Sith you encounter across the galaxy. Do be warned, for better or worse, this mod will only change the name and appearance of Sith Soldiers thus converting them into Sith Commandos. Their stats and equipment will remain the same, this means they won't kill you easily with overpowered stats and won't drop odd loot, however, they won't be any stronger than Sith Soldiers despite being 'Commandos'. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. It should be noted that the vanilla Sith Commando model has a hole underneath one of the armpits, if this is fixed in the K2 Community Patch I will seek permission to include the fixed model in my mod. Incompatibilities: Report any unknown incompatibilities to me on Deadlystream.com Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Special Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Obsidian: For the original Sith Commando model and texture! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  7. I'll admit that mod does require an update, though several other large mods occupies much of the little time I have for modding I'm afraid. I'll see about hiding that mod from the public view for the time being until a proper fix can be developed.
  8. I'm fairly confident they're in the files just not used. I've done these in my old K1 Gameplay Improvement mod. I took that mod down as I planned to release my K1GI features as they're standalone mods, and for anyone interested in my standalone mods they're coming along well! I've been meaning to make a TSL to K1 alien mod as part of this project of mine though I've had the issue where either the model would "half T-pose" or, in the case of Devaronians, the mouths wouldn't fully close (it was ignorable but it was still a problem). Other than that, my alien mod managed to implement the alien soundsets so when you release this mod it would really speed things up on my end! Incase you're interested, I have two ideas for model mods you could make:
  9. You weren't supposed to, that fight is very similar to the Revan VS Malak fight on the Leviathan. Mild spoiler for the Demo: Much of the Demo's plot is considered 'old lore' now, after Corellia the player will get to experience two new planets before your Master's sacrifice (One of these planets is Nar Shaddaa which will appear in Act 1 and the other planet, alongside your Master's sacrifice, will appear in Act 2). Your player's Jedi Master is named "Quan Drayen". For the events of ROR to align with the events of SWTOR, the player would have to pick very specific dialogue choices and actions. This is because we can't, and shouldn't, sacrifice playability just to compromise with TOR. The ROR mod is planned to be divided into two playable versions, the Canon version and the non-Canon version. The Canon version will have the events of the Revan novel play out which will mean T3-M4 is dead, the Exile is betrayed by Lord Scourge and Revan was imprisoned by Vitiate for the next 100 years. The Non-Canon version will NOT follow the events of the Revan novel, some things might still exist like Dromuund Kaas, Nathema, Scourge and Vitiate but that's about it. Revan would've most likely have been freed by the Jedi Exile and would be able to interact with your player character. Also, the player can still customize their Revan and Exile to their heart's content despite what version they play. You can set it so that a male Light Side Exile get killed by Scourge and a female Dark Side Revan is imprisoned for 300 years in the Canon Version OR you can meet the canon male Light Side Revan in the Non-Canon version. Of course, if Revan is female that would mean that Revan's canonical son, Vaner Shan, isn't born and if he isn't born that means Satele Shan isn't born either. In my opinion, don't worry about what is or isn't canon to TOR, just try to have fun playing the mod the same way you'd have fun playing Kotor 2 even if Exile is supposed to be light side female named "Meetra Surik". Once the mod is fully finished, I'm sure we'll open a thread about the precise Canon path for TOR and what Logan considers to be the Canon ending for ROR out of all the possible endings. I believe the Non-Canon version will be developed before the Canon one, so players would experience the cooler Non-Canon playthrough first! The Non-Canon version of Revan you'd meet would probably be neutral, as you said he is either the Dark Lord of the Sith or the parodical knight who saved the Republic. The reason Revan becomes neutral is because he regained his full identity through recovering all of his lost memories, Revan no longer wishes to be the Dark Lord of the Sith as he knows that Vitiate is using Revan as a pawn, he doesn't want to be a Jedi hero either as that identity was programmed into him by the Jedi Council and he alone knows that a greater threat lurks in the Unknown Regions. The Revan you'd meet would be neutral and would, for the most part, be the same regardless of if he/she was Light Side or Dark Side... but the consequences of the LS and DS endings would still remain (Namely Carth hating Revan for betraying the party and Bastila believing Revan to still be a Sith Lord if Dark Side). Bear this in mind, everything I just said about Revan's alignment is based souly on what I think is easiest both lore wise and programming (as in actual modding implementation) wise. Logan, the lead mod author, could easily swoop in and make Revan totally different when the time comes to add him to the mod. So take everything I've said with a grain of salt. Not necessarily, Revan's "Revenge" could be targeted against the True Sith. Of course, since the player has the option of being either Light Side or Dark Side as well as being aligned to various different groups and factions it could be entirely possible that the player could stand in the way of Revan's ambitions making Revan a sort of antagonist. The ROR mod was first drafted in 2008, due to the numerous rewrites since then the "Revenge of Revan" title might not make too much sense if you're wishing to follow a TOR friendly Canon playthrough of ROR.
  10. What exactly is that first screenshot? Is it an old XBOX mod? Is it from the E3 Demo from 2003? Obsidian testing appearances perhaps?
  11. Finally got into my Deadlystream account, for those of you who haven't had contact with me about a month ago my PC started to finally break down on me, so I've been "PC-less" for the past month now.


    Hopefully soon I shall have a replacement PC and I'll be getting back to work on my little projects in no time! 😉

  12. If the general public says the cutscene should be removed/they don't care if its removed then maybe it should stay removed, however, it is totally justified having it in the mod as the dev note requested it. What we could do instead is add it to a submod which can be downloaded by players if they REALLY wanted to have the old scene, to this day we can still get Mandalore stepping on a landmine in 1.8.6 thanks to the tweak pack submod! TSLRCM also has a number of custom content to make other restorations work, like "Mira's escape from the Jekk'Jekk Tarr" has a few modder written lines for Visquis to make it all work and the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave and the revamped Carth intro at the Battle of Telos use extensive modder made content... but if we removed said custom content the players probably wouldn't like that as this custom content made the restored content better (despite it being half custom content).
  13. (This image is a joke... I don't like wasting 10 minutes fighting a single HK-50 droid before wasting another 10 minutes fighting his HK buddy!) The one which flies from the boarding ramp and into the Cockpit? Why was this one removed?
  14. Considering the M4-78 mod is literally infamous for having Vash die on M4-78, can you forgive me that I didn't know about the Easter Egg ending where Vash goes to Dantooine if the other Jedi Masters are already dead? So what you're saying is the original EE mod had the blank red dialogue fade to black with the blue response dialogue executing a script to continue the Enclave whereas my mod removed the blue response thus removing the script thus breaking the game? If that is so, I'll get around to making an update. I've been meaning on updating this mod for a while now, I'll hopefully get around to it soon!
  15. Stuff like that, especially the new animations, will be its own mod. However, the dialogues which get modified will be done so after much consideration due to the need of compatibility with other mods. You probably aren't going to see party member dialogue get animations and then released as a mod friendly 100% compatible mod... but I'm fairly certain 75% of other dialogues can be given fresh animations! Kebla Yurt's shop can be made into a mod without much worry. This can also be made into a mod, however, the music from ROR will not be present. As a ROR writer, I can confirm that the music in the original ROR Demo (made in 2010-2011) may be replaced with modern music at some point (This is merely an opinion held by most of the ROR Team and there are no concrete plans to change the music as of now, but I do personally think changing the music is on the to-do list for the far future). That is something I'm surprised people actually liked, whilst I could make this into its own standalone mod I'd like for it to be compatible with the Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment mod so this one might be done later. I think I recall doing something like this! I remember one of these was the Republic Officer recruiting mercs on Manaan, if I can find these fixes justifiable I might even add it to my Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack mod! I recall adding Carth randomly interjecting in more dialogues on Taris, I could make something akin to this in the future though my primary concern with a mod like this would be compatibility with other mods. I also recall modifying Carth's romance dialogues so that the players can hear very specific romance dialogue lines if the player was male, these lines I added were rather neutral and didn't reference gender or romance so it did spice up the cutscenes. Sarna's dialogue was actually recorded twice, I simply swapped out the audio recordings in vanilla for the audio recording which was left out of the game. I do remember I actually restored the bribing Sarna and Yun Genda for Sith Uniforms regardless of gender. This here can be restored in a restored content mod which is also in development! This is also a very possible mod for me to make, though the problem for me would be deciding where each music track would play. I believe that was lifted and heavily modified from the K1 Enhancement Pack, as always I can probably turn this into a standalone mod but I'll have to look into it to see what I'd need to do to make it compatible with other mods which alter the same scene. As much as I am sad to admit this, the K1GI Jedi Robes were partially a disaster. The idea was that K1 Jedi Robes remained in-tact whilst K2 Jedi Robes replaced the Star Forge robes. I ended up removing much of the vanilla robe drops due to it being kinda weird to find Jedi Master Robes in a Krayt Dragon cave or in Master Uthar's personal footlocker, but since I didn't add these robes in other locations in the end the only K2 robe the player could've worn was Jolee's robes. I might see if there's a way to recreate the K2 Jedi Robes replacing Star Forge robes using the Cloaked Jedi Robe mod but don't keep your hopes up for this one. Just keep in mind, the "low res" Jedi Robes were actually the default 512 x 512 resolution of the base vanilla game... but if you play with HD Ai upscale mods then yes they would be "low res" in comparison to those mods. The mods in development probably won't outright say "K1 Gameplay Improvement" on the title, but you can probably notice right away that a mod of mine is a successor to the K1GI (even if its entirely new content you've ever seen before). If the mod modifies multiple and/or adds new appearances then you can count that it is a K1GI successor mod.
  16. @Darth Imperitus What Arson has stated right here is exactly why it was taken down! In my quest for K1R compatibility I decided it was best to make the mod compatible with the K1 Community Patch instead as many, many players requested I add the bug fixes from that mod. However, K1R and K1CP all had the same problem... it was far easier to start again and build the mod from the ground up with my improved 2022 modding knowledge to present a far better mod experience. And here's the best part... it's not cancelled! The K1GI mod will live on in the form of various smaller mods which can work with or without each other and will be compatible with the K1CP mod (And probably K1R as well). I am on the verge of publishing a Czerka NPC Overhaul which will add K1GI's Czerka content + new Czerka content into a standalone mod which is again compatible with K1CP and most other popular mods. I can also confirm that similar "NPC Overhaul" mods with different themes are also in the making!
  17. N-DReW25

    Yassified Carth

    At last! Someone has finally published a mod to challenge the other "Cursed Onasi" skin!
  18. True, though I did state that I recommended users install the K1CP, K1R or NPC Overhaul to get the .MOD files in my readme. But if you, or anyone else, feels that I should make this mod compatible with users who don't use K1CP, K1R or NPC Overhaul I can add the compatibility in.
  19. View File Ladies of the Sith Army Ladies of the Sith Army A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.3.0 Release Date: 11.12.2022 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! Simply click on the TSLPatcher.exe, select your option, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Once the mod is installed, delete "PLC_SSldCrps.tpc" from the Override folder. Description: On Taris, you encounter a female off duty Sith by the name of Sarna who says the following: "I'm off duty right now, so I'm not in uniform. My name is Sarna - junior officer first class with the Sith occupation force."- Sarna A 'first class junior officer' makes it sound as if she is one of the many female Sith Officer NPCs you encounter throughout the game, however, the player has the option of stealing her Sith Armor which instead suggests she is a Female Sith Soldier... so where are the Female Sith Soldiers? This mod will add Female Sith Soldiers throughout the K1 story alongside their male comrades in arms, they can be found in the following locations: Endar Spire Taris Undercity Taris Military Base Manaan Military Base Leviathan Star Forge These new NPCs are a rework of the default Sith Trooper model, giving them feminine curves and the female animations. This, combined with the new Female Sith Soldier soundset (an edit of the normal Sith Soldier soundset), will present authentic Female Sith Soldiers. Only the appearances and soundsets of the modified Sith are changed, the difficulty and loot drops of the affected Sith Soldiers remain unchanged. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. When the Female Sith Soldier dies, her arms sometimes appear to clip into the ground. This is an issue with the model and isn't something I can fix. Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Should be compatible with most Sith Trooper reskins! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. The Female Sith Soldier models, however, are free for everyone to use! Thanks to: Maris Fett: For the neat model! A Future Pilot: For making the Sith Soldier Texture Restoration mod which was merged with this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 08/06/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  20. Version 1.2.0


    Ladies of the Sith Army A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.3.0 Release Date: 11.12.2022 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! Simply click on the TSLPatcher.exe, select your option, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Once the mod is installed, delete "PLC_SSldCrps.tpc" from the Override folder. Description: On Taris, you encounter a female off duty Sith by the name of Sarna who says the following: "I'm off duty right now, so I'm not in uniform. My name is Sarna - junior officer first class with the Sith occupation force."- Sarna A 'first class junior officer' makes it sound as if she is one of the many female Sith Officer NPCs you encounter throughout the game, however, the player has the option of stealing her Sith Armor which instead suggests she is a Female Sith Soldier... so where are the Female Sith Soldiers? This mod will add Female Sith Soldiers throughout the K1 story alongside their male comrades in arms, they can be found in the following locations: Endar Spire Taris Undercity Taris Military Base Manaan Military Base Leviathan Star Forge These new NPCs are a rework of the default Sith Trooper model, giving them feminine curves and the female animations. This, combined with the new Female Sith Soldier soundset (an edit of the normal Sith Soldier soundset), will present authentic Female Sith Soldiers. Only the appearances and soundsets of the modified Sith are changed, the difficulty and loot drops of the affected Sith Soldiers remain unchanged. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. When the Female Sith Soldier dies, her arms sometimes appear to clip into the ground. This is an issue with the model and isn't something I can fix. Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Should be compatible with most Sith Trooper reskins! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. The Female Sith Soldier models, however, are free for everyone to use! Thanks to: Maris Fett: For the neat model! A Future Pilot: For making the Sith Soldier Texture Restoration mod which was merged with this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  21. If you used the K2 grass for Dantooine I think you should know this. The K2 Dantooine grass is a recoloured and downsized version of the K1 grass with K2's texture being 256x256 whilst the K1 grass is 512x512. Since you upsized the Dantooine grass to 1024x1024 wouldn't using the K1 grass (with your own recolour) instead look better if you upscaled that instead?
  22. By any chance can you add an option to have the glow from this modder's resource as part of this mod?
  23. Are those grass (as in "the ground") textures ported from the Nintendo Switch version of Kotor 2 or did you make them yourself?
  24. What did you expect from a Sith Holocron?
  25. Hello, I'm N-DReW25: a writer for the Revenge of Revan mod. The mod's development is going well, though any discussion of the mod's development can be done in the return of ROR thread as this post is concerning another topic. During the development of the ROR mod, I've personally thought up something called a "Revenge of Revan Addon mod" or "ROR Addon" for short. A ROR Addon is a mod which is designed to work with the ROR mod and can only be used with the ROR mod (A mod which was made for K2 which is also fully compatible with ROR isn't considered a ROR Addon, though a "What's compatible with ROR" thread might be opened upon ROR Episode 1's release!). Originally, I thought I would be announcing the ROR Addon concept sometime after the release of ROR Episode 1, however, due to the release of a recent mod I am pleased to announce that a new ROR Addon has been made which I can happily show the general public without leaking anything from the modern ROR mod which is still in development. And the first (and hopefully not last) ROR Addon is called: "High Quality Aliens: Yoda Species" The Revenge of Revan mod currently has not one, not two, but three Yoda species NPCs. Whilst I have made 3 skins, currently only one of the Yoda NPCs is used in the mod though since none of you realistically know who "Ulon Tuain" is I might as well call it "High Quality Aliens: Yoda Species". This here is now Ulon appears in the ROR Demo and how he will look in the future releases of the ROR mod: And here is how Ulon will appear with the HQ Yoda Species ROR Addon installed!: Disclaimer: Every Jedi Council member in the ROR Demo had names, you could only see them in the dialogue feedback menu once the Jedi Council cutscene ended. Just because Ulon Tuain has a ROR Addon made for him and the fact that I've revealed his name to the public doesn't make him "important" in the grand scheme of the ROR plot, as many of the fine details of later content of ROR is still up in the air it is possible that Ulon Tuain might just be "a Jedi Council member" character and that's it, or it might be possible that the Jedi Council members will play a bigger role which hasn't been written in yet... we just don't know (in 2022). And the dialogue is of course experimental, if overall community feedback dislikes the Yoda speak then remove from the mod we will! So when will this ROR Addon be released? I am not certain of that, and I have two very good reasons as to why this mod might not be released soon. 1) ROR Episode 1 hasn't been released yet: If I released this mod tomorrow then the players would only be able to play this mod with the ROR Demo which was released in 2011 (How many of us are playing the ROR Demo in 2022?) 2) Stormie's ported model hasn't been thoroughly tested: When I imported the model into MDLEdit (One of you model modders probably had a stroke reading that) I received an error message. This is very, VERY likely the result of MDLEdit not being prepared to load a "custom model completely built from scratch using modern 3D asset creation techniques" (as Stormie puts it). MDLEdit probably had a stroke as the following was the error message I recieved: As you can see from my screenshot, I believe the ported model works just fine in K2... however, I think it might be best to wait some time and hope Stormie himself ports his work to K2 and I'll just use that model instead. But I want it now! I am also very, VERY open to the idea of releasing all 3 High Quality Yoda skins for ROR as replacements for the original Vandar mod. That means you will be able to pick one of the 3 ROR Yoda's and have it replace the Vandar texture in K1 (You WILL require Stormie's original mod to be installed first!) In-conclusion: Let me know what you guys think of both the High Quality Vandar reskin and the concept of Addon mods for the ROR mod! Do you think ROR Addons are a good idea? Would you play with Addons when ROR is released? Do you think this is a bad idea? Should I release the Yoda skins for K1? Let me know what you think in the comments, your feedback (good and bad) would be helpful for Logan and the team! All credit goes to Stormie97 for the original model and texture!