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JasonRyder last won the day on August 16 2024

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About JasonRyder

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    Jedi Master

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  1. Will you also be restoring the Hidden Beks and Commoners outside the Bek base? What about the Swoop Platform accessible from the Lower City Apartments?
  2. I've seen a mod that restores this, along with other parts of the Taris Undercity. It's this one on Gamefront. But it's 17 years old. Out of all the cut content in the Undercity, I'd like to see the Outcast Children restored because children are mentioned in dialogues, and their dialogue is fully voiced and complete. Other restorations I'd like to see are the Echani Mercenary on Manaan and the Iriaz on Dantooine. The Echani Mercenary's dialogue was fully voiced and the Iriaz are mentioned in the "Murdered Settler" quest dialogues. I actually got one of Bolook's questions wrong by choosing the "There are no Iriaz for him to hunt out here" the first time I did the quest because the Iriaz weren't present. These things would likely be easier to restore than the Vulkar Base Sub-Level.
  3. Say, could you can Kaidon Jorn make a compatibility patch to make K1 Loot Overhaul compatible with KSR 2022?
  4. JasonRyder

    Revamped FX

    May I ask what lightsaber mod(s) you're using in these screenshots?
  5. Exar Kun's Light Battle Suit was reskinned by the K1 Restoration Team and it looks great! It's Black with Silver as the secondary color.
  6. I'll be happy if I can use N-Drew's Onderonian Fashion with this mod!
  7. Will do! And I like the "Rough Crowd" feat she has now. Growing up in the Lower City would've toughend her up a bit, despite her small size.
  8. Thanks! I've played KOTOR many times, but I'm not the best at making RPG builds. And one thing I found odd in vanilla KOTOR is that Mission comes with a Vibroblade and Zaalbar comes with a Bowcaster despite them being optimized for ranged and melee combat respectively.
  9. I also want to fully repair HK-47, and yes, I plan to buy items to boost my Repair skill. I'm going for a 'Canonical Revan' build using the Scout as their starting class and Guardian as their Jedi Class.
  10. Thank you for the prompt reply and that's just the answer I was hoping for. Balance in the Force changes the loot for Kandon Ark and the Sith Governor on Taris and so does K1 Loot Overhaul. Guessing that installing K1 Loot Overhaul over Balance in the Force will give me the loot from K1 Loot Overhaul but the mechanics of Balance in the Force.
  11. Great progress on your mods! Oh and I was thinking of installing Timbo's Balance in the Force Mod along with your cosmetic mods, K1 Loot Overhaul, and Senni Vek Restoration. Would there be any incompatibilities?
  12. Oh and I looked at the recommended stats for all starting classes(Scout, Scoundrel, Soldier), and Charisma is at 10. Normally, I set it higher so I can pass all the Persuade checks on Taris. Are there recommended stats for that kind of build?
  13. Would this mod be compatible with K1 Loot Overhaul?
  14. If you're making an SLM 2024 Mod for K1, would you be willing to make a compatibility patch for N-DReW25's K1 Loot Overhaul mod? I like using both.