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BK2-Modder last won the day on September 5 2021

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16 Jedi Padawan

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About BK2-Modder

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. This is excellent work, I am so glad you not only put the effort of porting the models and textures to Xbox appropriate formats but were so courteous as to share this with us! Thank you!
    Helps give a lot of life to Redhawke's old Ord Mandell mod, making the modules feel much more unique and less evidently recycled. Only other changes that would improve Ord Mandell would be dialogue spelling and grammatical fixes. Definitely a must have if you are still using Ord Mandell.
  2. Found this in my archive: http://ceesty.com/wMxIOd [K1] Jedi Robes Replacement Pack by Don Kain "This mod will replace male and female robes with those worn by Jedi outside the enclave. (See the screenshot)" Hope that helps
  3. Looking forward to seeing more!
  4. It's good to have closure on the mod, and it's good to know that you are doing better in terms of your real life. Thanks for what you gave us, and well wishes for your future, sir.
  5. I'm fairly sure you can edit JRL files using KGFF. I haven't messed with KotOR modding in a while, so I wouldn't recall if KotOR Tool has support for JRL editing; probably does through GFF support. Also, There's JRLEdit: http://festyy.com/wX3LfL
  6. There's probably a better way of doing this now, but I have JRLMerger0.3b hosted on my mediafire archive here: http://festyy.com/wX3HcG Lmk if that's what you were looking for.
  7. Weird that the video wouldn't work for me in Opera; even made sure no script or ad blockers were active. After getting to watch the video in Firefox, though, that's some fine voice acting. I do agree, a helmet filter would be a nice alteration. Looking forward to future updates 👍
  8. Sweet! Finally gives some purpose to the repeaters and will make gunslinger builds more interesting.
  9. Good to hear! But am I the only one for whom the video is not working?
  10. No problem, glad to be of service. And credit for it goes not to me, but to whoever actually edited the module. I believe it was either on this forum or lucasforums that I acquired it a while back.
  11. Not sure if this would help any, but I found this zip in my archive called "371NAR Non-Swoop.zip" Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/l1wyi33dqis8d54/KotOR_II_371NAR+Non-Swoop.zip Let me know if that's of any use at all.
  12. I would do as SH says, or just create a general purpose request, but regarding your request for Sithspecter's Coruscant Jedi Temple for K1, yes, I do have both the original version and a more self-contained version I compiled, but the latter has missing textures on the statues. Be aware that it is not compatible with BoS:SR. Links: OG: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6iijo77xwbun234/KotOR1_Coruscant_Resource.zip/file Self-contained: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rsv25sef2cslgtx/KotOR_SithSpecterCoruscantTemple_cor_m60aa_PatchedMod.zip I already PM'ed Sithspecter regarding the self-contained version of the module, and as it is a modder's resource, he said to use away as desired. In case you were also going to ask for his Coruscant Club resource, the reskinned Star Forge module, it can also be found here: OG: http://www.mediafire.com/file/benhz08ssnplzz7/KotOR_SithSpecter_Coruscant+Club.rar Self-contained: http://www.mediafire.com/file/lfaiqlojmkj8ar9/KotOR_SithSpecter_cor_m55ab_Patched.zip/file
  13. I'm fairly sure that TK102's birthday quest mod is available on the JumpStationZ Mod Archive here: http://jumpstationz.com/ModsArchive/ Alternatively, I have a copy of what should be the birthday quest mod on my personal mediafire archive here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6a7jsvcm4834pjc/KotOR_tk107_birthdayquest.zip/file KotOR_tk102bday_mod_originalpost_darth333.txt