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Everything posted by aneeryrlue

  1. @Domino5555Hehe, no here isn't Darth Vader yet. But i didnt't forget to find one
  2. God, gimme more time

    1. jc2


      Yeah, what's going on?

    2. aneeryrlue


      Well, I just haven't enough time to do any hobby or at least sleep enough time or do anything at home, I have 2 workpalces + here is an another thing we are going into an another house with my girlfriend on the next couple days

    3. jc2


      I sympathize man, I'd encourage you to prioritize sleeping as much as possible, because without rest life get's ten times harder.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  3. Well, the project is still on, but nowadays i haven't enough time to do anything complicate. Slowly but it's setting up:) @VoxdogYeah, thanks:) well, my final decide is that, this will be the only texture for UDR, but there is more rooms when you can fight and they are uses different textures from the others.
  4. Anee + Jorak Uln retexture

    © Aneeryrlue

  5. We are still working on it, as you can read on post #1
    1. aneeryrlue


      my own how to boring in skyrim tutorial

    2. Domino5555


      So, what's up?

    3. aneeryrlue


      if you want to know anything about UDR there is the WIP thread

  6. Well, honestly i don't know already for what we'll use them but at least now items are in the mod:) Maybe one of them will be for train attributes, one of them for upgrades but dunno:)
  7. New Features, like earning Emblems for upgrades. (No more with exchanging credits)
  8. Well, i was never sure about it this is a bug or not, but i already noticed it we are working on a game re-tweak mod with friends i'm almost sure we'll touch this. thanks for this post
  9. aneeryrlue


    I never used this but 101/10 ^^
  10. texture files are carries more file sizes than anything else
  11. Edited #1 Post - see for more info about this mod project
  12. wow.. especially it's much better than i though. good effects. it can beat down easily the other fan films on youtube:)
  13. Soon is out. Have some things to fix left, but 1.5 is coming soon