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10 points
Version 1.1.0
A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 14.11.2024 Installation: Simply click on the HoloPatcher.exe, click install and sit back and watch the HoloPatcher do its magic. Description: In the first Kotor game, the Korriban Sith Academy had two inaccessible rooms that were locked behind static doors (meaning you can't interact with them). Throughout the Kotor games, there are many static doors that lead nowhere. These doors exist to imply that the levels are bigger than what they actually are... you just don't get to see the full area. If you were to use mods to open these statics doors, in most cases you will find that there is no room behind these doors as the developers didn't intend for those doors to be opened, the same is true for the Sith Academy's two hidden rooms. In the second Kotor game, you revisit Korriban and get to see the areas you travelled through five years after the first game. Obsidian added two new rooms behind the previously inaccessible doors that led nowhere in the first game, a Library and a Teacher's Dormitory. For over 15 years, player's have known that a Library and Teacher's Dormitory canonically existed behind the static doors of the Sith Academy in the first game but couldn't do anything about it... until now. At the end of 2024, the modder Thor110 ported the Library and Teacher's Dormitory from the second game to the first and released it as a modder's resource. And using this modder's resource, I have made the Complete Sith Academy mod for K1. The Library and the Teacher's Dormitory from the second game has been populated with objects and NPCs to make these areas "fit in" with the visual aesthetics and the environment of the first game. The NPC Tamlen has been moved into the Library whilst the Sith Teacher with Tamlen has also been moved to the Teacher's Dormitory, the dueling Sith Students and the Sith Teacher overseeing them have also been moved to the room outside the Academy to prevent a bug where you can hear the clashing of Lightsabers from inside the Library if they kept in their original location. Sith Students have been added to the Library who study on the computers there, making them inaccessible to the player, and Sith Students have also been added to the Teacher's Dormitory alongside the Sith Teacher already in there. The Footlockers you find in the second game CANNOT be opened, but I have added new Footlockers and other objects you can open to the Teacher's Dormitory alongside a Workbench. You can expect to leave the Korriban Academy with some rare, albeit weak, items you wouldn't have received otherwise. There are no custom made NPCs or side quests added in this mod, I wanted the new rooms to "fit in" with the rest of the game. I know other modders DO intend to make mods that adds the new Academy rooms like this mod, except their mods will have some form of side quest content. If they do develop and release these mods then those mods will probably be incompatible with this mod - when that time comes, you may have to choose between their mod & this mod. Known Bugs: If you click on the Sith Students on the computers too much, they stop doing their "typing" animations. This mod shouldn't have any bugs but if you find any please report them to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: To be added! Permissions: Please speak with me if you wish to use this mod in your mod. Alternatively, you can download Thor110's modder's resource and use Holocron Toolset to add your own placeables to the module thus bypassing needing to use my mod as a base. Thanks to: Thor110: For making the amazing Sith Academy Missing Rooms modder's resource to begin with, without you this mod wouldn't exist! Obsidian Entertainment: For adding these new rooms to the second game! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! th3w1zard1: For HoloPatcher and the Holocron Toolset! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
8 points
Version 1.0.0
This mod will replace and update NPC clothing M texture files. To Install 1. Requires installation of K1 Lite Upgrader 1.3. 2. Download: NPC clothing M 3. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 4. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 5. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. omment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
7 points
Version 1.0.1
Starship Combat Pay v1.0.1 Overview Starship Combat Pay give players a tangible reward, beyond avoiding a game over screen, for surviving the Ebon Hawk Gunnery Station mini-game. After escaping the Sith Blockade and landing on Dantooine, you’ll get a message from the Republic. It reads: "Republic Combat Pay Thank you for registering your Dynamic-class freighter, designation: the Ebon Hawk, as a civilian paramilitary vessel. Until further notice, as an enlisted soldier of the Galactic Republic Navy, you are hereby entitled to a financial reward of 200 Republic credits for the successful elimination of each Sith Imperial starfighter you encounter aboard your registered personal starship. You'll find a payment of 1200 Republic credits has already been deposited directly into your account. Further payments will be deposited immediately after each conflict. May the Force be with you." …And that’s exactly what the mod does. It pays you a total of 1200 credits every time you’re forced to play the Ebon Hawk Gunner Station mini game. Notes Unfortunately, this mod doesn’t change the mini-game itself in any meaningful way. It does however make playing it more rewarding. When deciding on the number of credits players should receive, we looked at different amounts of pay that scale with level and we arrived at a flat 1200 credits for a number of reasons. A scaling number of credits requires an in-setting explanation for why the main character’s pay increases, which logically goes to rank. Applying any sort of rank to the main character adds a level of non-canon material that I’m not comfortable adding in my mods. In terms of the game’s existing financial rewards go 1200 credits is pushing it. However, in terms of the setting, a 1200 credit bonus is a paltry sum for destroying a 300,000 credits worth of starfighters. So, since most players tend to only travel between planets after fully completing them, the number of randomly generated starfighter encounters is relatively low. In any case, once you get full access to the Ebon Hawk, you’re free to win heaps of credits by swoop racing or savescum an infinite number of credits by gambling with Suvam Tan. So, exploiting the turret minigame isn’t going to unbalance anything. Credits Script Writer: Thor110 Contributor: Zoctavous Mod Author: Timbo Special Thanks I want to thank Thor110 who had the script almost entirely worked out within minutes of pitching the idea and for patiently sticking with it over the next couple weeks to fine tune it. Seriously, this part was about 90% of the work. I also want to thank Zoctavous who has very quickly become my go-to scripting confidante. Whenever there’s something I don’t understand or need help fixing. He’s usually the first person I hit up. Without him helping me get past the very first problem with this mod, this release simply wouldn’t have happened. Finally, I want to give a special thanks to Discord user sharkynebula from the KOTOR server who casually suggested that the Republic should have to pay you for playing the minigame. This is the idea set this whole thing off. -
7 points
Version 1.0.0
BOSSR Recreated Movies Please rate this file before you scamper away. Thanks! Mod Description: To wind up my efforts to modernize Silveredge9’s Brotherhood of Shadow Solomon’s Revenge, I decided to concentrate on the pre-rendered videos (BIKs) that came with that mod. Though I previously made a replacement for the BOSSR specific “Legal Screen” video – available separately here – these 3 cover the other 3 BIKs. Namely, the flyby of a Hammerhead vessel (the Orion), a duel between Solomon and Shadow, and the BOSSR-specific credits video. The new videos are in 1920 x 1080 resolution. There are two options for the live_13.bik video. (Both videos can be seen on the mod download page.) But I think seeing it in action would probably be more convincing than just writing about it. Here's the BEFORE video, taken from the original mod. And here's what the AFTER version using a modern computer and having upscaled textures. This is Version 1 of the Credits BIK And here's Version 2 of the Credits BIK. And here's the video where the Hammerhead Orion does a fly-by past the camera. The original video in the mod only had "Brotherhood of Shadow" rather than the full title as it was taken directly from the original version of the mod. This has been corrected here. A Reminder: BOSSR is not compatible with the KotOR Community Portal Mod Build. If you’re using that, then you should NOT be installing BOSSR or this mod with your setup. Installation: Drop the BIK files into the Movies folder. You’ll have to choose only 1 version of the live_13.bik video which are in separate folders. If you play in a resolution below 1920x1080, you will need to manually downscale the cutscenes to match your chosen resolution. If you are playing with no widescreen modifications they will need to be downscaled to play at *native movie resolution* [I forget what this is, something asininely small like 800x600?]. If you are using widescreen and have NOT added in other cutscene mods or edited your executable to allow for widescreen movies, you will need to enable this functionality. See this video for more. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA5l6HVs4Y4]. If you do so and experience cutscene minimization, you should double-check your edited hex values. If the issue persists, you may need to manually rescale these cutscenes to precisely match your chosen widescreen resolution. Uninstall: Remove the files from this mod that you placed in the Movies folder. Legal Disclaimer: All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. This mod is not to be distributed for profit. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use. Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission. Special Thanks: JCarter426: Created the live_12 and live_13 videos - with the exception of the BOSSR logo – entirely by himself. His videos are included with his permission and with my thanks. 90sk: Adding an outline to the made-from-scratch BOSSR logo. Basil Bonehead: Animating the moving BOSSR logo in the “BOSSR Live 11” video. Dark Hope: For creating the Shadow textures that I used in the “BOSSR Live 11” video. They are available here. Snigaroo: He helped tremendously with the Installation instructions you find above. If this mod works for you, it’s mostly due to him. -
7 points
Version 1.0.0
Created by: Sith Holocron (and others listed in the credits section) Game: Knights of the Old Republic 1 Version 1.0 Uploaded: 20 MAY 2024 The Brotherhood of Shadows: Solomon’s Revenge Textural Reinterpretation mod was designed to upscale and/or enhance the textures seen in the mod. It is an extensive mod pack (as might be indicated by the size) but as seen listed below, it is not a complete overhaul. Just a note: I have included upscales of the loading screen. However, if someone wants to take at recreating the loading screen in color, I thoroughly support that effort. I say “load screen” rather than “load screens” as the same loading screen is used for all of the BOS:SR areas. On N_DarthRevan01 (TGA and TXI): The mod doesn’t appear to add anything notable to this skin and the game already has this one available. Though I upscaled the texture, you may safely discard it if you covet another texture instead. If folks do want to change the texture of the traditional Darth Revan, there are so many fine reskins available. In addition, I suggest researching the Flowing Robes mod when researching alternate textures. What’s not included and why: All textures with the header m80, m81, or m82. As upscaling these textures will not improve their quality, I have not done so. You should leave these textures in the Override as-is. fx_Smoke02.tga: Upscaling this texture will not improve the quality. Leave this texture in the Override as-is. Skybox textures (trs_Bsky01.tga, trs_bsky01.txi, trs_sky0001, trs_sky0002, trs_sky0003, trs_sky0004, trs_sky0005, wst_sky0001, wst_sky0002, wst_sky0003, wst_sky0004, wst_sky0005, zzz_sky0001, zzz_sky0002, zzz_sky0003, zzz_sky0004, zzz_sky0005): I highly recommend using Kexikus’ mod instead of using the skyboxes included with the Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon’s Revenge mod. (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/723-high-quality-skyboxes-ii/) However, if you insist on using the original skyboxes, you’ll be able to find them in the folder named “Original BOS Skyboxes.” From what I have seen in game, both the original skybox textures and my upscaled versions of them are NOT compatible with Kexikus’ skybox mod for BOSSR. If you encounter issues, you have been forewarned. Shadow’s textures I have not made upscales for the character and clothing textures for “Shadow”. I highly recommend using Dark Hope’s mod instead. All added portrait textures: I have not made upscales for any of the added portrait textures for the portraits added with BOS:SR. I highly recommend using ndix UR’s portrait mod instead. Installation: The “twilek_m02d.tga” texture has been both upscaled and converted to be compatible with Ashton Scorpius’ mod “K1 Better Male Twilek Heads” and requires its use to work properly. Make sure that mod is downloaded and installed according to its installation directions before installing mine. That mod can be found here: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1430-k1-better-male-twilek-heads/ After reading the caveats implied in the “What’s not included and Why” section, then add all of the textures you’ll be using into your Override folder. Allow my textures to override the files there. There are 3 TPC files in my mod: aaa_bla01.tpc, fff_lobla01.tpc, and ooo_lobla01.tpc. Make sure to delete the TGA and TXI files of the same name in the Override folder. I won’t be providing an uninstall guide as the shear number of files that’ll be replaced defies an easy way to explain it. Thanks / Credits: I have used a few of the textures from Dark Hope’s “international Global Mod” who has kindly provided blanket permission for their use. Thanks to Dark Hope for allowing me to do so here. n_sithcomf01, n_sithcomf02, and n_sithcomf03 in the Optional textures folder is derived from textures from Thor110’s ”Topaz GigaPixel AI Upscales - K1 1.0.0.” Thanks to Thor110 for providing his upscales to the community as a Modder’s Resource. https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2160-topaz-gigapixel-ai-upscales-k1/ The “twilek_m02d.tga” texture has been both upscaled and converted to be compatible with Ashton Scorpius’ mod “K1 Better Male Twilek Heads” and requires its use to work properly. That mod can be found here: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1430-k1-better-male-twilek-heads/ Thanks to Ashton Scorpius for his permission to use his Twi’lek male head template to fix this texture. Any issues with this mod – other than the previously stated skybox issue with Kexikus’ BOSSR skybox mod – can be left here on the download page. Please tag me when reporting those errors as that will speed up the timeliness of my reply. Thank you. Enjoy the mod. (This section reserved for when I get around to making an overview video for this mod.) I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use. Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission. -
6 points
Version 1.0.0
This modification comes from a (very reasonable) request made by Snigaroo, lamenting the fact that in the original game it's not possible to improve the performance of the game's swoop bike despite evidence that upgrades should be available. I introduced two of them and made them available in two different stores. They can be purchased to help those who struggle to make good times on Tatooine's and Manaan's race circuits. They don't come cheap, but they are certainly a great asset for any aspiring swoop racing champion. -
6 points
Version 1.2.4
Improves the AI of KotOR 1. Changes: - Companions and most other NPCs use blaster feats (except droids their animations are buggy) - Enemy forceusers now use Force Breach and Lightsaber Throw (previously the AI ignored these force powers completely) - Enemy forceusers now use force buffs more often (Force Speed, Force Armor ect...) - NPCs with the Force Jump feat actually do force jumps if they are further than 10m from the target - Enemys reactivate shields after 200s - Some minor bug fixes - Jedi Support AI reworked - NPCs use Master Rapid Shot or Master Flurry if available instead of the default attack - NPCs use the highest level of feats and force powers available to them - The AI now uses feats granted by items - Once the player reaches a high enough level, the Jedi Support AI no longer uses low level force buffs, because they became obsolete - Companions now heal every team member properly not just the one controlled by the player (injury check fix) - Compatibility Patch for Repeating blaster attacks restoration 2.0 by R2-X2 - Companions now use all types of force buffs (Jedi Support AI: uses buffs that apply to the whole team, Other AI styles: use powers that only buff the caster) -
6 points
Version 1.6
KOTOR II: The Sith Lords Community Patch Original Mod Development/Inception: A Future Pilot Current Editor/Maintainer: @JCarter426 Contact: PM at deadlystream.com Original Release Date: June 14, 2018 Prior Version Release Date: December 10, 2022 Current Version: v1.6.0 Release Date: February 17, 2025 1. Description: This mod is a compilation of various bugfix mods put together with the intention of fixing all the known bugs with the last official patch of KOTOR 2. A huge thanks to all of the mod authors who created these mods, and gave me permission to include them in this patch. 2. Install: Run INSTALL.exe and navigate to your K2 install folder. Generally speaking, this mod should be installed before anything else, except mods that do hard edits/overwrites of 2DA, TLK or MOD (module) files. 3. Uninstall: Given the complexity of this mod, a clean install of KOTOR II is recommended. However, you can check through the installation log file if you wish to undo the changes made. 4. List of included mods and fixes (alphabetical by author): A Future Pilot: Running in outer space makes you look like a squirrel injected with caffeine Ashton Scorpius: Malak had some oral hygiene problems: TSL Jedi Malak Mouth Fix 1.1.0 bead-v: The Ebon Hawk has a couple panels with bad models: Ebon Hawk Model Fixes 2.0 danil-ch: In the prologue there are remote clones instead of sensor droids: Prologue Sensor Droids Fix A number of textures don't use shaders: Textures Improvement Project DarthParametric: There are multiple issues with the Harbinger level geometry: Harbinger Hull Fixes 1.1 The Zeison Sha armour for males (PMBMM) is unable to properly perform a two-handed grip during weapon animations: Get a Grip! Zeison Sha Armour Male Model Fix 1.0 There are some minor level geometry issues in the Peragus Administration level: Peragus Administration Level Room Model Fixes 1.0 The head texture for Visas has a poor quality mask for its environment map and incorrectly uses her skin colour for the inside of her mouth The female player head PFHA04 has some clipping issues with the right eyeball and eyelid (reported by Soka) The female player head PFHA05 has incorrect UVs for the upper teeth, causing them to be flesh-coloured (reported by ebmar) The Ebon Hawk's medbay has some bad lightmaps and the camera can clip through its walls (suggested by JCarter426) The Ebon Hawk's interior had various minor additional geometry/lightmap issues not addressed by bead-v's mod The Bumani Exchange Corp. module lacked a skybox/starscape (reported by JCarter426) Mandalore is missing the helmet filter effect on one of his lines (reported by Sniggles) War Droid texture variants didn't properly display the blaster texture (Reported by Sith Holocron) When Kreia first wakes up in the Peragus Administration Level morgue, it's possible to briefly see her body disappear FF97: Khoonda’s flag was missing its texture: Khoonda Flag Fix 1.0.0 GearHead: Droids were erroneously unable to equip claw weapons: KotOR2 Droid Claw Fix 1.0.0 Droids wielding two blasters fired only one shot when using Power Blast: KotOR2 HK-47 Power Blast Fix 1.0.0 JCarter426: Various issues: JC's Minor Fixes for K2 1.5 T3-M4 and the HK units lacked shaders: JC's Shader Fixes for K2 1.1 Various fixes for which feats characters can select: JC's Feat Fixes for K2 1.2 T3-M4 was missing VO and some Gand VO was misplaced: JC's VO Fix for K2 1.2 The Republic soldier body models have been improved: JC’s Republic Soldier Fix for K2 1.1 (with DarthParametric lending a hand) TSLRCM’s Zhug encounter on Nar Shaddaa had a couple issues: JC’s Zhug Attack Fix for TSLRCM 1.1 Strength Gauntlets were missing from random loot. Peragus items have had their stats unified across all areas. They will also now stack in the inventory menu. Party puppets such as Bao-Dur’s remote would erroneously trip the stealth sensor in the jungle tomb mission (reported by Sniggles) Malak's flashback lightsaber has a long blade, matching its appearance in the first game (inspired by Marius Fett's Secret Tomb Lightsaber Fixes) Kainzorus Prime: Boma beasts have black between their teeth: Boma Beast Teeth Fix 1.0 The model in the galaxy map for Peragus looks nothing like it: Peragus Galaxy Map Change LiliArch: The broken item icon, and Grenn's case icon are incorrect LoneWanderer: The damage penalty for mining lasers did not actually apply, so the mining lasers have been implemented as a different item type. LOTO: Texture fixes: Female Asian Head 6 Dark Side Texture Fix 1.0.0 Marauder: A number of items have wrong descriptions or properties: Marauder Fix Pack 1.0.3 N-DReW25: The Serocco guard has a VO that used the wrong actor: Serroco Guard VO Fix 1.0 It's possible to not be able to get a starport visa if you let a bounty hunter go: Bounty Hunter Starport Visa Fix 1.0 ndix UR: One of the player heads wasn't able to blink or move his eyes: PMHC06 Fixed for TSL PapaZinos: The speeder on Nar Shaddaa clipped through the railing: Don't Let Kreia Fly Your Speeder! 1.0.0 Khoonda’s turrets had the wrong appearance: Khoonda Turrets Model Repair 1.0.0 Model fixes: Nar Shaddaa Docks Repair 1.1.0 Model fixes: Nar Shaddaa Landing Pad Repair Model fixes: Telos Model Repairs 1.0.0 Model fixes: TSL Turrets Model Repair 1.0.0 Model fixes: Ultimate Citadel Station Repairs 1.0.0 Model fixes: Ultimate Ebon Hawk Repairs for TSL 2.0.2 The full version of the mod at the link of the above includes some alternative animated texture options. Model fixes: Ultimate Harbinger Repairs 2.0.1 Model fixes: Ultimate Peragus Models Repair 1.3.0 Squall Lionheart: PMHH01 has some issues: PMHH01 Fixed Thor110: Model fixes: Dantooine & Coruscant Model Fix 1.0.0 (Dantooine only) Model fixes: Gamorrean Shadow Fix 1.0.1 Model fixes: Sentry Droid Animation Fix 1.0.0 VarsityPuppet: Some doors were oriented wrong: Side Opening Doors on Malachor ZimmMaster: The walking and running animations are janky: Movement Animation Fix for Both KOTOR and TSL 5. Bugs: These are the currently known bugs with KOTOR II or the mod that the K2CP is looking to resolve: https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/TSL_Community_Patch/issues If you find any others, please report them. 6. Permissions: Due to this mod being a compilation from many different authors, please do not distribute it. 7. Special Thanks/Acknowledgements: · All of the mod authors who have helped make this patch a reality - thank you! · Fred Tetra - For KOTOR Tool · tk102 - For DLGEditor and K-GFF · JdNoa/Dashus - For DeNCS · Stoffe - For TSLPatcher · bead-v - For MDLEdit and KOTORMax · ndix UR - For TGA2TPC, TPCView, and MDLOps v1.0+ · seedhartha - For KOTORBlender fork for Blender 2.8+ · Fair Strides - For various tools and updates to older tools · DrMcCoy - For Xoreos Tools · Snigaroo - For maintaining mod builds on the KOTOR Community Portal · danil-ch - For the original info.rtf template THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS MODIFICATION IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS MODIFICATION. -
6 points
Version 1.0
Knights of the Old Republic 2 infamously has a rather abrupt ending: The player fights the final boss, there is some final dialog with said boss, and the game ends. The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) restores a couple of short scenes which provide some closure, but it arguably still feels like there are some gaps. This mod attempts to make the ending a bit more complete with the following changes: A restored dialog option allows the player to choose to stay on Malachor and train other Force users. After the final dialog, the player contacts Bao-Dur's remote and chooses whether or not to destroy Malachor, which may be chosen regardless of player alignment. (If G0-T0 succeeded in disabling the remote, this conversation will not occur, and the player cannot choose to destroy Malachor.) If the player decides to destroy Malachor, all subsequent dialog takes place on the Ebon Hawk. If Malachor is not destroyed, the remaining party members rejoin the player in the Trayus Core. The player has a short conversation with T3-M4 and reiterates what they intend to do next. Atton, Visas, and/or the Handmaiden express their desire to accompany the player, as in the scenes previously restored by TSLRCM. The Visas/Handmaiden conversation is now available even if Malachor is destroyed, as long as the player freed the party from the academy's prison. Atton's dialogs will now only occur if the player has medium to high influence with him, loosely inspired by the "Unoffical TSLRCM Tweak Pack" by Pavijan357 (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/296-unofficial-tslrcm-tweak-pack/). Note that since these scenes all refer to the player leaving, they will not occur if the player decides to stay on Malachor. Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Run "INSTALL.exe" and follow the prompts. When asked, select the "MAIN INSTALL" option which matches your display's aspect ratio, 4:3 or 16:9. It is normal to see a warning that modulesave.2da already exists and has been skipped. If you are using The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) from the Steam Workshop, see this guide for how to combine installer-based mods with the Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=488641307 If you are using an aspect ratio other than 4:3 or 16:9, try the 16:9 option. The camera differences between the two versions are fairly minor, so ultimately you may use whichever one looks better to you. To switch between the two versions after the mod has already been installed, run "INSTALL.exe" and select "Convert to 16:9" or "Convert to 4:3". For best results, I recommend using a saved game from before arriving on Malachor. However, using a save from after reaching Malachor will only result in a few missing sound effects, and the majority of the mod will still work. ------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSPARENT COCKPIT WINDOWS Options are available to make the Ebon Hawk's cockpit visible through the front window during the new ending sequence, as in my mod "Transparent Cockpit Windows for TSL" (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2355-transparent-cockpit-windows-for-tsl/). To use them, run "INSTALL.exe" again after the main installation is complete, and select one of the following options: "OPTION - Transparent Cockpit Windows, Enhanced Reflections" - Adds an area-specific reflection to the Ebon Hawk's exterior. Not recommended if you use any mods that reskin/upscale the Ebon Hawk exterior. "OPTION - Transparent Cockpit Windows, Reskin Friendly" - More readily compatibility with reskins of the Ebon Hawk exterior. Does not include the new reflection. "Transparent Cockpit Windows" does not need to be installed to use these options. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY This mod requires The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/578-tsl-restored-content-mod/). It has not been tested without TSLRCM installed. It is also compatible with the KotOR 2 Community Patch (K2CP) (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1280-kotor-2-community-patch/). For best results, install this mod after TSLRCM, K2CP, and any other mods which make significant changes to the Trayus Core module. This mod is incompatible with other mods which edit the ending sequence, including "Unofficial TSLRCM Tweak Pack" component 4 ("Atton's Ending Dialogue") by Pavijan357 (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/296-unofficial-tslrcm-tweak-pack/). It is also incompatible with any other mods which edit the Trayus Core area layout. This mod has not been tested with the Steam version of the game, and it is possible that it might interfere with Steam achievements related to the ending of the game. Use at your own risk. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS KotorBlender by seedhartha MDLedit by bead-v tpcview and tga2tpc by ndix UR NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102 K-GFF by tk102 DLGEditor by tk102 TSL Patcher by stoffe and Fair Strides ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra Holocron Toolset by Cortisol and th3w1zard1 SithCodec by JCarter426 2DA Editor by VarsityPuppet AniCam by JdNoa Lipsynch Editor by JdNoa TSL Loadscreen Template by JCarter426 Edited vanilla and TSLRCM scripts are based on the K2CP team's repository of unaltered, decompiled vanilla scripts, which may be found at https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/Vanilla_KOTOR_Script_Source. Thank you to the TSLRCM team for doing so much to expand and complete the original game and for restoring the original concluding scenes. The final scenes with Atton on Malachor still follow their staging, as I couldn't think of much I could do to improve upon them. Thank you to Pavijan357 for pointing out in his "Unofficial TSLRCM Tweak Pack" that Atton's ending dialog makes less sense if the player has low influence with him. The modified Ebon Hawk room models incorporate fixes developed by PapaZinos. Thank you to him for allowing me to use his fixes in my work. This mod includes material ported from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by Bioware. ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Obsidian. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. This mod shall not be reposted, in whole or in part, on any sites other than Deadly Stream without the author's permission. Assets from this mod shall not be redistributed in other modifications without the author's permission. -
6 points
Version 1.2.0
The opening act of The Sith Lords gets a bad rap. It's actually very atmospheric and gives a great introduction to the themes of the game (especially if you install a skin like A Darker Peragus). It only has one real problem: it's too long and repetitive. Especially since TSL rewards replaying to try different paths, it can be a chore to get through at the beginning of a new game. This cuts out about a quarter of the length without sacrificing any plot points, by removing a large section that doesn't reveal anything new, and changing some frustrating level design decisions that add delays and backtracking without adding meaningful choices. This should give new players a better opening experience to the game, as well as letting experienced players get through the first segment faster. The full list of changes is below, if you want spoilers: I recommend also installing my Harbinger Arrival: Free Cam mod, which speeds up a long unskippable animation sequence. It's separate so that it can be installed on its own for people who don't want the more drastic changes in Streamlined Peragus. Compatibility Requires TSLRCM. Tested with the Full Mod Build and the Spoiler-Free Mod Build. Install this after them. Also compatible with my Harbinger Arrival Tweaks. Install them in any order. Modifies the map of 103PER (Fuel Depot), so this will conflict with any other mod that replaces 103per.lyt or 103per.vis. Known Bugs (spoilers) Links KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build: https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1186 Malkior's A Darker Peragus REDUX: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/722-a-darker-peragus-redux JoeNotCharles' Harbinger Arrival Tweaks: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2518-harbinger-arrival-tweaks Formerly packaged separately at https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2449-harbinger-arrival-free-cam and https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2448-harbinger-arrival-restore-movie. -
6 points
============================================ Khoonda Expansion Mod ============================================ Features: This mod unlocks 4 rooms within Khoonda, feature list below: Additional XP available to be gained Additional ‘Bonus Mission’ Training facilities Doors previously locked can now be accessed, 3 via Khoonda key, 1 via quest. New Quest Droids join the battle of Khoonda if they're activated New rooms: South Droid Defence Workshop Kaloopo's Quarters Training Room Additional Room left empty but accessible, it is used as part of the 'TSL Collectables' mod New Characters: 3M-BR - Astro Utility Droid Wounded Militia Kaloopo Wounded Kinrath Installation: Extract the files from the download, run the Holopatcher.exe installer. Uninstall: Holopatcher creates an uninstall / backup folder, please use this. Legal Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. & I own none of the materials and are not making money for this. Please don't upload this on other sites, I will handle that. You may request use in other mods, pending approval; any mods using the assets should credit all the below parties. Credits: Tools used: -
6 points
Version 1.0.0
This mod will replace and update texture files. To Install 1. Download: Ithorian HD.rar 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love -
6 points
Version 1.0.0
This mod will replace and update NPC clothing F texture files. To Install 1. Requires installation of K1 Lite Upgrader 1.3. 2. Download: NPC clothing F 3. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 4. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 5. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. omment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
6 points
Version 1.0.0
Author: EAF97 Description: Most of the Sith students, teachers, and workers at the Sith academy on Korriban in K1 will now wear Dark Jedi robes according to rank and ported in from K2 that are worn by the Dark Jedi at Trayus Sith Academy on Malachor V in K2. Visually-speaking, this mod is meant to make the same appearance enhancement for Korriban Sith that JCarter426's "Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1" makes to Jedi robes with ported K2 models and could also be installed over JC's "Back in Black" which edits the NPCs' equipment (and which this mod itself doesn't do). -There will be two main options for installation: Version 1 installs both the clothing overhaul and gives unique heads to several of the NPCs who have direct conversations with the players such as Kel Algwinn and Dak Vesser, while Version 2 only overhauls the clothing. -Lashowe, Mekel, Shaardan, and other students will wear “low” robes -Yuthura and other teachers will wear “mid” robes -Masters (just Uthar) will wear “high” robes. -Students and teachers who are out working in the valley will wear darker variants of Dark Jedi Padawan and Master robes, respectively, with the ported player and companion robe models from K2 -Those who are dueling or practicing combat skills will wear “training” outfits (K1-style “tunics”) from Unused K1 Tunics for TSL -Captives will wear “prisoner” outfits -Workers (Tariga, Adrenas) will wear a darker variant of Onderon commoner clothing from Effixian's Zeison Sha/Jal Shey to Onderon Clothing -All of the “Lite” NPCs will be upgraded based on the new heads and gender given to them in K1CP but will have the new clothing. -A compatibility patch for K1CP will be available for both versions to give Tariga (the Huttese-speaking human NPC who gives directions to the Valley) a female appearance. -There will be an optional add-on to install the female variant of the Trayus-style Dark Jedi “Master” robes for Yuthura which I decided to include since nobody else wears it. -Sith guards, troopers, soldiers, and archaeologists will NOT be affected. I would **strongly** recommend installing K1CP **before** this mod in order to get a full overhaul of NPCs in the area but it isn’t necessary in order for the mod to work and the base installation will assume that K1CP isn’t installed -Equipment of NPCs will NOT be edited, this is purely a **visual** overhaul but is compatible with any mod that edits the NPCs’ equipment such as “Back in Black” by JCarter426 -Aside from any Sith students or teachers who are encountered in Dreshdae, the "Prospective" Sith students as well as Czerka employees and other civilians in the area will NOT be affected. I would recommend some of the other NPC overhaul mods listed below for enhancing those characters. For the most part, this mod mainly aims to change the Sith students, teachers, and staff at the Academy itself -Any Sith or Dark Jedi outside of Korriban will NOT be affected and there are multiple mods (listed below) which sufficiently enhance them and which I would recommend to be installed along with this mod. Installation: Just run the TSLPatcher the direct it to your game file. If you plan on using this mod alongside K1CP, I'd recommend installing K1CP **first** if you haven't already. Install either Version 1 (Clothes & Heads) OR Version 2 (Clothes Only) and then install either version of the Tariga patch for K1CP based on whichever version of the base installation was chosen (basically gives Tariga a female appearance in line with K1CP's changes that also adds the changes made to other NPCs in the main mod). To Uninstall: Remove the files from your Override folder and add the backup .2da file to it Credit: Special thanks to Effix, 90SK, Dark Hope, Laast, and ShiningRedHD for allowing me to use some of their models and textures, to N-DReW25 for advice given on the mod, and to JCarter426 whose work with porting Jedi robes from K2 inspired this mod Recommended Mods to accompany this one: "Kotor 1 Community Patch" by A Future Pilot: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1258-kotor-1-community-patch/ The following mods by JCarter426: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1378-jcs-fashion-line-i-cloaked-jedi-robes-for-k1/ https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2309-jcs-czerka-business-attire-for-k1/ "Dark Jedi Wear Robes (for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes Mod)" by DarthParametric: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1411-dark-jedi-wear-robes-for-jcs-cloaked-jedi-robes-mod/ The following mods by N-DReW25: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2469-czerka-redux/ https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2310-k1-clothing-pack/ https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1109-sith-stalkers-k1/ The following mods by Dark Hope: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2316-sithcom-dh/ https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2164-darth-bandon-hd/ https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2042-sith-soldier-hd/ https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2188-war-droid-mark-i-hd/ "K1 Better Male Twilek Heads" by Ashton Scorpius https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1430-k1-better-male-twilek-heads/ The following mods by Leiluken: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2228-kotor-1-twilek-male-npc-diversity/ https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2179-kotor-1-twilek-female-npc-diversity/ Compatibility: If you're using any mods that change the appearance of NPCs in the Academy or on Korriban generally such as K1CP, I would recommend installing them BEFORE installing this mod. If you're using Leilukin's "Belaya's Unique Look" for example, install this mod AFTER it; it uses the same unique head for the character that Leilukin's mod uses and sources it from SpaceAlex's "K1 Enhancement Pack" modder's resource but also gives Belaya the same clothing overhaul as the others at the Academy if she appears. This mod should also be compatible with JCarter426's "Back in Black" mod (and I would even recommend using it alongside mine but it isn't necessary in order for my mod to work), but should be installed AFTER JC's mod so that the appearance overhaul in this mod won't be overwritten. Compatible with both K1CP **and** K1R but I would **strongly** encourage using it alongside K1CP. However, neither one is required in order for the mod to work COPYRIGHT I used the models from JCarter426's modder's resource "JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes & Supermodel Port": https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1379-jcs-cloaked-jedi-robes-supermodel-port-for-k1/ I have also utilized the following mods in my work with general permission (given in their "read me" files) from the authors to use their mods as long as they are given credit: "New Male Caucasian Bearded PC Head" by SHB: "You may use these skins etc. in your own mods without my expressed permission, as long as the original files stay intact, and proper credit is given." https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/file/new-male-caucasian-bearded-pc-head "Character Overhaul -Redux-" by ShiningRedHD: "You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me" https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1060 Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
6 points
Version 1.0.0
This mod will replace and update texture files. To Install 1. Download: Doctors HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
6 points
Version 1.0.0
This mod is a modder's ressource, it does not introduce any item into the game, there is not item sheet related to the models, there is no custom skin for the models. Description and content This mod packs 71 mask model variants, merging the vanilla visors from the game as best as possible. Every models bear the vanilla textures and should not conflict with any items in game. There is no icons provided. Every models are referenced in a specific folder and inside the folder is a .Jpg that you can open to display the model. I packed every vanilla textures for the masks as an additional folder. How to use this Here is my video tutorial about modeling, very basic but it might help you out : Basic model merging and editing tutorial - You can make them a brand new items in game, modifying the model variation and adding a custom icon. - You can make customized skins with the provided textures, by modifying the texture names related to the models using Blender or other softwares. - You can use them, either to make them placeables, or add them to npc models using Blender or other softwares. - Anything that comes to your mind if you have the abilities ! Feel free to use anything from this mod, this is extracted from the base game and this is my own edits. Just credit me somewhere. Disclaimers - I tried to make sure every geometry pieces from every masks had unique names, so they shouldnt conflict with anything and between each other at 95%. However, this is a lot of visors and i might have forgotten some, so it might be useful to double check before using one with Blender. - My modeling abilities are limited, so be forgiving about the models i pulled out. I tried my best so they look as fine as possible in game, but there might be some clipping or other visual artifacts i may have missed. - I do not know how animations and animation roots work, so there might be something wrong here even though everything display fine in game still. Credits Every kotor members that helped me during the modding journey. Bioware for their work and base game models. -
6 points
Version 1.0.0
This mod will replace and update PLC_Desk1 texture files. To Install 1. Download: PLC_Desk 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love -
5 points
Version 1.0.3
Human/Alien NPC Diversity (KOTOR 1) Knights of the Old Republic is a wonderful game, but it still reeks of the technical limitations of 2003. The galaxy is full of clones where NPCs have very few unique appearances. After Leilukin released her mod for male Twi’leks, I decided to take my own shot at humans. With the help of SpaceAlex’s K1 Enhancement Pack and many other modders' resources, this mod gives many human NPCs (and some aliens) more diversity throughout the game. Many heads were from SpaceAlex’s K1 Enhancement Pack, an unfinished mod he released to the public as a resource. Many others use player heads. If an NPC uses a head you use, don’t worry. The backuphead feature from appearance.2da ensures the NPC will use another head if the PC uses it. Incompatibilities: This mod will be incompatible with any mod that edits the same NPCs. Most notable includes N-DReW25's Czerka Redux, Galaxy of Faces and K1 Clothing Pack as well as Leilukin's's female Twi'lek NPC diversity mod. Credits: SpaceAlex for K1EP. DarthParametric for the Fat Commoner Models. Leilukin for her Diversified Twi’lek males which was the main inspiration for this mod. CaptaineSpoque for the Clothing Resource, many of which were used in this mod. Effix for the Jolee Alternative mod and Taris Dueling Arena Adjustments which two heads were used from. Redrob41 for the Combat Suits Modders’ Resource. Silveredge9 for BOSSR. -
5 points
Version 1.0.0
New textures for armor. Resolution 2048x2048. To Install 1. Download: Armor 7 HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
5 points
Version 0.9.0
Restored Content for K1CP [DEMO] A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 0.9.0 Demo Release Date: 19.02.2025 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! No exceptions! Once you click on the INSTALL.exe, you'll be given five options. Main Mod- This is the installation which installs the RC-K1CP mod. Lite NPCs Restored- This restores the Lite NPCs that were removed in the K1CP, install this option if you want these back in your game. Restored Gloveless Clothing- Left over textures and pre-release screenshots suggests that the commoner clothing didn't always have gloves that hid the NPCs hands, with this option installed all the generic NPCs will have exposed hands that correspond with the skin color of that NPCs race (White, Black and Asian). This option is fully compatible with the K1 Clothing Pack but is incompatible with Dark Hope's Commoner Clothing reskins. Restored Sith Officer Uniforms- Restores the unused Sith Officer uniform variants throughout the game, this option is incompatible with Heyorange's Sith Uniform Reformation. Restored Party Dialogue- As of right now, this option restores unused lines for Canderous' dialogue about Korriban. This option is cripplingly incompatible with mods that edit "k_hcan_dialog.dlg" so don't install this option if that file is already in your Override folder. Restored Unique Blaster- Restores unused textures for Carth's Blaster and the Baragwin Ion-X Weapon. These are an optional install as they are incompatible with the High Quality Blasters mod by Sithspecter. Description: The Kotor 1 Community Patch (K1CP) is the biggest bug fix mod for Kotor 1 and is arguably the number one go-to mod for Kotor 1, similar to TSLRCM for Kotor 2. The Kotor 1 Restoration (K1R) mod is NOT compatible with the K1CP and as such players have to pick between hundreds of bug fixes offered by the K1CP or the restored content of K1R, they couldn't pick both... until now! Restored Content for K1CP is a restoration mod for Kotor 1 which has been developed for use alongside the K1CP mod, with this mod installed you shall experience restored content alongside the bug fixes of the K1CP mod. This mod also does not follow the same "rules" as K1R, that means this mod might restore cut content that K1R didn't restore either because the original K1R Dev Team didn't want to restore it or because they didn't know about it. This mod is an INDEPENDENT project developed by a single modder (and any future contributors) with no connection to the original K1R mod, everything in this mod was developed from scratch as getting permission to use K1R assets is impossible due to the disappearance of the K1R team leader. This mod is a DEMO meaning it does not restore all the cut content that K1R restores, future updates shall add more content and fix any bugs present in the mod. Whilst this mod is a Demo, it is not necessarily incomplete... what little restored content this mod has to offer is complete and will not standout as unfinished (in terms of the mod itself, your opinion on the cut content might be different). If you have feedback or any bugs to report for the next update, I urge you to report these to me so that the Restored Content for K1CP mod may be the best it can be! Restorations: Item Restoration: Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have any bugs but if there are please report them to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: To be added! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: SithRevan (RIP): Beginning the restoration effort for K1! K1R Team: For developing the original K1R mod! Leilukin: For granting me permission to integrate her Juhani Dialogue Restoration mod into the RC-K1CP! SpaceAlex: For making the Bastila's Extra Dialog on Tatooine and allowing modders to use it freely! A Future Pilot: For kickstarting the K1 Community Patch mod, for making the Sith Soldier Texture Restoration mod and for allowing modders to use it freely! Sekan and Seamhainn: For including the source scripts in their Garrum and Tar'eelok Restoration mod which allowed me to recreate the restoration of those characters in this mod! DarthParametric and JCarter426: For maintaining the K1 Community Patch with ongoing updates! DarthParametric, th3w1zard1 and Salk: For valuable feedback! Sith Holocron: For the mod logo! ElevenLabs Website: For the custom AI VO service! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
5 points
Version 1.10.0
The K1 Community Patch (K1CP) is a compilation of previous bugfix mods and a multitude of new original fixes put together with the intention of resolving the many and various issues that KOTOR has. This includes some well-known game breaking bugs/softlocks, broken quests, inaccessible content, as well as lesser issues such as problems in conversations, visual inconsistencies, player annoyances, etc. The intention is for the changes to be as seamless as possible, fixing and improving things whilst still retaining the original developer intent. A huge thanks to all of the mod authors who created these mods, and allowed them to be included in this patch! Unfortunately, the individual list of changes has grown far too long to be included in this post. However, you can view a detailed breakdown of each author's individual contributions in the included readme file and a summary of the changes the current version has made since the previous release in the changelog file. List of Contributing Authors (alphabetical): A Future Pilot blennus danil-ch darthbdaman DarthParametric Ebmar Frykas Gimmick5000 jc2 JCarter426 Kainzorus Prime Kexikus KOTOR 1 Restoration Team Leilukin Markus Ramikin N-DReW25 ndix UR R2-X2 Red Hessian Salk th3w1zard1 Thrak Farelle WildKarrde Installation: Run INSTALL.exe and navigate to your K1 install folder. Generally speaking, this mod should be installed before anything else, except mods that do hard edits/overwrites of 2DA, TLK or MOD (module) files. Warning: Never run the installer from inside the archive! Always extract the archive onto your hard drive first. N.B.: With the advent of version 1.10.0, K1CP has migrated away from the use of TSLPatcher and switched to HoloPatcher. This allows for additional patching functionality and resolves some bugs encountered with TSLPatcher. HoloPatcher is also multi-platform. The bundled installer is the Windows version, but Mac and Linux users can download the appropriate installer for their system here. It is highly recommended that you do not install the game on your system's C drive, especially in Program Files. Windows can have permissions issues when trying to install the mod to a C drive destination. If you are using the Steam version of the game and have installed Steam in its default Program Files location, we advise creating a new Steam Library on a different drive and moving the game there via the game's Properties pop-up in Steam. Translation: The mod now has translations in French and Russian, available as separate patches. To use, first download the base K1CP v1.10.0 archive and extract it to your harddrive. Download your translation patch of choice and extract its contents into K1CP's tslpatchdata folder. Proceed to install the mod as normal. Traduction (Français - Harlockin): Le mod a maintenant des traductions en français et en russe, disponibles sous forme de patchs séparés. Pour l'utiliser, téléchargez d'abord l'archive de base de K1CP v1.10.0 et extrayez-la sur votre disque dur. Téléchargez le patch de traduction de votre choix et extrayez son contenu dans le dossier tslpatchdata de K1CP. Procédez à l'installation du mod comme d'habitude. Переводы (Русский - olegkuz1997): Мод теперь включает в себя переводы на французский и русский языки, доступные в виде отдельных патчей. Для использования сперва скачайте базовый архив K1CP v1.10.0 и распакуйте его на жесткий диск. Скачайте нужный вам патч с переводом и извлеките его содержимое с заменой в папку tslpatchdata K1CP. После чего приступите к установке мода как обычно. Compatibility/Known Issues: K1CP uses module injection in an attempt to remain as compatible as possible with other mods. This may result in issues with mods that simply put files in the Override folder. It is recommended that you consult the individual authors of any large scale mods, particularly those that edit DLGs and scripts, as to whether their work is compatible with K1CP. Some mods will likely require updates, some may need to be installed in a specific order, whilst others may be fundamentally incompatible. K1CP currently only supports the English language version of the game, and makes a number of edits to the TLK file in English. If anyone is able to provide translations of these changes to other languages, please let us know. The KOTOR 1 Restoration (K1R) mod is incompatible with K1CP, however there is ongoing work to re-create the K1R mod for K1CP: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2345-restored-content-for-k1cp-demo/ These are the currently known bugs/issues with KOTOR or the mod that the K1CP is looking to resolve: https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/issues If you find any others, especially with changes/additions K1CP makes, please report them on the Github issue page or here on Deadly Stream so they can be addressed. Be sure to include as much information as possible, including a list of all the other mods you have installed, the order you installed them in, steps to reproduce the problem, along with screenshots and save files, if appropriate. You may also be directed to provide the install log file, a list of the contents of your Override folder, and specific MOD files from your modules folder. Uninstallation: Given the complexity of this mod, a clean install of KOTOR is the recommended approach for uninstalling K1CP. However, HoloPatcher does provide uninstall Shell (Bash) and PowerShell scripts which will work as long as K1CP was the most recent mod installed. Permissions: Due to this mod being a compilation from many different authors, please do not distribute/rehost it. Acknowledgements: All of the mod authors who have helped make this patch a reality - thank you! - especially for agreeing to distribution outside of Deadly Stream Fred Tetra - For KOTOR Tool tk102 - For DLGEditor and K-GFF JdNoa/Dashus - For DeNCS stoffe - For TSLPatcher/ChangeEdit/TalkEd bead-v - For MDLEdit and KOTORMax ndix UR - For TGA2TPC, TPCView, and MDLOps v1.0+ seedhartha - For KOTORBlender fork for Blender 2.8+ Cortisol - For Holocron Toolset and HoloPatcher/PyKotor th3w1zard1 - For additional customisation and feature improvement of HoloPatcher Fair Strides - For various tools and updates to older tools DrMcCoy - For Xoreos Tools Snigaroo - For maintaining mod builds at https://kotor.neocities.org/modding/mod_builds/ danil-ch - For the original info.rtf template Many thanks to ebmar, Salk, and KnifeMaster for providing numerous bug reports and beta testing certain fixes THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSEES/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS MODIFICATION IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER BY THE USAGE OF THIS MODIFICATION. -
5 points
Version 1.0.0
This mod will replace and update texture files. To Install 1. Download: Aqualish HD.rar 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love -
5 points
Version 1.0.0
NOTE : This was made specifically for the Expanded Galaxy Project but I decided to release a modders resource version. This is intended for anyone that wishes to add the Library & Teachers Quarters rooms from TSL to the first game, the rubble has been removed and an empty level is included that just contains the assets that are present in the second game so they can be used as reference. I added the missing beds to the teachers quarters and the spotlights under the doors to both rooms and made a number of small edits to the models. There are a few small changes, such as the computers not being broken and each placeable now uses a string from the first games dialog.tlk ( Bag, Computer, Door, Footlocker ) as does the map note waypoint. I have also used the .pth file from 702kor for this version of the level. The .are & .ifo file are identical to those within korr_m35aa The .git file contains just the doors, placeables, sounds and a single waypoint for the Library. There is an expanded and a light .vis file, the expanded .vis file more closely resembles the TSL version and enables you to see lights from distant rooms and the light version more closely resembles the K1 version the expanded version is in the override by default. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation: Copy Modules & Override folder to the game directory. Warp to m35aa to look around the level. There is an installer specific version for anyone who wishes to install the empty rooms to the game for a regular playthrough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to DarthParametric for fixing the walkmesh in the Teachers Quarters. Thanks to PapaZinos for fixing the UV and lightmap issues with the added geometry. ( I am waiting for these updates and will update this file when they are ready ) Used KotOR Tool, Blender, MDLEdit-v1.0.4, GIMP and Notepad++ to make this. -
5 points
Version 1.0.0
This mod will replace and update Czerka administrator texture files. To Install 1. Download: CommF09 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
5 points
Version 1.0.0
This mod will replace and update Kebla Yurt texture files. To Install 1. Download: Kebla Yurt (CommF02) 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
5 points
Version 1.0.0
WARNING: This Skin is intended to be used with another mod! Read the Installation section to follow instructions. The Mod intended is N-Drew's "Build a Calo" Mod. It can be found on DeadlyStream Description: With the release of N-Drew's "Build a Calo" mod, it would be fitting for someone to make a skin that describes a "damaged" Calo Nord. That's what I've done. I've given Calo some not too major burns on his face, and made his pants dusty and his jacket burned as well. With the addition of giving a "damaged" reskin, I've also upscaled the textures by 4x. Installation: Install N-Drew's mod first: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2444-build-a-calo/ Follow the instructions given in the mods description! Afterwards, Copy all the files in the "Override" folder after extracting the .zip this mod is in to the Override folder in your Kotor game directory. Overwrite when/if prompted. IF USING N-DREW'S MOD: Make sure when you install N-Drew's mod, you install it with both Head and Body modifications. If NOT USING N-DREW'S MOD AND WISH TO USE THESE TEXTURES AS NORMAL: Change the "02" in each of the files name to "01" UnInstalling: Delete the files included with this mod, and replace with the files from n-drew's or another modders texture. Compatability: Compatible with everything but other mods that make the same changes as these mods. Listed as Not Compatible with K1R, because of it's intended use with a non compatible mod. Credits: GIMP JC and DarthParametric in DeadlyStream discord for giving advice on the stuff used in the .txi Bioware for making Kotor. N-Drew for making "Build A Calo", which makes the intention of this reskin possible. Permissions: Do Not include this in your own mod without my permission. Do not claim it as your own. Do not reupload to any other sites without my permission. Known Issues: Possible there may be some rendering issues due to the .txi's included with the mod, if so, remove from override. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE -
5 points
Version 1.0.0
New textures for armor. Resolution 2048x2048. To Install 1. Download: Armor 5 HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
4 points
Version 1.2.1
Description: 2 mods were released a long time ago, doing some part of what this mod does. These 2 mods being Shem's Sith Assassin's with Lightsabers and Hassat Hunter's Sith troops to Sith Assassins. Although these 2 mods are fine, there were a few issues/complications. Both of these mods are listed to install on the TSL Community Mod Build, but having both installed leads to some consistency issues. The changed assassins on the Ebon Hawk won't have lightsabers like Shem's mod does to them on the Harbinger. Additionally, Shem's mod had some of the Lightsabers drop premature to the player getting their own lightsaber, allowing you to get multiple of them for you and your party. While that's not despicable, it is a bit annoying for players who want to have a consistent and story accurate playthrough. This mod combine's the features of the 2 mentioned mods, while making it consistent. Installation: This mod is split up into 2 mandatory install parts and 1 optional install. First, extract the .zip download. Run the Holopatcher.exe and select the first part install option, installing to your TSL directory. Once that is completed (rename "Backup" to "backup1", in case you want to uninstall the mod.) Go to the drop down menu where the first part install option is and select the second part, and run the Holopatcher again. Once that one is completed, you have the mod installed. Optionally, if you want the Assassins to be debuffed for the Ebon Hawk Raid. (rename the current "backup" folder to "backup2" in case you want to uninstall alter.) select the Optional third install in the drop down menu and install that. Boom, now you're done. Note: You can install the first part alone and the mod will be fine, but the second part installs for the turret sequence on peragus. If you'd like the immersion and consistency, install both parts. Uninstall: Open up "backup1" and copy the .mod file to the modules folder, overwriting it when prompted. Delete all the .utc filed in the game's override folder that match the .utc files in the backup2 folder. Open up "backup2" and copy the .mod file into there to the modules folder, overwriting when prompted. Open "backup" if you installed the optional third install, and copy the .mod to the modules folder, overwriting. Compatibility: Don't worry if you have Shem's and Hassat's mods installed first, this mod will overwrite what they do. Credits: Holocron Toolset - Cortisol Holopatcher - Cortisol TSLPatcher - Stoffe (used in the previous versions) Snigaroo for testing help. Shem and Hassat for making the original mods, that this mod replicates. Permissions: You can use parts of the mods in your own, as long as there is proper credit. Don't re-upload this mod anywhere without any changes done, if I want somewhere, I'll put it there. DO NOT reupload to the steam workshop. Bugs: None known at the time. Report if any are encountered. -
4 points
Version 0.52.0
================================================================ IF YOU ARE EVER IN ANY DOUBT ABOUT INSTALLING ANY MODS, PLEASE REMEMBER TO ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR FILES BEFORE INSTALLATION, JUST IN CASE. ================================================================ Description: This mod is more than just a simple process of running all the character textures through an A.I. upscaling program. The purpose is to increase the size and fidelity of the character textures while maintaining the painterly style of the original game artists. This mod does not attempt to create photo realistic textures or add extra detail (like zippers, clothing stitches, fabric patterns, skin pores, etc) that are not already part of the existing style. This mod also fixes many of the UVW mapping errors, lighting errors, and some XYZ errors that the original model .mdl & .mdx files may have had. The process followed is generally: run texture files through A.I. upscaling program multiple times using different settings. Some settings result in "crunchy" textures (high contrast, sharp edges). Some result in "soft" textures (smooth gradients, lower contrast, blurry edges). Some result in better straight/parallel lines. Early tests used Vance AI; Deep Image; ImageUpscaler; or Let's Enhance. Eventually Topaz Labs' Gigapixel AI was chosen and used on the majority of textures. combine textures in multi layered Photoshop file, using layer masks to isolate the best parts of each upscaled image. This allows for some portions to be smooth (like skin, glass, metal or tubing), others to be sharp (like burlap, skin folds, hair, scratches, etc). touch up by manually painting away errors (such as jaggies due to original low resolution jpeg compression). manually recolor areas that the original artists missed (like commoner clothes where the pants seat do not match the pant leg; or player armors where pouches are inconsistent between male & female; etc). strategically add painted detail (such as highlights and shadows along the shoulders and neck of K1 Player Character soldier's underwear; adding glove details to armors F, G, H, I, J; etc). painting personal choices (like changing K1 P_BastilaBA02 to have different pants and remove wrist & neck restraints than P_BastilaBAS01 slave outfit). recreating entire textures (such as K1 Player Character male scoundrel dark side underwear PMBASD01). fix the models' UVW maps to reduce some texture stretching (like collar of TSL robes I); adjust areas that are poorly mapped to the wrong locations or too large/small (such as Bao Dur's armor C & D chest is mirrored); fix edge seams from one area to another; close gaps (like Mission's arms). manually fix texture seams by copying small areas of the image from one area to another; stretching and scaling them. This should result in model seams that are hidden or difficult to notice. sometimes the Alpha 1 channel is upscaled, but usually it is recreated directly from the final HD color texture. personal choice to add punchthrough transparency to the Alpha 1 channels of some female head models' eyelashes (like P_BastilaH04, P_MiraH, P_HandmaidenH & P_AtrisH01). recreate the Normal map (for bumpyshiny effects) from the final HD color texture. These work best when saved as .tpc format For most models, they only needed to be manipulated in 3DS Max, exported, and then run through Taina's replacer. This is usually sufficient to fix any XYZ and/or UVW coordinates. I prefer Taina's replacer method so that the model retains its smoothing groups data. For some models (like C_RancorS or C_Terantanak), Taina's won't work, so for those files, I had to resort to manually hex editing the binary .mdl & .mdx files. This is a much more labourious process, but in the end I got them to work. Some models (like P_Kreia1hBB, PFBNM, Twilek_F, N_TwiAssH01) had problems with their self generated lighting: ambient & diffuse were not set to 1 1 1 like most models. This causes the model to appear too dark or off color in-game. To fix this it required hex editing. A few models (such as P_KreiaBB) required fixing the model weights of individual verticies. This was done to reduce portions of the model clipping through other parts in different animations. Again, this was done by manually hex editing. For many head models, the UVW coordinates for the tongue and inside of mouth may be moved significantly, especially for the KotOR heads. This is because the originals often map the tongue to a single pixel located in the lips area, which results in almost no detail. By moving the UVW to a free area of the texture, there may be room for painting a detailed tongue. For the party members that have specific underwear textures and basic clothing textures, there has been an effort to make any skin areas (like hands & arms) match between them. Usually the hand area from the underwear texture is copied to the hand area of the clothes texture. This creates more consistency of the party characters' appearance. For low resolution versions of models (like C_Gammorean_Low, C_Protocol_Low, N_Swoopgang_low) or placeables (such as PLC_EndPlA, PLC_RakatCrp, PLC_HK50, Stunt_WarDrd01) the original textures were not simply upscaled. Instead, the new versions were actually taken from similar high resolution versions and scaled down. Sometimes the textures were rebuilt from parts of other higher resolution images, with some touch up painting. Several characters lost their baremetal shine in TSL (like the Mandalorians or SwoopGang). This is due to their model's default bitmap being set to "NULL" instead of their default texture's name. I was not able to repair the file to its K1 state, so a workaround was used instead. The word "NULL" was replaced with a shortened name, then a .txi file was created with the short name (for example "N_Ma" instead of "N_Mandalorian02"; or "N_Sw" instead of "N_Swoopgang01"). This allows for the envmaptexture CM_Baremetal to be used without the need to edit the appearance.2da file. Included is a spreadsheet labelled "KotOR upscale completed list v0_52.xlsx" which has more detailed information as to what files were changed, and in what ways. As of this update, 52.71% of the texture files that I intend to upscale have been completed. As such, this mod should be considered a beta test. The percentage is calculated for both games together, however the mod is released with files separated for K1 & TSL. The spreadsheet was created with Google Sheets and exported as .xlsx, so hopefully the formatting remains correct. I have also attached a copy of the spreadsheet to this mod thread. There will be three versions of this mod to choose to download: 4x .tga version. Highest resolution, the typical texture is now 2048x2048 pixels which = 16MB. This version is a total 7GB, hopefully it isn't too large or cause problems for some PCs. This version is also the best choice to use as a modder's resource. 4x .tpc version. CCreated by running full size .tgas through tga2tpc program which compresses a 2048x2048 pixel file to 5.5MB. This version is a total of 2.4GB, so it should be easier on PC systems, with no noticeable loss of visual fidelity. 2x .tpc version. Created by reducing full size .tgas by half in Photoshop, then running them through tga2tpc which further compresses them to 1.4MB. This version is a total of 700MB, which should be much easier on PC systems. All versions include the same .mdl & .mdx files. I have tested the .tga version exclusively, but have not tested the .tpc versions in-game. Please let me know if there are any issues. My computer doesn't seem to render some of the CM shader effects properly (especially the bumpyshinytexture CM_SpecMap always seems too strong on my computer). I would appreciate any in-game screen shots that you take of characters like Hutts, Rakghouls, Rakata, or Selkath so that I can compare how other computers render their shader. ================================================================ Compatiblity: For best results, the model and texture files included with this mod should be used together. In most cases, the models can be mixed and matched with textures from other mods, but results will vary. For instance, the other textures won't be as perfect along the seams. Some other photo realistic HD texture mods may have been created using the original model's UVW layout, which will not perfectly line up with this mod's corrected UVW maps. Conflicts may also occur if there is another mod uses a .tpc file with the same name as one of this mod's .tga files (or vice versa if you install one of the .tpc versions). I would suggest installing other large mods (such as "TSL Restored Content Mod") first, then this one. ================================================================ Installation: Copy and paste the desired model and texture files into TSL's Override folder. You may need to over write any existing files, so always have a backup. An effort was made that these textures and models require no 2da editing. The folder marked "Reference Normal Map" is not required to be copied to the Override forlder. These .tga files are simply a modders' resource. The normal maps seem to work best if they are saved in .tpc format. The "Copy contents to Override" folder should already have .tpc files in it for the normal maps. The folder marked "Optional Kreia model" includes models that change the diffuse & ambient lighting settings. More info in the additional read-me file. ================================================================ Uninstall: Delete unwanted files from the game's Override folder. ================================================================ Thanks for modding tools: KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra mdlops (used version 7a2) - cchargin, JdNoa NWMax – Joco Replacer - Taina tga2tpc - ndix UR KotOR/KotOR2 Savegame Editor v3.3.2 - tk102, Fair Strides Hex-editor XVI32 2.55 - Christian Maas ================================================================ Permission: Consider this as a modder's resource. I give permission to any modder to use these files as a base for their own creations; as long as their creation remains free to use (not for profit); and credit is given to me as the source of any modded files. Please include a statement that specifies this mod's title and version. The original credit of course goes to the talented artists who worked on the original games for BioWare and Obsidian. Without their work, none of this would have been possible. I have tried my best to maintain the artistic style that they created long ago. This mod may NOT be uploaded or redistributed, in whole or in part, to any mod hosting site without my explicit permission. As always, this mod is free for your non-commercial/personal use. There should never be a requirement to pay for it. If you like the work I do, and would like to encourage me to create more, you can always donate to my tip jar at https://buymeacoffee.com/redrob416 where the funds collected will be used towards additional graphics tools and software. ================================================================ THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE CORP/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHORS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. KotOR upscale completed list v0_52.xlsx -
4 points
Version 1.3
KOTOR features several conversations between party members which occur as you explore the various planets. Unfortunately, it is easy to miss some of them if you rarely use certain combinations of characters, such as Carth with Canderous or Bastila with Jolee. This mod moves these conversations to the Ebon Hawk and the Taris apartment hideout similar to KOTOR 2, guaranteeing that you can see nearly every conversation in a single playthrough. Conversations which directly refer to Taris are set to take place while you are still there, while the remaining conversations will occur in semi-random order up until (or possibly slightly after) the Leviathan sequence. Aside from the change in location, I have also made some slight edits to the conversations themselves, mainly relating to the timing of character animations. By default, conversations will also still occur on the various planets like in the vanilla game. They will only occur at the Ebon Hawk/hideout as required to catch you up on any that you may have missed. I have also provided an option to make the conversations happen only at the Ebon Hawk/hideout, never out on the planets. Thank you for downloading, and I hope you enjoy this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION Run INSTALL.exe and select either the standard version or the KOTOR 1 Community Patch compatible version. If you would like the conversations to take place only at the Ebon Hawk/hideout, run INSTALL.exe again and select "OPTION: Ebon Hawk/Hideout Only". If you have other mods installed, it is normal to see warnings that ebo_m12aa.mod and/or tar_m02af.mod already exist and have been skipped. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPATIBILITY This mod is compatible with the KOTOR 1 Community Patch (K1CP) and incorporates its fixes to k_pebn_pophawk.ncs. It has not been tested with the KOTOR 1 Restoration (K1R), but in theory it should be compatible. It is not compatible with any mods that edit k_pebn_pophawk.ncs or banter.dlg. For best results, install this mod after K1CP, K1R, or any other mods that make significant edits to the Ebon Hawk interior or to the Taris apartment hideout. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS NWNSSCOMP by Torlack and tk102 DeNCS by JdNoa and Dashus K-GFF by tk102 DLGEditor by tk102 TSL Patcher by stoffe and Fair Strides ERFEdit by stoffe and Fair Strides Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra This mod includes fixes to k_pebn_pophawk.nss which were developed by the K1CP team. This mod was inspired by the following mod request thread on Deadly Stream: https://deadlystream.com/topic/5684-party-member-conversations-in-apartment-and-ebon-hawk-k1/. Thanks to everyone who participated in the original thread for their discussion, which provided a major source of inspiration. ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Revised installation process and options - Revised the walk scripts in the Mission/Bastila conversation so that they do not need to be compiled during installation - Adjusted the camera angles the Mission/Bastila conversation - Adjusted the conditions for determining when conversations play before and after the Leviathan sequence - Added an extended fade to hide the party fading out and reappearing when entering the Ebon Hawk or Taris apartment - Revised implementation of edits to tar02_bastvision.dlg to reduce incompatibilities with other mods that edit the same file (i.e. K1CP 1.10). - Cleaned up and clarified comments in the script source files 1.2 - Added additional conditions to the Taris apartment entry script to prevent a rare issue where the vanilla conversation after "rescuing" Bastila did not occur. Thanks to PoopaPapaPalpatine for reporting the issue and testing the fix. 1.2.1 - Added additional conditions to the Ebon Hawk entry script to prevent a rare issue where the cutscenes before landing on Dantooine for the first time did not occur and the game softlocked. Thanks to CapitaineSpoque for reporting the issue and testing the fix. 1.3 - Adjusted camera angles and walk timing for the Mission/Bastila conversation on the Ebon Hawk to improve camera behavior. ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND PERMISSIONS This modification is provided as-is and is not supported by Disney, Lucasarts, or Bioware. Use at your own risk. The author shall not be held responsible for damage to your game installation, computer, or saved games resulting from the use of this mod. This mod shall not be reposted, in whole or in part, on any sites other than Deadly Stream without the author's permission. Assets from this mod shall not be redistributed in other modifications without the author's permission. -
4 points
Version 1.0.0
This mod will replace and update texture files. To Install 1. Download: Qarren HD.rar 2. Installation required JC's Dense Aliens for K1 1.0 (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1290-jcs-dense-aliens-for-k1/ ) 3. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 4. Remove N_QuarrenH01.tpc, N_QarrenB01.tpc. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 5. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love -
4 points
Version 1.0.0
Command a squad of Mandalorian allies as Mandalore, and unlock new forces as you advance through his personal quest. SUMMARY Mandalore has a personal sidequest which involves helping him reunite the Mandalorian clans by recruiting groups of Mandalorians you find on different planets. There is not really a reward or impact of this quest except for influence which unlocks some new dialogue and backstory. This mod adds incentive and impact to this quest in the form of a new ability which allows Mandalore to call soldiers from his growing army into battle. Mandalore will be given the item "Emergency Comlink" which allows him to call from a list of allies by allocating points and spending a small sum of credits. Points reflect the galactic strength of the Mandalorians, and determine the quantity and power of forces you can summon. This will grow as you advance through his quest. This mod also beefs up and arms Esok, the Mandalorian leader on Dantooine, who normally is unarmed and puts up a pretty underwhelming fight. Note about balance: Having a squad of Mandalorians at your side will obviously make fights easier. This mod is made for fun, but I have tried to keep balance in mind. Allies are scaled similarly to enemy NPCs, minus their damage bonus, so they will not be powerful enough to take on most groups of enemies alone. The credit cost, while modest, will hopefully encourage careful use of the ability. This mod should be installed prior to Mandalore joining your party for the comlink to be in his inventory. If not, he will get the item upon recruiting the first group of Mandalorians. Otherwise you can get the item using the cheat "giveitem mandradio". DETAILS Allies & Points To summon an ally, you need to pay credits and allocate points for the area you are in. You will start with 1 point to spend and 1 ally to choose from. As you advance through the quest and help Mandalore recruit more Mandalorians, he will gain additional points and unlock new, more powerful allies to choose from. See list of available allies below: ----------------------------------- Mandalorian Scout Cost: 1 point + 200 credits A recon unit, not built for direct combat but provides solid support and has strength in numbers. Mandalorian Elite Cost: 2 points + 300 credits Unlocked after first Mandalorian group recruited A battle-hardened warrior with upgraded weaponry, stats, and feats. Mandalorian Infiltrator Cost: 2 points + 400 credits Unlocked after second Mandalorian group recruited A specialist in stealth and melee combat. Automatically enters stealth when enemies are nearby and can deliver sneak attacks. Lower health pool but has good defense and can deal a lot of damage. Mandalorian Heavy Cost: 3 points + 400 credits Unlocked after second Mandalorian group recruited A tank with firepower. Armed with a Mandalorian Heavy Repeater and Mandalorian Heavy Armor. ----------------------------------- By recruiting both Mandalorian groups you will get 4 points in total to spend on reinforcements. When using only 2 party members (main character and Mandalore), you will get 2 extra points to spend. So with the quest finished and without a third party member, Mandalore can allocate 6 points at a time to an area. Allies will remain in the area they were called to until dismissed or until new forces are called to a different area. They can’t follow between modules. The comlink will work on Dantooine, Nar Shadaa, Dxun, Onderon, and the Ravager. It will not work on Telos, Korriban, Malachor, or Goto's Yacht. Commands Mandalore can issue the following commands: 1. Follow - Default behavior. Mandalorian allies follow Mandalore. 2. Wait - Allies will stay wherever they are. 3. Search and Destroy - Allies will search out nearby enemies and engage them. If no enemies are found, they will revert to Follow behavior. Search & Destroy behavior can be a little wonky indoors, where NPCs sometimes have trouble pathfinding long distances. They may teleport or disappear temporarily. Switch them back to Follow if you lose them. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe and select the install option corresponding to whether you have TSLRCM or not. Make sure to pick the correct option. Unaltered copies of any modified files will be placed inside the "backup" folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe. UNINSTALLATION 1. Remove the following files from override: - appearance.2da - baseitems.2da - autobalance.2da - spells.2da - p_mand.utc - henchmand1.utc - henchmand2.utc - henchmand3.utc - henchmand4.utc - mandradio.uti - mandradio.dlg - radio_relay.uti - m_act_mandclans.ncs - m_act_manddismis.ncs - m_act_mandsummon.ncs - m_cnd_goodmodule.ncs - m_cnd_mandcheck.ncs - m_cnd_mandpoints.ncs - m_cnd_mandquest.ncs - m_cnd_partycount.ncs - m_def_henchmand.ncs - m_def_radiorelay.ncs - m_end_radiorelay.ncs - m_htb_henchmand.ncs - m_imp_mandradio.ncs - m_spn_henchmand.ncs - ii_otgmbnds_002.tga - henchmand3.tga - henchmand4.tga 2. Remove 303NAR.mod and 605DAN.mod from the Modules folder. 3. Move any .mod files from the backup folder into the Modules folder. 4. If any other files were created inside the backup folder, move them to override. COMPATIBILITY & OTHER NOTES Compatible with TSLRCM as long as this mod is installed after and the TSLRCM compatible install option is selected. Please report any bugs or general weirdness. I welcome feedback on balance or features of the mod. PERMISSIONS Do not reupload this mod or any contained files without my expressed permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher - stoffe, Fair Strides Holocron Toolset - Cortisol Screenshots use High Quality Blasters. -
4 points
Version 1.0.0
You don't need the previous versions of my mods (As for my two previous versions) I REALY THANK Dark Hope to let me use the textures of her great mode here is the link of her great mode I've only edited the face and the body in my version the base work is hers. Very talented ! -
4 points
Version 1.0.2
This is a fix spotted and requested by @Salk I have since spotted and added an extra fix for the door showing through the wall. It seems as if there is either a gap in the walkmesh ( which I couldn't find ) or K1 does not consider both sides of the faces of a walkmesh because this issue is not present in my port of K1 to TSL. Either way, here is a quick fix for that. Installation : Put the following files in your override folder. M02ac_02b.wok M02ac_02k.wok M02ac_02e.wok Uninstallation : Deletefile the following files from your override folder. M02ac_02b.wok M02ac_02k.wok M02ac_02e.wok Thor110 -
4 points
=========================================================================== TSL Telos - Czerka Site Door Reskin / Model Fix =========================================================================== Description: The doors in the Czerka Site have always thrown me off, they're reusing the Peragus door - which is fine... however; the UV map for each model object was atrocious, none of them matched & one was put in for whatever reason? This mod reskins the doors on the Telos Czerka Site in the restoration zone, it also fixes a hole in the floor in the model & removes a pointless plate with a texture of a door on, to match the rest of the environment. Includes: New door skin for 2 of the doors, removed the third on the bunker to match the other bunker. Resized objects on the level to make it match. Fixed a hole in the floor near the ramp, I was not aware of the hole in the floor until I came across a thread (here) by PapaZinos, when I was searching for '233telg' to check compatibility. Instead of using PapaZinos' fix, I decided to fix it myself to make this release compatible with his but will still credit him as he's already released a fix. Screenshots: Installation: Copy the files into your override folder. Uninstall: Remove the following files from your override folder: 233telg.mdl 233telg.mdx CAT_d03.tga Legal Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. & I own none of the materials and are not making money for this. Please don't upload this on other sites, I will handle that. You may request use in other mods, pending approval; any mods using the assets should credit all the below parties. Credits: (Kotor Modding) Tools Used: -
4 points
Version 1.0.3
-------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords -------------------------------------------- TITLE: Sith Head AUTHOR: Blackrock ------------ INSTALLATION ------------ Unzip and move all files to Override folder. ----------- DESCRIPTION ----------- This mod is a replacement head for pmhh01 with portraits. Enjoy ------------ UNINSTALLING ------------ Remove from the Override folder pmhh01.mdl, pmhh01.mdx, PMHH01.tpc, PMHH01d1.tpc, PMHH01d2.tpc, PO_PMHH01.tpc, po_PMHH01d1.tpc and po_PMHH01d2.tpc. -
4 points
Version 1.0.0
Adds the ability to enter your whole party into stealth without activating solo mode. SUMMARY Why do Sith assassins get to sneak around in groups? Don't they have to turn on solo mode? Now your party can move through the shadows together too. This mod introduces party stealth mode, allowing all eligible party members to simultaneously enter stealth without turning on solo mode. Party stealth mode is activated through an armband which turns on stealth for all party members that are equipped with a stealth unit or otherwise able to use stealth (Force Camouflage, G0-T0). Solo mode will be turned off and your party members will follow you like they normally do. Activating the armband while this mode is on will remove everyone from stealth. See additional notes below. Only the main character can activate this ability and must be able to use stealth. You will get the armband as soon as Kreia joins your party on Peragus. Because of this you'll need a save from before she joins your party for the mod to work properly. However if you're mid-game and want to install this, you can get the armband with the giveitem code "partystealth". INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. Unaltered copies of any modified files will be placed inside the "backup" folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe. UNINSTALLATION 1. Remove the following files from override: - spells.2da - baseitem.2da - partystealth.uti - m_imp_prtysneak.ncs - a_addkreia.ncs - ii_ootgmbnds_001.tga 2. If any files were created in the backup folder, move them to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with most mods assuming they use TSLPatcher or this mod is installed after. OTHER NOTES Party stealth mode is defined by the following conditions: 1. All eligible party members are in stealth mode. 2. Solo mode is turned off. If any of the above conditions are not fulfilled, activating the armband will apply them. If all of the conditions are fulfilled, activating the armband will remove stealth from all party members. You won't be able to toggle stealth for individual party members without turning on solo mode. If you press the normal stealth toggle it will turn on solo mode regardless of whether a character is in stealth or not. Also occasionally characters may exit stealth on their own to perform an action for whatever reason. If any of these things happen, just activate the armband again to reinitialize party stealth. Computer-controlled characters with the Sneak Attack feat will usually perform sneak attacks if you enter combat from this mode. However sometimes they might do another action which breaks stealth first. When changing modules like entering the Ebon Hawk with party stealth on, characters may remain in stealth mode until they perform an action which breaks stealth, such as entering a conversation. I don't expect this to cause major issues but it's probably best to remove party stealth before leaving an area. Bear in mind the developers had reasons for enforcing solo mode, whether for balance or technical issues. I haven't encountered any serious issues but haven't tested every situation. Please let me know of any bugs or weirdness and I'll try to fix it. PERMISSIONS Feel free to use the source code for your own mod as long as you give credit. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides -
4 points
Version 1.01
Author: Kainzorus Prime Mod Name: Peragus Mining Gear 1.01 ************************* Under NO circumstances is this, or any of my other, mod(s) to be posted on ANY site other than by myself. ************************* 1. Info =========== This mod changes the miner uniform found in the Peragus tunnels into gear that both looks fitting for space mining, as well as slightly boosting its stats. However, it also requires proficiency in light armors to be used now. 2. Installation: ========= Copy the files into the Override folder. Overwrite existing if necessary. 3. Credits: =========== Special thanks to: Holowan Laboratories - For all the great resources. 4. DISCLAIMER: =============== This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian. Please do not contact them for support of this mod. Copyright: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Bioware and the Odyssey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Obsidian are trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. -
4 points
4 points
Version 1.0.0
Kotor 1 720p Xbox Mod 1.0 THIS MOD REQUIRES THE 128mb RAM UPGRADE HARDWARE MOD!!!!! https://consolemods.org/wiki/Xbox:RAM_Upgrade CLARIFICATION: The Xbox has double ram on its dev units. The retail consoles use the same boards as the dev units. STATEMENT: Therefore, there are empty places to add double the RAM to your console. You need to add this ram to play Kotor at 720p. --------------------------------------- Introduction: This mod makes Kotor 1 comfortably playable at 720p on a ram upgraded original Xbox. The original Xbox natively supports 720p output and many games officially take advantage of this feature. It has long been possible to patch additional Xbox games to force 720p mode. Having extra RAM installed is needed to prevent most games from crashing. This works out well for changing the resolution of Kotor, but causes several issues that make the game unplayable. The goal of this mod is to fix those issues so that Kotor can be fully enjoyed at 720p on the original Xbox. --------------------------------------- How to install: Put the mod into the root of your Xbox's Kotor game folder. You will overwrite several files, and as a result, your game folder will permanently become a 720p version of Kotor. For this reason, I recommend making a copy of your original folder, so that you can easily play at 480p again if desired. Note: The Yavin dlc is compatible! --------------------------------------- Changelog: 1.0 Implements edited 720p versions of all original Xbox .gui in game. Increases the size of the minimap and zooms it out to take advantage of the resolution. Replaces the original default.xbe with one modified for 720p by OgXHD software. Replaces bugged security camera effect with a blue overlay. Disables motion blur effect function calls in all swoop race minigame modules. Disables motion blur effect on jedi force runs. Reduces visual effect of Force Wave as it is bugged and would make it hard to see. Disables first person droid view effects as they were bugged. Replaces all movies with edited pc versions that display as well as possible in 720p mode. Issues: Cutscenes display in a small box, as large as I could make them while respecting their aspect ratio. This is the best I could do to fix cutscenes being essentially unviewable. (Sidenote: Kotor 2 doesn't have this problem due to using a different video format) The Xbox struggles with smoke effects up close. This doesn't really hurt the game but it helps to understand why the title screens is a little laggy. Carth's intercom cutscenes on the Endar Spire don't have special effects as a side effect of fixing security cameras. Many distortion effects display incorrectly at 720p. But it's not really that bad. The map on the map screen is stuck at its original size on Xbox. --------------------------------------- Credits: Sorry if I forget anything. This project was made entirely possible due to tools and discoveries created by many people. You don't need to ask me permission to use things from this mod for your own projects. Jay's Xbox REPO by Jay Fantastic compiled resource for learning about hex editing Xbox games to support alternative video modes. ogXHD by Marvelous Mirth Studios A tool for automatic find and replace hex editing of Xbox games for 720p patching purposes. Console Mods Wiki Thorough information about Xbox mods. Lightweight GUI Patcher 0.4 by th3w1zard1 Made editing the UI so much easier. Really gave this entire project a starting point. I used this program to bulk convert the old Xbox .guis to 720p. Kotor-gui-editor by amcolash This tool was used to edit and shape the gui into something polished and in accordance with the changed aspect ratio of the game. Holocron Toolset by Cortisol KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra Kotor Scripting Tool by Blue All great tools for digging through the game files and extracting things. Important for reading and manipulating information to solve problems. tpcview by ndix UR tga2tpc by ndix UR paint.net All the software needed to fix minor texture issues with the gui. ffmpeg Rocky's xmv converter by Rocky5 A script used for converting to Xbox's video format (.xmv) which is required by kotor 1. DaVinci Resolve Video editing software used to make the movies display correctly at 720p. Kotor and Deadlystream Discord JC, Thor110 It was very nice to have places and people to discuss Kotor modding with. Loto Ported the Kotor 2 Restoration Mod to Xbox, which inspired me to explore modding Xbox Kotor. -
4 points
Version 1.1.0
Gives Bastila a unique Force power based on the Battle Meditation power from TSL. *NOTE: This mod will only work properly on saves from before Bastila has joined your party.* DETAILS This mod essentially ports the "Improved Battle Meditation" Force power from KOTOR II and gives it to Bastila as a starting power instead of Force Aura. Like in TSL, the power adds +2 to attack rolls, damage, and will saves for all party members and -2 for enemies within a 10m radius for 20 seconds at a cost of 35 FP. It also increases vitality regeneration for the duration. The power is not selectable at level-up by the PC or party members and is only added as one of Bastille’s starting powers. The VFX and Force power icon are ported from TSL. In KOTOR II, Improved Battle Meditation is a level 12 power while this mod gives it to Bastila at level 3, so it's possible there's an effect on balance in the early game. I don't think it's too OP of a power but let me know if you have feedback. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. This is required. Don't try to copy the files over manually. NOTE: If you install on a save from after Bastila has already joined your party, she won't have the power and won’t be able to select it on level-up. You can use save editor to give her the power. If any files are modified, a backup folder of unmodified files will be created inside the mod folder. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove spells.2da, visualeffects.2da, effecticon.2da, p_bastila.utc, fp_bmed.ncs, v_bmedit2_imp.mdl, v_bmedit2_imp.mdx, v_bmedit2r_imp.mdl , v_bmedit2r_imp.mdx, and ip_battlemed02.tga from the override folder. Replace unk_m44ac.mod in the modules folder with the version in the backup folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the version in the backup folder. Then move any remaining files in the backup folder to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with most other mods as long as they use TSLPatcher or you install this mod afterward. Could potentially conflict with other mods that edit Bastila's starting Force powers. PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty djh269 - endgame Bastila support, icon upscale & other tweaks - thanks! KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides This mod contains assets from SW: KOTOR II TSL -
4 points
Version 1.0.0
This mod will replace and update N_TatComW_F texture files. To Install 1. Download: TatComW HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
4 points
Version 1.1.0
A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.1 Release Date: 25.05.2024 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! No exceptions! Once you click on the HoloPatcher.exe, you'll be given a few install options. 1) Main mod: Installs the actual mod. 2) NPC Diversity Patch: If you're using the NPC Diversity Pack mod, you WILL have to install this option AFTER the main mod. 3) RC-K1CP Addon: RC-K1CP restored an Ithorian Miner to Anchorhead, this mod is OPTIONAL but if you want to use it you HAVE to have RC-K1CP installed BEFORE installing Czerka Redux. 4) Business Attire Addon: This option expands the Rodians modified by JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1, this mod is OPTIONAL but if you want to use it you HAVE to have JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1 installed BEFORE installing Czerka Redux. 5) Women of Czerka: Adds female Czerka Employees where possible. Completely optional but must be installed AFTER the main mod. Description: Czerka Redux is a union of various Czerka related textures into a single mod which aims to enhance the Czerka Corporation in Kotor 1. The Czerka Muscle Suit, Czerka Technician and Mining Suits from BOSSR have been added with the latter two being given to the Miner and Technician NPCs of Kotor. For any of my other mods which edits the Czerka Miners, those mods are compatible with Czerka Redux... meaning players who use Duros: Armed & Ready are able to use Czerka Redux and have the Duros Miners visibly wear BOSSR Czerka Mining Suits. The Czerka Combat Suit in RedRob41's Modder's Resource has also been added to the majority of Czerka's Security personnel. All the new Czerka items can be found and obtained in normal gameplay. The NPC textures from the K1 Enhancement Project have also been added, giving new meaning to the Czerka NPCs and their in-game profession. The green Czerka Officer texture from the Czerka Commander has been repurposed as a standard Czerka Officer profession skin whilst former Czerka Commanders now use armor. The male Czerka texture from JC's Fashion Line B: Commoner Clothing has been added for male Czerka NPCs and was used to convert new female Czerka clothing from K1EP into a new male variant exclusive to Czerka Redux. You'll also see new NPC variants from Czerka themed battle droids to Czerka Protocol Droids using B4-D4's texture. This mod also provides addons for other Czerka related mod, if you have JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1 installed you can install the optional Business Attire Addon and get unique textures for JC's Rodians. If you use RC-K1CP, you can also install the RC-K1CP Addon to give the restored Ithorian Miner a new Business Attire inspired appearance. And of course, female Czerka NPCs can be added via the Women of Czerka option which uses DarthParametric's Female Czerka Officer's Uniform and has custom AI generated VO. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have any bugs but if there are please report them to me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: To be added! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use my assets from this mod without my permission. BOSSR assets are free to use as confirmed by SilverEdge9. RedRob41's Czerka Combat Suit textures are free to use as they are a modder's resource. K1 Enhancement Pack assets are free to use as they are a modder's resource. JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1 is free to use as long as you credit JCarter426. DarthParametric's Female Czerka Officer's Uniform is free to use as it is a modder's resource. JC's Fashion Line B: Commoner Clothing cannot be used without permission from JCarter426. Thanks to: SilverEdge9: For BOSSR Czerka Assets! RedRob41: For the Combat Suit Modder's Resource! SpaceAlex: For the K1EP Czerka Assets! JCarter426: For granting me permission to use the male Czerka commoner texture from JC's Fashion Line B and for making Czerka Business Attire! DarthParametric: For making the Female Czerka Officer's Uniform modder's resource! ElevenLabs Website: For the custom AI VO service! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! th3w1zard1: For HoloPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
4 points
Version 1.0.2
Thematic The One Premise The One: warlord; conqueror; latent Force-Sensitive. A charismatic leader of the Rakata and a near-supernatural anomaly among their people. As an added bonus, he also dies in about two combat rounds! In fairness, with a good character build there’s very little that doesn’t go down in two rounds or less in the lategame. But The One in particular irks me—he’s presented as special, a natural leader in Revan’s own mold, a warrior-prince leading both armies and the political structure of his people. Yet despite having all the resources of the hundreds of islands he has conquered and dozens of crashed vessels he has looted, indeed despite having a Sith Tremor Sword in a bin literally RIGHT BEHIND HIM, he uses two regular vibroblades; despite being so charismatic he convinced his own former chieftain to willingly sacrifice himself and allow his tribe to cannibalize him while being so brick-headed he’s sat on a single island for half a decade, his WIS is 18 while his CHA is only 12; and despite being latently Force-Sensitive, his Will saves are abysmal. This was a ripe field for a Thematic project. Like my similar mod for KOTOR 2, Thematic The One’s goal is not to make the fight against The One actually challenging—this is not a difficulty mod. The fight will be slightly harder than in vanilla, yes, but for some builds this change will not even be noticeable; indeed, I took him out in two combat rounds just like normal. Instead, the goal is to present The One as the game insists he is: a charismatic warrior with vast resources and the—albeit unconscious—power of the Force behind him. Changes The One’s WIS and CHA stats have been nearly inverted, from 18/12 to 14/18; he has been given a Sith Tremor Sword in his main hand and an Echani Vibroblade in his off-hand (neither droppable); his Will saves have been bumped up to 15, to make him about as difficult as an average Dark Jedi to land Force abilities against; his alignment has been moved from Neutral to moderately DS, so that the Solari crystal will work against him; and, most significantly, he has been scripted to use Force Valor at the start of the fight with him. I felt this was important to represent exactly how close The One is to true Force Sensitivity, and how it’s clear that the Force has been supporting his meteoric rise from the start. Compatibility As is the objective with all Thematic-series mods, this mod should be compatible with every other mod out there. Even mods that edit The One should be compatible, as long as they edit his data in the module rather than with a direct .utc file drop to the override; at worst, such a mod would only replace some of my changes with its own. Permissions & Thanks As with any mod “I” have made or will make in the future, this mod has completely open permissions: modify it, redistribute it, reupload it, do whatever. So long as you give me credit for the idea and for the balance settings if you choose to retain most of mine, go for it. You don’t even need to ask me. Particular thanks to JCarter426, who made this entire mod at my request but then told me it would be funnier if I uploaded it like it was my own. Ok. -
4 points
4 points
Version 1.0.0
This mod will replace and update PLC_Sign texture files. To Install 1. Download: PLC_Sign 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love -
3 points
Version 1.0.0
There's a few reports of people having low framerate when looking in the direction of a force cage. I was able to reproduce this with "disable vertex buffer objects=1" and running in fullscreen. The fix is simple. Just had to remove "proceduretype water" from the texture. I figured I'd release something more than just a simple fix so here's an updated model with upscaled and tweaked textures. If you don't want the changes then just grab "plc_frcdist01.txi" for the lag fix. -
3 points
3 points
Version 1.0.0
This is a modders' resource -- not intended for general use. It includes alternate versions of the four submodules in the enclave sublevel from TSL that had damage baked into their room models, now restored to their pre-bombing condition. That includes removing rubble, replacing flickering/dead lights, and cutting back on vegetative overgrowth. Lightmapping looks good too. I've exported the models in both K1 and TSL formats, default is TSL because I made this for Thor110's Expanded Galaxy Project, but K1 versions are in a subfolder. I've also included a VIS file for the module which is a merge of Thor110's additions for Visibility File Fixes with new edits of my own, particularly to compensate for the removal of some rubble in the rotunda with the glass dome which at least partially obscured submodules getting unloaded. I would use the exact same VIS even for the vanilla module, though. Usage: Just add the included models to your mod project. I did include versions for K1 ports, which you can find in the "K1" subfolder. Don't forget the VIS. You don't need to ask for permission to use these, just give credit in the description/readme. Included Files: Acknowledgments: Thanks to seedhartha for making modeling for these games simple using KotORBlender, and Cortisol for making file extraction easy with the Holocron Toolset. I would also like to thank Thor110 for buffing up the module's vis for his Visibility File Fixes mod, and allowing me to include those edits in this version. I also want to shout-out his Expanded Galaxy Project, the reason I made these in the first place. This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage. -
3 points
Version 1.0.0
Consistent Conditioning Icons by Sdub Version: 1.0 Description: I was looking at icons today and noticed the first conditioning icon just didn’t match the others. I sought to change that. The icons have very different names so I can only guess that maybe early in development they were separate feats. I also rotated the Master Conditioning icon to be vertical Installation: Place Icons in Override folder Uninstallation: Remove files from Override Folder Compatibility: There should be no issues unless you already have these files in your override K1R Compatible: Yes Tools Used: GIMP KOTOR Tool Big thanks to the KOTOR Discord and Deadlystream Discord