25 files
K1 Switch Override Files
By Thor110
This is the contents of the Override folder on the Switch version of the game.
99% of this is absolute garbage, but I wanted to get a closer look to see if there was anything special that would need to be reworked for any of my mod projects, such as button prompts or .gui files and thought I would release it for anyone else seeking to do the same.
Taken from v1.0.0 of the game.
Included is a folder that has any changes made in v1.0.4 of the game.
I chose not to include anything else from the release, there isn't anything special of interest besides Japanese support for the game.
Manaan Hotel Missing Room
By Thor110
NOTE : This was made specifically for the Expanded Galaxy Project but I decided to release a modders resource version.
Manaan - Hotel Missing Room - TSL Levels in K1
by Thor110
This adds in that missing and locked room in the Hotel on Manaan, turns out the walkmesh as there all along, just not the model, so I copied the room from the opposite corner and rotated it's contents then moved them in to the model.
Copy Modules & Override folder to the game directory.
Warp to m26ae to look around the level.
There is an installer specific version for anyone who wishes to install the empty rooms to the game for a regular playthrough.
Thanks to PapaZinos for reminding me room containers can't be rotated and only their contents can.
Used KotOR Tool, Blender, MDLEdit-v1.0.4, GIMP and Notepad++ to make this.
Kel Dor severed arm model - Modder's ressource
This mod is a modder's ressource, and will not include anything in game.
Thx to @DarthParametric kel dor modder's ressource, this mod is possible.
I was unhappy with Bao dur's models animations while porting him into k1. I figured i would scrap the arm and tie it to a scout model, which bear the same size properties.
This ressource contains a completely kel dor appearance/head, with bao dur severed/robotic arm, bao dur animation as unarmed to see the model in action, and complete support for all the vanilla items in the game.
So you can do a lot of thing with this, make a new playable character or bring new npc appearances.
The textures provided only cover vanilla + some extras (as i use my override folder, i have few modder textures i provided aswell) because the uv maps are different from vanilla models. They are 2048x2048.
Video showcase
Disclaimer :
There are few combat animation glitches, the weapon in the right hand will be slightly off, the robot arm is not totally under the gun for rifles for instance, or is not "exactly" at the perfect position for dual hand melee weapons. There is clipping with heavy armors especially. Otherwise after playtesting everything else seems fine.
Some armor textures have conflicted properties with .txi. When cm_bright was applied, i deleted alpha channel to the arm so the armor keeps the original effect, but the arm metal won't be reflective. I deleted alpha channels for robes to deal with transparency/metal reflection. I provided the unedited textures aswell.
Obviously models have unique names to prevent conflict with other vanilla models in game and between each other.
The default head has jaw animation, but theyre a bit too much imo. I couldnt fix it, so i provided a head model without the jaw animation in the ressources.
Installation and how are the files ordered :
- The folder "Add the appearance" contains an executable that will add everything to your game override and create a single new appearance row in appearance.2da that bears the mullet man head and white skin. You can manually change the head
inside appearance.2da if you wish to, this is a ready to go install and you simply have to give the appearance to npcs or anything. The black/asian skins are located in the ressources folder/underwear.
- The folder "ressources" contains everything related to the mod itself (body models and textures). The textures contained within the base appearance folders (robes, clothing, armors ...) are unedited, which mean there will be bad interactions regarding alpha layers and .txi i attributed.
- The "edited textures" folder contain my ready to go texture, i edited the alpha layers there so maybe you prefer tweaking the base textures.
- The "supermodel" folder contains Baodur base model/textures (you can use it if you want to) and contains the animation information to perform the unarmed attack. I tied every models to baodur base one as a supermodel to allow the custom attack animation. If you want to get rid of this, simply change every model's supermodel to s_female02.
- The texture for bao dur arm is provided aswell in a single folder.
- The "No animation jaw" folder contains the head model without the jaw animation.
- The "base texture" folder contains the texture with only bao dur arm and default kel dor hand.
@DarthParametric, i totally stole his entire process to make Kel dor models possible via his modder's ressource.
Kotor discord channel for insights on developping mods for this awesome game.
Feel free to use my work, just a simple credit.
K1 Severed arm male body model - Modder's ressource
This mod is a modder's ressource, and will not include anything in game.
I was unhappy with Bao dur's models animations while porting him into k1. I figured i would scrap the arm and tie it to a scout model, which bear the same size properties.
This ressource contains a completely new male body appearance, with bao dur severed/robotic arm, bao dur animation as unarmed to see the model in action, and complete support for all the vanilla items in the game.
You can tie any head to the model aswell. So you can do a lot of thing with this, make a new playable character or bring new npc appearances.
The textures provided only cover vanilla + some extras (as i use my override folder, i have few modder textures i provided aswell). They are 1024x512 to allow the arm uv mapping into a single texture.
Atm the textures are low res, im gonna update this someday, at least to 2048x1024.
Video showcase for the ressource
Disclaimer :
There are few combat animation glitches, the arm is not totally under the gun for rifles for instance, or is not "exactly" at the perfect position for dual hand melee weapons. There is clipping with heavy armors especially. Otherwise after playtesting everything else seems fine.
Some armor textures have conflicted properties with .txi. When cm_bright was applied, i deleted alpha channel to the arm so the armor keeps the original effect, but the arm metal won't be reflective. I deleted alpha channels for robes to deal with transparency/metal reflection. I provided the unedited textures aswell.
Obviously models have unique names to prevent conflict with other vanilla models in game and between each other.
Installation and how are the files ordered :
- The folder "Add the appearance" contains an executable that will add everything to your game override and create a single new appearance row in appearance.2da that bears the mullet man head and white skin. You can manually change the head
inside appearance.2da if you wish to, this is a ready to go install and you simply have to give the appearance to npcs or anything. The black/asian skins are located in the ressources folder/underwear.
- The folder "ressources" contains everything related to the mod itself (body models and textures). The textures contained within the base appearance folders (robes, clothing, armors ...) are unedited, which mean there will
be bad interactions regarding alpha layers and .txi i attributed.
- The "edited textures" folder contain my ready to go texture, i edited the alpha layers there so maybe you prefer tweaking the base textures.
- The "supermodel" folder contains Baodur base model/textures (you can use it if you want to) and contains the animation information to perform the unarmed attack. I tied every models to baodur base one as a supermodel
to allow the custom attack animation. If you want to get rid of this, simply change every model's supermodel to s_female02.
- The texture for bao dur arm is provided aswell in a single folder.
@DarthParametric, i totally stole his entire process to make Kel dor models possible via his modder's ressource.
Kotor discord channel for insights on developping mods for this awesome game.
Feel free to use my work, just a simple credit.
kotor1 Amazon Games's K1 Release sounds/movies fix
By th3w1zard1
As some of you know, K1 was released free on Amazon Games for Prime users recently. Unfortunately, the release is bugged and partially broken. Here are the steps to fix it:
First, find out where your game is located on disk. Default path is: C:\Amazon Games\Library\Star Wars - Knights of the Old
Download and extract the provided ZIP, and copy and replace those files into your game's miles folder, backing up if you ever want to revert the changes.
backup and delete the following files from your miles folder: mssds3d.flt, msseax.flt, mssogg.asi **copy** mss32.dll from the miles folder into the same directory as swkotor.exe, overwriting when prompted. Back up the original if you want to revert. The Editable EXE is required from here on out, the amazon swkotor.exe will **not** work after these changes. Download it, backup swkotor.exe, and replace Remove Disable Movies=1 and Disable Sound = 1 from the swkotor.ini (or set them to 0) Your game should now have fully working audio and movies!
The files provided here in the .zip are from the steam version of the game, other versions of the game have the exact same files. For some reason only the Amazon release is different.
Fat Commoner Body Models - Modder's Resource
This is a modder’s resource that provides some additional commoner body models that can be used for NPCs. The game includes body models for fat male and female commoners, each using a custom texture with no variants. They are unused. Originally, as part of the K1 Community Patch, a fat-ified version of the standard male commoner body was made to be used for Handon on Dantooine. This allowed it to use the regular commoner textures. As of K1CP v1.10.0, this addition has been removed, so the assets are now being made available for third party mods to make use of. Additionally, the vanilla female fat commoner model has had some adjustments made to its UVs so that it can also make use of the regular commoner texture variants.
A simple TSLPatcher setup has been provided that edits the two vanilla appearance rows to switch their texture assignments, as well as adding new rows using all the regular NPC heads. Note to regular users: Installing this package by itself will do nothing as the game does not make use of the vanilla fat commoner appearance rows. It requires other authors to create content utilising it.
This is a modder’s resource, and thus intended to be utilised by the community. You can freely incorporate the included assets in your mod. Simply provide credit to the Community Patch team and link back to this page. Do not redistribute/rehost this resource as-is elsewhere.
Topaz GigaPixel AI Upscales - K1
By Thor110
Modder's Resource - Topaz GigaPixel AI Upscales - Source
These are all of the first games textures upscaled by Topaz GigaPixel AI.
While they are intended for use eventually with my overall project, for the time being I have handed them off to a texture artist to clean up beforehand, after which they will also be released for the standalone game as well.
It was also suggested to me that I should upload them here as a Modder's Resource and backup for people to use when repainting any textures for the game.
So here they are.
The images shown aren't from the game, but they are the only reference imagery I have to show the upscaling in action. ( added some screenshots of the actual textures )
All TXI files as well as the few textures that had issues being upscaled in their own packages.
KotOR Switch Modding Framework
By jacqylfrost
Switch KotOR Modding romFS Dummy Folder with 1.0.3 dialog.tlk
This is a set of files and folders designed to make modding the Switch version of KotOR easier and more accessible to a novice user.
Read to the end before using.
You will need a hackable, or modchipped Switch to use this, and custom firmware must be installed, I use Atmosphere, but anything that supports romFS should be fine.
This should work just fine with the digital or physical version (when it is released) without issue. I have only tested this on the most up-to-date build at this time, 1.0.3. It may work on 1.0.2 or 1.0.1, but it is not guaranteed, and I'm not concerned with supporting them.
Extract the zip file, and install any mods you want to use, pointing TSLPatcher at the romfs folder containing the dialog.tlk file. For mods that don't use TSLPatcher, copy files as directed, "romfs" is equivalent to the directory on PC containing the executable.
NOTE: You may need to move files that TSLPatcher is expecting to the folder to be able to patch them. You can access them by dumping your game with nxdumptool, using romfs. Make sure you include updates when doing so.
Feel free to comment with what you needed, and what mod it was for, and if there is popular demand, I will add the files to this pack. The easiest way I found, was just to try installing a mod, and then check the log for errors to see what files were missing.
NOTE: Long filenames cause issues with TSLPatcher, this is exacerbated by the length of the filepath for romFS modding. I recommend moving the "romfs" folder to the root of the drive and patching there, moving the folder back afterwards.
Make sure to check your error log, you may manually need to copy .lip files over to override afterwards.
Move textures (.tga, .txi and .tpc) to override/Textures or they won't apply. NOTE: Aspyr included upscaled textures with this version that are not in other releases of the game. As far as I can tell, they are all in the format the original textures were in, by and large, that means they are in .tpc format, which trumps .tga and .txi files of the same name. If you have issues with a mod's textures not applying, try converting them to .tpc with Xoreos-Tools. You can download my texture reversion mods for K1 and K2 on Switch if you want to see what files are in what format.
At this point, copy the atmosphere folder to the root of your SD card, and you should be done. Please feel free to mention any issues you run into, or workarounds you needed, and I'll update this post.
I tested a run of K1CP with no major issues.
Mods that involve UI likely won't work. Everything is at your own risk, you may end up with a broken save, etc. Worst case scenario, you can uninstall all mods by deleting the `0100854015868000` folder from `/atmosphere/contents/`
Big thanks to JC for helping me pin this all down.
7-22-2022 Update:
Just a change to the readme regarding potential texture issues.
Female Czerka Officer's Uniform - Modder's Resource
Per some discussions on Discord with @N-DReW25, I have cobbled together a female version of the Czerka Officer's uniform for females. This is primarily intended as a modder's resource for people to use in their own mods. As such, there are three body models provided, Asian, Black, Caucasian, for use with whatever head models are desired. When creating a new appearance.2da row, only specify the model (N_CzerkOff_F_A, N_CzerkOff_F_B, or N_CzerkOff_F_C) and leave the texture column blank. This is because the model uses three different textures, thus is not compatible with appearance texture overrides.
You are free to incorporate the contents of this mod into your own work, as long as proper credit is provided. Do not redistribute the mod by itself.
For non-modders, I have also provided an optional installer that will replace the outfit worn by the Czerka Protocol Officer on Tatooine. Simply run the TSLPatcher installer in the Optional folder.
modders resource Dual Wield Stun Batons - Diatium-Charged Escrima
By Masamune753
Hello! This is my first very first, and very basic, mod.
Nothing in here that anyone else couldn't do with Kotor Tool, but I thought I would share it all the same. I am releasing this as a modder's resource because I am actually planning on including it in a larger mod I have planned later on. As such, to access this you will need to use the cheat "~giveitem dualstun_mas".
Drop the files into your override folder and use the giveitem cheat to acquire them in game.
I always liked the idea of stun batons in KOTOR 1. They seem custom fit for scoundrels and should line up really nice opportunities for sneak attack. However, in the course of KOTOR's development it seems like the original combat devs could not get a handle on how to implement them. Opportunities for sneak attack are great, but you rarely fight alone with a non-jedi in KOTOR...
With two turns of stun, if you land a stun effect the enemy is massacred. Lower the rate the stun can occur, you almost never see it happen. Dual wield stun batons and suddenly a jedi character can land 5 hits in a turn and the stun effect still hits too often. Only allow one stun baton at a time? With the other tweaks, it no longer makes sense to equip it on anyone.
This all feels like a solvable problem that just wasn't worth the developer's time...the perfect opportunity for modders.
This mod attempts to rectify the problem of stun batons by tweaking their stats and allowing for the much cooler implementation of dual wielding (I am thinking about you Nightwing). To do this, I reskinned a shortsword and added a bevy of stats and effects. These tweaks should make these stun batons useful for most of the game by allowing your scoundrel character to rely on their sneak attack to deal most of the damage. Since sneak attacks scale with you as you level, these should always be useful.
These stun batons are meant to be dual-wielded. They deal very little damage on their own and only have a 25% chance of even attempting to stun. They deal electrical damage, deal extra against droids to compensate for stun immunity, and have a small chance to deal some extra critical damage. Fully upgraded, these stun batons will pale in comparison to even mid-game weapons on their own. The DC is set to 18 so that there is a chance, however small, that even boss level enemies could fail their saves and provide an opening.
These "Diatium-Charged Escrima" are meant to set up sneak attack. As such, I have restricted these to scoundrels by requiring the Scoundrel's luck feat. As this is a modder's resource, it is your choice how you'd want to implement them. In an unmodded game, these batons will primarily get use from Mission. Potentially some early use from the PC, but they will quickly be outpaced by lightsabers. A fully specced out Misson could dominate with these weapons, but she would need several different feats and/or use stealth to make full use.
Future updates/Requests:
Reskinning! The current texture/model is from the Bothan Stun Stick. I would love to recolor these black, but I have no knowledge/tools needed to change textures. Stretching out the model. Right now these are the stock model for stun batons, to fit as escrima they should be longer. Same as above, I have none of the tools or experience to make that happen right now. Permissions:
Anyone can feel free to use this for anything you'd like! It is meant to be a very self contained way of implementing dual Stun Batons, so it should work with anything else.
Fred Tetra for their amazing KOTOR Tool
@Thor110 for their general help and modding tutorials!
By Crazy34
Author: Crazy34
Contact: PM me on Deadlystream
For: K1/TSL
Date: 03/24/2021
This modder's resource contains a detailed step-by-step instruction on how to use and modify the new lightsaber blade system introduced in my recent mods.
You can find this instruction in the file: manual.pdf.
The folder resources contains example textures, saber models in the ascii format and example batch file to generate color copies of a given saber.
I HOPE that in the future some talented texture artist will create better looking blade textures using these new blade models.
Kaidon Jorn:
Lightsaber Hilts models and textures and icons are created by Kaidon Jorn and taken from his SLM 2.0 mod, which you can find here: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/551-schematic-lightsaber-mod-slm/
Thank you very much for the permission to use your models and hilts here. They are amazing and I enjoyed working with them.
The new layout for the lightsaber blades plane models are inspired by Sithspecter's animated Crossguard Lightsabers mod for KOTOR which can be found here: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1314-crossguard-lightsabers/
Thank you very much for the permission to include your animated unstable blade texture and to modified them to include the new TSL colors.
The tip of the blade has a spike which comes from a deformation of the lightsaber planes. This is also present in the original model. I was not able to find a fix. (Sorry about that.)
The lightsaber hilts will clip through the blades. (Unfortunately, DarthParametric has said that it is not possible to fix this.)
You may use this mod as you see fit. Display it in screenshots, make it compatible with your mod. Use it to update your own mod or use it as a basis to start your own lightsaber mod. However, please give credit where it's due.
Fred Tetra: All the thanks for KotOR Tool.
TK102: All the thanks for K-GFF.
ndix UR: All the thanks for the kotorblender plugin, which I used to create the blade 3d models.
bead-v: All the thanks for Mdledit and constantly updating it. Without it this mod would not be possible. Thanks also for the comments on the ascii code.
Kaidon Jorn: All the thanks for giving me the permission for using the hilts textures and icons. With these included this is a real mod. Thank you so much.
Sithspecter: All the thanks for giving me the permission to include his animated blade textures and to modify them. Also i want to thank you for inspiring me to start modding KOTOR in the first place.
Jorak Uln: All the thanks for the constant feedback, suggestions and beta testing of the preliminary versions of the mod.
JCarter426: I want to thank him for providing information regarding lights in KOTOR and the documentation.
DarthParametric: I want to thank him for answering all my questions and being so helpful when creating and tuning of the models.
Sith Holocron: For minor proofreading of the mod documents.
For the initial feedback on the ambient light, I want to thank: DarthVarkor, Stormie97, ebmar.
Also, I want to thank all the modders out there whose work I've consistently studied and learned from.
Better Twi'lek Male Heads for K1EP (Modder's Resource)
This is a modder's resource containing Twi'lek textures from SpaceAlex's K1 Enhancement Pack that have been modified for compatibility with Better Twi'lek Male Heads.
Textures are included in both TGA/TXI and TPC formats (the latter is recommended). Models for both the slim neck and original neck variants are included in ASCII format, so you can edit the model name and/or texture then convert to binary for either game. If BTMH is updated in the future with changes to the model, so will this. (Current model version: 1.3.X)
If you want to use these files as part of an external work, contact me first to receive my permission. Permission to use the K1 or TSL versions of BTMH automatically extends to this resource. Both SpaceAlex and I should be credited accordingly.
This modder's resource should only be found on Deadly Stream, no user may upload it to another modding site. This restriction does not apply to any external works using these files.
It should be noted that some of SpaceAlex's Twi'lek textures are upscaled variants from the base game. See readme.txt for more details.
Fred Tetra, Kotor Tool
bead-v, KOTORmax & MDLedit
ndix UR, tga2tpc
Autodesk, 3ds Max
Darth Parametric, Upper teeth no-clip fix (K1)
SpaceAlex, K1 Enhancement Pack's male Twi'lek textures
NDrew-25, prompting the creation of these textures for K1 Gameplay Improvement
This modder's resource is not supported by LucasArts, BioWare, Obsidian Entertainment, or Electronic Arts. It is intended to be used by other members of the KOTOR modding community and intends no copyright infringement.
Contact me on DeadlyStream or via Discord (listed on my DS profile) if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or the like.
- better twilek male heads
- twilek
- (and 4 more)
Darth333's Easy Warping Armband
By JumpStationZ
Part of the...
Easy Warping Armband v.1.0.1
By Darth333 (08-17-2004)
v.1.0.1: loop in dialog preventing you to use the armband to travel on Manaan corrected.
This armband will allow you to easily warp to any area while playing the game and without having to use cheats and look for the area cheat codes.
See below on how to get the armband in the game.
This armband is primarily intended to be a tool for modders to test their mods.
If you intend to use this armband just for fun, you are free to do so but it is *AT YOUR OWN RISK*.
You could severely screw up your game in that many events could not trigger depending on where and when you use it. In the worst scenario, you could even be incapable of finishing a game.
If it is not for testing purposes, I strongly recommend that you do not use the armband, unless you are comfortable editing globals.
More specifically: if you want to use the armband to warp to the Leviathan before time and play the game as *you know who*, be advised that unless you edit the global for the Star Map, you won't be able
to finish the game.
If you decide to ignore the above notice and mess up with your game, then you can always try to repair the damages on your own by using TK102's KSE to edit globals. His Global Variable Comparison tool can be useful for this too.
Installation and getting the armband in the game:
Extract the files to your override directory.
If you start a new game, it will be placed automatically in your inventory under the name
"d333 Warpband".
You can also get the armband by using the cheat code "giveitem d333_warpband" (without
Equip the d333_warpband and activate as any other armband. A screen will appear asking you to which planet you want to warp. Except for Yavin, the Rakatan Box and the Ebon Hawk to which you will be transported directly, a second screen will appear asking you the precise location where you want to go.
Delete the files from your override folder.
If you have other mods that use the spells.2da file, it could cause conflicts (mostly force power mods, tk102's armbands). Remove the existing spells.2da file from your override directory before
using this one or edit the spells.2da and the .uti for the armband.
A non-conflicting version will be released soon.
In any event, enjoy! (I hope)
resource [K1] Creatures and Armors TXIs
By ebmar
/* [K1] Creatures and Armors TXIs [Modder's Resource]
"TXI files, or TeXture Information files, are text files that control and
add special effects, shaders, animations, blending etc. for an associated
texture. I.E. pmbmm01.TXI would hold the information for pmbmm01.TGA."
- Czerka Corp. R&D Wiki
This is the compilation of TXI/text format that the game uses to store
*creatures and armors* texture information - such as shaders and animations
that control how they're rendered in-game. This resource main purpose is to
act as supplementary to modders' modified TGA files and/or alternatively
a fix to transparency problems that often occurs.
This only covers *creatures and armors* and not area textures. Some could
be missing from the pack though I'm sure they're pretty much everything
that is necessary. Drop comments or report to the mod's support page for
this pack to be updated or troubleshooting matters.
Installation: as a mod; all files have to be dropped to the Override
folder, and if necessary should be installed first before all the others.
08/17/2019 */
//:: Tools By: KotOR Tool - Fred Tetra, Notepad++ - Notepad++team, filenamestxt
//:: dumps script - DarthParametric
//:: Compiled By: ebmar
//:: Hosted By: DeadlyStream
//:: Report & Feedbacks: Snigaroo/Sniggles
//:: Supplementary Page: .txi Parameters and What They Do - CarthOnasty
JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes & Supermodel Port for K1
By JCarter426
This is a mod resource of my various cloaked robe ports, including Cloaked Jedi Robes, Cloaked Hybrid Robes, and Cloaked Party Robes.
I've included all the textures I made for these mod releases as well as the Photoshop Document (PSD) files I used to make them. The PSDs have different layers for the overlays, masks, and each robe variant. Anyone who wants to make new textures for this model or do anything else with it may do so and is strongly encouraged to.
You'll need to use the Supermodel Port (also included) for the robes to animate properly in K1.
The Supermodel Port is super cripplingly incompatible with any other mods that alter the game's supermodels (the S_Female and S_Male files) unless the other mods utilize my Supermodel Port assets. These edits are necessary to give the player supermodels the bones required for the cloaks to animate.
This mod's supermodels include my Supermodel Fixes for K1. So you don't have to worry about using that, or if these files are overwriting those. Use this mod's files.
These supermodel edits somewhat alter some animations in the game. These adjustments were necessary to prevent the old stuff from clipping with the new stuff. It's essentially what Obsidian did when they added the new bones to the supermodel, but I've reversed the changes a bit to bring the animations closer to the original K1 style.
Some models aren't so happy with the new rig. I've made some hotfixes for such cases where I can, but they won't be compatible with other mods that alter these models.
KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra
NWMax – Joco
KOTORMax & MDLEdit – bead-v
waifu2x – nagadomi
JC's Supermodel Port for K1
Mod Author
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Source of Ported Assets
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords by Obsidian Entertainment
Attribution Preference
"Supermodel Port by JCarter426" or "uses JC's Supermodel Port" or some other reasonable phrasing.
This mod resource is released under the following licenses:
Attribution Only License Ported Content License Attribution Only License (AOL)
* You've got mods! *
The creator of this mod has authorized the contents of this mod for public use. Other modders are free to use and edit materials from this mod and include them in other mods. This license applies to everyone equally and no further explicit permission from the original mod creator is required, provided the terms of this license are permission is not required provided the terms of this license are followed. The user must provide clear attribution for the source and creator(s) of these materials, following the specified attribution preference. The file that contains this attribution must be included along with all the other mod contents.
(For example, crediting the original mod creator in your mod's description on a website, but not in any file someone would actually download, would be a violation.) The user must include any additional credits as indicated. This license applies only for the use of these materials in other mods (i.e. a form of software accessed within a video game). This license does not grant the user unlimited power to distribute these contents, edited or unedited, even if attribution is granted. These materials are being offered to encourage the creation of new mods that alter the game experience.
(For example, distributing these materials as a mod resource on another website, or uploading the entirety of the mod as a "new" mod without really changing anything, would not be in the spirit of this license.) Where appropriate, it would be nice to provide a link to the original mod and/ or tag the original mod creator. However, this is not mandated. This is just a polite suggestion. Ported Content License (PCL)
This mod contains ported assets. The original source of these assets must be attributed in the same manner as the mod creator is. (For example, "This mod contains assets ported from Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic II - The Sith Lords by Obsidian Entertainment.") Final notes
Any edits to these files are going to be fundamentally incompatible with any other edits. While I'm releasing this as Attribution Only, I do ask that you don't release edited versions of the supermodels unless needed. The supermodels are fragile and difficult to troubleshoot, and even I don't entirely know or remember how these work, so it would make things a lot easier if you don't make any further edits unnecessarily; that way we know the source of any problem and there is less to troubleshoot.
Ideally, you'll only need to include the supermodels for animation support, and only edit using the Modular Supermodels to add any extra animations.
I'll stand by as maintainer of the sacred ported supermodels to apply any fixes or other updates.
In the event that I lapse in ability to perform this task, I authorize the transfer of power to another candidate following one year and one day of non-response on my part. Whosoever is willing to take up the role may do so if the community wills it. Should there be multiple contenders, they shall duel for the right to succeed me in a manner of their choosing (possibly to the death).
If you enjoy my mods and would like to show your support in a monetary manner, you may do so via PayPal with this donation link.
For various legal and ethical reasons, this is entirely optional and is not a requirement to downloading or using any of my mods. I also do not create specific mods for hire.
I make mods as a hobby and will most likely do so regardless of any donations or lack thereof, but modding does take up a lot of my time and every bit helps.
KOTOR Editable Executable
By Snigaroo
This file is a hex-editable KOTOR executable for use in widescreen patching. The file was originally produced by FairLight, and therefore DeadlyStream offers no technical support for the file or its use.
Modder's Resource: SpaceAlex's Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack
By JasonRyder
SpaceAlex's Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack
Modder's Resource for: KoTOR.
I DID NOT CREATE THIS. SpaceAlex did. It was intended to be both a cosmetic NPC upgrade, a loot upgrade that added new items for Knights of the Old Republic, and more. Sadly, it was never finished, but plenty of work was completed by the time the project was cancelled as these screenshots display. Since SpaceAlex's K1 Enhancement Pack was not hosted on the website, I decided to host it myself and provide an easy link to all the assets so someone can either finish it or use bits and pieces of it in their own mods. Personally, I would like the entire mod to be finished as SpaceAlex intended with the NPC Modification Pack Bonus Content, Party Member Reskins, Player Character Clothing and Head Reskins, and Miscellaneous items implemented as optional add-ons.
Also, there is a fix for invisible heads for some reason, here: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/417-spacealexs-k1ep-invisible-head-fix/ . Please download this too if you're using it as a mod or just using it for editing.
Lastly, do not use this with K1 Restoration because it will cause cosmetic glitches such as Outcast Children looking like Mandalorians.
NOTE: I just realized that I took out a few pieces of the file so it would work. I took out anything related to Darth Bandon and Calo Nord, as these additions cause game-breaking bugs.
-The Deadlystream Website Team for creating this website.
-SpaceAlex for creating all these assets
-All the great modders and users in this community
-Fred Tetra for his KOTOR Tool which makes this possible
-The original creator of TSL Patcher, which makes mod installation so much easier
-BioWare for creating the Odyssey Engine and this awesome game.
-milestails and Fallen Guardian for providing the files themselves: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=AF290B5E544EBB56!121&cid=AF290B5E544EBB56
- k1 enhancement
- spacealex
- (and 7 more)
KOTOR *sbat files in readable format
By Dark_Ansem
KOTOR *sbat files (battle finales) taken off XBOX version game due to original ones being in unreadable format. Thought they could be of use.
Minimaps K1 shadowlands and Czerka
By Stoney
these are the mini maps I made fore the lost shadowlands and czerka office on korriban. these are for K1 feel free to use them as you wish.
Kel Dor Modder's Resource for K1
This pack is a modder’s resource containing a custom Kel Dor head and modified body models with Kel Dor hands. This installer will perform a basic heads.2da and appearance.2da NPC row setup along with simple body variation UTCs for testing purposes. An on-enter script that spawns the UTCs next to the Ebon Hawk on Dantooine is provided in the TEST SCRIPT folder. Simply copy and paste the two NCS files into your Override folder.
Textures are provided with a basic placeholder diffuse for the head and a simple UV map for the hands. Because of the single texture requirement for variants, the hands have to share UV space with the body. This necessitated altering the UV layouts for all body models, compressing them 50% to make use of 1024x512 textures (original 512x512 body texture side-by-side with 512x512 hand texture). As such, the bodies are not compatible with third party textures/reskins. However, all models and textures use unique names, so there should be no conflicts/incompatibilities.
The head model has basic skin weights. The respirator mask has been weighted to the jaw to give it some movement during NPC dialogue, but possibly this may be a bit extreme. You may wish to experiment with your own adjustments to the skin weights, although it should be fine as-is for a player head, as they don't have any major jaw animation.
K1 Thigh-High Boots For Female Twi'lek Body (Modder's Resource)
Here's another bit of scrap from my junk pile that someone may find a use for. A little while back I made some thigh-high boots for Bastila when Quanon was working on her Taris prisoner outfit. He didn't end up using them, so I tossed them into the abyss with my other rejects. The other day I was looking at the female Twi'lek body models for some reason, and I noticed that (the base version at least) has painted on thigh-high boots. On a whim, I imported my boot mesh and noted that, height-wise, they lined up almost perfectly. Even more interestingly, my UVs were very close in layout to the Twi'lek's legs, so much so that is was fairly trivial to rejig them to fit the existing textures. In practice I'm not sure how much purpose this serves, as from a distance it's basically impossible to tell the difference between painted on boots and my physically modelled boots, at least using vanilla textures, but I figured someone might find some use for it.
Because the vanilla female Twi'lek model has existing animations (dancing), I have provided a hex edited copy of the original which is now used as the supermodel. That way the booted variant is a simple Override drop-in with no 2DA editing required. I have also provided some additional versions suitable for use as player bodies that use the regular S_Female03 supermodel, as well as being scaled to large, medium, and small.
I've supplied modified versions for those variation textures that don't have boot textures. There is also an optional variant of the base green variation which has black boots instead of red. The intent of course, given how terrible the vanilla textures are, is that someone will release a proper high quality retextured version, but the NPC portion is useable out of the box if people so desire.
You are free to incorporate the contents of this mod into your own work, as long as proper credit is provided. Do not redistribute the mod by itself.
Mission Vao Player's Head (Modder's Resource)
This is something I fished out of my junk pile that I thought someone may find a use for. It is Mission's head model that has had the UVs adjusted to fit her face and lekku onto a single texture (because I am lazy, just her face and body texture side-by-side). This allows for DS transitions, which is not possible with the vanilla Mission head because it uses two different textures.
The model is supplied with placeholder textures (colour shifted to test DS transitions), temp portraits, and a full TSLPatcher setup. All it needs is some new textures/portraits and it is ready to go.
The revised version includes an optional head mesh with the lekku UVs scaled to make better use of the available UV space, including revised placeholder texture. UV templates are now included for both versions.
Jolees hut mod - Modders resource
By djh269
Jolee's Hut - Modders resource 1.3
Author: djh269
Release Date: 23.02.2017
Simply click on the TSLPatcher.exe and click install and sit back and watch the TSLpatcher do its magic
- djnugent requested a Jolee's Hut mod so I made a simple little house that you can enter for our old moody friend.
- I've also added an extra Zoological Compound and a separate mod with extra plants, these can be installed separately.
Known Bugs:
this mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream.
Shouldn't be incompatible with anything but if there is just PM me on Deadlystream
- As this is a modders resource full usage of this mod is allowed, in fact it's encouraged.
- The only thing you can't use is the info.rtf or the tslpatcher.
djnugent for the request.
Kainzorous Prime for allowing me to use the TSLPatcher frame from his TSL NPC Overhaul mod (Without him this mod wouldn't be possible).
N-DReW25 for his assistance and usage of his info.rtf file.
Fairstrides for his unquestionable patience whilst helping me out in the past.
bead-v for his module editting assistance.
Kexikus for his tslpatcher advice in making my mod more compatible.
Bioware for such an amazing game.
Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod.
Holowan labs for the endless pit of information for Kotor modding.
- modders resource
- Kashyyk
- (and 1 more)
High Quality Blasters for Modders
By Sithspecter
High Quality Blasters for Modders
By Sithspecter
These are all the source files necessary for you to create your own iterations of my High Quality Blasters.
If you wish to create a mod that adds on to my High Quality Blasters mod with a new item utilizing these resources, you are free to do so as long as you provide the appropriate credit AND please message me with a screenshot. You don’t need to wait for me to respond, just drop me a PM so that I’m aware.
Included are the original ASCII model files and the PSD source texture files. It should be all you need to create your own retextures/remodels of the blasters in the mod.
To achieve final texture results similar to my mod, complete these steps once you are done with your texture:
1. Merge all the visible layers into one layer.
2. Select all and copy.
3. Paste into the Alpha Channel
4. Invert the image in the Alpha Channel
5. Play with the Brightness/Contrast until you achieve predominantly white, with bits of black where you want the texture to be shiny.
6. Size the image to 512 by 512 for rifles, and 256 by 256 for pistols.
7. Sharpen the image 2-3 times.
8. Sharpen the Alpha Channel 2-3 times.
9. Profit
Due to differences between the body models (especially female), the weapons will sometimes appear to clip the hands (especially in the female off-hand). There is nothing I can do about this without introducing more issues, it is something that happens with the default weapons, and you will have to live with it.
The Assassin Droid and the War Droid carry repeating blasters. I attempted to retrofit the high quality blaster to those models, but was unable to due to tool limitations. The texture is still applied to the old models, albeit incorrectly. It still looks better, though slightly odd. You will have to live with it.
The new textures are also applied incorrectly to the weapons you can see on the tables in Kebla Yurt's store. They might look a bit funky, but you will have to live with it.
Modder's Tool: Power/Gonk Droid
By newbiemodder
I give you the Power Droid!! Also commonly referred to has the Gonk/GNK droid. The model itself was part of the damaged Ebon Hawk module at the beginning of KOTOR2:TSL. I ripped the droid model from the room model. I gave him limited animations which I borrowed from the protocol droid model. The power droid can walk and stand/pause/at rest. After all, it is only a power droid. He looks good. An essential NPC for any new area!!!
Open the .zip file and follow the Readme instructions.
File contains the necessary .mdl/.mdx files, .2da entry, .utc file, .dlg and voice files.
I hope you find him useful.
- power droid
- gonk droid
- (and 1 more)