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Found 16 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    "Poison weapons and upgrades" mod for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords VERSION: 1.0 RELEASE DATE: October 11, 2021 AUTHOR: LoneWanderer --------------------- 1.Description --------------------- Adds 3 poison weapons (2 with new models) and 6 melee upgrades with custom icons. KOTOR I had several poisoned weapons, which were quite fun to use, but in TSL poison damage type was limited to mostly useless or rarely used grenades, mines and droid special weapons. The goal of this mod is to make gameplay more varied and interesting by adding new obtainable poison weapons and upgrades. Weapons: Naga Sadow's Poison Blade - inside Korriban's Academy Poison Short Sword - can be bought from Samhan Dobo on Telos Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear - from Dark Jedi Apprentice inside Freedon Nadd's tomb Upgrades (can be created using a workbench): Mild Poisonious Edge - Poison, Mild Damage DC 15 (requres skill: Stealth 6) Average Poisonious Edge - Poison, Average Damage DC 25 (requres skill: Stealth 14) Severe Poisonious Edge - Poison, Virulent Damage DC 30 (requres skill: Stealth 22) Deadly Poisonious Edge - Poison, Deadly Damage DC 50 (requres skill: Stealth 32) Average Weakening Edge - Poison, Average Weakness DC 20 (requres skill: Awareness 10) Deadly Weakening Edge - Poison, Deadly Weakness DC 40 (requres skill: Awareness 28) Since level cap was raised from 20 to 50 in TSL and autobalance system increases the level of enemies to match the level of Main Character, this means that in the latter half of the game most enemies will have very high resistance to poison, which makes it ineffective. To counter this imbalance, 2 additional levels of poison damage were added: Deadly Damage and Deadly Weakness. Also, to increase the chance of poisoning enemies, you can try lowering their Fortitude using, for example, Force Scream. As a bonus Poison Short Sword and Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear have new models (see License information in section 6.Credits). The correct shadow models were kindly created by DarthParametric. CHEATS. 'giveitem poisn_short_01' - Poison Short Sword 'giveitem poisn_spear_01' - Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear 'giveitem sadow_blade_01' - Naga Sadow's Poison Blade 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_01' - Mild Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_02' - Average Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_03' - Severe Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_04' - Deadly Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_wkn_edge_01' - Average Weakening Edge 'giveitem u_m_wkn_edge_02' - Deadly Weakening Edge --------------------- 2.Installation --------------------- Run "TSLPatcher.exe" installer and select your TSL folder. ------------------------- 3.Uninstallation ------------------------ Delete installed files of the mod from Override folder. Copy the files (except dialog.tlk) within the generated "backup" folder and place them in the Override folder, place dialog.tlk in your TSL folder. If you installed other mods after this one that modify dialog.tlk, iprp_onhitdc.2da, itemcreate.2da, itemcreatemira.2da, poison.2da, upgrade.2da, then you should uninstall those mods first. ----------------------- 4.Compatibilty ----------------------- This mod is compatible with TSLRCM. New weapons use model variation 20 of short sword and double-bladed sword. New upgrades use item icon slots ip_pltuseitm_113 - ip_pltuseitm_118. If items from other mods use these model variations or slots, then they will overwrite each other appearance. ----------------------- 5.Permissions ---------------------- This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author. This mod can be reuploaded / posted on other sites only if it is unavailable both on DeadlyStream, and on Nexus, and there is no contact with the author for at least 3 months. -------------- 6.Credits -------------- Poison Short Sword uses model "Modern Sword" ( by Vladimir that is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ( Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear uses model "Spear" ( by DafVader that is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ( Fred Tetra - KOTOR Tool TK102 - DLG Editor Stoffe and Fair Strides - TSLPatcher Blue - KotOR Scripting Tool Special Thanks to DarthParametric for creating models used as weapons' shadows ---------------- 7.Contact --------------- PM me on DeadlyStream or Nexus. Disclaimer THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  2. Version 1.1


    Update: - I fixed some of the geometry on the hilts so they look a bit cleaner - Also threw in Malak's lightsaber hilt for good measure Well, on March 16, 2011 a veteran modder known as Varsity Puppet released a mod called VP's Hi Poly Tin Cans. Now this mod took the bad lightsaber models that were for the sabers in the vanilla game and made them high quality and good looking. The only problem with this mod though, was that there was no KotOR I version. And so, approximately two years later (I really did not plan this), with VP's permission, I went ahead and made a KotOR I version. Hope you guys enjoy.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    SpaceAlex's Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack Modder's Resource for: KoTOR. I DID NOT CREATE THIS. SpaceAlex did. It was intended to be both a cosmetic NPC upgrade, a loot upgrade that added new items for Knights of the Old Republic, and more. Sadly, it was never finished, but plenty of work was completed by the time the project was cancelled as these screenshots display. Since SpaceAlex's K1 Enhancement Pack was not hosted on the website, I decided to host it myself and provide an easy link to all the assets so someone can either finish it or use bits and pieces of it in their own mods. Personally, I would like the entire mod to be finished as SpaceAlex intended with the NPC Modification Pack Bonus Content, Party Member Reskins, Player Character Clothing and Head Reskins, and Miscellaneous items implemented as optional add-ons. Also, there is a fix for invisible heads for some reason, here: . Please download this too if you're using it as a mod or just using it for editing. Lastly, do not use this with K1 Restoration because it will cause cosmetic glitches such as Outcast Children looking like Mandalorians. NOTE: I just realized that I took out a few pieces of the file so it would work. I took out anything related to Darth Bandon and Calo Nord, as these additions cause game-breaking bugs. Credits: -The Deadlystream Website Team for creating this website. -SpaceAlex for creating all these assets -All the great modders and users in this community -Fred Tetra for his KOTOR Tool which makes this possible -The original creator of TSL Patcher, which makes mod installation so much easier -BioWare for creating the Odyssey Engine and this awesome game. -milestails and Fallen Guardian for providing the files themselves:!121&cid=AF290B5E544EBB56
  4. Version 1.0


    Hey there!!!!! This is just a quick mod that I decided to make because it always baffled me that no one ever made a mod where the vanilla robes in the game are upgradeable. So, I change that with this mod So, it's pretty simple, all you have to do is go a workbench and upgrade your robes! Yep, that simple!!!! INSTALLATION: Just place all of the files into your override! Yep, that simple! UNINSTALLATION: Just remove all of the files from your override! PERMISSIONS: You may NOT redistribute this mod without strict permission by myself, and only myself. There's not much that I can really say about this mod, so yeah. I'll just leave all the stats for the upgrades here: Jedi Robes: 
g_a_jedirobe01 - Jedi Robe (Brown) Mesh: Regenerate Force Points +1 Reinforcement: Wisdom +1 
g_a_jedirobe02 - Dark Jedi Robe (Black) Mesh: Strength +1 Reinforcement: Regeneration +1 
 g_a_jedirobe03 - Jedi Robe (Red) Mesh: Improved Saving Throws: Fortitude +1 Reinforcement: Defense Bonus Vs. Droids +1 
 g_a_jedirobe04 - Jedi Robe (Blue) Mesh: Constitution +1 Reinforcement: Damage Resistance: Cold 5/-
 g_a_jedirobe05 - Dark Jedi Robe (Blue) Mesh: Improved Force Resistance +10 Reinforcement: Damage Resistance: Light Side 5/- 
 g_a_jedirobe06 - Qel-Droma Robes Mesh: Charisma +2 Reinforcement: Damage Resistance: Dark Side 15/- Jedi Knights Robes: 
 g_a_kghtrobe01 - Jedi Knight Robe (Brown) Mesh: Regenerate Force Points +2 Reinforcement: Wisdom +2
 g_a_kghtrobe02 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe (Black) Mesh: Strength +2 Reinforcement: Regeneration +2 
 g_a_kghtrobe03 - Jedi Knight Robe (Red) Mesh: Improved Saving Throws: Fortitude +2 Improved Saving Throws: Will +1 Reinforcement: Defense Bonus Vs. Droid +2 
 g_a_kghtrobe04 - Jedi Knight Robe (Blue) Mesh: Constitution +2 Reinforcement: Damage Resistance: Cold 10/- 
 g_a_kghtrobe05 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe (Blue) Mesh: Improved Force Resistance +16 Reinforcement: Damage Resistance: Light Side 10/- Jedi Masters Robes: 
g_a_mstrrobe01 - Jedi Master Robe (Brown) Mesh: Regenerate Force Points +3 Reinforcement: Wisdom +3 
 g_a_mstrrobe02 - Dark Jedi Master Robe (Black) Mesh: Regeneration +3 Reinforcement: Strength +3 
 g_a_mstrrobe03 - Jedi Master Robe (Red) Mesh: Improved Saving Throws: All +2 Reinforcement: Defense Bonus Vs. Droid +3 
 g_a_mstrrobe04 - Jedi Master Robe (Blue) Mesh: Constitution +3 Reinforcement: Damage Resistance: Cold 15/- 
 g_a_mstrrobe05 - Dark Jedi Master Robe (Blue) Mesh: Improved Force Resistance +24 Reinforcement: Damage Resistance: Light Side 15/- SPECIAL THANKS: Thanks as always to everyone out there who actually downloads my mods and appreciates what I do. Also, thanks to FS for recommending to me how to make the robes upgradeable, it was a simple fix at that...
  5. View File Poison weapons and upgrades "Poison weapons and upgrades" mod for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords VERSION: 1.0 RELEASE DATE: October 11, 2021 AUTHOR: LoneWanderer --------------------- 1.Description --------------------- Adds 3 poison weapons (2 with new models) and 6 melee upgrades with custom icons. KOTOR I had several poisoned weapons, which were quite fun to use, but in TSL poison damage type was limited to mostly useless or rarely used grenades, mines and droid special weapons. The goal of this mod is to make gameplay more varied and interesting by adding new obtainable poison weapons and upgrades. Weapons: Naga Sadow's Poison Blade - inside Korriban's Academy Poison Short Sword - can be bought from Samhan Dobo on Telos Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear - from Dark Jedi Apprentice inside Freedon Nadd's tomb Upgrades (can be created using a workbench): Mild Poisonious Edge - Poison, Mild Damage DC 15 (requres skill: Stealth 6) Average Poisonious Edge - Poison, Average Damage DC 25 (requres skill: Stealth 14) Severe Poisonious Edge - Poison, Virulent Damage DC 30 (requres skill: Stealth 22) Deadly Poisonious Edge - Poison, Deadly Damage DC 50 (requres skill: Stealth 32) Average Weakening Edge - Poison, Average Weakness DC 20 (requres skill: Awareness 10) Deadly Weakening Edge - Poison, Deadly Weakness DC 40 (requres skill: Awareness 28) Since level cap was raised from 20 to 50 in TSL and autobalance system increases the level of enemies to match the level of Main Character, this means that in the latter half of the game most enemies will have very high resistance to poison, which makes it ineffective. To counter this imbalance, 2 additional levels of poison damage were added: Deadly Damage and Deadly Weakness. Also, to increase the chance of poisoning enemies, you can try lowering their Fortitude using, for example, Force Scream. As a bonus Poison Short Sword and Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear have new models (see License information in section 6.Credits). The correct shadow models were kindly created by DarthParametric. CHEATS. 'giveitem poisn_short_01' - Poison Short Sword 'giveitem poisn_spear_01' - Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear 'giveitem sadow_blade_01' - Naga Sadow's Poison Blade 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_01' - Mild Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_02' - Average Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_03' - Severe Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_psn_edge_04' - Deadly Poisonious Edge 'giveitem u_m_wkn_edge_01' - Average Weakening Edge 'giveitem u_m_wkn_edge_02' - Deadly Weakening Edge --------------------- 2.Installation --------------------- Run "TSLPatcher.exe" installer and select your TSL folder. ------------------------- 3.Uninstallation ------------------------ Delete installed files of the mod from Override folder. Copy the files (except dialog.tlk) within the generated "backup" folder and place them in the Override folder, place dialog.tlk in your TSL folder. If you installed other mods after this one that modify dialog.tlk, iprp_onhitdc.2da, itemcreate.2da, itemcreatemira.2da, poison.2da, upgrade.2da, then you should uninstall those mods first. ----------------------- 4.Compatibilty ----------------------- This mod is compatible with TSLRCM. New weapons use model variation 20 of short sword and double-bladed sword. New upgrades use item icon slots ip_pltuseitm_113 - ip_pltuseitm_118. If items from other mods use these model variations or slots, then they will overwrite each other appearance. ----------------------- 5.Permissions ---------------------- This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author. This mod can be reuploaded / posted on other sites only if it is unavailable both on DeadlyStream, and on Nexus, and there is no contact with the author for at least 3 months. -------------- 6.Credits -------------- Poison Short Sword uses model "Modern Sword" ( by Vladimir that is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ( Sith Poison Double-Bladed Spear uses model "Spear" ( by DafVader that is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ( Fred Tetra - KOTOR Tool TK102 - DLG Editor Stoffe and Fair Strides - TSLPatcher Blue - KotOR Scripting Tool Special Thanks to DarthParametric for creating models used as weapons' shadows ---------------- 7.Contact --------------- PM me on DeadlyStream or Nexus. Disclaimer THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter LoneWanderer Submitted 10/11/2021 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  6. View File Helpful Items I created this while trying to find a spawn trigger. A metal cylinder in the droid shop on Tatooine can be bashed open (you would otherwise need very high security skill). It has a beam splitter, an improved energy cell, an energy projector, and Jedi Master robes (two blue, two red). This was to help finish upgrading weapons and to give the player more robe options. Further, if you add all .utp files in this to your Override folder, you will find Ulic Qel Droma’s Mesh Suit if you search the corpses in the Shyrack Caves on Korriban. Submitter Neville Submitted 06/12/2021 Category Knights of The Old Republic  
  7. Neville

    Helpful Items

    Version 1.0.0


    I created this while trying to find a spawn trigger. A metal cylinder in the droid shop on Tatooine can be bashed open (you would otherwise need very high security skill). It has a beam splitter, an improved energy cell, an energy projector, and Jedi Master robes (two blue, two red). This was to help finish upgrading weapons and to give the player more robe options. Further, if you add all .utp files in this to your Override folder, you will find Ulic Qel Droma’s Mesh Suit if you search the corpses in the Shyrack Caves on Korriban.
  8. Version 0.5


    for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords by bead-v Description: This is an incomplete mod. I have uploaded it for someone to finish it or use its parts and do their own thing with it. This installer will set up what was finished. After installation, you can load a save from before going to Nar Shaddaa, find a Twi'lek there who will sell you a swoop bike, then race with it on Telos and Nar Shaddaa. The swoop bike will appear on your ship, and you can access the the Upgrade Screen. However, upgrades are unobtainable. To acquire them, cheat or mod them into the game. Cheat codes: giveitem s_a_bespin giveitem s_a_megaracer giveitem s_a_sorosub giveitem s_a_ultra9 giveitem s_e_aratech giveitem s_e_gtrack giveitem s_e_incom giveitem s_e_rlift giveitem s_f_advance giveitem s_f_bonded giveitem s_f_experiment giveitem s_f_reinforce Installation: Run TSLPatcher.exe. Uninstallation: To stop the Twi'lek from appearing, delete the following file from your override folder: - k_301_ref3 To completely remove the files installed by this installer, check the tslpatchdata folder and delete all the corresponding files in the override and Modules folders inside your game folder. Then take all the files from backup and put them back where they belong (.mod files go to Modules, everything else to override). Thanks: Fred Tetra: Kotor Tool Stoffe: TSLPatcher, ERF/RIM Editor, TalkEd JdNoa & Dashus: DeNCS Chuck Chargin Jr: mdlops tk102: DLGEditor, K-GFF GFF Editor Permissions: You may do whatever you want with these files for your own personal usage. If you repackage or redistribute them, either by themselves or as part of a another mod, please give credit to the author. Contact: Send me a personal message on My username is bead-v. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THESE FILES.
  9. Version 1.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 05.7.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: Davik is the Crimelord of Taris and is a member of the Exchange. During your travels you get to steal his ship the Ebon Hawke and witness his death and collect the fancy armor he wore and a few other items. Though this armor is good armor near the end of the game it becomes kinda useless but this mod should fix that. If you were to try out the game cheats you will notice there are 3 cheat codes that give davik's armor. g_a_class6007 g_a_class6008 g_a_class6009 The "g_a_class6007" is Davik's armor while the others arn't but there stats suggest Davik's armor was going to be upgradable at one point but it was likely cut due to it being to strong and it wasn't restored in K1R for probably the same reason or was overlooked since this is a minor thing. So this mod basically makes Davik's armor upgradable so it can be made more useful near the end game. Stats: Armor reinforcement: 2 Defence Bonus Mesh Underlay: Damage resistance: Cold 20% Damage resistance: Fire 20% Immunity: Mind Effecting Known Bugs: None that I know of but if their is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Will be incompatible with anything that changes g_a_class6007 or with anything that removes Davik's armor from Davik (Than this mod wouldn't have effect) Permissions: If you want to include this in your own mod please PM me on Deadlystream first(I will likely say yes) Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  10. View File Modder's Resource: SpaceAlex's Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack SpaceAlex's Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack Modder's Resource for: KoTOR. I DID NOT CREATE THIS. SpaceAlex did. It was intended to be both a cosmetic NPC upgrade, a loot upgrade that added new items for Knights of the Old Republic, and more. Sadly, it was never finished, but plenty of work was completed by the time the project was cancelled as these screenshots display. Since SpaceAlex's K1 Enhancement Pack was not hosted on the website, I decided to host it myself and provide an easy link to all the assets so someone can either finish it or use bits and pieces of it in their own mods. Personally, I would like the entire mod to be finished as SpaceAlex intended with the NPC Modification Pack Bonus Content, Party Member Reskins, Player Character Clothing and Head Reskins, and Miscellaneous items implemented as optional add-ons. Also, there is a fix for invisible heads for some reason, here: . Please download this too if you're using it as a mod or just using it for editing. Lastly, do not use this with K1 Restoration because it will cause cosmetic glitches such as Outcast Children looking like Mandalorians. NOTE: I just realized that I took out a few pieces of the file so it would work. I took out anything related to Darth Bandon and Calo Nord, as these additions cause game-breaking bugs. Credits: -The Deadlystream Website Team for creating this website. -SpaceAlex for creating all these assets -All the great modders and users in this community -Fred Tetra for his KOTOR Tool which makes this possible -The original creator of TSL Patcher, which makes mod installation so much easier -BioWare for creating the Odyssey Engine and this awesome game. -milestails and Fallen Guardian for providing the files themselves:!121&cid=AF290B5E544EBB56 Submitter JasonRyder Submitted 07/01/2018 Category Modder's Resources  
  11. Version 1.0.6


    Fixes to different upgrade items that had problems with their descriptions. My first released mod, thought I'd get it out there instead of on disk and give back to the community. This version adds a fix for the Ostrine edge not showing it's usage requirements and a return carriage for the Solari Crystal. Suggestions welcome. Use it however you like, just throw a mention my way.
  12. File Name: Upgradeable Swoop Bike (Incomplete mod) File Submitter: bead-v File Submitted: 22 Feb 2017 File Category: Modder's Resources for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords by bead-v Description: This is an incomplete mod. I have uploaded it for someone to finish it or use its parts and do their own thing with it. This installer will set up what was finished. After installation, you can load a save from before going to Nar Shaddaa, find a Twi'lek there who will sell you a swoop bike, then race with it on Telos and Nar Shaddaa. The swoop bike will appear on your ship, and you can access the the Upgrade Screen. However, upgrades are unobtainable. To acquire them, cheat or mod them into the game. Cheat codes: giveitem s_a_bespin giveitem s_a_megaracer giveitem s_a_sorosub giveitem s_a_ultra9 giveitem s_e_aratech giveitem s_e_gtrack giveitem s_e_incom giveitem s_e_rlift giveitem s_f_advance giveitem s_f_bonded giveitem s_f_experiment giveitem s_f_reinforce Installation: Run TSLPatcher.exe. Uninstallation: To stop the Twi'lek from appearing, delete the following file from your override folder: - k_301_ref3 To completely remove the files installed by this installer, check the tslpatchdata folder and delete all the corresponding files in the override and Modules folders inside your game folder. Then take all the files from backup and put them back where they belong (.mod files go to Modules, everything else to override). Thanks: Fred Tetra: Kotor Tool Stoffe: TSLPatcher, ERF/RIM Editor, TalkEd JdNoa & Dashus: DeNCS Chuck Chargin Jr: mdlops tk102: DLGEditor, K-GFF GFF Editor Permissions: You may do whatever you want with these files for your own personal usage. If you repackage or redistribute them, either by themselves or as part of a another mod, please give credit to the author. Contact: Send me a personal message on My username is bead-v. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THESE FILES. Click here to download this file
  13. View File VP's Hi Poly Tin Cans - KotOR 1 Update: - I fixed some of the geometry on the hilts so they look a bit cleaner - Also threw in Malak's lightsaber hilt for good measure Well, on March 16, 2011 a veteran modder known as Varsity Puppet released a mod called VP's Hi Poly Tin Cans. Now this mod took the bad lightsaber models that were for the sabers in the vanilla game and made them high quality and good looking. The only problem with this mod though, was that there was no KotOR I version. And so, approximately two years later (I really did not plan this), with VP's permission, I went ahead and made a KotOR I version. Hope you guys enjoy. Submitter Fallen Guardian Submitted 03/15/2013 Category Mods K1R Compatible  
  14. File Name: Upgrade Item Description Fixes File Submitter: Marauder File Submitted: 18 Sep 2016 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Fixes to different upgrade items that had problems with their descriptions. My first released mod, thought I'd get it out there instead of on disk and give back to the community. This version adds a fix for the Ostrine edge not showing it's usage requirements and a return carriage for the Solari Crystal. Suggestions welcome. Use it however you like, just throw a mention my way. Click here to download this file
  15. Davik's Upgradable Armor Mod View File A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 05.7.2016 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: Davik is the Crimelord of Taris and is a member of the Exchange. During your travels you get to steal his ship the Ebon Hawke and witness his death and collect the fancy armor he wore and a few other items. Though this armor is good armor near the end of the game it becomes kinda useless but this mod should fix that. If you were to try out the game cheats you will notice there are 3 cheat codes that give davik's armor. g_a_class6007 g_a_class6008 g_a_class6009 The "g_a_class6007" is Davik's armor while the others arn't but there stats suggest Davik's armor was going to be upgradable at one point but it was likely cut due to it being to strong and it wasn't restored in K1R for probably the same reason or was overlooked since this is a minor thing. So this mod basically makes Davik's armor upgradable so it can be made more useful near the end game. Stats: Armor reinforcement: 2 Defence Bonus Mesh Underlay: Damage resistance: Cold 20% Damage resistance: Fire 20% Immunity: Mind Effecting Known Bugs: None that I know of but if their is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Will be incompatible with anything that changes g_a_class6007 or with anything that removes Davik's armor from Davik (Than this mod wouldn't have effect) Permissions: If you want to include this in your own mod please PM me on Deadlystream first(I will likely say yes) Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game,Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 07/05/2016 Category Mods K1R Compatible  
  16. File Name: Rece's Upgradeable Vanilla Robes File Submitter: Rece File Submitted: 21 Jun 2015 File Category: Mods Hey there!!!!! This is just a quick mod that I decided to make because it always baffled me that no one ever made a mod where the vanilla robes in the game are upgradeable. So, I change that with this mod So, it's pretty simple, all you have to do is go a workbench and upgrade your robes! Yep, that simple!!!! INSTALLATION: Just place all of the files into your override! Yep, that simple! UNINSTALLATION: Just remove all of the files from your override! PERMISSIONS: You may NOT redistribute this mod without strict permission by myself, and only myself. There's not much that I can really say about this mod, so yeah. I'll just leave all the stats for the upgrades here: Jedi Robes: 
g_a_jedirobe01 - Jedi Robe (Brown) Mesh: Regenerate Force Points +1 Reinforcement: Wisdom +1 
g_a_jedirobe02 - Dark Jedi Robe (Black) Mesh: Strength +1 Reinforcement: Regeneration +1 
 g_a_jedirobe03 - Jedi Robe (Red) Mesh: Improved Saving Throws: Fortitude +1 Reinforcement: Defense Bonus Vs. Droids +1 
 g_a_jedirobe04 - Jedi Robe (Blue) Mesh: Constitution +1 Reinforcement: Damage Resistance: Cold 5/-
 g_a_jedirobe05 - Dark Jedi Robe (Blue) Mesh: Improved Force Resistance +10 Reinforcement: Damage Resistance: Light Side 5/- 
 g_a_jedirobe06 - Qel-Droma Robes Mesh: Charisma +2 Reinforcement: Damage Resistance: Dark Side 15/- Jedi Knights Robes: 
 g_a_kghtrobe01 - Jedi Knight Robe (Brown) Mesh: Regenerate Force Points +2 Reinforcement: Wisdom +2
 g_a_kghtrobe02 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe (Black) Mesh: Strength +2 Reinforcement: Regeneration +2 
 g_a_kghtrobe03 - Jedi Knight Robe (Red) Mesh: Improved Saving Throws: Fortitude +2 Improved Saving Throws: Will +1 Reinforcement: Defense Bonus Vs. Droid +2 
 g_a_kghtrobe04 - Jedi Knight Robe (Blue) Mesh: Constitution +2 Reinforcement: Damage Resistance: Cold 10/- 
 g_a_kghtrobe05 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe (Blue) Mesh: Improved Force Resistance +16 Reinforcement: Damage Resistance: Light Side 10/- Jedi Masters Robes: 
g_a_mstrrobe01 - Jedi Master Robe (Brown) Mesh: Regenerate Force Points +3 Reinforcement: Wisdom +3 
 g_a_mstrrobe02 - Dark Jedi Master Robe (Black) Mesh: Regeneration +3 Reinforcement: Strength +3 
 g_a_mstrrobe03 - Jedi Master Robe (Red) Mesh: Improved Saving Throws: All +2 Reinforcement: Defense Bonus Vs. Droid +3 
 g_a_mstrrobe04 - Jedi Master Robe (Blue) Mesh: Constitution +3 Reinforcement: Damage Resistance: Cold 15/- 
 g_a_mstrrobe05 - Dark Jedi Master Robe (Blue) Mesh: Improved Force Resistance +24 Reinforcement: Damage Resistance: Light Side 15/- SPECIAL THANKS: Thanks as always to everyone out there who actually downloads my mods and appreciates what I do. Also, thanks to FS for recommending to me how to make the robes upgradeable, it was a simple fix at that... Click here to download this file