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Version 1.1
=TSL Improved Party Outfits= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: TSL Improved Party LATEST VERSION: 1.1 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1. DESCRIPTION: This mod adds eight new items with unique properties and are restricted to each of the human and humanoid party members in KotOR II: TSL, including Atton, Bao-Dur, the Disciple, the Handmaiden, Kreia, Mandalore, Mira and Visas. Said party members will automatically have these unique outfits equipped when they join your party. Each of these outfits also has its own custom inventory icon and can be upgraded. If you want to see your party members appear in their default outfits and those outfits being more useful in combat throughout the course of the game, this mod is for you. This mod was intended for the party members’ unique outfits to be usable in combat throughout the entire game, especially during the sequences where you can only control the party members while the player character is not around. Therefore, the properties of these items may be overpowered, especially in the early game. I make no promises to make a “balanced” version of this mod, because I play the KotOR games for the story and characters and not combat. If gameplay and combat balance are very important to you, this mod is not for you. The idea of this mod was inspired by jonathan7's Party Clothing mod for KotOR 1. While jonathan7 had also made a similar mod for TSL as part of the Force Fashion II mod, I don't use Force Fashion II because it is not compatible with The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). Therefore, I decided to make my own version of a similar mod for TSL that is compatible with TSLRCM. Technically, this mod was my first attempt at KotOR modding. However, initially this mod was only for my personal use. Now I have decided to release this to the public. 2. USAGE NOTES: For the best experience with this mod, it's recommended to have a completely new TSL playthrough. If you want to add these improved party member outfits manually via the cheat console or KotOR Savegame Editor, here are the item codes: llk_attonjkt - Atton's Ribbed Jacket llk_baodursuit - Bao-Dur's Tech Suit llk_disgarment - Disciple's Garment llk_handgarment - Handmaiden's Garment llk_kreiarobe - Kreia's Robe llk_mandarmor - Mandalore's Armor llk_mirajkt - Mira's Ballistic Mesh Jacket llk_visasrobe - Visas' Robe 3. INSTALLATION: Extract the TSL Improved Party you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR 2 directory. Run Install TSL Improved Party Outfits.exe, point the installer to your KotOR 2 directory and let the installer do its magic. This mod also provides an optional file that improves Handmaiden's Robe to have the same stats as the Handmaiden's default outfit from this mod. If you want to install the improved Handmaiden's Robe, go to the "Optional - Improved Handmaiden's Robe" folder, copy a_robe_x01.uti and paste it in your Override folder. NOTE: If you already have the .utc files of the humanoid party members in your Override folder (the file names are p_[party member name].utc), when you install this mod a new folder named "backup" will be created by TSLPatcher in the same folder as the TSLPatcher. Do not delete the folder or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. 4. UNINSTALLATION: Go to your Override folder, delete ia_Class9_201.tga, the .tga files starting from ia_cloths_202.tga to ia_cloths_208.tga and the .uti files with the "llk_" prefix (without the quotation marks). If you also installed the Improved Handmaiden's Robe from this mod, go to your Override folder and delete a_robe_x01.uti. If a "backup" folder was created when you installed this mod, go to the "backup" folder, cut and paste any .utc. file(s) from the folder and paste the file(s) in your Override folder. If no backup folder was created, simply delete p_atton.utc, p_baodur.utc, p_disciple.utc, p_handmaiden.utc, p_kreia.utc, p_mand.utc, p_mira.utc and p_visas.utc from your Override folder. 5. KNOWN ISSUES: When you upgrade any of the party member's outfits from this mod on the workbench, the outfit would look like a basic clothing in the workbench's interface. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about it since it appears to be hardcoded. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know. 6. MOD COMPATIBILITY: This mod will likely conflict with any other mods that modify any of the following files, especially if the other mod also modifies the party members' starting armor: p_atton.utc p_baodur.utc p_disciple.utc p_handmaiden.utc p_kreia.utc p_mand.utc p_mira.utc p_visas.utc If you want to use any other mods that modify the above files, AND the other mod is installed by putting any of the above files in Override folder, you need to install my mod AFTER the other mod. The optional Improved Handmaiden Robe component is not compatible with any other mods that modify the .uti file of Handmaiden's Robe (a_robe_x01.uti). This mod is not compatible with any other mod that modifies the party members' starting armor or clothing when they join your party. This mod should be compatible with any reskin mods for the party member's default outfits, unless they edit the armor slot in aforementioned .utc files of the party members. 7. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for your personal use. However if you want to use any files from this mod for your own mod, please ask for my permission before releasing your mod. If I give you permission for it, I request that you credit me when you release your mod. Thank you. I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not wish any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 8. CREDITS: jonathan7 for the Party Clothing mod that became the inspiration of this mod Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool tk102 for K-GFF GFF Editor Stoffe for TSLPatcher THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.- 24 comments
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- visas marr
- atton rand
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Version 1.0.0
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TITLE: Bao-Dur Can Wear Heavy Armor AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip, run "Bao-Dur_Can_Wear_Heavy_Armor.exe" from the subfolder. ------------------------ DESCRIPTION ------------------------ Normally "Armor proficiency: Heavy" is not available to Bao-Dur's base class (Tech Specialist) when you level him up. This mod changes that and it adds the needed models to actually make wearing heavy armor work for him. This mod is made possible by models created by DarthParametric, see the credits below for links to these resources. Things should work with existing savegames. ---------- BUGS ---------- None known. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- 1. Remove the following files from your override folder: - DP_BaoDurBG.mdl - DP_BaoDurBG.mdx - DP_BaoDurBH.mdl - DP_BaoDurBH.mdx - P_BaoDurH.mdl - P_BaoDurH.mdx 2. If you haven't installed any mods after this mod then you can get appearance.2da and feat.2da from the mod's backup folder and put them back in your override folder. Doing this when you did add another mod might break the later mod. ------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------- - You can use DarthParametric's models if you credit him, they are all Modder's Resources. - You can use my small part of this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. --------------- THANKS --------------- Many thanks to DarthParametric for his work and for sharing it. - Bao-Dur Head Model Neck Fix: - Bao-Dur Armour and Robes: Thanks to Stoffe and Fred Tetra for the needed tools and tutorials. ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ----------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. -
Version 1.0.0
Shape Your Padawans allows you to take full control over your Force-sensitive companions' Jedi training in KOTOR 2. Unlike the original game, where each companion's Jedi class is pre-determined, this mod grants you the power to choose their path. Normally, Padawans select their own path, but these are unusual times, and as their mentor, you can guide them to become a Jedi Guardian, Sentinel, or Consular. With this mod, your companions are truly your Padawans, and their destiny lies in your hands. Key Features: Choose the Jedi class for each Force-sensitive companion as they become your Padawans. Tailor their growth to complement your party's needs, roleplay your vision of their Jedi path, or just experiment with different builds. See which Jedi class each companion would have originally become before making your choice. Credits: Fred Tetra, for KOTOR Tool TK102, for DLGEditor Torlack, stoffe & TK102, for NWNSSCOMP JdNoa & Dashus, for DeNCS Cortisol, for Holocron Toolset Mods on Screenshots: Canonical Jedi Exile, by michaelfung2000 The Exile's Robe, by Ellimar -
View File AxC's Shape Your Padawans Shape Your Padawans allows you to take full control over your Force-sensitive companions' Jedi training in KOTOR 2. Unlike the original game, where each companion's Jedi class is pre-determined, this mod grants you the power to choose their path. Normally, Padawans select their own path, but these are unusual times, and as their mentor, you can guide them to become a Jedi Guardian, Sentinel, or Consular. With this mod, your companions are truly your Padawans, and their destiny lies in your hands. Key Features: Choose the Jedi class for each Force-sensitive companion as they become your Padawans. Tailor their growth to complement your party's needs, roleplay your vision of their Jedi path, or just experiment with different builds. See which Jedi class each companion would have originally become before making your choice. Credits: Fred Tetra, for KOTOR Tool TK102, for DLGEditor Torlack, stoffe & TK102, for NWNSSCOMP JdNoa & Dashus, for DeNCS Cortisol, for Holocron Toolset Mods on Screenshots: Canonical Jedi Exile, by michaelfung2000 The Exile's Robe, by Ellimar Submitter AxConsortium Submitted 10/10/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Version 1.0
Bao-Dur is Buff. This mod makes any armor appear as his default clothing. Because he's Buff. This mod will not conflict with any sort of "Let Bao-Dur Wear Jedi Robes" type mod, especially if they also use a TSLPatcher. If in doubt, install this one on top. This mod will probably make any "Bao-Dur is made of glass, let's give him special armor" mod look like he's just wearing his normal clothes. -
Version 1.0.0
Brejik's New Repulsor Arm A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 24.06.2023 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch before this mod! Once you're ready to install this mod simply click on this mod's INSTALL.exe, click install, sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: One night, I was browsing through the game files of K2 to see what assets could be ported over to K1... then I found the files for Bao-Dur and an idea popped in my head: could I port Bao-Dur's Repulsor Arm for other NPCs? After careful consideration, I decided Brejik was one of the only NPCs in K1 that I could replace without causing a conflict with other mods. As a character, Brejik is always said to be a tough and formidable leader of the Black Vulkar Swoop Gang... though his reputation is always reflected through dialogue of other characters. Since Brejik only has a single encounter in the game, we can only use our imaginations as to how Brejik gained this reputation. But with this mod installed, Brejik will be given Bao-Dur's body model for the Military Suit armor. That means Brejik's entire body will now be physically buff, making his Military Suit larger and more muscular than his vanilla model. These muscular details might be easy to miss, though what's not easy to miss is the elephant in the room... the Repulsor Arm itself! This Repulsor Arm is entirely an aesthetic feature, Brejik will NOT power punch your player and knock out their energy shields... the arm simply acts as a symbolic testament to Brejik's character, between the year 3962 BBY (when Brejik last appeared in the Kotor comics) and 3956 BBY (when Kotor takes place) we can assume he lost his arm at some point during his career as a Swoop Gangster, similar to how Gadon Thek lost his eyes in the vanilla game. If you are someone who believes the Repulsor Arm is something only Bao-Dur has, you are welcome to not install this mod. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but feel free to report any bugs you might find! Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Obsidian Entertainment: For Bao-Dur's assets! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.- 7 comments
- 2
- vulkar
- black vulkars
(and 6 more)
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View File Brejik's New Repulsor Arm Brejik's New Repulsor Arm A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 24.06.2023 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch before this mod! Once you're ready to install this mod simply click on this mod's INSTALL.exe, click install, sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: One night, I was browsing through the game files of K2 to see what assets could be ported over to K1... then I found the files for Bao-Dur and an idea popped in my head: could I port Bao-Dur's Repulsor Arm for other NPCs? After careful consideration, I decided Brejik was one of the only NPCs in K1 that I could replace without causing a conflict with other mods. As a character, Brejik is always said to be a tough and formidable leader of the Black Vulkar Swoop Gang... though his reputation is always reflected through dialogue of other characters. Since Brejik only has a single encounter in the game, we can only use our imaginations as to how Brejik gained this reputation. But with this mod installed, Brejik will be given Bao-Dur's body model for the Military Suit armor. That means Brejik's entire body will now be physically buff, making his Military Suit larger and more muscular than his vanilla model. These muscular details might be easy to miss, though what's not easy to miss is the elephant in the room... the Repulsor Arm itself! This Repulsor Arm is entirely an aesthetic feature, Brejik will NOT power punch your player and knock out their energy shields... the arm simply acts as a symbolic testament to Brejik's character, between the year 3962 BBY (when Brejik last appeared in the Kotor comics) and 3956 BBY (when Kotor takes place) we can assume he lost his arm at some point during his career as a Swoop Gangster, similar to how Gadon Thek lost his eyes in the vanilla game. If you are someone who believes the Repulsor Arm is something only Bao-Dur has, you are welcome to not install this mod. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs, but feel free to report any bugs you might find! Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware: For such an amazing game! Obsidian Entertainment: For Bao-Dur's assets! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 06/24/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
- 1
- black vulkars
- buff
(and 6 more)
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As most of you know, Bao-Dur can't equip robes and heavy armor. This is because all of his appearance.2da entries use a personal customized entries to account for his arm. Ergo, they use the same textures as regular versions of the armors, but the model itself is custom and includes Bao's mechanical arm. Obsidian didn't bother giving him the custom bodies beyond type F, which is the medium armor, which is also why he doesn't have heavy armor feat selectable in the game - it would simply crash because of the missing appearance.2da entries. So, my request would be to take the remaining armor models (body types G, H, K, M), and attach Bao's Arm to them, while retaining the UV maps to accomodate the textures, just like the stock bodies he uses now. While there are some concerns about there being a space between the head and body for the robes (body types I, N), using a custom mesh such as the following - - should prove to be adequate, as very few people use stock robe models these days. Regardless, robe addition is secondary to the request of the missing armor types.
Version 1.0
Description: A while ago Kain released his companion robes pack to go along with Deadman's movie style Jedi Robes pack. Well, an issue arose when you train Bao-Dur in the ways of the Jedi (or Sith, I don't judge). He would not disappear from the cargo hold of the Ebon Hawk. I took it upon myself and with a little help from the community, I give you the patch to fix this issue. Now Bao-Dur will disappear from the Ebon Hawk and you can still have those awesome robes. Requires Kain's Companion Robes pack first. Link: Installation: Drag and drop into Override folder. Allow it to override the one from Kain's pack Uninstallation: Take the file out of the override folder (Please make a back up of your original a_makejedi.ncs file.) Bugs: None to report. Let me know if any arise Credit: Kain with his Companion Robes pack Deadman with the original models -
View File Bao-Dur Can Wear Heavy Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TITLE: Bao-Dur Can Wear Heavy Armor AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip, run "Bao-Dur_Can_Wear_Heavy_Armor.exe" from the subfolder. ------------------------ DESCRIPTION ------------------------ Normally "Armor proficiency: Heavy" is not available to Bao-Dur's base class (Tech Specialist) when you level him up. This mod changes that and it adds the needed models to actually make wearing heavy armor work for him. This mod is made possible by models created by DarthParametric, see the credits below for links to these resources. Things should work with existing savegames. ---------- BUGS ---------- None known. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- 1. Remove the following files from your override folder: - DP_BaoDurBG.mdl - DP_BaoDurBG.mdx - DP_BaoDurBH.mdl - DP_BaoDurBH.mdx - P_BaoDurH.mdl - P_BaoDurH.mdx 2. If you haven't installed any mods after this mod then you can get appearance.2da and feat.2da from the mod's backup folder and put them back in your override folder. Doing this when you did add another mod might break the later mod. ------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------- - You can use DarthParametric's models if you credit him, they are all Modder's Resources. - You can use my small part of this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. --------------- THANKS --------------- Many thanks to DarthParametric for his work and for sharing it. - Bao-Dur Head Model Neck Fix: - Bao-Dur Armour and Robes: Thanks to Stoffe and Fred Tetra for the needed tools and tutorials. ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ----------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Submitter Effix Submitted 10/31/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Bao-Dur's Liberator's\Oppressor's Armor 2021 ------------------------------------------------------- Authors: Kaidon Jorn/Effix Compatible with TSLRCM 1.8.5 - 1.8.6 This mod adds a small quest to have Bao-Dur build his own non-force restrictive armor once he reaches 10th level . It's important to talk to him as soon as he hits 10th level so you can get the quest parts afterward on Nar Shaddaa, which you will find in both Tien's shop and in the Serroco thugs area. The quest will have you find some military fatigues and armor plating so that he may build the new Liberator or Oppressor's Armor depending on your alignment. The armor itself is medium class 7 with a dexterity bonus of +3, and was lovingly reskinned by none other than Effix of DeadlyStream and Steam Workshop notoriety. All credit for the reskinned Jamoah Hogra armor goes to him. Run the .exe to install ***IMPORTANT*** I strongly advise to install TSLRCM (and SLM) first before this mod. ===================================================================================================================== Permissions: You may not redistribute files contained herein and you may not use these files in your own mod without my consent. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THESE FILES.- 10 comments
- 1 review
- 8
View File Bao-Dur's Liberator's/Oppressor's Armor 2021 Bao-Dur's Liberator's\Oppressor's Armor 2021 ------------------------------------------------------- Authors: Kaidon Jorn/Effix Compatible with TSLRCM 1.8.5 - 1.8.6 This mod adds a small quest to have Bao-Dur build his own non-force restrictive armor once he reaches 10th level . It's important to talk to him as soon as he hits 10th level so you can get the quest parts afterward on Nar Shaddaa, which you will find in both Tien's shop and in the Serroco thugs area. The quest will have you find some military fatigues and armor plating so that he may build the new Liberator or Oppressor's Armor depending on your alignment. The armor itself is medium class 7 with a dexterity bonus of +3, and was lovingly reskinned by none other than Effix of DeadlyStream and Steam Workshop notoriety. All credit for the reskinned Jamoah Hogra armor goes to him. Run the .exe to install ***IMPORTANT*** I strongly advise to install TSLRCM (and SLM) first before this mod. ===================================================================================================================== Permissions: You may not redistribute files contained herein and you may not use these files in your own mod without my consent. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THESE FILES. Submitter Kaidon Jorn Submitted 07/30/2021 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
- 17 replies
- kotor 2: tsl
- armor reskins
(and 4 more)
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Version 1.0
Bao-Dur Reskin 1.0 ============== Kaidon Jorn August 2015 This is a simple reskin of Bao-Dur which isn't all that great, but it works. New portraits are included. To install drop all files into game's override folder. To remove take them out again. Permissions: You may not redistribute files contained herein and you may not use these files in your own mod without my consent. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THESE FILES. -
Version v3
************************************** Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ************************************** TITLE: Effixian's Bao-Dur Reskins AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam. ************* INSTALLATION ************* Unzip, copy the files from one of the folders to your override folder. ************ DESCRIPTION ************ This mod includes reskins of: - Bao-Dur's head - The lightning in his mechanical arm (more red) - His mechanical arm when wearing armor (red details) - His default clothing (a lot of black) - His Remote (and with it also other Sensor Balls). The Remote gets a more Imperial look. There's 3 variations included that you can choose from, version A has different looks for light side, half way dark and fully dark side. Version B is for the Darth Maul fans who want the look inspired by him from the start. Version C is based on the Nightbrothers from Dathomir. This mod is not compatible with other mods that change Bao-Dur's appearance. TSLRCM: A few files that change Bao-Dur's default clothing to a darker version are also included in TSLRCM, so you will need to overwrite those files if you're using TSLRCM. If you like you can make backups of those files before replacing them (P_Bao_DurA.tga, p_bao_dura.txi, P_Bao_DurAD01.tga, p_bao_durad01.txi). ***** BUGS ***** None. ************* UNINSTALLING ************* Remove the following files from your Override folder: C_SenBall01D.tga fx_Baodur.tga P_Bao_DurA.tga p_bao_dura.txi P_Bao_DurAD01.tga p_bao_durad01.txi P_Bao_DurH.tga P_Bao_DurHD1.tga P_Bao_DurHD2.tga P_BaoDur_Arm.tga PO_PBaoDur.tga po_pBaoDurd1.tga po_pBaoDurd2.tga ******************* DISTRIBUTION NOTES ******************* You may NOT: Use the material from this mod in your own mod without giving me credit, implying it was your creation. You might: Use the material from this mod in your own mods if simply you ask me. ******** Thanks to ******** Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. --------------------------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at -
Version 2.1
Bao-Dur's ElectroMesh Armor 2.1 ------------------------------------------------------- Author: Kaidon Jorn Compatible with TSLRCM 1.8.4 Many moons ago this mod was part of HotOR 1.6, and I thought I had lost the .zip folder for it, but it's now found and I can bring it YOU, the player, in this new updated for TSLRCM 1.8.4 version. This mod adds a small quest to have Bao-Dur build his own non-force restrictive armor once he reaches 10th level. The armor itself is a reskin of normal Electromesh Armor I made back in 2012. The quest will have you find some shielding components and a mesh suit on Nar Shadaa so that he may turn them into a powered ElectroMesh suit. It is important that you speak to him when he becomes 10th level and pick up the quest so that you don't find the parts beforehand, which is definately a possibilty. Originally the quest started only after he had become a Jedi Guardian, but I changed it to start earlier so you can get better armor for him that will remain viable throughout your play through. Run the .exe to install ***IMPORTANT*** Version 2.1 fixes Bao-Dur's dialog for normal (non-SLM) installation. I advise to install SLM first before this mod, then simply open the folder called "SLM Compatibilty" and copy and paste the new dialog file into Override and allow to overwrite. (You may want to backup the one in Override first) Permissions: You may not redistribute files contained herein and you may not use these files in your own mod without my consent. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THESE FILES. -
This is a piece of cut content that was not restored in TSLRCM. This feature is probably unnecessary thus why it was cut, for anyone who is interested this blog will read out how this section of cut content was going to play out (I may, at times, need to guess what was going to happen to make this make sense as this is content clearly unfinished). In Vanilla and TSLRCM, Bao Dur found the location of Atris' academy through a computer terminal on the landing pad. Through the terminal, he was able to hack into the Force Field Network. In this cut content, the terminal is not on the Landing Platform but rather it is the terminal in Chodo Habats office. Once you defeat the mercs and go onto the empty landing platform Bao Dur's dialogue would go something along the lines of Bao Dur: "The freighter's not here. We'll have to enter the underground ruins and look for the military escape shuttle. The entrance is at the south end of the compound." Player: "How do you know the shuttle will be there?" Bao Dur: "I don't, but that's not going to stop me. I'm getting back to Citadel Station if I have to build a new ship myself." If you spoke with Bao Dur after this he'd reply with Bao Dur: "We can talk later. Right now we've got to find a way back to Citadel Station." The Military Base would play out normal, the player would take the Shuttle from the Military Base back to the Hangar of wherever you left whether that be the Ithorian or Czerka Hangar (Please note there is no movie for a Telos Shuttle landing on the Citadel, if someone did make this a mod it'd have to reverse the takeoff video to make it appear as if it is landing though then an NPC in the background of the video would walk backwards though this NPC "may" be able to be edited out). As the player would have no idea where the ship is this is why they'd come back and not to the Polar Region. On the Citadel you could, if you wanted to, talk to Grenn where he'd say his vanilla "So you have returned" lines though only this time he'd say them much earlier than in Vanilla as you return earlier. When you arrive at the Ithorian HQ Chodo would have some new lines if Bao is in the party, without him in the party you'd be stuck until he is in the party. Chodo: "Ah, Bao-Dur. I heard you'd returned. This pleases me." Bao Dur: "Good to see you again. Have you already heard about Czerka's operations on Telos?" Chodo: "I had. Moza has been in session with the Telosian Council regarding some Czerka files your new companion helped us acquire." Chodo: "Dol Grenn interrupted with news of what you'd encountered, and Moza sent word immediately. It seems that Czerka's days here are finally at an end." Bao Dur: "I would hope so." Bao Dur: "Come. The Ithorian's computer system is hooked up the Restoration Zone Grid and shield network. Let's find your ship." Presumably, if you helped Czerka Chodo would deliver some news along the lines of "things are going bad" and "we can't seem to be able to stop Czerka". None of the Czerka dialogue was written as it's all incomplete, whilst Chodo would dislike a Dark Sided Exile Chodo would still tolerate his/her presence in his own HQ, especially if his own friend Bao-Dur is with him so I have little doubt that a Dark Sider would still need to come back to Chodo to gain access to the shield network (The other only alternative is Jana Lorso as one can assume she has access to the Czerka controlled restoration zones herself, however, in vanilla Bao-Dur shows distaste for Czerka and in cut content Jana Lorso betrayed Bao-Dur and almost had him killed, this cut dialogue will be released in one of my upcoming mods). Once you interact with the terminal Bao Dur would have his dialogue with the terminal about finding the power interference in the Polar Region minus the dialogue of having to go into the Military Base as in vanilla on the landing platform. Once you had completed this you were then meant to return to the shuttle either in the Ithorian or Czerka Hangar. It is a possibility, yet unconfirmed, that once you finished up with the terminal you would hear an announcement over the loudspeakers from Jana Lorso. "Attention, Citadel Station. This is Jana Lorso, your Czerka branch's Executive Officer." "As you may know, Republic negotiations with Onderon have deteriorated of late. Czerka entered Citadel Station in the hopes of resolving the situation for the good of Telos." "I regret to inform you that the Telosian government, with the aid of the Ithorians, has entered an anti-Republic treaty with Onderon." "In order to protect the Republic's investment in Citadel Station and for the betterment of Telos, Czerka has been forced to assume command of the station." "Until Republic forces arrive to formally depose the Telosian Council and restore order, Citadel Station will remain under Czerka control." "This should not affect your daily affairs. Please go about your business as usual. Thank you for your cooperation." This is related to another piece of cut content I will detail in another blog as I have no reason to confirm or deny that this would happen right now during this section of cut content. This could of, for all I know, happened once you finished Telos completely and if you helped Vaklu on Onderon. Once you leave the station the HK-50 droids would arrive in the Bay Control area and presumably kill the Ithorian or Duros inside and have the exact cutscene as they have in the Military Base aka they send a squad out to the Polar Region to kill you. If the Ithorian is killed in the Bay Control you won't be able to talk to him if you want to steal the Prototype shield for Samhan Dobo (Despite this, you will still be able to complete the quest). And that is the "Bao-Dur's return to Citadel Station" cut content. Feel free to leave opinions on this down bellow (how you feel about the content, was it a good idea to have this cut, should TSLRCM include this, should this be it's own mod) and also let me know whether or not I should write up any more explanations for cut content.
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Hello everyone maybe someone will find time to change special armor models for Bao-Dur, to remove the iron arm and put an ordinary arm (like a right arm). Thanks in advance
View File Effixian's Bao-Dur Reskins ************************************** Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ************************************** TITLE: Effixian's Bao-Dur Reskins AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam. ************* INSTALLATION ************* Unzip, copy the files from one of the folders to your override folder. ************ DESCRIPTION ************ This mod includes reskins of: - Bao-Dur's head - The lightning in his mechanical arm (more red) - His mechanical arm when wearing armor (red details) - His default clothing (a lot of black) - His Remote (and with it also other Sensor Balls). The Remote gets a more Imperial look. There's 3 variations included that you can choose from, version A has different looks for light side, half way dark and fully dark side. Version B is for the Darth Maul fans who want the look inspired by him from the start. Version C is based on the Nightbrothers from Dathomir. This mod is not compatible with other mods that change Bao-Dur's appearance. TSLRCM: A few files that change Bao-Dur's default clothing to a darker version are also included in TSLRCM, so you will need to overwrite those files if you're using TSLRCM. If you like you can make backups of those files before replacing them (P_Bao_DurA.tga, p_bao_dura.txi, P_Bao_DurAD01.tga, p_bao_durad01.txi). ***** BUGS ***** None. ************* UNINSTALLING ************* Remove the following files from your Override folder: C_SenBall01D.tga fx_Baodur.tga P_Bao_DurA.tga p_bao_dura.txi P_Bao_DurAD01.tga p_bao_durad01.txi P_Bao_DurH.tga P_Bao_DurHD1.tga P_Bao_DurHD2.tga P_BaoDur_Arm.tga PO_PBaoDur.tga po_pBaoDurd1.tga po_pBaoDurd2.tga ******************* DISTRIBUTION NOTES ******************* You may NOT: Use the material from this mod in your own mod without giving me credit, implying it was your creation. You might: Use the material from this mod in your own mods if simply you ask me. ******** Thanks to ******** Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. --------------------------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at Submitter Effix Submitted 03/10/2018 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes
View File TSL Improved Party Outfits =TSL Improved Party Outfits= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: TSL Improved Party LATEST VERSION: 1.1 CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1. DESCRIPTION: This mod adds eight new items with unique properties and are restricted to each of the human and humanoid party members in KotOR II: TSL, including Atton, Bao-Dur, the Disciple, the Handmaiden, Kreia, Mandalore, Mira and Visas. Said party members will automatically have these unique outfits equipped when they join your party. Each of these outfits also has its own custom inventory icon and can be upgraded. If you want to see your party members appear in their default outfits and those outfits being more useful in combat throughout the course of the game, this mod is for you. This mod was intended for the party members’ unique outfits to be usable in combat throughout the entire game, especially during the sequences where you can only control the party members while the player character is not around. Therefore, the properties of these items may be overpowered, especially in the early game. I make no promises to make a “balanced” version of this mod, because I play the KotOR games for the story and characters and not combat. If gameplay and combat balance are very important to you, this mod is not for you. The idea of this mod was inspired by jonathan7's Party Clothing mod for KotOR 1. While jonathan7 had also made a similar mod for TSL as part of the Force Fashion II mod, I don't use Force Fashion II because it is not compatible with The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). Therefore, I decided to make my own version of a similar mod for TSL that is compatible with TSLRCM. Technically, this mod was my first attempt at KotOR modding. However, initially this mod was only for my personal use. Now I have decided to release this to the public. 2. USAGE NOTES: For the best experience with this mod, it's recommended to have a completely new TSL playthrough. If you want to add these improved party member outfits manually via the cheat console or KotOR Savegame Editor, here are the item codes: llk_attonjkt - Atton's Ribbed Jacket llk_baodursuit - Bao-Dur's Tech Suit llk_disgarment - Disciple's Garment llk_handgarment - Handmaiden's Garment llk_kreiarobe - Kreia's Robe llk_mandarmor - Mandalore's Armor llk_mirajkt - Mira's Ballistic Mesh Jacket llk_visasrobe - Visas' Robe 3. INSTALLATION: Extract the TSL Improved Party you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR 2 directory. Run Install TSL Improved Party Outfits.exe, point the installer to your KotOR 2 directory and let the installer do its magic. This mod also provides an optional file that improves Handmaiden's Robe to have the same stats as the Handmaiden's default outfit from this mod. If you want to install the improved Handmaiden's Robe, go to the "Optional - Improved Handmaiden's Robe" folder, copy a_robe_x01.uti and paste it in your Override folder. NOTE: If you already have the .utc files of the humanoid party members in your Override folder (the file names are p_[party member name].utc), when you install this mod a new folder named "backup" will be created by TSLPatcher in the same folder as the TSLPatcher. Do not delete the folder or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. 4. UNINSTALLATION: Go to your Override folder, delete ia_Class9_201.tga, the .tga files starting from ia_cloths_202.tga to ia_cloths_208.tga and the .uti files with the "llk_" prefix (without the quotation marks). If you also installed the Improved Handmaiden's Robe from this mod, go to your Override folder and delete a_robe_x01.uti. If a "backup" folder was created when you installed this mod, go to the "backup" folder, cut and paste any .utc. file(s) from the folder and paste the file(s) in your Override folder. If no backup folder was created, simply delete p_atton.utc, p_baodur.utc, p_disciple.utc, p_handmaiden.utc, p_kreia.utc, p_mand.utc, p_mira.utc and p_visas.utc from your Override folder. 5. KNOWN ISSUES: When you upgrade any of the party member's outfits from this mod on the workbench, the outfit would look like a basic clothing in the workbench's interface. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about it since it appears to be hardcoded. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know. 6. MOD COMPATIBILITY: This mod will likely conflict with any other mods that modify any of the following files, especially if the other mod also modifies the party members' starting armor: p_atton.utc p_baodur.utc p_disciple.utc p_handmaiden.utc p_kreia.utc p_mand.utc p_mira.utc p_visas.utc If you want to use any other mods that modify the above files, AND the other mod is installed by putting any of the above files in Override folder, you need to install my mod AFTER the other mod. The optional Improved Handmaiden Robe component is not compatible with any other mods that modify the .uti file of Handmaiden's Robe (a_robe_x01.uti). This mod is not compatible with any other mod that modifies the party members' starting armor or clothing when they join your party. This mod should be compatible with any reskin mods for the party member's default outfits, unless they edit the armor slot in aforementioned .utc files of the party members. 7. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for your personal use. However if you want to use any files from this mod for your own mod, please ask for my permission before releasing your mod. If I give you permission for it, I request that you credit me when you release your mod. Thank you. I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not wish any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 8. CREDITS: jonathan7 for the Party Clothing mod that became the inspiration of this mod Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool tk102 for K-GFF GFF Editor Stoffe for TSLPatcher THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Leilukin Submitted 02/04/2017 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
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Companion Robes Patch View File Description: A while ago Kain released his companion robes pack to go along with Deadman's movie style Jedi Robes pack. Well, an issue arose when you train Bao-Dur in the ways of the Jedi (or Sith, I don't judge). He would not disappear from the cargo hold of the Ebon Hawk. I took it upon myself and with a little help from the community, I give you the patch to fix this issue. Now Bao-Dur will disappear from the Ebon Hawk and you can still have those awesome robes. Requires Kain's Companion Robes pack first. Link: Installation: Drag and drop into Override folder. Allow it to override the one from Kain's pack Uninstallation: Take the file out of the override folder (Please make a back up of your original a_makejedi.ncs file.) Bugs: None to report. Let me know if any arise Credit: Kain with his Companion Robes pack Deadman with the original models Submitter Squall Lionhart Submitted 04/04/2017 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Bao-Dur is Buff View File Bao-Dur is Buff. This mod makes any armor appear as his default clothing. Because he's Buff. This mod will not conflict with any sort of "Let Bao-Dur Wear Jedi Robes" type mod, especially if they also use a TSLPatcher. If in doubt, install this one on top. This mod will probably make any "Bao-Dur is made of glass, let's give him special armor" mod look like he's just wearing his normal clothes. Submitter forgetcanon Submitted 07/22/2016 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible
View File Bao-Dur's Head Reskin Bao-Dur Reskin 1.0 ============== Kaidon Jorn August 2015 This is a simple reskin of Bao-Dur which isn't all that great, but it works. New portraits are included. To install drop all files into game's override folder. To remove take them out again. Permissions: You may not redistribute files contained herein and you may not use these files in your own mod without my consent. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THESE FILES. Submitter Kaidon Jorn Submitted 08/29/2015 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible
Bao-Dur's Electromesh Armor View File Bao-Dur's ElectroMesh Armor 2.1 ------------------------------------------------------- Author: Kaidon Jorn Compatible with TSLRCM 1.8.4 Many moons ago this mod was part of HotOR 1.6, and I thought I had lost the .zip folder for it, but it's now found and I can bring it YOU, the player, in this new updated for TSLRCM 1.8.4 version. This mod adds a small quest to have Bao-Dur build his own non-force restrictive armor once he reaches 10th level. The armor itself is a reskin of normal Electromesh Armor I made back in 2012. The quest will have you find some shielding components and a mesh suit on Nar Shadaa so that he may turn them into a powered ElectroMesh suit. It is important that you speak to him when he becomes 10th level and pick up the quest so that you don't find the parts beforehand, which is definately a possibilty. Originally the quest started only after he had become a Jedi Guardian, but I changed it to start earlier so you can get better armor for him that will remain viable throughout your play through. Run the .exe to install ***IMPORTANT*** Version 2.1 fixes Bao-Dur's dialog for normal (non-SLM) installation. I advise to install SLM first before this mod, then simply open the folder called "SLM Compatibilty" and copy and paste the new dialog file into Override and allow to overwrite. (You may want to backup the one in Override first) Permissions: You may not redistribute files contained herein and you may not use these files in your own mod without my consent. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THESE FILES. Submitter Kaidon Jorn Submitted 08/22/2015 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible