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Version 1.3.0
A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.2.0 Release Date: 27.01.2024 Installation: Alongside the "Readme.txt" file will be the following folders: "Audio Mods" "Movie Cutscene Mods" "Override Mods" * To install Audio Mods: Open the Audio Mods folder, open the Taris Sith Raid XBOX VO folder, open the Streamwaves and copy all 4 .WAV files to this directly (swkotor\streamwaves\m02aa\prer99) and overwrite the vanilla files. * To install Movie Cutscene Mods: Open the Movie Cutscene Mods folder, select which mod you'd like to install and simply copy the .BIK file into your swkotor "movies" folder and overwrite the original .BIK files. * To install Override Mods: Open the Override Mods folder, select which mod you'd like to install and copy the files within the mod folder into your swkotor "Override" folder. You cannot install both Dark Jedi mods as they use the same files, please pick only one Dark Jedi mod to install. Uninstallation: Depends on what you've chosen to uninstall. * For Audio Mods, open the "Backup (Vanilla Files)" and copy the .WAVs inside to the prer99 folder and overwrite the Xbox .WAVs you added. * For Movie Cutscene Mods, open the "Backup (Vanilla Cutscenes)" folder and copy the .BIKs inside to your swkotor movies folder and overwrite the Xbox .BIKs. * For Override mods, delete the files you copied into your Override. Description: As you may know, or may even remember, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic was released on July 15 2003 whilst the PC edition was released on November 19 2003. Obviously, the original Xbox console from 2003 has gone out of fashion a LONG time ago and 95% of the Kotor Modding and Gaming Community in general have migrated over to the glorious PC Master- *Cough* I mean, to the PC. But did you know that Bioware gave Kotor one final improvement before releasing the full game to the PCs? if you've actually played Kotor on the original Xbox (Or maybe even the Xbox 360, Xbox One or even the Xbox Series X) then you'll recall how on the Console edition of Kotor had a variety of oddities like lower resolution textures, different appearances for NPCs, incorrect appearances for NPCs, alternative VO, bugs/glitches, Yavin 4 being locked behind DLC and more... This mod pack is similar to my TSL Mini Mod Collection mod, every update to the KOTOX will include more Xbox inspired mods for the player to install and experience. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Would be incompatible with any mods which modify the Taris Sith Raid dlg, the legal and Revan's death .BIKs and any Dark Jedi texture mods. Report any unknown incompatibilities to me on Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: l2daorch: For contributing the Taris Sith Raid audio! DarthParametric: For contributing the Xbox textures! DrMcCoy and DarthParametric (again): For helping me with Xoreo's Tools! Effix: For helping me operate the Command Prompt! Asxdefter on YouTube: For his 2010 playthrough of Kotor on the Xbox 360. His Kotor videos were a massive inspiration for making this mod! BlueShadePlays on YouTube: For their 2017 playthrough of Kotor on the Xbox One. As the Xbox One Kotor has 1080p support, their Kotor videos provided HD crystal clear footage of the Xbox features which I recreated in this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game! JCarter428: For SithCodec! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
Version 1.2.0
It's finally here! At last, The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification 1.8.6 has been successfully ported to the original Xbox. The game is now able to be fully completed from beginning to end with zero major issues. This upload is in the form of patched files that must be added on top of an existing installation of the mod. Requirements -An original Xbox capable of launching homebrew (soft or hardmodded) -Some method to transfer files between your Xbox and PC (FTP is recommended) -At least 5GB of space on your Xbox's HDD -A physical copy of Knights of the Old Republic II for the Xbox Installation 1. IMPORTANT! If you have previously dumped the first Knights of the Old Republic game to your Xbox, ensure that you change the folder it's located in from its default ("StarWars") to any other name. If you do not do this, both games will end up dumped into the same folder, ruining both installations 2. Use UnleashX to dump your game disc to your Xbox's HDD. Other methods of dumping the game may be possible, but I can only promise it works using UnelashX 3. FTP the entire game folder to your PC, and create an additional backup of it on your PC in the event you need to restart the installation 4. Run the official TSLRCM 1.8.6 installer .exe, which you can find here: 5. Specify the Xbox dump of the game as the folder to which the mod should be installed. (i.e. D:\Games\SWKotOR2\). When in doubt, it's the folder with "default.xbe" located inside it 6. Delete the following files from the newly created Override folder: 235TEL.lyt, 235TEL.vis, 235TELA.mdl, 235TELA.mdx, and 235TELA.wok, 7. Delete every .tga file from Override 8. [IF YOUR XBOX DOES NOT HAVE THE 128MB RAM UPGRADE] Delete 601DAN.mod from Modules 9. Extract the contents of the Clean Install Package into the root game folder, overwriting any files if asked 10. Delete the original, unmodified rip of KotOR II on your Xbox's HDD 11. FTP the modified KotOR II back to your console in a location of your choosing 12. Verify your install. In semi-rare cases, files may become corrupt during the transfer process. Compare the amount of bytes the game folder takes up on both your Xbox and your PC. If there is a mismatch, either repeat the transfer and compare again or simply narrow down which folders on the Xbox don't match the PC equivalent To update from 1.0 or 1.1 to 1.2: 1) Delete any file that starts with "003ebo..." from Override 2) Extract the "Update from 1.0 or 1.1" install package into the game directory, overwriting any files if asked Known Issues -The Battle of Khoonda currently does function on stock consoles and requires a 128MB RAM upgrade to work properly. The restored version of this sequence spawns so many NPCs that it causes the stock Xbox to choke to death on its own assets within seconds of the battle starting, so step 8 of the installation instructions remove the module file that adds the battle. If you would like to see this happen (not recommended) or have an upgraded Xbox, simply don't delete 601DAN.mod from the Modules folder. -On very rare occasions, a significant performance drop may occur during combat that passes after a few seconds. This may or may not be an issue with the Xbox version and may or may not be related to Jedi Guardian characters not currently controlled by the player initiating a Force Jump, but it's so uncommon that diagnosing it is difficult. If you would like to contribute to fixing the last few remaining issues, feel free to DM me and I will be happy to implement your fixes in a future update. Frequently Asked Questions: Will this work on Xbox 360/Xemu/Xbone/Xbox Series S/X? The short answer is that I don't know. I don't have any of that gear to test with, but anything that's capable of launching a game rip shouldn't have any issues. I make no promises, though. Why does the installation require deleting so many files? Is there content missing from the mod? The only content from TSLRCM that hasn't made it into this port for stock Xboxes is the battle of Khoonda (contained in 601DAN.mod) since it spawns more NPCs than the Xbox can handle. If your Xbox has a 128MB RAM upgrade, this content is available and fully functional (Thanks to Hellraiser988 and iroiry) Every other removed file is redundant. The .tga files have all been converted to .txb and resized to work on Xbox, and the 235TEL files in Override have been consolidated into their own .rim files in the rimsxbox folder and no longer need to be present in Override. Do I have to use UnleashX to rip the game? Not necessarily. However, some methods of dumping Xbox games purposefully leave out some files to conserve HDD space and that could pose an issue. I used UnleashX to dump my own copy and that's what I used to port the mod, so I can guarantee it works. Use other methods of acquiring a dump of the game at your own risk. Will you be porting [insert mod here] to the Xbox? Maybe. It's a decent workload and some mods require a lot more tinkering than others, so it just comes down to what (if any) I'm interested in. Fortunately, if you've managed to dump your copy of KotOR II to your Xbox, you have exactly as much modding experience as I had when I started this project; so feel free to take matters into your own hands. Is there a widescreen patch for the Xbox? Will you make one? As far as I'm aware there is not a widescreen patch for the Xbox version of the game and I have less than zero interest in making one. Play the game in 4:3. It's better that way. I'm experiencing the dialogue skipping bug and/or frequent mysterious game crashes. What do I do? Some files probably got corrupted during the FTP process. It happens sometimes and there's nothing I can do about it. Repeat step 12 of the installation instructions. If your game folder on the Xbox's HDD is exactly the amount of bytes it is on your PC, contact me either via DM on Deadly Stream or Discord (_LOTO_) Special Thanks Though this is my release of the port, and I have been the one to do all of the labour in putting it together, this would not have been possible without assistance from various members of the KotOR community including, but not limited to: -Alvar007, for advising on various fixes, both major and minor, and contributing to the s_male02.mdl/.mdx fix -Jacqyl Frost, for offering to playtest the mod -JCarter426, for technical support, bugfixes, and creating SithCodec -Thor110, for technical support -armado548, for pioneering much of the early steps of the process and leaving enough of a paper trail for me to pickup on -bead-v, creator of MDLEdit -Fair Strides, creator of ERFEdit and DLG Editor -Darth_Sapiens, creator of KOTOR TOOL -Blue, for creating KotOR Scripting Tool -Monochrome Jones, for creating the "LOTO's Xbox Version" text in the logo -The original TSLRCM team, for creating the mod in the first place -Sith Holocron, for creating and implementing the in-game logos for the mod -Jacd28, for contributing to the s_male02.mdl/.mdx fix -darthbdaman, for providing the Visas lightsaber training fix -Hellraiser988 and iroiry, for verifying that the Battle of Khoonda works with a RAM upgraded Xbox If you don't see your name here and feel as though you contributed to the project, I apologize! Please DM me and I will add your name here without delay.- 27 comments
- 1 review
- 11
- xbox
- tslrcm friendly
(and 4 more)
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Version 1.0.0
THIS MOD REQUIRES THE 128mb RAM UPGRADE HARDWARE MOD!!!!! CLARIFICATION: The Xbox has double the usual ram in its dev units. Meanwhile, the retail consoles use the same boards as the dev units. STATEMENT: Therefore, there are empty spaces to add extra RAM to your console internally. You NEED to add this ram to play Kotor at 720p. --------------------------------------- Introduction: This mod converts your Xbox Kotor 2 game folder into a 720p version of the game. You must have soldered additional ram into your console or you will get a black screen, as additional ram is expected. The original Xbox natively supports 720p output and many games officially take advantage of this feature. It has long been possible to hex edit additional Xbox games to unofficially force 720p mode, but this causes several issues that make Kotor 2 unplayable. The goal of this mod is to combine a 720p hacked .xbe with a variety of fixes so that Kotor 2 can be fully enjoyed at 720p on the original Xbox. This mod is a fully tested and recommendable way to enjoy the game. --------------------------------------- How to install: Put the mod into the root of your Xbox's Kotor 2 game folder. You will overwrite several files, and as a result, your game folder will permanently become a 720p version of Kotor 2. For this reason, I recommend making a copy of your original folder, so that you can easily play at 480p again if desired. Note: This mod is fully tested, compatible, and stable with The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification - LOTO's Xbox Version! I recommend installing that mod, testing it on your Xbox, and then installing this one on top of it. Another Note: A 720p AI upscaled cutscenes mod should work fine on Xbox if you prefer that over the vanilla upscaled movies. I have only tested the movies that I upscaled without AI for Xbox. If you want to try this, choose a 720p option. Also look at the Issues section below and consider keeping a few of my movie files! --------------------------------------- Changelog: 1.0 Implements edited 720p versions of all original Xbox .gui in game. Increases the size of the minimap and zooms it out to take advantage of the resolution. Replaces the original default.xbe with one modified for 720p by OgXHD software. Replaces bugged security camera effect with a blue overlay. Disables motion blur effect function calls in all swoop race minigame modules. Disables motion blur effect on jedi force runs. Reduces visual effect of Force Wave as it is bugged and would make it hard to see. Disables first person droid view effects as they were bugged. Replaces all movies with 720p upscaled Xbox versions (to eliminate significant black space and fill the screen.) Issues: -Three movies (only 1 in vanilla game) stutter on Xbox when displayed at 720p. To eliminate this, I reduced them to 18fps. They're all very short exterior ship shots and I think this is a decent fix. Effected movies are NarMov03, permov08, and permov09. -The Xbox struggles with smoke effects up close. This doesn't really hurt the game but it helps to understand why the title screens is a little laggy. -Atton's intercom cutscenes on Peragus and the Coruscant trial scene don't have special camera effects as a side effect of fixing security cameras. -Many distortion effects display incorrectly at 720p. But it's not really that bad. -The map on the map screen is stuck at its original size on Xbox. -Some feats and powers gui elements seem to be hardcoded to a degree unlike the first game. This isn't really an issue and this stuff turned out well, but it's not ideal. -There's a minor gui element on the main interface that seems to be entirely hardcoded. It's the text bubble that pops up when you pick a fighting behavior script for a character on the toolbar, or when you go in stealth. This is stuck at its original position, which luckily is out of the way and in a decent spot! --------------------------------------- Credits: Sorry if I forget anything. This project was made entirely possible due to tools and discoveries created by many people. You don't need to ask me permission to use things from this mod for your own projects. Hellraiser988 Came in at the end and helped a bit with testing and debug. Provided test feedback on the character screen, a stuttering movie, and the pazaak game screen. He probably would have helped me make the whole mod if we had gotten together earlier! There aren't a lot of people who care to make dedicated mods for Xbox Kotor, so shoutout to this guy. Jay's Xbox REPO by Jay Fantastic compiled resource for learning about hex editing Xbox games to support alternative video modes. ogXHD by Marvelous Mirth Studios A tool for automatic find and replace hex editing of Xbox games for 720p patching purposes. Console Mods Wiki Thorough information about Xbox mods. Lightweight GUI Patcher 0.4 by th3w1zard1 Made editing the UI so much easier. Really gave this entire project a starting point. I used this program to bulk convert the old Xbox .guis to 720p. Kotor-gui-editor by amcolash This tool was used to edit and shape the gui into something polished and in accordance with the changed aspect ratio of the game. Holocron Toolset by Cortisol KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra Kotor Scripting Tool by Blue All great tools for digging through the game files and extracting things. Important for reading and manipulating information to solve problems. tpcview by ndix UR tga2tpc by ndix UR All the software needed to fix minor texture issues with the gui. ERFEdit 0.5 by Stoffe with fixes by Fair Strides This was used to replace game script files in various .mod modules to make scripting changes within the scope of the swoop race minigames. ffmpeg Rocky's xmv converter by Rocky5 A script used for converting to Xbox's video format (.xmv) which is required by kotor 1. DaVinci Resolve Video editing software used to make the movies display correctly at 720p. Kotor and Deadlystream Discord JC, Thor110 It was very nice to have places and people to discuss Kotor modding with. Loto Ported the Kotor 2 Restoration Mod to Xbox, which inspired me to explore modding Xbox Kotor.- 1 comment
- 1
- gui
- widescreen
(and 2 more)
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View File Kotor 2 720p Xbox Mod (Hardmod required) THIS MOD REQUIRES THE 128mb RAM UPGRADE HARDWARE MOD!!!!! CLARIFICATION: The Xbox has double the usual ram in its dev units. Meanwhile, the retail consoles use the same boards as the dev units. STATEMENT: Therefore, there are empty spaces to add extra RAM to your console internally. You NEED to add this ram to play Kotor at 720p. --------------------------------------- Introduction: This mod converts your Xbox Kotor 2 game folder into a 720p version of the game. You must have soldered additional ram into your console or you will get a black screen, as additional ram is expected. The original Xbox natively supports 720p output and many games officially take advantage of this feature. It has long been possible to hex edit additional Xbox games to unofficially force 720p mode, but this causes several issues that make Kotor 2 unplayable. The goal of this mod is to combine a 720p hacked .xbe with a variety of fixes so that Kotor 2 can be fully enjoyed at 720p on the original Xbox. This mod is a fully tested and recommendable way to enjoy the game. --------------------------------------- How to install: Put the mod into the root of your Xbox's Kotor 2 game folder. You will overwrite several files, and as a result, your game folder will permanently become a 720p version of Kotor 2. For this reason, I recommend making a copy of your original folder, so that you can easily play at 480p again if desired. Note: This mod is fully tested, compatible, and stable with The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification - LOTO's Xbox Version! I recommend installing that mod, testing it on your Xbox, and then installing this one on top of it. Another Note: A 720p AI upscaled cutscenes mod should work fine on Xbox if you prefer that over the vanilla upscaled movies. I have only tested the movies that I upscaled without AI for Xbox. If you want to try this, choose a 720p option. Also look at the Issues section below and consider keeping a few of my movie files! --------------------------------------- Changelog: 1.0 Implements edited 720p versions of all original Xbox .gui in game. Increases the size of the minimap and zooms it out to take advantage of the resolution. Replaces the original default.xbe with one modified for 720p by OgXHD software. Replaces bugged security camera effect with a blue overlay. Disables motion blur effect function calls in all swoop race minigame modules. Disables motion blur effect on jedi force runs. Reduces visual effect of Force Wave as it is bugged and would make it hard to see. Disables first person droid view effects as they were bugged. Replaces all movies with 720p upscaled Xbox versions (to eliminate significant black space and fill the screen.) Issues: -Three movies (only 1 in vanilla game) stutter on Xbox when displayed at 720p. To eliminate this, I reduced them to 18fps. They're all very short exterior ship shots and I think this is a decent fix. Effected movies are NarMov03, permov08, and permov09. -The Xbox struggles with smoke effects up close. This doesn't really hurt the game but it helps to understand why the title screens is a little laggy. -Atton's intercom cutscenes on Peragus and the Coruscant trial scene don't have special camera effects as a side effect of fixing security cameras. -Many distortion effects display incorrectly at 720p. But it's not really that bad. -The map on the map screen is stuck at its original size on Xbox. -Some feats and powers gui elements seem to be hardcoded to a degree unlike the first game. This isn't really an issue and this stuff turned out well, but it's not ideal. -There's a minor gui element on the main interface that seems to be entirely hardcoded. It's the text bubble that pops up when you pick a fighting behavior script for a character on the toolbar, or when you go in stealth. This is stuck at its original position, which luckily is out of the way and in a decent spot! --------------------------------------- Credits: Sorry if I forget anything. This project was made entirely possible due to tools and discoveries created by many people. You don't need to ask me permission to use things from this mod for your own projects. Hellraiser988 Came in at the end and helped a bit with testing and debug. Provided test feedback on the character screen, a stuttering movie, and the pazaak game screen. He probably would have helped me make the whole mod if we had gotten together earlier! There aren't a lot of people who care to make dedicated mods for Xbox Kotor, so shoutout to this guy. Jay's Xbox REPO by Jay Fantastic compiled resource for learning about hex editing Xbox games to support alternative video modes. ogXHD by Marvelous Mirth Studios A tool for automatic find and replace hex editing of Xbox games for 720p patching purposes. Console Mods Wiki Thorough information about Xbox mods. Lightweight GUI Patcher 0.4 by th3w1zard1 Made editing the UI so much easier. Really gave this entire project a starting point. I used this program to bulk convert the old Xbox .guis to 720p. Kotor-gui-editor by amcolash This tool was used to edit and shape the gui into something polished and in accordance with the changed aspect ratio of the game. Holocron Toolset by Cortisol KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra Kotor Scripting Tool by Blue All great tools for digging through the game files and extracting things. Important for reading and manipulating information to solve problems. tpcview by ndix UR tga2tpc by ndix UR All the software needed to fix minor texture issues with the gui. ERFEdit 0.5 by Stoffe with fixes by Fair Strides This was used to replace game script files in various .mod modules to make scripting changes within the scope of the swoop race minigames. ffmpeg Rocky's xmv converter by Rocky5 A script used for converting to Xbox's video format (.xmv) which is required by kotor 1. DaVinci Resolve Video editing software used to make the movies display correctly at 720p. Kotor and Deadlystream Discord JC, Thor110 It was very nice to have places and people to discuss Kotor modding with. Loto Ported the Kotor 2 Restoration Mod to Xbox, which inspired me to explore modding Xbox Kotor. Submitter bizotry Submitted 08/22/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
- 1
- widescreen
- bugfix
(and 2 more)
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Version 1.0.0
Kotor 1 720p Xbox Mod 1.0 THIS MOD REQUIRES THE 128mb RAM UPGRADE HARDWARE MOD!!!!! CLARIFICATION: The Xbox has double ram on its dev units. The retail consoles use the same boards as the dev units. STATEMENT: Therefore, there are empty places to add double the RAM to your console. You need to add this ram to play Kotor at 720p. --------------------------------------- Introduction: This mod makes Kotor 1 comfortably playable at 720p on a ram upgraded original Xbox. The original Xbox natively supports 720p output and many games officially take advantage of this feature. It has long been possible to patch additional Xbox games to force 720p mode. Having extra RAM installed is needed to prevent most games from crashing. This works out well for changing the resolution of Kotor, but causes several issues that make the game unplayable. The goal of this mod is to fix those issues so that Kotor can be fully enjoyed at 720p on the original Xbox. --------------------------------------- How to install: Put the mod into the root of your Xbox's Kotor game folder. You will overwrite several files, and as a result, your game folder will permanently become a 720p version of Kotor. For this reason, I recommend making a copy of your original folder, so that you can easily play at 480p again if desired. Note: The Yavin dlc is compatible! --------------------------------------- Changelog: 1.0 Implements edited 720p versions of all original Xbox .gui in game. Increases the size of the minimap and zooms it out to take advantage of the resolution. Replaces the original default.xbe with one modified for 720p by OgXHD software. Replaces bugged security camera effect with a blue overlay. Disables motion blur effect function calls in all swoop race minigame modules. Disables motion blur effect on jedi force runs. Reduces visual effect of Force Wave as it is bugged and would make it hard to see. Disables first person droid view effects as they were bugged. Replaces all movies with edited pc versions that display as well as possible in 720p mode. Issues: Cutscenes display in a small box, as large as I could make them while respecting their aspect ratio. This is the best I could do to fix cutscenes being essentially unviewable. (Sidenote: Kotor 2 doesn't have this problem due to using a different video format) The Xbox struggles with smoke effects up close. This doesn't really hurt the game but it helps to understand why the title screens is a little laggy. Carth's intercom cutscenes on the Endar Spire don't have special effects as a side effect of fixing security cameras. Many distortion effects display incorrectly at 720p. But it's not really that bad. The map on the map screen is stuck at its original size on Xbox. --------------------------------------- Credits: Sorry if I forget anything. This project was made entirely possible due to tools and discoveries created by many people. You don't need to ask me permission to use things from this mod for your own projects. Jay's Xbox REPO by Jay Fantastic compiled resource for learning about hex editing Xbox games to support alternative video modes. ogXHD by Marvelous Mirth Studios A tool for automatic find and replace hex editing of Xbox games for 720p patching purposes. Console Mods Wiki Thorough information about Xbox mods. Lightweight GUI Patcher 0.4 by th3w1zard1 Made editing the UI so much easier. Really gave this entire project a starting point. I used this program to bulk convert the old Xbox .guis to 720p. Kotor-gui-editor by amcolash This tool was used to edit and shape the gui into something polished and in accordance with the changed aspect ratio of the game. Holocron Toolset by Cortisol KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra Kotor Scripting Tool by Blue All great tools for digging through the game files and extracting things. Important for reading and manipulating information to solve problems. tpcview by ndix UR tga2tpc by ndix UR All the software needed to fix minor texture issues with the gui. ffmpeg Rocky's xmv converter by Rocky5 A script used for converting to Xbox's video format (.xmv) which is required by kotor 1. DaVinci Resolve Video editing software used to make the movies display correctly at 720p. Kotor and Deadlystream Discord JC, Thor110 It was very nice to have places and people to discuss Kotor modding with. Loto Ported the Kotor 2 Restoration Mod to Xbox, which inspired me to explore modding Xbox Kotor.- 1 comment
- 4
- widescreen
- gui
(and 2 more)
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View File Kotor 1 720p Xbox Mod (Hardmod required) Kotor 1 720p Xbox Mod 1.0 THIS MOD REQUIRES THE 128mb RAM UPGRADE HARDWARE MOD!!!!! CLARIFICATION: The Xbox has double ram on its dev units. The retail consoles use the same boards as the dev units. STATEMENT: Therefore, there are empty places to add double the RAM to your console. You need to add this ram to play Kotor at 720p. --------------------------------------- Introduction: This mod makes Kotor 1 comfortably playable at 720p on a ram upgraded original Xbox. The original Xbox natively supports 720p output and many games officially take advantage of this feature. It has long been possible to patch additional Xbox games to force 720p mode. Having extra RAM installed is needed to prevent most games from crashing. This works out well for changing the resolution of Kotor, but causes several issues that make the game unplayable. The goal of this mod is to fix those issues so that Kotor can be fully enjoyed at 720p on the original Xbox. --------------------------------------- How to install: Put the mod into the root of your Xbox's Kotor game folder. You will overwrite several files, and as a result, your game folder will permanently become a 720p version of Kotor. For this reason, I recommend making a copy of your original folder, so that you can easily play at 480p again if desired. Note: The Yavin dlc is compatible! --------------------------------------- Changelog: 1.0 Implements edited 720p versions of all original Xbox .gui in game. Increases the size of the minimap and zooms it out to take advantage of the resolution. Replaces the original default.xbe with one modified for 720p by OgXHD software. Replaces bugged security camera effect with a blue overlay. Disables motion blur effect function calls in all swoop race minigame modules. Disables motion blur effect on jedi force runs. Reduces visual effect of Force Wave as it is bugged and would make it hard to see. Disables first person droid view effects as they were bugged. Replaces all movies with edited pc versions that display as well as possible in 720p mode. Issues: Cutscenes display in a small box, as large as I could make them while respecting their aspect ratio. This is the best I could do to fix cutscenes being essentially unviewable. (Sidenote: Kotor 2 doesn't have this problem due to using a different video format) The Xbox struggles with smoke effects up close. This doesn't really hurt the game but it helps to understand why the title screens is a little laggy. Carth's intercom cutscenes on the Endar Spire don't have special effects as a side effect of fixing security cameras. Many distortion effects display incorrectly at 720p. But it's not really that bad. The map on the map screen is stuck at its original size on Xbox. --------------------------------------- Credits: Sorry if I forget anything. This project was made entirely possible due to tools and discoveries created by many people. You don't need to ask me permission to use things from this mod for your own projects. Jay's Xbox REPO by Jay Fantastic compiled resource for learning about hex editing Xbox games to support alternative video modes. ogXHD by Marvelous Mirth Studios A tool for automatic find and replace hex editing of Xbox games for 720p patching purposes. Console Mods Wiki Thorough information about Xbox mods. Lightweight GUI Patcher 0.4 by th3w1zard1 Made editing the UI so much easier. Really gave this entire project a starting point. I used this program to bulk convert the old Xbox .guis to 720p. Kotor-gui-editor by amcolash This tool was used to edit and shape the gui into something polished and in accordance with the changed aspect ratio of the game. Holocron Toolset by Cortisol KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra Kotor Scripting Tool by Blue All great tools for digging through the game files and extracting things. Important for reading and manipulating information to solve problems. tpcview by ndix UR tga2tpc by ndix UR All the software needed to fix minor texture issues with the gui. ffmpeg Rocky's xmv converter by Rocky5 A script used for converting to Xbox's video format (.xmv) which is required by kotor 1. DaVinci Resolve Video editing software used to make the movies display correctly at 720p. Kotor and Deadlystream Discord JC, Thor110 It was very nice to have places and people to discuss Kotor modding with. Loto Ported the Kotor 2 Restoration Mod to Xbox, which inspired me to explore modding Xbox Kotor. Submitter bizotry Submitted 08/02/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
View File The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification - LOTO's Xbox Version It's finally here! At last, The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification 1.8.6 has been successfully ported to the original Xbox. The game is now able to be fully completed from beginning to end with zero major issues. This upload is in the form of patched files that must be added on top of an existing installation of the mod. Requirements -An original Xbox capable of launching homebrew (soft or hardmodded) -Some method to transfer files between your Xbox and PC (FTP is recommended) -At least 5GB of space on your Xbox's HDD -A physical copy of Knights of the Old Republic II for the Xbox Installation 1. IMPORTANT! If you have previously dumped the first Knights of the Old Republic game to your Xbox, ensure that you change the folder it's located in from its default ("StarWars") to any other name. If you do not do this, both games will end up dumped into the same folder, ruining both installations 2. Use UnleashX to dump your game disc to your Xbox's HDD. Other methods of dumping the game may be possible, but I can only promise it works using UnelashX 3. FTP the entire game folder to your PC, and create an additional backup of it on your PC in the event you need to restart the installation 4. Run the official TSLRCM 1.8.6 installer .exe, which you can find here: 5. Specify the Xbox dump of the game as the folder to which the mod should be installed. (i.e. D:\Games\SWKotOR2\). When in doubt, it's the folder with "default.xbe" located inside it 6. Delete the following files from the newly created Override folder: 235TEL.lyt, 235TEL.vis, 235TELA.mdl, 235TELA.mdx, and 235TELA.wok, 7. Delete every .tga file from Override 8. [IF YOUR XBOX DOES NOT HAVE THE 128MB RAM UPGRADE] Delete 601DAN.mod from Modules 9. Extract the contents of the Clean Install Package into the root game folder, overwriting any files if asked 10. Delete the original, unmodified rip of KotOR II on your Xbox's HDD 11. FTP the modified KotOR II back to your console in a location of your choosing 12. Verify your install. In semi-rare cases, files may become corrupt during the transfer process. Compare the amount of bytes the game folder takes up on both your Xbox and your PC. If there is a mismatch, either repeat the transfer and compare again or simply narrow down which folders on the Xbox don't match the PC equivalent To update from 1.0 or 1.1 to 1.2: 1) Delete any file that starts with "003ebo..." from Override 2) Extract the "Update from 1.0 or 1.1" install package into the game directory, overwriting any files if asked Known Issues -The Battle of Khoonda currently does function on stock consoles and requires a 128MB RAM upgrade to work properly. The restored version of this sequence spawns so many NPCs that it causes the stock Xbox to choke to death on its own assets within seconds of the battle starting, so step 8 of the installation instructions remove the module file that adds the battle. If you would like to see this happen (not recommended) or have an upgraded Xbox, simply don't delete 601DAN.mod from the Modules folder. -On very rare occasions, a significant performance drop may occur during combat that passes after a few seconds. This may or may not be an issue with the Xbox version and may or may not be related to Jedi Guardian characters not currently controlled by the player initiating a Force Jump, but it's so uncommon that diagnosing it is difficult. If you would like to contribute to fixing the last few remaining issues, feel free to DM me and I will be happy to implement your fixes in a future update. Frequently Asked Questions: Will this work on Xbox 360/Xemu/Xbone/Xbox Series S/X? The short answer is that I don't know. I don't have any of that gear to test with, but anything that's capable of launching a game rip shouldn't have any issues. I make no promises, though. Why does the installation require deleting so many files? Is there content missing from the mod? The only content from TSLRCM that hasn't made it into this port for stock Xboxes is the battle of Khoonda (contained in 601DAN.mod) since it spawns more NPCs than the Xbox can handle. If your Xbox has a 128MB RAM upgrade, this content is available and fully functional (Thanks to Hellraiser988 and iroiry) Every other removed file is redundant. The .tga files have all been converted to .txb and resized to work on Xbox, and the 235TEL files in Override have been consolidated into their own .rim files in the rimsxbox folder and no longer need to be present in Override. Do I have to use UnleashX to rip the game? Not necessarily. However, some methods of dumping Xbox games purposefully leave out some files to conserve HDD space and that could pose an issue. I used UnleashX to dump my own copy and that's what I used to port the mod, so I can guarantee it works. Use other methods of acquiring a dump of the game at your own risk. Will you be porting [insert mod here] to the Xbox? Maybe. It's a decent workload and some mods require a lot more tinkering than others, so it just comes down to what (if any) I'm interested in. Fortunately, if you've managed to dump your copy of KotOR II to your Xbox, you have exactly as much modding experience as I had when I started this project; so feel free to take matters into your own hands. Is there a widescreen patch for the Xbox? Will you make one? As far as I'm aware there is not a widescreen patch for the Xbox version of the game and I have less than zero interest in making one. Play the game in 4:3. It's better that way. I'm experiencing the dialogue skipping bug and/or frequent mysterious game crashes. What do I do? Some files probably got corrupted during the FTP process. It happens sometimes and there's nothing I can do about it. Repeat step 12 of the installation instructions. If your game folder on the Xbox's HDD is exactly the amount of bytes it is on your PC, contact me either via DM on Deadly Stream or Discord (_LOTO_) Special Thanks Though this is my release of the port, and I have been the one to do all of the labour in putting it together, this would not have been possible without assistance from various members of the KotOR community including, but not limited to: -Alvar007, for advising on various fixes, both major and minor, and contributing to the s_male02.mdl/.mdx fix -Jacqyl Frost, for offering to playtest the mod -JCarter426, for technical support, bugfixes, and creating SithCodec -Thor110, for technical support -armado548, for pioneering much of the early steps of the process and leaving enough of a paper trail for me to pickup on -bead-v, creator of MDLEdit -Fair Strides, creator of ERFEdit and DLG Editor -Darth_Sapiens, creator of KOTOR TOOL -Blue, for creating KotOR Scripting Tool -Monochrome Jones, for creating the "LOTO's Xbox Version" text in the logo -The original TSLRCM team, for creating the mod in the first place -Sith Holocron, for creating and implementing the in-game logos for the mod -Jacd28, for contributing to the s_male02.mdl/.mdx fix -darthbdaman, for providing the Visas lightsaber training fix -Hellraiser988 and iroiry, for verifying that the Battle of Khoonda works with a RAM upgraded Xbox If you don't see your name here and feel as though you contributed to the project, I apologize! Please DM me and I will add your name here without delay. Submitter LOTO Submitted 04/21/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
- 1
- xbox
- tslrcm 1.8.6
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xbox Modding and the Xbox Series... Series?
The Slick Obi posted a topic in General Kotor/TSL Modding
I know, I know, dev mode - but is there a way to kind of... fudge it in retail mode? I know modding is practically impossible on the new consoles but is it there a way? Could I theoretically use some combination of a file explorer, ftp, USB stick to get the necessary files on my system? -
Version 1.0.0
A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 03.03.2022 Installation: Alongside the "Readme.txt" file will be the following folder: "Movie Cutscene Mods" * As of 1.0.0, there is only one Movie Cutscene mod. Open the "Xbox trailer" folder and simply copy the .BIK file into your swkotor "movies" folder and overwrite the original .BIK file. Uninstallation: Depends on what you've chosen to install. * For Movie Cutscene Mods, open the "Backup (Vanilla Cutscenes) and copy the .BIK file to your Kotor 2 movies folder and overwrite the Xbox .BIK. Description: I've previously made a mod called "Knights of the Old XBOX" for K1, the KotOX mod is intended to give players the opportunity to play their PC version of Kotor with Xbox features. From Xbox style Dark Jedi to Xbox style NPCs, there are more quite a few Xbox options to spice up your PC Kotor with my KotOX mod. But unlike Bioware, Obsidian Entertainment released their sequel on both PC and Xbox in the Winter of 2004. This led me to believe that there aren't very many Xbox exclusive features in Kotor 2 for me to port over to the PC, and since TSLRCM can't be used on the Xbox version not many people play Kotor 2 the Xbox today. It was brought to my attention on Discord that the Xbox version of Kotor 2 had a different trailer than its PC counterpart, the PC's trailer appeared to use footage from pre-E3 2004. As a result, the PC trailer has the following problems: * The dead Republic Soldiers on the Harbinger bridge use the default Corpse model. * In the Harbinger arrival cutscene, the Harbinger is orange instead of red, the asteroids were darker, less detailed and were static. * Looking out of a Citadel Station window pre-Battle of Telos showed a cityscape with red lights instead of blue. * A shot of the Mandalorian Dxun Camp looks nothing like it does in the final release. * M4-78 is shown. * Dxun looks nothing like it does in the final release. * The Exile's Robes turn blue (This is because it's using the Blue Jedi Robe textue from K1 and is being applied to the Cloaked Jedi Robe model, thus causing a texture glitch). * Atton is using his beta appearance in certain scenes whereas in others he is using his final release appearance. * Mandalore is made of solid gold. * A Kath Hound can be faintly seen in the background of a Dxun for one second. * A Telos surface Merc is wearing a Light Scan Visor from K1 with a green double-vibroblade. These items aren't present in the final release. * Sith Soldiers outside the Dxun Sith Tomb are red, this isn't present in the final release. * The Dxun Sith Tomb exterior looks nothing like it does in the final release * At the end, the Kotor 2 logo looks nothing like it does in the final release The Xbox trailer didn't have any of these problems, the Xbox footage appeared to have been recorded sometime between mid to late 2004 when most of the games final content was completed. Of course, not ALL of the Xbox trailer's inaccuracies were fixed (The Exile still used K1 heads and some old footage was still used here and there). Regardless, the Xbox trailer has since been ported to the PC version of Kotor 2 for you to watch. In the event in which I, or someone else, discovers more Xbox exclusive features that I can port I'll add them to this mod. After installing this mod, the in-game trailer will look like this: Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Would be incompatible with any mods which modify the Kotor 2 trailer .BIK, no mods to my knowledge do this so you should be good! Report any unknown incompatibilities to me on Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: FiendishlyInventive for requesting the Xbox trailer be ported to PC! Pixel Theater for uploading the Xbox trailer to YouTube! Bioware for such an amazing game! Stoffee for TSLPatcher! Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
View File Knights of the Old XBOX TSL A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 03.03.2022 Installation: Alongside the "Readme.txt" file will be the following folder: "Movie Cutscene Mods" * As of 1.0.0, there is only one Movie Cutscene mod. Open the "Xbox trailer" folder and simply copy the .BIK file into your swkotor "movies" folder and overwrite the original .BIK file. Uninstallation: Depends on what you've chosen to install. * For Movie Cutscene Mods, open the "Backup (Vanilla Cutscenes) and copy the .BIK file to your Kotor 2 movies folder and overwrite the Xbox .BIK. Description: I've previously made a mod called "Knights of the Old XBOX" for K1, the KotOX mod is intended to give players the opportunity to play their PC version of Kotor with Xbox features. From Xbox style Dark Jedi to Xbox style NPCs, there are more quite a few Xbox options to spice up your PC Kotor with my KotOX mod. But unlike Bioware, Obsidian Entertainment released their sequel on both PC and Xbox in the Winter of 2004. This led me to believe that there aren't very many Xbox exclusive features in Kotor 2 for me to port over to the PC, and since TSLRCM can't be used on the Xbox version not many people play Kotor 2 the Xbox today. It was brought to my attention on Discord that the Xbox version of Kotor 2 had a different trailer than its PC counterpart, the PC's trailer appeared to use footage from pre-E3 2004. As a result, the PC trailer has the following problems: * The dead Republic Soldiers on the Harbinger bridge use the default Corpse model. * In the Harbinger arrival cutscene, the Harbinger is orange instead of red, the asteroids were darker, less detailed and were static. * Looking out of a Citadel Station window pre-Battle of Telos showed a cityscape with red lights instead of blue. * A shot of the Mandalorian Dxun Camp looks nothing like it does in the final release. * M4-78 is shown. * Dxun looks nothing like it does in the final release. * The Exile's Robes turn blue (This is because it's using the Blue Jedi Robe textue from K1 and is being applied to the Cloaked Jedi Robe model, thus causing a texture glitch). * Atton is using his beta appearance in certain scenes whereas in others he is using his final release appearance. * Mandalore is made of solid gold. * A Kath Hound can be faintly seen in the background of a Dxun for one second. * A Telos surface Merc is wearing a Light Scan Visor from K1 with a green double-vibroblade. These items aren't present in the final release. * Sith Soldiers outside the Dxun Sith Tomb are red, this isn't present in the final release. * The Dxun Sith Tomb exterior looks nothing like it does in the final release * At the end, the Kotor 2 logo looks nothing like it does in the final release The Xbox trailer didn't have any of these problems, the Xbox footage appeared to have been recorded sometime between mid to late 2004 when most of the games final content was completed. Of course, not ALL of the Xbox trailer's inaccuracies were fixed (The Exile still used K1 heads and some old footage was still used here and there). Regardless, the Xbox trailer has since been ported to the PC version of Kotor 2 for you to watch. In the event in which I, or someone else, discovers more Xbox exclusive features that I can port I'll add them to this mod. After installing this mod, the in-game trailer will look like this: Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Would be incompatible with any mods which modify the Kotor 2 trailer .BIK, no mods to my knowledge do this so you should be good! Report any unknown incompatibilities to me on Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: FiendishlyInventive for requesting the Xbox trailer be ported to PC! Pixel Theater for uploading the Xbox trailer to YouTube! Bioware for such an amazing game! Stoffee for TSLPatcher! Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 03/03/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
View File Knights of the Old XBOX A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.2.0 Release Date: 27.01.2024 Installation: Alongside the "Readme.txt" file will be the following folders: "Audio Mods" "Movie Cutscene Mods" "Override Mods" * To install Audio Mods: Open the Audio Mods folder, open the Taris Sith Raid XBOX VO folder, open the Streamwaves and copy all 4 .WAV files to this directly (swkotor\streamwaves\m02aa\prer99) and overwrite the vanilla files. * To install Movie Cutscene Mods: Open the Movie Cutscene Mods folder, select which mod you'd like to install and simply copy the .BIK file into your swkotor "movies" folder and overwrite the original .BIK files. * To install Override Mods: Open the Override Mods folder, select which mod you'd like to install and copy the files within the mod folder into your swkotor "Override" folder. You cannot install both Dark Jedi mods as they use the same files, please pick only one Dark Jedi mod to install. Uninstallation: Depends on what you've chosen to uninstall. * For Audio Mods, open the "Backup (Vanilla Files)" and copy the .WAVs inside to the prer99 folder and overwrite the Xbox .WAVs you added. * For Movie Cutscene Mods, open the "Backup (Vanilla Cutscenes)" folder and copy the .BIKs inside to your swkotor movies folder and overwrite the Xbox .BIKs. * For Override mods, delete the files you copied into your Override. Description: As you may know, or may even remember, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic was released on July 15 2003 whilst the PC edition was released on November 19 2003. Obviously, the original Xbox console from 2003 has gone out of fashion a LONG time ago and 95% of the Kotor Modding and Gaming Community in general have migrated over to the glorious PC Master- *Cough* I mean, to the PC. But did you know that Bioware gave Kotor one final improvement before releasing the full game to the PCs? if you've actually played Kotor on the original Xbox (Or maybe even the Xbox 360, Xbox One or even the Xbox Series X) then you'll recall how on the Console edition of Kotor had a variety of oddities like lower resolution textures, different appearances for NPCs, incorrect appearances for NPCs, alternative VO, bugs/glitches, Yavin 4 being locked behind DLC and more... This mod pack is similar to my TSL Mini Mod Collection mod, every update to the KOTOX will include more Xbox inspired mods for the player to install and experience. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Would be incompatible with any mods which modify the Taris Sith Raid dlg, the legal and Revan's death .BIKs and any Dark Jedi texture mods. Report any unknown incompatibilities to me on Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: l2daorch: For contributing the Taris Sith Raid audio! DarthParametric: For contributing the Xbox textures! DrMcCoy and DarthParametric (again): For helping me with Xoreo's Tools! Effix: For helping me operate the Command Prompt! Asxdefter on YouTube: For his 2010 playthrough of Kotor on the Xbox 360. His Kotor videos were a massive inspiration for making this mod! BlueShadePlays on YouTube: For their 2017 playthrough of Kotor on the Xbox One. As the Xbox One Kotor has 1080p support, their Kotor videos provided HD crystal clear footage of the Xbox features which I recreated in this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game! JCarter428: For SithCodec! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 09/12/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
Recently, I bought the original KOTOR to play for my Xbox One, and while it is a masterpiece even without mods, I am curious how to install the famous mod Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge onto my Xbox One.
- 10 replies
- Solomons Revenge
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TSL Sidequest and other bugs
ZeldaTheSwordsman posted a topic in Knights of the Old Republic General
My current playthrough of The Sith Lords (Xbox version, played via Xbox 360) has had me taking note of the irritating bugs with quests in the game, as well as some other bugs. And so I'm curious as to what other bugs (particularly with quests) people know about, whether they've run into these, what causes them, and whether any of these were fixed for PC. One of the most infamously broken sidequests in TSL is "TSF Bounty: Escaped Criminals." My first couple times playing through the game (LS as always) they spawned on the surface like they're supposed to. Can't remember the order of operations from that far back though. They broke on me this time though, even when I did a reload to get them to spawn in the office and saw them running off. One thread I read linked it to Chodo/Mozza conversations messing with the global for them - is that true? Another quest I've discovered can be bugged is the quest for finding the Lunar Shadow crew a pilot. This one, I had flat-out deactivate on me. I know I'd had it activated because I'd talked to everyone in the flophouse but the Mandalorians, but somewhere along the road it deactivated and vanished completely from the journal. Trying to talk to them at that point just got me bark bubbles, and I couldn't prod the captain either. Has anyone else had this happen? Then there's the New Fuel Source for Telos. This one got marked as complete after closing the deal on Vogga's end but without talking to Grenn, and at no point during the quest or after it was I able to tell Grenn about dealing with Vogga (Yes, I actually flew back to Telos after getting Vogga to agree to sell providing I wrecked Goto's s***). Thing is, I seem to remember being able to tell Grenn. Is it an order-of-operations thing where you have to wait to ask Vogga about selling to Telos until after Goto's yacht goes boom to be able to talk to Grenn about the deal? Or is my memory screwing with me? "Vogga the Hutt" didn't complete even after getting an audience with him. I also had the Lootra quest break despite getting the guards at the entrance to aggro by looting; I couldn't truthfully tell Adana they were dead even though they were. I had to reload and aggro them by aggroing Saquesh, that got their death to register for that quest. Then there's some other bugs I've noticed. One is dialogue-skipping on occasion. Usually it's just part of the audio lineread in a scene, but one point it cost me a chance for Influence with Visas by skipping a conversation entirely (the one after you give Terlyn a Starport Visa). The other was when trying to influence Disciple by giving Xaart a visa. Disciple would speak Canderous' line about not liking Dagon Ghent working with the Republic instead of whatever he was supposed to say, and no influence would be gained. The scene worked properly when I tried to do it with Bao-Dur. Anyone have any idea what the issue was? I've also heard that G0-T0 is supposed to say "The bounty on this Jedi has been rescinded by the order of Goto. If you attempt to carry out this bounty, then the next bounty placed shall be on your head" when encountering a bounty hunter after he joins. But this didn't happen with Dezanti Zhug on Dxun. That's all I can recall so far.- 3 replies
- sidequests
- vanilla
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