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Version 1.0
Using the techniques pioneered by the great modder Canderis, I have created my own version of the Darker Peragus formula. However, when working with the darker areas, I noticed that no matter what I did, all of the Plasteel Canisters and Footlockers were much too bright. And so, with the help of my modding compatriots, I have darkened all of the placeable items in the Peragus, Peragus Spacewalk, and Harbinger portions to match the darker lightmaps. To Install: Choose from either the full REDUX (WIth all of my customized lightmaps), or from the compatibility option (For those using Canderis' A Darker Peragus mod) (Note: There are two versions available to download. Use the A_Darker_Peragus_REDUX_TSLRCM if you have TSLRCM installed, and A_Darker_Peragus_REDUX_Vanilla if you don't) To Uninstall: 1) Replace the .mod files in your Modules folder with the .mod files found in the Backup folder created by the TSLPatcher, 2) Replace the placeables.2DA in your Override with the placeables.2DA from the Backup folder, and 3) Copy all of the TGA MDX and TXI files from the TSLPatchdata folder to your Override (let them overwrite files if they’re already there), and then delete them all from it Permissions: Please inform me if you would like to use this mod or its assets in your own projects. Credits: Canderis for his permission in making a compatibility for his mod and for teaching me how to edit lightmaps to darken levels with his own mod A Darker Peragus; FairStrides for his endless insight, his BGR-RGB Converter, and for packaging this mod’s install as well as walking me through the process, LiliArch for her research into editing assets within the GIT and teaching me what a ColorTweak variable is; Darth Sapiens for his resource Cubemap Pack to make the Spacesuit snazzy; The rest of the Deadlystream community for their continued support and enthusiasm; TK102’s KGFF for its easy to use interface and raw GIT editing power; Fred Tetra for making KOTORTool which is still my favorite modding utility; Adobe for their Photoshop; Obsidian for making KOTOR2 in the first place; Bioware for starting the KOTOR craze in the first place; and George Lucas for starting all of the Star Wars insanity. -
Version 1.0.0
Contains two changes to the Harbinger docking sequence on Peragus. Install either or both, your choice: Harbinger Arrival: Free Cam Unlocks the camera during the Harbinger arrival animation, so you can have the eerie experience of walking alongside the huge ship as it pulls closer. I think it's more ominous this way (and as a bonus, if you're replaying and don't want to watch again, you can rush through without waiting for the whole animation.) Harbinger Arrival: Restore Movie TSLRCM replaces the single movie when the Harbinger arrives at Paragus with a 3-step sequence: a movie, an in-engine cut scene, then another movie. This puts the original movie back while keeping all the other TSLRCM changes. Why do that? The main reason to prefer the in-engine cut scene is that the original movie looks awful - space shots of the ship arriving can get away with a fuzzy low resolution, since they're so different from the gameplay, but the middle section really suffers by comparison. But, Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes improve the movie quality enough to compete with the rendering. PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement mod does a lot of great work to make the cut scene smoother and fixes a lot of glitches, but on my machine (with the upscaled movies) there's still a loading delay when switching from a movie, to an in-engine rendering, back to a movie. The single movie has smooth fades, so it has better pacing for this important scene. I still recommend the Performance Enhancement mod, though, because it fixes a lot of other glitches in the sequence, and it greatly improves another brief cut scene after the Harbinger arrives. To make sure PapaZinos' hard work on the in-engine rendering doesn't go to waste, I used it to add a little improvement to that cutscene as well... Compatibility Restore Movie isn't needed with vanilla KOTOR2. Free Cam works with it. Both work with TSLRCM with or without the Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement. Install this after both of those, and anything else that modifies the Harbinger arrival sequence. Tested with the KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build (which includes the Performance Enhancement), but it should work with the Full Mod Build too. Other Recommended Mods KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build: PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement: Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes: Malkior's A Darker Peragus REDUX: JoeNotCharles' Streamlined Peragus: -
Version 1.1.0
Full Description: The mysterious arrival of the Republic hammerhead warship is one of the most ambitious and engaging cutscenes in TSL. Unfortunately, ambitious cutscenes can be a harbinger for more than just a man with severe psoriasis -- players may experience issues ranging from cutscenes stuttering and looping, loading screens before and after loading a new module mid-cutscene, breaking animations, to game windows minimizing and skipping the cutscene entirely, permanent black screen, and even game crashes. Thus this mod's mission was twofold: 1) Provide a range of general improvements and fixes that everyone will benefit from regardless of cutscene performance, as well as 2) Create a more stable version of the cutscene that generally performs well on any device. I am happy to report that results have been exciting: 1) General improvements - Atton now always faces the correct direction when speaking to you - Kreia actually shows up meditating in the morgue when you hear her speak, rather than standing right behind Atton - Kreia no longer visibly stands behind Atton in certain earlier shots of him speaking - The Peragus mining facility asteroid is no longer right outside the Harbinger window before it actually enters the asteroid field 2) Performance improvements All in-game portions of the cutscene are now rendered in the same module -- your game will no longer be trying to load an entirely new module twice over, all while trying to play pre-rendered cutscenes. This means that your game's mid-cutscene workload has been drastically reduced, and so issues known to occur specifically with the Harbinger Arrival cutscene are much less frequent. I have also scripted in "guardrails" for many minor glitches that can occur mid-cutscene. Note that this is not a 100% guarantee players who were having issues before never will again; TSL is nearly old enough to be legally considered an adult in the US, and its pre-rendered scenes are just not optimized for many modern machines. However, this mod was tested on a non-gaming laptop now a few years old, with the game running from an external hard disk drive, on a modern operating system, in full-screen mode, with several different visual mods installed. This meant that attempting to run the original Harbinger cutscene 10 times translated to the cutscene failing to play without major issue 10 times. After switching to the new version, any types of issues, major or minor, were encountered less than 1 out of 10 times. Hopefully, even a potato from your local grocery store can now successfully play the Harbinger Arrival cutscene, so long as it can generally play most TSL cutscenes successfully. Harbinger Enhancement_compressed.mp4 For reference when it comes to performance, this footage was recorded on an old laptop, with the game running on a modern operating system from a hard disk drive, with multiple other programs running in the background, and the following mods installed that can be seen in the video: - Ultimate Peragus Models Repair 1.2 (responsible for restoring proper lighting to the Harbinger, showing the administration level proper behind Atton, and other model fixes) - Harbinger Bridge Repairs (responsible for fixing several geometry errors, two visible during cutscene) - KotOR 2 Remastered (AI Upscaled) Cutscenes 1.0.0 by Naelavok (responsible for the upscaled pre-rendered scenes) - TSL Backdrop Improvements by Kexikus (responsible for the much-improved skybox seen from both the catwalk and the Harbinger bridge) - Improved Peragus Asteroid Fields 1.2 by Vasilii Zaytsev (responsible for the static 3d asteroids surrounding Peragus II) - Peragus Large Monitor Adjustment by Sith Holocron (responsible for that excellent HD computer monitor before Atton) - Kotor 2 Unlimited Worlds Texture Mod (responsible for the nicer-looking textures throughout the level, from the catwalk to the asteroids) - Ultimate Character Overhaul REDUX (responsible for the HD character textures) TLDR: This mod 1) stabilizes the Harbinger cutscene so that your game is much less likely to experience issues 2) places Kreia in her usual meditation spot in the morgue for her dialogue, and 3) fixes a number of minor issues with the cutscene. Installation: Download and run the installer, or else follow manual installation instructions. For Steam installations of TSLRCM, direct the installer to "Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\208580\485537937", and not the main game folder with the executable. 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip for windows and Linux. The installer is a .exe file, which can be run natively on Windows, or with programs like Wine for macOS and Linux. For an existing game, use a save file before going to the asteroid exterior. Save files made any later will not be affected. Uninstallation: Take 104per.mod out of the provided backup folder and place it in your modules folder at the location you installed to, and select replace when prompted. Take a_con_atton_end.ncs out of the provided backup folder and place it in your override folder at the location you installed to, and select replace when prompted. You can safely delete 104per.lyt and 104per.vis from your override folder. The files 104pera.mdl/.mdx/.wok come from Ultimate Peragus Models Repair, you can keep or delete these at your discretion. Additional Tips For Improving Game Performance: If you are having trouble running pre-rendered scenes in general, you can try the following: -- Go into your graphics settings, and under advanced options, disable frame buffering. If that does not work, try lowering or disabling all options. If the pre-rendered cutscene plays afterwards, you can up your graphics settings afterwards for normal gameplay. -- Try running the game in windowed mode, rather than fullscreen. Close your game and open "swkotor2.ini", found in the same folder as your main game executable (for a Steam game, that's "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II"). Under both "Display Options" and "Graphics Options", change "FullScreen=1" to "FullScreen=0". Restart your game. -- Uninstall/disable any non-essential mods that may relate to the cutscene or the area it takes place in. Peragus in particular also suffers from memory overflow if you play the game too long in one sitting. This can cause dialogue to start skipping, or for issues with game cutscenes. This can usually be avoided by: -- Quitting and restarting the game once in a while: doing it once before heading out to the asteroid surface, and again right before attempting to leave the Harbinger engine deck (the third and final level with the spooky lights) is usually enough to avoid problems. -- Avoiding skipping dialogue yourself, which can sometimes lead to memory overflow. If you do skip a lot of dialogue, quitting and restarting the game will fix the issue. Compatibility: Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they make no modifications to the scripting or dialogue of the Harbinger's Arrival cutscene. For instance, if you are installing N-DReW's Mini Mod Collection for TSL, be sure not to add the included 104atton.dlg or 104kreia.dlg to your override, or remove it if you already have, as that would create a major incompatibility. This mod is for players using TSLRCM version 1.8.3 or higher. You may view this mod's changes.ini inside the "tslpatchdata" folder for a complete list of every altered module element. Feel free to check out "KotOR 2 Remastered (AI Upscaled) Cutscenes" by Naelavok for higher-resolution cutscenes, if you have not already. There are some other great mods out there that improve the visual quality of the cutscene. "Peragus Large Monitor Adjustment" by Sith Holocron, "KotOR 2 Unlimited World Texture Mod" by facemeltingsolo, "TSL Backdrop Improvements by Kexikus", and "Ultimate Peragus Models Repair" by yours truly are all compatible with this mod. "A Darker Peragus REDUX" by Malkior and "... A Darker Peragus" by Canderis are also compatible. Acknowledgments: Big thanks to Cortisol for the Holocron Toolset and Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool for making file extraction, module editing, and .mod file building easy, Fair Strides for the DLG Editor, JdNoa and Dashus for simple script decompiling with DeNCS, Blue for the KotOR Scripting Tool, Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, and to Stoffe and Fair Strides for easy .mod extraction with ERFEdit, and for making inter-mod compatibility infinitely more feasible with TSLPatcher. Have a bug to report? Please click on "Get Support" and give a detailed description of the issue you are experiencing. This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.- 1 comment
- 2 reviews
- 7
- performance
- tslrcm
(and 4 more)
Tagged with:
View File Harbinger Arrival Tweaks Contains two changes to the Harbinger docking sequence on Peragus. Install either or both, your choice: Harbinger Arrival: Free Cam Unlocks the camera during the Harbinger arrival animation, so you can have the eerie experience of walking alongside the huge ship as it pulls closer. I think it's more ominous this way (and as a bonus, if you're replaying and don't want to watch again, you can rush through without waiting for the whole animation.) Harbinger Arrival: Restore Movie TSLRCM replaces the single movie when the Harbinger arrives at Paragus with a 3-step sequence: a movie, an in-engine cut scene, then another movie. This puts the original movie back while keeping all the other TSLRCM changes. Why do that? The main reason to prefer the in-engine cut scene is that the original movie looks awful - space shots of the ship arriving can get away with a fuzzy low resolution, since they're so different from the gameplay, but the middle section really suffers by comparison. But, Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes improve the movie quality enough to compete with the rendering. PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement mod does a lot of great work to make the cut scene smoother and fixes a lot of glitches, but on my machine (with the upscaled movies) there's still a loading delay when switching from a movie, to an in-engine rendering, back to a movie. The single movie has smooth fades, so it has better pacing for this important scene. I still recommend the Performance Enhancement mod, though, because it fixes a lot of other glitches in the sequence, and it greatly improves another brief cut scene after the Harbinger arrives. To make sure PapaZinos' hard work on the in-engine rendering doesn't go to waste, I used it to add a little improvement to that cutscene as well... Compatibility Restore Movie isn't needed with vanilla KOTOR2. Free Cam works with it. Both work with TSLRCM with or without the Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement. Install this after both of those, and anything else that modifies the Harbinger arrival sequence. Tested with the KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build (which includes the Performance Enhancement), but it should work with the Full Mod Build too. Other Recommended Mods KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build: PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement: Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes: Malkior's A Darker Peragus REDUX: JoeNotCharles' Streamlined Peragus: Submitter JoeNotCharles Submitted 08/19/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.0
NOTE: this is now packaged together with my other Harbinger Arrival mod as Harbinger Arrival Tweaks. TSLRCM replaces the single movie when the Harbinger arrives at Paragus with a 3-step sequence: a movie, an in-engine cut scene, then another movie. This puts the original movie back while keeping all the other TSLRCM changes. Why do that? The main reason to prefer the in-engine cut scene is that the original movie looks awful - space shots of the ship arriving can get away with a fuzzy low resolution, since they're so different from the gameplay, but the middle section really suffers by comparison. But, Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes improve the movie quality enough to compete with the rendering. PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement mod does a lot of great work to make the cut scene smoother and fixes a lot of glitches, but on my machine (with the upscaled movies) there's still a loading delay when switching from a movie, to an in-engine rendering, back to a movie. The single movie has smooth fades, so it has better pacing for this important scene. I still recommend the Performance Enhancement mod, though, because it fixes a lot of other glitches in the sequence, and it greatly improves another brief cut scene after the Harbinger arrives. To make sure PapaZinos' hard work on the in-engine rendering doesn't go to waste, I used it to add a little improvement to that cutscene as well... Compatibility Not needed with vanilla TSL. Works with TSLRCM with or without the Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement. Tested with the KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build, but it should work with the Full Mod Build too. Install this after TSLRCM and Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement. Also compatible with my Harbinger Arrival: Free Cam mod. Install them in either order. Links Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes: PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement: KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build: JoeNotCharles' Harbinger Arrival: FreeCam: -
Version 1.1.0
NOTE: this is now packaged together with my other Harbinger Arrival mod as Harbinger Arrival Tweaks. Unlocks the camera during the Harbinger arrival animation, so you can have the eerie experience of walking alongside the huge ship as it pulls closer. I think it's more ominous this way (and as a bonus, if you're replaying and don't want to watch again, you can rush through without waiting for the whole animation.) Compatibility Tested with Vanilla KOTOR2, TSLRCM and the KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build, but it should work with the Full Mod Build too. Install this after TSLRCM and anything else that modifies the Harbinger arrival sequence, such as the Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement (which is included in the mod build). Also compatible with my Harbinger Arrival: Restore Movie mod. Install them in either order. Links KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build: JoeNotCharles' Harbinger Arrival: Restore Movie: -
View File Harbinger Arrival: Free Cam NOTE: this is now packaged together with my other Harbinger Arrival mod as Harbinger Arrival Tweaks. Unlocks the camera during the Harbinger arrival animation, so you can have the eerie experience of walking alongside the huge ship as it pulls closer. I think it's more ominous this way (and as a bonus, if you're replaying and don't want to watch again, you can rush through without waiting for the whole animation.) Compatibility Tested with Vanilla KOTOR2, TSLRCM and the KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build, but it should work with the Full Mod Build too. Install this after TSLRCM and anything else that modifies the Harbinger arrival sequence, such as the Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement (which is included in the mod build). Also compatible with my Harbinger Arrival: Restore Movie mod. Install them in either order. Links KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build: JoeNotCharles' Harbinger Arrival: Restore Movie: Submitter JoeNotCharles Submitted 04/02/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
View File Harbinger Arrival: Restore Movie NOTE: this is now packaged together with my other Harbinger Arrival mod as Harbinger Arrival Tweaks. TSLRCM replaces the single movie when the Harbinger arrives at Paragus with a 3-step sequence: a movie, an in-engine cut scene, then another movie. This puts the original movie back while keeping all the other TSLRCM changes. Why do that? The main reason to prefer the in-engine cut scene is that the original movie looks awful - space shots of the ship arriving can get away with a fuzzy low resolution, since they're so different from the gameplay, but the middle section really suffers by comparison. But, Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes improve the movie quality enough to compete with the rendering. PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement mod does a lot of great work to make the cut scene smoother and fixes a lot of glitches, but on my machine (with the upscaled movies) there's still a loading delay when switching from a movie, to an in-engine rendering, back to a movie. The single movie has smooth fades, so it has better pacing for this important scene. I still recommend the Performance Enhancement mod, though, because it fixes a lot of other glitches in the sequence, and it greatly improves another brief cut scene after the Harbinger arrives. To make sure PapaZinos' hard work on the in-engine rendering doesn't go to waste, I used it to add a little improvement to that cutscene as well... Compatibility Not needed with vanilla TSL. Works with TSLRCM with or without the Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement. Tested with the KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build, but it should work with the Full Mod Build too. Install this after TSLRCM and Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement. Also compatible with my Harbinger Arrival: Free Cam mod. Install them in either order. Links Naelavok's Remastered (Upscaled) Cutscenes: PapaZinos' Harbinger Arrival Performance Enhancement: KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build: JoeNotCharles' Harbinger Arrival: FreeCam: Submitter JoeNotCharles Submitted 03/31/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
View File Harbinger's Arrival Performance Enhancement for TSLRCM Full Description: The mysterious arrival of the Republic hammerhead warship is one of the most ambitious and engaging cutscenes in TSL. Unfortunately, ambitious cutscenes can be a harbinger for more than just a man with severe psoriasis -- players may experience issues ranging from cutscenes stuttering and looping, loading screens before and after loading a new module mid-cutscene, breaking animations, to game windows minimizing and skipping the cutscene entirely, permanent black screen, and even game crashes. Thus this mod's mission was twofold: 1) Provide a range of general improvements and fixes that everyone will benefit from regardless of cutscene performance, as well as 2) Create a more stable version of the cutscene that generally performs well on any device. I am happy to report that results have been exciting: 1) General improvements - Atton now always faces the correct direction when speaking to you - Kreia actually shows up meditating in the morgue when you hear her speak, rather than standing right behind Atton - Kreia no longer visibly stands behind Atton in certain earlier shots of him speaking - The Peragus mining facility asteroid is no longer right outside the Harbinger window before it actually enters the asteroid field 2) Performance improvements All in-game portions of the cutscene are now rendered in the same module -- your game will no longer be trying to load an entirely new module twice over, all while trying to play pre-rendered cutscenes. This means that your game's mid-cutscene workload has been drastically reduced, and so issues known to occur specifically with the Harbinger Arrival cutscene are much less frequent. I have also scripted in "guardrails" for many minor glitches that can occur mid-cutscene. Note that this is not a 100% guarantee players who were having issues before never will again; TSL is nearly old enough to be legally considered an adult in the US, and its pre-rendered scenes are just not optimized for many modern machines. However, this mod was tested on a non-gaming laptop now a few years old, with the game running from an external hard disk drive, on a modern operating system, in full-screen mode, with several different visual mods installed. This meant that attempting to run the original Harbinger cutscene 10 times translated to the cutscene failing to play without major issue 10 times. After switching to the new version, any types of issues, major or minor, were encountered less than 1 out of 10 times. Hopefully, even a potato from your local grocery store can now successfully play the Harbinger Arrival cutscene, so long as it can generally play most TSL cutscenes successfully. Harbinger Enhancement_compressed.mp4 For reference when it comes to performance, this footage was recorded on an old laptop, with the game running on a modern operating system from a hard disk drive, with multiple other programs running in the background, and the following mods installed that can be seen in the video: - Ultimate Peragus Models Repair 1.2 (responsible for restoring proper lighting to the Harbinger, showing the administration level proper behind Atton, and other model fixes) - Harbinger Bridge Repairs (responsible for fixing several geometry errors, two visible during cutscene) - KotOR 2 Remastered (AI Upscaled) Cutscenes 1.0.0 by Naelavok (responsible for the upscaled pre-rendered scenes) - TSL Backdrop Improvements by Kexikus (responsible for the much-improved skybox seen from both the catwalk and the Harbinger bridge) - Improved Peragus Asteroid Fields 1.2 by Vasilii Zaytsev (responsible for the static 3d asteroids surrounding Peragus II) - Peragus Large Monitor Adjustment by Sith Holocron (responsible for that excellent HD computer monitor before Atton) - Kotor 2 Unlimited Worlds Texture Mod (responsible for the nicer-looking textures throughout the level, from the catwalk to the asteroids) - Ultimate Character Overhaul REDUX (responsible for the HD character textures) TLDR: This mod 1) stabilizes the Harbinger cutscene so that your game is much less likely to experience issues 2) places Kreia in her usual meditation spot in the morgue for her dialogue, and 3) fixes a number of minor issues with the cutscene. Installation: Download and run the installer, or else follow manual installation instructions. For Steam installations of TSLRCM, direct the installer to "Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\208580\485537937", and not the main game folder with the executable. 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip for windows and Linux. The installer is a .exe file, which can be run natively on Windows, or with programs like Wine for macOS and Linux. For an existing game, use a save file before going to the asteroid exterior. Save files made any later will not be affected. Uninstallation: Take 104per.mod out of the provided backup folder and place it in your modules folder at the location you installed to, and select replace when prompted. Take a_con_atton_end.ncs out of the provided backup folder and place it in your override folder at the location you installed to, and select replace when prompted. You can safely delete 104per.lyt and 104per.vis from your override folder. The files 104pera.mdl/.mdx/.wok come from Ultimate Peragus Models Repair, you can keep or delete these at your discretion. Additional Tips For Improving Game Performance: If you are having trouble running pre-rendered scenes in general, you can try the following: -- Go into your graphics settings, and under advanced options, disable frame buffering. If that does not work, try lowering or disabling all options. If the pre-rendered cutscene plays afterwards, you can up your graphics settings afterwards for normal gameplay. -- Try running the game in windowed mode, rather than fullscreen. Close your game and open "swkotor2.ini", found in the same folder as your main game executable (for a Steam game, that's "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II"). Under both "Display Options" and "Graphics Options", change "FullScreen=1" to "FullScreen=0". Restart your game. -- Uninstall/disable any non-essential mods that may relate to the cutscene or the area it takes place in. Peragus in particular also suffers from memory overflow if you play the game too long in one sitting. This can cause dialogue to start skipping, or for issues with game cutscenes. This can usually be avoided by: -- Quitting and restarting the game once in a while: doing it once before heading out to the asteroid surface, and again right before attempting to leave the Harbinger engine deck (the third and final level with the spooky lights) is usually enough to avoid problems. -- Avoiding skipping dialogue yourself, which can sometimes lead to memory overflow. If you do skip a lot of dialogue, quitting and restarting the game will fix the issue. Compatibility: Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they make no modifications to the scripting or dialogue of the Harbinger's Arrival cutscene. For instance, if you are installing N-DReW's Mini Mod Collection for TSL, be sure not to add the included 104atton.dlg or 104kreia.dlg to your override, or remove it if you already have, as that would create a major incompatibility. This mod is for players using TSLRCM version 1.8.3 or higher. You may view this mod's changes.ini inside the "tslpatchdata" folder for a complete list of every altered module element. Feel free to check out "KotOR 2 Remastered (AI Upscaled) Cutscenes" by Naelavok for higher-resolution cutscenes, if you have not already. There are some other great mods out there that improve the visual quality of the cutscene. "Peragus Large Monitor Adjustment" by Sith Holocron, "KotOR 2 Unlimited World Texture Mod" by facemeltingsolo, "TSL Backdrop Improvements by Kexikus", and "Ultimate Peragus Models Repair" by yours truly are all compatible with this mod. "A Darker Peragus REDUX" by Malkior and "... A Darker Peragus" by Canderis are also compatible. Acknowledgments: Big thanks to Cortisol for the Holocron Toolset and Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool for making file extraction, module editing, and .mod file building easy, Fair Strides for the DLG Editor, JdNoa and Dashus for simple script decompiling with DeNCS, Blue for the KotOR Scripting Tool, Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, and to Stoffe and Fair Strides for easy .mod extraction with ERFEdit, and for making inter-mod compatibility infinitely more feasible with TSLPatcher. Have a bug to report? Please click on "Get Support" and give a detailed description of the issue you are experiencing. This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage. Submitter PapaZinos Submitted 03/17/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.0
A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 13.12.2021 Installation: Copy and paste the contents of this mod into your Override folder, overwrite files if necessary. Description: Something which I disliked about the Harbinger in K2 was how it evidently the same class of ship as the Endar Spire but yet it was made so different, from an alternative layout which did not match the Endar Spire to a new blue color scheme which didn't really make much sense as the Endar Spire's red interior matched its red exterior. What this mod will do is replace most of the Harbinger's blue interior textures with the Endar Spire's red textures. Most of the textures had to be ported from K1 though some textures had to be manually recoloured from blue to red as not all of the Harbinger textures existed in K1. This mod also contains loading screens to match the new Harbinger. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Would be incompatible with any mods which: * Changes the Harbinger loading screens, install any loading screen mods BEFORE this mod! * Changes the Harbinger's textures. Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware for such the amazing first game and Endar Spire. Obsidian for such the amazing second game and Harbinger. Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.- 1 review
- 2
- harbinger
- endar spire
(and 1 more)
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Version 1.0.1
======================================================== KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS ======================================================== Dark Hope and Jorak Uln's IGM HD Endar Spire Textures Recolored for TSL's The Harbinger 1.0.1 ================================= Author: ConansHair Contact: PM me on DeadlyStream For: TSL Date:06/09/22 - 1.0.0 08/01/22 - 1.0.1 ================================= DESCRIPTION: Sometime around the year 2016 I believe, Dark Hope released IGM for K1, with incredible HD textures for just about every environment. (For more info on IGM, please contact Sometime afterward, Sith Holocron recolored the IGM Endar Spire textures for use with TSL, and the results were amazing! So, with kind and gracious permission from Dark Hope, Jorak Uln, and Sith Holocron, I present to you: Dark Hope and Jorak Uln's IGM HD Endar Spire Textures Recolored for TSL's The Harbinger! What this Mod does: Updates TSL's The Harbinger's interior to HD textures in the same green/teal color scheme as the vanilla interior, with amazing results, that simple...Haha!! I have also included new Loadscreens showcasing the new interior, as an option, for those who wish to do so... Mods used in the making of the screenshots (These Mods were used in the making of the BEFORE screenshots, as well.) ___________________________________________________________ COMPATIBILITY: WILL NOT BE compatible with any other Mods that alter The Harbinger's interior...Should be compatible with almost everything else. Optional Loadscreens: It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you download and install Sith Holocron's (All 3 Parts) BEFORE installing the Optional Loadscreens, as you can expect full compatibility with said Mod...I attempted to recreate these TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY... ___________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION: Extract the zip file somewhere on your PC, and simply copy/paste (overwrite, if prompted) the contents of the "For Override" folder to your TSL Override directory. For additional instructions, see below:(BUGS:) Optional Loadscreens: Simply copy/paste (overwrite, if prompted) the contents of the "Optional Loadscreens" folder to your TSL Override directory. ___________________________________________________________ UNINSTALL: Simply remove the files from your TSL Override directory. ___________________________________________________________ BUGS: This Mod's files are in the TGA/TXI file format...If REPLACING any other texture overhaul Mods that are in the TPC file format, WITH THIS MOD, be sure to open your TSL Override directory and remove any duplicate TPC files, as TGA's and TPC's with duplicate filenames WILL NOT WORK in-game! ___________________________________________________________ CREDITS: ALL Credit for Original Textures goes to Dark Hope and Jorak Uln. This Mod would have not been possible without IGM, so primary credit resides with them. Credit for any Recolors goes to Sith Holocron. Again, this Mod would not have been possible without him, as I was unaware of the IGM before this. Any further color adjustments, touch-ups, and/or alpha adjustments by ConansHair. TXI's verified and game tested by ConansHair. Loadscreens made by ConansHair, using ndix UR's TSL Loadscreen Templates, and also using Sith Holocron's TSL Replacement Loadscreens as guides. ___________________________________________________________ THANKS: Dark Hope: Many thanks for the kind permission to release this Mod, and for being the inspiration for so many of us...Thank You!! Jorak Uln: Many thanks for the kind permission to include original textures with this Mod...Thank You!! Sith Holocron: Many thanks for the original recolors, for proofreading this ReadMe file, and for the kick in the pants and polite urging of me to release this as my first mod. Thank You!! Also, many thanks for patiently answering the million questions I had whilst getting this Mod ready for initial upload!! Thank You!! ndix UR: Many thanks for the TSL Loadscreen Templates! Fred Tetra: Many thanks for KotOR Tool! Many thanks to the Modders whose Mods were used in the making of this Mod's screenshots! Also, I want to thank all the Modders out there whose work I've consistently studied and learned from. ___________________________________________________________ LEGAL: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THESE FILES. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date, but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by a consensus of myself, Jorak Uln, Sith Holocron, and Dark Hope, before your use.- 1 comment
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- sith holocron
- hd texture
(and 4 more)
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Version 2.0.1
The Harbinger is a victim of double-sabotage, by both a group of cult assassins and one crazed protocol droid, who did their jobs a little too well. There are missing pieces of the ship's hull geometry, UV errors, lightmapping issues, and broken animations all throughout the ship. Let's fix them up! Installation: Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. This mod also includes an optional 16x upscale of the cracked window texture, which can be found in the "Additional" subfolder. Simply take the .tpc out into the main mod folder to activate it, if you wish. Also, be sure to uninstall version 1.0, "Harbinger Bridge Repairs", if you previously installed it. This mod is made for and tested on PC, so if you are attempting to install this for a different platform, you will have to let me know how it works for you. Uninstallation: Remove the folder "Ultimate_Harbinger_Model_Repairs_v2.0.1" from your override. Included Files: Compatibility: Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. For this mod I have fixed up 56 of the shipd's total of 57 submodules, so it will not likely be compatible with mods that replace any of the area models for the ship. The mod is therefore not compatible with "Harbinger Hull Fixes" by DarthParametric, though it fixes the same issues, as well as a great many more. This mod may be compatible with other lighting mods such as "A Darker Peragus REDUX" by Malkior, and "...A Darker Peragus" by Canderis. The four lightmaps included in this mod are all custom-made and named, so there should be no file name conflicts, it is simply a matter of how they look in-game against those mods' lightmaps. This mod is fully compatible with visual improvement mods such as Kexikus' "TSL Backdrop Improvements", and most any texture mods. It also includes an optional upscaled version of the cracked window texture that I recommend, which you can find in the "Additional" subfolder. Acknowledgments: Huge thank-you to Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, Cortisol for making my life easier with the Holocron Toolset, and ndix UR for making image compression convenient with tga2tpc. This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage. -
View File Ultimate Harbinger Repairs The Harbinger is a victim of double-sabotage, by both a group of cult assassins and one crazed protocol droid, who did their jobs a little too well. There are missing pieces of the ship's hull geometry, UV errors, lightmapping issues, and broken animations all throughout the ship. Let's fix them up! Installation: Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. This mod also includes an optional 16x upscale of the cracked window texture, which can be found in the "Additional" subfolder. Simply take the .tpc out into the main mod folder to activate it, if you wish. Also, be sure to uninstall version 1.0, "Harbinger Bridge Repairs", if you previously installed it. This mod is made for and tested on PC, so if you are attempting to install this for a different platform, you will have to let me know how it works for you. Uninstallation: Remove the folder "Ultimate_Harbinger_Model_Repairs_v2.0.1" from your override. Included Files: Compatibility: Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. For this mod I have fixed up 56 of the shipd's total of 57 submodules, so it will not likely be compatible with mods that replace any of the area models for the ship. The mod is therefore not compatible with "Harbinger Hull Fixes" by DarthParametric, though it fixes the same issues, as well as a great many more. This mod may be compatible with other lighting mods such as "A Darker Peragus REDUX" by Malkior, and "...A Darker Peragus" by Canderis. The four lightmaps included in this mod are all custom-made and named, so there should be no file name conflicts, it is simply a matter of how they look in-game against those mods' lightmaps. This mod is fully compatible with visual improvement mods such as Kexikus' "TSL Backdrop Improvements", and most any texture mods. It also includes an optional upscaled version of the cracked window texture that I recommend, which you can find in the "Additional" subfolder. Acknowledgments: Huge thank-you to Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, Cortisol for making my life easier with the Holocron Toolset, and ndix UR for making image compression convenient with tga2tpc. This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage. Submitter PapaZinos Submitted 03/17/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
blender KOTOR Ship and Fighter models
DarthValeria posted a blog entry in Starıka's Jedi Academy Machinimas
I always wanted to import KOTOR ships like Leviathan, Endar Spider, Ebon Hawk or other fighter into Blender and I found a way I found a page in moddb which contains those ships. Those were .max files but I converted them into .fbx format and managed to import them into blender I also used Holocron Toolset to extract ebon hawk or other ships to use them in Blender as well. With space backgrounds I managed to render some good images with those ships- 1 comment
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- endar spire
- harbinger
- (and 5 more)
View File Dark Hope and Jorak Uln's IGM HD Endar Spire Textures Recolored for TSL's The Harbinger ======================================================== KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS ======================================================== Dark Hope and Jorak Uln's IGM HD Endar Spire Textures Recolored for TSL's The Harbinger 1.0.1 ================================= Author: ConansHair Contact: PM me on DeadlyStream For: TSL Date:06/09/22 - 1.0.0 08/01/22 - 1.0.1 ================================= DESCRIPTION: Sometime around the year 2016 I believe, Dark Hope released IGM for K1, with incredible HD textures for just about every environment. (For more info on IGM, please contact Sometime afterward, Sith Holocron recolored the IGM Endar Spire textures for use with TSL, and the results were amazing! So, with kind and gracious permission from Dark Hope, Jorak Uln, and Sith Holocron, I present to you: Dark Hope and Jorak Uln's IGM HD Endar Spire Textures Recolored for TSL's The Harbinger! What this Mod does: Updates TSL's The Harbinger's interior to HD textures in the same green/teal color scheme as the vanilla interior, with amazing results, that simple...Haha!! I have also included new Loadscreens showcasing the new interior, as an option, for those who wish to do so... Mods used in the making of the screenshots (These Mods were used in the making of the BEFORE screenshots, as well.) ___________________________________________________________ COMPATIBILITY: WILL NOT BE compatible with any other Mods that alter The Harbinger's interior...Should be compatible with almost everything else. Optional Loadscreens: It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you download and install Sith Holocron's (All 3 Parts) BEFORE installing the Optional Loadscreens, as you can expect full compatibility with said Mod...I attempted to recreate these TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY... ___________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION: Extract the zip file somewhere on your PC, and simply copy/paste (overwrite, if prompted) the contents of the "For Override" folder to your TSL Override directory. For additional instructions, see below:(BUGS:) Optional Loadscreens: Simply copy/paste (overwrite, if prompted) the contents of the "Optional Loadscreens" folder to your TSL Override directory. ___________________________________________________________ UNINSTALL: Simply remove the files from your TSL Override directory. ___________________________________________________________ BUGS: This Mod's files are in the TGA/TXI file format...If REPLACING any other texture overhaul Mods that are in the TPC file format, WITH THIS MOD, be sure to open your TSL Override directory and remove any duplicate TPC files, as TGA's and TPC's with duplicate filenames WILL NOT WORK in-game! ___________________________________________________________ CREDITS: ALL Credit for Original Textures goes to Dark Hope and Jorak Uln. This Mod would have not been possible without IGM, so primary credit resides with them. Credit for any Recolors goes to Sith Holocron. Again, this Mod would not have been possible without him, as I was unaware of the IGM before this. Any further color adjustments, touch-ups, and/or alpha adjustments by ConansHair. TXI's verified and game tested by ConansHair. Loadscreens made by ConansHair, using ndix UR's TSL Loadscreen Templates, and also using Sith Holocron's TSL Replacement Loadscreens as guides. ___________________________________________________________ THANKS: Dark Hope: Many thanks for the kind permission to release this Mod, and for being the inspiration for so many of us...Thank You!! Jorak Uln: Many thanks for the kind permission to include original textures with this Mod...Thank You!! Sith Holocron: Many thanks for the original recolors, for proofreading this ReadMe file, and for the kick in the pants and polite urging of me to release this as my first mod. Thank You!! Also, many thanks for patiently answering the million questions I had whilst getting this Mod ready for initial upload!! Thank You!! ndix UR: Many thanks for the TSL Loadscreen Templates! Fred Tetra: Many thanks for KotOR Tool! Many thanks to the Modders whose Mods were used in the making of this Mod's screenshots! Also, I want to thank all the Modders out there whose work I've consistently studied and learned from. ___________________________________________________________ LEGAL: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THESE FILES. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date, but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by a consensus of myself, Jorak Uln, Sith Holocron, and Dark Hope, before your use. Submitter ConansHair Submitted 06/09/2022 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes
View File Red Harbinger A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 13.12.2021 Installation: Copy and paste the contents of this mod into your Override folder, overwrite files if necessary. Description: Something which I disliked about the Harbinger in K2 was how it evidently the same class of ship as the Endar Spire but yet it was made so different, from an alternative layout which did not match the Endar Spire to a new blue color scheme which didn't really make much sense as the Endar Spire's red interior matched its red exterior. What this mod will do is replace most of the Harbinger's blue interior textures with the Endar Spire's red textures. Most of the textures had to be ported from K1 though some textures had to be manually recoloured from blue to red as not all of the Harbinger textures existed in K1. This mod also contains loading screens to match the new Harbinger. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Would be incompatible with any mods which: * Changes the Harbinger loading screens, install any loading screen mods BEFORE this mod! * Changes the Harbinger's textures. Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: Bioware for such the amazing first game and Endar Spire. Obsidian for such the amazing second game and Harbinger. Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 12/12/2021 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes
- endar spire
- red
(and 1 more)
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View File M4-78 Uncompressed Movies Since the cutscenes for the KotOR games are being upscaled, I thought I'd provide my M4-78 EP movies, sans the Bink compression to assist in this. As a bonus, I've included a brief cutscene I was requested to make a number of years ago, in which a battle-hardened Harbinger approaches the planet and passes over the central zone, just in case anyone finds it useful. Submitter tjsase Submitted 12/13/2019 Category Modder's Resources
Version 1.0.0
Since the cutscenes for the KotOR games are being upscaled, I thought I'd provide my M4-78 EP movies, sans the Bink compression to assist in this. As a bonus, I've included a brief cutscene I was requested to make a number of years ago, in which a battle-hardened Harbinger approaches the planet and passes over the central zone, just in case anyone finds it useful. -
Version 1.0
_____________________ABOUT This mod will update the visual appearance of the Harbinger and other Hammerhead based ships in the game. The Harbinger will look like it has seen better days; the other Hammerheads will look better maintained. The mod was created by sELFiNDUCEDcOMA. _____________________INSTALLATION Copy the files into your game's Override folder. You may wish to backup this folder first before doing so as any existing files of the same name will be overwritten. _____________________DISCLAIMER You install this mod at your own risk. I doubt your computer will explode from using the files. However, I am not liable for any damages to your computer or game installation that may occur from using this mod. In short: take responsibility for your own actions before blaming others for your own mistakes. _____________________USAGE It is for me to decide where these mod files are hosted. It is for me to decide who may use them in other mods. You don't ask and get an answer from me, then you don't have permission to use the mod files. Pretty simple really. I find that my mod work has been used without my permission, I will contact the hosting site to have the files removed. Depending upon the extent of the usage and site rules, I may ask that they take other measures against you. -
Hello! This is a 3D model of the Harbinger that I extracted from KotOR II. Only half of it was present (as you only see half at Peragus) so I mirrored and stitched the model symmetrically. This package also contains an alternate model of the Harbinger, in which I bent or removed some of the turrets to make it look like it has been war-torn. Besides the models, I've included the original .tga texture as well as some alternate textures I made to make the ship look war-torn. This includes a color map, and incandescent map, a bump map, and a specularity map. Any one is free to use this resource in their products. Enjoy! -
File Name: TSL Harbinger and Hammerhead Visual Appearance Mod File Submitter: sELFiNDUCEDcOMA File Submitted: 07 Jan 2017 File Category: Skins TSLRCM Compatible: Yes _____________________ABOUT This mod will update the visual appearance of the Harbinger and other Hammerhead based ships in the game. The Harbinger will look like it has seen better days; the other Hammerheads will look better maintained. The mod was created by sELFiNDUCEDcOMA. _____________________INSTALLATION Copy the files into your game's Override folder. You may wish to backup this folder first before doing so as any existing files of the same name will be overwritten. _____________________DISCLAIMER You install this mod at your own risk. I doubt your computer will explode from using the files. However, I am not liable for any damages to your computer or game installation that may occur from using this mod. In short: take responsibility for your own actions before blaming others for your own mistakes. _____________________USAGE It is for me to decide where these mod files are hosted. It is for me to decide who may use them in other mods. You don't ask and get an answer from me, then you don't have permission to use the mod files. Pretty simple really. I find that my mod work has been used without my permission, I will contact the hosting site to have the files removed. Depending upon the extent of the usage and site rules, I may ask that they take other measures against you. Click here to download this file
File Name: A Darker Peragus REDUX File Submitter: Malkior File Submitted: 22 Oct 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Using the techniques pioneered by the great modder Canderis, I have created my own version of the Darker Peragus formula. However, when working with the darker areas, I noticed that no matter what I did, all of the Plasteel Canisters and Footlockers were much too bright. And so, with the help of my modding compatriots, I have darkened all of the placeable items in the Peragus, Peragus Spacewalk, and Harbinger portions to match the darker lightmaps. To Install: Choose from either the full REDUX (WIth all of my customized lightmaps), or from the compatibility option (For those using Canderis' A Darker Peragus mod) (Note: There are two versions available to download. Use the A_Darker_Peragus_REDUX_TSLRCM if you have TSLRCM installed, and A_Darker_Peragus_REDUX_Vanilla if you don't) To Uninstall: 1) Replace the .mod files in your Modules folder with the .mod files found in the Backup folder created by the TSLPatcher, 2) Replace the placeables.2DA in your Override with the placeables.2DA from the Backup folder, and 3) Copy all of the TGA MDX and TXI files from the TSLPatchdata folder to your Override (let them overwrite files if they’re already there), and then delete them all from it Permissions: Please inform me if you would like to use this mod or its assets in your own projects. Credits: Canderis for his permission in making a compatibility for his mod and for teaching me how to edit lightmaps to darken levels with his own mod A Darker Peragus; FairStrides for his endless insight, his BGR-RGB Converter, and for packaging this mod’s install as well as walking me through the process, LiliArch for her research into editing assets within the GIT and teaching me what a ColorTweak variable is; Darth Sapiens for his resource Cubemap Pack to make the Spacesuit snazzy; The rest of the Deadlystream community for their continued support and enthusiasm; TK102’s KGFF for its easy to use interface and raw GIT editing power; Fred Tetra for making KOTORTool which is still my favorite modding utility; Adobe for their Photoshop; Obsidian for making KOTOR2 in the first place; Bioware for starting the KOTOR craze in the first place; and George Lucas for starting all of the Star Wars insanity. Click here to download this file
- 15 replies
- atmosphere
- Lightmaps
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File Name: Modder's Resource: Harbinger Model File Submitter: tjsase File Submitted: 12 Aug 2015 File Category: Modding Tools Hello! This is a 3D model of the Harbinger that I extracted from KotOR II. Only half of it was present (as you only see half at Peragus) so I mirrored and stitched the model symmetrically. This package also contains an alternate model of the Harbinger, in which I bent or removed some of the turrets to make it look like it has been war-torn. Besides the models, I've included the original .tga texture as well as some alternate textures I made to make the ship look war-torn. This includes a color map, and incandescent map, a bump map, and a specularity map. Any one is free to use this resource in their products. Enjoy! Click here to download this file