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Everything posted by Ninko

  1. Are you meaning use all the names except Victory and Harmony? Therefore being a "The Force" crystal one for light and one for dark?If that is what you mean I will think about this and more than likely make a few name changes to the crystals I have so far, thanks once again SH!
  2. This is true I did not realize this at the time. There is only going to be 3 new crystals per side (As in the 6 for the 6 Prestige Classes).
  3. That is a very nice idea, there could be names such as: Passion, Strength, Power, and Victory for dark and: Peace, Knowledge, Serenity, Harmony, and The Force for light. I quite like that perhaps I will think for a while about whether a change to some of the names will be made, thank you SH.
  4. This is true, now that I have seen this perhaps I will change it to a dark red with darker red core, but that will come once I have finished making all 6 crystals. That way I can go over all of the textures and fine tune them to what they should really be. I like Sorcerers Crystal, Shadow Crystal and Watcher Crystal for these classes, would you have any suggestions for colors in these crystals?? I was thinking sorcerers be like a dark color, hoping to learn from someone on this forums how to animate the blade to involve perhaps lightning effects surrounding the blade. Shadow, of course to be like a shadow, perhaps be somewhat close to the tex of stealth where it is like a "hidden" or "shadowed" crystal, for the watcher it will be something light, but I am not sure, perhaps white? Thank you for all of your suggestions I look forward to hearing more from you! Feedback is loved. Yes there is some lightsaber crystals that are black, these are rare crystals, just like these 6 crystals that I am making in my mod. Cheers!
  5. I have been working as hard as I could have been in the past day. I have been teaching my self a lot about making my own crystal(s) along with blade color and what not. So far here are the 3 color crystals that I have created: The first crystal that I had ever made was the Guardian Crystal, this crystal will come in the Jedi Weapon Master's Case, in the image below it is the bright blue lightsaber on the right side. The second crystal that I made was the Masters Crystal, this crystal, if you cannot already tell by the name will be the crystal that comes in the Jedi Master's Case, it is the bright green lightsaber in the centre of the image below Finally the third crystal which is the Marauders Crystal, which of course will be in the Sith Marauder's Case, it is the left most lightsaber, this one was a hard one to try and make on my own. If anyone has any suggestions for names for the crystals that I have left to make (Sith Lord, Sith Assassin, Jedi Watchman) it would be very much appreciated. Any suggestions and/or questions regarding this mod are more than welcome.
  6. Hello all, I have been absent from modding and from Deadlystream for quite some time and I have decided to resurrect the mod that I was making, along with the help from many, which is a mod that will give the player some items once they achieve Prestige Class. It may have been over a year since I have worked on the mod, but in the last few weeks I have been teaching my self a lot about modding, this mostly including scripting, but now my knowledge is much greater than it was. This screenshot shows the dialog that will pop up for the player notifying them of their items (once they have gained prestige and re-entered the hawk). This screenshot shows the footlocker, rightly named for this Jedi Weapon Master as "Weapon Master's Case" The Items that these cases have inside them currently include: A robe specified for the use of the certain Prestige Class {STANDARD in all cases}. Colour Crystals {Dark Side cases will have crystals more associated with the Dark Side}. Power Crystals {Usually 2 that will be enhancing the lightsaber, and skills, that the Prestige Class uses/has}. A Lightsaber {Suited to the class, and can include two sabers}. I have been thinking about making custom colour crystals and custom robe textures for this mod, but I currently do not have the knowledge do these quite yet. If anyone that know's how would like to point me in the right direction to do these then that would be great!
  7. Hi all, I have been searching for hours for a way to decompile the .ncs scripts for kotor 2, I have tried DeNCS but that didn't seem to want to decompile the script files properly. Plus all other ways to decompile that I have tried have not succeeded. I am using the Steam version of TSL and I have Windows 10 if that helps. Thanks in advance
  8. K1 Widescreen tutorial.
    1. TheDarkChocolateJedi


      Yay new Ninko video!

  9. I think higher res clouds is a must, I guess these are just for testing??? Also having some finer details on the mountains and hills would be cool.
  10. Those textures actually look so cool! I love them and I want to use them!
  11. Check this out!!! Latest Co-Op KotOR 1 Video! :D
  12. I am so excited that this is out!!!!!!! I am so happy that you have finished this project! Amazing work!!! :D
  13. That looks really great! And it really suits kotor 2!
  14. Oh, well back when I played it I thought it was alright, not too bad of a game. If I were to review it now, it is bad for a game made in this day and age, although it isn't exactly a new game.
  15. I have played it. What is this thread meant for?
  16. The unknown world skybox looks great and so does dantooine!!!
  17. These are truly excellent!!!!!! Cannot wait for this mod!
  18. Oh I see what you mean now. Yes they do not look as convincing as they should, but still, well done!
  19. These look really great, what is done with the ones in the undercity if I may ask?
  20. Alrighty, well when the mod is complete I will send them to you!
  21. That Kolto Tank looks amazing! The octagon looks fine from my perspective!
  22. This is great! I will definitely be using this! Downloaded
  23. Have you tried making only one of those oddly shaped things on photoshop and when it is right copy it and paste it a lot until the pattern is complete??
  24. I would like to correct them, although I am just not sure what or how to correct them I can yes, would you need their names or what would you need?? I would love to change this so that there is more, as you said, "perceived quality" in my mod, is there anyway that I can find out how I can fix these grammatically incorrect descriptions?