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Everything posted by Ninko

    1. jc2


      I have! But haven't played through tsl again yet.

  1. Yeah I was pretty keen when I finished what I had so far! The names for the crystals were used as Sorcerer's Crystal, Watcher's Crystal, Guardian Crystal, Masters Crystal, Shadow Crystal and Marauders Crystal, when I work on the mod some more the names may be changed and I am even thinking about making another mod which is just custom lightsaber crystals with customizable blade colors (inner and outer core) which will take a lot of time and work but will be very very worth it!!!
  2. Not sure about the original but for tsl i'd love to see a Coruscant add-on with more detail than the Jedi Temple mod with plenty of story in amongst it.
  3. File Name: Prestige Class Bundles File Submitter: Ninko File Submitted: 20 Oct 2016 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Hey everyone this is the first mod that I have ever made so I hope y'all like it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Prestige Class Bundles" is a mod that adds in 6 bundles unique to the 6 Prestige Classes, each bundle consisting of a custom robes and color crystal that is unique to that prestige. In order to get this bundle, once you have gained your prestige class with Kreia you may exit and re-enter the Ebon Hawk to trigger a dialog pop-up, the rest you will have to figure out for yourself! Enjoy!!! My mod includes the following items accessible by the player: ~ 6 New Robes ~ 6 New Color Crystals (+1 that is only accessible by cheats) Installation: ~ Simply Run the TSLPatcher and voila!! Manual Install: ~ Extract the folder to the desktop, locate the tslpatchdata folder, copy all items items (EXCEPT changes.ini and info.rtf) to the override folder. Uninstallation: ~ Locate your override folder and delete the files that you copied in when you installed! If you want to cheat in any of the items here are all of the codes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ninko_robe01 ninko_robe02 ninko_robe03 ninko_robe04 ninko_robe05 ninko_robe06 u_l_colo_99 u_l_colo_98 u_l_colo_97 u_l_colo_96 u_l_colo_95 u_l_colo_94 g_w_lghtsbr_99 g_w_lghtsbr_98 g_w_lghtsbr_97 g_w_lghtsbr_96 g_w_lghtsbr_95 g_w_lghtsbr_94 g_w_dblsbr_099 g_w_dblsbr_098 g_w_dblsbr_097 g_w_dblsbr_096 g_w_dblsbr_095 g_w_dblsbr_094 g_w_shortsbr_99 g_w_shortsbr_98 g_w_shortsbr_97 g_w_shortsbr_96 g_w_shortsbr_95 g_w_shortsbr_94 And for the crystal that is currently only available by cheats: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ u_l_colo_69 g_w_lghtsbr_69 g_w_dblsbr_069 g_w_shortsbr_69 Credits: ~~~~~~ Special Thanks to FairStrides for helping with the scripting for my mod!! Appreciate it heaps and it wouldn't have been a mod without his help! Thanks to VarsityPuppet for some texture help! Thanks to Rece for his tutorial on Animated Textures! Also thanks to anyone that has helped me along the way that hasn't been mentioned!!!! THIS MOD IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS OR BIOWARE. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AUTHOR OF THIS MOD NOR THE COMPANIES MENTIONED ABOVE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER WHEN USING THIS FILE. Click here to download this file
  4. Version 1.0


    Hey everyone this is the first mod that I have ever made so I hope y'all like it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Prestige Class Bundles" is a mod that adds in 6 bundles unique to the 6 Prestige Classes, each bundle consisting of a custom robes and color crystal that is unique to that prestige. In order to get this bundle, once you have gained your prestige class with Kreia you may exit and re-enter the Ebon Hawk to trigger a dialog pop-up, the rest you will have to figure out for yourself! Enjoy!!! My mod includes the following items accessible by the player: ~ 6 New Robes ~ 6 New Color Crystals (+1 that is only accessible by cheats) Installation: ~ Simply Run the TSLPatcher and voila!! Manual Install: ~ Extract the folder to the desktop, locate the tslpatchdata folder, copy all items items (EXCEPT changes.ini and info.rtf) to the override folder. Uninstallation: ~ Locate your override folder and delete the files that you copied in when you installed! If you want to cheat in any of the items here are all of the codes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ninko_robe01 ninko_robe02 ninko_robe03 ninko_robe04 ninko_robe05 ninko_robe06 u_l_colo_99 u_l_colo_98 u_l_colo_97 u_l_colo_96 u_l_colo_95 u_l_colo_94 g_w_lghtsbr_99 g_w_lghtsbr_98 g_w_lghtsbr_97 g_w_lghtsbr_96 g_w_lghtsbr_95 g_w_lghtsbr_94 g_w_dblsbr_099 g_w_dblsbr_098 g_w_dblsbr_097 g_w_dblsbr_096 g_w_dblsbr_095 g_w_dblsbr_094 g_w_shortsbr_99 g_w_shortsbr_98 g_w_shortsbr_97 g_w_shortsbr_96 g_w_shortsbr_95 g_w_shortsbr_94 And for the crystal that is currently only available by cheats: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ u_l_colo_69 g_w_lghtsbr_69 g_w_dblsbr_069 g_w_shortsbr_69 Credits: ~~~~~~ Special Thanks to FairStrides for helping with the scripting for my mod!! Appreciate it heaps and it wouldn't have been a mod without his help! Thanks to VarsityPuppet for some texture help! Thanks to Rece for his tutorial on Animated Textures! Also thanks to anyone that has helped me along the way that hasn't been mentioned!!!! THIS MOD IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS OR BIOWARE. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AUTHOR OF THIS MOD NOR THE COMPANIES MENTIONED ABOVE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER WHEN USING THIS FILE.
  5. Try editing the featgain.2da from tsl to change the amount of feats gained at level 0 for each of the classes choose-able.
  6. Some more tweaks will be done of course to perfect these robes, can't wait to get the mod finished!! Dont know how I have been here for over 4 years and still not finished a mod ahah!
  7. Yeah, that version of the Sith Lord's Robes are a bit dark, I have changed up and pretty much finalized the Sith Lord's Robes and the Jedi Weapon Master's Robes now! And yes I will be sticking with the "Jedi Master Robe" template for the Sith Lord's Robes because I am not experienced enough to change it yet Heres some screenshots of the pretty much finished two robes: Sith Lord's Robe Jedi Weapon Master's Robe Hope ya like them!
  8. The weapon master one was just a test at seeing what I could do with the robes, not at all keeping it that way. I saved the file and couldn't go back to what I had ahahah, either way could save the texture for something else someday! The Sith Lord one is a darkened robe but the chest piece or what ever its called is not set at dark, both were first attempt at re-texturing and I hope I can make some really good ones in the near future! Thanks for the feedback!
  9. No problem, what do you think of these robes? The (TEST) Jedi Weapon Master Robes: The Sith Lord Robes: Hope you like them!
  10. UPDATE: ITS ALMOST COMPLETE!!!! Here's a quick little video of how the mod works so far (keeping in mind when entering the ebon hawk there is a dialog that pops up but didn't because of the atton and t3 cutscene...) Enjoy Description: As the title says its the Mod Preview for the [TSL] Prestige Class Bundles Mod that I am making at the moment, currently including custom lightsaber crystals and custom robes(though not including custom robe textures as of yet) Thanks to all of's wonderful community for the help! Special Thanks to Fair Strides for a lot of scripting help, without FS the mod wouldn't have even come this far! Things that I have completed: [✓] 6 Custom Color Crystals [✓] 6 Custom Robes [✓] DestroyObject Script [✓] OnEnter Script [✓] Dialog Problem Things left to do: [✗] Start and Finish Robe Textures [✗] Release version 1.0
  11. Can anyone provide me with a k_003ebo_enter.nss ????

    1. DarthParametric


      Might be of use - VI - An Ending Mod - Source Code/003EBO/Scripts/Source/k_003ebo_enter.nss

    2. Ninko


      Thank you!

  12. I have done that, but the error says could not initialize NwnStdLoader, im going to try and use the disc version and then ill edit this post if that fixes anything. Edit: Installing the 4-disc version lets kotor 2 compile with kotor tool. There must be something in the steam version that isn't letting this happen... Don't have a clue what though
  13. I tried the KOTOR scripting tool, I am still getting the same problem. The error I recieved is "Error: Couldn't initialize the NwnStdLoader"
  14. Oh I understand now, so I would have Peace, Passion, Strength, Serenity, Knowledge and Power. I must have counted wrong before to have ended up with "two The Force" crystal names. Thank you! I most likely will be using these names in an upcoming mod that I make, but perhaps not for this mod.
  15. Why does kotor tool have to never work properly!?!?!?!

    1. Sithspecter


      What's the issue.

    2. Ninko


      @sithspecter : When I try to compile a TSL script it brings an error "Error: Couldn't initialize the NwnStdLoader"...

  16. Hey I am in need of help for batch converting / compiling scripts. KotOR tool does not allow me to compile a kotor 2 script so I need another way of doing it. Thanks in advance.
  17. I need help making a script for DestroyObject that would run in the OnClosed of a placeable I am not too sure what would have to be inside the () of the DestroyObject... Here's what I think I would need to do (Obviously wrong!!!!) : Help is much appreciated, thanks in advance. EDIT: Never Mind I have worked it out with help from Hassatt Hunter! I have ended up with: