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Everything posted by Ninko

  1. I have windows 7, but I don't know how to find my graphics card. I will try frame buffer effects and edit this post to say whether it has worked! Edit: Okay so disabling it fixed it, but, I like the effects that frame buffer effects gives the game. Is there a way I can still have those effects, with it off? Or to stop the issue and have it on?
  2. Here I am in part of the blast from a plasma grenade the Bendak Starkiller threw at me. Also I am level 2 Scout, and I still beat him!
  3. Ninko

    KotOR and TSL

    Contains KotOR and TSL Photos
  4. From the album: KotOR and TSL

    Here I am in part of the blast from a plasma grenade the Bendak Starkiller threw at me. Also I am level 2 Scout, and I still beat him!
  5. I have an issue with a black screen that occurs every time I am loading a game, changing a graphics option, when a movie is about to play, and some other things. What happens is, when it is loading a game, it transitions to black AND stays black, while everything has loaded, yet the screen is black. The way I can fix this after it has happend is by pressing the "Windows" button on my keyboard, and going back onto the game from there. If anyone knows what I can do, please help!
  6. Definitely the second one for me, it gives a fell of calm. The other one is great too, although the second one is more dramatic Great work by the way!!
  7. Okay cool, sounds easy enough! I'll PM you if i need any help! :S thanks !
  8. Let me know what you guys think of this! ~

  9. Ahhhh, I see now Thanks constar!
  10. I am not entirely sure, if you mean am I making new robes, then yes, Rece is making them for me. What is Prime's Model???
  11. Thanks HH, ill have a look at that. Would i find it through Kotor Tool??
  12. Well, in the locker, it will have a lightsaber (or two) that that class would use, (I have been researching. ) The colour would suit the class, then colour crystals, usually 2 others, or 3 depending on the class. The robe made for the class that it is. and 2 of the crystals for modification, or 4 if the class has 2 sabers! You could make your robe expansion compatible, yes, we could just use the same uti name for the robes, and we could just have it so you replace them?
  13. Yeah, i agree, it really should have! Glad to know you are looking forward to it! Thanks Xuul! I thought so too
  14. Hey there guys, I just decided to make a thread here for my mods, I am currently working on my first mod which is to do with A Bundle for the Prestige Classes. So far I have had lots of help from Fair Strides, LiliArch, RX-X2, Xuul, Rece (Who is making textures for the new robes in the mod). So yeah, my mod will insist of 6 new robes, each for the Prestige Classes. One robe per bundle, so there is 6 bundles, of course, one for each class. I will show off some screenshots in here soon that I will just edit to this post. Thanks for reading.
  15. This sounds sort of like the mod i am making where i am doing special containers for when you become a prestige class, with robe textures made by rece, and uti's utp's and scripts made by me and FS who is helping me make the scripts and such. Keen to see your mod though, as you have probably made mods before which i havent good luck
  16. Need help with making a trigger and script. PM me :)

  17. I see what you mean, although it would never happen, it would be pretty cool!
  18. I want to see a Kotor II port on mobile, possibly with tslrcm? But I don't know what is possible! Aha.
  19. Happy Star Wars Day Everyone!!!!

    1. Rece


      That's May 4th... I guess you must live where it just turned May 4t. It's May 3rd for most people


    2. Ninko


      Yeah Australia xD

  20. Part 7 of KotOR 2 Total Conversion Mod - The Jedi Masters is here! Lot's of people that watch my videos love this series and I suggest that you check this out!
  21. Hi there, I am starting my first mod on kotor 2 for when your character becomes prestiged, you will have a message come up after leaving kreia's dorm, and at that moment it should trigger one of the containers in the cargo hold to have 3 special items for that prestige that you choose. So I will need someones expertise with having this dialogue trigger, and for the items to appear. Thanks in advance!
  22. I will make sure to check these out as well! Thank you