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Everything posted by Ninko

  1. Not sure if this is to do with TSLRCM 1.8.2, but whenever I use stealth, or whenever I see a sith assassin, the stealth is all messed up, Normally stealth is see-through, but for me it's like it's turning off all of the time, that flashing of different parts like a sort of white/grey colour. If anyone knows what this is please help me fix it. I hope it's just me so that nothing to do with it has to be changed! Thanks!
  2. From the album: KotOR and TSL

    Brianna will certainly need this Armour while she helps Meetra Surik find the Jedi Master located on Dantooine.. Into the Sublevels!!
  3. Thanks for your help! Very much appreciated
  4. Hello, I just started making a mod for TSL and my mod needs different skins. But I can't seem to find anything on what the file names are called for the certain textures. I am looking to re skin Lightsaber's and Robes, can anyone tell me how to find these textures with KotOR Tool or what ever is needed? Thanks!!
  5. Anyone on here tried the iPad, iPod and iPhone version of KotOR? I think it's really good quality sound and video and it's even wide screen! The controls are really well set out and it's really easy to select chat options! Anyone else play it? I have added a couple photos! Thanks for reading this and I am looking forward to talking to people about this!
  6. Yes I did copy them out of the StreamSounds/Voices/Music folder(s). I renamed the file type to mp3, but I still couldn't preview the sound to export. I did get KotorTool to extract StreamSounds, I got some of the ones that I wanted, but I don't know how to tell what the files are. The voices seem fairly hard to convert or even listen to...
  7. For me there is only no problem with that, when I open one of the files in Audacity, for example.. 702SION001.wav... It shows nothing at all, but it still comes up saying that is has uploaded, but there is nothing to do with the sound there, it just doesn't come up. If I export it as .mp3 then open it in Miles Sound Tools or Audacity it comes up as, unrecognisable file type... No luck with StreamVoice yet.. :/ EDIT: I found out how to rename the file extension, but changing it to mp3 from wav does nothing and the files still don't work in Audacity or Miles...
  8. Thank you very much!!! Plan B worked for the StreamSounds folder, but I need to listen to a couple of the voice files now.. How am I supposed to rename the files to .mp3 in a different folder? When ever I try to rename to .mp3, it comes up as (NAME).mp3.wav... .wav is still the file type
  9. Edit: All I did was open the file in Notepad++. Clicked File, Save as. Then I changed the file type to "All Files." After that I changed the name from TEST TSL STREAMSOUNDS FILE.wav, to, TEST TSL STREAMSOUNDS FILE.mp3.. That changed the file type, but even if I open it in something like Audacity or Miles Sound Tools, it has no sound and runs for less than 0.08 seconds..! Not sure what to do! Plan C??
  10. What is the grey suit supposed to be in that photo?
  11. There's only one problem, you can't open them with Audacity because they are some how corrupted or something, although they are .wav. I have another thread on that
  12. How exactly do I rename them with as the file type .mp3? The only way that I have figured out doesn't work..
  13. Ninko

    Revenge of Revan (Demo)

    When will this be completed?
  14. This looks really, really good! All of the textures look so much more amazing than the original, I am definitely using this! Downloading now!!!
  15. This mod is really cool, when it comes out I will definitely download it! Thanks to all who have put it to this, it looks amazing so far!!!
  16. What's up the the helmets? Or what ever they are supposed to be called, not sure that they look anything like that in kotor, but it has been a while since I have played!
  17. It's okay, do you have any idea how I am meant to find sounds of mining droids, sith assassin, cannocks, malraas, G0-T0 and Tuk'ata
  18. No I mean I have to change the armour, because it is set as chainmail not leather, I just swapped it over! I'm not actually using a skin that looks "exactly" like sion, it's just a minecraft skin that i found that is Darth Sion! I will either tomorrow or in a few days, I am trying to get it sort of finished first, because some things on it aren't exactly right yet! I'm glad to hear that you are interested Malkior
  19. Thanks for the help, I will try my best to get it to work. Edit: I found the installer, installed Miles Sound Tools, but when I choose a file, it goes back to Miles Sound Tools, then it crashes! Not too sure what to do now..
  20. Sorry I wont do any of that in the future, thanks for your help anyway I'm starting a TSL mod at the moment, BTW!
  21. I have been trying to listen to certain .wav files in TSL's Game Directory under StreamSounds, but all of them seem to be impossible to open in any program, I have been looking around the internet for a fix for about 3 hours now, and still nothing, so I have come here to see if anyone could help. I have tried Audacity to open the files, but when I open one of the files in Audacity it comes up with the attachment :: :: :: :: Can anyone help me to open these files, I have a good idea that someone on this site should know how to get around this! Thanks..! Admin: If you want to know about the Streamsound dialogue/creature sound effects and how to listen/save them as a file, go to this post. However, if you're only here to figure out how to get the soundtrack, go to this post.
  22. In the current version of the resource pack, chainmail armour is darth sion's skin, diamond armour is darth nihilus' skin. Iron is Darth Traya's skin, and leather is TSF Armour, but I only just realised now that chainmail cannot be gained in survival mode, so I am now thinking of changing leather from TSF Armour to Darth Sion, but what do you think would work better, since darth sion is strong!?!?!!!!!?? Also I do use Audacity, but how would I change the default sounds and/or music to sound like TSL music and sounds. I haven't explored too far into Audacity yet, is there any tutorials on doing this on youtube. I could try making Gizka noises into the mic, but they wouldnt sound very good at all! Haha I just changed the sound of one so that it's 25% slower tempo but the music still sounds the same (but it is slower), would it matter if I didn't change the pitch????? I need to know because I am trying to finish the texture pack so that I can upload and have no copyright issues!! Please reply quick!!!
  23. Okay, what if I changed some of the sounds / music so it was different and not exactly the same as how bioware and obsidian made it? All of the sounds that are currently in it are from a the base texture pack that I found that is called KotOR Minecraft Resource Pack. So the sounds haven't been done by me. But I did put the music into it. Is there any way around it or will I have to just not put the music in? Is there a way that I can have the music but make it sound a bit different by cutting off endings or adding bits to the beginning. Yeah I will probably do that, but I will have to change one of the armours from darth sion to something else, any ideas for that?
  24. I know this isn't modding for KotOR or TSL, but it relates to a mod and is to do with TSL! I have started making a Resource Pack for minecraft which is based on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. So far I have added music, renamed many items, re-textured many of the items, set up the armours and changed most of the mob skins / sounds. The Mobs I have changed are: Enderman - Sith Assassin (No Sounds Yet) Spider - Mining Droid (No Sounds Yet) Cave Spider - Kinrath Bat - Shyrack Wyrm (No Sounds Yet) Zombie - (Undecided) Skeleton - Guard Droid Cow - Horn Kath Hound Pig - Cannock Sheep - Tuk'ata Wolf - Kath Hound Chicken - Gizka (Sounds, but isn't actually seen in TSL. Only mentioned) Creeper - Floating Mine Ghast - G0-T0 (No Sounds Yet) Also i've made Diamond into Blue Crystal, Emerald into Green Crystal, Gold into Yellow Crystal and Iron into Durasteel. I would put a download on this thread but it is 20Mb too big, could any admins please let me know how to put it on the site? Thanks for reading
  25. If you play Minecraft as well as KotOR TSL, then I have a Resource Pack for you! Plus I am in the process of making the whole game in minecraft!! Let me know if you would like to see the texture pack! Or anything that I have built! :D