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Everything posted by Ninko

  1. I have found another bug with one of the Large Lockers on The Ravager. It is the Large Locker on the left when you go from the first module, to the second. It is the first one on the left. It said.. Large Locker [Empty] Or how ever it is written, but when I opened it there were items inside.
  2. Ninko

    Update on 1.8

    There is a M4-78 mod that they are working on, called M4-78EP. There is a thread on the forums about it. I think some people are also working on the Genoharadan, but I'm not sure about the compatability for when they are complete you would have to ask. If I'm wrong don't have a go at me, I'm only trying to help.
  3. Don't worry it's fine. When I get the chance to take some screenshots, I will put them up on this thread. But first I will have a go at skinning, if I do not succeed at doing the skinning, then I will just keep the normal robes and make new sorts of robes, but same textures, as the old ones.
  4. Ok well I didn't realise until a few days ago that I don't need help from other people on the mod. I only needed a few bits of information, after all, I'm still learning how to do all of this. And I already know hwo to convert a .TGA to a .JPEG /.JPG file
  5. Just wondering if there was another way to take a screenshot, besides the Print Screen button?
  6. I will not be able to post any Images until the weekend. (It's Monday now) Because KotOR and TSL are not on my computer so I can't do any screenshots yet. I will eventually have some up here though. Also thanks for your help on GIMP.
  7. Ninko

    Falt shot first

    Same with me, I don't like Czeaka.
  8. Cool. This is very interesting.
  9. That would take ages (or so I think) to do that! . Although it would be good.
  10. Ok thanks Malkoir. Just thought I would say, I'm using GIMP 2.8.0 for any re-skinning I do. How would I do it using that? Edit___ And you didn't insult me. I have no idea how to re-skin. I have found out how to use it in GIMP now
  11. I can't work out how to take a screenshot, it would be helpful if someone let me know. Also what do you mean by Before and After? because I haven't re-skinned any robes because I don't know how to yet.
  12. Ok cool. I haven't played Kotor in a while, I will probably download this mod.
  13. Well I have now made a few new robes. I have also decided that I wont re-skin the robes, I might try to re-skin one, but it seems fairly hard. These are what I have added so far. Revans Robe (OLD) - The robe that Revan wore while traveling with Bastila Shan. Revans Mask (OLD) - The mask that Revan wore while traveling with Bastila Shan. Sith Robe - A robe that the sith wear, once they are no longer an apprentice. Sith Lord Robe - The robe that only the Lord of the Sith can wear. Sith Marauder Robe - The robe that only a Sith Marauder can wear. Sith Assassin Robe - The robe that only a Sith Assassin wears. I will also be adding the three Jedi Robes. e.g. Jedi Watchman, Jedi Master and the other one. Let me know if you like the them and if there is anything I should probably take out.
  14. Would anyone be willing to give me a hand on it?
  15. Thats fine wvsnl. My pleasure
  16. Sorry if I am wrong, I was just pointing that out. I am getting an old XP from my Grandpa.
  17. Hi. How did you get your reputation to 10?

  18. I never knew that there was cut content in K1, but I guess I should've known!
  19. That sucks that it is being postponed.
  20. I did find out via google that on Windows 7 you can play both KotOR I AND II, but you have to change a lot of the properties for them. For KotOR II:TSL you need to update to the newest version as well.
  21. Ok, so is it possible to copy one of the skins and make new skins from that one?